Last updated on May 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Captiva, Florida

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Captiva, Florida.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Captiva, Florida?

  • There have been 22 officially reported UFO sightings in Captiva from 2013 to 2013.
  • Captiva ranks #89 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Florida.

Other Florida Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Orlando, FL 402 UFO Reports
2 Miami, FL 370 UFO Reports
3 Jacksonville, FL 283 UFO Reports
4 Tampa, FL 248 UFO Reports
5 Sarasota, FL 140 UFO Reports

Captiva, Florida UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 22 UFO sighting reports in Captiva, Florida to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Captiva, Florida

These Captiva, Florida UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:


m. Eastern time I arrived at the beach overlooking the Gulf of Mexico where I regularly skywatch, just north of the rock jetty at Blind Pass inlet, on the south end of Captiva Island, SW Florida. The sky was about 30 percent overcast.

There were several aircraft in the area, as is usually the case because of two nearby airports. At 7:15 I noticed a relatively small, deep orange “fireball” traveling horizontally north to south, about 40 degrees above the horizon, and at an altitude of approximately 10,000 feet or less, substantially lower than most aircraft in the area. This object appeared to be of exactly the same size of the one I recently reported in “Sighting #30” and was traveling at least two, maybe 3 times faster than any aircraft I’ve seen.

I first noticed the object when in was straight out in front of me, due west. It’s size was that of an average size star, whereas most all others I've seen are the size of a pea held at arm’s length, and as bright or brighter than Venus at it’s brightest. I watched it through my binoculars for around 7 to 10 seconds, when it changed color to a solid white, and then split in two, with the light on the right being up at an angle of around 45 degrees from the one below.

Without binoculars it looked like a single light. I watched It through my binocs for another 10 seconds or so as it continued moving south until it faded out of sight because it moved so far away from me. There was no other activity for the following 45 minutes.

12/03/13 7:15 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 20 seconds


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

SIGHTING #30 – 11TH SIGHTING OF ORANGE-RED “FIREBALLS” IN A CLOSE BY STRUCTURED FORMATION At 7:10 p.m. I arrived at the beach where I regularly skywatch, just north of the rock jetty at Blind Pass, on the south end of Captiva Island, Florida.

The sky was slightly overcast and the full moon had not risen yet, so it was quite dark. Since my last sighting late August, I had not been sky watching much since then because of health problems, but nonetheless have been out for short periods of time at least a dozen times since then, and saw nothing of consequence. I was thinking that all of the concentrated action of the past summer was pretty much over until last night.

At 7:15 p.m. one of the :fireballs” came on briefly, due west of me, about 40 degrees up in the sky, and in front of clouds on the horizon.

It came on as they usually do, like on a dimmer switch. From when it first showed up until when in went out was about 5 seconds. A few minutes later, another fireball came on in the same fashion, just a bit to the left (south) of the first one.

It also went out after about 5 seconds. These lights were a little bit larger than Venus – about the size of a pea at arms length. Then, about 4 or 5 minutes later, I saw for the first time, a very small orange-red light “freefalling” about ¼ the speed of a falling meteor.

I first spotted it at about 60 degrees above the horizon, and it fell to about 35 degrees, and then just stopped and hovered. Then it got very bright, as bright as Venus. It seemed like it was not much more than a mile or so away from me, like the previous.

Then it too went out for a few seconds and then came back on. It stayed on and another one came on just to the right of it, about a finger-width away and to the right. Then the second one went out while the first stayed on, and a third one came on just to the right to where the second one went out.

After that, the one on the far left and the one on the far right went out for a short second, then came back on, followed by three more lights of the same color and intensity, in a very straight and vertical line, equidistant apart by a pinky finger width, directly below the light! on the right. Then all the lights on the right went out briefly, and then came back on starting at the top, 1,2,3,4 – in a staged way. With the light in the upper left staying on during this time, and the middle top one coming back on briefly, it liked something like a HUGE kind of box structure.

This entire event took about 3 minutes, and then all of the lights went out! I would venture an educated guess that the “structure” was perhaps 1 but no more than 2 miles away from me, and around 1,000 to 1,500 feed above the Gulf of Mexico. The whole experience gave me quite a fright both because of it’s size, closeness, and the fact that it was the first UFO activity I seen in my area in over 2 months. I’m excited that they might be coming back!.

11/19/13 5:10 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 10 minutes


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:


Because it was so similar to the previous night, I ended up with 2 pages of notes, versus the few paragraphs I usually jot down after a sighting. It was partly cloudy, but there were stars out in places. I could lights on in my “cornerstone” 3-story house on North Captiva, 8 miles away, but the lights were a bit hazy.

At 8:55 p.m. I arrived at the beach where I regularly skywatch, just north of the rock jetty at Blind Pass, on the south end of Captiva Island, Florida.

There was still a bit of light in the sky. At 9:05 p.m.

I saw an object with naked eyes that was as bright and as big around as Venus, approximately 60 degrees above the horizon above the Gulf of Mexico, traveling about as fast as a satellite, NW to SSE, but at an altitude of about 10,000 feet at the most. I watched it through my binoculars for a little more than a minute and saw that it had very sharply defined edges and was indeed a sphere. It was by far much larger than any of the numerous satellites I have seen.

It had a luminous, off-white exterior. The sun may have been reflecting off of it, but I’m not sure, other than it was not a plane or satellite. It went into a cloud as it went south and that was all I saw of it.

At 9:12 I saw with my naked eye a bright orange “fireball”, about the size of a grape at arm’s length, just seaward and above southern Cayo Costa Island (see Map), at an altitude of around 2,000 feet. I watched it through my 10X42 binoculars for 10 minutes as it dimmed down in brightness and changed colors to an orange-white, and then mostly a dull white, while it drifted out to sea 2 to 3 miles, and downward to approximately 1,000 feet or less, where it dimmed out. Shortly after the fireball went out I started seeing in the same area little pinpoint flashes of white light (one form of “flashers”), maybe 500 feet above the water.

A good description I just thought of was that they were like perhaps like flashbulbs going off at great distance. There were 4 or 5 of them in a fairly small area, strobing irregularly, on for a split second and then off for a full second, sometimes flashing quickly numerous times, just like last night. Then 2 of them came together, one above the other, one right on the water, and the other 200 to 300 feet directly above it.

They were lined up vertically and perfectly. I didn’t see what happened to the others because I was focusing on the two, which quickly stopped strobing and became steady, dim white lights, barely visible through my binoculars. After a brief while they both slowly started getting brighter, stayed bright enough to see with the naked eye, and just hovered in place for about 5 minutes.

Af! ter this time the one on the water became very dim quickly, as if going into the water, and then disappeared. Within a few seconds the light above dimmed out. I could still see occasional dim pinpoints flashbulbs of white light in the area for a while.

At 9:45 two bright, deep amber, oval lights came on in the same area but closer to shore. When I looked at them through my binocs I could see that they were “stacked,” one directly above the other, EXACTLY LIKE THE SILVER-GOLD UFOs I’D SEEN ON PREVOIUS NIGHTS!! I actually got rather frightened, because I was alone on the beach, an it was really dark. Except for the fact that they were amber colored, they behaved just like the ones last night with distant “flash bulbs” going off in the vicinity.

I watched these objects for a solid 10 minutes. One was right on or very near the water and the one above it was again, 3 or so object widths above it, no more than 200 feet above the water. They went on and off 7 or 8 times.

Right before they went out there was one fairly bright “flashbulb” that went off just to the left (seaward) of them. During the time they were dimming on and off, the one on the bottom would just get real dim and looked like a little blob on top of the wa! ter. I thought at the time that it was dipping in and out of the water because of the way it was acting.

I also thought at the time that they were pulsating very, very slowly. The one on the bottom went out after about 5 minutes, and it took the one on the top another 5 minutes before it went out, slowly getting dimmer and dimmer. At 9:56 I was walking north on the beach to talk to a fisherman up there and asked him if he saw what I was seeing.

He said no, that he was mostly looking straight out on the Gulf, instead of 90 degrees to the right. Then the two elongated amber lights came back on and we both looked at them for 2 or 3 minutes before they went out. They looked through binoculars exactly like the ones I’d just seen, and they were in the same spot.

Again, the one on the bottom went out first, and then within 20 seconds or so the one on the top went out. I did not see any “sparkles” or “flashbulbs” in the area this time. Shortly after this last event I went back home to write up my notes.

These observations know lead me to believe that these elongated/oval deep amber objects, which were of the exact kind and quality of amber light as amber/orange “fireballs,” may have been the same as the elongated dull silver-goldish craft I’d previously seen, just a different color phase. These objects may even be shifting shapes, but I have yet to whiteness them in the act. I now have two more reports to write up, one from my friends sightings on Sanibel Island, and one of a very strange colored, bright sky-blue and red “fireball” that had a shimmer around it and was very bright and the size of an orange at arm’s length.

08/29/13 9:05 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: 1 hour


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

SIGHTING #27 AUGUST 27, 2013 – 5th SIGHTING OF A SILVER-GOLD, GLOWING ELONGATED/FOOTBALL (FLYING SAUCER) SHAPED UFO SILVER-GOLD UFO’S AGAIN, 10TH SIGHTING OF A FIREBALL, 11TH SIGHTINGS OF STRANGE “FLASHERS” ASSOCIATED WITH A UFO After several evenings of rain or otherwise not being able to get out to my regular skywatch place on the beach, overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, just north of the rock jetty at Blind Pass on the south end of Captiva Island, Florida, I arrived this night at 9:00 p.m. As soon as I set up my chair, I looked north and saw with a naked eye a dull white light very near the horizon, no more than 2 miles seaward of southern Cayo Costa Island, which in uninhabited, and is just north of North Captiva Island, which is just under 8 miles away from me.

Cayo Costa runs north and south and is 6.5 miles long, and just offshore there and North Captiva is where I have been seeing MUCH activity lately. It’s south end is right on the outside edge of the horizon, to the NNW of where I normally skywatch.

House and other lights are easily visible to the naked eye on North Captiva from my vantage point, with my eye level being about 12 feet above sea level. There is a 3-story house on the Gulf! beach, on stilts on North Captiva, in which you can see lights in windows on each floor with binoculars at night; I estimate that the roof top is about 60 feet above sea level. I use it for estimating the size, distance and height of objects I see in the area.

I brought the light into focus with my 10X42 binoculars and saw that it was a spherical light, versus a definable object like the elongated football shaped UFOs I previously saw. I would estimate that it was around 100 feet in diameter, which is about the same length of the clearly defined football shaped UFO’s I’ve previously reported on (Sightings # 22 to #26). It hovered around 150 feet above the Gulf’s horizon for about 5 minutes, quickly rose to about 1,000 feet, hovered there for a short while, brightened up and then faded away within 30 to 40 seconds.

At 9:15 I saw through my binocs one of the “single strobe flashers” I’ve reported on before. It looked like it was over the right side of N. Captiva, about 400 to 500 feet above the island, maybe a quarter mile to the right of tallest house there on the beach, and around 9 miles distant.

These points of light would show up in 1 to 3 second intervals, which made it easy to follow. Every once in a while there would be a bright flash, must mostly it stayed about the same. I watched it drift about 2 to 3 miles over, or just beyond, the island and go out to sea as it slowly dropped in altitude.

When it got about 2 miles off shore it drifted right near the water’s surface and then went out. Right after the strobe went out, and while I was still looking through my binoculars and started making a sweep along the horizon, I saw just to the left of where the other light went out, THE SAME “DOUBLE UFOs” I’d seen and reported on not more than a week ago!!! These were right on the horizon, one just a tad above the water, and the second right above it by 3 craft widths. These objects seemed more hazy (probably because there was a strong breeze), but still the same dull silver and goldish/yellow color.

They were around 100 feet long, and a little less than half the height. The craft did not merge as they had before, at least that I saw while they were visible. They did change brightness though, independently but not regularly, with one getting really bright, and then the other, and so on.

They would only be visible to the naked eye in their bright phase. I got a really good look at them and watched them for a good 3 minutes before they disappeared, with first the! one on the bottom going out, and then the one on top going out. I really hate to say this, and should have said it in my first report on these objects, but the fact is that they were typical “flying saucer” shape.

I don’t even use that term any more because people immediately think you are nuts – UFO with the description I’ve given covers both bases and seems to be more acceptable. I am sending with this report a photograph that almost stunned me when I first saw it, that was in Filer’s Flyer #35 email today, submitted by MUFON from Fayetteville, on August 24, 2013. This picture is a striking resemblance to what I’ve been seeing, except for the color and the budge in the middle.

At precisely 9:30 there was a very large white “flash” of white light just north of North Captiva Island. It was INCREDIBLE! It lit up almost half of the sky for a brief second. It looked like a bomb probably would have looked like.

I saw nothing directly associated with it as I was looking in that direction for 12 minutes before I had my next sighting. Wow. At 9:50 I saw again the same flying saucer shaped UFOs, again one above the other, right on the horizon, except that these seemed more amber colored.

They were in pretty much the same location as the earlier ones, about 2 to 3 miles off shore, but according to my notes from that night, they were further north than earlier, north of North Captiva, probably off of Cayo Costa. The one on the top was no more than 300 feet above the horizon. I watched them through my binocs for a few minutes, when the one above changed colors to an off-orange color, and the one below went out.

Shortly after that the one on the bottom came back on, still amber, and then went out again. A minute or so later the single UFO slowly drifted upward and became a bright white and began to pulsate slowly. It was easily visible with the naked eye at 8 plus miles away.

Then it stopped pulsating, got really bright, disappeared, and then all kinds of pinpoints of strobe light appeared, exactly like all of the “flashers” I’ve seen many times!! WOW! These flashes of white light were spread out to about half the width of my binocular field of view, which I’m guessing is around a quarter to a half mile at that far distance. Most of the points of light of light would come on once every second or less, and there was an area where they were flashing rapidly, stop for a bit, and then do it again. Then over a period of 4 to 5 minutes both the number of pinpoints of light, and the time between flashes, became slower and slower until they all stopped at 10:02.

I saw nothing else until 10:10 when I had to leave because of the no-see-ums. This was an absolutely amazing sighting and I really wish I could get someone out here that has a good camera with a telephoto lens. Both of my shark fishing friends have now independently filed UFO reports on what they have seen here, but they are only here on the weekends.

SOMETHING SPECIAL IS GOING ON OUT HERE! I went out the following night and again saw similar things, and then the following, reports on which I will soon file.

08/28/13 9:02 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 1 hour


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.e.

alien spacecraft. We cannot be certain, however. PD)) SOME CONCLUSIONS FROM THE PAST 27 SIGHTINGS I AND OTHERS HAVE HAD ON SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA ISLANDS, FLORIDA, OVER AN EIGHT WEEK PERIOD FROM JUNE 24 TO AUGUST 20, 2013 Based on what I and friends have witnessed I believe that: 1.

There has to be some reason that all these UFOs, and especially the “city on the horizon” glows, are in this particular area. OR are they elsewhere along the coastline of SW Florida? 2. I have a strong feeling that there may very well be some kind of underwater base in the area, especially in light of the sightings of the past 5 nights or so.

It makes sense because one would think that they have to be coming from somewhere, and underwater is as good a place as anywhere else, again considering strong evidence pointing in this direction. 3. Amber, orange, and red “fireballs” are one and the same, and change colors for yet unknown reasons – they have been the predominant UFOs of the 7 different types have seen 4.

fireballs I've seen are directly associated with both single-light and multiple light strobe “flashers 5. fireballs I've seen are closely associated with goldish-white elongated football shaped UFOs 6. UGOs (Unidentified Glowing Objects) were directly associated with amber “fireball” UFOs at times, which changed color to orange and then red, just before one of them “dropped” a strobing object down to the ground or water.

7. Other UGOs seen out on the Gulf of Mexico have been seen mostly in association with fireballs, except for once. 8.

Most UGO sightings have been at specific locations, but one did move to another area once 9. Since my first sighting on June 24, 2013, I’ve been out sky watching 39 nights out of the 56 nights available to date (8/18/13) – 69.5 percent of the available time.

