Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Kennewick, Washington

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Kennewick, Washington.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Kennewick, Washington?

  • There have been 72 officially reported UFO sightings in Kennewick from 1977 to 2021.
  • Kennewick ranks #19 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Washington.

Other Washington Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Seattle, WA 797 UFO Reports
2 Spokane, WA 281 UFO Reports
3 Tacoma, WA 235 UFO Reports
4 Vancouver, WA 234 UFO Reports
5 Everett, WA 170 UFO Reports

Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 72 UFO sighting reports in Kennewick, Washington to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Kennewick, Washington

These Kennewick, Washington UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Huge black triangle with 3-4 lights on the sides floating above my house. I was on getting out of my car when I had a feeling to look up in the sky, I looked up and noticed an object I have never seen before. It was a huge black triangle with 3-4 lights on the side of the craft.

It was moving very slow, I didn't take my eyes off of it but told my brother who was with me to get out of the car, as soon as I said that it started moving faster and disappeared. Like invisible , I could not follow it with my eyes anymore. I saw it for about 15 seconds, I should have recorded it butt I was astonished I was looking at a UFO.

It was the size of a house just floating there. There was no way it was any aircraft I have ever seen. I will attach a picture that I drew immediately after I saw it.

02/28/21 8:20 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 15 seconds


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Military aircraft escorting glowing orb south of Kennewick Washington. My wife and I observed a military aircraft escorting a glowing orb south of Kennewick, ,Washington on a date and time given. The military aircraft was following behind the object and continued the escort until it was out of sight.

It approached us from the south from the direction of the Boardman bombing Range in Oregon and headed in a north easterly direction. The aircraft had clearly visible aircraft navigation lighting. The glowing orb that it was escorting had no such lighting.

I am fairly certain it was a military aircraft because I could not find it on my phone app that tracks commercial aircraft. Typically, military aircraft do not show up. However, commercial aviation and general aviation aircraft do show up on that app.

07/23/20 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 2 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Silent Red pulsing sphere moved from the south toward us then moved west until view was blocked by a structure after two minutes. On Sunday May 17, 2020 at 9:53 pm, I saw a red sphere in the sky. It was silent, and the red sphere light seemed to pulse.

It moved westerly and my visual ended when it went below the roofline of the shop in my neighbors’ backyard. Initially I thought it was the planet Mars, just particularly brilliant. But when I realized it was not stationary, I snapped a quick photo and then returned to the house to get my husband.

We both returned to the backyard and it was moving and seemed closer to us and moved westerly. It appeared to have a whitish haze around the sphere that emanated about two times as wide (also circular habit seemed dimmer on the upper left side) as the red pulsing sphere and the aura lasted only a few seconds, then it returned to a solid pulsing red color (my husband saw it pulsing red and blue). I’m not even sure if I would call it solid.

It soon was starting to go behind the large silver maple tree in my neighbors’ backyard so I walked! about 40 feet south so I could continue to keep a visual on it. I was able to capture several short videos on my iPhone and then it appeared to turn southerly and seemed to be moving away from us moving in a southwest direction and downward rather quickly. This whole experience lasted from 9:53-9:54 (21:53-21:54) before it moved out of my sight because a structure was blocking my view.

I believe it was about 50° off the ground when I initially saw it and when I lost sight of it, it was about 25° off the ground. It appeared to be a bit larger than Mars is to the naked eye and I approximate it did appear to get a bit larger as it moved across the sky. There were few clouds in the sky mostly toward the north (none in the area that the object traveled) and there was no wind.

05/17/20 9:53 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 2 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Hey did you guys hear about strange white lights moving in formation? About 20min ago, tonight 9:45pm, I was in the backyard taking my rottweiler puppy out to go to the bathroom when I saw more than 10 small white lights (orb like)heading south in Kennewick, Wa. They were spaced apart in formation. Then were gone.

couldnt track them. Got a picture. Couldnt get it on my phone for video.

I dont know of any satellite that do that?.

04/17/20 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: 10 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Two objects chasing each other around night sky Two star like objects quickly zipping across the sky. At first, they appeared to look like two shooting stars with no tails but they continue for several seconds. They appeared to be chasing each other.

They quickly changed directions and almost disappeared but they then reappeared again, zipped around and finally were out of site. Moments later a flashing light from the same vicinity flashed several times (5 seconds between flashes). We thought maybe they were an airplane light but they didn't change locations.

It flashed about 5 times and stopped. I am not an active follower of this page but wanted to report this as it was a peculiar incident.

04/11/20 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 5 seconds


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

We saw on Wed March 11 at 9:45 pm in Kennewick a group of red lights heading east in the sky. at first we thought that's weird planes flying at night.there was no sound.

when we focused our eyes it looked like a huge Hexagonal shape going slowly. It was huge. I ran out outside and it lit up the lower part of the sky and was gone.

I've been trying to find any one who saw anything on this night.

03/12/20 9:30 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: ~6 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

it looked like some kind of scouting mission if im being honest i had just got home from work and met my roommate out on the lawn of our apartment (5100 west Clearwater ave. ) when we all saw three black diamond shaped objects in the sky above the city, it is undeniable they were positioned vertically and moving through the sky horizontally while also moving at a very slow speed in tight formation, they then acended vertically after making an almost 90 degree stop and disappeared from sight so quickly that they were gone in seconds which leads me to beleive it was at a speed not possible for aircraft designed by humans, the three aircraft did things any educated human would know is impossible for our aircraft designs started with the mechanics of bird flight, almost like they wanted it to be irrefutable that this was a military op with secret tech i have no video but a great memory and decent sketching skills if an drawing is needed, not even sure where this will go or why im writing it but i believe someone should know ! since it could have something to do with hanford seeing as its only hundred or two hundred miles from where i saw this.

01/05/17 4:00 PM

UFO Shape: diamond

Lasted: 5 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Southern sky lit up in bright flash. sky lit up in a flash to the south tonight, didn't last but a second, and this after seeing bright white light appeared as a very bright star or planet in daylight sky last month, with neighbors witnessing it also, called police, spoke to office who located in the sky while on the phone with me. He said he'd try to find out what it was.

Duration of event was over an hour, the object turned orange and disappeared at sunset. Then last night, bright white orb moving north to south over head in night sky, duration lasted about 30 seconds when the light went upward and vanished.

09/29/16 9:00 PM

UFO Shape:

Lasted: 1 second


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Orange color oval with light on top and many lights on the bottom very distant through a telescope. UFO report of sighting 8-11-16. The purpose of this report is to identify objects that I have seen through my telescope, and not to claim a sighting of extraterrestrial aircraft.

On August 11, 2016, at 8:10 pm I observed a bright spot in the sky with my naked eye that was obviously not a star as the stars were not visible this early in the evening. After a few minutes I realized what I was seeing was not something I have seen before so I shot a picture and a short video with my cell phone and got my wife to come outside to have a look also. Using a 7x35 binocular I was able to resolve the object into a disc shape but no other detail was visible.

I set up my C-8 Celestron telescope to have a better look. The object resolved into an orange color object that was oval shape, had a flashing light on top, was rimmed with what appeared to be many lights around the circumference of the bottom side that were dimmer than the light on top, and seemed translucent like a fabric. After a few minutes of observing, I attached a video camera to the telescope and recorded a few minutes of video in two recordings.

After bumping my telescope I was not able to find the object again as it was getting farther away and dimmer during the observation. The video capture settings, frame rate at .844 per sec.

is to slow to stop movement so there is some motion blur in the images but enough detail to see structure of the object. The orange color had faded to whitish purple by the time I got the video recording. I do not see the lights that were around the bottom of the object in the video image that I saw through the eyepiece of the telescope.

The sighting lasted from 8:10 pm to 8:53 pm about 43 minutes until I lost sight of it. The direction of travel was southeast, and the object got smaller by about half and was viewed by me and my wife, before I went to video capture. My telescope was hastily set up and there were no stars to polar align the mount so the tracking is off a little with respect to the stars.

The tracking motor is running at sidereal rate and I used the manual slow motion controls to center the object when it ran out of the field of view. I have been using this telescope for 18 years and this camera for only a few times. I am experienced with deep sky astrophotography with several camera types and several telescope types for 17 years.

Technical information: Telescope, Celestron C-8 telescope, 200mm mirror f/10 with f/3.3 focal reducer. Calculated focal length 686 mm.

Camera, ZWO ASI 120 MC color video camera with 3.5 x 3.5 micron pixels, 1280x960 image size.

Capture at .844 frames per second. All technical data is available.

Approximately 420 frames of data available with object visible. Two video files 903 MB and 893 MB. Three still captures from video.

Approximate RA 21h 46m, DEC 9 deg.

08/11/16 8:30 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: 43 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

3 large silent, slow moving fiery orbs moving across the sky in an arc, one after the other in a timely manner. 9:50 PM After coming home from a walk, the two of us noticed an object in the sky. There were 3 large, fireball-like orbs smoothly traveling their own curved routes, one after the other.

