Last updated on June 1, 2024

Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2003

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Pennsylvania during 2003.

How many Pennsylvania UFO sightings were there in 2003?

  • There were 88 officially reported UFO sightings in Pennsylvania in 2003.
  • In 2003, Pennsylvania ranked #11 on the list of states with the most UFO sightings for that year.
  • Adjusted for population size, Pennsylvania ranks #46 in the list of states with the most reported UFO sightings in 2003, with an average of 0.72 reports per 100,000 residents.

Pennsylvania Cities with the most UFO Sightings in 2003

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Philadelphia, PA 5 UFO Reports
2 York, PA 2 UFO Reports
3 Dillsburg, PA 2 UFO Reports
4 Pittsburgh, PA 2 UFO Reports
5 Plymouth, PA 2 UFO Reports

Pennsylvania UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 88 UFO sighting reports in Pennsylvania from 2003 to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

Pennsylvania UFO Sighting Reports in 2003

This is a sampling of 20 Pennsylvania UFO reports from 2003, presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary.

You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

McKean County, PA

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: We suspect a "twinkling" star. PD)) Extremely bright lights in the sky flashing sequece of white, red, and green At about 2:20 - 3:00 a.m.

, I was loading wood into the fireplace. This requires me to sit on the floor. From this position I am able to see up into the night sky without any effort.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed an unusually bright light directly over the neighbors house. (My neighbors house was brightly light up for the holiday season, so I found it partcularly strange that I could even see a star with so much light over there., but I sat down to read and forgot about it.

About 4:00 a.m., a log I had loaded fell against the fireplace door and started leaking smoke into the house, so I got down on the floor to adjust the fire and once again the light caught my eye.

I remembered thinking "That is a bright star. I have lived here 13 years and never noticed a star there before, and is it that thing flashing". So I grabbed a pair of binoculars and was astonished to see it was in deed flashing in a sequence of white, red, and green.

Its flashes were so definitive that they brightly light up the sky around them. I sat there on the floor in the dark and watched it for about 10 minutes and decided to call my husband at work and tell him about the weird thing that was over the neighbors house. We joked about me signaling the aliens so if I disappeared he would know where I went and he told me to keep him posted.

After I hung up from talking to him I started looking around the sky to see if there was anything else "strange" out there I had never noticed before and I saw another similar object directly across the sky from the firsts one. I am no good at distances, but I could say from one mountain top to the other. I once again called my husband and noticed at that time the first light was very much lower in the sky and much closer to my neighbors house.

That really interested me so I sat there and watched it move until it disappeared behind the mountain. I then took my attention back to the other object and it had gone behind the grove of pine trees and was no longer visible to me. Well you better believe I have checked the same spot every night since.

The object was there again on New Years Eve at roughly the same times and pretty much experienced the same series of events. Have been watching every night since, but it has been cloudy here at night, so haven't seen anything. There were lights on the object Not sure if you could consider the colored flashes reflecting off the sky an auora or haze? Thought I may have caught something that looked like a red flare type thing shooting out of the second object on the first night, but wasn't directly looking at it with the binoculars so didn't mention it, but when I read the question thought I better mention it.

Couldn't swear to it though it was just like a short red line for a second. Don't known exactly what I saw come out of it, just something flare like and red. Light flashed white red green.

Actually there was a plane that flew under the second object shortly before it disappeared. We are surrounded by hills and pine trees so it is difficult to say exactly where the plane came from.

12/28/03 4:00 AM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: Happened until about 5:00


Doylestown, PA

Full Report Text:

looking to my west towards a setting sun, I saw a large fireball leaving a wide trail of white smoke. It was moving slowly, easy to see Looking west as the sun was setting and using 8x binoculars that I happened to have in my car, I saw what looked like a fireball, leaving around and behind it a massive trail of white smoke. The white trail of smoke was similar to that from a jet plane but much wider.