10. UFOs and associated phenomenon have been sighted on nearly 70 percent of our outings! That’s 27 sightings in 39 nights!! And on most of these nights, way more than a single UFO or other object were seen. One report I’ve listed was from a man on nearby Cape Coral who described exactly what I and others have seen.

11. Of the 38 times I or others have been out, we have had 27 sightings, which is 68% of the time. 12.

I have missed going out 18 of the available 56 nights, which is 32% of the available time. 13. There have been 9 to 9.

5 hours of darkness per night during the past 8 weeks, and I’ve primarily been out only 2 or so hours per night on average, 22 percent of the time. What’s happening the other 80 percent of the time? 14. It appears that the “action” has moved from where it started 2 months ago at my friends house on Sanibel Island, two miles to the south of me, to some 7 miles north off of the uninhabited island of Cayo Costa.

15. Finally, if the right kinds of cameras were set up to view the area all night long, or if I could get some volunteers our here for a better than 50:50 chance of seeing something, then there would be a reasonable chance of figuring out what is really going on our here.

08/23/13 8:20 PM

UFO Shape:

Lasted: Summary


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.e.


I arrived at my regular skywatch location at 9:20 p.m. on the south end of Captiva Island, FL, USA, just north of the rock jetty at Blind Pass.

The weather was totally overcast for the first half hour after I arrived, and then cleared to partly cloudy, with clouds over the horizon of the Gulf. I was scanning the horizon, 50 percent of the time with binoculars, and 50 percent of the time without binocs, for a whole hour and 10 minutes without seeing anything, when at 10:30, while looking through my binoculars, I briefly saw the same kind of “double-craft” UFOs I had seen on previous nights, in precisely the same location as before, one above the other, apparently having just emerged from the Gulf. I say apparently emerging from the water because, like before, the craft on the bottom was right on the horizon or just a little tad below it, and smaller for a moment before it became the size of the one above before disappearing.

I watched it for a good 5 seconds before the lights went out. I got VERY lucky with this sighting because it could only have been see through binoculars, and when you think about catching something for only a few seconds out of 70 minutes of observation, it’s almost like finding a needle in a haystack. If others are emerging and then turning out the lights this quickly – and I did see this before – who knows how many of the things could be out there.

I estimate that it was about 7 miles away from me. That was all I saw in that northern area until I left at 11 p.m.

At 10:50 an orange “fireball” appeared due west of me over the Gulf, about 40 degrees above the horizon, and no more than 5 miles away. It spooked me a bit when it rapidly expanded from the size of a small pea at arms length, to the size of a baseball or large orange, and began glowing and pulsating mostly red, but with some bluish and white in it too. After the 10 seconds it took to expand, the edges started “shimmering” with different colors, and my heart seemed to skip a few beats.

I pointed it out to a couple of people who were walking down the beach and told them it was a UFO and they were fascinated too. By the time I remembered to look at it through my binoculars, it started shrinking down and then disappeared after about 20 to 25 seconds. It stayed in one place during this time.

This object looked uncannily like one of those “star gates” like you see on TV It really gave me a start because I was almost expecting for the sky to start opening up! I continued sky watching through out for another 10 minutes or so before the sand flies drove me back home at 11 p.m. The idea that it might have been some kind of a portal or “star gate” didn't strike me until the next morning.

I will next report on my conclusions of the past 27 sightings I and others in the immediate area have had over 39 nights of observation, during 8 weeks since I had my first sighting here on June 24, 2013.

08/16/13 10:30 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: Brief


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.e.


m. on the south end of Captiva Island, FL, USA, just north of the rock jetty at Blind Pass. This was the third night in a row that I had been out because of what I had seen two nights ago.

The weather was totally overcast and dead calm, but there was sufficient moonlight to see the horizon of the entire Gulf of Mexico. The moon was almost half full and high in the sky when I first arrived. At approximately 9:45 a dim yellowish light appeared on the horizon just a little west/seaward of where I previously had seen the football shaped craft on previous nights.

I then got it in view with my binoculars and again saw two of the whitish-gold craft, side by side, right on the horizon at the water’s surface. I think that they could have possibly come out of the water based on what I previously seen, except that these objects were fully formed – I did not see the little ‘blob” of light get bigger and turn into the craft like I’d previously seen. I watched these objects for a short while as they pretty much stayed in place before disappearing.

At 10:13 p.m. I saw to the NNW of me, in the same area that the previous nights UFO’s appeared, a brilliant, “crystalline,” green-blue, flashing light, about the size of a pea at arms length.

It was no more than 4 or 5 miles away from me, well inside of the horizon. It would come on for a short second, go off for a short second, etc. 5 to 7 times each time it came on.

It would stay off for perhaps a minute or two before coming back on. After the first 4 or 5 times that it came on, it started slowly getting dimmer, and then I realized that it was moving way from me, just west of NNW, at an angle out to sea. I watched this object for about 20 minutes before the !#@#%! Sand flies drove me off the beach.

I quickly went home across the street, soaked myself in OFF, and went back to my location. By this time, 10:40, the light had turned mostly white with a bit of green in, and was barely visible with the naked eye. It was still within the horizon though, close to 7 miles away.

I was watching it with my binoculars when the flashing became a consistent on and off, in a strange way. It would take a long second to come on to the brightness that it would get, like on a slow dimmer switch, and then go off like a switch was thrown. stay I was somewhat, and the thought that came to mind was that it was “struggling, huffing and puffing,” getting to where it was just visible with my binocs.

Then, and this was scary, it brightened one last time and stayed on for a full second, and “shot” what looked like a short beam of light, or the light from some kind of a projectile, nearly straigh! t up in the air! The section of “light beam” that I saw was maybe 60 to 80 feet long, perhaps even longer, as it was some distance away. I guess it resembled the flash that comes out of the muzzle of a gun. With 0 degrees being straight up, I would say that this short “beam flash” was at 10 degrees off of vertical, and toward the NW.

It seemed like the flash was going away from me and to the left a bit – it was very clearly defined. I heard no sounds and it rather shocked and scared me when this happened. I saw nothing else for about 10 minutes and I was glad to go home.

I’ve been lucky enough to see some really strange things out here, and even seeing a “normal” UFO seems like it would have been better that this. I have absolutely no clue as to what it was that I was watching, especially considering that it changed colors and changed its rate of pulsations. To think that it may have shot something up in the air just frightens me.

While writing this report, and after having thought about it for a while, the color of this light was greener than the blue-green light I had filed in “Sighting #9” for July 12, 2013. FOOTNOTE: I went back out the following night from 9:15 to 11:00 p.m.

and saw nothing at all. I got rained out the following two nights, and the next report, #27, brings my reporting up to date.

08/15/13 9:45 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: 65 minutes on and off


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

SECOND SIGHTINGS OF GLOWING ELONGATED/FOOTBALL SHAPED UFOS WITH A DIRECT CORRELATION TO OUR NINTH SIGHTING ((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.e.

alien spacecraft. We cannot be certain, however. PD)) SIGHTING # 25 – August 14, - SECOND SIGHTINGS OF GLOWING ELONGATED/FOOTBALL SHAPPED UFOS WITH A DIRECT CORRELATION TO OUR NINTH SIGHTING OF “FIREBALL” UFOs AND “FLASHERS” I arrived at my regular skywatch location at 9:30 p.

m. on the south end of Captiva Island, FL, USA, just north of the rock jetty at Blind Pass. The weather was clear and calm, with some clouds well past the horizon of the Gulf of Mexico.

The moon was almost half full and high in the sky when I first arrived. Based on my previous nights sightings and knowing that I could only see the glowing, white/gold UFOs through my binoculars, I had them trained toward the NNW, just off shore of uninhabited Cayo Costa Island, when at approximately 9:50 I got really lucky and saw two of the glowing UFOs appear to “pop” out of the Gulf of Mexico, perhaps 5 or 6 miles away from me. I estimate the miles based on the horizon being at 7 miles over water, and these objects were just inside the horizon.

I say “lucky” because I only saw them briefly, maybe 15 seconds or so, before they “turned off,” slower than a light switch, but not as long as if on a dimmer switch. I don’t think I would have seen them from where I was without binoculars. These two were side by side, about 2 or maybe 3 UFO lengths apart.

I’ve estimated before that the UFOs were around 100 feet long - at least not more than 150 feet long. About 10 minutes later I caught a brighter goldish-white light with naked eyes, but when I got my binocs on it, I saw that there were already 2 of the objects there, one right on the water, and one just above it like before. I couldn’t tell if they “popped” out of the water or not, but I suspect that they did.

As before, the UFO on the bottom started rising up to the one above, and they looked like they were about to merge and appeared to be touching each other, when the lights went out! Then about another 10 or 15 minutes later, while looking through my binoculars, I saw one, then two, and then three of the same colored UFOs appear to come right out of the water again! WOW! Two of them were fairly close together – maybe 3 or 4 lengths apart - and the third was a litter further out to sea, maybe twice as far as the first two. I counted 7 or 8 times that various numbers of these UFOs – up to 5 at one time – appeared and the quickly disappeared, after 5 to 15 seconds. They always appeared to be coming out of the water, and sometimes drifting maybe 3 to 5 object heights above the water before disappearing.

I say that they appeared to come out of the water because just before they became brighter, it always seemed like there was a tiny little blob of water right at the surface before the light became full strength. Well, maybe not “full strength, because that would be really bright, but bright enough to make out a shape. During the time I was scanning the horizon it this area, whether there were UFOs or not, I would occasionally see a single white strobe-like flash close in the area – within view of other UFOs.

I never saw more than one flash at a time within a minute or so, but they were nonetheless consistent in the area. Here’s where it got really interesting. The oblong lights had not come on for a good 10 minutes or so, when I saw one of the amber “fireballs” I and others have been seeing, come on, right at the same exact location where I’d been seeing the other UFOs, but not more that 400 or 500 feet above the water.

I saw this single fireball come on through my binocs as if on a “fast” dimmer,” and continued to watch in that area for another 5 minutes or so as the light dimmed on and off. Each time it came on it stayed on around 5 or 10 seconds, went off for a minute or so, came on for 5-10 seconds, etc. for a total of 6 times.

Each time it came on it was a few degrees higher on the horizon, going straight up. The last time it came on it was perhaps 900 feet above the horizon, about 5 miles away from me. After the last time it came on, nothing much happened for 20 minutes or so and I went home.

08/14/13 9:50 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: 1 hour


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.e.

alien spacecraft. We cannot be certain, however. PD)) SIGHTING # 23 – August 9 , 2013 – 10th SIGHTING OF A “UGO” AND 8th SIGHTING OF MANY UFO “FIREBALLS” This is a continuation of my other sightings on this night.

As I mentioned in my previous report (#22), I and 3 fishermen saw a dim Unidentified Glowing Object (UGO) at my “due west” location where I and others have seen it before. The 2 other locations where this “city on the horizon” is consistently seen are northwest of my location, and very near the shoreline of Sanibel Island at Clam Bayou (no, it is not swamp gas). I had asked the fishermen if they had seen any unusual lights before while shark fishing at this or any other location and they said no.

I told them that I had seen much and that I was making reports to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) and UFO Hunters, in addition to MUFON, and if they did see anything, to make a report to NUFORC or UFO Hunters because those were the easiest reporting forms. Shortly after I pointed out the UGO to the fishermen at 9:45 p.m.

, I saw another one of the amber/orange UFO “fireballs,” straight up the beach from us, just off shore of what I would guess to be Cayo Costa Island, to the NNW. The UFO just “came on” about 3 finger widths above the horizon, slowly drifted for about 4 minutes to the west over the Gulf of Mexico, maybe 2 to 3 miles off shore, and then just dimmed off. I and the fishermen were amazed.

Although the UGO remained relatively dim, this glow went on and off from when I first saw it and pointed it out to the fishermen, until I left at 11:00 p.m. To my amazement, one of the fishermen made a report of it and more “fireballs” the next day (8/10/13) to UFO Hunters.

Unfortunately, their report was rather incomplete, as I found out the following Friday night when they were at the beach fishing again, and we could discuss what they saw in detail. Here’s what they saw for the following 3 hours after I left the beach at 11:00 p.m.

that night. They saw another orange-redish fireball come on the same location I pointed out the one seen earlier, and then a second right after. These two objects went quickly west out to sea and then southerly to where they were just about straight in front of them, stopped, and changed direction, going back to where they started from, probably just off shore of Cayo Costa where all the activity was taking place previously.

Then they just went out. A while later, they saw another of the redish-orange fireballs come on in front of them, and then another to the NW (right) of them. These UFOs basically hovered in the same position, occasionally going on and off.

I asked them if they went on and off like on a dimmer switch and they said no – just on and off. A while later, they were looking at the “city on the horizon” glow as they called it, when they got a strike on one of their shark rods furthest to their right. They missed the hook set and came back to where they were sitting, “no more than 2 minutes later” they stressed, to be amazed that the UGO had moved some 40 degrees on the horizon to the south! They were really excited about it when they were talking to me.

We both guesstimated that the light had moved at least 25 miles, if not more. Shortly after that the light went out. From around midnight to 2 a.

m., the guys said they saw the mostly red and orange-red fireballs at least 6 times, with up to 4 visible at one time. The night I saw them again (8/16/13), nothing unusual was observed, which in and of itself seemed unusual.

08/09/13 9:45 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: Several hours


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.e.

alien spacecraft. We cannot be certain, however. PD)) SIGHTING # 22 – August 9 , 2013 – EXTRAORDINARY SIGHTING OF SILVER-GOLD, GLOWING FOOTBALL SHAPED UFOS APPARENTLY COMING OUT OF THE GULF AND MERGING TOGETHER, AND 9TH SIGHTING OF A “UGO” I arrived at my regular skywatch location at 9:35 p.

m. on the south end of Captiva Island, FL, USA, just north of the rock jetty at Blind Pass. The beach here runs NNW to SSE.

The weather was clear and calm, with some clouds well past the horizon of the Gulf of Mexico. Although this was my third and last sighting of the night, it was so exciting that I will report it first. When I first arrived at my skywatch site, I saw the same UGO at the same “due west” location I and others had seen it at before.

I pointed out the UGO to some shark fishermen on the beach where I was, and they could see it too, even though it was somewhat dim. Other than the UGO, nothing else was happening so I walked up to the rock jetty about 150 yards to the south, to see what I would see down toward my friends house on Sanibel, where we had seem many UFOs and UGOs before. I saw nothing down there, and after a while I had walked just about all the way back to the shark fishermen, when at around 10:30 I saw a yellowish light on the horizon with my naked eye, about a mile off shore of North Captiva.

I looked at the light through my binoculars and could clearly see two dull-silver/goldish, glowing, clearly defined, oblong-football shaped UFOs, one above the other, with the bottom one clearly visible right on the water’s surface, apparently having just come out of the water!! The craft were not full football shaped, nor were they fully oblong. Maybe more like an oblong with a bulge in the middle. I think that my color description is a good one; it’s also the first color that come to mind.

I figured it was coming out of the water because when I first saw it, compared to the one above it, it was much smaller and “blob-like,” and then almost instantly got bigger and gained an identifiable shape. It was the same shape, size and color of the one above it. I feel comfortable estimating that it was no more than 4 miles away from me, and that the clearly defined craft were no more than 100 feet long, and perhaps 40 or 50 feet tall.

The surface of the craft was well defined! , and its skin gave them their glow and color. There were no other lights. Very important here is what really struck me about the shape and color of these craft, was their possible resemblance to what my friend saw a couple of weeks earlier, not more than a half mile away from her house – see Sighting #17.

Her description of the craft could very well be better than mine simply because of the distance at which I saw it/them, and the closeness at which se saw them, at a half mile or less. The bright white craft with “yellowish edging” that she described is very similar to my color interpretation of a a craft that was dull-silver and goldish. This there is at least some reason that these two craft could be of the same class.

