Last updated on June 1, 2024

Washington UFO Sightings in 2002

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Washington during 2002.

How many Washington UFO sightings were there in 2002?

  • There were 213 officially reported UFO sightings in Washington in 2002.
  • In 2002, Washington ranked #2 on the list of states with the most UFO sightings for that year.
  • Adjusted for population size, Washington ranks #1 in the list of states with the most reported UFO sightings in 2002, with an average of 3.61 reports per 100,000 residents.

Washington Cities with the most UFO Sightings in 2002

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Seattle, WA 41 UFO Reports
2 Spokane, WA 10 UFO Reports
3 Renton, WA 7 UFO Reports
4 Tacoma, WA 6 UFO Reports
5 Bellingham, WA 6 UFO Reports

Washington UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 213 UFO sighting reports in Washington from 2002 to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

Washington UFO Sighting Reports in 2002

This is a sampling of 20 Washington UFO reports from 2002, presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary.

You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Wenatchee, WA

Full Report Text:

Near midnight I heard our local radio station announce that there were strange lights in the sky. I looked out my launddry room window and saw the most amazing thing i have ever seen . Hanging in the northern sky were a line of blood red brilliant lights.

These weren't flares. It was reported by the radio announcer that these lights manuevered but I didn't see that. I did see small orbs of brilliant lights emerge from the larger spheres, the main bright lights were reminiscent of the phoenix lights.

They formed a gentle arc in the northern sky and drifted slowly to the west. At no time did they descend (as flares would do). As they drifed west they began to wink out .

One sphere stayed lit as it drifted out of sight. ((NUFORC Note: We believe the date of the event was 12/31/02; we have amended the date. PD)).

12/31/02 11:55 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: half hour


Wenatchee, WA

Full Report Text:

Three adults and four children viewed nine star-like orange-yellow lights in the eastern horizon moving in random directions with We saw 9 lights to the east in two groups. One group, the upper, consisted of three lights at about 20 degrees above the horizon oriented in a vertical formation. The lower group consisted of six lights more tightly grouped at about 15 degrees above the horizon.

The general location of all the lights was 70 degrees east of magnetic north. All the lights were were moving slowly in random directions. All the lights were identical in color and the color was orange-yellow.

The lights looked like bright stars in appearance. Not as bright as some of the brighter planets on a clear night, but nearly so. Also, all nine lights were identical in brightness.

The lights twinkled in appearance as stars do, and they had no discernable shape other than a point of light. I looked at the lights with a set of binoculars to try to determine a shape and found no change other than being slightly brighter in appearance with less twinkling. Twice I saw other fainter lights dropping from the larger-brighter lights.

As the viewing period progressed the two groups of lights moved together as one group oriented somewhat vertically on the horizon. One by one each light vanished toward the end of the viewing period. None of these lights behaved like an aircraft or meteor.

They appeared to be hovering and moving up, down, and sideways in a random fashion. All nine lights behaved independantly of one another. Witnesses: Three adults and four children.

All three adults are professed UFO skeptics. Two of the adults have Bachelor of Science degrees. One in Mechanical Engineering and the other in Chemistry.

The Mechanical Engineer has been and aviation enthusiast most of his life and is frequently viewing stars and aircraft in the skies.

12/31/02 11:50 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 30 minnutes


Wenatchee, WA

Full Report Text:

3 lights suspended over Wenatchee just before midnight Dec 31 lasting at least 8 mins KPQ radio announcer: "take a look out over the city towards the river.does anyone know what that is." looked out (our house is on a hill, slightly above roof-top level of the city), saw 3 yellow orange lights, slightly more intense than stars and about an index finger length apart in sight length-not on a straight line.

They did not vary in distance from one another, nor did they move. The intensity of light would change on each independent of the other, and they faded out independent of one another. Saw something faint stream down as they began to fade.

