Last updated on June 1, 2024

Idaho UFO Sightings in 2009

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Idaho during 2009.

How many Idaho UFO sightings were there in 2009?

  • There were 24 officially reported UFO sightings in Idaho in 2009.
  • In 2009, Idaho ranked #42 on the list of states with the most UFO sightings for that year.
  • Adjusted for population size, Idaho ranks #15 in the list of states with the most reported UFO sightings in 2009, with an average of 1.85 reports per 100,000 residents.

Idaho Cities with the most UFO Sightings in 2009

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Boise, ID 7 UFO Reports
2 Hayden, ID 4 UFO Reports
3 Post Falls, ID 2 UFO Reports
4 Meridian, ID 1 UFO Reports
5 Workey, ID 1 UFO Reports

Idaho UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 24 UFO sighting reports in Idaho from 2009 to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

Idaho UFO Sighting Reports in 2009

This is a sampling of 20 Idaho UFO reports from 2009, presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary.

You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Boise, ID

Full Report Text:

Bright white light moving downward south of Boise then leveling off. Looking south-southeast from North Boise, a bright white object fell from an angle of about 60 degrees to 30 degrees within 3 seconds then leveled off. The object appeared to be moving away and to the west for about one second, then I lost view of it behind trees.

The object had the brightness comparable to a firework flare but did not either sparkle or change color. The magnitude or brightness did not change as compared to a firework flare and decelerated and changed direction. My best guess would be that it was south of the Boise metro area.

12/30/09 9:04 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 10 seconds


Eagle, ID

Full Report Text:

A bright fire ball light hovering in the lower sky over Boise Eagle area. I was just leaving Albertsons at about 8:10 Pm when in the North east lower part of the sky by Boise's foot hills I could see a strange light that I thought looked like a fireball falling out of the sky. The only thing is that it seem to stay in the same place for a long time.

I knew it was not a airplane, because they can't stay in the same spot. I was sure it could not have been a helacopter either. I still drove toward it thinking maybe it was a tall, bright street lamp.

It then started to move across the sky toward Boise, to the South east. I followed for a few miles trying to get a better glimpse of it, then it was gone. I drove back in to Eagle when either the same one or another went across the sky again.

We had a better look at it, and still could not figure out what it was.

10/05/09 8:10 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 4 minutes


Meridian, ID

Full Report Text:

Over 2 hours long UFO hoovers nears Boise, Idaho skys. Looked out bathroom window at 1 am on 9-23-09 and saw what i thought maybe was a plane on fire heading directly towards me, at quick glance. me and wife and 18 yr old son went into back yard and watched for about 30 min taking videos and pictures from couple cell phones.

The object had green lights around the outer edge of the saucer shaped craft with red lights top and bottom, nothing flashing. The craft would linger there like a old porch light in the wind and u can see that in videos. My wife and son went back to bed after about an hour, I stayed up recording and watching.

I was not getting the quailty shots I wanted so I called local news room KTVB Channel 7 in Boise Idaho and told them to look for it. I hope they did, it stayed for about another 20 - 30 mins after that I went and looked and could no longer see it. I live in Meridian, Idaho and view it in the southwest sky.

I never really believe in UFOs but that was something funky,,, a UFO. The weir! d thing is we have a airport near by, BOI, and never heard or saw a plane in the entiree time watched UFO.

09/23/09 1:00 AM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 2 Hrs


Boise, ID

Full Report Text:

Red, slowly pulsating light, that hovered in the north for twenty minutes. I was sitting on my patio listening to the Boise State-Fresno game ( I don't have ESPN) at around 11:00 pm 9/18/09, and looking north I noticed a small bright red light . As I watched it hover in mostly one spot (it did slowly drift to the west) it would get brighter and then fade slowly.

It slowly pulsated this way the whole time I watched it for about twenty minutes. It finally just faded away altogether like it was moving away north at what would have to be a high rate of speed. I doubt any one else in Boise witnessed this because most would be watching the game on TV.

BSU football is that big here. This object looked like no aircraft I've ever seen or heard of. I couldn't tell how far or altitude but if I had to guess, I would say it was very high in the sky and fairly far, because it was pretty much just a spot of light.

I wanted to get my wife and video camera but didn't want to miss what it might do. I will be watching your site to see if anyone else spotted this.

