Last updated on June 1, 2024

Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Virginia Beach, Virginia during 2014.

How many UFO sightings were there in Virginia Beach, Virginia in 2014?

  • There were 15 officially reported UFO sightings in Virginia Beach in 2014.
  • Virginia Beach ranks #1 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Virginia in 2014.

Virginia cities with the most UFO sightings in 2014

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Virginia Beach, VA 15 UFO Reports
2 Manassas, VA 10 UFO Reports
3 Chesapeake, VA 7 UFO Reports
4 Richmond, VA 7 UFO Reports
5 Arlington, VA 5 UFO Reports

Analysis of Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014

We analyzed all 15 UFO sighting reports in Virginia Beach, Virginia to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

UFO Reports in Virginia Beach, Virginia from 2014

These Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO reports from 2014 are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary.

You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

At around 8:45 tonight, 25 Dec., 2014, I was standing on my back deck looking at the moon in the western sky, when i saw what i thought were three helicopters moving across the sky towards the south. As they got closer I could not hear any sound I called my wife out an she saw them also.

It was three reddish orange looking balls, then all of the sudden they were gone. I was just wondering if any one else may have seen this also and of course what they might have been.

12/25/14 8:45 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 3 minutes


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

Bright round shiny object. Bright light, shiny object, looked round, took picture. Wanted to take another, and it was gone.

((ADDENDUM FROM WITNESS, DECEMBER 10, 2014)) Hello Mr. Davenport, After having a good look at my picture I think it's just could have been a jet. I guess they eye play's tricks sometimes.

I'm sorry. ((END ADDENDUM)).

12/01/14 2:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 10 seconds


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

Son, wife and I driving down the road shortly after dark. She noticed them first so I pulled over to look too. 3 of what looked to be fireballs traveling directly vertical at a fast pace.

The orientation was if they had launched 3 rockets one right after another. At first I just thought maybe it was a launch from nasal at Wallops Island. However, the launch pad at Wallops launch pad was destroyed a few weeks ago when the rocket exploded.

We watched and tried to video it but you can't really tell anything on the video. After they reached a very high altitude the "fire" went out but we could still kind of see them. Almost as if they had turned white or traveled through the atmosphere.

11/15/14 5:51 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 5 minutes


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the event is approximate. PD)).

11/12/14 4:30 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 45-60 seconds


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

alien triples I was filming around 9pm and recorded 3 paths of dots that i believe are ufos skipping across the film. Here are the links to the photo and video. Photo: http://consciousmystery.

com/ufos101214.png Video:

3gp i think they were telling me they move in triples of 9's, twice.vigintriplicity what i mean is you play 9 notes, 9 more notes, than finally 9 more notes, twice, and it sounds like a root to the sound in space they make. tell me what ya think.

thanks and godbless!.

10/12/14 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 42 seconds


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

light expanding and shrinking, hovering and then zipping away. I was outside speaking with a friend and saw a light that appeared to be expanding in size and shrinking, as if zigzagging to-and-fro. It came to a complete stop and then expanded in size again, and zipped off without a trace.

I immediately ran inside to call non-emergency. I came back outside after a few minutes and the light was back in the same spot, only this time it was hovering. And its light appeared to get bigger as it did before and zipped off again.

I was the only one to have witnessed this.

08/30/14 9:33 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 45 seconds


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

2 fireballs illuminated the night sky 2 fireball unidentified flying objects within 50 yards apart flying at very low speeds for about 5-10 minutes, disappearing at a distance. They appeared to be at 1/10 of the size of the moon estimated.

07/31/14 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 5-10 minutes


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

Red dot circling around me on my porch at home. Caught on video a red dot spiraling around. Thought it could be a glare at first, but it kept getting closer.

It wasnt a laser, just a dot that circled around, and i have a video of how clear it looks.

07/31/14 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 3 minutes


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

Observed in sky over Pungo. Moving in the same direction. First was set of two and one 'dropped' something illuminated.

