Last updated on April 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in North Carolina

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in North Carolina.

How many UFO sightings have there been in North Carolina?

  • There have been 3,583 officially reported UFO sightings in North Carolina from 1969 to 2023.
  • North Carolina ranks #11 in the list of states with the most reported UFO sightings in the USA.
  • Adjusted for population size, North Carolina ranks #29 on the list of states with the most reported UFO sightings, with an average of 0.72 reports per 100,000 residents.

North Carolina Cities with the most UFO Sightings

Rank City Reported Sightings
1 Charlotte, NC 243 UFO Reports
2 Raleigh, NC 132 UFO Reports
3 Greensboro, NC 106 UFO Reports
4 Wilmington, NC 103 UFO Reports
5 Fayetteville, NC 83 UFO Reports

North Carolina UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 3,583 UFO sighting reports in North Carolina to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in North Carolina

These North Carolina UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Raleigh, NC

Full Report Text:

Falling object and two possible aircraft While driving west on Lynn Rd I noticed what I originally thought was a meteor. It appeared to be something falling with a tail lit up behind it. I also noticed 2 small objects to the right of the falling object.

I thought they were small planes watching from a safe distance what was happening. They were just lights or light reflecting from the sun off of them. Instantly one of the small lights disappeared, and then the other did as well.

The falling object made a steep change towards the opposite direction and continued to fall. I watched as I turned north on Leesville Rd until the trees obstructed my view. I took a picture on my phone of the falling object from my car.

The object appears just above the lower trees on the left. You have to zoom in to see it. It looks like a fuzzy streak and that distance.

09/07/23 7:28 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 3 minutes


Clayton, NC

Full Report Text:

It was flying low and moving fast without a sound It was close to 5:00a.m. and I went to the store just about 5 miles from where I live south on US70, I got to the store at 5:00a.

m., I got what I needed then I walked back to my car got in and started to drive, I was going North to get back home on US70 the time was now 5:15a.m.

and something told me to glance over my left shoulder, I looked and thêre it was l, a bright light flying fast and flying low, my first thought was this is flying too low to be a plane but I said nevermind and kept driving, I finally get to a point where I could turn left off of US70 so I did, soon as I turned the light turned to the left with me. I told myself ok I didn't just see that I must be tired and seeing things so I kept driving, on my left hand side is Clayton high school but now the light is on my right hand side and seems to be getting loét, I make it to a stop sign on main street and I make a right turn, the light turns to the right with me, At this point I'm starting to think I'm going crazy cause I know nothing of this world can do that so I tell myself jokingly I'm going to stop and if this light stops I'm getting out of hêre so I stop, The light went about 2 or 3 feet then stopped in mid Air, once I saw that I freaked out, it didn't move until I made a U-turn and started following me again, I made my way back to US70 going south and it followed me all the way back to the store I originally went to, I parked and got out and thêre it was hovering above the store but now it was higher up in the air, it was making slow movements inch by inch in all directions, People that came in and out of store I pointed it out to thêm and they all said they didn't know what it was especially cause they even pointed out the stars that were in the sky and we all agreed what we were looking at definitely wasn't a star, I took out my phone and started to film then I got back in my car and stayed in my car until 6:30a.m.

The light was still above the store, I told mýelf I'm going to drive to another store 5 miles from this one going North, I started driving and the light took off following me again slightly ahead of me until I reach the store, I got out to film it but thí time it wasn't showing on my screen, I could see it with my eyes but it wasn't showing on my screen, it's 7:00am I get back on the car and start to drive home. The light followed me until I almost got home then it vanished, My video is short but the few people I sent it to that are like me and done believe in this kind of stuff all said they can't explain what they are looking at.

09/04/23 5:16 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: Two hours


Morganton, NC at Brown Mountain Overlook, NC

Full Report Text:

Large green lit rectangular flying object that appeared to have windows very unison. It slightly wormed in and out of the clouds. This object had no sound and if I had to guess, I would place it at 10,000 feet.

It looked more of a see through rectangular object with windows rather than a solid mass and it was green in color (the color of a star pointer green). It came in from the Nortwest and was flying due east. It seemed to glide with ease and no engine.

09/01/23 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: rectangle

Lasted: 2 minutes


Rockfish, NC

Full Report Text:

Extremely bright flash occuring overhead every thirteen seconds. My brother and I witnessed a small but extremely bright flash of light occuring overhead every thirteen seconds around 9:22 pm on August 13, 2023. The flash had no visible cause and occurred at different locations in the sky moving slowly south.

It did not appear to be moving in a straight line and no vehicle of any kind was visable. At the same time, we were able to see airplanes with flashing lights moving across the night sky. We could not follow whatever it was, but had to simply wait for it to flash to know it's location.

It did not appear to be a satellite, plane, or military flare. It was a clear night with stars visible and a really bright moon.

