Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Rutland, Vermont

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Rutland, Vermont.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Rutland, Vermont?

  • There have been 25 officially reported UFO sightings in Rutland from 1985 to 2022.
  • Rutland ranks #2 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Vermont.

Other Vermont Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Burlington, VT 29 UFO Reports
2 Rutland, VT 25 UFO Reports
3 Colchester, VT 21 UFO Reports
4 Milton, VT 17 UFO Reports
5 Williston, VT 16 UFO Reports

Rutland, Vermont UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 25 UFO sighting reports in Rutland, Vermont to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Rutland, Vermont

These Rutland, Vermont UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

I was walking my 2 dogs & saw 3 round orange bright lights hovering close together. They hovered for 3 minutes before 2 disappeared 4 round orange lights hovering in the sky.

07/10/22 9:34 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 10 minutes


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

Round dark silhouette with bright orange light moving different directions I was driving up West Street, in Rutland, VT, around 9:45pm, and a bright orange light shot across the sky, right in front of me. It wasn't very high up, lower then where a plane would be but MUCH higher then where a kite would fly. Instantly, I pulled over because I could see the bright orange-ish light (a round silouette shape) hovering right in the sky.

I pulled over and was just so blown away by what I was seeing. The UFO quickly would shoot up, hover slowly, then go down, hover slowly, then shoot diagonally. The light would hover down at first, making a kind of blur because it moved so fast.

Then slowly hover back up. I realized I need to video this! So I pulled my phone out and took a video of it. The round orange flying object would slowly hover up, then over.

at this point it was moving alot slower. This had gone on for about 5 minutes since I had pulled over. And then all of a sudden, it just took off and flew away.

06/20/21 9:52 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 5 minutes


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

String of Lights In The Sky May 17 2021 It was around 12:05AM when I saw a string of small,moving lights in the sky. It seemed as if they were following each other at a slow,steady speed,with no sound. They moved straight at first,and then began to rather act like a snake or centipede.

The lights stayed together about 3 minutes and faded out of my view. We could not get a good photo of the object on the cell phone. This has happened once before around the same time of year.

The last time I saw them was in July, there were around five bright lights, and more defined. I would like to know what these are, they seem strange to me.

05/17/21 12:00 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 3 Min


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

Pulled out of parking lot onto street & and saw 3 green lights in the sky ahead of me while driving. It caught my eye because it was unusual in sight but also because of location in the sky. Definitely wasn’t an airplane or helicopter & it was moving slow or hovering.

I finally pulled over to try & take a picture or video but it’s pace picked up & it was gone.

11/05/20 7:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 minutes


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

Glowing oreo cookie shaped disc like object witnessed moving quickly and silently across the night sky. At approx. 9:45 PM on 09/30/2020 I witnessed a bright illuminated object with a greenish tint move rapidly and silently from the South to the North in a straight line across a portion of the night sky over Rutland, Vermont.

The object appeared to have a distinct shape and hard edges, appeared to be like two glowing hockey puck shaped discs stacked one on top of the other and moving in tandem. I could not determine if the upper and lower structures of the object were connected but it moved as one solid object. The object did not have the running lights of an aircraft and moved much quicker than I am accustomed to seeing conventional aircraft move across the sky at low or high altitudes.

It did not leave any kind of glowing or fiery trail in it’s wake. It did not appear to be falling from the sky. It moved horizontally and in complete silence.

I cannot judge distance or altitude and only had the object in my field of view for a few seconds. Comparatively speaking, from my vantage point, the object appeared to be about 25% the size of the full moon and much bigger than any of the visible planets or stars that night.

09/30/20 9:45 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 3-4 seconds


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

Red and green lights hovering and disappearing My youngest and I were reading in my bedroom, and she said “look, green lights!” We all looked out and saw green lights moving so softly at first, hover then turn red. Disappear for a moment, then zoom a little, hover, changed colors four times. Seemed to be in a small area for 2 minutes.

There was no sound, but it looked fairly close. When it disappeared, it was so fast that I knew it was not a helicopter, It was amazing. My son was ecstatic to have seen something like this.