One reappeared independent of the others and continued 3-5 mins(?). Would have guessed that someone launched a New Years' display, but how did they keep them equal distance apart??? ((NUFORC Note: Many reports of this event. We do not know what people witnessed.


12/31/02 11:50 PM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 5--10mins


Shoreline, WA

Full Report Text:

Large ball of light in the sky falling slowly to the ground On 12/31 at approximately 7:30 p.m., I was driving home from work.

I was driving west on Richmond Beach Road and turned right on Eighth Ave. NW heading north, toward Edmonds. I'm not sure if I was in the city of Shoreline or Edmonds at this point.

The street I was on has houses on both sides of the street and trees in the background. There was no traffic that night, so the street was darker than normal. As I was driving, I noticed some sort of light and looked up and saw a large ball of light, pinkish purple in color.

It was falling down to the ground, but very slowly. I didn't know if I was seeing an odd sort of fireworks display or if it was an odd kind of flare. Since I couldn't tell where the ball of light was going to land and the area I was driving in was fairly dark and without traffic, I turned around and drove home on a more travelled road.

12/31/02 7:30 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: seconds


Kent, WA

Full Report Text:

Black Triangle over Kent, WA This sighting was Wednesday, Dec 18th. Approximately 7:30 PM. East hill of Kent, WA.

I had just been on the phone with my girlfriend ( approx 7:15 ) who was driving north on 405 near Renton and she had told me of three lights she saw in sky which she thought was peculiar. Moments later I'd left my apartment and was walking to the laundry room with my laundry. The skies were very clear.

I heard a sound which was like a high pitch whirr mixed with a low resonating hum.I thought the sound was coming from the laundry room. Just then I watched a large black triangle gliding above the trees just to the east of me and maybe a 1000 ft up or so.

It was as big or bigger than a 747 but moving half as fast as one that close might be moving. It was only a couple blocks to the east but still pretty much overhead and I clearly saw the dome shaped white lights on each corner and a red light in the middle. The red light may have been rotating or maybe a smokey half dome shape was over it rotating.

I could tell the sound was coming from it but was weird, kind of resonating. Not a very loud sound either, and not one I've heard before. I watched it gliding north behind the trees and staying smooth and steady.

As it moved away I could discern the thickness of the craft. Gliding overhead took about 5 or 6 seconds I'd guess, but I continued to watch it through the trees for maybe 20 seconds. After putting my laundry in, I went back to my car and drove around up on the hill a little but it was gone from sight by then.

I don't see how hundreds of people didn't see that. I believe the triangle was equilateral in shape. I observed many airplanes after that, not even the same.

The white lights on the corners were steady and bright, but not necessarily "unearthly". The object didn't seem to be affected by gravity, I had no impression it had weight. I attached a photoshop rendering of what I saw against the type of night sky that evening.

I also attached a map showing it's approximate location and direction. My girlfriend's sighting put the lights north of my location about ten minutes earlier, yet I saw the objec! t headin g north towards her location. Either it had gone south and turned around or there may have been more than one out that night.

Earlier in the evening, the freeway had been blocked by police activity (south of this location in Federal Way) involving a car chase and then the search for two suspects which had escaped on foot. By this time of the evening, the search had just been called off, the suspects had escaped. This might be relevant to the assumption that the black triangle is a surveillance craft.

12/18/02 7:30 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 25 seconds


Seattle, WA

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: We suspect that the most likely cause of the sighting may have been either twinkling stars, or the landing lights on distant airliners approaching Seattle. PD)) We saw a row of different colored lights north of house, some distance away for at least an hour. My wife asked me to go outside and observe stationery lights due north of our yard on Capitol Hill in Seattle in the direction of Mt Baker.

The row of lights were of difference colors and were not quite horizonal to the ground. The lights appeared to be some distance, we could not judge distance or the size of the object. I appeared to be large.

We had a high powered telescope, but could not get it work properly. We also had binoculers which worked fine. We observed a red light break away from the row of lights.