I got a very good look at it for about 20 minutes till it disappeared over the horizon. I have know idea how far away it was, but my first thought was how large it was and how long I was able to watch it slowly travel out of sight. I was very surprised I did not read or see anything on the news, particularly my local news outlets.

Many others had to have seen this. ((NUFORC Note: We wonder whether it might have been a contrail. PD)).

12/27/03 4:30 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 1 hour


Boiling Springs, PA

Full Report Text:

slow moving light just above tree top level. comes closer and the light goes out. then back on once over mountain I was out side having a smoke and looked over my left shoulder.

I saw this bright white light coming toward my house. I stared at it for what seemed like a long time and the light was move closer but extremely slowly. I though I could see a pointy light at the top but realized it was my eyes tearing up do the cold weather.

Then I started to listen for a noise but had not heard any. The object was getting closer to my house and I started to get a little nervus. I called in to my friend and asked him to join me and see if he could figure out what this was.

I also wanted to make sure that I was not seeing things. He joined me out side and we continued to watch this light move closer. we still could not hear anything so he grab his camera with the telephoto lense and pointed at the light seeing if he could get a better view.

At that time the light went out. I said "Where did it go". He replied it still there but its turning, It looks like a giant wing.

" as it passed near the house we still could not hear anything no noise like a jet or copter. as it made it way over the mountain we could see the light come back on and it moved out slowly. After words we talked about and though it might be a B2 but I had a B2 fly over the house earlier that summer on its way to and airshow and said that even that made a noise.

To this day I still dont know what it was.

12/25/03 11:50 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 15 min


Emsworth, PA

Full Report Text:

3 Similar Slow Moving Crafts In The Sky. I was sitting on my porch when I looked up I saw a statinary object with blinking lights. After about 10 seconds it started slowly moving east.

As I followed, it began moving faster. After it went out of sight, I looked into the western sky and saw 2 more objects at the same altitude with the same green red and white blinking light pattern.

12/20/03 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 2 minutes


Plymouth, PA

Full Report Text:

Saw 2 ufo's moving in clockwise pattern and traveling in northeasterly direction simultaniously. Sighted first object moving in a clockwise circular motion in and out of a dark cloud bank at approx. 3000 feet.

object white in color. I went outside to get a better look and spotted the 2nd object it was identical to the first, and moving in the same pattern as the first object. Saw both objects in the eastern sky.

I watched them for approx. 5 minutes when both of them simultaniously began to move in a northeasterly direction and behind another cloud bank and out of my view. I contacted a local T V station meteorologist and he verified the altitude of the cloud bank.

No other sightings were reported. The objects were noiseless. They were both the size of a dime held at arm's length.

12/07/03 3:55 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 5 minutes


Plymouth, PA

Full Report Text:

This is an updated report for sighting that occurred on 12/07/03 At this time I would like to update my 12/07/03 UFO report, due to the fact I had a week to run the event through my mind.There are a few facts that were not included in my initial report.When I obrerved the first object move into the cloud I saw it emerge into a clear portion of the sky.

It was then I noticed the ufo appeared to be dark in color, indicating to me the ufo was made of a hihgly reflective material.It was also more of a disk shape rather than a sphere.This sighting took place in broad daylight just before sunset and when it moved in front of the cloud it appeared to be "white" in color.

The 2nd object appeared "white" in color at all times for the duration of the sighting.The clouds were moving rapidly from Northeast to Southwest. This is a rough estimate of direction.

Winds were approx. 10 MPH. The objects moved AGAINST the wind.

Indicating to me they were not kites and not an elaborate hoax.Both of these objects seemed to defy the laws of aerodynamics as I understand them.Please contact me A.


via e-mail. Thanks in advance.

