Last updated on June 1, 2024

Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2003

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Arkansas during 2003.

How many Arkansas UFO sightings were there in 2003?

  • There were 58 officially reported UFO sightings in Arkansas in 2003.
  • In 2003, Arkansas ranked #22 on the list of states with the most UFO sightings for that year.
  • Adjusted for population size, Arkansas ranks #8 in the list of states with the most reported UFO sightings in 2003, with an average of 2.17 reports per 100,000 residents.

Arkansas Cities with the most UFO Sightings in 2003

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Fort Smith, AR 6 UFO Reports
2 Hot Springs, AR 4 UFO Reports
3 Little Rock, AR 3 UFO Reports
4 El Dorado, AR 2 UFO Reports
5 Jacksonville, AR 2 UFO Reports

Arkansas UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 58 UFO sighting reports in Arkansas from 2003 to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

Arkansas UFO Sighting Reports in 2003

This is a sampling of 20 Arkansas UFO reports from 2003, presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary.

You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

Triangler lights spotted 15 miles south of Little Rock Just 15-30 min south of Little Rock before getting onto Interstate 530, I notice 3 bright lights in the form of a triangle with 3 smallers one inside. It was about 3 full tree length high in the air. I thought it was a jet airliner flying into Little Rock but it was too far from the airport.

Also, it couldn't be a jet or plane, because it was flying low and really slow to just be gliding. I know there were more ppl who notice these lights, everyones break lights lit up when the triangler lights appeared. Ppl slowed down to watch this wierd event.

((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous. PD)).

12/28/03 9:00 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 10 sec


Hot Springs, AR

Full Report Text:



12/19/03 2:30 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: :00.20 sec.


Cabot, AR

Full Report Text:

large fast formation in the sky. white formation above low clouds at 10:15pm on 11/23/03 over cabot arkansas.

11/23/03 12:00 AM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 3mm


Magnolia, AR

Full Report Text:

Triangle Craft spins overhead and then speeds away. I don't drink. I don't smoke.

I work at a church. I was at Southern Arkansas University one night at about 2:30 a.m.

I was with a friend and we were talking. We were sitting in a swing, overlooking a pond and a big open sky. In the middle of our conversation, I stopped and exclaimed "holy crap!" Off in the distance, I saw three lights, shaped like a triangle, spinning and getting closer to us.

finally, it got pretty close and lights were pretty large and they stopped spinning and just sat there. The lights were white. No sound or anything.

She saw it and we sat in awe for about 30 seconds. then, the craft turned back and jotted away very quickly. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; indicates that date of sighting is approximate.


11/19/03 2:30 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 30 Seconds


Pine Bluff, AR

Full Report Text:

light ufo seen on arkansas highway between Little Rock and Pine Bluff appearing to land in nearby woods. I was driving home one night from Little Rock to Pine Bluff after band practice. When i got about three fourths of the way home, i noticed a very bright and consistent white light pop out of nowhere over the freeway, which appeared to be miles away and at least 1000 feet in the air.

As soon as it appeared it swooped down to the right side of the expressway and into the treeline; there was no explosion that I could see. ((NUFORC Note: Date may be approximate. PD)).

11/18/03 11:45 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 7 seconds


Arkansas, AR

Full Report Text:

NE Arkansas Sightings On Nov 12, 2003 I was travelling north on US 67 from Little Rock, AR to Illinois. Normally I would cut across at AR 14 or take US 412 east to I-55, but decided to go north on Rt 67. At 6:30 pm with the sun being down and with no "light pollution", I decided that the drive might yield a look at the solar flare via the Northern Lights even at this southerly latitude.

I believe I did see the northern lights or some reflection of the solar flare off of the ice cap. However I saw some very bright white clouds that appeared to change shape and brightness, unlike the northen lights which danced around these clouds did not change shape or move as rapidly as the northern lights. The clouds whiteness intensified several times and could be easily masked by the lights in a town or a yard light on the farm.

I had observed several times a changing light(s) colored red, then green, then blue then an intense whitish-blue color. This light and several others were very slow moving, but nonetheless moved and always disappeared when reaching the large Fertilzer barn facilities.

