Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Easton, Maryland

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Easton, Maryland.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Easton, Maryland?

  • There have been 10 officially reported UFO sightings in Easton from 1999 to 2023.
  • Easton ranks #35 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Maryland.

Other Maryland Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Baltimore, MD 176 UFO Reports
2 Ocean City, MD 52 UFO Reports
3 Annapolis, MD 51 UFO Reports
4 Hagerstown, MD 47 UFO Reports
5 Rockville, MD 42 UFO Reports

Easton, Maryland UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 10 UFO sighting reports in Easton, Maryland to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Easton, Maryland

These Easton, Maryland UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Easton, MD

Full Report Text:

One continueous light with dispersed red and white lights, moving on line, not inline, SW to NE, low altitude Long string of bright yellow light with dispersed dots of white light and one red light on left end of string as it moved across the sky from southwest to northeast. Yellow string moved as a broad front, not in a linear fashion (similar to a starlink as I understand it), along the axis of advance. Absolutely silent as it moved.

Altitude estimated at 2000 to 3000 feet. Shape of the line appeared to change, as can be seen in the two pictures attached. Multiple images of the yellow line in the pictures are due to camera shake during pro-longed exposure.

Unfortunately, the entire line of light is not in the pictures due to haste in grabbing the camera and taking the pictures.

10/20/23 5:42 AM

UFO Shape: changing

Lasted: Less than 30 seconds,


Easton, MD

Full Report Text:

String of lights move simultaneously across sky I witnessed up to 8 bright lights in a single row that simultaneously moved across the sky for approximately 6 to 8 seconds and Headed North then look to appear to jet off into the net night sky.

05/04/23 9:15 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 5 to 8 seconds


Easton, MD

Full Report Text:

We saw a ufo hovering for over an hour, it never went in any direction and was not a star as we saw flashing red light every now and than and a flashing green there is no explanation for what we saw.and all of a sudden it just disappeared. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information.


08/29/16 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: >1 hour


Easton, MD

Full Report Text:

A big flash of white light by the moon followed by a very bright light that skipped across the sky then faded to black.

01/18/14 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 10 seconds


Easton, MD

Full Report Text:

Black Triangle UFO 4 Lights. 1 Red(Blinking). 911 Called I stepped outside at about 1:40 am Est.

March 30th 2011. I go to my car and get my cigarettes. I light one of them and get up out of my car and turn around.

And there is a Black pyramid/triangle shape floating above the back end of my neighborhood over the Fire Department and in front of a Water Tower. The best way to describe it would have to be like a perfect symmetrical pyramid and/or triangle. Like if you cut off the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

It was all black. It made absolutely no noise. It floated parallel with a major road in my town over the back end of neighborhood.

It was incredible… There were 4 lights. there were 3 that were you know the normal white light on the 3 corners, 1 in each corner. And in the center there was a red light.

Now the only difference is the first time I saw this same similar object with my friend; the red light wasn't blinking. On, March, 30th 2011 the RED light was BLINKING. Not sure if it means anything.

(I saw a similar object on a separate occasion with a friend, a few years ago probably 2 but in the same county) I called 911. I have no idea if they took me serious or actually followed it up. But, I was in shock just for the fact it was so close to my home.

Another example is if you look at the back of a One Dollar bill. The eye in the pyramid-that is the closest thing I can think of, but the lights were on the bottom of it. but at the same time it was such a Dark Black that you could see the outline of it perfectly.

and in my situation I had a humungous water tower as a backdrop and this thing just floated in front of it. I stand by what I saw. And I also stand by the resume that my short life span holds.

4 years military (Active). 1 year Iraq, 1 year Korea. I’m now a Disabled Veteran.

Like I said I've seen many things from airplanes to helicopters to balloons and missiles. and for the sake of the term UFO this was an Unidentified Flying Object. Whether or not it is Alien or Extra Terrestrial I don’t know.

I know what I saw and I know it was a Black pyramid/triangle floating very slowly over my neighborhood heading towards Route 50 in the state of Maryland. I will tell anyone what I saw. I would have to estimate the size as pretty decent considering it bloated out a good portion of the water tower when it floated by.

I would have to say the incident lasted for approximately 10-15 minutes. This sighting occurred in Easton, Maryland. On March 30th, 2011 around 1:50 am Est.

Like I said I called 911. I connected to Talbot County dispatch. Thank You.

03/30/11 1:45 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 10-15 minutes


Easton, MD

Full Report Text:

Discolored grass after thought to be Alien encounter. To whom it may concern, On the night of June 4th , I think, for an unknown reason I looked up and said Good-Lord I’d like to offer a Male Alien a glass of water if there are any. I then filled a glass of water and left it on a counter, then went to bed around 10pm.