09/18/09 11:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 20 minutes


Boise, ID

Full Report Text:

Bright red light in sky moving very slow and at a random pace. Red light moving very slow in the sky from the north west to north east direction. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information.


09/18/09 9:50 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 15:00


Boise, ID

Full Report Text:

Circle of intensely bright red lights that initially spewed out falling lights and hovered for a long time before receding slowing up. We were walking in the Hyde Park area of Boise, I saw the intensely bright red light first and called attention to the others we were walking with. It was almost over-head, but quite high up, then seemed to move very slowly if at all.

It would pulse, not pulse, pulse a different rhythm, not pulse. There were four of us, and on a side street we found three more people watching with binoculars. I looked through the binoculars and could see the circle was made up of a circle of lights.

They'd been watching longer, and said initially it was closer, and sparks were coming off and falling down (though it was still very high up). The light was intense red, but seemed to be going higher up instead of moving on a northward path as we thought it was at first. We joked about perhaps being the only sober people in the area as most people were glued to sports bars watching BSU football.

One of the people called her fiance and asked him to go outside his house, an! d he saw the same thing, though I do not know where he was viewing this from. We watched this for over a half hour, and eventually walked back to our friends house, and them drove home to our house. We live at the base of a mesa in foothills and the line of sight was not very clear.

This was unlike anything any of us had seen. I took a picture with my phone, but it looks like a red dot in the middle of a black field. I do not have the proper cord to download it to my computer, nor do I suscribe to any picture services to send via my phone contract.

Any suggestions? I am fine with talking to someone, but make it day-time to return my call, please.

09/18/09 9:10 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 30 minutes


Boise, ID

Full Report Text:

A red light North of Boise, erratic/still, movment! A red steady glowing light, about as bright as a glow stick. North of Boise shifting to the East, with an erratic movement pattern.

09/18/09 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 20 Mins


Post Falls, ID

Full Report Text:

Unkn object following aircraft At approximately 2137 hrs, on 15 September 2009. Accompanied by my family and I on our front porch, observed a white light that appeared to be following an aircraft that was passing over the Post Falls/Coeur d' Alene Idaho area. The unkn object was behind and to the left lower side within five miles trail.

As the aircraft and the unkn object passed by, another aircraft that had just left the Spokane Washington Airport, was also in trail of the aircraft and object. All three lights flew across the sky at a reasonable speed to the east, until out of site. Within 10 minuates an unkn object that is described as the first white light again flew accross the area.

This time the object was going from the East to the West track. It is noted that all three aircraft were on a VECTOR of V448 that aircraft use as a major heading from the West coast to the East.

09/15/09 9:37 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 minuates


Emmett, ID

Full Report Text:

white Over Emmett Idaho light looked like a star but bigger and brighter went across the sky semi fast got dimmer then dissapeared white light looked like a star but bigger and brighter went across the sky semi fast got dimmer then dissapeared.

09/10/09 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 60 sec


Greenleaf, ID

Full Report Text:

saw light in the southwestern sky of Idaho around the area of greenleaf light appeared in the eastern sky then disappeared Me and my friend were driving back to my house from a fishing trip around 10:00 PM in Greenleaf Idaho. We were driveing down highway 19 when I looked east toward the city of Caldwell and Boise when a small white light slowly appeared about the size of a star initially thought it was a plane but then notice that it was stationary stared at the light for 20 to 30 seconds when it made a fast dip downward then up similar to a check mark path. light accelerated with incredible speed whole event lasted only 20 to 30 seconds and appeared in the east to south east of the sky over the cites of Caldwell, Nampa, and Boise.

07/21/09 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 30 seconds


Boise, ID

Full Report Text:

Very bright object aprox 1000ft agl, steady west to east course, suddenly dims to complete dark. Similar to shooting star fadeout, yet moved to slow and illumination to long and constant, as if it went into a stealth mode.

07/20/09 11:14 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 10 Seconds


Plummer, ID

Full Report Text:

Bright orange object over Northern Idaho. At approximately 9:45 p.m.

on July 4th, we were in the back yard enjoying all the fireworks in the neighborhood, when an object with a bright orange light in the front was observed, which we all at first mistook for fireworks. It was maintaining a constant speed, and we had time to get binoculars and observe it to be a black object with an orange leading edge. This sighting lasted approximately one minute and 45 seconds, the time it took from 90 degrees when we noticed it, until it passed over the horizon.

