Last updated on May 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Newtown, Connecticut

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Newtown, Connecticut.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Newtown, Connecticut?

  • There have been 17 officially reported UFO sightings in Newtown from 1976 to 2024.
  • Newtown ranks #31 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Connecticut.

Other Connecticut Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Newington, CT 66 UFO Reports
2 Norwalk, CT 62 UFO Reports
3 Manchester, CT 58 UFO Reports
4 Milford, CT 55 UFO Reports
5 Meriden, CT 51 UFO Reports

Newtown, Connecticut UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 17 UFO sighting reports in Newtown, Connecticut to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Newtown, Connecticut

These Newtown, Connecticut UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

Elongated white light moving slowly or not at all, which then also displayed a series of colored lights in a line as I got closer. I was driving tonight (very clear night) with Google map guidance and in a hurry to a destination I was not familiar with. If I had seen a place to pull over, I would have tried to get video or photos on my iPhone.

I could not, so here is the story and a link to the best drawing I can come up with. I was in a hurry to pick up one of my kids, so I made mental notes and made the image about 4 hours later. Dark but clear night and I was driving northeast.

I pretty much always look for UFOs but rarely see them. I saw normal air traffic and some stars, but then I also saw an elongated solid white light – like a white hyphen on a black screen instead of the “period” that a star or distant aircraft normally looks like. It looked similar to the way stars look to me in the corner of my eye when I need a new glasses prescription, but my prescription is up to date and I could other aircraft that did look like normal dots.

This flying hyphen was maybe slightly oblique, maybe more like an illuminated piece of orzo pasta. It was up and to the left of in my field of vision through the windshield, and it did not appear to be moving (or really slowly?). I watched it for a good 45 to 60 seconds but having to take my eyes back to the road intermittently.

I do this all the time whenever I see lights and, eventually, the airplane I am looking at turns and I can see it is moving, etc., and I know exactly what I’m looking at. So, as usual, I kept assuming I was looking at a normal aircraft at a weird angle — like coming toward me at like a 45-degree angle or something — and that, at any moment, it would turn and I would see its beacon lights, etc.

But remained solid white. Until I approached an intersection where I needed to make a left turn. I was closer to it now, so it was bigger in my field of view.

Now, I did finally see blinking or moving lights, but they have the pattern of normal beacon or navigation lights. My car was moving almost the entire time I was watching it. Now, for about two seconds when I had to stop briefly to make the left turn did I get to see this light/object while not in motion myself.

Even then, it didn’t appear to be moving to the left or right. I can’t say for sure it was not moving slowly toward or away from me. Anyway, now, superimposed in front of the illuminated white orzo was a line of colored “period” lights.

At least three, maybe as many as five. I didn’t have time to gawk long, let alone count. I was startled to see them at all because until this point, I had seen only one solid white light.

I’m not sure if I was now seeing the colored lights now because I was closer or if they just “turned on” at that time. I think maybe the latter but that is a guess. No idea on distance.

Could have been 1,000 feet up and away from me or a mile or two. So that means I have no idea of size. It is a very clear night tonight but it was pitch dark so I couldn’t see anything for scale.

My gut tells me it was somewhere between 15 feet and 30 feet long but that’s a huge guess. There were, red and blue lights in a line They were either strobing quickly at different intervals or possibly moving laterally, like a line of lights on a blimp. I had to keep my eyes on the road and take the left at the intersection, so I can’t tell exactly.

I only know they were not static. They were sparkling on/off or moving. I had to make my left and so I passed and lost sight of it.

At this point I only had about 200 feet to my destination. I went into a school parking lot and picked up my daughter, and within about five minutes was back at the same intersection, with my daughter driving and me as a passenger. But I didn’t see it again.

I really tend to think I did not see an extraterrestrial craft tonight, but I did not get drone vibes and I just can’t figure out what I saw. This is my third sighting of something I could not identify in 30 years. Sketch: https://i.

01/02/24 6:45 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: Approximately 2 to 4 mins


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

Saw a bright white burning object falling from sky to the ground from my car as I was travelling east on 84 it was "crashing." Saw a bright white burning object falling from sky to the ground from my car as I was travelling east on 84 it was "crashing" downward towards the ground to rhe left hand area of the highway.