After no more than one minute, the craft below began to rise, while the one above remained stationary. The craft were approximately 5 widths apart. The craft ascended the 5 widths in about 15 seconds, appeared to become one with the craft above because it looked like there was a single craft but twice as wide, and then just merged with the one above!! I figured that they merged because after it happened I could only see one well defined craft.

Then after 30 seconds or so, another craft just emerged from the Gulf and stayed on or very near the water’s surface for 15 or 20 seconds before it too ascended and merged with the craft above, which remained in place during the entire event. Once this second craft merged with the one above, they just disappeared!! I went and told the fishermen what I had just seen, and they were just as stunned as I was! Wow! I continued to look back and forth across the horizon of the Gulf, and no more than 5 minutes later I saw with my naked eye the same kind of oblong, whitish/yellow/gold light to the south of me, just off of the end of the rock jetty at Blind Pass, and maybe 3 or so miles to the SSW of me, perhaps a mile or so off of my friend house. This is the first time I’d seen this colored light down there for quite some time.

I had just brought my binocs up and got it in focus to see that it was the same kind of “double craft” - one above the other – that I’d just seen to the north, when a car pulled into the parking lot at Turner’s Beach facing toward the southern Gulf, and “accidentally” shined it lights on it, and then it just disappeared. Now things get a more interesting. When I started writing up this report it brought to mind my 4th sighting, during which I was able to get a photograph of 4 of the amber fireball lights, where I thought I saw only one.

As I wrote in that report, I thought that the object was very near the water because I could see what I thought was a reflection of it on the water. But now that I think about it, in light of what I’d just watched to the north off of Cayo Costa, and what I had just seen, I now have to think that what saw back then was most likely what I’d just witnessed to the north! It was not a reflection underneath of it, it was another craft coming out of the water! Further rationale: back during my 4th sighting, it took about a minute from the time when I decided to take a picture of the amber light, to when I dug my camera out of the bag and set it up to take a picture. I know with certainty that there was only one light out there before I started taking photos (only 1 of 3 came out), so the only thing I can think of is that the 3 additional craft that came out in the photograph had just come out of the water! Where else could they have come from? If anyone would have suggested such a t thing to me back then, I would have thought that they were crazy!! I do remember that I was sure glad I took the photos, because very shortly after I took the photos the lights were gone.

Something special really does seem to be going on out here, and I’m now beginning to think that it may have to do with one or more underwater “bases.”.

08/09/13 9:45 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: >2 hours


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.e.

alien spacecraft. We cannot be certain, however. PD)) SIGHTING # 24 – August 9 , 2013 – FIRST SIGHTING OF A BRILLIANT BLUE-WHITE UFO This is the 3rd UFO sighting I and 3 others had on this night, after the “fireball” but before I saw the football shaped UFOs – around 10:15 p.

m. I was looking to the south over the Blind Pass jetty, in the same area that I’d first seen the 6 amber fireballs hovering with the bright white UFO (“Sighting #1), and where I also had first seen the beautiful blue-green UFO (Sighting #9), when I noticed a dim bluish strobe flash with my naked eye. I trained my binoculars on it and saw what I first thought were 2 airplane headlights because that’s how close they were together, slowly strobing, about 2 finger widths above the horizon, and maybe a mile off shore of Sanibel Island, around 4 miles distant.

But the color of the lights was wrong – they were a “crystalline” blue-white, about 50/50 blue and white. There were no red or green navigation lights. I watched it through my binocs as it hovered in one place for several minutes, when the light on the right started it started to “tilt” upwards.

It would have been like a plane coming straight at me (which I still thought it could be) making an extremely sharp bank to its right, which would have been toward the east, away from the Gulf. But it remained in position, with the lights getting almost vertical to each other, but not quite. After around 5 minutes of being in this position, it started coming toward me and to the NW.

When it got to the SW of me and became visible to the naked eye, I pointed it out to the fishermen. We then watched it as it headed toward the NNW, about 3 to 4 miles off shore and 45 degrees above the horizon. It really started picking up speed when it got about in front of us over the gulf, and moved at least 2 or 3 times the speed of an aircraft, and then just went out of sight because it became so far away.


08/09/13 9:45 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 minutes


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

6th, 7th and 8th SIGHTINGS OF "FLASHERS." ((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.

e. alien spacecraft. We cannot be certain, however.

PD)) SIGHTING #21 – August 8, 2013 – 6th, 7th and 8th SIGHTINGS OF "FLASHERS" I arrived at my regular skywatch location at 9:15 p.m. on the south end of Captiva Island, FL, USA, just north of the rock jetty at Blind Pass, when at 9:50 I saw the first of three flashers due west of me, low on the horizon – again, very near where the UGO had been sighted many times before.

This flasher was comprised of 3 to 4 individual strobe lights, all flashing irregularly and very quickly, so that there was always at least one light on at all times. This flasher was only visible through binoculars, except for an occasional flash that was visible to the naked eye. I saw the second flasher at about 10:15.

It was very similar to the first, almost due north of me, again, low to the horizon. It appeared to be a couple of miles off shore of North Captiva, around 5 miles north of me. I watched this one for a couple of minutes as it traveled horizontally, slowly toward the west and open water, before it faded out of view.

I saw the third one a short while later, to the NW of me, directly above the second (and only) place where I and others have seen a UGO. This one also drifted down toward the horizon for about 3 minutes before fading out of view.

08/08/13 9:50 PM

UFO Shape: flash

Lasted: 20 minutes


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.e.

alien spacecraft. We cannot be certain, however. PD)) SIGHTING #20 – August 6, 2013 5th SIGHTING OF A “FLASHER” I arrived at my regular skywatch location at 9:35 p.

m. on the south end of Captiva Island, FL, USA, just north of the rock jetty at Blind Pass, and had not seen anything other that airplanes and a satellite, when at 10:30 p.m.

I saw a very brief white and bright strobe flash with my naked eyes. It was just a little bit south of due west, and low to the horizon – maybe 20 degrees above it. Based on previous sightings, I quickly trained my 10X42 binoculars on that area and saw what I’ve come to call “Flashers.

” What made this one different from many others I’ve now seen in the area, is that it was a single strobe, flashing quite irregularly, with 5 or 6 flashes in a row very quickly, and then just one or 2 flashes per second. Light intensity ranged between an occasional very bright flash, to mostly observable only through binoculars. The quality and crispness of these strobes is quite different than an airplane strobe.

It stayed in the same location for a good 3 minutes as it drifted down toward the horizon of the Gulf of Mexico before disappearing. Fascinating was the fact that it was pretty much in the same spot that I and others have seen a “UGO” – unidentified glowing object just over the horizon of the Gulf of Mexico. I had the feeling that it was somehow associated with this glow, as well as the slow moving and hovering “fireballs,” in addition to the UFO that landed near my friends house on Sanibel Island (see Sighting # 8).

08/06/13 9:35 PM

UFO Shape: flash

Lasted: Brief


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.e.

alien spacecraft. We cannot be certain, however. PD)) SIGHTING #19 – August 5, 2013 7th SIGHTING OF AMBER-ORANGE UFOS (FIREBALLS) I was at my regular skywatch location on the south end of Captiva Island, FL, USA, next to the rock jetty at Blind Pass.

The weather was partly cloudy, no wind, with visibility nearly unlimited where the sky was clear of clouds. There were several jets, common at this time of the evening, coming in from the northwest toward the Ft. Myers International Airport At 9:46 p.

m. I saw what I at first thought was the bright headlight of an oncoming airplane just inside of a cloud, due west of me, approximately 55 degrees over the horizon of the Gulf of Mexico. The light was bright enough, about the size of a large grape at hand’s length, that it should have popped out of the cloud almost as soon as I saw it.

It did not. I watched the light both with and without binoculars for about 4 minutes before it faded out. At 10:08, just below the same cloud where the light was shortly before, I saw one of the amber-orange UFOs (aka fireballs) that I’ve reported on many times before.

Unfortunately, I was not looking directly at that part of the sky when it came on. I watched this light for several minutes, both with and without binocs, and could confirm that it was precisely the same kind of UFO I’ve seen before. The UFO slowly drifted downward to about 10 degrees or less above the Gulf, and then slowly faded out.

I observed this UFO almost exactly where I saw one on July 26, which I reported in “Sighting #14.” Of great interest, this UFO dipped into the horizon ALMOST EXACTLY WHERE I AND OTHERS HAVE REPEATIDLY SEE “UGOs! What now gets more fascinating, is that at 10:18 I saw another UFO that looked precisely as the previous one, but it was already at or very near where the one of 7/26 was. Whether this UFO was the same one I saw earlier, or another one of the same type, remains to be determined.

It pretty much remained stationary as I watched it for a good 5 minutes, and then it faded out like the other one, and again, just like the one of 7/26. NOW, putting together the fact that this last one was in the same location as where I saw the 5 “slow flashes” of the 7/26 NGO, this further leads me to believe more strongly that (1) these fireballs are indeed directly associated with these mysterious glowing objects, and (2) something of significance is happening in that area, and indeed, the entire area off northern Sanibel and Captiva Islands.

08/05/13 9:46 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 20 minutes


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.e.

alien spacecraft. We cannot be certain, however. PD)) Sighting #14 – July 26, 2013 – 6th sighting of Amber-orange to red UFO (“fireball”) + 4th sighting of a “flasher” + 7th sighting of large UGO + a ? I was at my regular skywatch location on the south end of Captiva Island, FL, next to the rock jetty at Blind Pass, when at 9:56 I saw an amber-orange UFO, which turned red.

The literature also describes these objects as “fireballs.” I had been at my location for 30 minutes when I saw it, due west of me, about two finger-widths above the horizon. It was a bit more orange than amber, then a minute later it changed to white-orange, and a minute later turned solid red.

There were clouds just past the horizon and there was a light wind blowing onshore, making the air misty, so I estimate that it was no more than 5 miles away from me. It took about 4 minutes to travel from due west of me to roughly northwest. It also appeared to be traveling away from me.

When it reached northwest of me it faded out of sight, rather than just “blinking” out. There were several jets, common at this time of the evening, coming in from the northwest toward the Ft. Myers International Airport.

I was looking at an incoming jet through binoculars when at 10:06 I noticed a single white strobe flash about ¾ the spread of my binocular field of sight above the jet. I trained my binocs on the area and caught another single white flash – these were a full second apart. Then the single strobe started flashing quickly, but irregularly, just like the previous “flashers” I’ve described in previous, recent reports to NUFORC.

After a few seconds of irregular flashing, it stopped for a good 2 seconds, It then came back on, flashing irregularly, and “jumping” from left to right and up and down. This jerking around was more than the way distant objects “jitter” due to one’s hands shaking with the binocs. Then a single red strobe flashed a few times, with the white flashing only a couple of times.

This behavior continued, with mostly just the white strobe flashing, for about 2 minutes, when I lost sight of it due to a creak in my neck. This flasher was to my northwest, in t! he same area where the previous UFO light went out. I continued to walk north along the beach when a white-amber light, about the size of a grape at arm’s length, came on for a brief moment, not more than 100 yards away from me in the Gulf of Mexico (there was no one else on the beach where I was at).

I stopped where I was, a bit frightened because it was so close. When I continued to walk I caught the same light again from the left corner of my eye, and then it went out. Most Interesting, is that a friend and I saw exactly the same kind of light, briefly and at about the same location, just a week prior.

We both looked at each other at that time and simultaneously said “Did you see that?” Yes, we both saw it. What could this light be??? Maybe it’s one of those “orbs” so many folks are seeing nowadays. At 10:15 on the button, I saw precisely the same mysterious glow (Unidentified Glowing Object - “UGO”) on the horizon I saw with four fishermen on June 27, at 10:24 p.

m. (Sighting #3 in my previously filed “Summary of 10….”).

This glow was to the west northwest of where I now was, across the street from my house. Interestingly, it was in the same area that the UFO disappeared at earlier, and directly below where the flasher was. Because (1) I and my friend “Carol” had seen UFOs directly associated with two UGOs we saw at her house (Sighting # 8), and also saw during that incident an apparently landed UFO with a white strobe light flashing; and (2) because I saw a flasher in association with “fireballs” before (Sighting # 7), I have to conclude that these three objects are truly associated with each other.

The UGO came back on a second time, about a minute later, and in the same fashion as the ones I and Carol have seen before – like they were on a dimmer switch. About a minute later it came on again and it was REALLY BRIGHT, and gave me quite a freight. At its base on the horizon, it was approximately two hand-widths wide, and just over a hand-width tall.

The next time it came back on, a minute or so later, it was not as bright; and the fifth and last time it came on, it was just a little dimmer yet. I quickly walked across the street to get my chair, and watch the horizon and elsewhere for another 40 minutes, but saw nothing. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE???? If anyone is out there is interest in the reports I've been posting for the past month, and can maybe give me some help in understanding what’s going on, please contact me through NUFORC.


07/26/13 9:56 AM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 24 minutes


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

Seventh sighting of a "UGO" in past 4 weeks. ((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.

e. alien spacecraft. We cannot be certain, however.

PD)) Sighting #13 – July 25, 2013 – Seventh sighting of the “UGO” I was at my regular skywatch location on the south end of Captiva Island, FL, next to the rock jetty at Blind pass, when a friend and I saw another Unidentified Glowing Object. I was looking just east of due south through my binoculars when at 10:08 p.m.

, I spotted a dim, unmistakable white glow that appeared to be very close to Clam Bayou, just west of my friend “Carol’s” house, where we had four previous sightings of UGOs. On one of those occasions at her house, we saw three UFO’s in association with the two UGOs, in addition to an apparently landed UFO (see “Sighting # 8 in my previously filed “Summary of 10 UFO….”).

This time both my friend and I were prepared – she at her house, and me 1.5 miles to the north (as the crow flies), looking from a different vantage point. I had called her about 10 minutes before this sighting to tell her I was in position; this time I brought a chair to sit in for a one-hour one watch.

She was prepared to periodically go out to her porch to se what she could see. I called her just as soon as I spotted the glow, she went out to her porch, and saw the glow, describing it as “intense.” I stayed on the phone with her for a few moments as she was describing to me what she was seeing.

The glow stayed at it’s highest intensity she had ever seen it for a minute, maybe just a tad longer. Then it went out as before, as if on a dimmer switch. After a minute or two, it came back on “quickly,” stayed on briefly, then went back out again.

Carol, being alone, became very frightened and afraid that the UFO’s would show up again, then went inside. She did not want to go out and look again, or even look through her sliding glass doors. I stayed at my location scanning the area for another hour, hoping to see one or more of the previously seen UFO associated with the glow to show up, but I observed nothing more.

One important thing I learned during this excursion was that just because I didn’t notice anything more doesn’t mean that there was not anything to see. It was unlikely I would have anything unless the glow was at it’s greatest intensity, and I was luckily looking straight at it through my binoculars. There is no possible way this glow could be “swamp gas” for two reasons: (1) the glow originates outside of the Bayou, just past and behind of the seaward tree line; (2) the bayou is quite open, and is not swamp like at all.

If these things are on any kind of a “schedule,” then the UFO’s should show up in 10 days or less.

07/25/13 10:08 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 3 minutes


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

Fifth sighting of amber UFO's at same location in 4 weeks, ((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.e.

alien spacecraft. We cannot be certain, however. PD)) Sighting #12 – July 24, 2013 – 5th sighting of amber UFOs At 9:40 p.

m. I went to the beach across the street from where I live on the south end of Captiva Island, and immediately saw two of the amber lights I had now seen four times before in the past month, and the same lights described by another person from Cape Coral, some 8 miles to the NE of where I live. The lights were SSW of me, about two finger-widths of my outstretched hand above the rock jetty at Blind Pass, and about one finger width apart.

I would reasonably guess that they were around 500 feet above the water, and two to three miles distant. They appeared to be due west of my friend “Carol’s” house, two miles south on Sanibel Island. Unfortunately, by the time I got my binoculars out and the lens caps off, they had disappeared.

What’s important here is that after exactly one month, they still showed up in the same location. As I’ve stated in my previous reports to NUFORC, it now seems clear to me that there is some kind of a reason they are continually showing up at this relatively isolated area.