I’m 35, active in my community, weary of UFO sightings, but certainly not a skeptic.

05/16/18 8:35 PM

UFO Shape: cigar

Lasted: 2 minutes


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

1 Maroon-white light, going in a straight line, for a short time, then disappeared and reappeared in a standstill position, then disappeared. Night sky was clear, low wind, cool temperatures, low moisture, great visibility. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate.

PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides little contact information. PD)).

04/23/18 9:10 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 25 seconds


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

cylinder, lights were square with some round lights. colors of lights transitioned not in a pattern. On Sunday November 19th, 2017, my kids and I were heading home back to NY on route 4 when we noticed a large object hovering just south of us on RTE 4 heading west.

We just drove though the city of Rutland and we were in the South Western part of the city. It was cylinder shape. Almost like a yo yo.

It had two stacks of lights. Some were square and some were spherical. The lights changed colors mostly, almost like a color wheel.

There was some overcast so the colors would dissipate in the clouds. My daughter had made and I had seen an object like that when I was 10 or 11. Now I am 50.

11/19/17 8:00 PM

UFO Shape: cylinder

Lasted: 3 minutes


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

Lights north of Rutland, VT. Second sighting. Can not remember first sighting but about 1 month ago.

Bright lights of white, green and red. Cylinder shape up and down. Assumed possible satellite ??? First sighting it hung in air.

Tonight it moved to the right abd back extremely quickly. Light blinking but not in pattern. North Rutland area near Mendon, Pico.

10/18/17 10:35 PM

UFO Shape: cylinder

Lasted: Several minutes


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

Bright flash of circler light over Green Mt Camping on Griffith lake in Green Mountains near Ruthland, Vt. Witnessed a bright large intense flash of light in SouthEast sky. Shaped as a circle at approximately 23:00.

Light started out small but bright and became larger and brighter in only a moment, stayed this way for just a few seconds and then disappear.

08/23/16 11:00 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 6 seconds


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

Bright orb witnessed moving back and forth then vanishing, by 3 people in Vermont 1/10/15 16:40 1/10/15 at 16:40 facing due west, myself and 2 others witnessed a highly luminous orb moving back and forth quickly in the clear almost dusk sky. My friends saw it first, then texted me in my vehicle. Text was "orb to the left.

" Easy to visually acquire because it was the only thing in the sky. Very bright, almost pure white light. It was 45degrees in sky from our POV.

Witnessed for 25-30 seconds, then completely vanished. Hard to tell altitude and distance because object size unknown. Pretty obvious what it was.

01/10/15 4:40 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 30 seconds


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

Circular points of multi-colored flashing lights. Four of us viewed a circular display of multi-colored flashing lights in what appeared a close orbit above the earth's atmosphere. The shape of the points of light evolved and rose in the night sky.

Between 22:30 and 1:30 a.m., we studied them in a small Celestron telescope.

They remained together but the shape shifted slightly as time elapsed. Curious if others have seen this phenomena?.

01/09/15 11:30 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 2.5 hours


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

7 firery ufos. 7 lights in formation over tthe city they would get bright then slowly fade out these objects were moving east from the west. Moving slowly then gardualy faster in speed.

They were all looked like they were on fire like a campfire. These weren't meteors nor were they. These were ufos.

01/01/15 12:30 AM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 10 minutes


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

if others besides the four of us saw this craft come forward u were not imagining it it was real!!!!!!!!! if u took pic plz submit them Changed from red to orange going from south to northwest over the city was about 80 to 100 feet off ground then the four of us witnessed what looked like military jets circling the object then the object disappeared. People were stopping and asking us if they was really seeing what we was seeing we told them yes we are seeing the same thing.

09/09/14 12:00 AM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 5 minutes


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

Lights over Rutland, VT, 8/25/2014. I was out side star gazing looking up and a saw a light moving not a plane all the sudden the light got very white bright. I called my daughter and looked back up and the white bright light had receded to the norm and was gone than i saw a plane coming fast and closing on another light that was heading west turning south.