They were a bright, rich orange, colored and glowing like fire. The first moved towards us, then turned in path and continued to the left of us (North), dimming increasingly but maintaining its size, pulsating, and controlled demeanor. About 3 minutes after we first spotted it, right as we were struggling to keep track of it in the distance, the second appeared from the same place the first had in the sky.

It seemed to move slightly closer towards us, turned at the same point as the first, and followed in the same direction but in a tighter arc. When what seemed to be the exact same amount of time in between the first and second sightings had passed, and it was just getting out of sight, the third appeared. After turning, this one made the widest arc and came closest to us by doing so.

Despite standing in the middle of a parking lot, staring up at the sky, commenting, and recording the encounter, it was as if all pedestrian traffic resumed minutes after the third had passed, and the one person who did walk right by us in the middle of the event didn’t seem to notice either us or the sky. There were no clouds and stars were out.

07/13/16 9:50 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 10 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Observed three fireballs in triangular formation. Objects were moving slowly accross sky. NNW heading.

Hovered for 3 to five minutes. Before fading up and to the west. Objects made no noise like a rocket would.

At first glance it appeared as a plane on fire. But when object hovered and made no descent, but Instead ascended. Myself and witness could make no sure deduction as to what we were seeing other than UFO.

01/04/16 6:30 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 20 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Kennewick residents witness 3 orange lights in formation, with 4 indivdual lights following for several minutes. At approximately 12:26 am pacific time, I stepped outside my home to check that my garage door had been closed before I went to bed. I turned to step back inside and I noticed three bright orange lights in a triangle formation to the West.

I thought it was peculiar they were not moving very fast at all and seemed to be hovering (we have many aircraft flying over head to and from the commercial airport, but these lights were different). Then after only a few seconds of observing them, it appeared that they began to rotate on one axis, then on another but remaining in triangular form and distance from each other. As they began to rotate in unison, two other large orange lights emerged in my view, following closely behind and in the path of the first three lights.

I could now see five lights. I then ran inside, got my wife out of bed, and she then confirmed she could see what I was seeing. She witnessed the three lights in triangular formation, and the two lights following closely behind.

I ran back inside, and woke up my visiting parents so they could also observe. The four of us watched as the three lights in triangular formation separated from formation and slowly rose in altitude in to the clouds illuminated by their light. As they rose we began to lose sight of them, two additional lights came in to view, and began to follow the first set of two lights.

All lights were moving in the same general path, rising in altitude above the clouds and out of view. Yes it was early New Years day - No, we were not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain semi-anonymous; provides little contact information.


01/01/16 12:26 AM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 10 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

reddish orange triangular pattern of lights. At approximately 9:00 pm on January 2, 2015, I stepped out on my back porch to have a cigarette. In the south eastern sky I saw a triangular pattern of lights.

The lights were reddish orange in color; the brightest of the lights was at the top point of the triangle. The two bottom points of the triangle were slightly dimmer. There were dimmer lights along the connecting points of the triangle.

It took me a minute to comprehend what I was seeing, it was amazing. As the lights were getting dimmer, I shouted to my sister in the house to hurry and come see this. When I first saw this triangle there were approximately 10 lights.

By the time my sister saw them, there were only about 5, with the brighter points of the triangle still visible. All of the lights got dimmer and faded away, some of the lights veered off from the triangular pattern.

01/02/15 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 3 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

13 sightings of large, fast moving, silent, triangular/V-shaped objects/bright lights since March 2014 I have been seeing large, fast moving, silent, dark/transparent triangular, V-shaped objects and bright lights in the sky on clear nights since March of this year (13 sightings through October 3rd. The sightings have become more and more frequent. I am starting to see two on the same night.

I have entered only my latest above because the form only accommodates one sighting. Here is my log: I reported the first one I saw this year to MUFON (case #55584). I saw it in the early morning hours of March 7.

I did not send the report until April because it took me that long to work through it in my head. I had a similar sighting several years prior at my previous home ten miles to the east of my present location but did not know where to report it. I have been keeping a log of the sightings since March (dates, time, shape and direction of travel) and just found your site.

Last night I saw two within 3 minute of each other and want to see if anyone else is reporting the same activity. My husband saw one in August and is convinced that they are military drones. Here is my log.

Please note that each of sightings are silent, high altitude, and fast. By fast, I mean seconds to cross the sky. March 7, 2014 12:45am – 1:15 am (Original report to MUFON case # 55584) I was facing south on a clear night with no moon, looking to the southeast when a very large, high altitude vessel blocked my view of the stars.

If I had not been looking where I was, I don’t think I would have seen it. It was dark, no visible lights and almost seemed transparent or as if it was reflecting the starlight, almost invisible. It was a large, triangular/boomerang shape that had rounded corners and the back was indented (not a typical straight lined triangle, but not a typical boomerang either).

It was completely silent and was moving faster than the high altitude planes I see all the time. It passed just slightly to the east of me, moving south to north. July 16, 2014 10:33 pm Very fast, dark, silent, V-shape moving W to E.

I could only see the leading edge of the UFO as if it was reflecting starlight. I could not see rest of it. August 3, 2014 10:10 pm Very fast, dark, silent, V-shape moving W to E.

Again, I could only see the leading edge of the UFO. September 1, 2014 12:15am Very fast, dark, silent, V-shape moving S to N. I could only see the leading edge.

September 3, 2014 10:54 pm 2 fast moving bright lights moving very close together coming from the SE to the NW split very wide apart in an outward motion but continued to travel at the same speed in the same direction until they were out of sight. September 4, 2014 11:30 pm A bright flash in the same SE location as the lights seen the night before (Sep 4, 2014). September 21, 2014 2:32 am Steady light traveling E to W about ¾ the speed of a shooting star.

Did not change speed, intensity, or direction. September 21, 2014 10:19 pm 7 dim lights in very fast, dark, silent, V-shape moving NW to SE September 25, 2014 11:34 pm Bright lights (1 or 2) moving very fast, E to W. Did not change speed, intensity or direction.

*September 30, 2014 9:34pm and 9:43pm Faint V-shapes moving slower than previous sightings. I could only see the leading edges. The first at 9:34 was N to S.

The second at 9:43 was angled slightly NW to SE. October 3, 2014 11:25pm and 11:28pm V-shape with 7-9 dim lights on front edge fast moving NE to SW. I could only see the leading edges.

The second at 11:28, direction was angled slightly more WNW to SE but was a straight line angled SE to NW, not v-shaped.

10/03/14 11:25 PM

UFO Shape: chevron

Lasted: Seconds


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Neon blue UFO moving fast over Kennewick towards Hanford, WA. I saw a neon blue light cross the sky near columbia center mall. Object was 500 yards in elevation moving approximately 200-500mph towards Hanford.

It was seen at dusk (sundown).

09/30/14 7:40 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 seconds


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

3 orange triangles floating in the night sky 2 were flying closer to one another and looked like they were going to hit. They eventuality went north and disapeared. It was amazing to have witnessed this event.

((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

07/03/14 10:15 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 3 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Rectangle object was being chased by all black helicopter. Wife and I were driving to appointment at 10:00 am, when she noticed a rectangle object just floating in the sky (looked white and silver). After few minutes it started to travel north west very slowly getting faster and faster.

Seen all black helicopter chasing it. The object stopped suddenly letting the blacked out helicopter get somewhat close, then took off so fast it was instantly gone.

06/05/14 10:00 AM

UFO Shape: rectangle

Lasted: 8 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Triangle lights. Kennewick, WA, 11/29/13. My son saw three dots of light shaped like a triangle.

The video is on his Ipod. When watching the video there is another small red dot of light in the distance. He states that it hovered and moved in a strange manner and that there was no sound.

I could not tell for myself because he was talking the whole time. I have also seen lights in the sky but always tried to explain them away.

11/29/13 6:15 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 25 minutes


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

Bright flash of white light seen in Kennewick night skies. Was looking northward, and overhead in my direct line of sight nearly straight up, saw a very bright flash of white light. It flashed and was gone.

Much brighter than an aircraft light. I have seen of few of these in the last few months. They ony flash for an instant, but are quite bright, and large.

10/20/13 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: flash


Kennewick, WA

Full Report Text:

drone/ufo in kennewick wa low to ground followed car side by side I was in the passenger seat driving home and behind us in the sky we saw a light that looked like a planet it moved closer to the car on the drivers side then changed to a plane type look It has lots of lights. Before we only same one big light. It proceeded to follow is side by side on the drivers side it was very low to the ground for a plane we didn't know what it was.

Both of us saw another on months earlier in the same town around the same time. We are both baffled by what we saw.