01/03/16 1:20 AM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 25 seconds


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

Hovering object above tree line, definitely not a plane or drone, very large. One hovering object above the swamp at the corner of Judd Road and Hattertown Road. It was hovering over one place, moved slightly to the right then proceeded forward heading northeast.

The object was just above the tree line, with multiple lights on it. I was on my way home from a meeting, and only a few minutes from my house when I noticed the lights and originally thought it was a cell phone tower I had never noticed before, and slowed down and stopped when I noticed that it was in fact moving. I did not open the car windows or get out to try and listen for any noise.

03/19/15 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 1 minute


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

Hovering, flickering light in the sky that moved erratically I came home around 3:20AM, parked my car and went up to bed. The blinds were open and I was lying there, looking out the window. The clouds were low on the horizon, over the tree line and only to the right of my view.

The rest of the sky was black and the stars were visible. Off to my left, over the tree line and definitely very far off, I saw a round orb of bright light that seemed to hover, flicker and change color. I thought it was just a pretty star until it moved up and to the left.

I continued watching it and it would hover in one place, then move slowly, almost lazily, in an erratic pattern but staying in the same general area. I know it was moving because at one point, it dipped below the tree line and I could still see it's brightness through the branches, then it would reappear above the tree line. The light was bright and orb-shaped with a flickering quality to it.

It seemed to change colors, but as if it was covered with several different lights - like a Christmas tree. It would also fade and disappear completely and then reappear. Again, there was no cloud cover in that part of the sky and I could clearly see the stars out.

This continued for 40 minutes and the light seemed to hover and move erratically in the same general area. I wanted to get a camera or something, but I was too afraid. I will look for it again and try to get some video or pictures of it.

01/05/12 3:30 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 40 minutes


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

On 7/13/11 at approximatly 8:30 PM while cruising on Lake Zoar, eight responsible adults saw at least seven cylindrical metallic craft gliding across the sky in a northeast direction. There were no lights, wings or sound. They were approximatly 4500' high.

The sky was clear with a full moon rising. We watched them for roughly 20 minutes flying single file spaced intermittantly apart. What caught our attention was the closness some were flying together.

The setting sun shined off a metallic body, they did not glow. Calls to the local police and Oxford airport resulted in no reports dispite the duration and number of craft. A prop driven aircraft appeared to be following the last object.

What were they?.

07/13/11 8:30 PM

UFO Shape:

Lasted: 20 minutes


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

5 lights 4 white 1 red rectangle I was in my car driving home at 1:30am, north bound on poverty hollow road about 2 or three miles from hatter town road. At first I thought it was a plane just flying past but the issue was it was moving to slow and it had NO flashers or port/starboard indicators(green/red). The craft was comprised of 5 lights in total, 4 white/yellow on the 4 corners and a red on in the center.

I am about 50% sure this was possibly a helicopters however there was no significant noise of a rotary blade and not a single flasher or navigation related light. The craft craft was moving at about 1.5x my velocity(30 to 40mph) in terms of angle it was only gaining a couple of degrees on my sight as I moved north north west.

What struck me as odd was when it banked over to the east it moves rather gracefully and again I got a good solid look at it to confirmed the lack of general aviation lights. It was also a good indication that if it was a private aircraft it would have been flying rather low, 2k feat at best. other wise it would have had to have a large wing span if was indeed at higher altitudes.

given its observ! ed attributes and movement I was shocked at the lack of noise. and the paradox between observed movement and luminary characteristics. Again it could have just been an air plane but I have seen so many over the years this one just didn't make sense.

I play a lot of video games and some of them are 3d flying games and also 3d space type games so judging angular velocity is a skill I have, this object defied many of the general definitions I have for normal air craft. It didn't move in a way that caused alarm but the combination of the lights and lack of flashers and indicators along with its graceful back was cause for concern.

