Last updated on June 1, 2024

Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Puyallup, Washington during 2015.

How many UFO sightings were there in Puyallup, Washington in 2015?

  • There were 9 officially reported UFO sightings in Puyallup in 2015.
  • Puyallup ranks #5 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Washington in 2015.

Washington cities with the most UFO sightings in 2015

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Seattle, WA 22 UFO Reports
2 Spokane, WA 12 UFO Reports
3 Vancouver, WA 11 UFO Reports
4 Olympia, WA 10 UFO Reports
5 Tacoma, WA 9 UFO Reports

Analysis of Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015

We analyzed all 9 UFO sighting reports in Puyallup, Washington to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

UFO Reports in Puyallup, Washington from 2015

These Puyallup, Washington UFO reports from 2015 are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary.

You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Puyallup, WA

Full Report Text:

11/28/15 Object Red, white, blue flashing stationary object in the NE sky, about 45 degrees high. ((NUFORC Note: We suspect a sighting of the star, Sirius. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides little contact information.


11/28/15 11:25 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 15 minutes


Puyallup, WA

Full Report Text:

silver did not move no con trail 4 min. standing back yard of home watching comm airliners land at sea tac. thats when i saw plane fly under the ufo.

round and silver in color with no lights it did not move for 4 min. no con trail. then just disapperd out of sight.

07/31/15 10:10 AM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: ~4 minutes


Puyallup, WA

Full Report Text:

Two bright orange lights moving to the south, southwest. On the evening of July 4th at around 11:30 P.M.

My wife and I were standing on our deck in our back yard watching the neighbors firework displays. I looked to the east, through the trees and saw what appeared to be a solid orange light moving in a south, southwest direction at a speed relatively close to an to a commercial jet. A couple of months ago I made a report to this site about a triangular object with an exceptionally bright solid white light.

As that object moved to the south and disappeared, the light turned to an orange and the object disappeared. The orange light on this craft was exactly like the light of the triangular craft from my first report. I realized it was something different when I noticed that it had no blinking lights and was definitely not part of a fireworks display.

I quickly pointed it out to my wife and she was somewhat baffled as to what it could be. She only caught a short view, maybe 5-10 seconds before it disappeared behind the trees. I ran into the house, grabbed the binoculars from the table and ran out the front door to pick up it's trajectory.

Once outside, I immediately, picked up the object but just as I put the binoculars on it, it disappeared completely. I lowered the binoculars to see if I could see it with a wider field of view and I spotted a second light of the exact same type, coming out from behind the trees and following the same course as the original, but it appeared to be further in the distance as it looked somewhat smaller. I started to raise the binoculars again and this light also disappeared.

I scanned the area just the same and one thing stood out, the sky was completely cl! ear where both objects disappeared and the stars in the background were completely visible, there was no obstruction to block my view of either object. The whole incident probably lasted right at or under one minute. These two objects were coming from the northeast and they disappeared very near to where I lost sight of the first object back in April.

As with the first sighting, these objects made no sound. When I asked my wife what she thought, she said that they looked similar to lights on an airplane but she agreed that it was weird that they wouldn't have any blinking lights or that their lights would be orange. It's possible that rising smoke from all of the fireworks could have given them an orange hue but about ten minutes later a commercial jetliner crossed the path that they had taken and it looked white with two blinking lights.

It was very clear that the lights that we saw were completely different. The lights, even in orange looked exceptionally bright. I stated in my first report that we live near joint base Lewis/McChord and we've seen plenty of military traffic go over our home.

This was nothing like anything we've seen. I scanned some other reports from our general location and noticed that I'm not the only one who has described similar objects. Just wondering if they could be testing something at the base? This base isn't normally known for that I kind of activity but I have a limited knowledge of what they do there on the Air Force side.

The sky was clear, no wind and just for the record, I don't drink, do drugs or take medication of any kind. I'm not saying that these things are extra terrestrial, most things have a logical explanation, but this one has me stumped. If you have any suggestions I would be open to hear them.

Until then I guess I'll keep looking in that area to see if this happens regularly. One last question regarding the lights. If there was no obstruction in my view, which there was not, I have never heard of an aircraft, much less two, that suddenly turn off all of their exterior lights when flying at night.