09/27/13 12:00 AM

UFO Shape: changing

Lasted: 30 seconds


Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 15 reported sightings 20.83% of all reports
Triangle 11 reported sightings 15.28% of all reports
Oval 6 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Fireball 5 reported sightings 6.94% of all reports
Other 5 reported sightings 6.94% of all reports
Circle 4 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
Sphere 4 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
Changing 3 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
Cylinder 3 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
Rectangle 2 reported sightings 2.78% of all reports
Unknown 2 reported sightings 2.78% of all reports
Disk 2 reported sightings 2.78% of all reports
Chevron 2 reported sightings 2.78% of all reports
Diamond 2 reported sightings 2.78% of all reports
Cigar 2 reported sightings 2.78% of all reports
Formation 1 reported sightings 1.39% of all reports
Flash 1 reported sightings 1.39% of all reports

Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
August 12 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
October 11 reported sightings 15.28% of all reports
July 9 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
September 8 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
April 6 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
June 6 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
January 6 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
December 4 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
March 3 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
November 3 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
February 2 reported sightings 2.78% of all reports
May 1 reported sightings 1.39% of all reports

Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Thursday 15 reported sightings 20.83% of all reports
Friday 15 reported sightings 20.83% of all reports
Tuesday 10 reported sightings 13.89% of all reports
Sunday 9 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Saturday 9 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Monday 7 reported sightings 9.72% of all reports
Wednesday 6 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports

Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
10/08/11 3 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports
12/31/10 2 reported sightings 2.78% of all reports
08/21/12 2 reported sightings 2.78% of all reports
06/13/08 1 reported sightings 1.39% of all reports
09/29/16 1 reported sightings 1.39% of all reports

Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 34 reported sightings 47.22% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 12 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 11 reported sightings 15.28% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 6 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 5 reported sightings 6.94% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 3 reported sightings 4.17% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Kennewick, Washington

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Kennewick, Washington.

Year Number of Reports View Reports
2021 1 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2021
2020 5 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2020
2017 1 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2017
2016 5 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2016
2015 1 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2015
2014 4 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2014
2013 5 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2013
2012 3 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2012
2011 7 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2011
2010 6 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2010
2009 3 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2009
2008 1 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2008
2007 4 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2007
2006 3 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2006
2004 2 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2004
2003 1 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2003
2001 4 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2001
2000 6 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 2000
1999 4 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 1999
1998 1 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 1998
1996 1 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 1996
1993 1 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 1993
1984 1 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 1984
1977 1 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings in 1977