We also saw a faint whitish beam come off now and then from the end of the lowest part of the object. Our house is near the flight path of SeaTac Airport and commercial planes came between us and the object. The weather conditions were terrable.

It was raining and the wind was blowing at 10 to 20 miles an hour. Since I could not focus on the object with the telescope, we finally went inside. We took digital photos, but the camera I have is an early model and does not function well at night.

I am a real estate appraiser and my wife is a homemaker. We are both college grads.

12/15/02 11:59 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: One hour +


Kent, WA

Full Report Text:

I was dropping my wife at work (Boeing Kent Space Center) made left turn to her building. She said to look ahead. At about 20 degrees up we saw 2 very bright whitelights alernating from one side to the other at set intervals every 2-3 seconds.

Sat and watched a few minutes. Lights did not move. I told my wife I would drive east out the main gatw then north on Interuban.

When I turned north the lights were gone but I saw a faint flat straight sterak going east My wife went outside after daylight there was nothing in that area which would hold lights like these.

12/11/02 6:15 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 5 mins.


Bellingham, WA

Full Report Text:

The Sound.was incrediable,the dogs went crazy,the light display was amazing It was cold outside at about 8:45 pm on the 12/08/02.dark but a clear night.

alot of stars in the sky.I was standing out side watching my husband chopping fire woood for the fire.I thought it was strange hearing what seemed to be all the dogs of Sudden Valley howling like crazy.

The I heard a strange,loud,errie sound that sounded like it was deep in the woods.I asked my husband what was that and then We heard it one more time.My husband looked up into the sky and yelled That's what made the noise.

As I looked up our dog seemed bothered and the door to our explorer was opened and he jumped in.When I looked up I saw just to left of me about 1,000 ft ft up a object shaped like a triangle from the bottom but with round lights of colors of green,yellow and a lrg red one. I remember lights comming from the center of the object and lines of light went from the center to the outter part of the object then lite up the whole underneath of the craft.

it was in was a dance of lights over and over.It was amazing and nothing like i had ever seen.

My husband new it was the real thing and not some plane,or satalite.I knew it was diffrent then anything i'd ever seen.The sound it made was so strange and errie.

It was right above me going south of our drive way then instantly it turned west almst as if it made a L shape pattern.It was dark,but the sky was clear.We are up in the woods but my husband followed on his feet down the street and was able to get a better view.

I watched it from our driveway and it seemed to be moving in a zigzag pattern.I was more stuned by what i had seen.My husband was so excited and has a much better memory with way more details.

12/08/02 8:45 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 5-10 min


Bellingham, WA

Full Report Text:

The lights display wasnothing like i'd ever seen but the SOUND.Everyones dogs were howling crazy I was outside on the clear night of December 8th 2002 at about 8:45 pm.The sky was full of strange star formations.

The dogs in Sudden Valley were all howling like crazy.My wife asked me what the strange noise was then i heard it.It was a hum then went low to high then back to low.

I looked up and saw a flash of lights in circling a ship that was standing motionless.Then all the sudden it began to move.Then the lights on this object flashed diffrent colors.

The Red light that made the shape of circle seem to come from the top of the ship cascading down to the base of the ship showing the true size.It was Huge!!Then once the red circle reached the base of the center of the bottom of the ship four lines on each side of the circle in the center of the ship went from the center to the outter part of the ship four on each side.The lines of light went from the center to the outside then lights completed a cirlce of the outside of the ship.

It was an amazing display of a light show that kept repeating the pattern of lights. it was going south like following our driveway to the end.then in seconds it was going west like the shape of an L.

directly down our street.We live in the woods trees on both side.It seemed like it was almost following our street.

I ran down the road too keep it in sight.and i observed That this object was Huge!! I saw the side view and it seemed to be the shape of what looked like a top hat with a circular base.I would say it was at least 200ft in diameter .

When I first saw this i'd say it was at least 1,ooo ft up in the sky. It was something i'd never seen before.I made a drawing of this and will be submitting it soon.