12/10/10 1:30 AM

UFO Shape: rectangle

Lasted: 1 min or less


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

bright star like light, shoots across sky, changes directions and then vanishes. A bright light in the sky caught my attention, it appeared to be a star but a little larger and brighter, it proceeded to cross the sky for about 3 seconds at a pace much faster then a plane, but slower than a shooting star, it then quickly changed direction and vanished into the night, leaving a trail of light behind it. I have never seen anything like this.

06/21/08 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 seconds


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

Light object with red, green, and golden lights changing shape in the Southeastern sky in Newtown, Connecticut. I was on my back deck when I noticed a circular object in the Southeastern sky with red and green strobe lights. It appeared to be a couple of miles away at a 20º angle.

At first glance, I thought it was a plane, but when it didn’t move, I got my binoculars for a better look. What I saw was remarkable. To the naked eye, it appeared that it was an object with lights on it and was stationary.

When I looked at it through the binoculars, I saw an object, made of red, green, and golden lights. They jumped around and changed shapes. At first it was circular, then elongated, then it stretched from side to side, then it extended into an arch, zig zagging, spiraling.

Back and forth the lights changed shapes. I wondered at that point if my hands were shaking causing this to happen, so I steadied my arms on the deck railing. The lights continued to transform into all different shapes.

What was interesting was that the lights were very bright, almost neon in nature. I called for my husband to take a look, and he was perplexed as to what it might be. I don’t know what we saw last night, but it was extraordinary.

We watched this for about five minutes, then the clouds rolled in obscuring our view. ((NUFORC Note: We suspect that the witness may have been observing the star, Antares, which is in the SE sky, currently, at approximately 20 degrees angle of elevation. PD)).

06/11/07 9:40 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 minutes


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

Object is still there, it moves up and down appears to be turning around can only see with our eyes dont have any equipment for closer inspection. Thank you ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

01/20/07 7:00 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: still there


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

Bright round metalic object, so fast that I know it was no plane. (Lighting speed) it was disturbing to me. Today January 6, 2007 at approx 12:40 pm while on break from my job in southwestern Connecticut, (today is sunny and 68*) I had heard a jet plane.

Looking in the west sky I saw a large passanger jet, I then out of my left eye, what I thouth to be a milar balloon due to the sun hitting it just right saw a round metalic object from the south it moved so fast that as quickly as I saw it fly in a northern direction. HIS WAS NOT A PLANE! Its speed was that of which I have NEVER seen any other aircraft's, just for the record I have never before used this or anyother website to report a UFO. This is the first and last time I hope to ever see one again.

I do wonder if anyone elese saw the UFO I am reporting.

01/06/07 12:40 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: less than 30 seconds


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

light blue blinking light above highway, turns into bigger object as i get off highway 84 east exit 11 Around 5:55pm - 6:11pm I was traveling on highway 84 east from exit 9-11. as i got onto highway 84 east from exit 9 to go to newtown high located at exit 11 i noticed the moon off to the distance. it was very bright and big almost a full moon.

In the moon light to the left of the moon i noticed a jet steak, the jet streak was vertical not horizantal. At this point i knew something was up i thought how can an airplane travel like that? as i was traveling closer to exit 10 to the right of the moon away from the moon light i saw a light blue blinking light in the sky with a smaller light to the right of it, the color of the smaller non blinking light was either light blue or red. the lights were not moving they were staying still in the sky.

the blinking light blue light reminded me of a camera flash, it was blinking every 2-3 secs. after i passed exit 10 and getting closer to exit 11 i was noticing that it was still not moving and i was about to travel under the lights i then started freaking out not knowing what would happen if i traveled under this object. as i merged onto exit 11 i did not see the lights anymore because i was traveling under them.

once i got to the red traffic light at exit 11 about to turn right with 4 or 5 cars in front of me and several behind me i took a moment to look around and to the right in the distance out of the front passenger window i noticed the moon and the jet streak in the moon light. i then leaned toward the windshield over the steering wheel and looked up and towards the right of my car by where the park and ride at exit 11 is, i saw the bottom of the object. the bottom looked like a car grill or a grill you can cook off of, there were 3 or 4 lines and in between the lines were yellow lights.

the object was bigger because it was at a diffrent hieght than it was when it was above the highway. after what i saw i started freaking out again the traffic light was still red and i was waiting in fear for it to turn green. once i parked at school i looked at ! the moon again but i could not find the vertical jet streak.

or the object where i saw it before. that was the last time i saw it. now when i look at the sky i always think that a star is moving or a cloud by the moon light is that jet stream i have become very paranoid and i always travel with my camera for evidence.