Following, they kept appearing in increments. Appearing bright orange, with no navigation lights and emitting no sound. As I write this, we just saw two move overhead.

07/19/14 9:18 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 5 minutes


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

On July 5 at 11:45 p.m., I was with my dogs in the backyard during their potty break because one is scared of fireworks.

I enjoy stargazing & frequently look up while outside at night (my back door faces east) and since the moon is only 1/2 full and low on the horizon, it was dark in the yard & I just used a flashlight. Moving southwest to northeast in a straight line I was surprised to see what appeared to be a bright red rectangular shaped object with a bright white light in the middle. The shape was something like a sport skydiver might use, except this rectangular object was moving lengthwise.

I know it wasn't a helicopter (saw & heard the police chopper flying earlier before & after the fireworks show), it didn't look like a plane and I never heard any sounds. I moved to the front yard to get a longer view of it and saw my neighbor (retired military, worked on helicopters) so I called him over to look at it. He was as surprised and puzzled as I was.

He didn't hear anything and saw the same rectangular shape and colors as it was moving away from us. The object eventually grew dim and disappeared from out sight, the entire episode lasting 1 to 1-1/2 minutes. I checked the ISS schedule, but knew I wouldn't find it listed as flying by.

I've seen the ISS before & this object was larger/lower in the sky and I could make out a shape vs. the ISS's large all white light image.

07/05/14 11:45 PM

UFO Shape: rectangle

Lasted: 60-90 seconds


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

Fireball in the sky that changed direction While sitting around a fire at Sandbridge Beach we noticed a ball of fire moving in a northward direction. It moved on a flat horizontal plane. At first I thought it was a plane with it’s tail on fire, but we heard no sound.

The object continued moving in a northward direction and then seemed to stop for a moment then turn eastward over the ocean. By this time it was no longer a ball of fire but more of a glowing ember. I had enough time to run in and grab my video camera but by the time I got back on the beach it had started disappearing.

06/18/14 10:35 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 3-5 minutes


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

huge 1000ft long saucer accelerated skyward and disappeared during the day, Virginia Beach I was in a clearing on the KOA campsite in Virginia Beach. I turned around and looked up and an object pewter in color, with a compressed dome on top with 3 portal in it . took off silently at an a speed I can only describe as astonishing.

I am a retired military aircraft mechanic and have 20 years working around aircraft, including hi performance aircraft. This object had no seams, it made no noise. It appeared not quite over damn neck base.

And for some reason I thought nothing of it. It had to be the length of an aircraft. It had a feel of a hologram but there was just something that gave it depth of field.

I have knowledge of photography and it was so fast you couldn't have gotten it on camera. It went at an angle of about 70-80 degrees vertical and then veered left toward the atmosphere like the space shuttle I can be contacted at (757) ((number deleted)).

06/15/14 2:30 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 1/2 second


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

Craft crosses in front of commercial airplane. I was letting my dog out the back slider door, which faces directly West. She went out and I stood there with the door open looking up at the sky, there were a couple commercial airplanes and the only reason I was really watching them was because they were leaving trails behind them, one closer to me than the others.

I was focused on the airplane that was closer, it was headed East toward the ocean, (which I live about 10 miles from) when out of nowhere a grayish flat disk shape craft came from the south and was headed right for the airplane. I thought at first I was going to witness a mid air collision, but the craft crossed right in front of the commercial airplane and after about 2 or 3 seconds of me trying to see what it was, it simply disappeared. There was no trail left by the craft, the commercial airplane kept heading East making a trial behind it.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:12pm, so the event took place about 7:11pm. I am hoping the pilots of this commercial airline makes a report to confirm mine. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information.

We have corrected the date above. PD)).

03/31/14 7:11 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: ~30 seconds


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

Approximately three to four white rockets appeared with trails-gray UFO flying low in trees then, disappeared.

03/21/14 3:20 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 1 hour


Virginia Beach, VA

Full Report Text:

One bright traveling light splits into two in Virginia Beach sky We were driving on the highway where the sky is completely visible with no trees. All the way towards the right, a bright light the size of an meteor and as bright as a planet suddenly appeared. The color was white, like an LED lightbulb.