In middle of turn bright lights streached back twards both wings and looked like a triangle but we could still see the plane tail lights. All the sudden, i noticed a plane coming north right towards it than the lights disappeared and the plane tailing it kept going south and the other passed it to the left of the plane still heading north.

08/25/14 9:50 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 3 minutes


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

the object changed from orange to white light then back to orange. Saw two orange circles or orbs moving south they one was under the other as they were flying They would change from orange to white.

12/07/13 6:30 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 3 minutes


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

Light/Fireball heading towards earth, 9 PM, Rutland Vermont, Whitish-Green streak of light behind and no explosion. Around 9:30 PM I happened to glance quickly out a large widow that faces southwest, when I suddenly saw a fireball/light streak across the sky. It looked to be relatively high up, to be honest I thought it was a plane crashing when I first saw it because there's an airport nearby.

There was no noticeable noise being emitted. It was bright white and left a long whitish-green streak of light or vapor behind it which dissipated about 10 minutes later. I didn't see or hear any explosion, I also could not tell where it landed because of how dark it was outside.

It was definitely not a meteor either, I've seen many meteor showers and this did not look like one at all.

03/05/12 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 10 seconds


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

extremly low in the sky streaking horizontally leaving a long trail behind itself and eventually exploding. Very clear night sky on the cold side with vibrant star viewing I noticed a bright light streaking across the sky. It was extremely white and crisp in its color, almost star like.

It zoomed horizontally about 25 feet above me and about a half a mile in length. I pulled over and open the window to see it more clearly and it exploded and seemed to evaporate into the air. What struck me funny was the extreme intensity of light and the long trail it left as it streaked across the sky only 25 feet above me.

I have never seen such a sight.

11/02/10 7:18 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 3 minutes


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

WOW while i was out on my back porch i noticed a fire ball type ufo it jus stayed in one spot for about 10min or as soon as i noticed it i ran an got my exwife an our kids to witness the ufo after watching it for a lil while they went back inside . i stayed an continued to watch it jus sit there in the sky then . a few mins later an air plane comes near ther ufo an as the air plane got closer to the ufo it jus vanished it was so fast it was like turning off a light in ur house fast it was pretty amazing to my children that what they were seeing was a ufo cuz they do not believe in them but after this experiance they do now.

07/22/10 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 10min


Rutland, VT

Full Report Text:

Triangle with three lights sighted in Vermont The sky was cloudless and starry. I looked up from my driveway to see what I first thought was a night bird, but as my eyes followed it, I could see it was a horizontal triangle with three lights. Because the night sky was filled with stars, I could see the shape of the object as it blocked the stars’ light.

The triangle appeared to be about 200 feet up, moving easterly in an almost-straight line, wobbling slightly, not always quite level. It moved at the pace of a soaring bird, coasting through the air. It seemed to be about five feet wide.

Three round lights were evenly spaced in its corners, the same color as the stars, pale bluish-white, with indistinct edges. The triangle itself appeared to be grayish, though that may be only because it was against the dark sky. I noticed in particular that it made no sound.

04/12/10 9:40 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 3 seconds


Rutland, Vermont UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Circle 7 reported sightings 28.00% of all reports
Sphere 3 reported sightings 12.00% of all reports
Fireball 3 reported sightings 12.00% of all reports
Cylinder 2 reported sightings 8.00% of all reports
Light 2 reported sightings 8.00% of all reports
Triangle 2 reported sightings 8.00% of all reports
Disk 2 reported sightings 8.00% of all reports
Formation 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports
Cigar 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports
Rectangle 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports
Unknown 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports

Rutland, Vermont UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
September 3 reported sightings 12.00% of all reports
April 3 reported sightings 12.00% of all reports
January 3 reported sightings 12.00% of all reports
May 3 reported sightings 12.00% of all reports
November 3 reported sightings 12.00% of all reports
March 2 reported sightings 8.00% of all reports
August 2 reported sightings 8.00% of all reports
June 2 reported sightings 8.00% of all reports
July 2 reported sightings 8.00% of all reports
December 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports
October 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports

Rutland, Vermont UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Monday 5 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Tuesday 4 reported sightings 16.00% of all reports
Thursday 4 reported sightings 16.00% of all reports
Saturday 4 reported sightings 16.00% of all reports
Wednesday 3 reported sightings 12.00% of all reports
Sunday 3 reported sightings 12.00% of all reports
Friday 2 reported sightings 8.00% of all reports

Rutland, Vermont UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
04/12/10 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports
05/16/18 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports
03/05/12 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports
04/23/18 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports
12/07/13 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports

Rutland, Vermont UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 14 reported sightings 56.00% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 5 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 4 reported sightings 16.00% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 1 reported sightings 4.00% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Rutland, Vermont

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Rutland, Vermont.

All Vermont Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Vermont

City Number of Reports View Reports
Burlington 29 UFO Reports Burlington, Vermont UFO Sightings
Rutland 25 UFO Reports Rutland, Vermont UFO Sightings
Colchester 21 UFO Reports Colchester, Vermont UFO Sightings
Milton 17 UFO Reports Milton, Vermont UFO Sightings
Williston 16 UFO Reports Williston, Vermont UFO Sightings
Barre 14 UFO Reports Barre, Vermont UFO Sightings
Montpelier 13 UFO Reports Montpelier, Vermont UFO Sightings
Bennington 12 UFO Reports Bennington, Vermont UFO Sightings
Thetford 10 UFO Reports Thetford, Vermont UFO Sightings
Arlington 9 UFO Reports Arlington, Vermont UFO Sightings
Essex Junction 9 UFO Reports Essex Junction, Vermont UFO Sightings
Brattleboro 8 UFO Reports Brattleboro, Vermont UFO Sightings
Saint Albans 8 UFO Reports Saint Albans, Vermont UFO Sightings
Jericho 8 UFO Reports Jericho, Vermont UFO Sightings
Springfield 7 UFO Reports Springfield, Vermont UFO Sightings
Stowe 7 UFO Reports Stowe, Vermont UFO Sightings
Fairlee 7 UFO Reports Fairlee, Vermont UFO Sightings
Manchester 7 UFO Reports Manchester, Vermont UFO Sightings
South Burlington 7 UFO Reports South Burlington, Vermont UFO Sightings
Waterbury 6 UFO Reports Waterbury, Vermont UFO Sightings
Braintree 5 UFO Reports Braintree, Vermont UFO Sightings
Island Pond 5 UFO Reports Island Pond, Vermont UFO Sightings
Norwich 5 UFO Reports Norwich, Vermont UFO Sightings
Winooski 5 UFO Reports Winooski, Vermont UFO Sightings
Woodstock 5 UFO Reports Woodstock, Vermont UFO Sightings
Saint Johnsbury 5 UFO Reports Saint Johnsbury, Vermont UFO Sightings
Northfield 4 UFO Reports Northfield, Vermont UFO Sightings
Windsor 4 UFO Reports Windsor, Vermont UFO Sightings
Newport 4 UFO Reports Newport, Vermont UFO Sightings