12/07/03 3:55 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 5 minutes


Limerick, PA

Full Report Text:

slow moving triangle with three lights, that stopped rotated and shot off in the other direction My family and I where traveling on Swamp pike in Limerick back from dinner on a clear night, when I looked out the back window of our car(moving south) I noticed three lights. I first thought it was a small piper plane from the nearby Limerick airport. When the object slowly drifted over us from the nothwest, I then saw that it was one solid triangle with three lights (each light on a point) and a red flashing light in the middle of the craft.

I got my family's attention and pointed at it. The craft slowly drifted over to the barren field to the left of the road and slowed down, almost stopped. The craft's blinking red light then changed to the color of green.

My dad then slowed down the car and pulled the car over slightly for a better view of the craft. The triangle then started moving again but now in a west direction towards the Limerick Nuclear power plant. I moved to front of the car and we all saw the bottom of the triangle again but the glare from the lights of the town ahead and I noticed it was dark silver (the silver metal was not made of panels).

The craft then moved to the right of the road and then couple seconds later it suddenly disappeared.

11/29/03 8:36 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 1 minute


York, PA

Full Report Text:

A object following our van I was sitting at my door waiting for my school van to pick me up and I saw a flashing light in the sky. at first iI thought nothing of it but when I looked up at it a few minutes later it was still there. when I looked at it through a pair of binoculars there was one white likig and different colored flashing lights on the bottom of it.

My van came and when we moved the light seemed to be moving with us and stop with us I could not tell a distance at all but I am prety sure it was below the cloud level and was not a star when we got on the highway it seemed to be moving away (I saw it through the tree branches) I lost it behind a hill for a few seconds and it dissapeared. after it left ihe vans engine was cutting out going up hills sometines and other times it was just fine and when I got off it was still doing this.

11/26/03 6:10 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 10 minutes


Philadelphia, PA

Full Report Text:

Ball lights form circles and rotate. Two groups of two. In the Northern sky, from west to east, two groups of faint circular lights moving slowly (floating), one trailing the other.

At first they seem to be a string (like a string of balloons, or possibly geese) with no definite shape. As they reach the sky directly above me, to the north, they begin to form arcs or semi-circles, and glow brighter. Then, at least one of the groups, forms a perfectly closed circle and rotates for a second or two, glowing even brighter.

They go back to arc or string formation and continue towards the northeast, slowly fading in brightness as they move. This whole event possibly took two to three minutes. However, as the first pair faded in the northeastern sky, a second pair appeared in exactly the same place in the northwestrn sky and repeated the same pattern as the first.

The entire two events took possibly 6 to 8 minutes to complete. No one else witnessed the event with me. I was standing on our rooftop deck in the northern section of center city Philadelphia.

I did call my brother on the phone, who lives across town, to desribe to him what I was seeing. He looked outside his house but could not see anything, not having the same view of the sky that I did.

11/22/03 11:20 PM

UFO Shape: changing

Lasted: five-ten minutes


Tunkhannock, PA

Full Report Text:

triangle aircraft with white lights on corners and a blue light in the middle a triangle shaped object was overhead low in the sky. when it turned to the east i saw white lights on each corner and blue light in the middle. it didnt make any sound.

11/22/03 6:30 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 30 seconds


Gettysburg, PA

Full Report Text:

UFO sighting on a Ghost tour in Gettysburg. My friends and I were on a ghost tour in Gettysburg PA. What we saw was a light in the sky right below the constellation Orion.

It was larger than a star and was blinking red, blue, green, and white. It was not moving so it was not an airplane and it was to high up to be a tower of any sort. The night was calm and clear.

There were 5 witnesses including myself (3 friends and the tour guide), all of whom saw exactly what I described. We continued to see this light the entire way back to school from the tour. ((NUFORC Note: A very good description of the star, "Sirius.

" It "twinkles" vividly. PD)).