If it were a plane, why would they do that?.

07/04/15 11:00 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 30-60 seconds


Puyallup, WA

Full Report Text:

if just was dark for a few seconds. we did not hear an air liner outside. my daughter and I where standing in the dining room.

then the hole back yard went dark. we do live close to an airport. If it where a airliner it must have been real big.

we could not see the trees in the back yard. no clouds in the sky. 2:00 in the afternoon.

06/22/15 2:00 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 1 second


Puyallup, WA

Full Report Text:

Bright blue light in the southern sky of Puyallup, WA. I saw what looked like a meteor streak down across the southern sky. It was extremely bright.

A few seconds later I saw another, similar streak but this one seemed to burn out quickly and did not make it down to the horizon as the first one did. Then, I saw a bright blue light with a tiny glint of red light emerge slowly up from the horizon, traveling upward. At first I thought this might be fireworks or a drone but my window was open and the night was silent.

The blue light appeared to be miles away and its altitude too high to be a hobby drone. The light continued slowly until it was out of view. It was too bright to be an aircraft and it was absolutely silent.

I suppose it could be some phenomenon associated with a meteor shower, but I've never seen anything that bright moving slowly upward. We do have McChord Air Force base nearby as well but this is the first time I've witnessed anything quite like what I saw.

06/10/15 11:30 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 30 seconds


Puyallup, WA

Full Report Text:

3-6 lights seen over Puyallup Washington, then vanished. My husband and I were visiting my mother in Puyallup, Washington, and had returned to our hotel, The Hampton Inn, to go to bed, as we were leaving the next morning. It was around 10:30 p.

m., maybe a little later, and I was lying in the bed farthest from the window. I noticed in the sky, 3-6 lights in the sky.

At first I thought maybe it was a reflection, but even after moving around, the lights remained. I told my husband and he confirmed what I was seeing. His initial/instant reaction was to say that they were planes.

I told him that did not make sense because planes do not fly that close together and remain in one place. He agreed and suggested helicopters. But, then we both said that did not make sense either.

Before we could think much about it, all but one of the lights were just instantly gone. My husband and I both looked at each other shocked and then the last light was gone. We didn’t see any of them move, they were just gone.

We tried looking up sighting online but didn’t find anything. I have looked a few times since to see if anything was reported, but I don’t really know where to look and the sites I was able to locate didn’t have that date listed. So, I figured it might be good to report it in case others witnessed this also.

05/10/15 10:30 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 1-2 minutes


Puyallup, WA

Full Report Text:

Triangular shape with single bright white light, no sound seen in the airspace south of Puyallup. Erratic flight characteristics. On April 15, 2015 11:45 P.

M. I was working on building a new front porch on my home. It was nearly midnight.

I had to work late on my project because I had been exceptionally busy at work. I was cleaning up my tools and debris and carrying them west towards my garage. As I walked I glanced south and saw what I thought was the planet Jupiter.

I spend a time behind the telescope looking at Jupiter, Saturn, etc… and only because of that fact did I realize that something was out of place. During that time of night and time of year, Jupiter has already passed the tree tops on the western edge of our property. Realizing that something seemed out of place, I looked more closely at that the object that I had mistaken for a planet.

The size in the sky looked correct, also the brightness was comparable to Jupiter. At first the object seemed to be just hanging in place, I then wondered if I had mistaken it for another planet but then it started to move. It kept a relative track of west to south east.

Suddenly, it made a very substantial, very abrupt turn due south, then another, equally sharp correction back to the east, then it began a sweeping arc back to the south. The movement seemed far too sharp for any aircraft that I have ever seen. I ran in the house and grabbed my 8x binoculars that were sitting next to the door and returned to my front yard.

By the time I returned (roughly 15-20 seconds) the object had really picked up speed. It was moving far faster than an aircraft. I yelled for my wife but she didn’t hear me (as she was in the back of the house).