08/31/23 9:22 PM

UFO Shape: flash

Lasted: Two or three minutes


Mt Pleasant, NC

Full Report Text:

3 Disc shaped craft moving 10 times the speed of the plane i was watching already I went outside to get some air, I looked up directly over my head and was watching a plane fly over and all of a sudden these 3 Disc shaped craft came flying up on the plane and seemed like they were chasing it, but when they got close, 2 of them kept going and one hung back and seemed to kind of circle the plane one time and then took off and caught back up with the other 2! They seemed like they were racing each other, they would drift towards each other and then separate! This all happened in less than 5 sec! I could easily identify the plane ! It had blinking lights on tale and wings, the other 3 did not to seem to have any lights at all, but were putting off some kind of glowing light! Could have been slightly still lit by the sun Maybe not real sure! I just know 100% what I saw, and they were not planes! Moving faster than anything I've ever seen, I have watched satellites fly over and I pretty much know there speed, these things were not satellites, I could tell they were or had been messing around with that plane! I really wish I could talk to the Pilots of that plane! They were so close to the plane, the Pilots had to have seen them go Screaming by! And I know these were not jets! Jets can't move the way these things were moving! That one that slowed down almost came to a complete stop and then changed directions several times circling that plane!.

08/28/23 9:31 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: Less than 5 seconds


Mooresville, NC

Full Report Text:

Bright orange red light, appeared to be half moon, but was in west sky, just over a treeline Let the dog out approximately at midnight. The "moon" was so bright it appeared to be a harvest moon, but the color was so bright and reddish in color. There was no sound.

Moon appeared to be stationary above the lake. The shape was not fully rounded - more half to crescent, yet 3-D. Watched it for about a minuted, then took a picture to share with my family.

Picture was taken from inside a screened in porch due to elevation when attempted to take picture outside that area. Returned inside, thinking it was just a pretty moon. Asked my adult son to look at the "moon" that it was really bright.

When he went out, he could not see anything. I returned outside and could no longer see anything. I looked up moon rise and set times and it did not appear to correlate with this sighting.

08/25/23 12:01 AM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 1 to 10 min


Union Grove, NC

Full Report Text:

Driving I 77 north for 2 nights, saw two lights like satellites but they moved around each other and stayed in one area. They also would dim out regularly, and reappear like a dimmable bulb, but they would be in a different pattern, sometime close together, sometime a few degrees apart. First on Tuesday and then tonight.

Same stretch of road, 2 or 3 am. I had to exit off I 77 and take my semi to the shop around the Jonesville/Boonville area. And on my way home I stopped at a couple places that face north on highway 67 east, to see if I could get a video, but no luck.

I will report again when I run this route again.

08/11/23 2:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 45 minutes


Mayodan, NC

Full Report Text:

Multiple orbs of light that seem to move in the same direction and then disappear in the same spot. All witnesses observed multiple orbs of light that seemed to move in the same direction and disappear and then reappear in the original spot they first appeared. During this the some orbs would get brighter and dimmer.

At times it appeared that orbs of light would spawn from other orbs. This incident was observed by myself and 4 other police officers and 1 citizen.

08/09/23 1:15 AM

UFO Shape: orb

Lasted: 2 + hours


Wrightsville, NC

Full Report Text:

7 lights spinning clockwise insanely fast then they disappeared in a blip all lights were orange.

08/08/23 9:44 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 4 second


Henderson, NC

Full Report Text:

Unidentified flying object seen in sky passing over downtown Henderson NC At 8:19 am on August 8th 2023 I had stepped out side on my front porch and looked up to see the clouds as a storm is approaching and I seen what appeared to be a flying object shaped like a pill/cigar in the air, no fuel streams behind the object and no propeller sounds, it was extremely quiet, heading North East 26.4 degrees NE Carolina Ave crossing over E Montgomery street in Henderson NC. Disappeared within seconds.

08/08/23 8:19 AM

UFO Shape: cigar

Lasted: 2-6 seconds


New Bern, NC

Full Report Text:

Saw bright shapes while hiking with the family…two stayed together and moved at a normal speed southwest and one moved northeast. Three orb to diamond shaped objects that did not appear to be airplanes moving at a slow speed occasionally at rest…one object moved northeast and the other two moved southwest at one point almost touching. They seemed to go at a speed similar to airplanes but didn’t quite match the shape, one object appeared to blink slightly…not saying they were anything unusual just not entirely sure what they were.

08/06/23 10:30 AM

UFO Shape: diamond

Lasted: Observed for over ten min


Wilmington, NC

Full Report Text:

9 Fireballs/Lights Seen to the Northeast of Wilmington NC Just before 2am on 8/6/2023 I spotted 9 objects in the sky to the Northeast of Wilmington NC. I first spotted two objects, one trailing the other from West to East. The speed of the objects made me think they may have been some types of Satellites as their speed matched other known Satellites and the ISS track speeds.