It was a constant speed going from South to North on a path toward Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. From the ground where we were sitting, the object was observed approximately 45 degrees above the eastern horizon. Amazing, no sound, and through binoculars as it approached the horizon it appeared to be a black object with the bright orange light leading it.

The orange light dissipated as it neared the northern horizon. We were so amazed that we didn't even think to try to get video footage or other images other than observing it through binoculars. We can be contacted for more information if necessary.

This was not fireworks, a meteor, nor aircraft. Thank you.

07/04/09 9:49 PM

UFO Shape: rectangle

Lasted: 1 minute 45 seconds


Midvale, ID

Full Report Text:

Large orange fireball, turning to orange light heading North to South in central Idaho sky, hovering at times then disappearing. My daughter and her friend and I had just finished a little job we were working on and headed home. She said "look mom a HUGE falling star" I looked out and told her to stop and we got out to watch it.

I remember thinking that "holy cow thats a huge meteor", and told the girls if it hits we are going to feel it. At that point it leveled off and slowed way down following a straight line directly south, actually slowing and hovering at times. The light seemed to fade and come back to very bright and after awhile it literally disappeared.

Feeling like we had just witnessed something pretty strange we went on home. The girls took off to go to a friends house and the called me and said "its back!!!!" I went to the front yard and there it was hovering over the southern end of town. It disappeared once more and we didn't see it again.

Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep.

06/29/09 11:00 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 3-4 minutes


Workey, ID

Full Report Text:

A bright glowing hour glass shaped object which was stationary in the night sky I was a a bus going home from work and we were between two small towns. I know three of us saw this. One was the bus driver and myself and a gentleman in the seat in back of me.

The bus driver asked me if I could see this and I said yes. It was the shape of an hour glass turned on it's end so it could be triangular in shape also. It had a bright golden/bronze glow to it and it was sitting there stationary in the sky.

I did not hear any noise coming from this. I kept looking at it until we were out of sight. It had a bright glow as it was dark so it really stood out.

06/20/09 10:00 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 2 minutes


Hayden, ID

Full Report Text:

TRIANGULAR FLY BY AGAIN. 3 WHITE FLASHING LIGHTS ONE PULSING RED LIGHT June 12 2009 12:47 am PST I was outside watching the sky because of recent sightings when an object I initially thought to be an airplane entered my view from above a treetop. I wanted to take video of it to compare to my last sighting of a triangular object so I began to film it with my SONY HI8 Handi Cam model CCD-TRV65.

This object had the identical light pattern as before. 3 dim white lights, one on each 'tip' and a pulsing white light and a pulsing red light. There is one significant difference between this sighting and the others.

This time I heard what sounded like jet engines. This object flew at the same slow pace across the sky from West to East as the last one. I have about 3 minutes of video of this sighting and the weird thing is that once it moved closer to the Eastern Horizon it seemed to 'hover' because there was a point where the lights should have been disappearing but they didn't.

I dont know how to transfer HI8 video to a PC but I will upload the video ASAP.

06/12/09 12:47 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 5 minutes


Hayden, ID

Full Report Text:

TRIANGULAR OBJECT WITH WHITE AND RED FLASHING LIGHTS On the evening of June 10th to June 11th I was sitting out back watching the sky because of my recent sighting on the 3rd. At 12:30 I saw a large what I thought to be airplane moving from over the western horizon flying to the east. It had very bright flickering lights that caught my eye.

At first sight I assumed airplane and didn't even really flinch. But after a few moments I didn't hear anything and the lights were definitely flickering not like a planes would and not in a real definable manner, as if they were randomly placed and had the appearance of making this a very large object. There were 3 white lights on the 'tips' a flashing red light and a flashing white light.

I turned on my video camera, Sony HI8 Handy Cam model CCD-TRV65. I had the exposure turned all the way up and manual zoom on. I have about 3 minutes of this object moving from one end of the horizon to the other.

As soon as I figure out how to transfer video from a 8MM tape to my PC I will submit it. Please if anyone knows how to get this video onto a PC please contact me. Thank you.