11/21/03 10:30 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 2 hours


Lansdale, PA

Full Report Text:

Low, slow, nealy silent delta wing 'airliner.' Location: Suburban Philadelphia, PA USA Environment: Mostly clear sky, after sundown, light breeze Witnesses: (2) Male - 25, Male - 55 Aircraft: One triangular/delta wing shaped object of airliner size at an altitude of not greater than 800 ft (more likely below 500 ft) making very little noise and traveling very slowly (150MPH estimated). -Shape- Triangular in shape, although not a 'triangle.

' The outline was distinctly a delta wing configuration and there was a clearly visible fuselage. The best example of the shape is the old F16 Delta Wing concept. No rear mounted horizontal stabilizers and a clean, straight trailing edge to the main wing.

No forward mounted horizontal stabilizers were visible either. Two vertical stabilizers were visible, ruling out many possible aircraft types that fit the 'basic' shape (B2, etc). The total wingspan of the 'delta wing' was longer than the totall length of the aircraft.

-Lighting- Very familiar lighting pattern. Red, white, and blue lights on the wing, nose, wing, respectively, as one would see on a normal airliner, but the lights were in the wrong places. The wing tip lights were 'too far back' to denote a typical airliner.

No other visible running lights. No strobe effect or color changes. -Size- Large.

737 size at least. -Position- Altitude between 500 ft and 800 ft AGL. Traveling from ENE to WSW.

-Speed- Very, very slow. Best guess is between 150-200MPH - if that. -Sound- Astonishingly quiet.

The exhaust note was more similar to a constant gust of wind than a jet engine. Description of Event: Standing outside home talking. During the converasation, the lights of an 'airliner' were visible approaching from over the roof of the house across the street.

Initially, the size, speed and altitude through me off. The aircraft traveled in our direction, although very slowly. As it came nearer, its outline was visible against the stars and moonlight.

The aircraft resembled a typical airliner in lighting patterns only - and only at a distance. It was apparent when the aircraft flew overhead that the lights were in the wrong positions as the wingtip running lights were at the trailing edge of the aircraft - too far back. The delta wing shape became visible at roughly the same time, which sparked my interest as I moved a few feet down the driveway to keep the aircraft in view longer.

Other obervations made during this time (~30 seconds from initial view to passing over house) were the flight charectaristics. The altitude of the aircraft was very abnormal for my area. Philadelphia Int'l airport does not have traffic patterns over my area and even if they did, an approaching aircraft would still be well above 10,000 feet as the airport is a good 45 miles away.

The local NAS operates mostly C130's, A10's, and the occassional F18. The altitude of the aircraft was almost enough to make me duck - it appeared that the aircraft would be landing no more than 1000 yards away based on this as well as the speed. The speed again reinforced the idea that the aircraft was landing somewhere very close by.

At rougly 150 odd MPH, you would expect an airliner size aircraft to be seconds away from touchdown, full flaps, etc. Except this aircraft kept on going straight and level until it disappeared from view over treetops 500 yards away. The sound was the last abnormal charectaristic of the aircraft - there really wasnt any.

The aircraft engines sounded more like a sustained gust of wind than a jet or prop engine. At that alitude, one would expect even a civilian airliner to drown out the conversation, let alone a military aircraft, but the aircraft was so quiet that we were able to speak to eachother while observing it. Reason for reporting: Was advised to do so.

There is no single aspect that stands out about this aircraft - but the sum of all the aspects made this an interesting experience. The combination of 'way' too low, 'way' too slow, 'way' too quiet, and shaped like the old British Avro Vulcan were enough for me to question what, exactly, the aircraft was because I know of no civilian or military aircraft that exibits this combination of charectaristics.

11/11/03 7:00 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 30 seconds


Rutledge, PA

Full Report Text:

Eratic moving star - sphere with with crescent reflection. Saw a light moving relativly fast in North-West direction, believing it was an airplane high up in the sky because the light was slightly flickering. But just shortly after I noticed it, it stopped moving, started moving fast in opposite direction and then back the original direction, very slow this time yet noticable.

It didn't flicker as much either, it became a steady light. That definitely caught my attention. Two jetliners passed in the sky and they didn't look anything like this object.