Around 2:00 am I awoke with a tingling sensation all over my body, Standing just outside my bedroom doorway, there were two figures standing in my hallway. I went to get out of bed and couldn’t, I seemed to be paralyzed with my head turned toward them, I went to point to the sky, couldn’t, tried to roll out of bed and couldn’t. During all of this there was a brighter than usual light coming in through a far bedroom window, behind them but towards me, with a blue-ish tint to it.

The two figures I saw were gray in color with dark, large eyes, nostrils but no visible nose, and a small mouth, but there was no sound of any kind, except the frogs and ducks outside. My bedroom is on the second floor, on the back of my townhome, the light was coming from the front. I fell back to sleep, until about 10am the next morning, bad dream right.

Went to turn on my cable tv in my bedroom and the cable was out, tried down stairs, it was out too. I then called my cable company, they ran a circuit test and said everything was fine on their end, so they came to look at my boxes. The cable tech said he had to reprogram the EPROM chips in my boxes with another computer and did, worked fine after that.

We talked, there was no lightning or storms the night before that we knew of and I informed all my equipment is on surge protector anyway shouldn’t have blown or wiped like that. Then I went out to my front yard and there was and still is, a tear- dropped shape of discolored, almost burnt grass in my front yard about 30ft wide and 30 ft long that wasn’t there before, pointed from where the light was coming from. If you have any other explanation, could you advise me please? ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the event is approximate.

PD)) ((NUFORC Note: We cannot certify that this is a serious report. Photos available. PD)).

06/04/10 2:00 AM

UFO Shape: teardrop

Lasted: 10 MIN


Easton, MD

Full Report Text:

An orb of light raised from the ground, in the distance, slowly into the high sky, then disappeared. I was looking out of my bathroom window, looking out past the farm behind my house. It was nighttime.

In the distance I see a bright orange light appear from the ground, and slowly rise up. It continued to rise slowly and brightly into the sky. It raised extremely high into the sky, and then disappeared.

I do not think it was a regular thing, planes go sideways, helicopters don't fly that high, flares are faster and less precise on where they're going, and a firework would have left a trail. The experience left me dumbfounded and perplexed. ((NUFORC Note: Missile launch.


09/19/09 8:30 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 10 seconds


Easton, MD

Full Report Text:

three baketball sized orbs floating 2-3 feet above the ground hovering stationary and silent and glowing red I was on my way to pick up a friend from work one summer night around 11:00 PM in the summer of 2009. As i was driving I pass a soybean field that I have passed every day for my entire life. I was 18 at the time.

I noticed 3 red glowing spheres about the size of soccer balls floating 2 feet above the ground. They were red/orange in color and were hoving, stationary, and making absolutely no noise. The orbs seemed to know I was there.

There was one closer to the road and two more in the distance in the field. I stopped my car and decided to get out and investigate. I walked over the ditch seperating the field from the car and walked into the crops and stopped about 10 feet away from the closest object.

After concluding that it was nothing like I had seen before I quickly turned and returned to my car. I drove away and picked up my friend to come back to my house. On the way back she noticed them too.

These orbs were nothing that I could explain or an! yone i knew. The observers to this event were two girls both of around or 18 years of age about to go away for college. Both went to a private, Catholic school and were not under the influence of drugs, medicinal drugs, or alcohol.

Neither of us are big "gamers", either. The area the orbs were seen is a road hardly traveled in a very undeveloped area (except for crops). I feel this is more of an unexplained "being" sighting than an UFO.

I cannot remember the entire night or what I did and my memory seems to be missing important details about when I walked into the field. This could be possibly because I pushed the secret into the back of my mind because no one would believe me except that one friend. I am a smart college student and I have not seen this orbs since this one incident.

((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD)).

08/01/09 11:00 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 30 minutes


Easton, MD

Full Report Text:

Caught a possible Alien Abduction and/or Cattle Mutiliation in progress, Well, it was about 5-6am and my friends and I were driving in our friend's van down Chapel Rd., right off of Black Dog Alley for some "mischief." (Just lighting a fountain-firework in the middle of the road then running) We came out of some trees and I happened to notice a formation of lights hovering in a field not 200 yards away by a farmhouse, looking like: * .

If the posting screws it up, I'll describe. It was a row of three white/gold lights, two below it, then one below the two sorta like a triangle. The "*" is a blinking white light on top.

It was much larger than the house it was hovering by, probably about 100+ feet tall. I stared at it for a few moments and asked: "What the hell is that?" A friend, who lives in the area, replied "That's a farm tower or somethin'." Another friend, who ALSO lives in the area, replied: "Dude, no, what the hell IS that!?" We continued on, going again into some trees and then coming out with a tall-grassy field with trees along the outer edge.

It was then we decided to do our firework. I glanced over and saw a small white light slowly moving behind-through the trees, hovering back and forth. We lit it off and got the heck out of dodge, passing by the field where the object was originally sighted.

Nothing. Darkness. Coming out of the forest I glanced back and saw that white light above the trees, moving quickly to the right and holding it's position there, rising as we moved further away.