Townshend 4 UFO Reports Townshend, Vermont UFO Sightings
Sharon 4 UFO Reports Sharon, Vermont UFO Sightings
Walden 4 UFO Reports Walden, Vermont UFO Sightings
Lyndonville 4 UFO Reports Lyndonville, Vermont UFO Sightings
Castleton 4 UFO Reports Castleton, Vermont UFO Sightings
Benson 4 UFO Reports Benson, Vermont UFO Sightings
Putney 4 UFO Reports Putney, Vermont UFO Sightings
Ferrisburg 4 UFO Reports Ferrisburg, Vermont UFO Sightings
Ferrisburgh 4 UFO Reports Ferrisburgh, Vermont UFO Sightings
Newbury 3 UFO Reports Newbury, Vermont UFO Sightings
South Royalton 3 UFO Reports South Royalton, Vermont UFO Sightings
Richmond 3 UFO Reports Richmond, Vermont UFO Sightings
Hyde Park 3 UFO Reports Hyde Park, Vermont UFO Sightings
Shaftsbury 3 UFO Reports Shaftsbury, Vermont UFO Sightings
Northfield Falls 3 UFO Reports Northfield Falls, Vermont UFO Sightings
East Barre 3 UFO Reports East Barre, Vermont UFO Sightings
Brandon 3 UFO Reports Brandon, Vermont UFO Sightings
Concord 3 UFO Reports Concord, Vermont UFO Sightings
Moretown 3 UFO Reports Moretown, Vermont UFO Sightings
Fairfax 3 UFO Reports Fairfax, Vermont UFO Sightings
Orwell 3 UFO Reports Orwell, Vermont UFO Sightings
Morrisville 3 UFO Reports Morrisville, Vermont UFO Sightings
Williamstown 3 UFO Reports Williamstown, Vermont UFO Sightings
Vergennes 3 UFO Reports Vergennes, Vermont UFO Sightings
Washington 3 UFO Reports Washington, Vermont UFO Sightings
Derby 3 UFO Reports Derby, Vermont UFO Sightings
Hinesburg 3 UFO Reports Hinesburg, Vermont UFO Sightings
Grand Isle 3 UFO Reports Grand Isle, Vermont UFO Sightings
Johnson 3 UFO Reports Johnson, Vermont UFO Sightings
Lincoln 2 UFO Reports Lincoln, Vermont UFO Sightings
Barton 2 UFO Reports Barton, Vermont UFO Sightings
Duxbury 2 UFO Reports Duxbury, Vermont UFO Sightings
Middlebury 2 UFO Reports Middlebury, Vermont UFO Sightings
Granville 2 UFO Reports Granville, Vermont UFO Sightings
Huntington 2 UFO Reports Huntington, Vermont UFO Sightings
Saxtons River 2 UFO Reports Saxtons River, Vermont UFO Sightings
Eden Mills 2 UFO Reports Eden Mills, Vermont UFO Sightings
Wells 2 UFO Reports Wells, Vermont UFO Sightings
Londonderry 2 UFO Reports Londonderry, Vermont UFO Sightings
Westminster West 2 UFO Reports Westminster West, Vermont UFO Sightings
Enosburg Falls 2 UFO Reports Enosburg Falls, Vermont UFO Sightings
Plymouth 2 UFO Reports Plymouth, Vermont UFO Sightings
Calais 2 UFO Reports Calais, Vermont UFO Sightings
Alburgh 2 UFO Reports Alburgh, Vermont UFO Sightings
West Danville 2 UFO Reports West Danville, Vermont UFO Sightings
Hardwick 2 UFO Reports Hardwick, Vermont UFO Sightings
Shelburne 2 UFO Reports Shelburne, Vermont UFO Sightings
Starksboro 2 UFO Reports Starksboro, Vermont UFO Sightings
Belvidere 2 UFO Reports Belvidere, Vermont UFO Sightings
Weybridge 2 UFO Reports Weybridge, Vermont UFO Sightings
Isle la Motte 2 UFO Reports Isle la Motte, Vermont UFO Sightings
Corinth 2 UFO Reports Corinth, Vermont UFO Sightings
North Hero 2 UFO Reports North Hero, Vermont UFO Sightings
Sunderland 2 UFO Reports Sunderland, Vermont UFO Sightings