06/11/09 12:30 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 3 Minutes


Hayden, ID

Full Report Text:

3 CONCURRENT SIGHTINGS WHITHIN 25 MINUTES OF EACH OTHER: At 23:25 on 6/03/09 my girlfriend and I were stargazing when I noticed what I thought were two shooting stars. The 2 objects shot through the sky in parallel about a pencil length apart and appeared simply as flying dots of light in the sky no bigger than a large star before changing shape into a sort of bird like object. There is a crop circle formation that bears a striking resemblance to the shape of what we saw at the following website: http://shrey27. During the transition of shape the color began to look more like a glowing tan or yellow hazy, misty color They were so synchronized in their movements and transitions that I wondered if one wasnt a reflection of the other. From my location they originated at a nearly 60 degree + angle and towards the NorthWest.

They moved in a sort of elongated V or sharp hook pattern and disappeared to the NorthEast. They appeared to get larger until they were finally out of sight. All in all this sighting lasted maybe 5 or 6 seconds and was fast enough that my girlfriend completely missed it as she was staring a different direction and couldn't catch the glimpse.

My reaction was literally "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT! Seriously, what the fuck was that? What was that." I stood there in shook as I was dumbfounded how my girlfriend could have missed something that obvious. While she watched the sky I ran inside to see what time it was and my PC said 11:28.

So we stared at the sky thinking about how great it would be if we could both see it together and after about 15 minutes something appeared again. This time we both saw it. 2 "dove" shaped objects flying from the NorthWest toward the SouthWest.

These 2 objects were much closer together, approximately the length of an eraser tip on a pencil, and flew in a very strange pattern: First they were side by side, then the synchronistically flew away from each other and back toward each other as if to draw out a vase sort of shape in the sky. Before flying out of sight I could see them veer a sharp "left" as if they were right on top of each other and I was able to follow these for a much greater distance than the previous sighting. My girlfriend and I were absolutely amazed and talked about how these objects had a very strange "bird like" appearance and almost glowed.

I ran inside immediately after I lost sight of them to check the time and it was 11:43. I grabbed a pen and paper and recorded a couple notes and the time and went back to watching the sky. 7 minutes later at 11:50 we witnessed a mass formation of 5 to 6 objects flying in single file order but making snake like movements across the sky while maintaining a very tight, smooth, formation.

This was by far the most exciting and heart racing sighting. These objects seemed to appear out of no where and were spotted slightly lower in the sky than the previous 2 sightings. Last week I filed a UFO sighting with MUFON because I spotted a very similar object but it was much darker, more like a silhouette and not nearly as clearly defined and illuminated as these objects were.

06/03/09 11:25 PM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 25 minutes


Hayden, ID

Full Report Text:

20 Glowing Boomerang shaped objects during 5 sightings over 4 hours This is an amendment to my original filing on June 3rd as I filed the report after the 3rd sighting. So this report is complete and includes all 5 sightings*** 11:25 PM PST (2 Objects) Hayden Idaho Two shooting star like objects appeared approximately 60 degrees above the West by NorthWest horizon. The two objects were exactly parallel to one another flying at a declining angle toward the east and about a pencil length apart.

They began to bank North and as they descended and changed their course the objects morphed into these glowing iridescent reddish, orange, pinkish boomerang like craft. They disappeared to the NorthEast. My girlfriend missed these as she was viewing another part of the sky and could not orient on these objects because they were moving very fast.

11:43 (2 Objects) Two more boomerang like objects appeared over the Western horizon flying East by North East at a constant altitude. These 2 craft flew right over us and were much closer together than the previous 2. As they flew over us they split apart and came back together as if they were going around something so as to trace a sort of vase in the sky.

When they came back together they were in the East and immediately banked to the North and disappeared out of sight. We both witnessed this event and were blown away trying to figure out what it could have been. 11:50 (6 Objects) As we were glued to the skies SIX more of these craft appeared directly above us.

We did not see them fly in from any direction, they just sort of appeared. They were in a very tight single file formation and flying a snake like pattern through the sky. They moved from directly above us to the eastern sky before what appeared to be collapsing onto one another and disappearing to the North.

Again, we both witnessed this and were in total shock. We ran through the house tearing it apart looking for cameras blankets phones etc. No other event took place and by 1 am my girlfriend went to bed.

I stayed up. 2:15 AM PST June 4th (9 Objects) NINE more of these craft popped into my view in a triangle shape formation. They were flying from due South to due North about 30 degrees from my horizon.