01/03/07 6:00 PM

UFO Shape: rectangle



Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

Classic cartoon flying saucer over Newtown woods The object appeared hovering at a 45 degree angle above the woods behind my house. Not sure how high up the craft was but the trees are about 30 feet high. From my point of vision, the craft was about 2 inches across.

The craft was shaped like a classic cartoon flying saucer -- round with colored lights all around it and a bubble shape on top. It appeared silver. It was silent and still for several seconds while the orange, red, yellow, and green square-shaped lights circled around it.

It is unclear if the craft itself was spinning. I looked away and it was gone.

01/24/05 7:00 AM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 10 sec


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

Sighting over Southern Newtown, CT At 2320 on 9/5 I heard something in the house which caused me to investigate. After searching and on my way to bed, I looked out my front door window which looks down the street. I immediately noticed an exceptionally bright light 2000-3000 feet high and approximately 5 miles away.

I thought this was an aircraft, which have holding patterns over this part of Connecticut. I continued looking because the light was so bright I wondered what type of aircraft it could be. The light was at least 20 times brighter than an aircraft's landing light.

The object then starting moving up and down, mimicing an oscilliscope wave. My binoculars were 10 feet away and I ran to get them. Upon returning to the window and before I could get the binoculars out of the case the object moved straight up (maybe 5 degrees off of vertical) at a speed that was so incredibly fast I knew it was no aircraft.

It also left, only for a few milliseconds, a white phosphorous trail that had to be at least 10,000 feet long. It then disappeared into the CLEAR night.

09/05/01 11:20 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 1 minute


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

Strange craft appeared in sky , then zoomed away I was walking in my basement one night and looked out of my sliding glass door.There was a strange shape out right over the trees , I estimate 300 yards away.It was a fat teardrop , sort of like the craft from independance day (I saw that movie 4 months AFTER the sighting).

I thought it was a helicopter at first , then opened the door and heard nothing.I had seen helicopters from that distance before and heard them , loud and clear , so I knew it was either a silent , new helicopter ,or an alien space craft.Then a blue aurora surrounded the object and 2 white lights turned on , on the sides of the craft.

Then it shot off on a very odd , diagnol angle, at an INCREDIBLE speed.

12/15/96 6:30 PM

UFO Shape: teardrop

Lasted: 1 minute


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

I was walking in my basement and I looked outside. About 300 yards away hovering right over the trees in my back yard was a strange shape. it was a FAT tear drop , kind of like the space craft in independance day (I saw the movie 4 months LATER)It hovered for a while and I thought it was a helicopter at first , but I opened the door and I heard nothing.

I have seen ALOT of helicopters even farther away and heard them.So I knew it was either a new , silent helicopter , or a UFO.Then , things started getting wierd , a strange blue aurora surrounded it and 2 lights , one red and one green , they went from opposite sides and hit each other , probably an antimatter reaction,then it sent out a beam and went into an orb formed by it.

Finally it sped off in the orb so fast and at such a strange angle I was mezmorized. ((NUFORC Note: Witness would have been in the second grade at the time of the sighting. PD)).

12/10/96 6:30 PM

UFO Shape: teardrop

Lasted: 5 minutes


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

Man & wife witness two sightings of an obj. moving across sky very fast.

07/30/95 10:00 PM

UFO Shape:

Lasted: 30 sec.


Newtown, CT

Full Report Text:

meteor like object about 20 feet from us To whom it may concern, For many years I have told the story of a UFO which approached me when I was 5 or 6 years old. No one has taken me seriously because I was so young and could not recall the exact year though I know it was 1975 0r 1976. I remember it was 8pm and my brother and I were having a stick fight (like a sword duel) outside of the house when my Mother (now deceased) went into the house.