The jetliners also flew lower than this object, excluding the possibility it was a distant helicopter. I was staring at this object for a long time, making sure I wasn't looking at a planet, star or a 'roid. It was much brighter than any object, except for the moon and those jetliners.

It appeared the light was not generated though, but rather a reflection from a spherical object - maybe caused by the bright moon. The reflection was brightest in the direction of the moon and then faded away sharply around a sphere-like edge - a faint crescent similar to a 1% new moon, with a bright spot like that sometimes seen with a solar eclipse. The color at its brightest spot was an off-white/yellow.

The crescent was darker, almost turning into a dark red before it completely faded away. The crescent, albeit faint, was rather large. About half the size of an actual crescent moon, which kind of dazzled me because this object must have been rather large if it were fully exposed.

That really convinced me it couldn't have been a planet or star. I went inside because it was getting too cold for me, but when I came back outside about 1 1/2 hour later out of curiosity, it was gone. Spent a good long time staring at it though and it certainly got me amazed!.

11/09/03 10:56 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 30+ Mins


Bearlake, PA

Full Report Text:

Lunar Spotting I am not the actual observer It was a friend of mine who on 11/20/03 was asking me if I had watched the lunar eclisp. I asked him if he was getting ready to tell me about the v shape object or flock of geese formation since I had allready read about it in here. He then asked how I had known so I told him of this site and told him he should look into it and maybe report exactly what it was he saw.

Incase he didn't this is why I am reporting what he said to me. He was out in a wooded area just outside of Bearlake PA on the PA NY border. He was watching the eclisp when he noticed a dark object just under the moon.

To him it looked like a flock of birds. What seperates his account though is that he says he also noticed what looked like dim shooting stars coming from underneath the formation. I personally am not sure what this would have been.

Please if anyone founds out more on this event let me know.

11/08/03 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: Unknown


Sewickley, PA

Full Report Text:

J shape by Moon Mr. Davenport, I had gone out into the yard to let my dogs in and while I was there I realised that the eclipse was happening. I looked up at it only momentarily as I have heard of the possibility of eye damage .

To the right of the moon at 2 o'clock to 4'oclock position I saw stars? lights? I don't know, but in a J position. I only am reporting this as I heard you on the Coast to Coast program (taped broadcast Streamlink Sun 11/16/03) When someone on the show mentioned the J shape, that triggered my memory. I'm sorry that I can be of no further information but as I stated I didn't look at it all that long.

If I may be of any future service to you in verification or even legwork in the Western Pa. or Eastern Ohio area, please don't hesitate to call on me. Thank You, Michael Bland 724-251-9167.

11/08/03 8:05 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: moments


Philadelphia, PA

Full Report Text:

I saw the same thing that others in different locations saw on the night of the eclipse. It has been a few weeks since I saw it, so I can only give an approximate time frame of from 8:00 to 8:30pm. At first I thought it was a flock of birds flying under the moon in v-formation, but then I noticed that the lines of the v did not waver at all.

They stayed completely straight, moving at a uniform speed, which suggests to me that it was part of the same craft. As if two sides of a triangle were lined with lights. From where I stood (at 19th and Spring Garden Sts.

) it appeared to be moving from north to south. I noticed that there was absolutely no sound coming from it. It was a bit cloudy that night over Philly, so I can't verify color.

In fact, I couldn't discern any mass to it at all. It looked like just a v-shaped line of lights moving in unison.

11/08/03 8:00 PM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 1-2 min.


Glen Lyon, PA

Full Report Text:

Took a series of photos of moon eclipse at five minute intervals and one captured lights in the sky. I was taking digital photos as the eclipse proceeded, at five minute intervals. I didn't upload this wafer to the computer until I heard you on the Art Bell show tonigt.

I wondered if I had captured anything with the camera and took a look. I have several photos that just show the eclipsing moon, in the beginning stages, and then was shocked to see this one with all the lights in it. I can send you the group of photos leading up to and the one which captured the lights, if you like.