All Washington Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Washington

City Number of Reports View Reports
Seattle 797 UFO Reports Seattle, Washington UFO Sightings
Spokane 281 UFO Reports Spokane, Washington UFO Sightings
Tacoma 235 UFO Reports Tacoma, Washington UFO Sightings
Vancouver 234 UFO Reports Vancouver, Washington UFO Sightings
Everett 170 UFO Reports Everett, Washington UFO Sightings
Bellingham 145 UFO Reports Bellingham, Washington UFO Sightings
Yakima 123 UFO Reports Yakima, Washington UFO Sightings
Olympia 121 UFO Reports Olympia, Washington UFO Sightings
Auburn 112 UFO Reports Auburn, Washington UFO Sightings
Bellevue 111 UFO Reports Bellevue, Washington UFO Sightings
Bremerton 110 UFO Reports Bremerton, Washington UFO Sightings
Puyallup 94 UFO Reports Puyallup, Washington UFO Sightings
Renton 90 UFO Reports Renton, Washington UFO Sightings
Edmonds 86 UFO Reports Edmonds, Washington UFO Sightings
Kent 85 UFO Reports Kent, Washington UFO Sightings
Port Angeles 75 UFO Reports Port Angeles, Washington UFO Sightings
Wenatchee 75 UFO Reports Wenatchee, Washington UFO Sightings
Mountlake Terrace 74 UFO Reports Mountlake Terrace, Washington UFO Sightings
Kennewick 72 UFO Reports Kennewick, Washington UFO Sightings
Kirkland 70 UFO Reports Kirkland, Washington UFO Sightings
Bothell 70 UFO Reports Bothell, Washington UFO Sightings
Lynnwood 70 UFO Reports Lynnwood, Washington UFO Sightings
Redmond 68 UFO Reports Redmond, Washington UFO Sightings
Federal Way 63 UFO Reports Federal Way, Washington UFO Sightings
Arlington 61 UFO Reports Arlington, Washington UFO Sightings
Snohomish 58 UFO Reports Snohomish, Washington UFO Sightings
Issaquah 58 UFO Reports Issaquah, Washington UFO Sightings
Marysville 57 UFO Reports Marysville, Washington UFO Sightings
Spokane valley 53 UFO Reports Spokane valley, Washington UFO Sightings
Lacey 50 UFO Reports Lacey, Washington UFO Sightings
Port Orchard 47 UFO Reports Port Orchard, Washington UFO Sightings
Richland 47 UFO Reports Richland, Washington UFO Sightings
Walla Walla 46 UFO Reports Walla Walla, Washington UFO Sightings
Monroe 45 UFO Reports Monroe, Washington UFO Sightings
Moses Lake 45 UFO Reports Moses Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Gig Harbor 45 UFO Reports Gig Harbor, Washington UFO Sightings
Shoreline 45 UFO Reports Shoreline, Washington UFO Sightings
Kelso 43 UFO Reports Kelso, Washington UFO Sightings
Mount vernon 42 UFO Reports Mount vernon, Washington UFO Sightings
Spanaway 39 UFO Reports Spanaway, Washington UFO Sightings
Longview 39 UFO Reports Longview, Washington UFO Sightings
Lakewood 37 UFO Reports Lakewood, Washington UFO Sightings
Woodinville 36 UFO Reports Woodinville, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Stevens 33 UFO Reports Lake Stevens, Washington UFO Sightings
Sumner 33 UFO Reports Sumner, Washington UFO Sightings
Pasco 32 UFO Reports Pasco, Washington UFO Sightings
Shelton 32 UFO Reports Shelton, Washington UFO Sightings
Silverdale 31 UFO Reports Silverdale, Washington UFO Sightings
Centralia 31 UFO Reports Centralia, Washington UFO Sightings
Sequim 31 UFO Reports Sequim, Washington UFO Sightings
Oak Harbor 30 UFO Reports Oak Harbor, Washington UFO Sightings
Stanwood 30 UFO Reports Stanwood, Washington UFO Sightings
Anacortes 29 UFO Reports Anacortes, Washington UFO Sightings
Ellensburg 29 UFO Reports Ellensburg, Washington UFO Sightings
Graham 28 UFO Reports Graham, Washington UFO Sightings
Maple Valley 27 UFO Reports Maple Valley, Washington UFO Sightings
Burien 27 UFO Reports Burien, Washington UFO Sightings
Mukilteo 27 UFO Reports Mukilteo, Washington UFO Sightings
North Bend 26 UFO Reports North Bend, Washington UFO Sightings
Granite Falls 26 UFO Reports Granite Falls, Washington UFO Sightings
Yelm 26 UFO Reports Yelm, Washington UFO Sightings
Bainbridge Island 24 UFO Reports Bainbridge Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Kenmore 24 UFO Reports Kenmore, Washington UFO Sightings
Port Townsend 24 UFO Reports Port Townsend, Washington UFO Sightings
Washougal 23 UFO Reports Washougal, Washington UFO Sightings
Woodland 23 UFO Reports Woodland, Washington UFO Sightings
University Place 23 UFO Reports University Place, Washington UFO Sightings
Davenport 23 UFO Reports Davenport, Washington UFO Sightings
Sedro Woolley 22 UFO Reports Sedro Woolley, Washington UFO Sightings
Tumwater 22 UFO Reports Tumwater, Washington UFO Sightings
East Wenatchee 21 UFO Reports East Wenatchee, Washington UFO Sightings
Seatac 21 UFO Reports Seatac, Washington UFO Sightings
Enumclaw 21 UFO Reports Enumclaw, Washington UFO Sightings
Battle Ground 20 UFO Reports Battle Ground, Washington UFO Sightings
Trout Lake 20 UFO Reports Trout Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Des Moines 20 UFO Reports Des Moines, Washington UFO Sightings
Ferndale 20 UFO Reports Ferndale, Washington UFO Sightings
Covington 20 UFO Reports Covington, Washington UFO Sightings
Ridgefield 20 UFO Reports Ridgefield, Washington UFO Sightings
Poulsbo 19 UFO Reports Poulsbo, Washington UFO Sightings
Chehalis 19 UFO Reports Chehalis, Washington UFO Sightings
Goldendale 18 UFO Reports Goldendale, Washington UFO Sightings
Rochester 18 UFO Reports Rochester, Washington UFO Sightings
Mercer Island 17 UFO Reports Mercer Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Camano Island 17 UFO Reports Camano Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Camas 17 UFO Reports Camas, Washington UFO Sightings
Ocean Shores 17 UFO Reports Ocean Shores, Washington UFO Sightings
Harrington 17 UFO Reports Harrington, Washington UFO Sightings
Aberdeen 16 UFO Reports Aberdeen, Washington UFO Sightings
Friday Harbor 15 UFO Reports Friday Harbor, Washington UFO Sightings
Kingston 15 UFO Reports Kingston, Washington UFO Sightings
Lynden 15 UFO Reports Lynden, Washington UFO Sightings
Pullman 15 UFO Reports Pullman, Washington UFO Sightings
Bonney Lake 14 UFO Reports Bonney Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Clarkston 14 UFO Reports Clarkston, Washington UFO Sightings
Sammamish 14 UFO Reports Sammamish, Washington UFO Sightings
Vashon Island 14 UFO Reports Vashon Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Gold Bar 14 UFO Reports Gold Bar, Washington UFO Sightings
Ephrata 13 UFO Reports Ephrata, Washington UFO Sightings
Leavenworth 13 UFO Reports Leavenworth, Washington UFO Sightings
Castle Rock 13 UFO Reports Castle Rock, Washington UFO Sightings
Sunnyside 13 UFO Reports Sunnyside, Washington UFO Sightings
Colville 13 UFO Reports Colville, Washington UFO Sightings
Hoquiam 13 UFO Reports Hoquiam, Washington UFO Sightings
Sultan 13 UFO Reports Sultan, Washington UFO Sightings
Snoqualmie 12 UFO Reports Snoqualmie, Washington UFO Sightings
Deer Park 12 UFO Reports Deer Park, Washington UFO Sightings
Fort Lewis 12 UFO Reports Fort Lewis, Washington UFO Sightings
West Seattle 12 UFO Reports West Seattle, Washington UFO Sightings
Tonasket 11 UFO Reports Tonasket, Washington UFO Sightings
Selah 11 UFO Reports Selah, Washington UFO Sightings
Mill Creek 11 UFO Reports Mill Creek, Washington UFO Sightings
Blaine 11 UFO Reports Blaine, Washington UFO Sightings
Tukwila 11 UFO Reports Tukwila, Washington UFO Sightings
Burlington 11 UFO Reports Burlington, Washington UFO Sightings
Ritzville 10 UFO Reports Ritzville, Washington UFO Sightings
Orting 10 UFO Reports Orting, Washington UFO Sightings
Kalama 10 UFO Reports Kalama, Washington UFO Sightings
Whidbey Island 10 UFO Reports Whidbey Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Manson 10 UFO Reports Manson, Washington UFO Sightings
Duvall 10 UFO Reports Duvall, Washington UFO Sightings
Belfair 10 UFO Reports Belfair, Washington UFO Sightings
Cle Elum 10 UFO Reports Cle Elum, Washington UFO Sightings
La Center 10 UFO Reports La Center, Washington UFO Sightings
Carnation 10 UFO Reports Carnation, Washington UFO Sightings
Langley 10 UFO Reports Langley, Washington UFO Sightings
Oroville 9 UFO Reports Oroville, Washington UFO Sightings
Eatonville 9 UFO Reports Eatonville, Washington UFO Sightings
Edgewood 9 UFO Reports Edgewood, Washington UFO Sightings
Cheney 9 UFO Reports Cheney, Washington UFO Sightings
Fife 9 UFO Reports Fife, Washington UFO Sightings
Parkland 8 UFO Reports Parkland, Washington UFO Sightings
Forks 8 UFO Reports Forks, Washington UFO Sightings
Newport 8 UFO Reports Newport, Washington UFO Sightings
Eastsound 8 UFO Reports Eastsound, Washington UFO Sightings
Liberty Lake 8 UFO Reports Liberty Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Seabeck 8 UFO Reports Seabeck, Washington UFO Sightings
Port Hadlock 8 UFO Reports Port Hadlock, Washington UFO Sightings