It was truling amazing… ((NUFORC Note: We spoke with this witness at length, and found him to be both credible, and cogent in his description of what he and his wife had seen on the evening of their sighting. PD)).

12/08/02 8:45 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 2-3 min


Camano Island, WA

Full Report Text:

brilant star looking shapes in night sky My dad and i where camping at Cameno Island State Park around 4:00 pacific time. I was making dinner when I noticed a star looking shape on the horizan, about SW towards Whibey Island. I had a pair of binculars and looked at the object.

It began to flash mutiply color's; green, yellow, orange, red. It would dime off and on, reapear and disapear, at various times. I began to see 4 other star like balls moving in formation, hovering, disapearing.

I got a good look at one of the ball's. It had a small ball rotating around the bigger ball, while flashing brinlant colors. We watch them and heard pecular sounds like huge jet engines going off.

There was nothing around.

12/07/02 5:00 PM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 4 hrs.


Mount Vernon, WA

Full Report Text:

Bright white fireball, Washington State. Driving south on I-5, 4 miles south of Mt. Vernon, to the SE I witnessed a bright white fireball climb downward approx 70 degrees for about 5-7 seconds.

Most likely it was a meteor or space junk.

12/06/02 7:35 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 5-7 seconds


Port Angeles, WA

Full Report Text:

VERY reliable second hand information as follows: On the night of Friday, Dec. 6, 2002 at 7:30 pm, a friend was driving home from work in Port Angeles heading east on highway 101W. She was about 5 miles east of Port Angeles very near Sutter Rd.

when she saw a green light in the sky. It was on the south side of the highway as she was driving east. She said the light got closer very quickly and at first she thought it was a star or something, but the brilliant green color did not look right.

She said the light moved closer quickly and it was approx. the size of about 1/2 the size of a house. It was green with a "frosted" look to it.

It slowed down and slowly settled into the forest possible less than 1 mile off the highway. Other cars also saw the light as they slowed down to look too. There were at least 3 other cars; 2 ahead and 1 behind her.

She also said as the light settled in the forest, it flared a bright green color which made the trees light-up then they suddenly went out. Note: another strange occurance that night as I heard this morning on KING TV: there was a reported 2.2 earthquake reported at 8:30 pm last night in almost if not exactly same location.

strange to say the least?.

12/06/02 7:30 PM

UFO Shape: disk



Arlington, WA

Full Report Text:

A green fireball going towards Granite Falls I had just moved to the outskirts of Arlington where I had rented a trailer on a friend';s property. I had been in her home which is just next to the trailer. The property we are living on has a river running through it that is down below the home.

Power wires go overhead. As I had just returned to my house that night when another one of her boarders hollered at me so I went back to the door and was talking to him. He asks me to wait a minute so I did.

Out of boredom I looked over to the left through the trees when to my surprise a large blue green fireball streaked by and disappeared over the hill. It was only about a mile away to my estimation. I fully expected to hear an explosion or see a fire but there was nothing.

I yelled for ((name deleted)) but it was too late, it all happened much to fast.

12/06/02 7:25 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: splt second


Renton, WA

Full Report Text:

Two objects flying at a great speed with ability to instantly alternate flying directions. On a visit to Renton, Washington, my sister and I observed two (2) objects flying parallel with each other. At first we thought they were satellites, since we have previously seen satellites flying in the night sky at our home in California, but this time the objects were flying at a much greater speed than we have ever seen before and, also, the objects were flying in a straight line course then instantly changed their course of direction into an an east-to-west direction (for example, flying north-to-south, then instantly heading in an east-to-west direction).

Both my sister and I have over 30 years working for the Department of Defense and neither of us are aware of any aircraft that can instantly change directions such as what we witnessed. ((NUFORC Note: Error in date above. We presume the witness implies a date in December 2002.