If it was a trick of the camera, I don't understand why this one would be the only one with the lights. I also have several taken after the lights that show just the moon. Please e-mail to request the series of photos, if you would like to have them.

11/08/03 7:00 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: seconds


Wexford, PA

Full Report Text:

What ever it was it was not from this world. I saw UFO traveling from Southeast to Northeast direction. It glowed yellowish orange and was cylinderical in shape.

I ruled out a airplane because there was no exhaust plume behind it. I ruled out a meteorite because they way it was traveling and because there would of been a trail of light behind it. It did not come down but went across the sky.

I watched it for about ten or so minutes until it disappeared.

11/04/03 5:20 PM

UFO Shape: cylinder

Lasted: 10 minutes


Phoenxiville, PA

Full Report Text:

The objects were flying around. I was waiting for my bus to come. Then I look to my west I saw 3 craft blinking off and on.

The three crafts were 15 feet from each other. Then the 3 crafts were going in circles. Then I turn around because I drop my drink and they were gone.

The second day there were 5 crafts and they were doing the some thing.

11/04/03 6:15 AM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 30 minutes


Philadelphia, PA

Full Report Text:

Kings Dominion Circle, seen at night five years ago This report is being resent since it pertains to the recent sighting in Virginia, Kings Dominion getting much attention now. It was night and I witnessed small orbs of light moving like ballons up into the sky. Maybe twenty or thirty.

When they reached a point almost directly above my house, they formed a perfect circle, exactly like the one seen on the Kings Dominion video. They hovered and spun like this for a few seconds before breaking up and moving off to the east. This episode then repeated two more times with craft coming from the west and moving off to the east.

11/01/03 11:00 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 10 min


Pennsylvania UFO Sightings From 2003 By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Triangle 13 reported sightings 14.77% of all reports
Light 10 reported sightings 11.36% of all reports
Circle 10 reported sightings 11.36% of all reports
Unknown 9 reported sightings 10.23% of all reports
Other 7 reported sightings 7.95% of all reports
Disk 7 reported sightings 7.95% of all reports
Sphere 5 reported sightings 5.68% of all reports
Oval 5 reported sightings 5.68% of all reports
Formation 5 reported sightings 5.68% of all reports
Cylinder 4 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports
Diamond 3 reported sightings 3.41% of all reports
Flash 2 reported sightings 2.27% of all reports
Teardrop 2 reported sightings 2.27% of all reports
Fireball 2 reported sightings 2.27% of all reports
Changing 2 reported sightings 2.27% of all reports
Egg 1 reported sightings 1.14% of all reports

Pennsylvania UFO Sightings From 2003 By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
November 14 reported sightings 15.91% of all reports
July 13 reported sightings 14.77% of all reports
January 12 reported sightings 13.64% of all reports
October 12 reported sightings 13.64% of all reports
June 8 reported sightings 9.09% of all reports
December 6 reported sightings 6.82% of all reports
April 6 reported sightings 6.82% of all reports
March 4 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports
September 4 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports
February 3 reported sightings 3.41% of all reports
August 3 reported sightings 3.41% of all reports
May 3 reported sightings 3.41% of all reports

Pennsylvania UFO Sightings From 2003 By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Saturday 23 reported sightings 26.14% of all reports
Friday 12 reported sightings 13.64% of all reports
Tuesday 11 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Monday 11 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Wednesday 11 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Thursday 10 reported sightings 11.36% of all reports
Sunday 10 reported sightings 11.36% of all reports

Pennsylvania UFO Sightings From 2003 By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
11/08/03 4 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports
07/17/03 3 reported sightings 3.41% of all reports
01/07/03 3 reported sightings 3.41% of all reports
03/07/03 2 reported sightings 2.27% of all reports
07/13/03 2 reported sightings 2.27% of all reports