Buckley 8 UFO Reports Buckley, Washington UFO Sightings
Stevens Pass 8 UFO Reports Stevens Pass, Washington UFO Sightings
Coupeville 8 UFO Reports Coupeville, Washington UFO Sightings
Airway Heights 8 UFO Reports Airway Heights, Washington UFO Sightings
Randle 8 UFO Reports Randle, Washington UFO Sightings
Brinnon 7 UFO Reports Brinnon, Washington UFO Sightings
Lopez Island 7 UFO Reports Lopez Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Fall City 7 UFO Reports Fall City, Washington UFO Sightings
George 7 UFO Reports George, Washington UFO Sightings
Prosser 7 UFO Reports Prosser, Washington UFO Sightings
Wapato 7 UFO Reports Wapato, Washington UFO Sightings
Twisp 7 UFO Reports Twisp, Washington UFO Sightings
Everson 7 UFO Reports Everson, Washington UFO Sightings
Grandview 7 UFO Reports Grandview, Washington UFO Sightings
West Richland 7 UFO Reports West Richland, Washington UFO Sightings
Concrete 7 UFO Reports Concrete, Washington UFO Sightings
Hansville 7 UFO Reports Hansville, Washington UFO Sightings
Medical Lake 7 UFO Reports Medical Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Olalla 7 UFO Reports Olalla, Washington UFO Sightings
Roslyn 6 UFO Reports Roslyn, Washington UFO Sightings
Clinton 6 UFO Reports Clinton, Washington UFO Sightings
Winthrop 6 UFO Reports Winthrop, Washington UFO Sightings
Cashmere 6 UFO Reports Cashmere, Washington UFO Sightings
Raymond 6 UFO Reports Raymond, Washington UFO Sightings
Benton City 6 UFO Reports Benton City, Washington UFO Sightings
Toppenish 6 UFO Reports Toppenish, Washington UFO Sightings
Montesano 6 UFO Reports Montesano, Washington UFO Sightings
Greenwater 6 UFO Reports Greenwater, Washington UFO Sightings
Snoqualmie Pass 6 UFO Reports Snoqualmie Pass, Washington UFO Sightings
Napavine 6 UFO Reports Napavine, Washington UFO Sightings
College Place 6 UFO Reports College Place, Washington UFO Sightings
Omak 6 UFO Reports Omak, Washington UFO Sightings
Moxee 6 UFO Reports Moxee, Washington UFO Sightings
Maple Falls 6 UFO Reports Maple Falls, Washington UFO Sightings
Bow 6 UFO Reports Bow, Washington UFO Sightings
Ione 6 UFO Reports Ione, Washington UFO Sightings
Yacolt 6 UFO Reports Yacolt, Washington UFO Sightings
Lakebay 6 UFO Reports Lakebay, Washington UFO Sightings
Republic 6 UFO Reports Republic, Washington UFO Sightings
Chelan 6 UFO Reports Chelan, Washington UFO Sightings
Vashon 6 UFO Reports Vashon, Washington UFO Sightings
Pacific 6 UFO Reports Pacific, Washington UFO Sightings
Quincy 6 UFO Reports Quincy, Washington UFO Sightings
Carson 6 UFO Reports Carson, Washington UFO Sightings
Cowiche 6 UFO Reports Cowiche, Washington UFO Sightings
Chewelah 6 UFO Reports Chewelah, Washington UFO Sightings
Brier 5 UFO Reports Brier, Washington UFO Sightings
Newcastle 5 UFO Reports Newcastle, Washington UFO Sightings
Roy 5 UFO Reports Roy, Washington UFO Sightings
Sedro-Woolley 5 UFO Reports Sedro-Woolley, Washington UFO Sightings
Wauconda 5 UFO Reports Wauconda, Washington UFO Sightings
Morton 5 UFO Reports Morton, Washington UFO Sightings
Index 5 UFO Reports Index, Washington UFO Sightings
Elma 5 UFO Reports Elma, Washington UFO Sightings
Brush Prairie 5 UFO Reports Brush Prairie, Washington UFO Sightings
Birch Bay 5 UFO Reports Birch Bay, Washington UFO Sightings
Curlew 5 UFO Reports Curlew, Washington UFO Sightings
Carbonado 5 UFO Reports Carbonado, Washington UFO Sightings
Otis Orchards 5 UFO Reports Otis Orchards, Washington UFO Sightings
Port Ludlow 5 UFO Reports Port Ludlow, Washington UFO Sightings
Soap Lake 5 UFO Reports Soap Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Vantage 5 UFO Reports Vantage, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Forest Park 5 UFO Reports Lake Forest Park, Washington UFO Sightings
Black Diamond 5 UFO Reports Black Diamond, Washington UFO Sightings
Long Beach 5 UFO Reports Long Beach, Washington UFO Sightings
Okanogan 5 UFO Reports Okanogan, Washington UFO Sightings
Orcas Island 5 UFO Reports Orcas Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Skykomish 5 UFO Reports Skykomish, Washington UFO Sightings
Wilkeson 5 UFO Reports Wilkeson, Washington UFO Sightings
Kettle Falls 5 UFO Reports Kettle Falls, Washington UFO Sightings
Freeland 5 UFO Reports Freeland, Washington UFO Sightings
Zillah 4 UFO Reports Zillah, Washington UFO Sightings
Mattawa 4 UFO Reports Mattawa, Washington UFO Sightings
Loon Lake 4 UFO Reports Loon Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Dayton 4 UFO Reports Dayton, Washington UFO Sightings
Chimacum 4 UFO Reports Chimacum, Washington UFO Sightings
Maltby 4 UFO Reports Maltby, Washington UFO Sightings
Amboy 4 UFO Reports Amboy, Washington UFO Sightings
Newman Lake 4 UFO Reports Newman Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Colbert 4 UFO Reports Colbert, Washington UFO Sightings
Naches 4 UFO Reports Naches, Washington UFO Sightings
Dupont 4 UFO Reports Dupont, Washington UFO Sightings
Steilacoom 4 UFO Reports Steilacoom, Washington UFO Sightings
Grand Coulee 4 UFO Reports Grand Coulee, Washington UFO Sightings
Tenino 4 UFO Reports Tenino, Washington UFO Sightings
Cougar 4 UFO Reports Cougar, Washington UFO Sightings
Burbank 4 UFO Reports Burbank, Washington UFO Sightings
Kittitas 4 UFO Reports Kittitas, Washington UFO Sightings
Pe Ell 4 UFO Reports Pe Ell, Washington UFO Sightings
Onion Creek 4 UFO Reports Onion Creek, Washington UFO Sightings
Warm Beach 4 UFO Reports Warm Beach, Washington UFO Sightings
Union 4 UFO Reports Union, Washington UFO Sightings
Mead 4 UFO Reports Mead, Washington UFO Sightings
Neah Bay 4 UFO Reports Neah Bay, Washington UFO Sightings
Ardenvoir 4 UFO Reports Ardenvoir, Washington UFO Sightings
Brady 4 UFO Reports Brady, Washington UFO Sightings
Mabton 4 UFO Reports Mabton, Washington UFO Sightings
La Conner 4 UFO Reports La Conner, Washington UFO Sightings
Darrington 4 UFO Reports Darrington, Washington UFO Sightings
Electric City 4 UFO Reports Electric City, Washington UFO Sightings
Dash Point 4 UFO Reports Dash Point, Washington UFO Sightings
Brewster 4 UFO Reports Brewster, Washington UFO Sightings
Westport 4 UFO Reports Westport, Washington UFO Sightings
Algona 4 UFO Reports Algona, Washington UFO Sightings
Elk 4 UFO Reports Elk, Washington UFO Sightings
Normandy Park 3 UFO Reports Normandy Park, Washington UFO Sightings
Ravensdale 3 UFO Reports Ravensdale, Washington UFO Sightings
Palouse 3 UFO Reports Palouse, Washington UFO Sightings
Allyn 3 UFO Reports Allyn, Washington UFO Sightings
Northport 3 UFO Reports Northport, Washington UFO Sightings
Grayland 3 UFO Reports Grayland, Washington UFO Sightings
Ford 3 UFO Reports Ford, Washington UFO Sightings
Tum Tum 3 UFO Reports Tum Tum, Washington UFO Sightings
Othello 3 UFO Reports Othello, Washington UFO Sightings
Silverlake 3 UFO Reports Silverlake, Washington UFO Sightings
Colfax 3 UFO Reports Colfax, Washington UFO Sightings
Nine Mile Falls 3 UFO Reports Nine Mile Falls, Washington UFO Sightings
Lyle 3 UFO Reports Lyle, Washington UFO Sightings
Ocean Park 3 UFO Reports Ocean Park, Washington UFO Sightings
Chattaroy 3 UFO Reports Chattaroy, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Tapps 3 UFO Reports Lake Tapps, Washington UFO Sightings
Hoodsport 3 UFO Reports Hoodsport, Washington UFO Sightings
Mossyrock 3 UFO Reports Mossyrock, Washington UFO Sightings
Midland 3 UFO Reports Midland, Washington UFO Sightings
Warden 3 UFO Reports Warden, Washington UFO Sightings
Tri-Cities 3 UFO Reports Tri-Cities, Washington UFO Sightings
North Seattle 3 UFO Reports North Seattle, Washington UFO Sightings
Wilbur 3 UFO Reports Wilbur, Washington UFO Sightings
Hanford Nuclear Reservation 3 UFO Reports Hanford Nuclear Reservation, Washington UFO Sightings
Rice 3 UFO Reports Rice, Washington UFO Sightings
South Bend 3 UFO Reports South Bend, Washington UFO Sightings
Conconully 3 UFO Reports Conconully, Washington UFO Sightings
Peshastin 3 UFO Reports Peshastin, Washington UFO Sightings
Dallesport 3 UFO Reports Dallesport, Washington UFO Sightings
Puget Sound 3 UFO Reports Puget Sound, Washington UFO Sightings
Maryhill 3 UFO Reports Maryhill, Washington UFO Sightings
Sumas 3 UFO Reports Sumas, Washington UFO Sightings
Rainier 3 UFO Reports Rainier, Washington UFO Sightings
Plain 3 UFO Reports Plain, Washington UFO Sightings
Finley 3 UFO Reports Finley, Washington UFO Sightings
Ashford 3 UFO Reports Ashford, Washington UFO Sightings
Toledo 3 UFO Reports Toledo, Washington UFO Sightings
Winlock 3 UFO Reports Winlock, Washington UFO Sightings
Fircrest 3 UFO Reports Fircrest, Washington UFO Sightings
Monitor 3 UFO Reports Monitor, Washington UFO Sightings