The weekend after that my "No, dude, what the hell IS that" friend held a party, so another friend who was with us and I went down that road at dusk to see if anything truly WAS there. Nothing. Just the house.

The only "tower" in the area was a cellular monopole much further away. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. Rastor diagrams do not survive transfer from our e-mail program, to the database program, to posting to our website.


03/12/03 5:30 AM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 20 minutes


Easton, MD

Full Report Text:

We were woken by a low humming noise and an object with a bright light descending from the sky. It landed across the water from our house and after a short time, it disappeared in a giant flash of light. My family and I were woken up at about 12:30 by a low humming noise.

I was the first one to the window and saw an object- probably about 100-150 feet long- with a bright light encompassing it descending from the sky, approximately 3/4 mile away. It landed across the water from our house behind a line of trees, where it sat for about 2 minutes, during which time all we could see was a glow extending above the tree line. After 2-3 minutes there was a bright flash and then nothing.

We checked the general area of the landing- very rural- the next day, but found no signs of anything. We brought our dog with us- a hunting dog who had been bird hunting in this area with us many times. Although we didn't notice that the area had been physically disturbed, our dog acted very odd- very nervous, like he does in the middle of a thunder storm.

But when we got him back in the boat and away from the area he calmed down and returned to normal.

08/22/99 12:30 AM

UFO Shape: rectangle

Lasted: 2-3 minutes


Easton, Maryland UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Other 2 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Teardrop 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
Triangle 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
Sphere 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
Light 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
Disk 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
Changing 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
Rectangle 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
Unknown 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports

Easton, Maryland UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
August 3 reported sightings 30.00% of all reports
March 2 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
September 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
October 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
June 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
January 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
May 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports

Easton, Maryland UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Saturday 3 reported sightings 30.00% of all reports
Friday 2 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Wednesday 2 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Sunday 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
Monday 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
Thursday 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports

Easton, Maryland UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
06/04/10 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
03/30/11 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
08/01/09 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
01/18/14 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
08/29/16 1 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports

Easton, Maryland UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 5 reported sightings 50.00% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 3 reported sightings 30.00% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 2 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Easton, Maryland

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Easton, Maryland.