11/12/03 6:30 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 1-2 hrs


Weona-Harrisburg-Waldenburg, AR

Full Report Text:

Trinangles and Meteors seen over Nortrheast AR. A meteor shower had occured the evening before on 11/4/03. Sonic booms were reported in the Forrest City, Wynne and Brinkley, AR towns.

I was travelling through the area north of where the sonic booms of the meteor(s) were heard. While that evening turning on to AR Rt 14 at Payneway, AR and looking west to Weona (unincorporated town- has store and abandoned cotton gin)the sky was clear and I saw a falling star, or at least what I thought was a falling star but this was going much too slow until it stopped! And there were 3 lights bareley visable as I and other vehicles travelled west to Weona, these lights moved in a stationary rotating position. The lights/object was below 10,000 ft in altitude (closer to 2,000 ft), it was black and triangular, there was a faint rewd light in the center of the triangle, these lights wre yellow in color.

This triangle seemed to move slow and in a north south pattern as if it were searching for something. After crossing crowleys ridge and coming into Harrisburg, I stopped for gas and mentioned to the cashier who indicated that their was some talk about the metereor shower the night before and that it occurred on both sides of crowleys ridge. At eight miles due west of Harrisburg, AR.

, I saw another one of these triangles with the same lightfomation. There was a loud hum that sounded like a transformer and my vehicles voltimeter went into the re-charge area.

11/05/03 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 1-2


Waldenburg, AR

Full Report Text:

triangle aprox. 20 ft on each side with a large white light in the front, two blue flashing light on the back, and small red in center My fiance and I was coming home from Trumann. Just as we got out of the town of Harrisburg and headed toward Waldenburg i noticed the wierd lights in the sky.

at first they looked simalar to an airplane but as they got closer i knew they were different. I woke him up and pulled over to the side of the road. the night before we had a sighting in the same place but the objects were not close enough to get much detail.

this night we had my home video camera with us in the car just in case we seen it again. when i got the object in sight and seen it was heading over the road, i stopped to where i thought it might cross and pulled over to the side to wait. he grabbed the camera and i was turning it on when it went over the top of my car.

he said "look at that" and when i looked up i seen a large triangle figure that was a little higher up than the pine trees to our right. the object was CLEARLY not a plane. it had a large white light on the front tip and a blue flashing light on each of the back two tips.

when it went over our heads we could see a small red light in the center on the bottom, but by the time i got the camera on and got out of the car it had already passed. i got the back of the object as it went away and then it appeared to sort of travel up like it wanted to fly at a higher level. i recorded from the time i got out of the car untill you couldnt see much detail anymore.

the video will be very useful if it could be still framed but i was so scared when i shot it that its kind of jumpy where i was shaking. these objects are in that area every time that we pass through there but we never have stopped to wait on them to come closer. the night before when we witnessed a similar sighting they didnt come that close to us.

we called his parents to tell them what we were seeing and my phone kept cutting out with static sounds (which has never happened in the two year period that ive had that phone). as we pulled off my car lights lit up and beeped and then stopped and went ba! ck to normal. and the next morning when we woke up it was all over the news about a sonic boom heard in a town that is about a 25 minute drive from there.

there was even metiors hitting in some parts of arkansas. the only other thing we saw that night was something that appeared to be a falling star but we didnt think anything of it untill the next morning when we heard about all of the other activity. ((NUFORC Note: We spoke with this witness via telephone, and we found her to be both sincere, and credible.

We do not know what it was she witnessed. PD)).

11/04/03 12:00 AM

UFO Shape: triangle



Ashdown, AR

Full Report Text:

A bright light followed by a hazy tail, wider at the end, with a smaller bright light at the end, hovered in place then moved quickly. My two neighbors and I went out to walk at 5:30 am. It was still very dark.

My neighbor told us to look up, that there was something in the sky. It looked like a comet,a bright light with a dimmer tail, but the tail was wider. At the end of the tail was another bright light, smaller than the one in front.

It moved east quickly, stopped and hovered for several seconds, then moved quickly out of sight. My son and a friend spotted a similar object on 11/10/03 at approximately 7:30 pm. They came inside and told the adults to come outside to see the object.