12/01/02 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 7 minutes


Duvall, WA

Full Report Text:

Unexplained crescent-shaped objects seen in Southeast sky in the Pacific Northwest, 12/1/02, 4:30AM Sighted in the Southeast sky approximately 45 degrees above the horizon. On left, a crescent shaped-light with the points of the crescent point upwards. To the right of the cresent shaped-light, there was a dot that looked like a big star.

The color of all lights were white, and the intensity of the lights changed from dim to a higher intensity very slowly. The intensity of the light was bright enough to light-up our backyard, as though there was a bright, full moon in the sky.

12/01/02 4:30 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 15 minutes


Enumclaw, WA

Full Report Text:

A "break-up" in the sky Hi again, I sent a report yesterday but I have another one today. This morning about 6:16 a.m.

I saw a FAST moving object overhead that I thought at first may be a very fast military jet, only it glowed more orange/white and had a small trail behind it. While I observed it I saw it separate into two pieces and them "fizzle" out. This object was moving from the northwest to the southeast.

It was coming more from the eastern "mode" than northern and going more to the east than south. Then this a.m.

after telling my husband about this mornings sighting he told me that he had heard that the sighting I had YESTERDAY was being dismissed as space debris! He said, this one you had this morning sounds more like space debris than the one you had yesterday." I AGREE The one from yesterday was toooooooo slow for this kind of explanation and the way it appeared was entirely different than the one this morning! I hope you don't discount yesterday's for that reason! I believe the one from this morning could be more accurately explained as "space debris" but not the one from yesterday morning!!!.

11/29/02 6:16 AM

UFO Shape: cylinder

Lasted: 6 seconds


Longview, WA

Full Report Text:

Fireball streaks slowly across northern sky. A long fireball was streaking slowly across the northern sky until it disappeared behind the hills. It was too fast to have been an aircraft and too slow to have been a comet.

It was unlike anything we have ever seen before. ((NUFORC Note: We wonder whether the witness is alluding to the re-entry event of space debris on 28NO02. However, please see second report for this date from Enumclaw, WA.


11/29/02 6:15 AM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 3 minutes


Medical Lake, WA

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: Reported to be re-entering space debris. We are grateful to all of those who submitted reports. PD)) This was probably some object entering the earth's atmosphere.

It traveled from the western horizon to the eastern horizon. It started out as a small spot of light in the west and as it traveled east in became numerous pieces. I personally could see some of the smaller strikes of light extinguish as it traveled across the sky.

The object traveled as a group and at constant velocity. They seem to be spreading as they traveled easterly. There was no sound.

11/28/02 6:20 AM

UFO Shape:

Lasted: 1 to 2 min


Redmond, WA

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: Reported to be re-entering space debris. We are grateful to all of those who submitted reports. PD)) Needle shaped light, possible space debris, crossed slowly from horizon to horizon, due east over Seattle area.

A large needle shaped object, possibly space debris crossed the dark morning sky from horizon to horizon, travelling due east. It was brightly illuminated, like a burning meteorite but it must have been quite large because it appeared to move slowly and remained in my field of view for at least 40 seconds. The east and west horizons were obstructed due to trees and the office building where I work, but I was able to view at least 120 degrees of the night sky (sunrise not occurred yet).

Part of the object may have split off since a second brightly lit contrail appeared for about 5 to 7 seconds.

11/28/02 6:15 AM

UFO Shape: cylinder

Lasted: 35-45 seconds


Vancouver, WA

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: Reported to be re-entering space debris. We are grateful to all of those who submitted reports. PD)) i saw a very large slow moving golden fireball that split into several parts while sitting at the computer a light caught my eye and although it has always been airplanes or some celestial body that was obscured by a branch i still tend to look in case it may be something interesting.

upon closer observation i realized that it was a very large slow movin golden streak that was leaving a tail that was at least as long as two fingers width at arms length. i watched for a few seconds and then ran outside to get a better view. by the time i was outside it seemed to have mirved or split into three definite heads.

it was in the northern sky and was travelling from west to east passing behind some large trees nearby. if i were to estimate a point of landing i would have to guess somewhere on the east side of the cascades. it was also moving very slowly especially for something so large.

it may well have been orbital detritus dropping into the atmosphere. although i am no expert in any sciences i do know the difference between an airplane, a sattelite or a metorite. this was none of those threee things.