When I saw it at first I yelled, "Look, a shooting star!" Quickly, I realized it was not a star. Most of the stars were hardly visible from light pollution from the street lights. It didn't flicker or flash like stars, planes or towers.

It seems much closer, bigger, and brighter than any of the stars. After about 1 second, it split into two and one light went up and one went down creating a sideways Y. This was a perfect triangle formation.

In about 1/3 of a second it completely disappeared. When the light divided into two they were equally as bright and big as the original one was. They disappeared in perfect sync, down to the millisecond.

I'd estimate it was about 1/2-1 mile away. During the event, I didn't feel anything other than amazement and awe. The two witnesses were myself and my father.

Neither of us have ever been to interested in UFOs, so it was not like we would be looking for that sort of thing. ((NUFORC Note: We have amended the time of the alleged sighting in order to reflect an evening sighting. We have attempted to contact the source of the report, but have not heard back from him.


02/22/14 6:55 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 2 seconds


Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings From 2014 By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Fireball 6 reported sightings 40.00% of all reports
Disk 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Other 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Light 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Circle 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Rectangle 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings From 2014 By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
July 4 reported sightings 26.67% of all reports
June 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
March 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
November 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
December 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
October 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
February 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
August 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings From 2014 By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Saturday 5 reported sightings 33.33% of all reports
Thursday 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Wednesday 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Sunday 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Monday 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Friday 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings From 2014 By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
07/31/14 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
07/05/14 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
06/18/14 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
06/15/14 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
03/21/14 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings From 2014 By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 8 reported sightings 53.33% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 4 reported sightings 26.67% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports

Other Years with Reported UFO sightings in Virginia Beach, Virginia

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Year Number of Reports View Reports
2024 2 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2024
2023 5 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2023
2022 4 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2022
2021 1 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2021
2020 11 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2020
2019 17 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2019
2018 6 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2018
2017 6 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2017
2016 11 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2016
2015 7 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2015
2014 15 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
2013 18 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2013
2012 6 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2012
2011 7 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2011
2010 4 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2010
2009 4 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2009
2008 8 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2008
2007 4 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2007
2006 3 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2006
2005 5 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2005
2004 1 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2004
2003 9 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2003
2002 5 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2002
2001 4 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2001
2000 2 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2000
1999 3 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1999
1998 1 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1998
1997 3 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1997
1996 1 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1996
1995 4 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1995
1994 2 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1994
1993 1 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1993
1991 1 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1991
1988 1 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1988
1986 1 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1986
1985 1 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1985
1983 1 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1983
1980 2 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1980
1974 1 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1974
1973 1 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 1973

All Virginia Cities with reported UFO sightings in 2014

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Virginia in 2014. You can also view the state-level list of UFO sightings in Virginia in 2014.