The appearance seemed to suggest one of two things, either sunlight reflection off of a Satellite solar panel or the emission of thruster gases. The objects were moving too slow to be Meteors. Upon checking my security camera playback, I noticed that there were multiple objects traveling in the same general direction (West to East) that I had not seen before or after the two objects I saw with my own eyes.

Some of those objects were traveling across the path of the previous objects (going South to North). They were in the same general location in the sky looking Northeast from my location. I have previously seen multiple similar events over the last year and made an attempt to validate these objects with known Satellites but no data matched the events.

The brief flash of light on these objects had a fade-in/out effect and an average duration of 5 to 7 seconds. They never maneuvered, moved only in a straight line. I have also seen these object events towards the North-West direction and some have recorded seeing these types of events off the coast (over the ocean) in broad daylight over the last several months.

The objects emitted no sounds or sonic booms. Am unable to upload the event video due to the file size. Here is a link to my video: https://www.

08/06/23 1:48 AM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 8 Minutes


Greensboro, NC

Full Report Text:

It was hovering in Greensboro Wendover west exit It was just sitting there. I was coming off of 840 on 240 taking the wendover west exit.

08/05/23 4:43 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: Hovering


Cary, NC

Full Report Text:

Saw a light moving across the sky. Light did not have a flashing beacon like planes and helicopters.

08/01/23 9:09 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 30 seconds


Harrisburg, NC

Full Report Text:

White light between 1000 and 5000 feet above moved from a westerly to easterly direction. I began to see the object/light from about a mile away. It had the brightness of a 100-watt light bulb at 300 feet away.

It passed overhead at a steady speed, in a straight line. No blinking, no sound. A single white light.

I watched it until it went out of sight, maybe 2 miles east of my home. I was on the back deck tossing the ball to one of my dogs when the event occurred. There were a few light wispy clouds overhead.

Several planes went by while I sat for 30 minutes, and they all went out of sight at moments because they were above the few clouds.

08/01/23 9:04 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 2 MINUTES


Carolina Beach, NC

Full Report Text:

we were watching a red like object pop out of nowhere and then next thung you know it started changing and morphing into 3 objects 1 objects and then 3 objects and then it went back into one object. me and my 3 friends were taking pictures and wondering what it was so we immediately left the beach area.

08/01/23 8:46 PM

UFO Shape: changing



Wake Forrest, NC

Full Report Text:

Sphere in the sky not as high as maybe 15,000 - 10,000 feet, then unknown A clear day facing North East standing outside my car at the park grabbing my camera to go walking like always I look up and there's something that's bright white and from a distance I was gonna say a star but it was still daylight it kind of looked more oval shaped so I knew it wasn't a plane or satellite because it just hovered in the same spot, adjusted my camera to zoom in snapped a photo told my buddy to get out the car and he couldn't see it with his own eyes (he might have bad eye sight we don't know), I watched it with my eyes for a second trying to point it to him, but then I tried to fire off a second and third shot or get video, but then from visible eyesight you no longer could see it so I just snapped the sky in relation to where I was to paint a better picture of the location and height in these photos of the sky after, you can see in the top right still something is there where the craft was. Photos taken on a cannon powershot sx410 is, settings used ISO 1600, 16:9, auto focus was on, if it stayed longer definitely would have changed settings for more shots.

07/28/23 5:48 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: a minute thirty seconds


Charlotte, NC

Full Report Text:

White object seen flying north to south in cloudless sky. Close up shows Close up shows What appears to be three exhaust pipes. No flights on Flightradar24.

07/26/23 8:21 PM

UFO Shape: unknown



Hubert, NC

Full Report Text:

Red light that appeared high in the sky, grew in size and then split into 15-20 individual red lights, then vanished. I saw a very strange thing on the night of 24 Jul 2023 at 2130. I was laying in bed and just happened to open my eyes and saw a red "star" in the sky that was very bright.

I instantly thought it was Mars and just looked at it for a second or two before I realized that it was moving towards the South. As I watched it move, it grew in size to about the size of the Moon and I decided to wake up my wife. I asked her what it was and she immediately said, "that is the Moon.

" I pointed out that the Moon was higher up and while I showing her the Moon, the object split into a bunch of red "stars" and grew to about the size of the Sun when it is on the horizon. There were probably 15 or 20 stars all arranged in a circle. They then expanded outward slightly and intensified their illumination and then vanished.

The lights seemed to be at an altitude of about 10,000 feet. The whole event lasted about 30 seconds, so I didn't have time to get a camera or go outside. It was the craziest thing that my wife and I have ever seen.