((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

11/28/02 6:15 AM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 1 minute


Washington UFO Sightings From 2002 By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 54 reported sightings 25.35% of all reports
Other 24 reported sightings 11.27% of all reports
Unknown 21 reported sightings 9.86% of all reports
Fireball 16 reported sightings 7.51% of all reports
Triangle 15 reported sightings 7.04% of all reports
Disk 14 reported sightings 6.57% of all reports
Circle 13 reported sightings 6.10% of all reports
Sphere 11 reported sightings 5.16% of all reports
Oval 8 reported sightings 3.76% of all reports
Changing 4 reported sightings 1.88% of all reports
Flash 4 reported sightings 1.88% of all reports
Formation 3 reported sightings 1.41% of all reports
Cigar 3 reported sightings 1.41% of all reports
Cylinder 3 reported sightings 1.41% of all reports
Rectangle 3 reported sightings 1.41% of all reports
Chevron 3 reported sightings 1.41% of all reports
Diamond 2 reported sightings 0.94% of all reports
Egg 1 reported sightings 0.47% of all reports
Teardrop 1 reported sightings 0.47% of all reports
Cross 1 reported sightings 0.47% of all reports

Washington UFO Sightings From 2002 By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
August 36 reported sightings 16.90% of all reports
October 35 reported sightings 16.43% of all reports
November 20 reported sightings 9.39% of all reports
May 20 reported sightings 9.39% of all reports
June 20 reported sightings 9.39% of all reports
September 19 reported sightings 8.92% of all reports
December 15 reported sightings 7.04% of all reports
February 13 reported sightings 6.10% of all reports
July 13 reported sightings 6.10% of all reports
April 11 reported sightings 5.16% of all reports
March 7 reported sightings 3.29% of all reports
January 4 reported sightings 1.88% of all reports

Washington UFO Sightings From 2002 By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Sunday 35 reported sightings 16.43% of all reports
Friday 33 reported sightings 15.49% of all reports
Thursday 32 reported sightings 15.02% of all reports
Tuesday 30 reported sightings 14.08% of all reports
Wednesday 29 reported sightings 13.62% of all reports
Monday 28 reported sightings 13.15% of all reports
Saturday 26 reported sightings 12.21% of all reports

Washington UFO Sightings From 2002 By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
10/01/02 12 reported sightings 5.63% of all reports
11/28/02 6 reported sightings 2.82% of all reports
06/09/02 6 reported sightings 2.82% of all reports
08/28/02 5 reported sightings 2.35% of all reports
08/09/02 4 reported sightings 1.88% of all reports

Washington UFO Sightings From 2002 By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 89 reported sightings 41.78% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 37 reported sightings 17.37% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 33 reported sightings 15.49% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 31 reported sightings 14.55% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 14 reported sightings 6.57% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 9 reported sightings 4.23% of all reports

All Washington Cities with reported UFO sightings in 2002

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports were filed per city in Washington, in 2002