All Maryland Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Maryland

City Number of Reports View Reports
Baltimore 176 UFO Reports Baltimore, Maryland UFO Sightings
Ocean City 52 UFO Reports Ocean City, Maryland UFO Sightings
Annapolis 51 UFO Reports Annapolis, Maryland UFO Sightings
Hagerstown 47 UFO Reports Hagerstown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Rockville 42 UFO Reports Rockville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Frederick 40 UFO Reports Frederick, Maryland UFO Sightings
Silver Spring 37 UFO Reports Silver Spring, Maryland UFO Sightings
Gaithersburg 36 UFO Reports Gaithersburg, Maryland UFO Sightings
Bel Air 33 UFO Reports Bel Air, Maryland UFO Sightings
Columbia 32 UFO Reports Columbia, Maryland UFO Sightings
Pasadena 29 UFO Reports Pasadena, Maryland UFO Sightings
Laurel 25 UFO Reports Laurel, Maryland UFO Sightings
Waldorf 25 UFO Reports Waldorf, Maryland UFO Sightings
Towson 23 UFO Reports Towson, Maryland UFO Sightings
Elkton 23 UFO Reports Elkton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Hanover 22 UFO Reports Hanover, Maryland UFO Sightings
Westminster 21 UFO Reports Westminster, Maryland UFO Sightings
Ellicott City 20 UFO Reports Ellicott City, Maryland UFO Sightings
Owings Mills 19 UFO Reports Owings Mills, Maryland UFO Sightings
Sykesville 19 UFO Reports Sykesville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Bowie 19 UFO Reports Bowie, Maryland UFO Sightings
Salisbury 19 UFO Reports Salisbury, Maryland UFO Sightings
Germantown 18 UFO Reports Germantown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Glen Burnie 18 UFO Reports Glen Burnie, Maryland UFO Sightings
Dundalk 17 UFO Reports Dundalk, Maryland UFO Sightings
Cumberland 16 UFO Reports Cumberland, Maryland UFO Sightings
College Park 16 UFO Reports College Park, Maryland UFO Sightings
Nottingham 13 UFO Reports Nottingham, Maryland UFO Sightings
Frostburg 12 UFO Reports Frostburg, Maryland UFO Sightings
Severn 12 UFO Reports Severn, Maryland UFO Sightings
Aberdeen 12 UFO Reports Aberdeen, Maryland UFO Sightings
Bethesda 12 UFO Reports Bethesda, Maryland UFO Sightings
Hancock 11 UFO Reports Hancock, Maryland UFO Sightings
Parkville 11 UFO Reports Parkville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Catonsville 10 UFO Reports Catonsville, Maryland UFO Sightings
North east 10 UFO Reports North east, Maryland UFO Sightings
Easton 10 UFO Reports Easton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Crofton 10 UFO Reports Crofton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Damascus 10 UFO Reports Damascus, Maryland UFO Sightings
Greenbelt 10 UFO Reports Greenbelt, Maryland UFO Sightings
Stevensville 10 UFO Reports Stevensville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Kensington 9 UFO Reports Kensington, Maryland UFO Sightings
Upper Marlboro 9 UFO Reports Upper Marlboro, Maryland UFO Sightings
Williamsport 9 UFO Reports Williamsport, Maryland UFO Sightings
Berlin 9 UFO Reports Berlin, Maryland UFO Sightings
Wheaton 9 UFO Reports Wheaton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Hyattsville 9 UFO Reports Hyattsville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Centreville 8 UFO Reports Centreville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Lusby 8 UFO Reports Lusby, Maryland UFO Sightings
Severna Park 8 UFO Reports Severna Park, Maryland UFO Sightings
Boonsboro 8 UFO Reports Boonsboro, Maryland UFO Sightings
Edgewood 8 UFO Reports Edgewood, Maryland UFO Sightings
Baltimore City 8 UFO Reports Baltimore City, Maryland UFO Sightings
Clarksburg 8 UFO Reports Clarksburg, Maryland UFO Sightings
Abingdon 7 UFO Reports Abingdon, Maryland UFO Sightings
Smithsburg 7 UFO Reports Smithsburg, Maryland UFO Sightings
Mount Airy 7 UFO Reports Mount Airy, Maryland UFO Sightings
Taneytown 7 UFO Reports Taneytown, Maryland UFO Sightings
La Plata 7 UFO Reports La Plata, Maryland UFO Sightings
Joppa 7 UFO Reports Joppa, Maryland UFO Sightings
Linthicum 7 UFO Reports Linthicum, Maryland UFO Sightings
Havre de Grace 7 UFO Reports Havre de Grace, Maryland UFO Sightings
Arnold 7 UFO Reports Arnold, Maryland UFO Sightings
Potomac 7 UFO Reports Potomac, Maryland UFO Sightings
Pikesville 6 UFO Reports Pikesville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Cockeysville 6 UFO Reports Cockeysville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Reisterstown 6 UFO Reports Reisterstown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Middle River 6 UFO Reports Middle River, Maryland UFO Sightings
District Heights 6 UFO Reports District Heights, Maryland UFO Sightings
Fort Meade 6 UFO Reports Fort Meade, Maryland UFO Sightings
Landover 6 UFO Reports Landover, Maryland UFO Sightings
Elkridge 6 UFO Reports Elkridge, Maryland UFO Sightings