Somebody said it could have been StarLink, but these were red lights and not in a straight line. They made a semetrical circle with all of the lights evenly spaced. A coworker told me that there was a Facebook post asking if anyone saw the red lights the night before, but he didn't read it and couldn't give me the details.

I don't have Facebook, but I know a lot of people do. Any insight would be awesome. Thank you.

07/24/23 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 30 seconds


North Myrtle Beach, NC

Full Report Text:

Light that at first appeared as a satellite that instantly made a 120-deg turn & accelerated away Witness observed a light that at first looked to be a normal satellite transiting the sky, about 45 degrees above the horizon while looking out to sea. It appeared to be moving in a south / southeast direction. After observing this dim star-like light for about 15 seconds, it executed an immediate ~ 120-degree turn to the left (from the witness’ perspective) and instantly accelerated to a velocity that was about 10x its original speed.

The light sped away and disappeared within about a second after making the turn.

07/24/23 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 15-20 seconds


North Carolina UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 736 reported sightings 20.54% of all reports
Circle 439 reported sightings 12.25% of all reports
Triangle 315 reported sightings 8.79% of all reports
Unknown 258 reported sightings 7.20% of all reports
Sphere 249 reported sightings 6.95% of all reports
Fireball 233 reported sightings 6.50% of all reports
Other 228 reported sightings 6.36% of all reports
Disk 204 reported sightings 5.69% of all reports
Oval 141 reported sightings 3.94% of all reports
Formation 131 reported sightings 3.66% of all reports
Cigar 106 reported sightings 2.96% of all reports
Changing 92 reported sightings 2.57% of all reports
Rectangle 75 reported sightings 2.09% of all reports
Cylinder 65 reported sightings 1.81% of all reports
Flash 53 reported sightings 1.48% of all reports
Diamond 47 reported sightings 1.31% of all reports
Chevron 43 reported sightings 1.20% of all reports
Egg 28 reported sightings 0.78% of all reports
Teardrop 28 reported sightings 0.78% of all reports
Cross 16 reported sightings 0.45% of all reports
Cone 14 reported sightings 0.39% of all reports
Orb 8 reported sightings 0.22% of all reports
Star 6 reported sightings 0.17% of all reports
Cube 2 reported sightings 0.06% of all reports

North Carolina UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
July 401 reported sightings 11.19% of all reports
October 369 reported sightings 10.30% of all reports
August 331 reported sightings 9.24% of all reports
June 327 reported sightings 9.13% of all reports
November 322 reported sightings 8.99% of all reports
September 322 reported sightings 8.99% of all reports
December 282 reported sightings 7.87% of all reports
January 278 reported sightings 7.76% of all reports
April 248 reported sightings 6.92% of all reports
March 241 reported sightings 6.73% of all reports
May 235 reported sightings 6.56% of all reports
February 183 reported sightings 5.11% of all reports

North Carolina UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Saturday 546 reported sightings 15.24% of all reports
Thursday 541 reported sightings 15.10% of all reports
Wednesday 524 reported sightings 14.62% of all reports
Friday 519 reported sightings 14.49% of all reports
Tuesday 485 reported sightings 13.54% of all reports
Monday 472 reported sightings 13.17% of all reports
Sunday 452 reported sightings 12.62% of all reports

North Carolina UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
07/04/15 9 reported sightings 0.25% of all reports
07/18/12 9 reported sightings 0.25% of all reports
04/28/20 8 reported sightings 0.22% of all reports
07/04/14 7 reported sightings 0.20% of all reports
09/08/16 7 reported sightings 0.20% of all reports

North Carolina UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 1,856 reported sightings 51.80% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 595 reported sightings 16.61% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 455 reported sightings 12.70% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 258 reported sightings 7.20% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 192 reported sightings 5.36% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 183 reported sightings 5.11% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in North Carolina

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in North Carolina.

Year Number of Reports View Reports
2023 75 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2023
2022 134 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2022
2021 99 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2021
2020 139 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2020
2019 164 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2019
2018 109 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2018
2017 146 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2017
2016 222 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2016
2015 188 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2015
2014 282 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2014
2013 199 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2013
2012 249 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2012
2011 195 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2011
2010 134 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2010
2009 127 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2009
2008 133 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2008
2007 111 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2007
2006 68 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2006
2005 106 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2005
2004 84 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2004
2003 82 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2003
2002 67 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2002
2001 63 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2001
2000 30 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 2000
1999 53 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1999
1998 40 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1998
1997 25 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1997
1996 14 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1996
1995 19 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1995
1994 9 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1994
1993 8 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1993
1992 7 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1992
1991 6 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1991
1990 6 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1990
1989 12 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1989
1988 5 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1988
1987 8 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1987
1986 10 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1986
1985 9 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1985
1984 2 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1984
1983 4 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1983
1982 11 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1982
1981 5 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1981
1980 3 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1980
1979 10 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1979
1978 8 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1978
1977 8 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1977
1976 5 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1976
1975 9 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1975
1974 9 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1974
1973 12 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1973
1972 9 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1972
1971 3 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1971
1970 2 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1970
1969 2 UFO Reports North Carolina UFO Sightings in 1969