07/24/13 9:40 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: brief


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

Sixth sighting of an "UGO" in 4 weeks. ((NUFORC Note: This is one of nineteen reports, submitted by the same witness, over the course of seven weeks. The reports are well written, and the witness seems sincere, although we would be surprised if all of the sightings are about authentic UFOs, i.

e. alien spacecraft. We cannot be certain, however.

PD)) Sighting #11 – July 23, 2013 – 6th sighting of a “UGO.” I was at my friend “Carol’s” house again star gazing, when at 10:34 pm we saw, to the northwest of our location on her third floor balcony, a brief, intense white glow followed by a “beam” of white light that shoot skyward, just a bit off of perfectly straight up. After about a half second, the beam went off and the white glow remained for about another second and then went off, as if on a dimmer switch.

This brief white glow of light was of the same kind and intensity we had now seen many times before. (See “A Brief Summary of 10 UFO Sightings…” and accompanying maps and drawings for previous sightings.) The light, as before, appeared to originate just past the seaward tree line of Clam Bayou, and on or very near the water of the Gulf of Mexico.

I figure the distance of the light was just over a mile away from us. The only houses in that direction are to the east of this particular location, approximately 30 degrees to the right (east) of the UGO. Carol told me that this beam of light was quite similar to the ones she saw (while I was fussing with my camera all along) before that was beamed up to one of the red UFO’s (which had changed from amber at first, to orange and then red) the by the glow on July 14th (“Sighting #8 in the above Summary).

Except that this beam was more focused. And actually, this beam was not really all that focused like the beam of a powerful flashlight – rather, it seemed to me that it was dispersedly fuzzy at the edges, and instead of being a separate beam of light traveling through the glow, it was an integral part of the glow. As matter of very interesting fact, now that I think more about this beam of light as I’m writing, it was really bizarre, in that it abruptly ended at the top of the glow! As previously described in my above mentioned sighting, the top of the NGO was about a hand-width above the tops of the trees on the far side of the Bayou – maybe 150 or so feet above sea level.

What’s additionally odd, is that there hadn’t been any rain for the previous 5 days, and the humidity was not that high as to be “misty” outside. I’m not sure about the previous times we saw it. Interesting….

was there something at the “top” of the beam of light that we could not see? The moon was just past full and at 9 o’clock, and was in the opposite direction of the UGO. The sky was overcast. There was enough light in the sky to easily see the tree line.

At 10:58 the UGO reappeared, again, as if slowly turned on by a dimmer switch. This time it stayed on for a good 5 seconds before going out. Carol then went inside because she was afraid, but I stayed out for an additional 20 or so minutes, saw nothing further, left, and drove to the parking lot on the south end of Captiva.

I parked in the direction facing toward where we saw the NGO, and saw nothing for another 15 minutes, and then went home. About a week prior to this sighting, I walked from Blind Pass south to Clam Bayou. People rarely go down there even in the day time during tourist off season, and I’ve no idea why anyone would walk down there during the night, especially given the density of mosquitoes in the area of the Bayou.

There is also a large area on the exceptionally wide beach at the north end of the Bayou that is tapped off for nesting shore birds. No one walks in this protected area, so it was quite smooth and it would have been easy for me to spot any kind of depressions from a landed craft. I also walked around a 1/3rd mile long path that goes through the woods/bushes at an area called Silver Key, looking all the while for any signs of a landed craft – depressions, burned bushes, anything out of the ordinary.

Everything looked normal. Although purely speculation, I feel that if I could get out star gazing more often at Carols that I/we would have seen much more activity. Since my last sighting 10 days ago on July 14 (see the aforementioned report), I have been out at night 5 times on the beach across from where I live, from around 9:30 10:30 (when I’ve seen the lion’s share of my sightings), and have nothing to report for those nights.

Nonetheless, I now driven to believe that something special is happening at Clam Bayou. Why Clam Bayou? And what are these objections doing there? Hopefully, time will tell.

07/23/13 10:34 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 1 minute


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

I saw 3 amber lights like I've reported before, plus an extremely bright "slow" flash of light 4th of July UFO sightings on the south end of Captiva Island, FL, 33924 Although this is my sixth sighting in a series of sightings that started on Captiva on Monday, June 24, 2013, two weeks ago, and I’m filing it our of sequence, I felt it was important to file now it in light of what Peter Davenport, Director, The National UFO Reporting Center, wrote me relating that there were an unusually large number of 4th of July sightings that “WERE NOT” fireworks, that the Center has just received. My first report, which was two hours in duration, was filed on 7/6/2013, with MUFON, and then with the Center. I will file the other reports, in addition to yet another sighting a friend and I had last night.

SUMMARY - I was on the beach on the south end of Captiva Island when at 9:51 p.m. I saw two solid amber lights of the exact color of the 6 that I watched for just over 2 hours on June 24.

At about 10:05, a third redish-orange light came on above the first two (I just reported on those 2 hour sightings of up to six amber and one white UFOs starting with key words “Long duration UFO Sightings” with maps). The lights went out at 10:12. The lights went on and off as if on a dimmer switch.

At 10:36 a nearly blinding white light appeared just west of due north over the gulf of Mexico, just above a cloud layer that was on the horizon. The white light slowly came on like on a dimmer switch and appeared to be at least 5 miles away. The duration of the white light sighting was about 1 minute.

I am a marine biologist, 60 years old, and a scientist first. These lights were exactly due north of me, just off horizontal of each other, and about a 3 finger-width-at-arm-distance apart from each other. The lights were initially about the width of a hand at arms length (9 degrees above my eye level horizon) above a tree line, then slowly drifted apart about 2 hand-widths and then drifted down to just treetop level.

The trees (Australian Pines) are about 70 feet high and approximately 3.5 football-field-lengths away from where I was standing that night. The treetops are 4 degrees above my eye level horizon.

I used a “speed square” and a yard stick to measure degrees (see attached photos). My eye level is 5 feet 6 inches. Using this simple device one with mathematical background should be able to figure out what the actual height of a craft/light is.

The beach I was standing on is about four feet above sea level. I estimate that whatever it was that was making the lights was approximately 7 to 8 miles distant, and at the high! est point they were a guesstimated 6,000 feet in the air; at the lowest about 3,000 feet or less. There were fireworks at the beach at North Captiva Island 8 miles to the north of me.

What I saw WAS NOT fireworks, as I’ve seen these lights before with a friend. And because of their downward and left to right movements, I most seriously doubt they were “Chinese lanterns.” I watched them at times with 10X42 binoculars, but could not discern a craft.

During the first five to six minutes first the object on the right turned off – as if on a dimmer switch – then the one to the left turned off. After about 30 seconds the both came back on and slowly drifted down to tree top level – they were also moving left and right at least 10 degrees. And then both went off again.

A couple of minutes later they both slowly came on at the same height they were initially. Then a third red-orange light came on to the right and just above the other two craft. For some reason I thought that they were observing the fireworks, which were going off about a hand width to the left of them, and at least two hand-widths below them.

The last I saw before the lights went of for the duration of when I was observing them (another 45 minutes….of getting chewed up by no-see-ums), they appeared to be drifting to my left, going lower, and toward the fireworks. The fireworks were over by 10:15 or so.

Shortly after the main lights went off I observed, for the fourth time since June 25, what I call a “flasher,” in exactly the same area where I saw the lights. I will describe “flashers” in my next reports. I saw, “out of the corner of my eye,” (exactly in the same fashion one would find the 7 sisters, which are a tad too dim to see directly), straight ahead of me and in the same area the first lights were, a brief, dim, “strobe flash.

” I already had learned to train my binocs on such areas, and saw, well, a flasher, which comprises a rapid series of strobe-like flashes which are about a quarter or just less the duration of a normal strobe light flash, take up pretty much the entire view+ a tad of my 10X 42 field glasses. Like I said, they are just a tad too dim to see with the naked eye, except for the initial flash, which one would think is eye trickery. I got lucky again this time because I had some practice in spotting them before in binoculars, and watched them for maybe a 10 full seconds (actually a long time to hold them centered in binocs), before I lost them from view.

I do not know if it they just “blinked out,” and I could not find them again in my binocs – again, a difficult thing to do because they both take up the entire viewing field, and can’t be seen easily with the naked eye unless you are lucky enough to see the out of the “corner of your eye” and know how to immediately train your binocs on them. At 10:36, about a half hour after the fireworks were over, a relatively dim white light “came on” like one would slowly turn on a dimmer switch, and after about 30 seconds became from just a tad of light to “blindingly” bright, like it was very rapidly – very rapidly – coming straight at me. I got VERY frighten when it was at it’s brightest, like it was no more than 20 feet in front of me, and was in the process of turning to the right and running like hell, when it immediately dimmed down and disappeared.

The whole event lasted no more that a minute. I had been, from the start of this event, flashing my 6-volt “lantern” at the objects from the beginning, including “SOS” signals, just like I did in my first report. I think I stayed at the beach for a while longer after the brightest light came on, but I’m not really sure as of this writing two days later.

End of report. ((NUFORC Note: One of approximately 20 reports from the same source, submitted over the course of a few weeks. PD)).

07/04/13 9:51 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 46 minutes


Captiva, FL

Full Report Text:

I and a friend first saw 2 UFOs at her house, and when I got home a few minutes later I saw the same two, and then eventually 7. Long Duration UFO Sightings: On June 24, 2013, I was at my friend “Carol’s” house on Sanibel Island – a barrier island just off the coast of Ft. Myers Florida, USA.

Her house is on Clam Bayou, toward the northern half of the island, and is about a half of a mile from the Gulf of Mexico. What I herein describe is based on notes I had written up the next day after this initial sighting, and several days following, in addition to what “Carol” and a MUFON friend later told me what I was describing to them, “blow by blow,” on the telephone for a total of just over 2 hours At approximately 10:15 p.m.

, we were on the second floor balcony, which faces west and is about 20 feet above the ground and about 25 feet above sea level. Our eye level was just under 26 feet above sea level. We saw toward the west an amber light just “blink on.

” Then about 2 minutes later, another amber light came on to the right/north of the first one (see drawing). These lights were about the size of a finger nail at arm's length, and they were about two fingers held together apart – they were horizontal to each other. We could not make out any type of a craft, only the lights.

The lights were “solid,” which is to say that they were not like turn signal lights on a car. The sky was heavily overcast and there was no moonlight. It rained late that afternoon, but there was no drizzle when this was happening.

We watched the two lights drift together very slowly toward the north for 10 to 15 minutes at the most. By approximately 10:25, they had drifted behind some trees in the bayou. The trees are about 50 feet high at the most.

The lights were just below treetop level. Carol and I both guess that the lights were no more than a few hundred feet above the water. Shortly after we lost sight of the lights I drove exactly 2 miles (8 minutes) to where I live on Blind Pass, Captiva Island.

From a deck on the water behind my house I saw the same two lights again, just over the top of the railing on the south side of the bridge that connects the two islands. My eye level on the deck is about 11 feet above sea level. From my vantage point I estimate that the lights were two to no more than 500 hundred above the water; carol and I figured the same thing from her house.

Based on my second initial sighting over the south end of the bridge, I triangulated where the lights initially were using Google Earth. The lights were 1.53 miles away from Carol’s house,.

2.16 miles from my house, and 1.03 miles out from the beach.

I can send “need to know” people my Google Map drawings provide they agree in writing not to disclose where I and “carol” live. I called Carol shortly after I got home at 10: 41 to tell her what I was seeing, and stayed on the phone with her nonstop for an hour and 21 minutes. I could not remember very well the next day exactly what I was telling her for such a long time; my memory is pretty poor to begin with, and the high anxiety I was experiencing likely compounded the problem.

In addition to that, I’m an early, early bird, and am usually asleep by 9 or 9:30, which may have affected my memory too. Nonetheless, I saw what I saw and Carol filled me in a lot on what I herein describe. Unfortunately, carol, at 71 years of age, doesn’t have the best of memories either.

I watched what appeared to be the same two amber lights for a while before a third light, of the same color and intensity appeared to the right of the first two. They remained pretty much stationary but individual ones seemed to change a bit in intensity. After another while they started drifting slowly to the north (to my right, and also drifted a bit higher in the sky.

Then a forth, same-type light came on. When the lights came on they came they did not just “switch” on, but came on more like turning on a light with a dimmer switch. These lights were horizontal to each other, but I seem to remember that they were not in a perfectly straight line.

The lights continued to drift slowly to the north, but did seem to become a bit dimmer, so maybe they were moving further away from me and more drifted more to the northwest and out to sea. After quite some time watching them from the deck on the water behind my house, I walked about 200 yards directly west of me to the beach. I immediately saw the ones I’d seen on the bayside.

They were definitely very, very slowly drifting from the south of me to northwest (my left to right) and then just hung there for pretty much the rest of the time, about 20 to 25 degrees above the horizon. I’d guess that they were no more than 3 or four miles away from me. Then another two lights of the same color and intensity came on to the right of the existing ones, for a total of six.

I had a 6-volt flashlight with me and I started flashing them, and I clearly remember Carol yelling at me on the phone (and she remembers this clearly too) not to do that - and she was very, very frightened for me. Whether it was me flashing my light on and off or not, the lights DID go on and off, one or two at a time. Then I started flashing an “SOS” at them – three long, three short, three long.

Although I did not get the same SOS back, the lights continued to go on and off. Then a 7th one "came on" just a tad, maybe a finger-width at arms length, above the six, toward the middle, and it was a solid white but not overly bright, and just a tad brighter than the others, about the size of your thumb nail at arms length. I then remember getting VERY frightened and started shaking and told Carol I was going back home, which I did, even though the lights were still there, hanging to the SSW off of where I was.

When I left the beach the lights were still all together in a "group," in a fairly straight line that was as wide as the fingertips on your d held just a tiny bit apart. It was overcast with no wind, and I never heard a sound from them. At the time I remember thinking that they could not have been all that far way, and as I stated before, my initial sighting of them when I first got home from Carol’s my triangulation showed that they were just over two miles away.

During this time the grouping of the lights would change, but not a lot - I could never make out an actual craft, and don’t ask me why I never took a photo with my phone, or got my camera at home. When I got back home I could not see the lights over the bridge, so they had indeed drifted northward during this time. Despite Carol telling me not to go back to the beach, the scientist in me just had to take one more look, as this was what I thought was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

I remember clearly that when I got back to the beach the lights were still there and in about the same place, but I swear on my mom’s grave that I saw a “being” standing on, or floating a tad above, the boulders that comprised the north jetty at Blind Pass. The rocks were about 200 yards to the north of me and the figure was about ¼ of the way in from the end (see photos). As best I can remember the figure was very tall – maybe 10 to 12 feet, and it was grayish, according to my very clear memory of it.

What is odd in my recollection of it, is that as a silhouette in front of an overcast sky that was light enough to easily see and differentiate between the Gulf, the rocks sky, it should have been black. There was a definite head, kinda square-cut shoulders, and recalling it as I now write, it seems that it was wearing some kind of a robe, because of both the wideness of the figure from the shoulders going down to the rocks, and because I could not make out any legs, even ! thought I seem to have thought there should have been. This is where I really have no recall of exactly what happened next – it was just pass midnight, the latest I’d stayed up in probably 8 months due to back surgery and pain meds I have to take.

Carol told me the following day that I had described the figure to her (and that it was really, really scaring her), and that I had flashed my flashlight at it while telling here that “they were benevolent and that there was nothing to worry about.” Just how in the world I ever came up with that is totally beyond me, because in my known-to-others belief, any aliens who are kidnapping and abusing us humans can’t be all that benevolent as many claim. She then said that I said that I thought the figure was coming toward me, that I got really scared and hid in some bushes, and that I got lost somehow until I figured out where I was.

I was on the phone with her all the while (thank God), so I doubt I got abducted. I do remember telling her (which she corroborated) that I had finally had had enough of what I was seeing and that I was going home to lock my doors and turn all my lights on, which I did. Again, from my bayside vantage point I did not see any of the lights when I got home.

