Last updated on June 1, 2024

Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2001

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Louisiana during 2001.

How many Louisiana UFO sightings were there in 2001?

  • There were 16 officially reported UFO sightings in Louisiana in 2001.
  • In 2001, Louisiana ranked #43 on the list of states with the most UFO sightings for that year.
  • Adjusted for population size, Louisiana ranks #49 in the list of states with the most reported UFO sightings in 2001, with an average of 0.36 reports per 100,000 residents.

Louisiana Cities with the most UFO Sightings in 2001

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Shreveport, LA 2 UFO Reports
2 New Orleans, LA 2 UFO Reports
3 Baton Rouge, LA 2 UFO Reports
4 S Bossier, LA 1 UFO Reports
5 Mansfield, LA 1 UFO Reports

Louisiana UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 16 UFO sighting reports in Louisiana from 2001 to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

Louisiana UFO Sighting Reports in 2001

This is a sampling of 20 Louisiana UFO reports from 2001, presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary.

You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Jena, LA

Full Report Text:

cigar shaped craft north sky, very large moving slow then fast also coming to a dead stop, very bright silver. I was in my deer stand about 0530 very bright moon clear sky .I saw a falling star then a few min later in the north sky about 30 deg.

above tree line i saw one cigar craft moving very slow then stoping then moving very fast across the sky then going up then down very fast and stoping again like it was looking for something.I did use my gun scope to look at the craft it was a very long way from my but very shiny and long bright silver.

12/28/01 6:00 AM

UFO Shape: cigar

Lasted: 20min


Baton Rouge, LA

Full Report Text:

triangle sighted 1000 feet up in baton rouge, la driving home from school i saw 2 bright lights in the sky where they usually aren't. they seemed to be moving very slowly, so i drove to where i could see more clearly. when it seemed i was under the object, i got out of my car and noticed no engine noises, and the object was moving very slowly.

it seemed to me maybe 1000 feet up, and going maybe 35 mph. it had a bright light at each of 3 points of a triangle, and a red light in the center.

12/17/01 10:05 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 2.5 minutes


S Bossier, LA

Full Report Text:

Two low altitude, large, slow moving craft, cigar shaped, odd light configuration and sounds. Heard tremendous roaring sound, making house vibrate, went outside on deck saw 2 large, low altitude craft, (about 2,000 ft. or less), strange lighting configuration, very brite red lights in "center of both craft, and brite white lights on front and back.

Clear night, good wing lights or small tail lights at all, just lights spanning the length of both craft! No green lite or other lites that FAA requires. Outstanding features to this sighting, craft extremely noisey, rumbling and roaring, to the point, I feared a crash was about to occur! Duration of sighting.

were in view for too long to be conventional jets, judging by their size and altitude. Being so low and large, it was hard for me to comprehend how they could stay airborne. May have been more then 2, but when I went outside, 2 evident.

Both about size of b-52' their size would appear at night, but not jets like those, much to low and slow! 8:45 p.m.

Dec.1,2001 Good weather, visibility.

12/01/01 8:45 PM

UFO Shape: cigar

Lasted: 40 seconds


Natchitoches, LA

Full Report Text:

appearance of triangle shape polished bright alunium like surface shark fins slow moving Early morning aprox.58 degrees temp.partly cloudy but clear skies in background.

1 then 2 triangle shapes appeared like the polished aluminum moving slow moving north west. Then the sun hit the ufo's at angle and put off the morning reflection of the sun of orange. Then 4 more shapes appeared,moving slow approx.

600 ft.@ 100 mph. The six shapes flew in a 1 ,2, 3 formation on top of each other.

I was traveling southeast at 70 mph.I had a video camera in the trunk of my car but I figured if I slowed down and stopped the shapes would be gone. Their was no rotor blades,propellers,exhaust ice crystal trails from propulsion,wings, noise ,just moving slowly to our left as I was driving southeast.