Cities with Reported UFO Sightings in North Carolina

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in North Carolina

City Number of Reports View Reports
Charlotte 243 UFO Reports Charlotte, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Raleigh 132 UFO Reports Raleigh, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Greensboro 106 UFO Reports Greensboro, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Wilmington 103 UFO Reports Wilmington, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Fayetteville 83 UFO Reports Fayetteville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Asheville 72 UFO Reports Asheville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Durham 70 UFO Reports Durham, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Winston-Salem 50 UFO Reports Winston-Salem, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Cary 43 UFO Reports Cary, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hickory 42 UFO Reports Hickory, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Gastonia 39 UFO Reports Gastonia, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Oak Island 35 UFO Reports Oak Island, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Holden Beach 34 UFO Reports Holden Beach, North Carolina UFO Sightings
High Point 33 UFO Reports High Point, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Apex 29 UFO Reports Apex, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Mooresville 29 UFO Reports Mooresville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Concord 29 UFO Reports Concord, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Carolina Beach 29 UFO Reports Carolina Beach, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Nags Head 28 UFO Reports Nags Head, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Jacksonville 28 UFO Reports Jacksonville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Morganton 28 UFO Reports Morganton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Salisbury 24 UFO Reports Salisbury, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hendersonville 24 UFO Reports Hendersonville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Kill Devil Hills 24 UFO Reports Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Ocean Isle Beach 23 UFO Reports Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Kannapolis 23 UFO Reports Kannapolis, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Greenville 23 UFO Reports Greenville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
New Bern 23 UFO Reports New Bern, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Chapel Hill 21 UFO Reports Chapel Hill, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Emerald Isle 21 UFO Reports Emerald Isle, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Clayton 20 UFO Reports Clayton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Garner 20 UFO Reports Garner, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Lexington 20 UFO Reports Lexington, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Waxhaw 19 UFO Reports Waxhaw, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Goldsboro 19 UFO Reports Goldsboro, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Burlington 18 UFO Reports Burlington, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Boone 18 UFO Reports Boone, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Asheboro 17 UFO Reports Asheboro, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Leland 17 UFO Reports Leland, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Burnsville 17 UFO Reports Burnsville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Wilson 17 UFO Reports Wilson, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Statesville 17 UFO Reports Statesville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Rocky Mount 17 UFO Reports Rocky Mount, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Kure Beach 17 UFO Reports Kure Beach, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Thomasville 16 UFO Reports Thomasville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Mount Airy 16 UFO Reports Mount Airy, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Fuquay Varina 16 UFO Reports Fuquay Varina, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Surf City 16 UFO Reports Surf City, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Huntersville 15 UFO Reports Huntersville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Kernersville 15 UFO Reports Kernersville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Franklin 15 UFO Reports Franklin, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Sanford 14 UFO Reports Sanford, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Marion 14 UFO Reports Marion, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Wake Forest 14 UFO Reports Wake Forest, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Wrightsville Beach 14 UFO Reports Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Mebane 13 UFO Reports Mebane, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Indian Trail 13 UFO Reports Indian Trail, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Louisburg 13 UFO Reports Louisburg, North Carolina UFO Sightings
North Wilkesboro 12 UFO Reports North Wilkesboro, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Weaverville 12 UFO Reports Weaverville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Arden 12 UFO Reports Arden, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Shelby 12 UFO Reports Shelby, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Avon 12 UFO Reports Avon, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Pittsboro 12 UFO Reports Pittsboro, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Cornelius 11 UFO Reports Cornelius, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Candler 11 UFO Reports Candler, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Monroe 11 UFO Reports Monroe, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Sunset Beach 11 UFO Reports Sunset Beach, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Morehead City 11 UFO Reports Morehead City, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Graham 11 UFO Reports Graham, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Lincolnton 10 UFO Reports Lincolnton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Havelock 10 UFO Reports Havelock, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Kitty Hawk 10 UFO Reports Kitty Hawk, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Reidsville 10 UFO Reports Reidsville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Raeford 10 UFO Reports Raeford, North Carolina UFO Sightings
North Topsail Beach 10 UFO Reports North Topsail Beach, North Carolina UFO Sightings