I got the binoculars on it and could make out very little detail but this is what I saw. It appeared to be triangular in shape, it had one single, exceptionally bright white light that appeared to be centered in the object (it was so bright when viewed through the binoculars it did give the object a bit of an aura), and I couldn’t give a definitive size as I had nothing to compare it to, it had no landing lights, beacons, etc… just the one light and it made absolutely no sound. The night was quiet, except for the frogs (which had gone quiet during the event, not necessarily because of the event, as they do that from time to time at night).

As the object began to move out of sight the white light seemed to take on an orange glow, like the moon seen through air pollution, then it just blipped out. The whole event couldn’t have lasted more than 2-3 minutes. The angle of my view must have dropped 15-25 degrees in elevation and 30 degrees from right to left as I tracked the object.

The night was completely clear, the temperature was 45-50 degrees. It seemed very fast but, in fairness, not being able to judge the size or elevation of the object, I couldn’t say definitively, how fast it was actually traveling. It seemed to move about as fast as a satellite, when you watch them pass over.

The object would’ve had to cross over or very near the flight path of Joint Base Lewis/McCord. We lived in the base’s airspace for nearly 4 years now. I have seen just about every type of aircraft come off that base, from Osprey, Chinook and Blackhawks to F-18’s, C-130’s etc… I have never seen anything come off that base that resembled, in any way, what I saw that night.

The closest comparison that I could come up with was watching a satellite with the exception of possible size and flight characteristics. I did not report this to the authorities because I didn’t want people to think I was crazy. I know it sounds cliché but it’s the truth.

I have seen some strange things in my life but I’m sure they’ve all had logical explanations and this may very well have a simple, logical explanation but I couldn’t come up with one. I found your site while searching the internet to see if anyone else might have reported something of this nature. I did tell my wife, knowing that I am a very honest and pretty logical person, she believed that I did, indeed, see something but she still had to chuckle when I came in and told her about it.

It would be nice to know that I was not the only one to witness this phenomena. Thank you. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date is approximate.


04/15/15 11:45 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 2-3 minutes


Puyallup, WA

Full Report Text:

Working night shift, above my site was an orb of shimmering light I saw an orb of shimmering light floating above my work site at 3am, it stayed there for several minutes. The orb was a beautiful mix of colors and was unlike anything I’ve seen. I didn’t believe in UFOs when this happened, not until we shot down UFOs over North America in 2023, then I started to believe.

03/01/15 3:00 AM

UFO Shape: orb

Lasted: 20 minutes


Puyallup, WA

Full Report Text:

Very fast moving aircraft leaving contrails at right angles seen over Puyallup, WA. About 15:33 local time, saw an object far in the distance, ascending from the horizon at what appeared to be a very steep angle and leaving a smoke/vapor trail (reminded me of a rocket or missile launch). Thought it looked a little unusual, until I observed it make a very sharp, practically right angle turn.

Looked to be travelling at a high rate of speed and not manoeuvering like a commercial aircraft. Object continued moving somewhat level until appearing to enter another, more gentle turn while still climbing steeply (trail was more of an arc than another right angle). Object was actually turning closer to me.

As it started to get closer, it became even more apparent that it was travelling extremely fast. The really curious part came as the aircraft travelled directly overhead. It looked to be very high up, flying above the wispy cloud cover, and as it flew over, coincidentally, there was a commercial airliner passing underneath it.

Based on those observations, it looked to be too big to be a fighter. As well, its shape (and coloring) did not really match any aircraft I am familiar with. More flying wedge than plane with wings.

It looked more SpaceX than F-22 or F-35 (or any other active/inactive US military aircraft). Most assuredly man made, but very unusual all the same. ((NUFORC Note: Photos provided by witness, which appear to indicate contrails.

PD)) ((ADDENDUM #1 FROM WITNESS)) Hi, Here are a few images I took of the event in question. I Wish now I had taken a video, but this is not the sort of thing I see every day and was wanting to watch it with my own eyes as much as possible. The blue area on the map picture shows the general line of sight where I was looking when first observing the craft (S/SE).

My vantage point is the dot at the apex of the traingular area. Again, I really wish I had recored a video, but would probably not have gotten anything usable as it passed overhead anyways due to the awkward angle of trying to blindly aim a camera almost straight up and out my window as it flew over. I'm sure overall, this is a pretty pedestrain report (and not really alien), but some of he crafts movements didn't seem quite 'right', and it's shape was certainly unique.