I hung up talking to carol at 12:13 a.m. according to my phone log.

For whatever reason, I went back outside behind my house on Blind pass at around 12:55 a.m., and saw the lights over top of the bridge again.

This time I called my MUFON friend “Tom” and woke him up to tell him that “honest to God Tom,” I am right now looking straight at some UFO’s. Tom later told me that I was describing to him for 43 minutes pretty much what I had told Carol I was seeing – that I was going from the bayside to the beach and was flashing my flash light at the lights and that they seemed to be responding, and that I had again seen the bright white light come on for a while just above the amber lights. Tom also said that toward the end I told him I was looking at the tall being on top of the jetty, and left the beach to come home just after that, He said I sounded really frightened all the while I was talking to him.

Finally, I have to be perfectly honest and say that I had taken some extra pain medication that evening/night to deal with my back problems, and that they may very will have affected what I was saying on the phone to my friends, as my friend Tom suggested to me, but I do not believe that the pain meds effected my judgment in what I was seeing in any way. Although I’m a marine biologist, I’m first and foremost a scientist. As per the title of that UFO documentary, I know what I saw – and would be most willing to take a lie detector test or whatever.

I would love to go under hypnosis to find out what was really going on, especially with that figure on the jetty I saw – so if there is anyone out there who reads this report and is near the Ft. Myers FL area or who would like to come out to our beautiful little Island, just let me know. NOTE – Since that Monday night, I and four other shark fishing friends had two UFO sightings of a different type of “craft,” and saw for about 15 minutes a very strange glow, about the shape and size of that last little bit of sun right before it dips below the horizon, just over the Gulf horizon (the horizon is 7 miles out, and we figured the light was emanating from 10+miles out).

We all figured that whatever was producing the light had to be absolutely huge (following Wednesday night starting at 9 pm). We had two other sightings that night, and I had sightings of other types of UFO’s the following four nights. Since that time it’s been raining just about nonstop.

I will write up the other reports as soon as time allows, and will submit them too. Quick update: I saw the same two amber UFO’s described above (or something almost exactly the same), plus an orange-red one, approximately 6 to 7 miles due north of where Carol and I saw the other ones (no, they were not fireworks). Report coming soon.

The time frame of all of these sightings so far is about the same – from just as the sky is getting totally dark, to 10 to 10:30 p.m. Follow up reports: Wednesday 5/26/13 Sighting #1 - I and four other shark fishing friends were on the beach on the south end of Captiva Island, FL, close to the rock jetty on Blind Pass.

At 9:10 p.m., with just a little bit of light left in the sky, we saw an off-white light traveling from north to south (traveling from our right, facing the gulf of Mexico, to our left).

The object was about the size of Venus when it is full, but much dimmer, and was about 60 degrees above the horizon over the Gulf of Mexico. It was traveling about two times the speed of a jet liner, but was only about 3/5ths the height. It was not a satellite, which I’ve seen at least 100 of.

We first saw it to the north, about 35 degrees to the right of us. It took about a minute or so to reach straight out in front of us, and which point it started going on and off, but not in a strobe fashion. Each on-and-off took about one half a second.

It took another minute or so reach the same degree south of us as it was to the north of us, when it just blinked out. I was watching it through 10X42 binoculars and it appeared a little bit orangish. Sighting # 2 - near the had two UFO sightings of a different type of “craft,” and saw for about 15 minutes a very strange glow, about the shape and size of that last little bit of sun right before it dips below the horizon, just over the Gulf horizon (the horizon is 7 miles out, and we figured the light was emanating from 10+miles out).

We all figured that whatever was producing the light had to be absolutely huge (following Wednesday night starting at 9 pm). ((NUFORC Note: One of approximately 20 reports from the same source, submitted over the course of a few weeks. PD)).

06/24/13 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 2 hours


Captiva, Florida UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 7 reported sightings 31.82% of all reports
Fireball 7 reported sightings 31.82% of all reports
Oval 4 reported sightings 18.18% of all reports
Flash 2 reported sightings 9.09% of all reports
Disk 1 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports

Captiva, Florida UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
August 12 reported sightings 54.55% of all reports
July 5 reported sightings 22.73% of all reports
May 2 reported sightings 9.09% of all reports
June 1 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports
December 1 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports
November 1 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports

Captiva, Florida UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Friday 6 reported sightings 27.27% of all reports
Wednesday 5 reported sightings 22.73% of all reports
Thursday 5 reported sightings 22.73% of all reports
Tuesday 4 reported sightings 18.18% of all reports
Monday 2 reported sightings 9.09% of all reports

Captiva, Florida UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
08/09/13 3 reported sightings 13.64% of all reports
05/15/13 2 reported sightings 9.09% of all reports
08/14/13 1 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports
06/24/13 1 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports
07/23/13 1 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports

Captiva, Florida UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 17 reported sightings 77.27% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 2 reported sightings 9.09% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 2 reported sightings 9.09% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 1 reported sightings 4.55% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Captiva, Florida

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Captiva, Florida.

Year Number of Reports View Reports
2013 22 UFO Reports Captiva, Florida UFO Sightings in 2013