King 9 UFO Reports King, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Frisco 9 UFO Reports Frisco, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Newport 9 UFO Reports Newport, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Fort Bragg 9 UFO Reports Fort Bragg, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Elizabeth City 9 UFO Reports Elizabeth City, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Lenoir 9 UFO Reports Lenoir, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hope Mills 9 UFO Reports Hope Mills, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Tarboro 9 UFO Reports Tarboro, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Matthews 9 UFO Reports Matthews, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Calabash 9 UFO Reports Calabash, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Taylorsville 9 UFO Reports Taylorsville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Belmont 8 UFO Reports Belmont, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Franklinton 8 UFO Reports Franklinton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Washington 8 UFO Reports Washington, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Carrboro 8 UFO Reports Carrboro, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Swannanoa 8 UFO Reports Swannanoa, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Burgaw 8 UFO Reports Burgaw, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Lumberton 8 UFO Reports Lumberton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Clemmons 8 UFO Reports Clemmons, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Ocean Isle 8 UFO Reports Ocean Isle, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Atlantic Beach 8 UFO Reports Atlantic Beach, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Smithfield 8 UFO Reports Smithfield, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Four Oaks 8 UFO Reports Four Oaks, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Southport 8 UFO Reports Southport, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Conover 8 UFO Reports Conover, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Murphy 8 UFO Reports Murphy, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Siler city 7 UFO Reports Siler city, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Kings Mountain 7 UFO Reports Kings Mountain, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hampstead 7 UFO Reports Hampstead, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Benson 7 UFO Reports Benson, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Topsail Island 7 UFO Reports Topsail Island, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Spruce Pine 7 UFO Reports Spruce Pine, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Browns Summit 7 UFO Reports Browns Summit, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Marshall 7 UFO Reports Marshall, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Holly Springs 7 UFO Reports Holly Springs, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Highlands 7 UFO Reports Highlands, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Wallace 7 UFO Reports Wallace, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Buxton 7 UFO Reports Buxton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Shallotte 7 UFO Reports Shallotte, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Mount Holly 7 UFO Reports Mount Holly, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Duck 7 UFO Reports Duck, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Zebulon 7 UFO Reports Zebulon, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Cherokee 7 UFO Reports Cherokee, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hillsborough 7 UFO Reports Hillsborough, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Henderson 7 UFO Reports Henderson, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Dunn 7 UFO Reports Dunn, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hubert 7 UFO Reports Hubert, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Black Mountain 7 UFO Reports Black Mountain, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Fletcher 7 UFO Reports Fletcher, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Brevard 7 UFO Reports Brevard, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Lillington 6 UFO Reports Lillington, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Blowing Rock 6 UFO Reports Blowing Rock, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Leicester 6 UFO Reports Leicester, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Newton 6 UFO Reports Newton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Waynesville 6 UFO Reports Waynesville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Pinehurst 6 UFO Reports Pinehurst, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Walkertown 6 UFO Reports Walkertown, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Bessemer City 6 UFO Reports Bessemer City, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Summerfield 6 UFO Reports Summerfield, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Harrisburg 6 UFO Reports Harrisburg, North Carolina UFO Sightings
North Carolina 6 UFO Reports North Carolina, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Maiden 6 UFO Reports Maiden, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Wilkesboro 6 UFO Reports Wilkesboro, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Albemarle 6 UFO Reports Albemarle, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Mills River 6 UFO Reports Mills River, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Salvo 6 UFO Reports Salvo, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Fairview 6 UFO Reports Fairview, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Bunn 5 UFO Reports Bunn, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Mint Hill 5 UFO Reports Mint Hill, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Newland 5 UFO Reports Newland, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Waves 5 UFO Reports Waves, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Granite Falls 5 UFO Reports Granite Falls, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Bakersville 5 UFO Reports Bakersville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Carthage 5 UFO Reports Carthage, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Angier 5 UFO Reports Angier, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Topsail Beach 5 UFO Reports Topsail Beach, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Currie 5 UFO Reports Currie, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Morrisville 5 UFO Reports Morrisville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Denver 5 UFO Reports Denver, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Gibsonville 5 UFO Reports Gibsonville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Forest City 5 UFO Reports Forest City, North Carolina UFO Sightings
South Nags Head 5 UFO Reports South Nags Head, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Mars Hill 5 UFO Reports Mars Hill, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Kinston 5 UFO Reports Kinston, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Madison 5 UFO Reports Madison, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Yadkinville 5 UFO Reports Yadkinville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Corolla 5 UFO Reports Corolla, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Southern Pines 5 UFO Reports Southern Pines, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Aberdeen 5 UFO Reports Aberdeen, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Nashville 5 UFO Reports Nashville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Moravian Falls 5 UFO Reports Moravian Falls, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Winston Salem 5 UFO Reports Winston Salem, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hatteras 5 UFO Reports Hatteras, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Cherryville 5 UFO Reports Cherryville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Sneads Ferry 5 UFO Reports Sneads Ferry, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Advance 5 UFO Reports Advance, North Carolina UFO Sightings