The triangle polished exterior reminded me of shark fins floating.Then they moved thru the clouds disapering by 2 then 1.Then they were gone.

Wish I could have stopped and gotten video. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD)).

11/15/01 5:31 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 15 minutes


Farmerville, LA

Full Report Text:

I was smoking on my porch and i saw a bright light high up in the sky moving fast and it just disappeared suddenly. it may have been a meteor but it was going left to right.Who knows; but it was interesting so see.

11/07/01 6:05 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 2 seconds


Benton, LA

Full Report Text:

Small orange orb hovering in lawn I was laying awake in bed attempting to sleep and for I guess curiosities sake I decided to look out the window by my bed. Peering through the blinds I saw what appeared to be a little larger than a beach ball sized bright orangish orb that looked to be spinning and hovering in place about 30-40 feet away from my window. I was very frightened by this and after staring for a few seconds, I looked away and closed my eyes.

Not wanting to believe what I saw, I quickly looked out again and it was still there, hovering and spinning like before. Convinced and thoroughly frightened, I laid down and closed my eyes and just hoped whatever it was would go away, and what felt like minutes passed before I heard what sounded like a jet flying right beside my house. I looked outside again for the last time, and it was gone.

In hindsight, the jet might have been Barksdale AFB chasing after this object. It was definitely a surreal experience.

09/30/01 12:00 AM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 5 minutes


New Orleans, LA

Full Report Text:

Small mettalic spheres "chasing" each other I was working at One Shell Square in downtown New Orleans at the time and there is limited parking in the building and there is a suttle that takes you from the building to the Superdome parking. I was waiting for the bus when this occured. This was two days after 9/11 and there was a no-fly zone over the entire country.

I was looking up thinking that this may be the only time in my life that I might see the sky with no aircraft in it at all. I noticed a metallic looking sphere(ish) object sort of darting around very high up. It was so small that I could barely see it.

It was moving about in sort of a random pattern much likr a bird might, not taking up too much of the sky in its movements. Then I saw another and another until there were maybe 5-7 up there. They appeared to be maybe chasing each other.

It really could have been birds by their movements but I couldn't see any wings and they were so small that, if they were birds, they would have been very high. And, if they were birds and very far away (to appear so small) then they would have been moving really fast. A man that I did not know was next to me and noticed me looking up.

He saw it also. The bus came and after I got out I could not see them again. I'm not sure if I believe in UFO's or not and this sighting is not very exact or detailed, but I wanted to get it out there.

I found your web site after I watched the Peter Jennings show.

09/13/01 5:00 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 3-5 minutes


Bossier City, LA

Full Report Text:

black,triangle craft flying over air force installation observed with no response. object appeared to be a flat black triangle approx. 100 meters long by 50 meters wide at the widest point.

only one of the craft were observed it was seen movingsouth east to north west against a clear starlit sky while i was swimming in our pool. the craft only had one light on the bottom of it. this light was a light blue in color which is what got my attention.

also the fact that it had flown directly over a major air force base and seemingly elicited no response was strange.

07/21/01 12:15 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 12 minutes


Shreveport, LA

Full Report Text:

Cigar shaped intense white light surrounded by blue, then yellow in the distance Looking east, I saw a cigar shaped intense white light, surrounded by an area of blue, then yellow, in the distance. There was a slight aura surrounding it. It appeared narrower on the ends than in the middle.

It appeared to be vertical. There were 2 dim flashes of light to the upper right side of the object. The object then made a very quick, sporadic movement down to the left side and appeared to have turned horizontally.

It held a steady position, with the entire object continuing to glow intensely. After about 10 min, it vanished completely.

06/21/01 4:55 AM

UFO Shape: cigar

Lasted: 10 minutes


Columbia, LA

Full Report Text:

oval flourescent colored ball coming right at us slowly, turned into four round balls of light just sitting still in the sky My husband and I were sitting on the back of the truck talking, then out of nowhere a great big oval shaped ball, the color I can't even describe, I want to say a flourescent pink color, started coming right at us, so I thought. It was moving slowly. WE watched it for a few minutes before I told the rest of the family to look at it.