All Florida Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Florida

City Number of Reports View Reports
Orlando 402 UFO Reports Orlando, Florida UFO Sightings
Miami 370 UFO Reports Miami, Florida UFO Sightings
Jacksonville 283 UFO Reports Jacksonville, Florida UFO Sightings
Tampa 248 UFO Reports Tampa, Florida UFO Sightings
Sarasota 140 UFO Reports Sarasota, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Lauderdale 138 UFO Reports Fort Lauderdale, Florida UFO Sightings
St Petersburg 132 UFO Reports St Petersburg, Florida UFO Sightings
Naples 124 UFO Reports Naples, Florida UFO Sightings
Port Saint Lucie 116 UFO Reports Port Saint Lucie, Florida UFO Sightings
Cape Coral 108 UFO Reports Cape Coral, Florida UFO Sightings
Pensacola 103 UFO Reports Pensacola, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Myers 92 UFO Reports Fort Myers, Florida UFO Sightings
West Palm Beach 92 UFO Reports West Palm Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Ocala 91 UFO Reports Ocala, Florida UFO Sightings
Saint Augustine 88 UFO Reports Saint Augustine, Florida UFO Sightings
Bradenton 85 UFO Reports Bradenton, Florida UFO Sightings
Clearwater 79 UFO Reports Clearwater, Florida UFO Sightings
Boca Raton 78 UFO Reports Boca Raton, Florida UFO Sightings
Gainesville 75 UFO Reports Gainesville, Florida UFO Sightings
Vero beach 73 UFO Reports Vero beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Melbourne 71 UFO Reports Melbourne, Florida UFO Sightings
Lakeland 70 UFO Reports Lakeland, Florida UFO Sightings
Tallahassee 70 UFO Reports Tallahassee, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Worth 69 UFO Reports Lake Worth, Florida UFO Sightings
Largo 63 UFO Reports Largo, Florida UFO Sightings
New Port Richey 61 UFO Reports New Port Richey, Florida UFO Sightings
Coral Springs 59 UFO Reports Coral Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Port Charlotte 58 UFO Reports Port Charlotte, Florida UFO Sightings
Panama City Beach 57 UFO Reports Panama City Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Daytona Beach 56 UFO Reports Daytona Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Delray Beach 55 UFO Reports Delray Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Kissimmee 53 UFO Reports Kissimmee, Florida UFO Sightings
Davie 53 UFO Reports Davie, Florida UFO Sightings
Spring Hill 52 UFO Reports Spring Hill, Florida UFO Sightings
Sanford 52 UFO Reports Sanford, Florida UFO Sightings
Jupiter 51 UFO Reports Jupiter, Florida UFO Sightings
Boynton Beach 50 UFO Reports Boynton Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Venice 47 UFO Reports Venice, Florida UFO Sightings
North Port 46 UFO Reports North Port, Florida UFO Sightings
Royal Palm Beach 46 UFO Reports Royal Palm Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Palm Coast 44 UFO Reports Palm Coast, Florida UFO Sightings
Pompano Beach 44 UFO Reports Pompano Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Hollywood 44 UFO Reports Hollywood, Florida UFO Sightings
Deltona 43 UFO Reports Deltona, Florida UFO Sightings
Clermont 43 UFO Reports Clermont, Florida UFO Sightings
Panama City 42 UFO Reports Panama City, Florida UFO Sightings
Palm Bay 41 UFO Reports Palm Bay, Florida UFO Sightings
Brandon 40 UFO Reports Brandon, Florida UFO Sightings
Englewood 40 UFO Reports Englewood, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Wales 39 UFO Reports Lake Wales, Florida UFO Sightings
Pembroke Pines 37 UFO Reports Pembroke Pines, Florida UFO Sightings
Miami Beach 37 UFO Reports Miami Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Homestead 36 UFO Reports Homestead, Florida UFO Sightings
Wellington 36 UFO Reports Wellington, Florida UFO Sightings
Lehigh Acres 35 UFO Reports Lehigh Acres, Florida UFO Sightings
Brooksville 35 UFO Reports Brooksville, Florida UFO Sightings
Destin 35 UFO Reports Destin, Florida UFO Sightings
Longwood 34 UFO Reports Longwood, Florida UFO Sightings
Punta Gorda 31 UFO Reports Punta Gorda, Florida UFO Sightings
Plantation 31 UFO Reports Plantation, Florida UFO Sightings
Ormond Beach 30 UFO Reports Ormond Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Titusville 30 UFO Reports Titusville, Florida UFO Sightings
Winter Haven 29 UFO Reports Winter Haven, Florida UFO Sightings
Holiday 28 UFO Reports Holiday, Florida UFO Sightings
Riverview 28 UFO Reports Riverview, Florida UFO Sightings
Merritt Island 28 UFO Reports Merritt Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Plant City 28 UFO Reports Plant City, Florida UFO Sightings
Key West 28 UFO Reports Key West, Florida UFO Sightings
Cocoa 28 UFO Reports Cocoa, Florida UFO Sightings
Sunrise 27 UFO Reports Sunrise, Florida UFO Sightings
Palm Harbor 27 UFO Reports Palm Harbor, Florida UFO Sightings
Stuart 27 UFO Reports Stuart, Florida UFO Sightings
Palm Beach Gardens 27 UFO Reports Palm Beach Gardens, Florida UFO Sightings
Deerfield Beach 27 UFO Reports Deerfield Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Pinellas Park 26 UFO Reports Pinellas Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Cocoa Beach 26 UFO Reports Cocoa Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Port Richey 25 UFO Reports Port Richey, Florida UFO Sightings
Hialeah 25 UFO Reports Hialeah, Florida UFO Sightings
Saint Cloud 25 UFO Reports Saint Cloud, Florida UFO Sightings
Jacksonville Beach 25 UFO Reports Jacksonville Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Sebring 25 UFO Reports Sebring, Florida UFO Sightings
Winter Park 25 UFO Reports Winter Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Pierce 24 UFO Reports Fort Pierce, Florida UFO Sightings
Orange Park 23 UFO Reports Orange Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Davenport 23 UFO Reports Davenport, Florida UFO Sightings
Wesley Chapel 23 UFO Reports Wesley Chapel, Florida UFO Sightings
Apopka 23 UFO Reports Apopka, Florida UFO Sightings
Dunedin 22 UFO Reports Dunedin, Florida UFO Sightings
Satellite beach 22 UFO Reports Satellite beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Navarre 22 UFO Reports Navarre, Florida UFO Sightings
Weston 22 UFO Reports Weston, Florida UFO Sightings
Captiva 22 UFO Reports Captiva, Florida UFO Sightings
Deland 21 UFO Reports Deland, Florida UFO Sightings
Cape Canaveral 21 UFO Reports Cape Canaveral, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Walton Beach 21 UFO Reports Fort Walton Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Winter Springs 21 UFO Reports Winter Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Zephyrhills 20 UFO Reports Zephyrhills, Florida UFO Sightings
New Smyrna Beach 20 UFO Reports New Smyrna Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Valrico 20 UFO Reports Valrico, Florida UFO Sightings
Gulf Breeze 20 UFO Reports Gulf Breeze, Florida UFO Sightings
Okeechobee 20 UFO Reports Okeechobee, Florida UFO Sightings
Land OLakes 20 UFO Reports Land OLakes, Florida UFO Sightings
PORT ORANGE 19 UFO Reports PORT ORANGE, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake City 19 UFO Reports Lake City, Florida UFO Sightings
Melbourne Beach 19 UFO Reports Melbourne Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Bonita Springs 19 UFO Reports Bonita Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Milton 19 UFO Reports Milton, Florida UFO Sightings
Seminole 19 UFO Reports Seminole, Florida UFO Sightings
Tarpon Springs 18 UFO Reports Tarpon Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Jensen Beach 18 UFO Reports Jensen Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
The Villages 18 UFO Reports The Villages, Florida UFO Sightings
Casselberry 18 UFO Reports Casselberry, Florida UFO Sightings
Altamonte Springs 17 UFO Reports Altamonte Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Dade City 17 UFO Reports Dade City, Florida UFO Sightings
Middleburg 17 UFO Reports Middleburg, Florida UFO Sightings
Marathon 17 UFO Reports Marathon, Florida UFO Sightings
Saint George Island 17 UFO Reports Saint George Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Oviedo 17 UFO Reports Oviedo, Florida UFO Sightings
Lantana 17 UFO Reports Lantana, Florida UFO Sightings
Palm City 17 UFO Reports Palm City, Florida UFO Sightings
Sebastian 16 UFO Reports Sebastian, Florida UFO Sightings
Crestview 16 UFO Reports Crestview, Florida UFO Sightings
Coconut Creek 15 UFO Reports Coconut Creek, Florida UFO Sightings
Ponte Vedra Beach 15 UFO Reports Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Edgewater 15 UFO Reports Edgewater, Florida UFO Sightings
Miramar 14 UFO Reports Miramar, Florida UFO Sightings
Lithia 14 UFO Reports Lithia, Florida UFO Sightings
Lutz 14 UFO Reports Lutz, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Myers Beach 14 UFO Reports Fort Myers Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Margate 14 UFO Reports Margate, Florida UFO Sightings
Hudson 14 UFO Reports Hudson, Florida UFO Sightings
Oldsmar 14 UFO Reports Oldsmar, Florida UFO Sightings
Ruskin 13 UFO Reports Ruskin, Florida UFO Sightings
Parrish 13 UFO Reports Parrish, Florida UFO Sightings
Loxahatchee 13 UFO Reports Loxahatchee, Florida UFO Sightings
Oakland Park 13 UFO Reports Oakland Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Key Largo 13 UFO Reports Key Largo, Florida UFO Sightings
Aventura 13 UFO Reports Aventura, Florida UFO Sightings
Leesburg 13 UFO Reports Leesburg, Florida UFO Sightings
Inverness 12 UFO Reports Inverness, Florida UFO Sightings
Hobe Sound 12 UFO Reports Hobe Sound, Florida UFO Sightings
Saint Petersburg Beach 12 UFO Reports Saint Petersburg Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Indialantic 12 UFO Reports Indialantic, Florida UFO Sightings
North Miami 12 UFO Reports North Miami, Florida UFO Sightings
Dunnellon 12 UFO Reports Dunnellon, Florida UFO Sightings
DeBary 12 UFO Reports DeBary, Florida UFO Sightings
North Miami Beach 12 UFO Reports North Miami Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Winter Garden 12 UFO Reports Winter Garden, Florida UFO Sightings
Marco Island 12 UFO Reports Marco Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Hallandale 11 UFO Reports Hallandale, Florida UFO Sightings
Palm Beach 11 UFO Reports Palm Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Homosassa 11 UFO Reports Homosassa, Florida UFO Sightings
Tamarac 11 UFO Reports Tamarac, Florida UFO Sightings
Poinciana 11 UFO Reports Poinciana, Florida UFO Sightings
Seffner 11 UFO Reports Seffner, Florida UFO Sightings
Nokomis 11 UFO Reports Nokomis, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Placid 11 UFO Reports Lake Placid, Florida UFO Sightings
Kendall 11 UFO Reports Kendall, Florida UFO Sightings
Hernando 10 UFO Reports Hernando, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian Rocks Beach 10 UFO Reports Indian Rocks Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Mary 10 UFO Reports Lake Mary, Florida UFO Sightings
Coral Gables 10 UFO Reports Coral Gables, Florida UFO Sightings
Shalimar 10 UFO Reports Shalimar, Florida UFO Sightings
Arcadia 10 UFO Reports Arcadia, Florida UFO Sightings
Miami Lakes 9 UFO Reports Miami Lakes, Florida UFO Sightings
Maitland 9 UFO Reports Maitland, Florida UFO Sightings
Estero 9 UFO Reports Estero, Florida UFO Sightings
Eustis 9 UFO Reports Eustis, Florida UFO Sightings
Palmetto 9 UFO Reports Palmetto, Florida UFO Sightings
Rockledge 9 UFO Reports Rockledge, Florida UFO Sightings
Lakewood Ranch 9 UFO Reports Lakewood Ranch, Florida UFO Sightings
Crystal River 9 UFO Reports Crystal River, Florida UFO Sightings
Niceville 9 UFO Reports Niceville, Florida UFO Sightings
Haines City 9 UFO Reports Haines City, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Buena Vista 9 UFO Reports Lake Buena Vista, Florida UFO Sightings
Fernandina Beach 8 UFO Reports Fernandina Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Opa Locka 8 UFO Reports Opa Locka, Florida UFO Sightings
Sanibel Island 8 UFO Reports Sanibel Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Parkland 8 UFO Reports Parkland, Florida UFO Sightings
Siesta Key 8 UFO Reports Siesta Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Avon Park 8 UFO Reports Avon Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Tavares 8 UFO Reports Tavares, Florida UFO Sightings
Safety Harbor 8 UFO Reports Safety Harbor, Florida UFO Sightings
Mary Esther 8 UFO Reports Mary Esther, Florida UFO Sightings
Belleview 8 UFO Reports Belleview, Florida UFO Sightings
Cooper City 8 UFO Reports Cooper City, Florida UFO Sightings
Williston 8 UFO Reports Williston, Florida UFO Sightings
Lauderhill 8 UFO Reports Lauderhill, Florida UFO Sightings
Atlantic Beach 8 UFO Reports Atlantic Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Live Oak 8 UFO Reports Live Oak, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian Lake 8 UFO Reports Indian Lake, Florida UFO Sightings
Port St Lucie 8 UFO Reports Port St Lucie, Florida UFO Sightings
Polk City 8 UFO Reports Polk City, Florida UFO Sightings
Apollo Beach 8 UFO Reports Apollo Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Thonotosassa 8 UFO Reports Thonotosassa, Florida UFO Sightings
Pensacola Beach 7 UFO Reports Pensacola Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
North Fort Myers 7 UFO Reports North Fort Myers, Florida UFO Sightings
Palatka 7 UFO Reports Palatka, Florida UFO Sightings
Ocoee 7 UFO Reports Ocoee, Florida UFO Sightings
Flagler Beach 7 UFO Reports Flagler Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
North Lauderdale 7 UFO Reports North Lauderdale, Florida UFO Sightings
Palm Springs 7 UFO Reports Palm Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Weeki Wachee 7 UFO Reports Weeki Wachee, Florida UFO Sightings
Citrus Springs 7 UFO Reports Citrus Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian Harbour Beach 7 UFO Reports Indian Harbour Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Osprey 7 UFO Reports Osprey, Florida UFO Sightings
Everglades 7 UFO Reports Everglades, Florida UFO Sightings
Clearwater Beach 7 UFO Reports Clearwater Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Gibsonton 7 UFO Reports Gibsonton, Florida UFO Sightings
Gulf of Mexico 7 UFO Reports Gulf of Mexico, Florida UFO Sightings
Longboat Key 7 UFO Reports Longboat Key, Florida UFO Sightings
South Daytona 7 UFO Reports South Daytona, Florida UFO Sightings
Florida 7 UFO Reports Florida, Florida UFO Sightings
Cutler Bay 7 UFO Reports Cutler Bay, Florida UFO Sightings
Hallandale Beach 6 UFO Reports Hallandale Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Orange City 6 UFO Reports Orange City, Florida UFO Sightings
Silver Springs 6 UFO Reports Silver Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Santa Rosa Beach 6 UFO Reports Santa Rosa Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Champions Gate 6 UFO Reports Champions Gate, Florida UFO Sightings
Lynn Haven 6 UFO Reports Lynn Haven, Florida UFO Sightings
Temple Terrace 6 UFO Reports Temple Terrace, Florida UFO Sightings
Trenton 6 UFO Reports Trenton, Florida UFO Sightings
Fleming Island 6 UFO Reports Fleming Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Ponte Vedra 6 UFO Reports Ponte Vedra, Florida UFO Sightings
Windermere 6 UFO Reports Windermere, Florida UFO Sightings
Port St John 6 UFO Reports Port St John, Florida UFO Sightings
Dania Beach 6 UFO Reports Dania Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Auburndale 6 UFO Reports Auburndale, Florida UFO Sightings
Holmes Beach 6 UFO Reports Holmes Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Bunnell 6 UFO Reports Bunnell, Florida UFO Sightings
Saint Johns 6 UFO Reports Saint Johns, Florida UFO Sightings
Navarre Beach 6 UFO Reports Navarre Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Alligator Alley 6 UFO Reports Alligator Alley, Florida UFO Sightings
St Augustine 6 UFO Reports St Augustine, Florida UFO Sightings
Pace 6 UFO Reports Pace, Florida UFO Sightings
Daytona 6 UFO Reports Daytona, Florida UFO Sightings
Green Cove Springs 6 UFO Reports Green Cove Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
DeFuniak Springs 5 UFO Reports DeFuniak Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Wildwood 5 UFO Reports Wildwood, Florida UFO Sightings
Daytona Beach Shores 5 UFO Reports Daytona Beach Shores, Florida UFO Sightings
Saint Augustine Beach 5 UFO Reports Saint Augustine Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Starke 5 UFO Reports Starke, Florida UFO Sightings
Odessa 5 UFO Reports Odessa, Florida UFO Sightings
Montverde 5 UFO Reports Montverde, Florida UFO Sightings
Tequesta 5 UFO Reports Tequesta, Florida UFO Sightings
Lady Lake 5 UFO Reports Lady Lake, Florida UFO Sightings
Alachua 5 UFO Reports Alachua, Florida UFO Sightings
Bartow 5 UFO Reports Bartow, Florida UFO Sightings
Floral City 5 UFO Reports Floral City, Florida UFO Sightings
North Palm Beach 5 UFO Reports North Palm Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Springhill 5 UFO Reports Springhill, Florida UFO Sightings
Jasper 5 UFO Reports Jasper, Florida UFO Sightings
Mount Dora 5 UFO Reports Mount Dora, Florida UFO Sightings
Keystone Heights 5 UFO Reports Keystone Heights, Florida UFO Sightings
Yulee 5 UFO Reports Yulee, Florida UFO Sightings
Bushnell 5 UFO Reports Bushnell, Florida UFO Sightings
Marianna 5 UFO Reports Marianna, Florida UFO Sightings
Tampa Bay 5 UFO Reports Tampa Bay, Florida UFO Sightings
Lehigh 5 UFO Reports Lehigh, Florida UFO Sightings
Dover 5 UFO Reports Dover, Florida UFO Sightings
Tice 4 UFO Reports Tice, Florida UFO Sightings
Miami Shores 4 UFO Reports Miami Shores, Florida UFO Sightings
Miramar Beach 4 UFO Reports Miramar Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Islamorada 4 UFO Reports Islamorada, Florida UFO Sightings
Crawfordville 4 UFO Reports Crawfordville, Florida UFO Sightings
Labelle 4 UFO Reports Labelle, Florida UFO Sightings