While we were playing I noticed a light in the sky and pointed it out to my brother. Within a blink of an eye it was close to 200 feet away from our road and then it dipped down and hovered over our driveway in front of us. Now it was about 20 feet away from us and it looked like a meteor with craters and it changed from orange to white then to red.

It was about the size of a volkswagen bug. It hovered there for a couple minutes and made no sound, absolutely silent. I asked my brother what it was and he said he didn't know.

My brother was 7 or 8 years old at the time, but I recall the UFO better than him. I asked my brother, what if aliens come out of it? That's when we ran to our door which seemed to be locked. My Mom opened the door and said it wasn't locked.

We never saw the UFO again but I recall not getting much sleep that night. Years later I looked in the Newtown Bee (a local newspaper) for articles about it, because others had been witnessing UFOs at the same time, I came up empty handed. I knew it was in the paper because my Mom told my brother and I that it was published.

I know I don't recall dates and ages well but the UFO itself was real and I remember it like it was yesterday. I hope this helps others who may have witnessed the same object in Newtown. I know it WASN'T a meteor because it would have made quite an impact in our driveway.

I now live in a different location not too far from the incident.

05/16/76 8:00 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 5 minutes


Newtown, Connecticut UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 4 reported sightings 23.53% of all reports
Rectangle 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Teardrop 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Unknown 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Fireball 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Circle 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Disk 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports

Newtown, Connecticut UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
January 7 reported sightings 41.18% of all reports
December 3 reported sightings 17.65% of all reports
July 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
June 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
September 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
March 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
May 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports

Newtown, Connecticut UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Sunday 4 reported sightings 23.53% of all reports
Wednesday 3 reported sightings 17.65% of all reports
Saturday 3 reported sightings 17.65% of all reports
Thursday 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Monday 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Tuesday 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Friday 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports

Newtown, Connecticut UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
05/16/76 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
01/03/16 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
01/24/05 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
01/02/24 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
06/21/08 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports

Newtown, Connecticut UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 7 reported sightings 41.18% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 5 reported sightings 29.41% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 3 reported sightings 17.65% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Newtown, Connecticut

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Newtown, Connecticut.