When they saw it, My aunt started running and screaming, Finally it looked as though it dissappeared. Okay we went into the screened porch area, and sat around and talked about it for about an hour or so, and then my son looked out in the sky and there it was again, except this time it was four round balls of light, the same color,but this time it had formed like a triangle shape in the sky. Several people passing on highway 165 south traveling north saw it because they all started sliding on brakes.

The Sheriffs department was called about it, but I don't think they believed us. ((QUERY)) "Peter B. Davenport" .

05/19/01 8:00 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: 5 minutes


Mansfield, LA

Full Report Text:

Not a quick, here then gone event, lasted several hours and witnessed by 6 people Crystal clear night, went to out to put dogs in kennel. Saw a multi-light figure in Northern sky. Lights seems to change colors end to end, with white lights in the center.

Object bobbed horrizontily and vertically, more prominately horrizontily. Was generally stationary but would move a few degrees left or right. Called for wife and daughter.

Daughter ran back in scared,(16 year old). Soon noticed a second object, same as the first maybe 30 degrees East of first. First object moved quickly East, then settled back to stationary.

Scanned more and saw two more, much more distant and in upper sky than first two. One of them moved towards the other, then settled into stationary. They then would fade, then come back later to near the same position.

Got neighbors across the street, one is a deputy sheriff and observed from their yard. Discovered two more, one on horrizon, one in directly overhead position. Overhead object looked massive, lights were constant white, but it bobbed like the rest.

Western most object disappeared, but came back a short time later. An aircraft passed the overhead object, only a blind pilot would not have seen this. Sparse, very thin clouds moved in, objects were far above clouds.

Was able to tell that the objects were massive in size, especially the directly overhead one by the clouds and stars. Could clearly see the movements by putting an object in line with a roofline or tree limb. All of the objects were to the North and West of me with the exception of the more overhead object.

This is in the direction of the Shreveport metro area. I viewed for 3 hours and finally went to bed. I made repeated attempts to call ufo hotlines with no success.

I wanted to call the sheriff's dept. but my wife protested. I did have a deputy as a witness, so just as well.

I tried to film, but my camcorder wouldn't pick the light up. I will look again tonight. I have lived here for 20 years and have seen nothing like this in my life.

My with kept saying weather balloons, etc. I told her repeatedly that weather balloons don't bob and weave and have multi colored lights. Incredible experience, glad several of us witnessed the event.

((NUFORC Note: We have invited the witness to check the night sky on subsequent clear nights. However, please see report from Tennessee for the same time and date. PD)).

04/15/01 10:00 PM

UFO Shape:

Lasted: 3 hours


Baton Rouge, LA

Full Report Text:

the craft was tringular in shape and there was lights allover the craft, A strobe light would dicribe it better. the craft was moving in a northern direction. the craft would stop and huver for about a minute and take off at a slow speed.

(2) i saw a ball of light come from the sky and stop about mittleways a telegram post and stop. after siting about one or two minutes the object flashed like a flash bulb and was gone.(3) Riding on an icolated stretch of River Road, i saw a tower burst into light, there is no light on this tower, so much light i could see through the brick wall, i know that sounds impossible butthat is the trooth.

(4) a wall of light greeted me while driving on river road,(5)Driving on river road i ran into a storm, this storm came up out of nowhere, there was a person that was nothing but a shadow riding on a buysickle in the storm, i shined my lights on the person or what ever and all i saw was a shadow. i turned around and went back to make shore i saw what i saw, i was correct there he was .nd i kept going and didnot go back.

((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD)).

03/12/01 2:30 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: about10 minutes.