Tulalip 2 UFO Reports Tulalip, Washington UFO Sightings
Orondo 2 UFO Reports Orondo, Washington UFO Sightings
Springdale 2 UFO Reports Springdale, Washington UFO Sightings
Malo 2 UFO Reports Malo, Washington UFO Sightings
Fairfield 2 UFO Reports Fairfield, Washington UFO Sightings
Purdy 2 UFO Reports Purdy, Washington UFO Sightings
Tahuya 2 UFO Reports Tahuya, Washington UFO Sightings
Mount St Helens 2 UFO Reports Mount St Helens, Washington UFO Sightings
Waterville 2 UFO Reports Waterville, Washington UFO Sightings
King County 2 UFO Reports King County, Washington UFO Sightings
Maury Island 2 UFO Reports Maury Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Gorge 2 UFO Reports Gorge, Washington UFO Sightings
N Seattle 2 UFO Reports N Seattle, Washington UFO Sightings
South Prarie 2 UFO Reports South Prarie, Washington UFO Sightings
Greenbank 2 UFO Reports Greenbank, Washington UFO Sightings
Battleground 2 UFO Reports Battleground, Washington UFO Sightings
Chinook 2 UFO Reports Chinook, Washington UFO Sightings
Reardan 2 UFO Reports Reardan, Washington UFO Sightings
Easton 2 UFO Reports Easton, Washington UFO Sightings
Oakesdale 2 UFO Reports Oakesdale, Washington UFO Sightings
Olympic Mountains 2 UFO Reports Olympic Mountains, Washington UFO Sightings
Lummi Island 2 UFO Reports Lummi Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Woodinvile 2 UFO Reports Woodinvile, Washington UFO Sightings
Garfield 2 UFO Reports Garfield, Washington UFO Sightings
Pateros 2 UFO Reports Pateros, Washington UFO Sightings
Sea-Tac 2 UFO Reports Sea-Tac, Washington UFO Sightings
Oakville 2 UFO Reports Oakville, Washington UFO Sightings
Olympic National Park 2 UFO Reports Olympic National Park, Washington UFO Sightings
Guemes Island 2 UFO Reports Guemes Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Bayview 2 UFO Reports Bayview, Washington UFO Sightings
Salmon La Sac 2 UFO Reports Salmon La Sac, Washington UFO Sightings
Keller 2 UFO Reports Keller, Washington UFO Sightings
Kitsap County 2 UFO Reports Kitsap County, Washington UFO Sightings
Redondo 2 UFO Reports Redondo, Washington UFO Sightings
McCleary 2 UFO Reports McCleary, Washington UFO Sightings
Rock Island 2 UFO Reports Rock Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Selleck 2 UFO Reports Selleck, Washington UFO Sightings
Deming 2 UFO Reports Deming, Washington UFO Sightings
Fox Island 2 UFO Reports Fox Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Skamania 2 UFO Reports Skamania, Washington UFO Sightings
Lincoln 2 UFO Reports Lincoln, Washington UFO Sightings
Suquamish 2 UFO Reports Suquamish, Washington UFO Sightings
White Swan 2 UFO Reports White Swan, Washington UFO Sightings
Cusick 2 UFO Reports Cusick, Washington UFO Sightings
Outlook 2 UFO Reports Outlook, Washington UFO Sightings
Quilcene 2 UFO Reports Quilcene, Washington UFO Sightings
Odessa 2 UFO Reports Odessa, Washington UFO Sightings
Entiat 2 UFO Reports Entiat, Washington UFO Sightings
Coulee City 2 UFO Reports Coulee City, Washington UFO Sightings
Lynwood 2 UFO Reports Lynwood, Washington UFO Sightings
Stevenson 2 UFO Reports Stevenson, Washington UFO Sightings
Addy 2 UFO Reports Addy, Washington UFO Sightings
Pt Townsend 2 UFO Reports Pt Townsend, Washington UFO Sightings
Quinault 2 UFO Reports Quinault, Washington UFO Sightings
Marblemount 2 UFO Reports Marblemount, Washington UFO Sightings
Seatle 2 UFO Reports Seatle, Washington UFO Sightings
Desert Aire 2 UFO Reports Desert Aire, Washington UFO Sightings
Ballard 2 UFO Reports Ballard, Washington UFO Sightings
Spokane County 2 UFO Reports Spokane County, Washington UFO Sightings
Coulee Dam 2 UFO Reports Coulee Dam, Washington UFO Sightings
Joyce 2 UFO Reports Joyce, Washington UFO Sightings
Glenoma 2 UFO Reports Glenoma, Washington UFO Sightings
Bangor Submarine Base 2 UFO Reports Bangor Submarine Base, Washington UFO Sightings
Milton 2 UFO Reports Milton, Washington UFO Sightings
Nooksack 2 UFO Reports Nooksack, Washington UFO Sightings
Clearlake 2 UFO Reports Clearlake, Washington UFO Sightings
San Juan Islands 2 UFO Reports San Juan Islands, Washington UFO Sightings
Burley 2 UFO Reports Burley, Washington UFO Sightings
Smokey Point 2 UFO Reports Smokey Point, Washington UFO Sightings
Connell 2 UFO Reports Connell, Washington UFO Sightings
Molson 2 UFO Reports Molson, Washington UFO Sightings
Sprague 2 UFO Reports Sprague, Washington UFO Sightings
Nordland 2 UFO Reports Nordland, Washington UFO Sightings
Kalaloch 2 UFO Reports Kalaloch, Washington UFO Sightings
Matlock 2 UFO Reports Matlock, Washington UFO Sightings
Cliffdell 2 UFO Reports Cliffdell, Washington UFO Sightings
Hobart 2 UFO Reports Hobart, Washington UFO Sightings
Medina 2 UFO Reports Medina, Washington UFO Sightings
Veradale 2 UFO Reports Veradale, Washington UFO Sightings
Nespelem 2 UFO Reports Nespelem, Washington UFO Sightings
Conway 2 UFO Reports Conway, Washington UFO Sightings
Ilwaco 2 UFO Reports Ilwaco, Washington UFO Sightings
Loomis 2 UFO Reports Loomis, Washington UFO Sightings
Sedro Wooley 2 UFO Reports Sedro Wooley, Washington UFO Sightings
Diablo Lake 1 UFO Reports Diablo Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Basin City 1 UFO Reports Basin City, Washington UFO Sightings
Mount Ranier 1 UFO Reports Mount Ranier, Washington UFO Sightings
Chico 1 UFO Reports Chico, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Omak 1 UFO Reports Lake Omak, Washington UFO Sightings
Harrison 1 UFO Reports Harrison, Washington UFO Sightings
Post Falls 1 UFO Reports Post Falls, Washington UFO Sightings
Kalaloch area 1 UFO Reports Kalaloch area, Washington UFO Sightings
Silveradale 1 UFO Reports Silveradale, Washington UFO Sightings
Key Peninsula 1 UFO Reports Key Peninsula, Washington UFO Sightings
Unknown 1 UFO Reports Unknown, Washington UFO Sightings
Bellington 1 UFO Reports Bellington, Washington UFO Sightings
N Everett 1 UFO Reports N Everett, Washington UFO Sightings
Hockinson 1 UFO Reports Hockinson, Washington UFO Sightings
Laporte 1 UFO Reports Laporte, Washington UFO Sightings
Satsop 1 UFO Reports Satsop, Washington UFO Sightings
Sun Cove 1 UFO Reports Sun Cove, Washington UFO Sightings
Whatcom County 1 UFO Reports Whatcom County, Washington UFO Sightings
Crescent Bar 1 UFO Reports Crescent Bar, Washington UFO Sightings
Byron Center 1 UFO Reports Byron Center, Washington UFO Sightings
LaConner 1 UFO Reports LaConner, Washington UFO Sightings
South Prairie 1 UFO Reports South Prairie, Washington UFO Sightings
Wahkiakum County 1 UFO Reports Wahkiakum County, Washington UFO Sightings
Elkview 1 UFO Reports Elkview, Washington UFO Sightings
Boise 1 UFO Reports Boise, Washington UFO Sightings
Copalis 1 UFO Reports Copalis, Washington UFO Sightings
Pomeroy 1 UFO Reports Pomeroy, Washington UFO Sightings
In orbit 1 UFO Reports In orbit, Washington UFO Sightings
Diamond Lake 1 UFO Reports Diamond Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Fruitland 1 UFO Reports Fruitland, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Roesiger 1 UFO Reports Lake Roesiger, Washington UFO Sightings
Stanford 1 UFO Reports Stanford, Washington UFO Sightings
Erlands Point-Kitsap Lake 1 UFO Reports Erlands Point-Kitsap Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Kalaloch Campground 1 UFO Reports Kalaloch Campground, Washington UFO Sightings
Snohomish Co 1 UFO Reports Snohomish Co, Washington UFO Sightings
Unkone 1 UFO Reports Unkone, Washington UFO Sightings
Eastgate 1 UFO Reports Eastgate, Washington UFO Sightings
Coeur dAlene Mountains 1 UFO Reports Coeur dAlene Mountains, Washington UFO Sightings
Hockison 1 UFO Reports Hockison, Washington UFO Sightings
Scottsdale 1 UFO Reports Scottsdale, Washington UFO Sightings
Sun Valley 1 UFO Reports Sun Valley, Washington UFO Sightings
Whidbey 1 UFO Reports Whidbey, Washington UFO Sightings
Crescent Lake 1 UFO Reports Crescent Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Fairmont 1 UFO Reports Fairmont, Washington UFO Sightings
Cabo San Lucas 1 UFO Reports Cabo San Lucas, Washington UFO Sightings
Purdy Spitt 1 UFO Reports Purdy Spitt, Washington UFO Sightings
Olympia, near the nisqually basin. 1 UFO Reports Olympia, near the nisqually basin., Washington UFO Sightings
LaCrosse 1 UFO Reports LaCrosse, Washington UFO Sightings
Riverside 1 UFO Reports Riverside, Washington UFO Sightings
Merritt 1 UFO Reports Merritt, Washington UFO Sightings
Waitsburg 1 UFO Reports Waitsburg, Washington UFO Sightings
Ellensberg 1 UFO Reports Ellensberg, Washington UFO Sightings
Copalis Beach 1 UFO Reports Copalis Beach, Washington UFO Sightings
Port Orchard 1 UFO Reports Port Orchard, Washington UFO Sightings