Rising Sun 6 UFO Reports Rising Sun, Maryland UFO Sightings
Dunkirk 6 UFO Reports Dunkirk, Maryland UFO Sightings
Preston 6 UFO Reports Preston, Maryland UFO Sightings
Essex 5 UFO Reports Essex, Maryland UFO Sightings
Fallston 5 UFO Reports Fallston, Maryland UFO Sightings
Forest Hill 5 UFO Reports Forest Hill, Maryland UFO Sightings
Takoma Park 5 UFO Reports Takoma Park, Maryland UFO Sightings
Urbana 5 UFO Reports Urbana, Maryland UFO Sightings
Oxon Hill 5 UFO Reports Oxon Hill, Maryland UFO Sightings
Beltsville 5 UFO Reports Beltsville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Gambrills 5 UFO Reports Gambrills, Maryland UFO Sightings
Fort Washington 5 UFO Reports Fort Washington, Maryland UFO Sightings
Arbutus 5 UFO Reports Arbutus, Maryland UFO Sightings
Odenton 5 UFO Reports Odenton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Joppatowne 5 UFO Reports Joppatowne, Maryland UFO Sightings
New Carrollton 5 UFO Reports New Carrollton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Brunswick 5 UFO Reports Brunswick, Maryland UFO Sightings
Towsan 4 UFO Reports Towsan, Maryland UFO Sightings
Burtonsville 4 UFO Reports Burtonsville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Chestertown 4 UFO Reports Chestertown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Princess Anne 4 UFO Reports Princess Anne, Maryland UFO Sightings
Delmar 4 UFO Reports Delmar, Maryland UFO Sightings
Perryville 4 UFO Reports Perryville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Halethorpe 4 UFO Reports Halethorpe, Maryland UFO Sightings
California 4 UFO Reports California, Maryland UFO Sightings
Edgewater 4 UFO Reports Edgewater, Maryland UFO Sightings
Belcamp 4 UFO Reports Belcamp, Maryland UFO Sightings
Rosedale 4 UFO Reports Rosedale, Maryland UFO Sightings
Hampstead 4 UFO Reports Hampstead, Maryland UFO Sightings
Eldersburg 4 UFO Reports Eldersburg, Maryland UFO Sightings
Jefferson 4 UFO Reports Jefferson, Maryland UFO Sightings
Lexington Park 4 UFO Reports Lexington Park, Maryland UFO Sightings
Brandywine 4 UFO Reports Brandywine, Maryland UFO Sightings
Parkton 4 UFO Reports Parkton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Huntingtown 4 UFO Reports Huntingtown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Chesapeake Bay 4 UFO Reports Chesapeake Bay, Maryland UFO Sightings
Middletown 4 UFO Reports Middletown, Maryland UFO Sightings
New Market 3 UFO Reports New Market, Maryland UFO Sightings
Riverdale 3 UFO Reports Riverdale, Maryland UFO Sightings
Conowingo 3 UFO Reports Conowingo, Maryland UFO Sightings
Maryland 3 UFO Reports Maryland, Maryland UFO Sightings
Monrovia 3 UFO Reports Monrovia, Maryland UFO Sightings
Friendship 3 UFO Reports Friendship, Maryland UFO Sightings
White Plains 3 UFO Reports White Plains, Maryland UFO Sightings
Lothian 3 UFO Reports Lothian, Maryland UFO Sightings
Perry Hall 3 UFO Reports Perry Hall, Maryland UFO Sightings
Accokeek 3 UFO Reports Accokeek, Maryland UFO Sightings
Highland 3 UFO Reports Highland, Maryland UFO Sightings
Clinton 3 UFO Reports Clinton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Federalsburg 3 UFO Reports Federalsburg, Maryland UFO Sightings
Crisfield 3 UFO Reports Crisfield, Maryland UFO Sightings
Cambridge 3 UFO Reports Cambridge, Maryland UFO Sightings
Leonardtown 3 UFO Reports Leonardtown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Cobb Island 3 UFO Reports Cobb Island, Maryland UFO Sightings
Jarrettsville 3 UFO Reports Jarrettsville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Mechanicsville 3 UFO Reports Mechanicsville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Andrews afb 3 UFO Reports Andrews afb, Maryland UFO Sightings
Knoxville 3 UFO Reports Knoxville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Shady Side 3 UFO Reports Shady Side, Maryland UFO Sightings
Oakland 3 UFO Reports Oakland, Maryland UFO Sightings
Grantsville 3 UFO Reports Grantsville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Bowleys Quarters 3 UFO Reports Bowleys Quarters, Maryland UFO Sightings
Hunt Valley 3 UFO Reports Hunt Valley, Maryland UFO Sightings
Temple Hills 3 UFO Reports Temple Hills, Maryland UFO Sightings
Mardela springs 3 UFO Reports Mardela springs, Maryland UFO Sightings
Sharpsburg 3 UFO Reports Sharpsburg, Maryland UFO Sightings
Brinklow 3 UFO Reports Brinklow, Maryland UFO Sightings
Poolesville 3 UFO Reports Poolesville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Thurmont 3 UFO Reports Thurmont, Maryland UFO Sightings
Lanham 3 UFO Reports Lanham, Maryland UFO Sightings
White Hall 3 UFO Reports White Hall, Maryland UFO Sightings
Timonium 3 UFO Reports Timonium, Maryland UFO Sightings
Laplata 3 UFO Reports Laplata, Maryland UFO Sightings