All Connecticut Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Connecticut

City Number of Reports View Reports
Newington 66 UFO Reports Newington, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Norwalk 62 UFO Reports Norwalk, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Manchester 58 UFO Reports Manchester, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Milford 55 UFO Reports Milford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Meriden 51 UFO Reports Meriden, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Waterbury 50 UFO Reports Waterbury, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Bridgeport 48 UFO Reports Bridgeport, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Bristol 42 UFO Reports Bristol, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Stamford 40 UFO Reports Stamford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Wallingford 37 UFO Reports Wallingford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Middletown 35 UFO Reports Middletown, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Hartford 35 UFO Reports Hartford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
New Haven 34 UFO Reports New Haven, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Enfield 31 UFO Reports Enfield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Danbury 29 UFO Reports Danbury, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Greenwich 28 UFO Reports Greenwich, Connecticut UFO Sightings
New britain 27 UFO Reports New britain, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Branford 26 UFO Reports Branford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Stratford 25 UFO Reports Stratford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Torrington 24 UFO Reports Torrington, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Trumbull 21 UFO Reports Trumbull, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Hamden 21 UFO Reports Hamden, Connecticut UFO Sightings
West Haven 21 UFO Reports West Haven, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Fairfield 20 UFO Reports Fairfield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Southington 19 UFO Reports Southington, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Seymour 18 UFO Reports Seymour, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Madison 18 UFO Reports Madison, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Shelton 18 UFO Reports Shelton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
New Milford 17 UFO Reports New Milford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Naugatuck 17 UFO Reports Naugatuck, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Wethersfield 17 UFO Reports Wethersfield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Newtown 17 UFO Reports Newtown, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Groton 16 UFO Reports Groton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Westport 15 UFO Reports Westport, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Southbury 15 UFO Reports Southbury, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Guilford 14 UFO Reports Guilford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Ellington 14 UFO Reports Ellington, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Clinton 14 UFO Reports Clinton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
West Hartford 14 UFO Reports West Hartford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Norwich 14 UFO Reports Norwich, Connecticut UFO Sightings
East Haven 14 UFO Reports East Haven, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Cromwell 13 UFO Reports Cromwell, Connecticut UFO Sightings
East Hartford 13 UFO Reports East Hartford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
North haven 13 UFO Reports North haven, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Watertown 12 UFO Reports Watertown, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Woodbury 12 UFO Reports Woodbury, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Burlington 12 UFO Reports Burlington, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Weston 12 UFO Reports Weston, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Old Lyme 11 UFO Reports Old Lyme, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Stonington 11 UFO Reports Stonington, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Winsted 11 UFO Reports Winsted, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Berlin 11 UFO Reports Berlin, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Cheshire 11 UFO Reports Cheshire, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Oxford 11 UFO Reports Oxford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Glastonbury 11 UFO Reports Glastonbury, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Plainville 11 UFO Reports Plainville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Westbrook 11 UFO Reports Westbrook, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Derby 10 UFO Reports Derby, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Waterford 10 UFO Reports Waterford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Wolcott 10 UFO Reports Wolcott, Connecticut UFO Sightings
East Haddam 10 UFO Reports East Haddam, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Brookfield 10 UFO Reports Brookfield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Colchester 10 UFO Reports Colchester, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Simsbury 10 UFO Reports Simsbury, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Farmington 9 UFO Reports Farmington, Connecticut UFO Sightings
South Windsor 9 UFO Reports South Windsor, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Ridgefield 9 UFO Reports Ridgefield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Vernon 9 UFO Reports Vernon, Connecticut UFO Sightings
West Suffield 9 UFO Reports West Suffield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Monroe 9 UFO Reports Monroe, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Tolland 8 UFO Reports Tolland, Connecticut UFO Sightings
New London 8 UFO Reports New London, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Somers 8 UFO Reports Somers, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Litchfield 8 UFO Reports Litchfield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Bethel 8 UFO Reports Bethel, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Rocky Hill 8 UFO Reports Rocky Hill, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Avon 8 UFO Reports Avon, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Dayville 8 UFO Reports Dayville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Old Saybrook 7 UFO Reports Old Saybrook, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Niantic 7 UFO Reports Niantic, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Plainfield 7 UFO Reports Plainfield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Oakville 7 UFO Reports Oakville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Canton 7 UFO Reports Canton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Windsor 7 UFO Reports Windsor, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Beacon Falls 6 UFO Reports Beacon Falls, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Coventry 6 UFO Reports Coventry, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Lyme 6 UFO Reports Lyme, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Suffield 6 UFO Reports Suffield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Ansonia 6 UFO Reports Ansonia, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Preston 6 UFO Reports Preston, Connecticut UFO Sightings