Pennsylvania UFO Sightings From 2003 By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 32 reported sightings 36.36% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 20 reported sightings 22.73% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 13 reported sightings 14.77% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 11 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 8 reported sightings 9.09% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 4 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports

All Pennsylvania Cities with reported UFO sightings in 2003

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports were filed per city in Pennsylvania, in 2003

City Number of Reports View Reports
Philadelphia 5 UFO Reports Philadelphia UFO Sightings in 2003
York 2 UFO Reports York UFO Sightings in 2003
Dillsburg 2 UFO Reports Dillsburg UFO Sightings in 2003
Pittsburgh 2 UFO Reports Pittsburgh UFO Sightings in 2003
Plymouth 2 UFO Reports Plymouth UFO Sightings in 2003
Doylestown 2 UFO Reports Doylestown UFO Sightings in 2003
Lancaster 2 UFO Reports Lancaster UFO Sightings in 2003
Montgomeryville 1 UFO Reports Montgomeryville UFO Sightings in 2003
New Cumberland 1 UFO Reports New Cumberland UFO Sightings in 2003
Holland 1 UFO Reports Holland UFO Sightings in 2003
East Prospect 1 UFO Reports East Prospect UFO Sightings in 2003
Sewickley 1 UFO Reports Sewickley UFO Sightings in 2003
Bloomsburg 1 UFO Reports Bloomsburg UFO Sightings in 2003
South Park 1 UFO Reports South Park UFO Sightings in 2003
Carlisle 1 UFO Reports Carlisle UFO Sightings in 2003
saltsburg 1 UFO Reports saltsburg UFO Sightings in 2003
Mansfield 1 UFO Reports Mansfield UFO Sightings in 2003
State College 1 UFO Reports State College UFO Sightings in 2003
Viola 1 UFO Reports Viola UFO Sightings in 2003
Auburn 1 UFO Reports Auburn UFO Sightings in 2003
Fleetwood 1 UFO Reports Fleetwood UFO Sightings in 2003
Pottstown 1 UFO Reports Pottstown UFO Sightings in 2003
Bearlake 1 UFO Reports Bearlake UFO Sightings in 2003
Lansdale 1 UFO Reports Lansdale UFO Sightings in 2003
Plains 1 UFO Reports Plains UFO Sightings in 2003
Felton 1 UFO Reports Felton UFO Sightings in 2003
Plymouth Meeting 1 UFO Reports Plymouth Meeting UFO Sightings in 2003
Limerick 1 UFO Reports Limerick UFO Sightings in 2003
Newtown 1 UFO Reports Newtown UFO Sightings in 2003
Evans City 1 UFO Reports Evans City UFO Sightings in 2003
McVeytown 1 UFO Reports McVeytown UFO Sightings in 2003
Orwigsburg 1 UFO Reports Orwigsburg UFO Sightings in 2003
New Brighton 1 UFO Reports New Brighton UFO Sightings in 2003
Linwood 1 UFO Reports Linwood UFO Sightings in 2003
Collegeville 1 UFO Reports Collegeville UFO Sightings in 2003
Osterburg 1 UFO Reports Osterburg UFO Sightings in 2003
Harrisburg 1 UFO Reports Harrisburg UFO Sightings in 2003
Middlesex Township 1 UFO Reports Middlesex Township UFO Sightings in 2003
Emsworth 1 UFO Reports Emsworth UFO Sightings in 2003
Reading 1 UFO Reports Reading UFO Sightings in 2003
Rome 1 UFO Reports Rome UFO Sightings in 2003
Washington 1 UFO Reports Washington UFO Sightings in 2003
McKean County 1 UFO Reports McKean County UFO Sightings in 2003
Warrensville 1 UFO Reports Warrensville UFO Sightings in 2003
Gettysburg 1 UFO Reports Gettysburg UFO Sightings in 2003
Butler 1 UFO Reports Butler UFO Sightings in 2003
Phoenixville 1 UFO Reports Phoenixville UFO Sightings in 2003
Boiling Springs 1 UFO Reports Boiling Springs UFO Sightings in 2003
Duquesne 1 UFO Reports Duquesne UFO Sightings in 2003
Tunkhannock 1 UFO Reports Tunkhannock UFO Sightings in 2003
Kennett Square 1 UFO Reports Kennett Square UFO Sightings in 2003
Frackville 1 UFO Reports Frackville UFO Sightings in 2003
Shippensburg 1 UFO Reports Shippensburg UFO Sightings in 2003
Hollidaysburg 1 UFO Reports Hollidaysburg UFO Sightings in 2003
Elizabeth 1 UFO Reports Elizabeth UFO Sightings in 2003
Upper Providence Township 1 UFO Reports Upper Providence Township UFO Sightings in 2003
Danville 1 UFO Reports Danville UFO Sightings in 2003
Cambridge Springs 1 UFO Reports Cambridge Springs UFO Sightings in 2003
Narberth 1 UFO Reports Narberth UFO Sightings in 2003
Mercersburg 1 UFO Reports Mercersburg UFO Sightings in 2003
Bartonsville 1 UFO Reports Bartonsville UFO Sightings in 2003
Glen Mills 1 UFO Reports Glen Mills UFO Sightings in 2003
Karthaus 1 UFO Reports Karthaus UFO Sightings in 2003
Snydersburg 1 UFO Reports Snydersburg UFO Sightings in 2003
Williamsport 1 UFO Reports Williamsport UFO Sightings in 2003
Leola 1 UFO Reports Leola UFO Sightings in 2003
Phoenxiville 1 UFO Reports Phoenxiville UFO Sightings in 2003
Allison Park 1 UFO Reports Allison Park UFO Sightings in 2003
Bushkill 1 UFO Reports Bushkill UFO Sightings in 2003
Saint Clair 1 UFO Reports Saint Clair UFO Sightings in 2003
Columbia 1 UFO Reports Columbia UFO Sightings in 2003
Wexford 1 UFO Reports Wexford UFO Sightings in 2003
Rutledge 1 UFO Reports Rutledge UFO Sightings in 2003
Ford City 1 UFO Reports Ford City UFO Sightings in 2003
Jim Thorpe 1 UFO Reports Jim Thorpe UFO Sightings in 2003
Easton 1 UFO Reports Easton UFO Sightings in 2003
Glen Lyon 1 UFO Reports Glen Lyon UFO Sightings in 2003