It was witnessed by two 11 year old boys and three adults. The object that night was more hazy, with a glowing appearance and moved more slowly at an even pace.

11/03/03 5:30 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 30 seconds


Oil Trough, AR

Full Report Text:

The object apparently made no sound nor appeared to be moving in any direction was at a photography class photo shoot sponsored by local community college and this little school was required. Did not notice the object at about 11 o'clock from the tree until later. Tried to zoom in on it and it appears to look like an old tombstone in shape.

Sending photo along.

11/01/03 3:30 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: unknown


Russellville, AR

Full Report Text:

Three Lights Form Triangle in Sky Near Russellville, AR on Evening of 10/29/03 Traveling east on state highway 326 along the edge of Lake Dardanelle on the north side of Russellville, AR, my wife and I noticed three bright lights in the sky approximately 5-10 degrees above the horizon east of our location. The three lights formed an equilateral triangular with two of the lights forming the base and the third light forming the peak. They were white with a brightness approximately like headlights of an oncoming vehicle.

Based on nearby landmarks (e.g., edge of the lake, Interstate 40, etc.

), it appeared that the lights were at least a mile away from our location, but it is impossible to estimate how far away they actually were. To get an idea of how far apart the lights were from one another, if I had held a ruler with my arm extended toward the lights, I estimate that the distance between each light would have appeared to have been 2-3" apart. The lights did not blink or move while we observed them.

We saw the lights for approximately 15 seconds before they instantly disappeared. We could still see a few faint stars in that area of the sky but saw nothing at all that could possibly account for the three lights. Based on these characteristics, we do not believe that the lights were produced from airplanes or helicopters.

10/29/03 6:50 PM

UFO Shape: triangle



Hot Springs Village, AR

Full Report Text:

On October 27, 2003 was heading home from seeing friends in Hot Springs Village which is 8 miles Northeast of Hot Springs, AR. The evening was beautifully clear, with every star showing. I was travelling on Fresno Rd going approximately Northwest towards the West Gate.

In a very desolate area above the tree tops was a Triangular shaped object that blocked out the stars but had 3 lights at each apices with a very intense red light approximately in the center of the craft. I slowed down to approximately 5 mph to observe this craft, then pulled over to observe. I noticed on the next hill ahead of me someone else was looking at it as well.

I rolled down my window and listened over the din of the idle of my truck as the craft slowly at a turtles pace glided in an approximately westerly direction. There was a very low pitched hum which appeared to erratically cycle and coincided occasionally with the pulsing of the lights. I turned on my radio to KVRE 92.

9 FM, the Hot Springs Village Radio Station and there appeared to be no interference. I then switched over to an AM station and got static and a weird cycling signal in the background. I found another AM station and again the same wird signal was heard.

By this time the craft had crossed Fresno road behind the other vehicle on top of the hill. As it had crossed over the red light in the center shot a beam down into the timber for several seconds, then it began to accelerate. I continued to check my radio and the AM continued to appeared to be jammed while the FM station was not jammed.

By the time I got to west gate, the craft could not be fould to the east or west. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous. PD)).

10/27/03 8:30 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 30 minute


Fort Smith, AR

Full Report Text:

quivering flashing object high and distant in the Northeast sky In the sky northeast of Fort Smith a long distance I am seeing a bright light high in the sky. At first I thought it was a star, but then I noticed it appears to be moving slightly from side to side. I got my binoculars and could see it is flashing with a red light being emitted.

It appears to be dragging something, though I really can't see the shape. It is not round like a star and it quivers. I generally do not believe in UFO's, but this thing sure doesn't look or act like a star.

((NUFORC Note: We suspect a twinkling star may have been the cause of the sighting. PD)).

10/24/03 2:29 AM

UFO Shape: teardrop

Lasted: for an hour now


Hot Springs, AR

Full Report Text:

Glowing clearlike color hovering over Lake Hamilton Was on the Mount Reonte and just chilling, talking and there is a airport in central hot springs. always small aircraft mainly private planes fly from there, but I kept my eye on this wierd color shaped like a doughnut, this wasn't no aircraft that I ever seen, my friends were with me and we starred at it a good 5 minutes, it just hovered not even 6,000 feet above ground, and we try to trace it but it. but then changed course and hover back near Lake Hamilton.