City Number of Reports View Reports
Seattle 41 UFO Reports Seattle UFO Sightings in 2002
Spokane 10 UFO Reports Spokane UFO Sightings in 2002
Renton 7 UFO Reports Renton UFO Sightings in 2002
Tacoma 6 UFO Reports Tacoma UFO Sightings in 2002
Bellingham 6 UFO Reports Bellingham UFO Sightings in 2002
Port Angeles 5 UFO Reports Port Angeles UFO Sightings in 2002
Wenatchee 5 UFO Reports Wenatchee UFO Sightings in 2002
Kent 5 UFO Reports Kent UFO Sightings in 2002
Vancouver 5 UFO Reports Vancouver UFO Sightings in 2002
Olympia 5 UFO Reports Olympia UFO Sightings in 2002
Bremerton 4 UFO Reports Bremerton UFO Sightings in 2002
Redmond 4 UFO Reports Redmond UFO Sightings in 2002
Granite Falls 4 UFO Reports Granite Falls UFO Sightings in 2002
Snohomish 3 UFO Reports Snohomish UFO Sightings in 2002
Edmonds 3 UFO Reports Edmonds UFO Sightings in 2002
Arlington 3 UFO Reports Arlington UFO Sightings in 2002
Port Orchard 3 UFO Reports Port Orchard UFO Sightings in 2002
Trout Lake 3 UFO Reports Trout Lake UFO Sightings in 2002
Shoreline 3 UFO Reports Shoreline UFO Sightings in 2002
Lynnwood 3 UFO Reports Lynnwood UFO Sightings in 2002
Sumner 2 UFO Reports Sumner UFO Sightings in 2002
Port Townsend 2 UFO Reports Port Townsend UFO Sightings in 2002
Ellensburg 2 UFO Reports Ellensburg UFO Sightings in 2002
Monroe 2 UFO Reports Monroe UFO Sightings in 2002
Everett 2 UFO Reports Everett UFO Sightings in 2002
Bothell 2 UFO Reports Bothell UFO Sightings in 2002
Yelm 2 UFO Reports Yelm UFO Sightings in 2002
Lake Stevens 2 UFO Reports Lake Stevens UFO Sightings in 2002
Woodinville 2 UFO Reports Woodinville UFO Sightings in 2002
Rainier 2 UFO Reports Rainier UFO Sightings in 2002
Curlew 2 UFO Reports Curlew UFO Sightings in 2002
Clarkston 2 UFO Reports Clarkston UFO Sightings in 2002
Everson 2 UFO Reports Everson UFO Sightings in 2002
Enumclaw 2 UFO Reports Enumclaw UFO Sightings in 2002
Moxee 1 UFO Reports Moxee UFO Sightings in 2002
Stevens Pass 1 UFO Reports Stevens Pass UFO Sightings in 2002
Stanwood 1 UFO Reports Stanwood UFO Sightings in 2002
Mount Vernon 1 UFO Reports Mount Vernon UFO Sightings in 2002
Burien 1 UFO Reports Burien UFO Sightings in 2002
Lacey 1 UFO Reports Lacey UFO Sightings in 2002
Marblemount 1 UFO Reports Marblemount UFO Sightings in 2002
Rochester 1 UFO Reports Rochester UFO Sightings in 2002
Orting 1 UFO Reports Orting UFO Sightings in 2002
Shelton 1 UFO Reports Shelton UFO Sightings in 2002
Camano Island 1 UFO Reports Camano Island UFO Sightings in 2002
Toppenish 1 UFO Reports Toppenish UFO Sightings in 2002
Aberdeen 1 UFO Reports Aberdeen UFO Sightings in 2002
Walla Walla 1 UFO Reports Walla Walla UFO Sightings in 2002
Port Hadlock 1 UFO Reports Port Hadlock UFO Sightings in 2002
Mabton 1 UFO Reports Mabton UFO Sightings in 2002
Algona 1 UFO Reports Algona UFO Sightings in 2002
Tukwila 1 UFO Reports Tukwila UFO Sightings in 2002
Dallesport 1 UFO Reports Dallesport UFO Sightings in 2002
Coupeville 1 UFO Reports Coupeville UFO Sightings in 2002
Kelso 1 UFO Reports Kelso UFO Sightings in 2002
Friday Harbor 1 UFO Reports Friday Harbor UFO Sightings in 2002
Federal Way 1 UFO Reports Federal Way UFO Sightings in 2002
Moses Lake 1 UFO Reports Moses Lake UFO Sightings in 2002
Maltby 1 UFO Reports Maltby UFO Sightings in 2002
Mattawa 1 UFO Reports Mattawa UFO Sightings in 2002
Zillah 1 UFO Reports Zillah UFO Sightings in 2002
Swinnomish Channel 1 UFO Reports Swinnomish Channel UFO Sightings in 2002
Kirkland 1 UFO Reports Kirkland UFO Sightings in 2002
Colville 1 UFO Reports Colville UFO Sightings in 2002
Port Orchard 1 UFO Reports Port Orchard UFO Sightings in 2002
Sammamish 1 UFO Reports Sammamish UFO Sightings in 2002
Brush Prairie 1 UFO Reports Brush Prairie UFO Sightings in 2002
Kettle Falls 1 UFO Reports Kettle Falls UFO Sightings in 2002
Elma 1 UFO Reports Elma UFO Sightings in 2002
Marysville 1 UFO Reports Marysville UFO Sightings in 2002
Goldendale 1 UFO Reports Goldendale UFO Sightings in 2002
Gig Harbor 1 UFO Reports Gig Harbor UFO Sightings in 2002
Lake Forest Park 1 UFO Reports Lake Forest Park UFO Sightings in 2002
Issaquah 1 UFO Reports Issaquah UFO Sightings in 2002
Graham 1 UFO Reports Graham UFO Sightings in 2002
La Center 1 UFO Reports La Center UFO Sightings in 2002
Hama Hama River 1 UFO Reports Hama Hama River UFO Sightings in 2002
Bellevue 1 UFO Reports Bellevue UFO Sightings in 2002
Maple Valley 1 UFO Reports Maple Valley UFO Sightings in 2002
Medical Lake 1 UFO Reports Medical Lake UFO Sightings in 2002
Republic 1 UFO Reports Republic UFO Sightings in 2002
Burbank Heights 1 UFO Reports Burbank Heights UFO Sightings in 2002
Camas 1 UFO Reports Camas UFO Sightings in 2002
Touchet 1 UFO Reports Touchet UFO Sightings in 2002
Pullman 1 UFO Reports Pullman UFO Sightings in 2002
Longview 1 UFO Reports Longview UFO Sightings in 2002
Ferndale 1 UFO Reports Ferndale UFO Sightings in 2002
Fort Lewis 1 UFO Reports Fort Lewis UFO Sightings in 2002
Index 1 UFO Reports Index UFO Sightings in 2002
Glenoma 1 UFO Reports Glenoma UFO Sightings in 2002
Duvall 1 UFO Reports Duvall UFO Sightings in 2002