This was an amazing sight. The formation was very tight and the craft on the inside appeared to have this sort of electric glow to them and they appeared to be fluttering or wavering inside of this formation. They disappeared to the North.

I was complacent by now and left my camera by the coffee pot. Approx 3AM (1 Object) After the last sighting I vowed never to be without a camera again and began to make a record of what I saw. While I was describing the previous events I pointed the camera to the sky and I saw ONE more object.

This object appeared to be flying much higher than the previous ones. It was darker and broader shaped and flying slower. It was about 70 degrees above the horizon and flew from due South to due North.

I was in shock and praying that the camera would pick up the image, unfortunately nothing showed up. SHAPE AND DETAILED DESCRIPTION: The first time I saw these and my girlfriend didn't I explained it to here as watching headlights in the sky point directly at you and then change course. I described the crafts as pinkish rose and glowing with a misty aura, angelic like.

They appeared to have bird like qualities. After the next sighting I had a very clear impression of these crafts. They were a near perfect half moon shape with a protruding nose.

there is a crop circle image that is amazingly identical to the shape of what we saw. The link is here: http://www.luisprada.

com/Protected/IMAGES/cropcircle_walkershill1.jpg They appeared to be glowing like the moon, sort of translucent and undefinable, but the colors red, orange and tan kept coming to our minds but there was definitely a mist or aura to them. As far as altitude goes, it is very difficult to say as there was nothing to reference.

My best guess is that they were flying much higher than a commercial airliner and traveling 10x as fast.

06/03/09 11:25 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 4 hours


Montpelier, ID

Full Report Text:

4 lobed craft hovering over Montpelier, ID, in broad daylight. My experience with a UFO happened in early spring of 2009. It was a cold day around 1200, I don't smoke in my home so I do it outside.

On this particular day as I was sitting on my steps on my front porch, I noticed that everything got very quiet, maybe muffled is a better description, it was like all the sounds of the town, like traffic, wind, dogs barking etc. sounded distant and softer, like things sound when there is a heavy fog or heavy snow, but it was quite clear. As I was contemplating this very eery feeling, from the corner of my eye I saw a glint of light, I turned my gaze in the direction of this flash and saw what at first I thought was a constellation of large silver party balloons that had gotten free and were floating away, but as I watched them more closely, I realized that they were not drifting in any direction and were a uniform shape.

It was 4 hockey puck shaped silver lobes connected to each other by some kind of cross member and very large, I would estimate that each lobe was roughly 15' in diameter and the distance of one lobe across to another was an additional 15' making it about 45' across. The lobes were oriented to each other like four people sitting at a square table with an x connecting one person to the person sitting directly across from them. It was hovering perfectly still and noiseless about 200 yards to the northeast of my position and about 150 feet off the ground, right in the middle of town in the middle of a week day.

It took 20 or 30 seconds for my mind to catch up with my eyes, after all I was not expecting to ever see anything like this so I think my comprehension of it was a bit delayed. But as soon as I collected my wits, I realized I needed to get a picture of it, so I hurried into my house to get my camera, a Kodak easy share 3.2 megapixel, I don't recall what setting it was on.

Once I retrieved the camera I ran back outside, turned it on and snapped a picture, I tried to take more pictures but to my dismay the SD memory was full after the picture I took, I had to go through and delete some other pictures so I could have more space to take a few more pictures and maybe a movie of it, but as I scrambled to do this, I glanced up just in time to witness it zip away. This thing moved away to the north so fast it was completely out of sight in 2 or 3 seconds, I won't even speculate about the speed, but it was very, very fast, also, it did this from a dead stop and absolutely noiselessly. Immediately after I lost sight of it, the muffled dull feeling lifted away and everything became very crisp and clear again and I noticed my heart was pounding so hard and so fast that I could literally feel and hear it through my heavy winter coat, I was very excited.

At first I wanted to show everyone the great picture I took, so I uploaded it to my Facebook page, but that is all I did because, oddly, I received no comments about it, so I figured no-one thought it was real, I shared the photo and the story only with my immediate family, until now, since then I have moved to a different, larger city where the chance of ridicule is lessened. Sadly, I put the SD card with the original photo in a safe place so I would not lose it, but there was a fire and it was destroyed, that is actually why I moved. I think I’m more annoyed that I lost that than the fact my house burned down.