Riviera Beach 4 UFO Reports Riviera Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Malabar 4 UFO Reports Malabar, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian Shores 4 UFO Reports Indian Shores, Florida UFO Sightings
Treasure Island 4 UFO Reports Treasure Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Micco 4 UFO Reports Micco, Florida UFO Sightings
Geneva 4 UFO Reports Geneva, Florida UFO Sightings
Bonifay 4 UFO Reports Bonifay, Florida UFO Sightings
Atlantic Ocean 4 UFO Reports Atlantic Ocean, Florida UFO Sightings
Chiefland 4 UFO Reports Chiefland, Florida UFO Sightings
Trinity 4 UFO Reports Trinity, Florida UFO Sightings
Yeehaw Junction 4 UFO Reports Yeehaw Junction, Florida UFO Sightings
Moore Haven 4 UFO Reports Moore Haven, Florida UFO Sightings
Summerfield 4 UFO Reports Summerfield, Florida UFO Sightings
High Springs 4 UFO Reports High Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Buckhead Ridge 4 UFO Reports Buckhead Ridge, Florida UFO Sightings
Newberry 4 UFO Reports Newberry, Florida UFO Sightings
Apalachicola 4 UFO Reports Apalachicola, Florida UFO Sightings
Hastings 4 UFO Reports Hastings, Florida UFO Sightings
Cape San Blas 4 UFO Reports Cape San Blas, Florida UFO Sightings
Cedar Key 4 UFO Reports Cedar Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Mims 4 UFO Reports Mims, Florida UFO Sightings
Doral 4 UFO Reports Doral, Florida UFO Sightings
Big Pine Key 4 UFO Reports Big Pine Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Sunny Isles Beach 4 UFO Reports Sunny Isles Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Eglin AFB 4 UFO Reports Eglin AFB, Florida UFO Sightings
Callahan 4 UFO Reports Callahan, Florida UFO Sightings
Wewahitchka 4 UFO Reports Wewahitchka, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort White 3 UFO Reports Fort White, Florida UFO Sightings
Chuluota 3 UFO Reports Chuluota, Florida UFO Sightings
Greenacres 3 UFO Reports Greenacres, Florida UFO Sightings
Ellenton 3 UFO Reports Ellenton, Florida UFO Sightings
Belle Glade 3 UFO Reports Belle Glade, Florida UFO Sightings
Lighthouse Point 3 UFO Reports Lighthouse Point, Florida UFO Sightings
West Melbourne 3 UFO Reports West Melbourne, Florida UFO Sightings
Kenneth City 3 UFO Reports Kenneth City, Florida UFO Sightings
Ocklawaha 3 UFO Reports Ocklawaha, Florida UFO Sightings
Flagler 3 UFO Reports Flagler, Florida UFO Sightings
Babson Park 3 UFO Reports Babson Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Unknown 3 UFO Reports Unknown, Florida UFO Sightings
St. Petersburg 3 UFO Reports St. Petersburg, Florida UFO Sightings
Holly Hill 3 UFO Reports Holly Hill, Florida UFO Sightings
Lauderdale-By-The-Sea 3 UFO Reports Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, Florida UFO Sightings
Perry 3 UFO Reports Perry, Florida UFO Sightings
Frostproof 3 UFO Reports Frostproof, Florida UFO Sightings
Beverly Hills 3 UFO Reports Beverly Hills, Florida UFO Sightings
Cantonment 3 UFO Reports Cantonment, Florida UFO Sightings
Steinhatchee 3 UFO Reports Steinhatchee, Florida UFO Sightings
Hialeah Gardens 3 UFO Reports Hialeah Gardens, Florida UFO Sightings
Ponce inlet 3 UFO Reports Ponce inlet, Florida UFO Sightings
San Antonio 3 UFO Reports San Antonio, Florida UFO Sightings
Hampton 3 UFO Reports Hampton, Florida UFO Sightings
Sebastian Inlet 3 UFO Reports Sebastian Inlet, Florida UFO Sightings
Anna Maria Island 3 UFO Reports Anna Maria Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Juno Beach 3 UFO Reports Juno Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Coral Spring 3 UFO Reports Coral Spring, Florida UFO Sightings
Palmetto Bay 3 UFO Reports Palmetto Bay, Florida UFO Sightings
Bryceville 3 UFO Reports Bryceville, Florida UFO Sightings
New Tampa 3 UFO Reports New Tampa, Florida UFO Sightings
Land o Lakes 3 UFO Reports Land o Lakes, Florida UFO Sightings
Bowling Green 3 UFO Reports Bowling Green, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Panasoffkee 3 UFO Reports Lake Panasoffkee, Florida UFO Sightings
Glen St Mary 3 UFO Reports Glen St Mary, Florida UFO Sightings
South Beach 3 UFO Reports South Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Oxford 3 UFO Reports Oxford, Florida UFO Sightings
McAlpin 3 UFO Reports McAlpin, Florida UFO Sightings
Old Town 3 UFO Reports Old Town, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Alfred 3 UFO Reports Lake Alfred, Florida UFO Sightings
Pompano 3 UFO Reports Pompano, Florida UFO Sightings
Pt St Lucie 3 UFO Reports Pt St Lucie, Florida UFO Sightings
Mulberry 3 UFO Reports Mulberry, Florida UFO Sightings
Bradenton Beach 3 UFO Reports Bradenton Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Wauchula 3 UFO Reports Wauchula, Florida UFO Sightings
Interlachen 3 UFO Reports Interlachen, Florida UFO Sightings
Umatilla 3 UFO Reports Umatilla, Florida UFO Sightings
Alligator Point 3 UFO Reports Alligator Point, Florida UFO Sightings
Havana 3 UFO Reports Havana, Florida UFO Sightings
Saint Pete Beach 3 UFO Reports Saint Pete Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Central Florida 2 UFO Reports Central Florida, Florida UFO Sightings
Duck Key 2 UFO Reports Duck Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Kennedy Space Center 2 UFO Reports Kennedy Space Center, Florida UFO Sightings
Myakka City 2 UFO Reports Myakka City, Florida UFO Sightings
Kissimme 2 UFO Reports Kissimme, Florida UFO Sightings
Seagrove Beach 2 UFO Reports Seagrove Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Hypoluxo 2 UFO Reports Hypoluxo, Florida UFO Sightings
Dundee 2 UFO Reports Dundee, Florida UFO Sightings
Jennings 2 UFO Reports Jennings, Florida UFO Sightings
N Ft Myers 2 UFO Reports N Ft Myers, Florida UFO Sightings
Perdido Key 2 UFO Reports Perdido Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Argyle 2 UFO Reports Argyle, Florida UFO Sightings
Surfside 2 UFO Reports Surfside, Florida UFO Sightings
North Ft Myers 2 UFO Reports North Ft Myers, Florida UFO Sightings
Freeport 2 UFO Reports Freeport, Florida UFO Sightings
New Smyrna 2 UFO Reports New Smyrna, Florida UFO Sightings
Key Biscayne 2 UFO Reports Key Biscayne, Florida UFO Sightings
Viera 2 UFO Reports Viera, Florida UFO Sightings
Groveland 2 UFO Reports Groveland, Florida UFO Sightings
Perrine 2 UFO Reports Perrine, Florida UFO Sightings
Micanopy 2 UFO Reports Micanopy, Florida UFO Sightings
DeLeon Springs 2 UFO Reports DeLeon Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Amelia Island 2 UFO Reports Amelia Island, Florida UFO Sightings
West Palm 2 UFO Reports West Palm, Florida UFO Sightings
Gainsville 2 UFO Reports Gainsville, Florida UFO Sightings
Key Colony Beach 2 UFO Reports Key Colony Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Bokeelia 2 UFO Reports Bokeelia, Florida UFO Sightings
Yankeetown 2 UFO Reports Yankeetown, Florida UFO Sightings
South Tampa 2 UFO Reports South Tampa, Florida UFO Sightings
Manasota Key 2 UFO Reports Manasota Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Orange Lake 2 UFO Reports Orange Lake, Florida UFO Sightings
Baker 2 UFO Reports Baker, Florida UFO Sightings
Valparaiso 2 UFO Reports Valparaiso, Florida UFO Sightings
Little Torch Key 2 UFO Reports Little Torch Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Anna Maria 2 UFO Reports Anna Maria, Florida UFO Sightings
Wilton Manors 2 UFO Reports Wilton Manors, Florida UFO Sightings
Mexico Beach 2 UFO Reports Mexico Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Grant-Valkaria 2 UFO Reports Grant-Valkaria, Florida UFO Sightings
Pierson 2 UFO Reports Pierson, Florida UFO Sightings
Lacrosse 2 UFO Reports Lacrosse, Florida UFO Sightings
Broward County 2 UFO Reports Broward County, Florida UFO Sightings
Wellborn 2 UFO Reports Wellborn, Florida UFO Sightings
Baldwin 2 UFO Reports Baldwin, Florida UFO Sightings
Port St Joe 2 UFO Reports Port St Joe, Florida UFO Sightings
OBrien 2 UFO Reports OBrien, Florida UFO Sightings
Hollywood Beach 2 UFO Reports Hollywood Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Sorrento 2 UFO Reports Sorrento, Florida UFO Sightings
Indiatlantic 2 UFO Reports Indiatlantic, Florida UFO Sightings
Barefoot Bay 2 UFO Reports Barefoot Bay, Florida UFO Sightings
Marathon Key 2 UFO Reports Marathon Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Fruitland Park 2 UFO Reports Fruitland Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian Lake Estates 2 UFO Reports Indian Lake Estates, Florida UFO Sightings
Anthony 2 UFO Reports Anthony, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Okeechoobee 2 UFO Reports Lake Okeechoobee, Florida UFO Sightings
South Bay 2 UFO Reports South Bay, Florida UFO Sightings
Chipley 2 UFO Reports Chipley, Florida UFO Sightings
Crystal Beach 2 UFO Reports Crystal Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Lauderdale Beach 2 UFO Reports Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Morriston 2 UFO Reports Morriston, Florida UFO Sightings
Saint James City 2 UFO Reports Saint James City, Florida UFO Sightings
Summerland Key 2 UFO Reports Summerland Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Land o’ Lakes 2 UFO Reports Land o’ Lakes, Florida UFO Sightings
Warrington 2 UFO Reports Warrington, Florida UFO Sightings
Gulfport 2 UFO Reports Gulfport, Florida UFO Sightings
Basinger 2 UFO Reports Basinger, Florida UFO Sightings
Satsuma 2 UFO Reports Satsuma, Florida UFO Sightings
Rotonda West 2 UFO Reports Rotonda West, Florida UFO Sightings
Sun City Center 2 UFO Reports Sun City Center, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Park 2 UFO Reports Lake Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Golden Beach 2 UFO Reports Golden Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Hilliard 2 UFO Reports Hilliard, Florida UFO Sightings
Holopaw 2 UFO Reports Holopaw, Florida UFO Sightings
Sawgrass 2 UFO Reports Sawgrass, Florida UFO Sightings
Cudjoe Key 2 UFO Reports Cudjoe Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Keaton Beach 2 UFO Reports Keaton Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Westville 2 UFO Reports Westville, Florida UFO Sightings
Fern Park 2 UFO Reports Fern Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Miami Gardens 2 UFO Reports Miami Gardens, Florida UFO Sightings
Holt 2 UFO Reports Holt, Florida UFO Sightings
South Daytona Beach 2 UFO Reports South Daytona Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Pinellas 2 UFO Reports Pinellas, Florida UFO Sightings
Sanibel 2 UFO Reports Sanibel, Florida UFO Sightings
Celebration 2 UFO Reports Celebration, Florida UFO Sightings
Florida City 2 UFO Reports Florida City, Florida UFO Sightings
Port Everglades 2 UFO Reports Port Everglades, Florida UFO Sightings
Lorida 2 UFO Reports Lorida, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort McCoy 2 UFO Reports Fort McCoy, Florida UFO Sightings
Murdock 2 UFO Reports Murdock, Florida UFO Sightings
Ochlocknee Bay 2 UFO Reports Ochlocknee Bay, Florida UFO Sightings
Lantana Beach 1 UFO Reports Lantana Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
WinterGarden 1 UFO Reports WinterGarden, Florida UFO Sightings
Homeland 1 UFO Reports Homeland, Florida UFO Sightings
Kissimee 1 UFO Reports Kissimee, Florida UFO Sightings
North East Orlando 1 UFO Reports North East Orlando, Florida UFO Sightings
Riceville 1 UFO Reports Riceville, Florida UFO Sightings
Brandford 1 UFO Reports Brandford, Florida UFO Sightings
South Miami 1 UFO Reports South Miami, Florida UFO Sightings
Waussau 1 UFO Reports Waussau, Florida UFO Sightings
Magnolia Park 1 UFO Reports Magnolia Park, Florida UFO Sightings
New hope florida 1 UFO Reports New hope florida, Florida UFO Sightings
Pinellas County 1 UFO Reports Pinellas County, Florida UFO Sightings
Avon 1 UFO Reports Avon, Florida UFO Sightings
Bell 1 UFO Reports Bell, Florida UFO Sightings
Seagrove 1 UFO Reports Seagrove, Florida UFO Sightings
Unincorporated Miami-Dade County 1 UFO Reports Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, Florida UFO Sightings
Cutler Ridge 1 UFO Reports Cutler Ridge, Florida UFO Sightings
Florida Keys 1 UFO Reports Florida Keys, Florida UFO Sightings
Hunters Creek 1 UFO Reports Hunters Creek, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Butler 1 UFO Reports Lake Butler, Florida UFO Sightings
North Tampa 1 UFO Reports North Tampa, Florida UFO Sightings
Callaway 1 UFO Reports Callaway, Florida UFO Sightings
West Kendall 1 UFO Reports West Kendall, Florida UFO Sightings
Martin County 1 UFO Reports Martin County, Florida UFO Sightings
Hawthorne 1 UFO Reports Hawthorne, Florida UFO Sightings
Jay 1 UFO Reports Jay, Florida UFO Sightings
Orlando Flrida 1 UFO Reports Orlando Flrida, Florida UFO Sightings
Goulds 1 UFO Reports Goulds, Florida UFO Sightings
Pahokee 1 UFO Reports Pahokee, Florida UFO Sightings
Punt Gorda 1 UFO Reports Punt Gorda, Florida UFO Sightings
Blountstown 1 UFO Reports Blountstown, Florida UFO Sightings
Vero Beach 1 UFO Reports Vero Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Loughman 1 UFO Reports Loughman, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Meade 1 UFO Reports Fort Meade, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian Rock Beach 1 UFO Reports Indian Rock Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Ochopee 1 UFO Reports Ochopee, Florida UFO Sightings
Archer 1 UFO Reports Archer, Florida UFO Sightings
Captiva Island 1 UFO Reports Captiva Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Wilber-By-the-Sea 1 UFO Reports Wilber-By-the-Sea, Florida UFO Sightings
Tierra Verde 1 UFO Reports Tierra Verde, Florida UFO Sightings
Winterhaven 1 UFO Reports Winterhaven, Florida UFO Sightings
Five Points 1 UFO Reports Five Points, Florida UFO Sightings
Palm Habor 1 UFO Reports Palm Habor, Florida UFO Sightings
Ringgold 1 UFO Reports Ringgold, Florida UFO Sightings
South of Sarasota 1 UFO Reports South of Sarasota, Florida UFO Sightings
Waverly 1 UFO Reports Waverly, Florida UFO Sightings
Mahogany Hammock 1 UFO Reports Mahogany Hammock, Florida UFO Sightings
Fountain 1 UFO Reports Fountain, Florida UFO Sightings
Isla Morada 1 UFO Reports Isla Morada, Florida UFO Sightings
Santa Fe 1 UFO Reports Santa Fe, Florida UFO Sightings
Century 1 UFO Reports Century, Florida UFO Sightings
Citra 1 UFO Reports Citra, Florida UFO Sightings
University Park 1 UFO Reports University Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Cuyler 1 UFO Reports Cuyler, Florida UFO Sightings
Zolfo Springs 1 UFO Reports Zolfo Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Florida Panhandle 1 UFO Reports Florida Panhandle, Florida UFO Sightings
Northern Florida 1 UFO Reports Northern Florida, Florida UFO Sightings
Altha 1 UFO Reports Altha, Florida UFO Sightings
Canal Point 1 UFO Reports Canal Point, Florida UFO Sightings
St-Augustine 1 UFO Reports St-Augustine, Florida UFO Sightings
Gainseville 1 UFO Reports Gainseville, Florida UFO Sightings
Heathrow 1 UFO Reports Heathrow, Florida UFO Sightings
Orlando Metro area 1 UFO Reports Orlando Metro area, Florida UFO Sightings
Pompano beach pompano 1 UFO Reports Pompano beach pompano, Florida UFO Sightings
Graceville 1 UFO Reports Graceville, Florida UFO Sightings
Boca Grande 1 UFO Reports Boca Grande, Florida UFO Sightings
Coconut Grove 1 UFO Reports Coconut Grove, Florida UFO Sightings
Lower Haines City 1 UFO Reports Lower Haines City, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Meyers 1 UFO Reports Fort Meyers, Florida UFO Sightings
Greenville 1 UFO Reports Greenville, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian Rocks 1 UFO Reports Indian Rocks, Florida UFO Sightings
Saint Petersburg Causeway 1 UFO Reports Saint Petersburg Causeway, Florida UFO Sightings
Caribbean Sea 1 UFO Reports Caribbean Sea, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Weir 1 UFO Reports Lake Weir, Florida UFO Sightings
Tindall AFB 1 UFO Reports Tindall AFB, Florida UFO Sightings
Largo Florida 1 UFO Reports Largo Florida, Florida UFO Sightings
Woodland Hills 1 UFO Reports Woodland Hills, Florida UFO Sightings
Miami Springs 1 UFO Reports Miami Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Homestead AFB 1 UFO Reports Homestead AFB, Florida UFO Sightings
Branford 1 UFO Reports Branford, Florida UFO Sightings
South Palm Beach 1 UFO Reports South Palm Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Wedgfield 1 UFO Reports Wedgfield, Florida UFO Sightings
Delary Beach 1 UFO Reports Delary Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
HALNDLE BCH 1 UFO Reports HALNDLE BCH, Florida UFO Sightings
Orange County 1 UFO Reports Orange County, Florida UFO Sightings
Placida 1 UFO Reports Placida, Florida UFO Sightings
Taveriner 1 UFO Reports Taveriner, Florida UFO Sightings
Seaside 1 UFO Reports Seaside, Florida UFO Sightings
Citrus Park 1 UFO Reports Citrus Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Floridat 1 UFO Reports Floridat, Florida UFO Sightings
Molino 1 UFO Reports Molino, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Helen 1 UFO Reports Lake Helen, Florida UFO Sightings
Oak Hill 1 UFO Reports Oak Hill, Florida UFO Sightings
Pasco 1 UFO Reports Pasco, Florida UFO Sightings
Alturas 1 UFO Reports Alturas, Florida UFO Sightings
Cannis City 1 UFO Reports Cannis City, Florida UFO Sightings
West Miami 1 UFO Reports West Miami, Florida UFO Sightings
Masaryktown 1 UFO Reports Masaryktown, Florida UFO Sightings
Gainsvile 1 UFO Reports Gainsvile, Florida UFO Sightings
Pompono Beach 1 UFO Reports Pompono Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Williamsburg 1 UFO Reports Williamsburg, Florida UFO Sightings
Epcot Center 1 UFO Reports Epcot Center, Florida UFO Sightings
Melbourne Village 1 UFO Reports Melbourne Village, Florida UFO Sightings
Gracville 1 UFO Reports Gracville, Florida UFO Sightings
Punta Gorda Isles 1 UFO Reports Punta Gorda Isles, Florida UFO Sightings
Sim 1 UFO Reports Sim, Florida UFO Sightings