Other Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Washington

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Washington.

Year Number of Reports View Reports
2024 29 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2024
2023 214 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2023
2022 183 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2022
2021 200 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2021
2020 376 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2020
2019 242 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2019
2018 174 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2018
2017 212 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2017
2016 229 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2016
2015 276 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
2014 374 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2014
2013 321 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2013
2012 428 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2012
2011 305 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2011
2010 277 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2010
2009 235 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2009
2008 200 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2008
2007 221 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2007
2006 165 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2006
2005 192 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2005
2004 248 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2004
2003 245 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2003
2002 213 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2002
2001 220 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2001
2000 202 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2000
1999 228 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1999
1998 147 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1998
1997 91 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1997
1996 116 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1996
1995 254 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1995
1994 27 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1994
1993 21 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1993
1992 14 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1992
1991 7 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1991
1990 11 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1990
1989 8 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1989
1988 10 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1988
1987 6 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1987
1986 9 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1986
1985 7 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1985
1984 5 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1984
1983 3 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1983
1982 10 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1982
1981 6 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1981
1980 15 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1980
1979 10 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1979
1978 16 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1978
1977 7 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1977
1976 13 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1976
1975 16 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1975
1974 14 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1974
1973 9 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1973
1972 7 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1972
1971 11 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1971
1970 5 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1970
1969 5 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1969
1962 1 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1962
1960 1 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 1960