At least I have the copy on Facebook witch I will save to my computer and send it along with this report. Everything that I have written down here is true and ac accurate as my memory allows, I remember it like it happened today. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate.


04/15/09 12:00 PM

UFO Shape: cross

Lasted: about 3 minutes


Boise, ID

Full Report Text:

White Spherical objects seen I was at the dentist office getting my teeth cleaned. I was reclined so that I was facing the window. I was staring off into the blue sky; when I noticed two distinctly spherical shaped objects slowly drift by at an altitude of about one thousand feet or so.

They were white in color. They were moving at a slow rate of speed, and as I began to lose sight of them I noticed that one of them split off from the other one and began flying in a perpendicular direction from the other one.

03/12/09 4:15 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 5 minutes


Idaho UFO Sightings From 2009 By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 9 reported sightings 37.50% of all reports
Unknown 2 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Circle 2 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Other 2 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Triangle 2 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Fireball 2 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Rectangle 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
Sphere 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
Formation 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
Cross 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
Disk 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports

Idaho UFO Sightings From 2009 By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
September 7 reported sightings 29.17% of all reports
June 6 reported sightings 25.00% of all reports
January 3 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
July 3 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
December 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
October 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
February 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
March 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
April 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports

Idaho UFO Sightings From 2009 By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Wednesday 6 reported sightings 25.00% of all reports
Friday 5 reported sightings 20.83% of all reports
Monday 4 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Saturday 4 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Thursday 3 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Tuesday 2 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports

Idaho UFO Sightings From 2009 By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
09/18/09 4 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
06/03/09 2 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
01/28/09 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
09/15/09 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
07/04/09 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports

Idaho UFO Sightings From 2009 By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 15 reported sightings 62.50% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 3 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 3 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 2 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 1 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports

All Idaho Cities with reported UFO sightings in 2009

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports were filed per city in Idaho, in 2009

City Number of Reports View Reports
Boise 7 UFO Reports Boise UFO Sightings in 2009
Hayden 4 UFO Reports Hayden UFO Sightings in 2009
Post Falls 2 UFO Reports Post Falls UFO Sightings in 2009
Meridian 1 UFO Reports Meridian UFO Sightings in 2009
Workey 1 UFO Reports Workey UFO Sightings in 2009
Eagle 1 UFO Reports Eagle UFO Sightings in 2009
Midvale 1 UFO Reports Midvale UFO Sightings in 2009
Nampa 1 UFO Reports Nampa UFO Sightings in 2009
Plummer 1 UFO Reports Plummer UFO Sightings in 2009
Greenleaf 1 UFO Reports Greenleaf UFO Sightings in 2009
Weiser 1 UFO Reports Weiser UFO Sightings in 2009
Wendell 1 UFO Reports Wendell UFO Sightings in 2009
Montpelier 1 UFO Reports Montpelier UFO Sightings in 2009
Emmett 1 UFO Reports Emmett UFO Sightings in 2009

Other Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Idaho

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Idaho.

Year Number of Reports View Reports
2024 12 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2024
2023 29 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2023
2022 48 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2022
2021 59 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2021
2020 128 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2020
2019 107 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2019
2018 46 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2018
2017 50 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2017
2016 75 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2016
2015 98 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2015
2014 89 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2014
2013 103 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2013
2012 57 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2012
2011 44 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2011
2010 32 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2010
2009 24 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2009
2008 26 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2008
2007 18 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2007
2006 36 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2006
2005 31 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2005
2004 22 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2004
2003 27 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2003
2002 20 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2002
2001 28 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2001
2000 19 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 2000
1999 23 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1999
1998 14 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1998
1997 7 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1997
1996 12 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1996
1995 10 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1995
1994 6 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1994
1993 1 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1993
1992 7 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1992
1991 5 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1991
1990 1 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1990
1989 4 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1989
1986 1 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1986
1984 2 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1984
1983 4 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1983
1982 1 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1982
1981 2 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1981
1980 2 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1980
1978 4 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1978
1977 2 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1977
1976 2 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1976
1975 3 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1975
1974 2 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1974
1973 1 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1973
1963 1 UFO Reports Idaho UFO Sightings in 1963