Couldn't explain the shape to well or light patterns, it was a radical color, never seen a color like it. almost glowed like a clear bubble. Don't know but I always hear strange stories on ufos in hot springs area.

Especially when going deer hunting near El Dorado. always see some type of light or wierd shaped object. If I was Hot springs residents I would keep a eye in the sky.

10/23/03 11:00 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: approx 5 min


Dover, AR

Full Report Text:

To whom this may concern and please take seriously, We could not contact or find a no. to call.While looking at the northen star on 10/22/03 noticed movement below it.

Also shaped like a star from the long distance we looked upon it we knew it wasn't.I'm sure you hear this all but this thing hovered,slowly then zipped back and forth and stopped momentarily and continued to do this for hours.Also it seemed to have something like a halo around it.

My partner said the light sometime changed to red and green.3 hours later i went out curious and it was still there but still slowly moving west like before.Then i noticed the other,directly to the east,doing exactly the same as the one i just described.

There were 2 of them.The second one not moving as rapidly as the first but still darting back and forth. It wasn't a plane and to my knowledge satellites don't hover and then zig zag all over and then hover again,this movement was far to rapid.

Was truly amazing to watch.

10/22/03 8:00 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 5 hrs


Centerton, AR

Full Report Text:

Saw an object flying higher and faster than anything I've seen before, travelling in a straight line I looked up and saw a silver/gray object moving ESE. It was much higher than I've ever seen a plane fly, there was no noise or contrail, and it was moving at an incredible rate of speed in a perfectly straight line. I was able to view it for 5 - 10 seconds and then it was gone.

From where I was, it looked like it flew over the Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport (XNA), so they might have caught it on radar. I thought maybe it was the ISS, but I don't know if that's visible to the naked eye during the day.

10/22/03 6:24 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 5-10 seconds


Bono, AR

Full Report Text:

stationary blue/green orb quickly shot off to the South-Southwest I was returning to my home and as I made the turn onto my street, I saw a greenish/blue orb stationary for an instant.then shot off quickly Southwest out of my field of view. There was no contrail or any sort of residue trail in the sky.

I would have instantly thought it to be a meteor had it not been stationary.I thought it was a slow moving plane with landing lights on since there is an airport nearby in Jonesboro.

10/18/03 11:20 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 seconds


Marion, AR

Full Report Text:

White lights race through the sky in clear daylight, fighters in persuit First saw bright tadpole light in perfectly clear sky speeding from north to south, from horizon to overhead in 15 seconds, well up in atmosphere. As it got overhead, it slowed and came to stop, then proceded to make maneuvers in loops, forwards and backwards, stopped again and then raced off east. About 5 minutes later 3 F-16s arrived and circled in attack formation for approximately 15 minutes.

Another 2 similar lights moved through the sky in similar patterns and directions over the next 2 hours after the first event.

10/18/03 3:30 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 1 minute


Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

about 2:45 am saturday morning, my boss and I were standing outside and talking. we saw a blue flash in the eastern sky that was similar to lightning, but it was blue and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. we both looked in that direction and about halfway in between the moon and the big dipper there was a squiggly line that was yellow and red and orange.

it almost looked like something that was moving in an erradic direction had exploded. the light dissapated after a few moments and were the lights were there appeared to be smoke, which also soon dissapated and we saw nothing after that. we thought that maybe a plane or the chinese rocket may have exploded, but dont know what it is that we saw.

did anybody else see this?.

10/17/03 2:45 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 15 seconds


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

Huge object spotted over Batesville Pike road in North Little Rock Arkansas It was a clear October night in North Little Rock Arkansas. It was between 8:00PM and 11:00PM my wife and I where taking a drive to catch some fresh air. As we made our way down Batesville Pike road we noticed a strange object approaching us very quickly.

There was a car in front of us that must have seen the same strange object as they pulled off to the shoulder about a car length ahead of us. My wife and I where just shocked and could not identify what was before our eyes. This thing (larger than a 747 from wing tip to wing tip) hovered about 20 or 30 feet above the ground right around some tree tops.