Olney 3 UFO Reports Olney, Maryland UFO Sightings
White Marsh 3 UFO Reports White Marsh, Maryland UFO Sightings
Chesapeake Beach 3 UFO Reports Chesapeake Beach, Maryland UFO Sightings
Monkton 3 UFO Reports Monkton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Largo 3 UFO Reports Largo, Maryland UFO Sightings
Street 2 UFO Reports Street, Maryland UFO Sightings
Kennedyville 2 UFO Reports Kennedyville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Gwynn Oak 2 UFO Reports Gwynn Oak, Maryland UFO Sightings
Prince Frederick 2 UFO Reports Prince Frederick, Maryland UFO Sightings
West Ocean City 2 UFO Reports West Ocean City, Maryland UFO Sightings
Clements 2 UFO Reports Clements, Maryland UFO Sightings
Owings 2 UFO Reports Owings, Maryland UFO Sightings
Ijamsville 2 UFO Reports Ijamsville, Maryland UFO Sightings
New Windsor 2 UFO Reports New Windsor, Maryland UFO Sightings
Riverdale Park 2 UFO Reports Riverdale Park, Maryland UFO Sightings
Bishopville 2 UFO Reports Bishopville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Butler 2 UFO Reports Butler, Maryland UFO Sightings
West River 2 UFO Reports West River, Maryland UFO Sightings
LaVale 2 UFO Reports LaVale, Maryland UFO Sightings
Suitland 2 UFO Reports Suitland, Maryland UFO Sightings
North Beach 2 UFO Reports North Beach, Maryland UFO Sightings
Glenelg 2 UFO Reports Glenelg, Maryland UFO Sightings
Belair 2 UFO Reports Belair, Maryland UFO Sightings
Kent Island 2 UFO Reports Kent Island, Maryland UFO Sightings
Oxen Hill 2 UFO Reports Oxen Hill, Maryland UFO Sightings
Denton 2 UFO Reports Denton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Kingsville 2 UFO Reports Kingsville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Chevy Chase 2 UFO Reports Chevy Chase, Maryland UFO Sightings
Hollywood 2 UFO Reports Hollywood, Maryland UFO Sightings
Derwood 2 UFO Reports Derwood, Maryland UFO Sightings
Randallstown 2 UFO Reports Randallstown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Dickerson 2 UFO Reports Dickerson, Maryland UFO Sightings
Pocomoke City 2 UFO Reports Pocomoke City, Maryland UFO Sightings
Charlotte Hall 2 UFO Reports Charlotte Hall, Maryland UFO Sightings
Wolfsville 2 UFO Reports Wolfsville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Grasonville 2 UFO Reports Grasonville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Churchton 2 UFO Reports Churchton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Ridge 2 UFO Reports Ridge, Maryland UFO Sightings
Great Mills 2 UFO Reports Great Mills, Maryland UFO Sightings
Sharptown 2 UFO Reports Sharptown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Harford County 2 UFO Reports Harford County, Maryland UFO Sightings
Washington 2 UFO Reports Washington, Maryland UFO Sightings
Capitol heights 2 UFO Reports Capitol heights, Maryland UFO Sightings
Myersville 2 UFO Reports Myersville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Ridgely 2 UFO Reports Ridgely, Maryland UFO Sightings
Baltimore County 2 UFO Reports Baltimore County, Maryland UFO Sightings
Joppatown 2 UFO Reports Joppatown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Worton 2 UFO Reports Worton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Marley Park 2 UFO Reports Marley Park, Maryland UFO Sightings
Carney 2 UFO Reports Carney, Maryland UFO Sightings
Sandy Spring 2 UFO Reports Sandy Spring, Maryland UFO Sightings
Davidsonville 2 UFO Reports Davidsonville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Brooklyn Park 2 UFO Reports Brooklyn Park, Maryland UFO Sightings
Clarksville 2 UFO Reports Clarksville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Riva 2 UFO Reports Riva, Maryland UFO Sightings
Keedysville 2 UFO Reports Keedysville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Greensboro 2 UFO Reports Greensboro, Maryland UFO Sightings
North Bethesda 2 UFO Reports North Bethesda, Maryland UFO Sightings
Freeland 2 UFO Reports Freeland, Maryland UFO Sightings
Assateague Island 2 UFO Reports Assateague Island, Maryland UFO Sightings
Clear Spring 2 UFO Reports Clear Spring, Maryland UFO Sightings
Overlea 1 UFO Reports Overlea, Maryland UFO Sightings
I dont know 1 UFO Reports I dont know, Maryland UFO Sightings
White Oak 1 UFO Reports White Oak, Maryland UFO Sightings
Glen Dale 1 UFO Reports Glen Dale, Maryland UFO Sightings
Barnesville 1 UFO Reports Barnesville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Long Green 1 UFO Reports Long Green, Maryland UFO Sightings
Patuxent River 1 UFO Reports Patuxent River, Maryland UFO Sightings
Flintstone 1 UFO Reports Flintstone, Maryland UFO Sightings
Chesapeake City 1 UFO Reports Chesapeake City, Maryland UFO Sightings
Scotland 1 UFO Reports Scotland, Maryland UFO Sightings