Inchelium 1 UFO Reports Inchelium, Washington UFO Sightings
Takhlakh Lake 1 UFO Reports Takhlakh Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Wishkah River 1 UFO Reports Wishkah River, Washington UFO Sightings
Deer Lake 1 UFO Reports Deer Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Aurburn 1 UFO Reports Aurburn, Washington UFO Sightings
Douglas Creek 1 UFO Reports Douglas Creek, Washington UFO Sightings
Ft Lewis 1 UFO Reports Ft Lewis, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Roosevelt 1 UFO Reports Lake Roosevelt, Washington UFO Sightings
Royal City 1 UFO Reports Royal City, Washington UFO Sightings
Espanola 1 UFO Reports Espanola, Washington UFO Sightings
Browns Point 1 UFO Reports Browns Point, Washington UFO Sightings
North Bend Area 1 UFO Reports North Bend Area, Washington UFO Sightings
Prescott 1 UFO Reports Prescott, Washington UFO Sightings
Manashtash Ridge 1 UFO Reports Manashtash Ridge, Washington UFO Sightings
Silverfdale 1 UFO Reports Silverfdale, Washington UFO Sightings
Maxwelton Beach 1 UFO Reports Maxwelton Beach, Washington UFO Sightings
Valley 1 UFO Reports Valley, Washington UFO Sightings
Beverly 1 UFO Reports Beverly, Washington UFO Sightings
Na 1 UFO Reports Na, Washington UFO Sightings
Hoh Rain Forest 1 UFO Reports Hoh Rain Forest, Washington UFO Sightings
Liberty 1 UFO Reports Liberty, Washington UFO Sightings
Sea Tac Airport 1 UFO Reports Sea Tac Airport, Washington UFO Sightings
Suncrest 1 UFO Reports Suncrest, Washington UFO Sightings
Creston 1 UFO Reports Creston, Washington UFO Sightings
Fairwood 1 UFO Reports Fairwood, Washington UFO Sightings
Cathlamet 1 UFO Reports Cathlamet, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Chelan 1 UFO Reports Lake Chelan, Washington UFO Sightings
Roche Harbor 1 UFO Reports Roche Harbor, Washington UFO Sightings
Metalline Falls 1 UFO Reports Metalline Falls, Washington UFO Sightings
South Seattle 1 UFO Reports South Seattle, Washington UFO Sightings
Bonney Lake area 1 UFO Reports Bonney Lake area, Washington UFO Sightings
Cosmopolis 1 UFO Reports Cosmopolis, Washington UFO Sightings
Sekiu 1 UFO Reports Sekiu, Washington UFO Sightings
Takoma 1 UFO Reports Takoma, Washington UFO Sightings
Touchet 1 UFO Reports Touchet, Washington UFO Sightings
Fort Flagler 1 UFO Reports Fort Flagler, Washington UFO Sightings
Azwell 1 UFO Reports Azwell, Washington UFO Sightings
Tunwater 1 UFO Reports Tunwater, Washington UFO Sightings
Dryden 1 UFO Reports Dryden, Washington UFO Sightings
Bay Center 1 UFO Reports Bay Center, Washington UFO Sightings
Mountains 1 UFO Reports Mountains, Washington UFO Sightings
Cinebar 1 UFO Reports Cinebar, Washington UFO Sightings
Saddle Mountains 1 UFO Reports Saddle Mountains, Washington UFO Sightings
Startup 1 UFO Reports Startup, Washington UFO Sightings
Wellington 1 UFO Reports Wellington, Washington UFO Sightings
Ethell 1 UFO Reports Ethell, Washington UFO Sightings
Bruce 1 UFO Reports Bruce, Washington UFO Sightings
North Cove 1 UFO Reports North Cove, Washington UFO Sightings
Preston 1 UFO Reports Preston, Washington UFO Sightings
Kalame 1 UFO Reports Kalame, Washington UFO Sightings
Manchester 1 UFO Reports Manchester, Washington UFO Sightings
McChord AFB 1 UFO Reports McChord AFB, Washington UFO Sightings
Snoqualmie National Forest 1 UFO Reports Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington UFO Sightings
Van Zandt 1 UFO Reports Van Zandt, Washington UFO Sightings
Grahm 1 UFO Reports Grahm, Washington UFO Sightings
Bingen 1 UFO Reports Bingen, Washington UFO Sightings
Hoh River 1 UFO Reports Hoh River, Washington UFO Sightings
White Center 1 UFO Reports White Center, Washington UFO Sightings
Cumberland 1 UFO Reports Cumberland, Washington UFO Sightings
Anacortes and Coupeville 1 UFO Reports Anacortes and Coupeville, Washington UFO Sightings
Moscow 1 UFO Reports Moscow, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake City 1 UFO Reports Lake City, Washington UFO Sightings
Methow 1 UFO Reports Methow, Washington UFO Sightings
Walla Walla Airport 1 UFO Reports Walla Walla Airport, Washington UFO Sightings
Bonneylake 1 UFO Reports Bonneylake, Washington UFO Sightings
Cottage Grove 1 UFO Reports Cottage Grove, Washington UFO Sightings
Port Gamble 1 UFO Reports Port Gamble, Washington UFO Sightings
Indian Island 1 UFO Reports Indian Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Tekoa 1 UFO Reports Tekoa, Washington UFO Sightings
Toutle 1 UFO Reports Toutle, Washington UFO Sightings
Deerlake 1 UFO Reports Deerlake, Washington UFO Sightings
Twin Sisters Lakes 1 UFO Reports Twin Sisters Lakes, Washington UFO Sightings
Clallam Bay 1 UFO Reports Clallam Bay, Washington UFO Sightings
Othello-Pullman 1 UFO Reports Othello-Pullman, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Tahuyeh 1 UFO Reports Lake Tahuyeh, Washington UFO Sightings
Wellpinit 1 UFO Reports Wellpinit, Washington UFO Sightings
Evans 1 UFO Reports Evans, Washington UFO Sightings
North Lynnwood 1 UFO Reports North Lynnwood, Washington UFO Sightings
Puyallyp 1 UFO Reports Puyallyp, Washington UFO Sightings
Sinclair Island 1 UFO Reports Sinclair Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Vancounver 1 UFO Reports Vancounver, Washington UFO Sightings
Paulsbo 1 UFO Reports Paulsbo, Washington UFO Sightings
Holly 1 UFO Reports Holly, Washington UFO Sightings
Lilliwaup 1 UFO Reports Lilliwaup, Washington UFO Sightings
Sunrise 1 UFO Reports Sunrise, Washington UFO Sightings
White Pass 1 UFO Reports White Pass, Washington UFO Sightings
Fargher Lake 1 UFO Reports Fargher Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Anywhere 1 UFO Reports Anywhere, Washington UFO Sightings
Baker Lake 1 UFO Reports Baker Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Cushman 1 UFO Reports Lake Cushman, Washington UFO Sightings
Mica Mountain 1 UFO Reports Mica Mountain, Washington UFO Sightings
Spangle 1 UFO Reports Spangle, Washington UFO Sightings
Elmira 1 UFO Reports Elmira, Washington UFO Sightings
Hama Hama River 1 UFO Reports Hama Hama River, Washington UFO Sightings
Nisqually 1 UFO Reports Nisqually, Washington UFO Sightings
Cottonwood 1 UFO Reports Cottonwood, Washington UFO Sightings
Indianola 1 UFO Reports Indianola, Washington UFO Sightings
Toutle River 1 UFO Reports Toutle River, Washington UFO Sightings
Gifford National Forest 1 UFO Reports Gifford National Forest, Washington UFO Sightings
Clark 1 UFO Reports Clark, Washington UFO Sightings
Harstene Island 1 UFO Reports Harstene Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Samammish 1 UFO Reports Samammish, Washington UFO Sightings
Steptoe 1 UFO Reports Steptoe, Washington UFO Sightings
North Olympia 1 UFO Reports North Olympia, Washington UFO Sightings
Pt Angeles 1 UFO Reports Pt Angeles, Washington UFO Sightings
Puyalup 1 UFO Reports Puyalup, Washington UFO Sightings
Kittatas 1 UFO Reports Kittatas, Washington UFO Sightings
McDermott 1 UFO Reports McDermott, Washington UFO Sightings
Snoqualmine 1 UFO Reports Snoqualmine, Washington UFO Sightings
Grandmound 1 UFO Reports Grandmound, Washington UFO Sightings
BirchBay 1 UFO Reports BirchBay, Washington UFO Sightings
NAS Whidby Island 1 UFO Reports NAS Whidby Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Paysayten Wilderness 1 UFO Reports Paysayten Wilderness, Washington UFO Sightings
Farmington 1 UFO Reports Farmington, Washington UFO Sightings
Appleton 1 UFO Reports Appleton, Washington UFO Sightings
Carlsberg 1 UFO Reports Carlsberg, Washington UFO Sightings
Balck Diamond 1 UFO Reports Balck Diamond, Washington UFO Sightings
Onalaska 1 UFO Reports Onalaska, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Dorothy 1 UFO Reports Lake Dorothy, Washington UFO Sightings
Rockford 1 UFO Reports Rockford, Washington UFO Sightings
Spirit Lake Highway 1 UFO Reports Spirit Lake Highway, Washington UFO Sightings
Enterprise 1 UFO Reports Enterprise, Washington UFO Sightings
Hanford Nuclear facility 1 UFO Reports Hanford Nuclear facility, Washington UFO Sightings
Nisqually Delta 1 UFO Reports Nisqually Delta, Washington UFO Sightings
Sellic 1 UFO Reports Sellic, Washington UFO Sightings
The Dalles area 1 UFO Reports The Dalles area, Washington UFO Sightings
Demming 1 UFO Reports Demming, Washington UFO Sightings
Frances 1 UFO Reports Frances, Washington UFO Sightings
Umatilla 1 UFO Reports Umatilla, Washington UFO Sightings
Dyke access 1 UFO Reports Dyke access, Washington UFO Sightings
Belkevue 1 UFO Reports Belkevue, Washington UFO Sightings
Mt Rainier 1 UFO Reports Mt Rainier, Washington UFO Sightings
Hatton 1 UFO Reports Hatton, Washington UFO Sightings