New Fairfield 6 UFO Reports New Fairfield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Harwinton 6 UFO Reports Harwinton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Prospect 6 UFO Reports Prospect, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Darien 6 UFO Reports Darien, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Stafford Springs 6 UFO Reports Stafford Springs, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Sandy Hook 5 UFO Reports Sandy Hook, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Haddam 5 UFO Reports Haddam, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Orange 5 UFO Reports Orange, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Uncasville 5 UFO Reports Uncasville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Woodbridge 5 UFO Reports Woodbridge, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Middlebury 5 UFO Reports Middlebury, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Kent 5 UFO Reports Kent, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Middlefield 5 UFO Reports Middlefield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Pawcatuck 5 UFO Reports Pawcatuck, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Granby 5 UFO Reports Granby, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Thomaston 5 UFO Reports Thomaston, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Hebron 5 UFO Reports Hebron, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Columbia 5 UFO Reports Columbia, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Lebanon 5 UFO Reports Lebanon, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Wilton 5 UFO Reports Wilton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Plantsville 5 UFO Reports Plantsville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Griswold 5 UFO Reports Griswold, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Moodus 4 UFO Reports Moodus, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Plymouth 4 UFO Reports Plymouth, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Washington 4 UFO Reports Washington, Connecticut UFO Sightings
East Windsor 4 UFO Reports East Windsor, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Lisbon 4 UFO Reports Lisbon, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Windsor Locks 4 UFO Reports Windsor Locks, Connecticut UFO Sightings
North Stonington 4 UFO Reports North Stonington, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Durham 4 UFO Reports Durham, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Redding 4 UFO Reports Redding, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Storrs 4 UFO Reports Storrs, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Kensington 4 UFO Reports Kensington, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Portland 4 UFO Reports Portland, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Willimantic 4 UFO Reports Willimantic, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Sharon 4 UFO Reports Sharon, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Broad Brook 4 UFO Reports Broad Brook, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Willington 4 UFO Reports Willington, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Southport 4 UFO Reports Southport, Connecticut UFO Sightings
New Canaan 4 UFO Reports New Canaan, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Killingworth 4 UFO Reports Killingworth, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Ashford 4 UFO Reports Ashford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Danielson 4 UFO Reports Danielson, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Woodstock 4 UFO Reports Woodstock, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Collinsville 4 UFO Reports Collinsville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Marlborough 4 UFO Reports Marlborough, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Sterling 4 UFO Reports Sterling, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Quaker Hill 3 UFO Reports Quaker Hill, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Jewett City 3 UFO Reports Jewett City, Connecticut UFO Sightings
New Britian 3 UFO Reports New Britian, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Taftville 3 UFO Reports Taftville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
East Hampton 3 UFO Reports East Hampton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Essex 3 UFO Reports Essex, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Goshen 3 UFO Reports Goshen, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Brooklyn 3 UFO Reports Brooklyn, Connecticut UFO Sightings
West Simsbury 3 UFO Reports West Simsbury, Connecticut UFO Sightings
North Branford 3 UFO Reports North Branford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Roxbury 3 UFO Reports Roxbury, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Oakdale 3 UFO Reports Oakdale, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Canterbury 3 UFO Reports Canterbury, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Connecticut 3 UFO Reports Connecticut, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Ledyard 3 UFO Reports Ledyard, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Bantam 3 UFO Reports Bantam, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Deep River 3 UFO Reports Deep River, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Bozrah 3 UFO Reports Bozrah, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Putnam 3 UFO Reports Putnam, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Barkhamsted 3 UFO Reports Barkhamsted, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Moosup 2 UFO Reports Moosup, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Pomfret 2 UFO Reports Pomfret, Connecticut UFO Sightings
North Windham 2 UFO Reports North Windham, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Mystic 2 UFO Reports Mystic, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Pomfret Center 2 UFO Reports Pomfret Center, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Northford 2 UFO Reports Northford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Easton 2 UFO Reports Easton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
East Granby 2 UFO Reports East Granby, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Chester 2 UFO Reports Chester, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Bethlehem 2 UFO Reports Bethlehem, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Killingly 2 UFO Reports Killingly, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Danialson 2 UFO Reports Danialson, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Woodmont 2 UFO Reports Woodmont, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Black Rock 2 UFO Reports Black Rock, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Norfolk 2 UFO Reports Norfolk, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Rowayton 2 UFO Reports Rowayton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Terryville 2 UFO Reports Terryville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Lakeville 2 UFO Reports Lakeville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Bolton 2 UFO Reports Bolton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