There where multiple (best guess 20) bright white lights along the front of this thing. The object then moved quickly across the road and hovered over a thick wooded area before the object changed shape and seemed to land or disappear into the woods below. My wife and I drove off trying to digest what we had just seen.

We drove about a mile down the road and decided to turn around and go investigate. When we returned to the spot nothing was out of the ordinary. My first instinct was to walk through the woods and see if I could find anything, but after having flash backs of (Fire in the sky) I decided against that.

Now with that said I'll tell you that North Little Rock Airport is less than 5 miles from the spot of the sighting. It's a small airport with only one runway but what we seen was not using the airport. I also wonder if what we seen was some sort of secret military project based on the fact that there's a military base less than 3 miles from the spot of the sighting.

When the object changed shapes and landed in the woods it landed on military owned property. So it could be one of the two 1) A secret military project or 2) A UFO ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information.


10/15/03 8:00 PM

UFO Shape: changing

Lasted: 5 min


Arkansas UFO Sightings From 2003 By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 15 reported sightings 25.86% of all reports
Triangle 11 reported sightings 18.97% of all reports
Circle 5 reported sightings 8.62% of all reports
Other 5 reported sightings 8.62% of all reports
Oval 4 reported sightings 6.90% of all reports
Cigar 3 reported sightings 5.17% of all reports
Formation 3 reported sightings 5.17% of all reports
Unknown 3 reported sightings 5.17% of all reports
Teardrop 2 reported sightings 3.45% of all reports
Disk 2 reported sightings 3.45% of all reports
Sphere 2 reported sightings 3.45% of all reports
Cylinder 1 reported sightings 1.72% of all reports
Changing 1 reported sightings 1.72% of all reports
Diamond 1 reported sightings 1.72% of all reports

Arkansas UFO Sightings From 2003 By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
October 13 reported sightings 22.41% of all reports
November 8 reported sightings 13.79% of all reports
January 7 reported sightings 12.07% of all reports
September 7 reported sightings 12.07% of all reports
July 6 reported sightings 10.34% of all reports
May 5 reported sightings 8.62% of all reports
April 3 reported sightings 5.17% of all reports
August 3 reported sightings 5.17% of all reports
March 2 reported sightings 3.45% of all reports
June 2 reported sightings 3.45% of all reports
December 2 reported sightings 3.45% of all reports

Arkansas UFO Sightings From 2003 By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Wednesday 13 reported sightings 22.41% of all reports
Saturday 12 reported sightings 20.69% of all reports
Thursday 8 reported sightings 13.79% of all reports
Friday 8 reported sightings 13.79% of all reports
Sunday 6 reported sightings 10.34% of all reports
Monday 6 reported sightings 10.34% of all reports
Tuesday 5 reported sightings 8.62% of all reports

Arkansas UFO Sightings From 2003 By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
10/15/03 3 reported sightings 5.17% of all reports
10/18/03 2 reported sightings 3.45% of all reports
07/26/03 2 reported sightings 3.45% of all reports
10/22/03 2 reported sightings 3.45% of all reports
09/22/03 2 reported sightings 3.45% of all reports

Arkansas UFO Sightings From 2003 By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 22 reported sightings 37.93% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 17 reported sightings 29.31% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 10 reported sightings 17.24% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 4 reported sightings 6.90% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 3 reported sightings 5.17% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 2 reported sightings 3.45% of all reports

All Arkansas Cities with reported UFO sightings in 2003

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports were filed per city in Arkansas, in 2003