North Myrtle Beach 5 UFO Reports North Myrtle Beach, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Richlands 5 UFO Reports Richlands, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Rodanthe 5 UFO Reports Rodanthe, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Grifton 5 UFO Reports Grifton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Roanoke Rapids 5 UFO Reports Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hertford 5 UFO Reports Hertford, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Oriental 4 UFO Reports Oriental, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Willow Spring 4 UFO Reports Willow Spring, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Rutherfordton 4 UFO Reports Rutherfordton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
West Jefferson 4 UFO Reports West Jefferson, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Cullowhee 4 UFO Reports Cullowhee, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Swansboro 4 UFO Reports Swansboro, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Rosman 4 UFO Reports Rosman, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Candor 4 UFO Reports Candor, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Dobson 4 UFO Reports Dobson, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Mount Gilead 4 UFO Reports Mount Gilead, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Weddington 4 UFO Reports Weddington, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Midland 4 UFO Reports Midland, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Dallas 4 UFO Reports Dallas, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hayesville 4 UFO Reports Hayesville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Rockwell 4 UFO Reports Rockwell, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Kenly 4 UFO Reports Kenly, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Marshville 4 UFO Reports Marshville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Old Fort 4 UFO Reports Old Fort, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Troutman 4 UFO Reports Troutman, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Bryson City 4 UFO Reports Bryson City, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Pfafftown 4 UFO Reports Pfafftown, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Troy 4 UFO Reports Troy, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Supply 4 UFO Reports Supply, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Snow Camp 4 UFO Reports Snow Camp, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Warrenton 4 UFO Reports Warrenton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Cameron 4 UFO Reports Cameron, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Tryon 4 UFO Reports Tryon, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Oak Ridge 4 UFO Reports Oak Ridge, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Rolesville 4 UFO Reports Rolesville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Winterville 4 UFO Reports Winterville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Pilot Mountain 4 UFO Reports Pilot Mountain, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Spindale 3 UFO Reports Spindale, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Myrtle Beach 3 UFO Reports Myrtle Beach, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Andrews 3 UFO Reports Andrews, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Mocksville 3 UFO Reports Mocksville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hamlet 3 UFO Reports Hamlet, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Topsail 3 UFO Reports Topsail, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Franklinville 3 UFO Reports Franklinville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Willow Springs 3 UFO Reports Willow Springs, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hiddenite 3 UFO Reports Hiddenite, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Jefferson 3 UFO Reports Jefferson, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Selma 3 UFO Reports Selma, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Spring Lake 3 UFO Reports Spring Lake, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hatteras Village 3 UFO Reports Hatteras Village, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Fuquay 3 UFO Reports Fuquay, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Randleman 3 UFO Reports Randleman, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Silver City 3 UFO Reports Silver City, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Sylva 3 UFO Reports Sylva, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Middlesex 3 UFO Reports Middlesex, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Valdese 3 UFO Reports Valdese, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Rockingham 3 UFO Reports Rockingham, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Green Mountain 3 UFO Reports Green Mountain, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Ocracoke 3 UFO Reports Ocracoke, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Youngsville 3 UFO Reports Youngsville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Fort Fisher 3 UFO Reports Fort Fisher, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Bolivia 3 UFO Reports Bolivia, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Ocracoke Island 3 UFO Reports Ocracoke Island, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Whitsett 3 UFO Reports Whitsett, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Boomer 3 UFO Reports Boomer, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Clinton 3 UFO Reports Clinton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Lewisville 3 UFO Reports Lewisville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Davidson 3 UFO Reports Davidson, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Rocky Point 3 UFO Reports Rocky Point, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Roxboro 3 UFO Reports Roxboro, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Cape Hatteras 3 UFO Reports Cape Hatteras, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Flat Rock 3 UFO Reports Flat Rock, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Vass 3 UFO Reports Vass, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Clyde 3 UFO Reports Clyde, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Jamestown 3 UFO Reports Jamestown, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Wendell 3 UFO Reports Wendell, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Liberty 3 UFO Reports Liberty, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Pikeville 3 UFO Reports Pikeville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Chocowinity 3 UFO Reports Chocowinity, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Henrico 3 UFO Reports Henrico, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Ayden 3 UFO Reports Ayden, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Maysville 3 UFO Reports Maysville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Alexander 3 UFO Reports Alexander, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Creston 3 UFO Reports Creston, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Ash 3 UFO Reports Ash, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Eden 3 UFO Reports Eden, North Carolina UFO Sightings