Bridgewater 2 UFO Reports Bridgewater, Vermont UFO Sightings
East Dover 2 UFO Reports East Dover, Vermont UFO Sightings
Warren 2 UFO Reports Warren, Vermont UFO Sightings
West Topsham 2 UFO Reports West Topsham, Vermont UFO Sightings
Danville 2 UFO Reports Danville, Vermont UFO Sightings
Benson Landing 2 UFO Reports Benson Landing, Vermont UFO Sightings
Bridgewater Corners 2 UFO Reports Bridgewater Corners, Vermont UFO Sightings
S Burlington 2 UFO Reports S Burlington, Vermont UFO Sightings
Worcester 2 UFO Reports Worcester, Vermont UFO Sightings
West Windsor 2 UFO Reports West Windsor, Vermont UFO Sightings
Charlotte 2 UFO Reports Charlotte, Vermont UFO Sightings
Peacham 2 UFO Reports Peacham, Vermont UFO Sightings
Dorset 2 UFO Reports Dorset, Vermont UFO Sightings
Brookfield 2 UFO Reports Brookfield, Vermont UFO Sightings
Wilmington 2 UFO Reports Wilmington, Vermont UFO Sightings
Westford 2 UFO Reports Westford, Vermont UFO Sightings
Graniteville 2 UFO Reports Graniteville, Vermont UFO Sightings
Burke 1 UFO Reports Burke, Vermont UFO Sightings
Hubbardton 1 UFO Reports Hubbardton, Vermont UFO Sightings
Salisbury 1 UFO Reports Salisbury, Vermont UFO Sightings
Windhall 1 UFO Reports Windhall, Vermont UFO Sightings
Eden 1 UFO Reports Eden, Vermont UFO Sightings
Northeast Kingdom 1 UFO Reports Northeast Kingdom, Vermont UFO Sightings
Vershire 1 UFO Reports Vershire, Vermont UFO Sightings
Waterville 1 UFO Reports Waterville, Vermont UFO Sightings
Clarendon 1 UFO Reports Clarendon, Vermont UFO Sightings
South Reading 1 UFO Reports South Reading, Vermont UFO Sightings
Fletcher Binghamville 1 UFO Reports Fletcher Binghamville, Vermont UFO Sightings
Pittsford 1 UFO Reports Pittsford, Vermont UFO Sightings
Reedborough 1 UFO Reports Reedborough, Vermont UFO Sightings
Westminster 1 UFO Reports Westminster, Vermont UFO Sightings
Thetford Center 1 UFO Reports Thetford Center, Vermont UFO Sightings
Bondville 1 UFO Reports Bondville, Vermont UFO Sightings
Windham 1 UFO Reports Windham, Vermont UFO Sightings
VT 1 UFO Reports VT, Vermont UFO Sightings
Plainfield 1 UFO Reports Plainfield, Vermont UFO Sightings
Colbyville 1 UFO Reports Colbyville, Vermont UFO Sightings
Beecher falls 1 UFO Reports Beecher falls, Vermont UFO Sightings
Franklin 1 UFO Reports Franklin, Vermont UFO Sightings
East Arlington 1 UFO Reports East Arlington, Vermont UFO Sightings
Middlesex 1 UFO Reports Middlesex, Vermont UFO Sightings
Newfane 1 UFO Reports Newfane, Vermont UFO Sightings
Topsham 1 UFO Reports Topsham, Vermont UFO Sightings
Bradford 1 UFO Reports Bradford, Vermont UFO Sightings
Groton 1 UFO Reports Groton, Vermont UFO Sightings
Cabot 1 UFO Reports Cabot, Vermont UFO Sightings
W Rutland 1 UFO Reports W Rutland, Vermont UFO Sightings
West Brattleboro 1 UFO Reports West Brattleboro, Vermont UFO Sightings
Louningberg 1 UFO Reports Louningberg, Vermont UFO Sightings
Bellows Falls 1 UFO Reports Bellows Falls, Vermont UFO Sightings
Gaysville 1 UFO Reports Gaysville, Vermont UFO Sightings
Rockies 1 UFO Reports Rockies, Vermont UFO Sightings