West of Gillette 1 UFO Reports West of Gillette, Washington UFO Sightings
Aberdeen Gardens 1 UFO Reports Aberdeen Gardens, Washington UFO Sightings
Pt Orchard 1 UFO Reports Pt Orchard, Washington UFO Sightings
Skamania Co 1 UFO Reports Skamania Co, Washington UFO Sightings
McKenna 1 UFO Reports McKenna, Washington UFO Sightings
Birdsview 1 UFO Reports Birdsview, Washington UFO Sightings
Natches 1 UFO Reports Natches, Washington UFO Sightings
Colville Reservation 1 UFO Reports Colville Reservation, Washington UFO Sightings
Lind 1 UFO Reports Lind, Washington UFO Sightings
SeaTac Airport 1 UFO Reports SeaTac Airport, Washington UFO Sightings
Swinnomish Channel 1 UFO Reports Swinnomish Channel, Washington UFO Sightings
Custer 1 UFO Reports Custer, Washington UFO Sightings
Arcadia Shores 1 UFO Reports Arcadia Shores, Washington UFO Sightings
Carlsborg 1 UFO Reports Carlsborg, Washington UFO Sightings
Franklin County 1 UFO Reports Franklin County, Washington UFO Sightings
Ballanger County line 1 UFO Reports Ballanger County line, Washington UFO Sightings
Mount Baker 1 UFO Reports Mount Baker, Washington UFO Sightings
Rocky Point 1 UFO Reports Rocky Point, Washington UFO Sightings
Bow-Edison 1 UFO Reports Bow-Edison, Washington UFO Sightings
No city on highway 1 UFO Reports No city on highway, Washington UFO Sightings
Thornton 1 UFO Reports Thornton, Washington UFO Sightings
Yakama Indian Reservation 1 UFO Reports Yakama Indian Reservation, Washington UFO Sightings
East Hoquiam 1 UFO Reports East Hoquiam, Washington UFO Sightings
Glacier 1 UFO Reports Glacier, Washington UFO Sightings
Mt Rainier 1 UFO Reports Mt Rainier, Washington UFO Sightings
Oysterville 1 UFO Reports Oysterville, Washington UFO Sightings
Hazel Dell 1 UFO Reports Hazel Dell, Washington UFO Sightings
Lakeland 1 UFO Reports Lakeland, Washington UFO Sightings
San bernardino 1 UFO Reports San bernardino, Washington UFO Sightings
West Pasco 1 UFO Reports West Pasco, Washington UFO Sightings
Evertee 1 UFO Reports Evertee, Washington UFO Sightings
Burbank Heights 1 UFO Reports Burbank Heights, Washington UFO Sightings
North Snohomish 1 UFO Reports North Snohomish, Washington UFO Sightings
Skamokawa 1 UFO Reports Skamokawa, Washington UFO Sightings
Eglon 1 UFO Reports Eglon, Washington UFO Sightings
Granite 1 UFO Reports Granite, Washington UFO Sightings
Humptulips 1 UFO Reports Humptulips, Washington UFO Sightings
Wiley 1 UFO Reports Wiley, Washington UFO Sightings
Frederickson 1 UFO Reports Frederickson, Washington UFO Sightings
Mount Hood 1 UFO Reports Mount Hood, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Kachess 1 UFO Reports Lake Kachess, Washington UFO Sightings
Roosevelt 1 UFO Reports Roosevelt, Washington UFO Sightings
Millcreek 1 UFO Reports Millcreek, Washington UFO Sightings
Washington DC 1 UFO Reports Washington DC, Washington UFO Sightings
Entiay 1 UFO Reports Entiay, Washington UFO Sightings
Hanford Site 1 UFO Reports Hanford Site, Washington UFO Sightings
None-Frenchman Coulee Gorge 1 UFO Reports None-Frenchman Coulee Gorge, Washington UFO Sightings
Troutdale 1 UFO Reports Troutdale, Washington UFO Sightings
Union Gap 1 UFO Reports Union Gap, Washington UFO Sightings
East Olympia 1 UFO Reports East Olympia, Washington UFO Sightings
Bellignham 1 UFO Reports Bellignham, Washington UFO Sightings
Mt Vernon 1 UFO Reports Mt Vernon, Washington UFO Sightings
Clear Lake 1 UFO Reports Clear Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Hermiston 1 UFO Reports Hermiston, Washington UFO Sightings
San Juan Island 1 UFO Reports San Juan Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Everywhere 1 UFO Reports Everywhere, Washington UFO Sightings
North Spokane 1 UFO Reports North Spokane, Washington UFO Sightings
Meadowdale 1 UFO Reports Meadowdale, Washington UFO Sightings
South Hill 1 UFO Reports South Hill, Washington UFO Sightings
Elbe 1 UFO Reports Elbe, Washington UFO Sightings
Near Kalama 1 UFO Reports Near Kalama, Washington UFO Sightings
Pierce county 1 UFO Reports Pierce county, Washington UFO Sightings
Hunters 1 UFO Reports Hunters, Washington UFO Sightings
Longbranch 1 UFO Reports Longbranch, Washington UFO Sightings
Tacoma area 1 UFO Reports Tacoma area, Washington UFO Sightings
Tieton 1 UFO Reports Tieton, Washington UFO Sightings
Mineral 1 UFO Reports Mineral, Washington UFO Sightings
Olala 1 UFO Reports Olala, Washington UFO Sightings
Yakima Indian Reservation 1 UFO Reports Yakima Indian Reservation, Washington UFO Sightings
Desmoines 1 UFO Reports Desmoines, Washington UFO Sightings
Fredrickson 1 UFO Reports Fredrickson, Washington UFO Sightings
Mount Rainier 1 UFO Reports Mount Rainier, Washington UFO Sightings
Chesaw 1 UFO Reports Chesaw, Washington UFO Sightings
Orchards 1 UFO Reports Orchards, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Ketchum 1 UFO Reports Lake Ketchum, Washington UFO Sightings
Rosalia 1 UFO Reports Rosalia, Washington UFO Sightings
Washington State 1 UFO Reports Washington State, Washington UFO Sightings
Coulee Dam area 1 UFO Reports Coulee Dam area, Washington UFO Sightings
Portland 1 UFO Reports Portland, Washington UFO Sightings
Kahlotus 1 UFO Reports Kahlotus, Washington UFO Sightings
Magnolia 1 UFO Reports Magnolia, Washington UFO Sightings
Uniontown 1 UFO Reports Uniontown, Washington UFO Sightings
East Spokane 1 UFO Reports East Spokane, Washington UFO Sightings
MtRainier 1 UFO Reports MtRainier, Washington UFO Sightings
Pacific North West 1 UFO Reports Pacific North West, Washington UFO Sightings
Herron Island 1 UFO Reports Herron Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Lancaster 1 UFO Reports Lancaster, Washington UFO Sightings
Ewan 1 UFO Reports Ewan, Washington UFO Sightings
Alger 1 UFO Reports Alger, Washington UFO Sightings
North Yakima 1 UFO Reports North Yakima, Washington UFO Sightings
Pullmam 1 UFO Reports Pullmam, Washington UFO Sightings
La Crosse 1 UFO Reports La Crosse, Washington UFO Sightings
South Kingstown 1 UFO Reports South Kingstown, Washington UFO Sightings
Vaughn 1 UFO Reports Vaughn, Washington UFO Sightings
Grapeview 1 UFO Reports Grapeview, Washington UFO Sightings
Near Moses lake 1 UFO Reports Near Moses lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Illwaco 1 UFO Reports Illwaco, Washington UFO Sightings
Seattle Queene Anne 1 UFO Reports Seattle Queene Anne, Washington UFO Sightings
Tacoma Washington 1 UFO Reports Tacoma Washington, Washington UFO Sightings
Tokeland 1 UFO Reports Tokeland, Washington UFO Sightings
Winesap 1 UFO Reports Winesap, Washington UFO Sightings
Cascade Mountains 1 UFO Reports Cascade Mountains, Washington UFO Sightings
Tukwilla 1 UFO Reports Tukwilla, Washington UFO Sightings
Dewattow 1 UFO Reports Dewattow, Washington UFO Sightings
Banks Lake 1 UFO Reports Banks Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
Mount Rainier area 1 UFO Reports Mount Rainier area, Washington UFO Sightings
Orient 1 UFO Reports Orient, Washington UFO Sightings
Lake Leland 1 UFO Reports Lake Leland, Washington UFO Sightings
Rosburg 1 UFO Reports Rosburg, Washington UFO Sightings
Washington State coastline 1 UFO Reports Washington State coastline, Washington UFO Sightings
Enumclaw Wa 1 UFO Reports Enumclaw Wa, Washington UFO Sightings
PortTownsend 1 UFO Reports PortTownsend, Washington UFO Sightings
Malaga 1 UFO Reports Malaga, Washington UFO Sightings
Shuksin picnic area 1 UFO Reports Shuksin picnic area, Washington UFO Sightings
Smokey Point Arlington 1 UFO Reports Smokey Point Arlington, Washington UFO Sightings
East Tacoma 1 UFO Reports East Tacoma, Washington UFO Sightings
Goldbar 1 UFO Reports Goldbar, Washington UFO Sightings
Bellingham-Lummi 1 UFO Reports Bellingham-Lummi, Washington UFO Sightings
Packwood 1 UFO Reports Packwood, Washington UFO Sightings
SanJuan Island 1 UFO Reports SanJuan Island, Washington UFO Sightings
Cowlitz 1 UFO Reports Cowlitz, Washington UFO Sightings
Fairchild AFB 1 UFO Reports Fairchild AFB, Washington UFO Sightings
Northbend 1 UFO Reports Northbend, Washington UFO Sightings
Key Center 1 UFO Reports Key Center, Washington UFO Sightings
Rimrock Lake 1 UFO Reports Rimrock Lake, Washington UFO Sightings
South Park 1 UFO Reports South Park, Washington UFO Sightings
Gravelles 1 UFO Reports Gravelles, Washington UFO Sightings
Blanchard 1 UFO Reports Blanchard, Washington UFO Sightings
Point Roberts 1 UFO Reports Point Roberts, Washington UFO Sightings
Taholah 1 UFO Reports Taholah, Washington UFO Sightings
Asotin 1 UFO Reports Asotin, Washington UFO Sightings
Cascade Mtns 1 UFO Reports Cascade Mtns, Washington UFO Sightings
Olyimpa 1 UFO Reports Olyimpa, Washington UFO Sightings