De Funiak Springs 1 UFO Reports De Funiak Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Meyers Beach 1 UFO Reports Fort Meyers Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Aripeka 1 UFO Reports Aripeka, Florida UFO Sightings
Saint Petersrburg 1 UFO Reports Saint Petersrburg, Florida UFO Sightings
Carol City 1 UFO Reports Carol City, Florida UFO Sightings
Talahassee 1 UFO Reports Talahassee, Florida UFO Sightings
Tavernier 1 UFO Reports Tavernier, Florida UFO Sightings
Yalaha 1 UFO Reports Yalaha, Florida UFO Sightings
Homestead and Miami 1 UFO Reports Homestead and Miami, Florida UFO Sightings
Brewton 1 UFO Reports Brewton, Florida UFO Sightings
South Pasadena 1 UFO Reports South Pasadena, Florida UFO Sightings
Frost Proof 1 UFO Reports Frost Proof, Florida UFO Sightings
Hammock Beach 1 UFO Reports Hammock Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Islamorado 1 UFO Reports Islamorado, Florida UFO Sightings
Orange Heights 1 UFO Reports Orange Heights, Florida UFO Sightings
Plam Bay 1 UFO Reports Plam Bay, Florida UFO Sightings
Bagdad 1 UFO Reports Bagdad, Florida UFO Sightings
Charlotte City 1 UFO Reports Charlotte City, Florida UFO Sightings
Beverly Beach 1 UFO Reports Beverly Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Seasta Key 1 UFO Reports Seasta Key, Florida UFO Sightings
USS San Juan 1 UFO Reports USS San Juan, Florida UFO Sightings
Dade County 1 UFO Reports Dade County, Florida UFO Sightings
Little Gasparilla Island 1 UFO Reports Little Gasparilla Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Denaud 1 UFO Reports Fort Denaud, Florida UFO Sightings
Monticello 1 UFO Reports Monticello, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian Harbor Beach 1 UFO Reports Indian Harbor Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Pasco County 1 UFO Reports Pasco County, Florida UFO Sightings
Cantoma 1 UFO Reports Cantoma, Florida UFO Sightings
Dunellon 1 UFO Reports Dunellon, Florida UFO Sightings
Mascotte 1 UFO Reports Mascotte, Florida UFO Sightings
Jenson Beach 1 UFO Reports Jenson Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Osceola County 1 UFO Reports Osceola County, Florida UFO Sightings
Ponce de Leon 1 UFO Reports Ponce de Leon, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Worth Beach 1 UFO Reports Lake Worth Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Grant 1 UFO Reports Grant, Florida UFO Sightings
Hollywest 1 UFO Reports Hollywest, Florida UFO Sightings
Quincy 1 UFO Reports Quincy, Florida UFO Sightings
Smyrna Beach 1 UFO Reports Smyrna Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Coquina Key 1 UFO Reports Coquina Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Vilano Beach 1 UFO Reports Vilano Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Dean City 1 UFO Reports Dean City, Florida UFO Sightings
Grover 1 UFO Reports Grover, Florida UFO Sightings
Naples Manor 1 UFO Reports Naples Manor, Florida UFO Sightings
Asbury Lake 1 UFO Reports Asbury Lake, Florida UFO Sightings
Salt Springs 1 UFO Reports Salt Springs, Florida UFO Sightings
Carrabelle 1 UFO Reports Carrabelle, Florida UFO Sightings
Tallahasse 1 UFO Reports Tallahasse, Florida UFO Sightings
Sarasota County 1 UFO Reports Sarasota County, Florida UFO Sightings
Chattahoochee 1 UFO Reports Chattahoochee, Florida UFO Sightings
Television broadcast 1 UFO Reports Television broadcast, Florida UFO Sightings
Crescent Beach 1 UFO Reports Crescent Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Flamingo 1 UFO Reports Flamingo, Florida UFO Sightings
Lacoochee 1 UFO Reports Lacoochee, Florida UFO Sightings
Palmdale 1 UFO Reports Palmdale, Florida UFO Sightings
Roanoke 1 UFO Reports Roanoke, Florida UFO Sightings
Wekiva 1 UFO Reports Wekiva, Florida UFO Sightings
Delray 1 UFO Reports Delray, Florida UFO Sightings
Hammocks 1 UFO Reports Hammocks, Florida UFO Sightings
New Smyrna Florida 1 UFO Reports New Smyrna Florida, Florida UFO Sightings
Island Grove 1 UFO Reports Island Grove, Florida UFO Sightings
Port Salerno 1 UFO Reports Port Salerno, Florida UFO Sightings
Cl 1 UFO Reports Cl, Florida UFO Sightings
Dallas 1 UFO Reports Dallas, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Drum 1 UFO Reports Fort Drum, Florida UFO Sightings
Montura 1 UFO Reports Montura, Florida UFO Sightings
Oakmont 1 UFO Reports Oakmont, Florida UFO Sightings
Pavo 1 UFO Reports Pavo, Florida UFO Sightings
Matanzas Inlet 1 UFO Reports Matanzas Inlet, Florida UFO Sightings
Jonesville 1 UFO Reports Jonesville, Florida UFO Sightings
Palm Beach County 1 UFO Reports Palm Beach County, Florida UFO Sightings
Rainbow Lakes Estates 1 UFO Reports Rainbow Lakes Estates, Florida UFO Sightings
Sneads 1 UFO Reports Sneads, Florida UFO Sightings
Wabasso Beach 1 UFO Reports Wabasso Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Gulf Beeze 1 UFO Reports Gulf Beeze, Florida UFO Sightings
Narcoossee 1 UFO Reports Narcoossee, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian Shores Beach 1 UFO Reports Indian Shores Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Offshore 1 UFO Reports Offshore, Florida UFO Sightings
Carrabelle Florida 1 UFO Reports Carrabelle Florida, Florida UFO Sightings
Satellite Bch. 1 UFO Reports Satellite Bch., Florida UFO Sightings
Chermont 1 UFO Reports Chermont, Florida UFO Sightings
Lawtey 1 UFO Reports Lawtey, Florida UFO Sightings
Ybor 1 UFO Reports Ybor, Florida UFO Sightings
Homstead 1 UFO Reports Homstead, Florida UFO Sightings
Adamsville 1 UFO Reports Adamsville, Florida UFO Sightings
Southport 1 UFO Reports Southport, Florida UFO Sightings
Fruit Cove 1 UFO Reports Fruit Cove, Florida UFO Sightings
New Symrna beach 1 UFO Reports New Symrna beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Jacksonvile 1 UFO Reports Jacksonvile, Florida UFO Sightings
Big Coppitt 1 UFO Reports Big Coppitt, Florida UFO Sightings
Dania 1 UFO Reports Dania, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Lauderdade 1 UFO Reports Fort Lauderdade, Florida UFO Sightings
Pbg 1 UFO Reports Pbg, Florida UFO Sightings
Saint Coud 1 UFO Reports Saint Coud, Florida UFO Sightings
West Park 1 UFO Reports West Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Durham 1 UFO Reports Durham, Florida UFO Sightings
Maxville 1 UFO Reports Maxville, Florida UFO Sightings
Gibsonia 1 UFO Reports Gibsonia, Florida UFO Sightings
Hieleah 1 UFO Reports Hieleah, Florida UFO Sightings
Osteen 1 UFO Reports Osteen, Florida UFO Sightings
Miama 1 UFO Reports Miama, Florida UFO Sightings
Grayton Beach 1 UFO Reports Grayton Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Palm Beach Garden 1 UFO Reports Palm Beach Garden, Florida UFO Sightings
Reddinton Beach 1 UFO Reports Reddinton Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Walatka 1 UFO Reports Walatka, Florida UFO Sightings
Deep Creek 1 UFO Reports Deep Creek, Florida UFO Sightings
M Fort Myers 1 UFO Reports M Fort Myers, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Orange 1 UFO Reports Fort Orange, Florida UFO Sightings
NASA 1 UFO Reports NASA, Florida UFO Sightings
Okaloosa Island 1 UFO Reports Okaloosa Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Pine castle AFB 1 UFO Reports Pine castle AFB, Florida UFO Sightings
San Mateo 1 UFO Reports San Mateo, Florida UFO Sightings
Carrollwood 1 UFO Reports Carrollwood, Florida UFO Sightings
Tallahassee area 1 UFO Reports Tallahassee area, Florida UFO Sightings
Cross City 1 UFO Reports Cross City, Florida UFO Sightings
Layton 1 UFO Reports Layton, Florida UFO Sightings
Flemington 1 UFO Reports Flemington, Florida UFO Sightings
Midway 1 UFO Reports Midway, Florida UFO Sightings
Horseshoe Beach 1 UFO Reports Horseshoe Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
North of Sarasota 1 UFO Reports North of Sarasota, Florida UFO Sightings
Rosemary Beach 1 UFO Reports Rosemary Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Southwest Ranches 1 UFO Reports Southwest Ranches, Florida UFO Sightings
Hanes City 1 UFO Reports Hanes City, Florida UFO Sightings
Orange Spring 1 UFO Reports Orange Spring, Florida UFO Sightings
Plantation Key 1 UFO Reports Plantation Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Oveido 1 UFO Reports Oveido, Florida UFO Sightings
Big Coppitt Key 1 UFO Reports Big Coppitt Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Sebastion 1 UFO Reports Sebastion, Florida UFO Sightings
Veigus Island 1 UFO Reports Veigus Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Long Key 1 UFO Reports Long Key, Florida UFO Sightings
West Pompano Beach 1 UFO Reports West Pompano Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
East Palatka 1 UFO Reports East Palatka, Florida UFO Sightings
Mayport 1 UFO Reports Mayport, Florida UFO Sightings
Everglades turnpike south 1 UFO Reports Everglades turnpike south, Florida UFO Sightings
Green Cove Spring 1 UFO Reports Green Cove Spring, Florida UFO Sightings
Hollywood-Davie 1 UFO Reports Hollywood-Davie, Florida UFO Sightings
Key West (out on the boat- "Atlantic Coastal Plain" 1 UFO Reports Key West (out on the boat- "Atlantic Coastal Plain", Florida UFO Sightings
Redington Beach 1 UFO Reports Redington Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Waldo 1 UFO Reports Waldo, Florida UFO Sightings
Deer Park 1 UFO Reports Deer Park, Florida UFO Sightings
MacDill AFB 1 UFO Reports MacDill AFB, Florida UFO Sightings
Nation Wide 1 UFO Reports Nation Wide, Florida UFO Sightings
Inglis 1 UFO Reports Inglis, Florida UFO Sightings
Pine Grove 1 UFO Reports Pine Grove, Florida UFO Sightings
Sandestin 1 UFO Reports Sandestin, Florida UFO Sightings
Casey Key 1 UFO Reports Casey Key, Florida UFO Sightings
Satellite Point 1 UFO Reports Satellite Point, Florida UFO Sightings
Two Egg 1 UFO Reports Two Egg, Florida UFO Sightings
Lecanto 1 UFO Reports Lecanto, Florida UFO Sightings
Youngstown 1 UFO Reports Youngstown, Florida UFO Sightings
Florahome 1 UFO Reports Florahome, Florida UFO Sightings
Miles CIty 1 UFO Reports Miles CIty, Florida UFO Sightings
Hosford 1 UFO Reports Hosford, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake 1 UFO Reports Lake, Florida UFO Sightings
North Orlando 1 UFO Reports North Orlando, Florida UFO Sightings
Panacea 1 UFO Reports Panacea, Florida UFO Sightings
Alachua County 1 UFO Reports Alachua County, Florida UFO Sightings
Rotonda 1 UFO Reports Rotonda, Florida UFO Sightings
Werisdale 1 UFO Reports Werisdale, Florida UFO Sightings
Demands 1 UFO Reports Demands, Florida UFO Sightings
Ft Lauderdale 1 UFO Reports Ft Lauderdale, Florida UFO Sightings
Harmony 1 UFO Reports Harmony, Florida UFO Sightings
Orchid Island 1 UFO Reports Orchid Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Pontevedra Beach 1 UFO Reports Pontevedra Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Big Cypress Parks 1 UFO Reports Big Cypress Parks, Florida UFO Sightings
Longboat 1 UFO Reports Longboat, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian Lakes Estates 1 UFO Reports Indian Lakes Estates, Florida UFO Sightings
Ocala National Forest 1 UFO Reports Ocala National Forest, Florida UFO Sightings
Pembrook Pines 1 UFO Reports Pembrook Pines, Florida UFO Sightings
Cape Kennedy 1 UFO Reports Cape Kennedy, Florida UFO Sightings
Westlake 1 UFO Reports Westlake, Florida UFO Sightings
Eau Gallie 1 UFO Reports Eau Gallie, Florida UFO Sightings
Mc Alpin 1 UFO Reports Mc Alpin, Florida UFO Sightings
Highway location 1 UFO Reports Highway location, Florida UFO Sightings
Jupiter Farms 1 UFO Reports Jupiter Farms, Florida UFO Sightings
Fallbrook 1 UFO Reports Fallbrook, Florida UFO Sightings
Keys 1 UFO Reports Keys, Florida UFO Sightings
North Dade 1 UFO Reports North Dade, Florida UFO Sightings
Palm Beach Island 1 UFO Reports Palm Beach Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Redington Shores 1 UFO Reports Redington Shores, Florida UFO Sightings
Cortez 1 UFO Reports Cortez, Florida UFO Sightings
Deer River 1 UFO Reports Deer River, Florida UFO Sightings
Madeira Beach 1 UFO Reports Madeira Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Walton 1 UFO Reports Fort Walton, Florida UFO Sightings
Inlet Beach 1 UFO Reports Inlet Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Okeeckobee 1 UFO Reports Okeeckobee, Florida UFO Sightings
Pinecastle 1 UFO Reports Pinecastle, Florida UFO Sightings
Augustine 1 UFO Reports Augustine, Florida UFO Sightings
Sandord 1 UFO Reports Sandord, Florida UFO Sightings
Tamiami Trail 1 UFO Reports Tamiami Trail, Florida UFO Sightings
Choctaw Beach 1 UFO Reports Choctaw Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Two Egg Mariana 1 UFO Reports Two Egg Mariana, Florida UFO Sightings
Lee 1 UFO Reports Lee, Florida UFO Sightings
Yule 1 UFO Reports Yule, Florida UFO Sightings
Houston 1 UFO Reports Houston, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Wales 1 UFO Reports Lake Wales, Florida UFO Sightings
Alford 1 UFO Reports Alford, Florida UFO Sightings
Ft Myers 1 UFO Reports Ft Myers, Florida UFO Sightings
Prescott 1 UFO Reports Prescott, Florida UFO Sightings
Big Cypress preserve 1 UFO Reports Big Cypress preserve, Florida UFO Sightings
Coco 1 UFO Reports Coco, Florida UFO Sightings
Venice Beach 1 UFO Reports Venice Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort LauderdaleTrying 1 UFO Reports Fort LauderdaleTrying, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian Ridge 1 UFO Reports Indian Ridge, Florida UFO Sightings
Ocalawaha 1 UFO Reports Ocalawaha, Florida UFO Sightings
Pendacola 1 UFO Reports Pendacola, Florida UFO Sightings
Jupiter Island 1 UFO Reports Jupiter Island, Florida UFO Sightings
Thononasassa 1 UFO Reports Thononasassa, Florida UFO Sightings
Fellsmere 1 UFO Reports Fellsmere, Florida UFO Sightings
Miami Florida 1 UFO Reports Miami Florida, Florida UFO Sightings
North Dade County 1 UFO Reports North Dade County, Florida UFO Sightings
Palm Beach Lakes 1 UFO Reports Palm Beach Lakes, Florida UFO Sightings
Redlands 1 UFO Reports Redlands, Florida UFO Sightings
Cottondale 1 UFO Reports Cottondale, Florida UFO Sightings
Watsonville 1 UFO Reports Watsonville, Florida UFO Sightings
Deerfield 1 UFO Reports Deerfield, Florida UFO Sightings
Maderia Beach 1 UFO Reports Maderia Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Hage 1 UFO Reports Hage, Florida UFO Sightings
Inner space 1 UFO Reports Inner space, Florida UFO Sightings
Pinecrest 1 UFO Reports Pinecrest, Florida UFO Sightings
Bay Lake 1 UFO Reports Bay Lake, Florida UFO Sightings
Chokoloskee 1 UFO Reports Chokoloskee, Florida UFO Sightings
Tyndall AFB 1 UFO Reports Tyndall AFB, Florida UFO Sightings
West Boca Raton 1 UFO Reports West Boca Raton, Florida UFO Sightings
Ft pierce 1 UFO Reports Ft pierce, Florida UFO Sightings
Haulover 1 UFO Reports Haulover, Florida UFO Sightings
Jax 1 UFO Reports Jax, Florida UFO Sightings
Orlando & Daytona 1 UFO Reports Orlando & Daytona, Florida UFO Sightings
P Lakes 1 UFO Reports P Lakes, Florida UFO Sightings
Port Charlotte Harbor 1 UFO Reports Port Charlotte Harbor, Florida UFO Sightings
Venus 1 UFO Reports Venus, Florida UFO Sightings
Davnport Fl 1 UFO Reports Davnport Fl, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Laudetdale 1 UFO Reports Fort Laudetdale, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian River 1 UFO Reports Indian River, Florida UFO Sightings
Ocean off Miami 1 UFO Reports Ocean off Miami, Florida UFO Sightings
Pens and Panama 1 UFO Reports Pens and Panama, Florida UFO Sightings
Saint Johns River 1 UFO Reports Saint Johns River, Florida UFO Sightings
Capitola 1 UFO Reports Capitola, Florida UFO Sightings
Medley 1 UFO Reports Medley, Florida UFO Sightings
Goldhead State Park 1 UFO Reports Goldhead State Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Hillsborough Beach 1 UFO Reports Hillsborough Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Keysville 1 UFO Reports Keysville, Florida UFO Sightings
North East Florida 1 UFO Reports North East Florida, Florida UFO Sightings
Reunion 1 UFO Reports Reunion, Florida UFO Sightings
Madison 1 UFO Reports Madison, Florida UFO Sightings
Fort Walton Bech 1 UFO Reports Fort Walton Bech, Florida UFO Sightings
Neptune Beach 1 UFO Reports Neptune Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Aventura Miami 1 UFO Reports Aventura Miami, Florida UFO Sightings
Bay Point Park 1 UFO Reports Bay Point Park, Florida UFO Sightings
Sawgrass area 1 UFO Reports Sawgrass area, Florida UFO Sightings
Chrystal River 1 UFO Reports Chrystal River, Florida UFO Sightings
Zephyr Hills 1 UFO Reports Zephyr Hills, Florida UFO Sightings
Minneola 1 UFO Reports Minneola, Florida UFO Sightings
Hudson Beach 1 UFO Reports Hudson Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
North Redington Beach 1 UFO Reports North Redington Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Panhandle 1 UFO Reports Panhandle, Florida UFO Sightings
Royal Plam Beach 1 UFO Reports Royal Plam Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
St Johns 1 UFO Reports St Johns, Florida UFO Sightings
West Chase 1 UFO Reports West Chase, Florida UFO Sightings
Marion Oaks 1 UFO Reports Marion Oaks, Florida UFO Sightings
GA 1 UFO Reports GA, Florida UFO Sightings
None 1 UFO Reports None, Florida UFO Sightings
Jax Beach 1 UFO Reports Jax Beach, Florida UFO Sightings
Orlando area 1 UFO Reports Orlando area, Florida UFO Sightings
Pompano bch 1 UFO Reports Pompano bch, Florida UFO Sightings
Puerto Rico 1 UFO Reports Puerto Rico, Florida UFO Sightings
Bithlo 1 UFO Reports Bithlo, Florida UFO Sightings
Vero 1 UFO Reports Vero, Florida UFO Sightings
Indian River Shores 1 UFO Reports Indian River Shores, Florida UFO Sightings
SunnyIsles 1 UFO Reports SunnyIsles, Florida UFO Sightings
Lake Sumter Landing 1 UFO Reports Lake Sumter Landing, Florida UFO Sightings
Elkton 1 UFO Reports Elkton, Florida UFO Sightings
Melborune 1 UFO Reports Melborune, Florida UFO Sightings
Goodland 1 UFO Reports Goodland, Florida UFO Sightings
Hillsborough County 1 UFO Reports Hillsborough County, Florida UFO Sightings