Bishops Head 1 UFO Reports Bishops Head, Maryland UFO Sightings
Deal Island 1 UFO Reports Deal Island, Maryland UFO Sightings
Hereford 1 UFO Reports Hereford, Maryland UFO Sightings
Assateauge State Park 1 UFO Reports Assateauge State Park, Maryland UFO Sightings
Sugarloaf Mtn 1 UFO Reports Sugarloaf Mtn, Maryland UFO Sightings
Cecil Co 1 UFO Reports Cecil Co, Maryland UFO Sightings
Glen Echo 1 UFO Reports Glen Echo, Maryland UFO Sightings
Cooksville 1 UFO Reports Cooksville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Forest Glen-Silver Spring 1 UFO Reports Forest Glen-Silver Spring, Maryland UFO Sightings
Severa Park 1 UFO Reports Severa Park, Maryland UFO Sightings
Massey 1 UFO Reports Massey, Maryland UFO Sightings
Deale 1 UFO Reports Deale, Maryland UFO Sightings
North Potomac 1 UFO Reports North Potomac, Maryland UFO Sightings
Skidmore 1 UFO Reports Skidmore, Maryland UFO Sightings
Montgomery village 1 UFO Reports Montgomery village, Maryland UFO Sightings
Eastport 1 UFO Reports Eastport, Maryland UFO Sightings
Avilton 1 UFO Reports Avilton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Jacksonville 1 UFO Reports Jacksonville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Rockvile 1 UFO Reports Rockvile, Maryland UFO Sightings
Whiteford 1 UFO Reports Whiteford, Maryland UFO Sightings
Maugansville 1 UFO Reports Maugansville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Tuscarora 1 UFO Reports Tuscarora, Maryland UFO Sightings
Albemarle County 1 UFO Reports Albemarle County, Maryland UFO Sightings
Cheverly 1 UFO Reports Cheverly, Maryland UFO Sightings
Bladensburg 1 UFO Reports Bladensburg, Maryland UFO Sightings
Northeast 1 UFO Reports Northeast, Maryland UFO Sightings
Hillandale 1 UFO Reports Hillandale, Maryland UFO Sightings
Morganza 1 UFO Reports Morganza, Maryland UFO Sightings
Pylesville 1 UFO Reports Pylesville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Westminister 1 UFO Reports Westminister, Maryland UFO Sightings
Fruitland 1 UFO Reports Fruitland, Maryland UFO Sightings
Bainbridge 1 UFO Reports Bainbridge, Maryland UFO Sightings
Laytonsville 1 UFO Reports Laytonsville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Cloverly 1 UFO Reports Cloverly, Maryland UFO Sightings
Jamesville 1 UFO Reports Jamesville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Cermantown 1 UFO Reports Cermantown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Whitemarsh 1 UFO Reports Whitemarsh, Maryland UFO Sightings
Glenndale 1 UFO Reports Glenndale, Maryland UFO Sightings
Lutherville-Timonium 1 UFO Reports Lutherville-Timonium, Maryland UFO Sightings
Mcenry 1 UFO Reports Mcenry, Maryland UFO Sightings
Philadelphia 1 UFO Reports Philadelphia, Maryland UFO Sightings
Forestville 1 UFO Reports Forestville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Allen 1 UFO Reports Allen, Maryland UFO Sightings
Halfway 1 UFO Reports Halfway, Maryland UFO Sightings
Snow Hill 1 UFO Reports Snow Hill, Maryland UFO Sightings
Queenstown 1 UFO Reports Queenstown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Gaithersberg 1 UFO Reports Gaithersberg, Maryland UFO Sightings
Baldwin 1 UFO Reports Baldwin, Maryland UFO Sightings
Oxford 1 UFO Reports Oxford, Maryland UFO Sightings
Chance 1 UFO Reports Chance, Maryland UFO Sightings
Golts 1 UFO Reports Golts, Maryland UFO Sightings
Belstville 1 UFO Reports Belstville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Manchester 1 UFO Reports Manchester, Maryland UFO Sightings
Crumpton 1 UFO Reports Crumpton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Forrestville 1 UFO Reports Forrestville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Child 1 UFO Reports Child, Maryland UFO Sightings
Solomans Island 1 UFO Reports Solomans Island, Maryland UFO Sightings
Hughesville 1 UFO Reports Hughesville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Camp Springs 1 UFO Reports Camp Springs, Maryland UFO Sightings
Mount Rainer 1 UFO Reports Mount Rainer, Maryland UFO Sightings
Westminster West 1 UFO Reports Westminster West, Maryland UFO Sightings
Lewistown 1 UFO Reports Lewistown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Chaptico 1 UFO Reports Chaptico, Maryland UFO Sightings
Saint Leonard 1 UFO Reports Saint Leonard, Maryland UFO Sightings
Wittman 1 UFO Reports Wittman, Maryland UFO Sightings
Mardela 1 UFO Reports Mardela, Maryland UFO Sightings
Mechaniscville 1 UFO Reports Mechaniscville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Fort Detrick 1 UFO Reports Fort Detrick, Maryland UFO Sightings
Childs 1 UFO Reports Childs, Maryland UFO Sightings
Shadyside 1 UFO Reports Shadyside, Maryland UFO Sightings
Solomons 1 UFO Reports Solomons, Maryland UFO Sightings
Cape Coral 1 UFO Reports Cape Coral, Maryland UFO Sightings