City Number of Reports View Reports
Virginia Beach 15 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Manassas 10 UFO Reports Manassas, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Chesapeake 7 UFO Reports Chesapeake, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Richmond 7 UFO Reports Richmond, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Arlington 5 UFO Reports Arlington, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Lynchburg 4 UFO Reports Lynchburg, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Winchester 4 UFO Reports Winchester, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Fairfax 4 UFO Reports Fairfax, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Front Royal 4 UFO Reports Front Royal, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Portsmouth 4 UFO Reports Portsmouth, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Roanoke 4 UFO Reports Roanoke, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Charlottesville 4 UFO Reports Charlottesville, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Woodbridge 3 UFO Reports Woodbridge, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Lorton 3 UFO Reports Lorton, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Danville 3 UFO Reports Danville, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Stephens City 3 UFO Reports Stephens City, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Hampton 3 UFO Reports Hampton, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Falls Church 3 UFO Reports Falls Church, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Dunnsville 3 UFO Reports Dunnsville, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Norfolk 3 UFO Reports Norfolk, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Pulaski 2 UFO Reports Pulaski, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Mechanicsville 2 UFO Reports Mechanicsville, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Alexandria 2 UFO Reports Alexandria, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Hopewell 2 UFO Reports Hopewell, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Fredericksburg 2 UFO Reports Fredericksburg, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Broadlands 2 UFO Reports Broadlands, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Newport News 2 UFO Reports Newport News, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Luray 2 UFO Reports Luray, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Burke 2 UFO Reports Burke, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Moneta 2 UFO Reports Moneta, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Purcellville 2 UFO Reports Purcellville, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Windsor 2 UFO Reports Windsor, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Abingdon 2 UFO Reports Abingdon, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Fincastle 2 UFO Reports Fincastle, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Ashburn 2 UFO Reports Ashburn, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
New Baltimore 1 UFO Reports New Baltimore, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Stanardsville 1 UFO Reports Stanardsville, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Poquoson 1 UFO Reports Poquoson, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Sterling 1 UFO Reports Sterling, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Boydton 1 UFO Reports Boydton, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
South Riding 1 UFO Reports South Riding, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Leesburg 1 UFO Reports Leesburg, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Topping 1 UFO Reports Topping, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Martinsville 1 UFO Reports Martinsville, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Millboro 1 UFO Reports Millboro, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
North Chesterfield 1 UFO Reports North Chesterfield, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Accomac 1 UFO Reports Accomac, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Covington 1 UFO Reports Covington, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Fort Eustis 1 UFO Reports Fort Eustis, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Henrico 1 UFO Reports Henrico, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Blackstone 1 UFO Reports Blackstone, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Williamburg 1 UFO Reports Williamburg, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Buckingham 1 UFO Reports Buckingham, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
King George 1 UFO Reports King George, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Culpeper 1 UFO Reports Culpeper, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Grottoes 1 UFO Reports Grottoes, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Onancock 1 UFO Reports Onancock, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Natural Bridge 1 UFO Reports Natural Bridge, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Vinton 1 UFO Reports Vinton, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Meadowview 1 UFO Reports Meadowview, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Loron 1 UFO Reports Loron, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Wirtz 1 UFO Reports Wirtz, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Langley AFB 1 UFO Reports Langley AFB, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Kilmarnock 1 UFO Reports Kilmarnock, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Williamsburg 1 UFO Reports Williamsburg, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Chester 1 UFO Reports Chester, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Clinchport 1 UFO Reports Clinchport, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Scottsville 1 UFO Reports Scottsville, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Caroline County 1 UFO Reports Caroline County, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Spotsylvania 1 UFO Reports Spotsylvania, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Ford 1 UFO Reports Ford, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Staunton 1 UFO Reports Staunton, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Manassas Park 1 UFO Reports Manassas Park, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Goochland 1 UFO Reports Goochland, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Petersburg 1 UFO Reports Petersburg, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Bristol 1 UFO Reports Bristol, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Mollusk 1 UFO Reports Mollusk, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Powhatan 1 UFO Reports Powhatan, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Yorktown 1 UFO Reports Yorktown, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Midlothian 1 UFO Reports Midlothian, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
McLean 1 UFO Reports McLean, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Suffolk 1 UFO Reports Suffolk, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Centreville 1 UFO Reports Centreville, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Bumpass 1 UFO Reports Bumpass, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Iron Gate 1 UFO Reports Iron Gate, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Herndon 1 UFO Reports Herndon, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Lovettsville 1 UFO Reports Lovettsville, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Downtown Norfolk 1 UFO Reports Downtown Norfolk, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Warrenton 1 UFO Reports Warrenton, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Stuarts Draft 1 UFO Reports Stuarts Draft, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Oakton 1 UFO Reports Oakton, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Chesterfield 1 UFO Reports Chesterfield, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Reston 1 UFO Reports Reston, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Chantilly 1 UFO Reports Chantilly, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014
Waynesboro 1 UFO Reports Waynesboro, Virginia UFO Sightings in 2014