Ruston, LA

Full Report Text:

Red And Blue Lights were on it, slow moving with a white light between the red and bue lights. The Object was a light. I got focused my teloscope on it and saw that it had lights blinking on it, a red light on top and a blue light on bottom, at first I thought it was a plane but I observed it for about 3 Hours! So I knew then that it wasnt a plane.

It was slowy moving to the east and getting farther way, My Dad, Mom, sister and my sisiters boyfriends also saw it. I was the only one to look through the teloscope at it, the lights didnt really blink, they rotated, like a airport light does. ((NUFORC Note: We suspect the witness means 8:00 p.

m., and we have changed the time here. We suspect they may have been witnessing a celestial object, but that is only a guess.


02/22/01 8:00 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 2 to 3 Hours


Abita Springs, LA

Full Report Text:

The widely seen BLACK TRIANGLE UFO I am almost certain this is the black triangle UFO that many have spotted before. It hovered just above the tree line in Abita Springs for a few mins, I was in my friends car, the passenger seat and him driving. I spotted and he confirmed it was out of the ordinary.

From what I can tell, being at night, it was a large, black triangle moving very slowly. There may have been three lights, not sure. was just in awe when I saw it and didn't pay notice to the details.

We turned the radio off to see if we could hear anything, but we heard no sound coming from this craft. If it were a regular craft, even with the radio on we'd still be able to hear it. As we drove on it disappeared behind the tree lines, whether it did or disappeared altogether I'm not sure.

My brother claims there is an airbase somewhere near because he always hears army helicopters in the sky. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD)).

02/10/01 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 3 mins


New Orleans, LA

Full Report Text:

Black Cylinder object seen in the French quarter of New Orleans I was walking down Iberville St. towards Bourbon St. at est.

time of 1845hrs CST. When I noticed a black cylinder object hovering above the buildings (est. 200-300ft).

I noticed there was no sound from the object that I could tell. I stopped to men at the corner of Bourbon St. and asked them if they where seeing the same thing.

They looked up and saw the object and stated it must be a UFO here for the partying, at that time other stopped and noticed that we were looking up and they notice the object. The object was moving at a slow rate heading in the direction of the Mississippi river. I know that people think I was drinking but, I was not and I know what I saw was real and that others saw it too.

If anyone else saw that object in the New Orleans area please report it. ((NUFORC Note: We spoke at length with this witness, and we found him to be quite credible. He had the presence of mind to call the object to the attention of other witnesses, and his description of the object was quite precise.

We do not know what it was he witnessed, but similar objects have been reported to NUFORC. An object, apparently similar in appearance, was reported from Houston, TX, on the morning of 08SE00. It was reported to have been seen hovering over the outer ring road at approximately 0615 hrs.

(local) on that date. PD)).

02/06/01 6:45 PM

UFO Shape: cylinder

Lasted: 30-90 seconds


Shreveport, LA

Full Report Text:

My family saw 15-20 UFOs that appeared as lights for 3 consecutive nights. My husband saw them first then asked me to come out to see. We saw objects very high in the sky near the constellation Orion.

We went out to look every so often between 9:00pm and 10:30pm. They were there the whole time. The UFOs were brighter and seemed to be closer than the stars in Orion.

At first they seemed to be stars but when we took time to look at them we could see there were two lights very close together. Every 10-30 seconds (approx. it varried) a sparkling light would shoot out from each "craft".

They remained mostly stationary but we occaisionaly saw one move a short distance, suddenly. The second night, we saw them again in about the same places. We invited our 19 year old son out to see them.

One seemed larger, brighter, (we assumed it was closer) but the second night everything was about the same as the first night. Tonight, 2/1/01, the third night, there were clouds early in the evening but some of them (5-6) were still visible, even though Orion was not visible. The one that seem closer than the others was now even closer.

Later in the evening, 10:00pm the sky cleared. At that time the one that had been close was gone and only 4 remained. My husband and I are educated and our son is in college, we are a stable, Christian, family.