City Number of Reports View Reports
Fort Smith 6 UFO Reports Fort Smith UFO Sightings in 2003
Hot Springs 4 UFO Reports Hot Springs UFO Sightings in 2003
Little Rock 3 UFO Reports Little Rock UFO Sightings in 2003
El Dorado 2 UFO Reports El Dorado UFO Sightings in 2003
Jacksonville 2 UFO Reports Jacksonville UFO Sightings in 2003
Ashdown 2 UFO Reports Ashdown UFO Sightings in 2003
Conway 2 UFO Reports Conway UFO Sightings in 2003
Eureka Springs 2 UFO Reports Eureka Springs UFO Sightings in 2003
Heber Springs 1 UFO Reports Heber Springs UFO Sightings in 2003
Horatio 1 UFO Reports Horatio UFO Sightings in 2003
Royal 1 UFO Reports Royal UFO Sightings in 2003
Russellville 1 UFO Reports Russellville UFO Sightings in 2003
Van Buren 1 UFO Reports Van Buren UFO Sightings in 2003
Oil Trough 1 UFO Reports Oil Trough UFO Sightings in 2003
Success 1 UFO Reports Success UFO Sightings in 2003
Weona-Harrisburg-Waldenburg 1 UFO Reports Weona-Harrisburg-Waldenburg UFO Sightings in 2003
Knobel 1 UFO Reports Knobel UFO Sightings in 2003
Huntsville 1 UFO Reports Huntsville UFO Sightings in 2003
Arkansas 1 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2003
Magnolia 1 UFO Reports Magnolia UFO Sightings in 2003
Pine Bluff 1 UFO Reports Pine Bluff UFO Sightings in 2003
Waldenburg 1 UFO Reports Waldenburg UFO Sightings in 2003
North Little Rock 1 UFO Reports North Little Rock UFO Sightings in 2003
Sheridan 1 UFO Reports Sheridan UFO Sightings in 2003
Hot Springs Village 1 UFO Reports Hot Springs Village UFO Sightings in 2003
Augusta 1 UFO Reports Augusta UFO Sightings in 2003
Marion 1 UFO Reports Marion UFO Sightings in 2003
Booneville 1 UFO Reports Booneville UFO Sightings in 2003
Cabot 1 UFO Reports Cabot UFO Sightings in 2003
Mountain Home 1 UFO Reports Mountain Home UFO Sightings in 2003
Bono 1 UFO Reports Bono UFO Sightings in 2003
Newport 1 UFO Reports Newport UFO Sightings in 2003
Dora 1 UFO Reports Dora UFO Sightings in 2003
Daedanelle 1 UFO Reports Daedanelle UFO Sightings in 2003
Charleston 1 UFO Reports Charleston UFO Sightings in 2003
Dardanelle 1 UFO Reports Dardanelle UFO Sightings in 2003
Mountain View 1 UFO Reports Mountain View UFO Sightings in 2003
Centerton 1 UFO Reports Centerton UFO Sightings in 2003
Dover 1 UFO Reports Dover UFO Sightings in 2003
Mena 1 UFO Reports Mena UFO Sightings in 2003
Doddridge 1 UFO Reports Doddridge UFO Sightings in 2003
Pleasent Grove 1 UFO Reports Pleasent Grove UFO Sightings in 2003
Jonesboro 1 UFO Reports Jonesboro UFO Sightings in 2003

Other Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Arkansas

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Arkansas.

Year Number of Reports View Reports
2024 9 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2024
2023 42 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2023
2022 49 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2022
2021 46 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2021
2020 95 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2020
2019 74 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2019
2018 40 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2018
2017 49 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2017
2016 43 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2016
2015 43 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2015
2014 35 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2014
2013 57 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2013
2012 58 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2012
2011 45 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2011
2010 50 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2010
2009 28 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2009
2008 40 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2008
2007 36 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2007
2006 29 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2006
2005 37 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2005
2004 34 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2004
2003 58 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2003
2002 28 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2002
2001 34 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2001
2000 41 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 2000
1999 36 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1999
1998 14 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1998
1997 12 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1997
1996 9 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1996
1995 6 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1995
1994 5 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1994
1993 3 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1993
1992 1 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1992
1991 4 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1991
1990 2 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1990
1989 4 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1989
1988 4 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1988
1987 7 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1987
1986 2 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1986
1985 5 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1985
1984 3 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1984
1983 3 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1983
1982 3 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1982
1981 4 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1981
1980 3 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1980
1979 4 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1979
1977 4 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1977
1976 2 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1976
1975 1 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1975
1974 3 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1974
1973 6 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1973
1971 1 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1971
1969 3 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1969
1966 1 UFO Reports Arkansas UFO Sightings in 1966