West End 2 UFO Reports West End, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Elm City 2 UFO Reports Elm City, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Faison 2 UFO Reports Faison, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Lowell 2 UFO Reports Lowell, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Clarkton 2 UFO Reports Clarkton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Delco 2 UFO Reports Delco, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Gatesville 2 UFO Reports Gatesville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Roaring River 2 UFO Reports Roaring River, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Edenton 2 UFO Reports Edenton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Lawndale 2 UFO Reports Lawndale, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Corapeake 2 UFO Reports Corapeake, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Elon 2 UFO Reports Elon, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hurdle Mills 2 UFO Reports Hurdle Mills, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Denton 2 UFO Reports Denton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Germanton 2 UFO Reports Germanton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Edneyville 2 UFO Reports Edneyville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Moncure 2 UFO Reports Moncure, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Rose Hill 2 UFO Reports Rose Hill, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Indian Beach 2 UFO Reports Indian Beach, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Efland 2 UFO Reports Efland, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Banner Elk 2 UFO Reports Banner Elk, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Johnsonville 2 UFO Reports Johnsonville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Oxford 2 UFO Reports Oxford, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Seven Devils 2 UFO Reports Seven Devils, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Lake Lure 2 UFO Reports Lake Lure, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Norwood 2 UFO Reports Norwood, North Carolina UFO Sightings
White Lake 2 UFO Reports White Lake, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Trenton 2 UFO Reports Trenton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Canton 2 UFO Reports Canton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Brunswick 2 UFO Reports Brunswick, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Tabor City 2 UFO Reports Tabor City, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Bath 2 UFO Reports Bath, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Whiteville 2 UFO Reports Whiteville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Trinity 2 UFO Reports Trinity, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Bethel 2 UFO Reports Bethel, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Red Springs 2 UFO Reports Red Springs, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Lake Toxaway 2 UFO Reports Lake Toxaway, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Windsor 2 UFO Reports Windsor, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Como 2 UFO Reports Como, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Vale 2 UFO Reports Vale, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Jackson Springs 2 UFO Reports Jackson Springs, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Elizabethtown 2 UFO Reports Elizabethtown, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Tarawa Terrace 2 UFO Reports Tarawa Terrace, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Highpoint 2 UFO Reports Highpoint, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Level Cross 2 UFO Reports Level Cross, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Caswell 2 UFO Reports Caswell, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Welcome 2 UFO Reports Welcome, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Arapahoe 2 UFO Reports Arapahoe, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Erwin 2 UFO Reports Erwin, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Pawleys Island 2 UFO Reports Pawleys Island, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Beulaville 2 UFO Reports Beulaville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Rowland 2 UFO Reports Rowland, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Aulander 2 UFO Reports Aulander, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Pinnacle 2 UFO Reports Pinnacle, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Vanceboro 2 UFO Reports Vanceboro, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Catawba 2 UFO Reports Catawba, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Cramerton 2 UFO Reports Cramerton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Fountain 2 UFO Reports Fountain, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Stedman 2 UFO Reports Stedman, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Archdale 2 UFO Reports Archdale, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Locust 2 UFO Reports Locust, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Biscoe 2 UFO Reports Biscoe, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Aurora 2 UFO Reports Aurora, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Weldon 2 UFO Reports Weldon, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Olin 2 UFO Reports Olin, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Creedmoor 2 UFO Reports Creedmoor, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Nebo 2 UFO Reports Nebo, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Purlear 2 UFO Reports Purlear, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Warrensville 2 UFO Reports Warrensville, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Maxton 2 UFO Reports Maxton, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Calypso 2 UFO Reports Calypso, North Carolina UFO Sightings
China Grove 2 UFO Reports China Grove, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Davidson County 2 UFO Reports Davidson County, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Moyock 2 UFO Reports Moyock, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Pisgah Forest 2 UFO Reports Pisgah Forest, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Manteo 2 UFO Reports Manteo, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Cedar Point 2 UFO Reports Cedar Point, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Sparta 2 UFO Reports Sparta, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Mayodan 2 UFO Reports Mayodan, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Sherrills Ford 2 UFO Reports Sherrills Ford, North Carolina UFO Sightings
North Topsail 2 UFO Reports North Topsail, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Laurel Hill 2 UFO Reports Laurel Hill, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Conway 2 UFO Reports Conway, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Snow Hill 2 UFO Reports Snow Hill, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Wade 2 UFO Reports Wade, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Columbia 2 UFO Reports Columbia, North Carolina UFO Sightings
East Bend 2 UFO Reports East Bend, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Mineral Springs 2 UFO Reports Mineral Springs, North Carolina UFO Sightings
New London 2 UFO Reports New London, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Spencer 2 UFO Reports Spencer, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Stokes 2 UFO Reports Stokes, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Willard 2 UFO Reports Willard, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Camp Lejeune 2 UFO Reports Camp Lejeune, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Shiloh 2 UFO Reports Shiloh, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Hudson 2 UFO Reports Hudson, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Deep Run 2 UFO Reports Deep Run, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Oakboro 2 UFO Reports Oakboro, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Laurinburg 2 UFO Reports Laurinburg, North Carolina UFO Sightings
Marble 2 UFO Reports Marble, North Carolina UFO Sightings