My husband works for a department store and I work in a college library. ((NUFORC Note: We spoke via telephone with these witnesses, and they seemed quite sincere. We believe they may have been looking at bright planets, or "twinkling" stars, but we are not certain.

That would not explain the number of objects they allegedly witnessed, and it would not explain the objects that allegedly were reportedly ejected from the lights. PD)).

01/30/01 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 3 nights (at least)


Louisiana UFO Sightings From 2001 By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Triangle 5 reported sightings 31.25% of all reports
Light 3 reported sightings 18.75% of all reports
Cigar 3 reported sightings 18.75% of all reports
Sphere 2 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Cylinder 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
Oval 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports

Louisiana UFO Sightings From 2001 By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
February 3 reported sightings 18.75% of all reports
December 3 reported sightings 18.75% of all reports
November 2 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
September 2 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
May 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
June 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
April 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
January 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
July 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
March 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports

Louisiana UFO Sightings From 2001 By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Saturday 4 reported sightings 25.00% of all reports
Thursday 4 reported sightings 25.00% of all reports
Sunday 2 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Monday 2 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Tuesday 2 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Wednesday 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
Friday 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports

Louisiana UFO Sightings From 2001 By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
07/21/01 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
12/17/01 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
11/07/01 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
12/28/01 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
12/01/01 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports

Louisiana UFO Sightings From 2001 By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 6 reported sightings 37.50% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 3 reported sightings 18.75% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 3 reported sightings 18.75% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 3 reported sightings 18.75% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports

All Louisiana Cities with reported UFO sightings in 2001

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports were filed per city in Louisiana, in 2001

City Number of Reports View Reports
Shreveport 2 UFO Reports Shreveport UFO Sightings in 2001
New Orleans 2 UFO Reports New Orleans UFO Sightings in 2001
Baton Rouge 2 UFO Reports Baton Rouge UFO Sightings in 2001
S Bossier 1 UFO Reports S Bossier UFO Sightings in 2001
Mansfield 1 UFO Reports Mansfield UFO Sightings in 2001
Abita Springs 1 UFO Reports Abita Springs UFO Sightings in 2001
Natchitoches 1 UFO Reports Natchitoches UFO Sightings in 2001
Benton 1 UFO Reports Benton UFO Sightings in 2001
Ruston 1 UFO Reports Ruston UFO Sightings in 2001
Columbia 1 UFO Reports Columbia UFO Sightings in 2001
Bossier City 1 UFO Reports Bossier City UFO Sightings in 2001
Farmerville 1 UFO Reports Farmerville UFO Sightings in 2001
Jena 1 UFO Reports Jena UFO Sightings in 2001

Other Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Louisiana

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Louisiana.

Year Number of Reports View Reports
2024 4 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2024
2023 30 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2023
2022 31 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2022
2021 22 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2021
2020 44 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2020
2019 46 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2019
2018 27 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2018
2017 34 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2017
2016 48 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2016
2015 61 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2015
2014 111 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2014
2013 51 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2013
2012 50 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2012
2011 33 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2011
2010 29 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2010
2009 56 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2009
2008 47 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2008
2007 25 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2007
2006 26 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2006
2005 31 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2005
2004 45 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2004
2003 30 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2003
2002 22 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2002
2001 16 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2001
2000 21 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 2000
1999 23 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1999
1998 12 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1998
1997 8 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1997
1996 9 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1996
1995 8 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1995
1994 3 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1994
1993 4 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1993
1992 2 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1992
1990 4 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1990
1989 5 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1989
1988 6 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1988
1987 1 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1987
1986 3 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1986
1985 5 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1985
1984 2 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1984
1983 2 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1983
1982 4 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1982
1981 3 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1981
1980 3 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1980
1979 7 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1979
1978 6 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1978
1977 5 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1977
1976 4 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1976
1975 4 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1975
1974 10 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1974
1973 4 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1973
1972 4 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1972
1971 1 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1971
1969 3 UFO Reports Louisiana UFO Sightings in 1969