Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Gallup, New Mexico

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Gallup, New Mexico.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Gallup, New Mexico?

  • There have been 15 officially reported UFO sightings in Gallup from 1988 to 2023.
  • Gallup ranks #15 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in New Mexico.

Other New Mexico Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Albuquerque, NM 413 UFO Reports
2 Santa Fe, NM 152 UFO Reports
3 Las Cruces, NM 89 UFO Reports
4 Roswell, NM 57 UFO Reports
5 Rio Rancho, NM 51 UFO Reports

Gallup, New Mexico UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 15 UFO sighting reports in Gallup, New Mexico to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Gallup, New Mexico

These Gallup, New Mexico UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

Lights in the distance I’m on a United Airlines flight from Las Vegas to Houston. Minding my business and enjoying the flight I look outside and at first saw a light streak in the distance and then as I’m trying to figure out what I saw I look outside and there are these light going on and off periodically and at times there would be 2-3 of them at the same time.

04/05/23 1:45 AM

UFO Shape: light



Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

We observed and recorded the objects with mobile phones as it followed us into the city. The objects was a cone shaped bright white color hovering and rotating east of the city, it seemed to be rotating. After observing the objects for a hour or so in the cover of darkness the object vanished.

We got into my vehicle and continued our drive. As I started my car and turned on my heas lights, the object seem to fly towards us at a high rate of speed, the brightness of the light got closer and followed us as we got into Gallup. We parked at a gas station on the east side of town and waited for the object to leave.

We continued to a mobile home trailer park on the east side of town and the ufo appeared to follow us until we came to our destination. The ufo continued to hover in the sky seeming to observe us, as we observed it with our mobile phones. At around 5:30 the ufo vanished in a upward blast.

((NUFORC Note: Source of the report elects to remain anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

07/12/17 3:50 AM

UFO Shape: cone

Lasted: 05:30


Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

A huge bright reddish pink orb hovering in Gallup for 4 5 minutes then disappear A glowing bright reddish pink orb hovering over Gallup, it was so big it looked like it was closer than what we caught on camera. It didn't seem to be moving super fast more like gliding in the air, it was fast in a moderate speed 200+. Then it disappearedj, the brightness faded, but you could see it was a.

It was heading south. No sound and it was a clear night. We have video.

05/20/17 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 5 minutes


Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

Strange controlled beam of light emitting out of the sky. A bright light was projected out of the air/clouds, like a controlled beam of light, and it didn't move or make any sounds. After several seconds, the light/beam slowly retracted and almost disappeared.

Only a shade/fog/mist/cloud was dimly lit, almost gray in color. A second after it went out, there was a small thin trail or whisp of light that went away from it. It was so bright, it looked like a street light in the sky.

The way it faded out, seemed very concise and controlled. ((NUFORC Note: U. S.

Navy missile launch. PD)).

11/07/15 7:00 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 30 seconds


Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

Bright light about the size of 20 stars seen west of Gallup, NM. Bright light about the size of 20 stars suspends in the w-est over Gallup, NM. We looked at it for several minutes and saw several planes or objects getting close to it.

Went inside and came out 20 minutes later and it was gone. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

11/01/13 8:30 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 1 hour


Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

huge bright white horeshoe lit object This craft was seen above Rte 66 about a thousand feet up. But distances are hard to figure in the sky. However, it was horseshoe shaped as best as I could tell or at least it had lights going around it that were in a horseshoe configuration.

The lights looked almost crystal white. My daughter who is 18 saw the same thing. It looked to me that the object was not moving or barely moving.

My daughter thought it was moving a bit but since we were driving it is hard to tell if it was moving. The object appeared to be as big as several houses put together. Or if you looked at a full moon in the sky it may have been as big as 50 full moons.

I didn't hear any noise but I think I had the radio on. I got out of the car to get a better look in a minute after seeing it because I couldn't see it any more. When I looked all around there was no object at all.

It literally seemed to have disappeared.

04/18/08 9:25 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 2 minutes


Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

12 object formation over NW New Mexico on Easter Sunday It was about 1:45P and my wife, two kids (female age 7 and son 8 months old), and I had packed up our vehicle and were northbound from our home on the way to her parents for Easter Sunday family outing. She was driving while I rode in the front passenger side. The road to the highway from our home slopes downhill and gives you a view of NW Gallup on the outskirts and a railroad system that goes W to E.

I was describing to my wife an encounter that had happened to my brother and I, just the day before almost exactly 24 hours ago. I then looked ahead above the railroad tracks as we went down the hill and saw a bright white round object and I stated that what I had seen earlier looked exactly like it! While we proceeded closer I could see that it was not moving in any conventional manner. It did not appear to be moving at all.

Suddenly two more identical objects appeared to the N and to the SW of the initial object. We turned down Highway 66 and I had become quite excited by this point. We took another turn which goes north and across the railroad tracks and then took another right which takes you down Warehouse Lane, which is home to Burlington Northern, and a few other municipal installations.

I had my window rolled down and I had not taken my eyes off of the formation when we had come to a stop off the side of the road. I got out and looked above and could still see three objects when suddenly I could see one more, then another, then 6. They seemed to just appear from nothing and then I detected some that looked like they were coming down from space at very high speed.

They zipped down so fast that a few looked almost like a meteor coming down. They were all moving independent of each other and it had gotten to a point were I could count up to 12 of them. They were at different altitudes from each other but all were going in a mostly W – SW direction.

It was partly cloudy and windy at about 20-25 mph from the SW. I noticed one object that was different from the rest in that it was quite a bit larger than the rest (about the size of a quarter held at arms length) and was rapidly rotating and changing forms. It looked somewhat translucent but it seemed like it had some kind of field that enveloped around the shape of the object.