New Hartford 2 UFO Reports New Hartford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Sherman 2 UFO Reports Sherman, Connecticut UFO Sightings
North Franklin 2 UFO Reports North Franklin, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Mansfield 2 UFO Reports Mansfield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
East Killingly 2 UFO Reports East Killingly, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Windham 2 UFO Reports Windham, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Montville 2 UFO Reports Montville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Salem 2 UFO Reports Salem, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Falls Village 2 UFO Reports Falls Village, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Mashantucket 1 UFO Reports Mashantucket, Connecticut UFO Sightings
San Francisco 1 UFO Reports San Francisco, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Center Groton 1 UFO Reports Center Groton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Hudson Valley 1 UFO Reports Hudson Valley, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Cos Cob 1 UFO Reports Cos Cob, Connecticut UFO Sightings
East Woodstock 1 UFO Reports East Woodstock, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Chaplin 1 UFO Reports Chaplin, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Fitchville 1 UFO Reports Fitchville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Stoninigton 1 UFO Reports Stoninigton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Oneco 1 UFO Reports Oneco, Connecticut UFO Sightings
East Canaan 1 UFO Reports East Canaan, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Meridien 1 UFO Reports Meridien, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Santa Monica 1 UFO Reports Santa Monica, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Bridgewater 1 UFO Reports Bridgewater, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Katonah 1 UFO Reports Katonah, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Westville 1 UFO Reports Westville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Amesville 1 UFO Reports Amesville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Eastford 1 UFO Reports Eastford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
New Preston 1 UFO Reports New Preston, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Coventry-Bolton 1 UFO Reports Coventry-Bolton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Los Angeles 1 UFO Reports Los Angeles, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Bethany 1 UFO Reports Bethany, Connecticut UFO Sightings
FRANKLIN 1 UFO Reports FRANKLIN, Connecticut UFO Sightings
East Glastonbury 1 UFO Reports East Glastonbury, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Merritt Parkway 1 UFO Reports Merritt Parkway, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Sedona 1 UFO Reports Sedona, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Hadlyme 1 UFO Reports Hadlyme, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Chesire 1 UFO Reports Chesire, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Porterville 1 UFO Reports Porterville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Amston 1 UFO Reports Amston, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Southigton 1 UFO Reports Southigton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Riverside 1 UFO Reports Riverside, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Gales Ferry 1 UFO Reports Gales Ferry, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Union 1 UFO Reports Union, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Bristol to Middletown 1 UFO Reports Bristol to Middletown, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Weatogue 1 UFO Reports Weatogue, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Andover 1 UFO Reports Andover, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Rockville 1 UFO Reports Rockville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Gaylordsville 1 UFO Reports Gaylordsville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Norwark 1 UFO Reports Norwark, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Palm Springs 1 UFO Reports Palm Springs, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Hampton 1 UFO Reports Hampton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Poughkeepsie 1 UFO Reports Poughkeepsie, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Madison-Clinton 1 UFO Reports Madison-Clinton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Vernon Rockville 1 UFO Reports Vernon Rockville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Sharon Connecticut 1 UFO Reports Sharon Connecticut, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Willinton 1 UFO Reports Willinton, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Sratford 1 UFO Reports Sratford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Bloomfield 1 UFO Reports Bloomfield, Connecticut UFO Sightings
NWindham 1 UFO Reports NWindham, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Volujntown 1 UFO Reports Volujntown, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Wilmington 1 UFO Reports Wilmington, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Stafford 1 UFO Reports Stafford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Manchster 1 UFO Reports Manchster, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Voluntown 1 UFO Reports Voluntown, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Providence 1 UFO Reports Providence, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Baltic 1 UFO Reports Baltic, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Fairfield County-NYC area 1 UFO Reports Fairfield County-NYC area, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Rye area over I95 1 UFO Reports Rye area over I95, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Bozra 1 UFO Reports Bozra, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Thompson 1 UFO Reports Thompson, Connecticut UFO Sightings
New Hatford 1 UFO Reports New Hatford, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Short Gap 1 UFO Reports Short Gap, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Higganum 1 UFO Reports Higganum, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Putman 1 UFO Reports Putman, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Fairfield view 1 UFO Reports Fairfield view, Connecticut UFO Sightings
North Grosvenordale 1 UFO Reports North Grosvenordale, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Thompsonville 1 UFO Reports Thompsonville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Old Greenwich 1 UFO Reports Old Greenwich, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Pleasant Valley 1 UFO Reports Pleasant Valley, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Wallingford and Cheshire 1 UFO Reports Wallingford and Cheshire, Connecticut UFO Sightings
East Lyme 1 UFO Reports East Lyme, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Hopeville 1 UFO Reports Hopeville, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Cornwall Bridge 1 UFO Reports Cornwall Bridge, Connecticut UFO Sightings
Likely 1 UFO Reports Likely, Connecticut UFO Sightings