Westmore 1 UFO Reports Westmore, Vermont UFO Sightings
Guilford 1 UFO Reports Guilford, Vermont UFO Sightings
Windsor Co 1 UFO Reports Windsor Co, Vermont UFO Sightings
Essex 1 UFO Reports Essex, Vermont UFO Sightings
Waitesfield 1 UFO Reports Waitesfield, Vermont UFO Sightings
Pomfret 1 UFO Reports Pomfret, Vermont UFO Sightings
Colchester to Essex 1 UFO Reports Colchester to Essex, Vermont UFO Sightings
Lyndon 1 UFO Reports Lyndon, Vermont UFO Sightings
Stamford 1 UFO Reports Stamford, Vermont UFO Sightings
Belmont 1 UFO Reports Belmont, Vermont UFO Sightings
Georgia 1 UFO Reports Georgia, Vermont UFO Sightings
Rockingham 1 UFO Reports Rockingham, Vermont UFO Sightings
Weston 1 UFO Reports Weston, Vermont UFO Sightings
East Berkshire 1 UFO Reports East Berkshire, Vermont UFO Sightings
North Bennington 1 UFO Reports North Bennington, Vermont UFO Sightings
Troy 1 UFO Reports Troy, Vermont UFO Sightings
Caledonia County 1 UFO Reports Caledonia County, Vermont UFO Sightings
Island Pond-Seymour Lake 1 UFO Reports Island Pond-Seymour Lake, Vermont UFO Sightings
Windsor County 1 UFO Reports Windsor County, Vermont UFO Sightings
Essex Center 1 UFO Reports Essex Center, Vermont UFO Sightings
Orange 1 UFO Reports Orange, Vermont UFO Sightings
Poultney 1 UFO Reports Poultney, Vermont UFO Sightings
West Dover 1 UFO Reports West Dover, Vermont UFO Sightings
Georgie 1 UFO Reports Georgie, Vermont UFO Sightings
Hartford 1 UFO Reports Hartford, Vermont UFO Sightings
Roxbury 1 UFO Reports Roxbury, Vermont UFO Sightings
East Charleston 1 UFO Reports East Charleston, Vermont UFO Sightings
North Ferrisburgh 1 UFO Reports North Ferrisburgh, Vermont UFO Sightings
Tunbridge 1 UFO Reports Tunbridge, Vermont UFO Sightings
Cambridge 1 UFO Reports Cambridge, Vermont UFO Sightings
Sheldon 1 UFO Reports Sheldon, Vermont UFO Sightings
Assumpsic 1 UFO Reports Assumpsic, Vermont UFO Sightings
Orange County 1 UFO Reports Orange County, Vermont UFO Sightings
Wallingford 1 UFO Reports Wallingford, Vermont UFO Sightings
Pownal 1 UFO Reports Pownal, Vermont UFO Sightings
West Fairlee 1 UFO Reports West Fairlee, Vermont UFO Sightings
Mallets Bay 1 UFO Reports Mallets Bay, Vermont UFO Sightings
Georgis 1 UFO Reports Georgis, Vermont UFO Sightings
Bridgeport 1 UFO Reports Bridgeport, Vermont UFO Sightings
Hartland 1 UFO Reports Hartland, Vermont UFO Sightings
Wheelock 1 UFO Reports Wheelock, Vermont UFO Sightings
East Dorset 1 UFO Reports East Dorset, Vermont UFO Sightings
Morristown 1 UFO Reports Morristown, Vermont UFO Sightings
Underhill 1 UFO Reports Underhill, Vermont UFO Sightings
Jamaica 1 UFO Reports Jamaica, Vermont UFO Sightings
Sheldon Springs 1 UFO Reports Sheldon Springs, Vermont UFO Sightings
Woodbury 1 UFO Reports Woodbury, Vermont UFO Sightings
Bakersfield 1 UFO Reports Bakersfield, Vermont UFO Sightings
Wardsboro 1 UFO Reports Wardsboro, Vermont UFO Sightings
Proctor 1 UFO Reports Proctor, Vermont UFO Sightings
West Pawlet 1 UFO Reports West Pawlet, Vermont UFO Sightings
Cornwall 1 UFO Reports Cornwall, Vermont UFO Sightings
Mancheater Center 1 UFO Reports Mancheater Center, Vermont UFO Sightings