((END ADDENDUM)) ((ADDENDUM #2 FROM WITNESS)) Hey again, One thing I forgot to mention anywhere that is worth noting is the sound the craft made, which was none. From the time I started watching it climb, until it came directly overhead, I didn't hear any sort of noise. Also, I forgot to check the 'contact me' checkbox on the report.

If you need to contact me further with any other questions, feel free. ((END ADDENDUM)).

01/20/15 3:33 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: ~3 minutes


Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings From 2015 By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Triangle 3 reported sightings 33.33% of all reports
Unknown 2 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
Light 2 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
Circle 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
Orb 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports

Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings From 2015 By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
July 2 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
June 2 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
January 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
April 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
November 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
March 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
May 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports

Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings From 2015 By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Wednesday 2 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
Saturday 2 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
Sunday 2 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
Tuesday 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
Friday 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
Monday 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports

Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings From 2015 By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
01/20/15 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
07/04/15 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
06/22/15 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
05/10/15 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
06/10/15 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports

Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings From 2015 By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 5 reported sightings 55.56% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 2 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 1 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports

Other Years with Reported UFO sightings in Puyallup, Washington

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Puyallup, Washington.

Year Number of Reports View Reports
2023 4 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2023
2022 1 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2022
2020 3 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2020
2019 5 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2019
2018 1 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2018
2017 6 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2017
2016 3 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2016
2015 9 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
2014 9 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2014
2013 5 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2013
2012 7 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2012
2011 2 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2011
2009 1 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2009
2008 1 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2008
2007 3 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2007
2006 1 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2006
2005 6 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2005
2004 4 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2004
2003 3 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2003
2001 3 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2001
2000 2 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2000
1999 2 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 1999
1998 3 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 1998
1997 1 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 1997
1995 7 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 1995
1971 1 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 1971

All Washington Cities with reported UFO sightings in 2015

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Washington in 2015. You can also view the state-level list of UFO sightings in Washington in 2015.