Mount Rainier 1 UFO Reports Mount Rainier, Maryland UFO Sightings
Elk Mills 1 UFO Reports Elk Mills, Maryland UFO Sightings
Westover 1 UFO Reports Westover, Maryland UFO Sightings
Galena 1 UFO Reports Galena, Maryland UFO Sightings
Baltimore BWI Airport 1 UFO Reports Baltimore BWI Airport, Maryland UFO Sightings
Palmer Park 1 UFO Reports Palmer Park, Maryland UFO Sightings
Joint Base Andrews 1 UFO Reports Joint Base Andrews, Maryland UFO Sightings
Saint Marys City 1 UFO Reports Saint Marys City, Maryland UFO Sightings
Berkley Springs 1 UFO Reports Berkley Springs, Maryland UFO Sightings
Curtis Bau 1 UFO Reports Curtis Bau, Maryland UFO Sightings
Point of Rocks 1 UFO Reports Point of Rocks, Maryland UFO Sightings
Walkersville 1 UFO Reports Walkersville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Aquasco 1 UFO Reports Aquasco, Maryland UFO Sightings
Ocean Springs 1 UFO Reports Ocean Springs, Maryland UFO Sightings
Solomons Island 1 UFO Reports Solomons Island, Maryland UFO Sightings
Huntington 1 UFO Reports Huntington, Maryland UFO Sightings
Cape St Claire 1 UFO Reports Cape St Claire, Maryland UFO Sightings
Mount Savage 1 UFO Reports Mount Savage, Maryland UFO Sightings
Elk Neck 1 UFO Reports Elk Neck, Maryland UFO Sightings
Whaleyville 1 UFO Reports Whaleyville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Liberty Town 1 UFO Reports Liberty Town, Maryland UFO Sightings
Colmar Manor 1 UFO Reports Colmar Manor, Maryland UFO Sightings
Templeville 1 UFO Reports Templeville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Chesapeak Bay 1 UFO Reports Chesapeak Bay, Maryland UFO Sightings
Saint Michaels 1 UFO Reports Saint Michaels, Maryland UFO Sightings
Woodlawn 1 UFO Reports Woodlawn, Maryland UFO Sightings
Marlboro 1 UFO Reports Marlboro, Maryland UFO Sightings
Middleriver 1 UFO Reports Middleriver, Maryland UFO Sightings
Dover 1 UFO Reports Dover, Maryland UFO Sightings
Landover Hills 1 UFO Reports Landover Hills, Maryland UFO Sightings
Churchville 1 UFO Reports Churchville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Sparrows Point 1 UFO Reports Sparrows Point, Maryland UFO Sightings
Gamrbrills 1 UFO Reports Gamrbrills, Maryland UFO Sightings
Coltons Point 1 UFO Reports Coltons Point, Maryland UFO Sightings
Bethany Beach 1 UFO Reports Bethany Beach, Maryland UFO Sightings
Darlington 1 UFO Reports Darlington, Maryland UFO Sightings
Sherwood 1 UFO Reports Sherwood, Maryland UFO Sightings
Brooklyn 1 UFO Reports Brooklyn, Maryland UFO Sightings
Port Republic 1 UFO Reports Port Republic, Maryland UFO Sightings
Washington, DC 1 UFO Reports Washington, DC, Maryland UFO Sightings
Oldtown 1 UFO Reports Oldtown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Near Hagerstown 1 UFO Reports Near Hagerstown, Maryland UFO Sightings
Baltimore Highlands 1 UFO Reports Baltimore Highlands, Maryland UFO Sightings
Linthicum Heights 1 UFO Reports Linthicum Heights, Maryland UFO Sightings
Parole 1 UFO Reports Parole, Maryland UFO Sightings
Ferndale 1 UFO Reports Ferndale, Maryland UFO Sightings
Chesapeake Bay Bridge 1 UFO Reports Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Maryland UFO Sightings
Greenbelt area 1 UFO Reports Greenbelt area, Maryland UFO Sightings
Marlow Heights 1 UFO Reports Marlow Heights, Maryland UFO Sightings
Silver Hill 1 UFO Reports Silver Hill, Maryland UFO Sightings
Hebron 1 UFO Reports Hebron, Maryland UFO Sightings
Millers 1 UFO Reports Millers, Maryland UFO Sightings
West Friendship 1 UFO Reports West Friendship, Maryland UFO Sightings
Fredrick 1 UFO Reports Fredrick, Maryland UFO Sightings
Ash Grove 1 UFO Reports Ash Grove, Maryland UFO Sightings
Stoney Beach 1 UFO Reports Stoney Beach, Maryland UFO Sightings
Hydes 1 UFO Reports Hydes, Maryland UFO Sightings
Catonsvill 1 UFO Reports Catonsvill, Maryland UFO Sightings
Baltiomre 1 UFO Reports Baltiomre, Maryland UFO Sightings
Lisbon 1 UFO Reports Lisbon, Maryland UFO Sightings
Columbia - Fort Meade Area 1 UFO Reports Columbia - Fort Meade Area, Maryland UFO Sightings
Tomonium 1 UFO Reports Tomonium, Maryland UFO Sightings
Finksburg 1 UFO Reports Finksburg, Maryland UFO Sightings
Aberdeen Proving Grounds 1 UFO Reports Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland UFO Sightings
Savage 1 UFO Reports Savage, Maryland UFO Sightings
Betterton 1 UFO Reports Betterton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Marriottsville 1 UFO Reports Marriottsville, Maryland UFO Sightings
Dayton 1 UFO Reports Dayton, Maryland UFO Sightings
Silver Run 1 UFO Reports Silver Run, Maryland UFO Sightings
Herald Harbor 1 UFO Reports Herald Harbor, Maryland UFO Sightings
Earleville 1 UFO Reports Earleville, Maryland UFO Sightings
West Friendship area 1 UFO Reports West Friendship area, Maryland UFO Sightings