Gilman 1 UFO Reports Gilman, Vermont UFO Sightings
Hewitt 1 UFO Reports Hewitt, Vermont UFO Sightings
Rutland City 1 UFO Reports Rutland City, Vermont UFO Sightings
White River Junction 1 UFO Reports White River Junction, Vermont UFO Sightings
North Hreo 1 UFO Reports North Hreo, Vermont UFO Sightings
Unknown 1 UFO Reports Unknown, Vermont UFO Sightings
Cavendish 1 UFO Reports Cavendish, Vermont UFO Sightings
Jay 1 UFO Reports Jay, Vermont UFO Sightings
South Burligton 1 UFO Reports South Burligton, Vermont UFO Sightings
Barnard 1 UFO Reports Barnard, Vermont UFO Sightings
Panton 1 UFO Reports Panton, Vermont UFO Sightings
Sunderland-Arlington 1 UFO Reports Sunderland-Arlington, Vermont UFO Sightings
Goshen 1 UFO Reports Goshen, Vermont UFO Sightings
Highgate 1 UFO Reports Highgate, Vermont UFO Sightings
East Dummerston 1 UFO Reports East Dummerston, Vermont UFO Sightings
North Montpelier 1 UFO Reports North Montpelier, Vermont UFO Sightings
Center Rutland 1 UFO Reports Center Rutland, Vermont UFO Sightings
Jeffersonville 1 UFO Reports Jeffersonville, Vermont UFO Sightings
Barnet 1 UFO Reports Barnet, Vermont UFO Sightings
Fayston 1 UFO Reports Fayston, Vermont UFO Sightings
Pawlet 1 UFO Reports Pawlet, Vermont UFO Sightings
Quechee 1 UFO Reports Quechee, Vermont UFO Sightings
Marlboro 1 UFO Reports Marlboro, Vermont UFO Sightings
Mount Holly 1 UFO Reports Mount Holly, Vermont UFO Sightings
Sutton 1 UFO Reports Sutton, Vermont UFO Sightings
Berlin 1 UFO Reports Berlin, Vermont UFO Sightings
Granby 1 UFO Reports Granby, Vermont UFO Sightings
Bristol 1 UFO Reports Bristol, Vermont UFO Sightings
East Middlebury 1 UFO Reports East Middlebury, Vermont UFO Sightings
North Pownal 1 UFO Reports North Pownal, Vermont UFO Sightings
Vermont 1 UFO Reports Vermont, Vermont UFO Sightings
South Lincoln 1 UFO Reports South Lincoln, Vermont UFO Sightings
Randolph 1 UFO Reports Randolph, Vermont UFO Sightings
Westfield 1 UFO Reports Westfield, Vermont UFO Sightings
Marshfield 1 UFO Reports Marshfield, Vermont UFO Sightings
Mount Lincoln 1 UFO Reports Mount Lincoln, Vermont UFO Sightings
Swanton 1 UFO Reports Swanton, Vermont UFO Sightings
Bethel 1 UFO Reports Bethel, Vermont UFO Sightings
Hogback Mountain 1 UFO Reports Hogback Mountain, Vermont UFO Sightings
East Orange 1 UFO Reports East Orange, Vermont UFO Sightings
North Springfield 1 UFO Reports North Springfield, Vermont UFO Sightings
Vernon 1 UFO Reports Vernon, Vermont UFO Sightings
Chester 1 UFO Reports Chester, Vermont UFO Sightings
South Londonderry 1 UFO Reports South Londonderry, Vermont UFO Sightings
Barre Town 1 UFO Reports Barre Town, Vermont UFO Sightings
Peru 1 UFO Reports Peru, Vermont UFO Sightings
Waterford 1 UFO Reports Waterford, Vermont UFO Sightings
Randolph Center 1 UFO Reports Randolph Center, Vermont UFO Sightings
Dummerston 1 UFO Reports Dummerston, Vermont UFO Sightings
Melbourne 1 UFO Reports Melbourne, Vermont UFO Sightings
New Haven 1 UFO Reports New Haven, Vermont UFO Sightings
Bomoseen 1 UFO Reports Bomoseen, Vermont UFO Sightings