City Number of Reports View Reports
Seattle 22 UFO Reports Seattle, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Spokane 12 UFO Reports Spokane, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Vancouver 11 UFO Reports Vancouver, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Olympia 10 UFO Reports Olympia, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Tacoma 9 UFO Reports Tacoma, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Puyallup 9 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Bellingham 8 UFO Reports Bellingham, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Bremerton 8 UFO Reports Bremerton, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Redmond 7 UFO Reports Redmond, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Everett 5 UFO Reports Everett, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Sumner 5 UFO Reports Sumner, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Arlington 5 UFO Reports Arlington, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Wenatchee 4 UFO Reports Wenatchee, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Sequim 4 UFO Reports Sequim, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Yakima 4 UFO Reports Yakima, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Shelton 4 UFO Reports Shelton, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Spanaway 4 UFO Reports Spanaway, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Renton 4 UFO Reports Renton, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Anacortes 4 UFO Reports Anacortes, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Kirkland 3 UFO Reports Kirkland, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Walla Walla 3 UFO Reports Walla Walla, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Longview 3 UFO Reports Longview, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Bellevue 3 UFO Reports Bellevue, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Port Orchard 3 UFO Reports Port Orchard, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Washougal 3 UFO Reports Washougal, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Spokane Valley 3 UFO Reports Spokane Valley, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Pasco 3 UFO Reports Pasco, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Centralia 2 UFO Reports Centralia, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Camano Island 2 UFO Reports Camano Island, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Gig Harbor 2 UFO Reports Gig Harbor, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Marysville 2 UFO Reports Marysville, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Tumwater 2 UFO Reports Tumwater, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Ellensburg 2 UFO Reports Ellensburg, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Raymond 2 UFO Reports Raymond, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Cowiche 2 UFO Reports Cowiche, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Quincy 2 UFO Reports Quincy, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Elk 2 UFO Reports Elk, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Ritzville 2 UFO Reports Ritzville, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Lacey 2 UFO Reports Lacey, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Port Angeles 2 UFO Reports Port Angeles, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Kent 2 UFO Reports Kent, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Maple Falls 2 UFO Reports Maple Falls, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Port Hadlock 2 UFO Reports Port Hadlock, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Lakewood 2 UFO Reports Lakewood, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Aberdeen 2 UFO Reports Aberdeen, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Eastsound 1 UFO Reports Eastsound, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Ocean Shores 1 UFO Reports Ocean Shores, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Portland 1 UFO Reports Portland, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Ford 1 UFO Reports Ford, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Pullman 1 UFO Reports Pullman, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Preston 1 UFO Reports Preston, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Desmoines 1 UFO Reports Desmoines, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Harstene Island 1 UFO Reports Harstene Island, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Auburn 1 UFO Reports Auburn, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Cle Elum 1 UFO Reports Cle Elum, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Omak 1 UFO Reports Omak, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
George 1 UFO Reports George, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Bothell 1 UFO Reports Bothell, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Skamokawa 1 UFO Reports Skamokawa, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Otis Orchards 1 UFO Reports Otis Orchards, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Port Townsend 1 UFO Reports Port Townsend, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Post Falls 1 UFO Reports Post Falls, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Suquamish 1 UFO Reports Suquamish, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
North Seattle 1 UFO Reports North Seattle, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Brewster 1 UFO Reports Brewster, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Sumas 1 UFO Reports Sumas, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Diablo Lake 1 UFO Reports Diablo Lake, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Kittitas 1 UFO Reports Kittitas, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Westport 1 UFO Reports Westport, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Clearlake 1 UFO Reports Clearlake, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Ione 1 UFO Reports Ione, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Glacier 1 UFO Reports Glacier, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Mount Vernon 1 UFO Reports Mount Vernon, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
San Juan Islands 1 UFO Reports San Juan Islands, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Covington 1 UFO Reports Covington, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Kingston 1 UFO Reports Kingston, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Woodinville 1 UFO Reports Woodinville, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Burien 1 UFO Reports Burien, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Granite Falls 1 UFO Reports Granite Falls, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Colfax 1 UFO Reports Colfax, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Snoqualmie National Forest 1 UFO Reports Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
La Center 1 UFO Reports La Center, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Friday Harbor 1 UFO Reports Friday Harbor, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Kennewick 1 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Bay Center 1 UFO Reports Bay Center, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Sea-Tac 1 UFO Reports Sea-Tac, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Chehalis 1 UFO Reports Chehalis, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Ephrata 1 UFO Reports Ephrata, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
King County 1 UFO Reports King County, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Sunnyside 1 UFO Reports Sunnyside, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Deer Park 1 UFO Reports Deer Park, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Lynnwood 1 UFO Reports Lynnwood, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Parkland 1 UFO Reports Parkland, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Moses Lake 1 UFO Reports Moses Lake, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Lake Tapps 1 UFO Reports Lake Tapps, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Harrington 1 UFO Reports Harrington, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
East Wenatchee 1 UFO Reports East Wenatchee, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Selah 1 UFO Reports Selah, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Ridgefield 1 UFO Reports Ridgefield, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Bainbridge Island 1 UFO Reports Bainbridge Island, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Morton 1 UFO Reports Morton, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Shoreline 1 UFO Reports Shoreline, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Fife 1 UFO Reports Fife, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Snohomish 1 UFO Reports Snohomish, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Yelm 1 UFO Reports Yelm, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Castle Rock 1 UFO Reports Castle Rock, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
East Spokane 1 UFO Reports East Spokane, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Goldendale 1 UFO Reports Goldendale, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Brush Prairie 1 UFO Reports Brush Prairie, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Lakebay 1 UFO Reports Lakebay, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Coupeville 1 UFO Reports Coupeville, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Veradale 1 UFO Reports Veradale, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Lynden 1 UFO Reports Lynden, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Puget Sound 1 UFO Reports Puget Sound, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Kelso 1 UFO Reports Kelso, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Colbert 1 UFO Reports Colbert, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
University Place 1 UFO Reports University Place, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Roosevelt 1 UFO Reports Roosevelt, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Yacolt 1 UFO Reports Yacolt, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Eatonville 1 UFO Reports Eatonville, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
Dryden 1 UFO Reports Dryden, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015