Other Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Pennsylvania

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Pennsylvania.

Year Number of Reports View Reports
2024 19 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2024
2023 146 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2023
2022 209 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2022
2021 146 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2021
2020 323 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2020
2019 236 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2019
2018 95 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2018
2017 179 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2017
2016 203 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2016
2015 246 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2015
2014 383 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2014
2013 308 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2013
2012 298 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2012
2011 189 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2011
2010 172 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2010
2009 168 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2009
2008 193 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2008
2007 153 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2007
2006 123 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2006
2005 106 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2005
2004 137 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2004
2003 88 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2003
2002 135 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2002
2001 78 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2001
2000 73 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2000
1999 70 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1999
1998 48 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1998
1997 39 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1997
1996 37 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1996
1995 42 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1995
1994 14 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1994
1993 10 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1993
1992 14 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1992
1991 10 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1991
1990 7 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1990
1989 7 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1989
1988 13 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1988
1987 4 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1987
1986 5 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1986
1985 9 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1985
1984 6 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1984
1983 6 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1983
1982 7 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1982
1981 5 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1981
1980 6 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1980
1979 12 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1979
1978 18 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1978
1977 12 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1977
1976 14 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1976
1975 15 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1975
1974 10 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1974
1973 16 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1973
1972 6 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1972
1971 5 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1971
1970 5 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1970
1969 11 UFO Reports Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 1969