Around the edge of the field was slightly brownish and seemed much closer than the other objects. I could see approaching aircraft coming in from all directions and are what I would deduce to be military jumbo type aircraft. When a few of these planes came close a few of the objects actually appeared to be playing with the jets.

They flew in very close proximity to the planes and flew even alongside them for a moment or two. The formation almost seemed like a flock of geese or a school of fish in the ocean the way in which they moved with each other. There was no noticeable noise that came from these objects.

They all slowly disappeared through a cloud front that was approaching from the W or by just disappearing as the fleet headed W.

03/23/08 1:45 PM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 20 minutes


Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

2 shape shifting objects and one small turquoise object sighted over NW New Mexico in daylight My brother and I were hiking through a small rocky area approximately one-eighth of a mile from the nearby apartment complexes in a small neighborhood of NW Gallup, New Mexico. We had ascended to a nearby cliff division and took a five minute break. There was a wind from the SW 15-20 mph and the skies were mostly clear.

I noticed a few large aircraft pass through overhead which is normal in this area. I looked away viewing the area around us when I look back up - directly above our resting location when I noticed a large round white object. It was about one-half the size of the moon at this point and was not moving.

I pointed it out to my brother and we looked at it for about 2-3 minutes while it remained motionless above us. It was obvious to us that it was not a balloon and did not resemble any of the other aircraft in the vicinity. I had sunglasses on that have polarized lenses so I could see with fair clarity when I realized the object had nearly doubled in size and had turned mostly bright red.

My brother seconded this observation and the object began rotating and changing its physical appearance. This began happening about 5 minutes after our initial sighting. It was rotating in a clockwise motion and appeared almost translucent or had some kind of field around it that gave it a translucent appearance.

The red color of the object slowly became larger and smaller as it rotated. It would become oblong, oval, round, square, and sometimes appear to have protrusions that seemed to come out of the body of the object itself. We then noticed large aircraft begin coming in from all directions and seemed to have changed their original trajectory in order to come into contact with the object.

Presumably they are of military origin and had detected them on radar or from some type of space platform. 3 of these aircraft came close to the object but I am unable to approximate the altitude. You could see contrails that slowly disappeared behind the jet aircraft.

Then the object disappeared. I waited for about two minutes when suddenly an identical type of object as the first appeared in the same location and was bright white and was also rotating. Then a small bright turquoise light appeared to come out of it and was shining much brighter than a star.

It moved away from the other craft and appeared to dance around to the side of the other object for about 3-4 minutes. I could see more aircraft begin to aim towards the objects when suddenly the phenomenon disappeared. We waited for about a half hour and no other objects were sighted on that day.

The next day Sunday, my family and I witnessed a larger sighting that I will report for the appropriate date. I had also submitted an earlier report which can be seen at http://www.nuforc.


03/22/08 2:00 PM

UFO Shape: changing

Lasted: 15-20 minutes


Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

Bright circular object turns into 3 discs over western New Mexican skys. It was around 1900 on March 12th. I was driving on I-40 west bound on my way to flagstaff when I noticed a bright circle at my 10 o’clock position.

At first I thought it was a bright star but then I started looked around and noticed it really wasn’t dark enough for stars to be out. The sun was still a good 45 minutes from setting completely and the moon couldent be seen yet. After about 10 minutes I asked my mother in law if she noticed anything strange in the sky.

She replied “yes” and pointed to the bright circle object in the sky. By this time my wife had joined the conversation and was aware of this object also. The more west I drove it seemed the bright object appeared larger and brighter.

I must have driven another 20 minutes asking myself what on earth this object could be and re-affering with my family I was actually seeing what I was seeing. They where just as in wonder as I was. When we got to the same place that the bright circular object was we could see it to the left of our truck.

It wasn’t one but 2 disks hovering in the sky about ¼ mile from our truck. They were slanted at a 45 degree angle facing eachother. Then out of knowhere a third one appeared.

At this moment one of the 2 had moved in a blink of the eye to the lower position while the third object was considerably further away compared to the other two. We couldent believe what we were seeing . After 2 minutes they just dissapeared.

I should of stopped my truck and took pictures but I was pulling a trailer and didn’t want to stop on the highway with my kids in the truck. I went through every single option of what it could have been in my mind. I tried to make sense of it with logical reasoning but all I can say is what we saw was definatly not of this world.

I spent 5 years in the Marines as a harrier mechanic and have seen every kind of military aircraft you can see come through our base. The base I worked at is the largest air base on the east coast. You name it I have seen it.

Up close and personal. I kno! w how th ey look when they fly . I worked on the only hovering aircraft in the world.

I can say with 100% confidence this was not a military or commercial aircraft(s). I hadnt said too much about this but I feel maybe this can help if even a little.

03/12/07 7:00 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: 30 mimutes


Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

In the newspaper it was reported that several people saw strange lights and moved at unbelieveable speeds & simply stopped and hover I read in the Gallup Independent newspaper about people seeing strange lights and two flying objects in Gamerco. Gamerco is just north of Gallup, New Mexico. The paper is at www. In the paper it says there's a guy who video-taped the object.

05/16/04 11:00 PM

UFO Shape: light



Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

Extremely bright white light with yellow and green strobing, long duration My husband stepped outside onto our porch and made a yelp of surprise, calling for me. I stepped outside as well and he pointed out an object in the sky. It was extremely bright, low on the western horizon and large.

It appeared to be hovering not too far from us. At first we thought it was possibly a helicopter because we could hear the sound of one approaching but we realized it was not coming from the light but an actual helicopter heading towards the light itself. This helicopter departed the scene after a red light seemed to dart out from the light itself.

At least 6 military jets were circling the light at a much higher altitude, keeping a good distance between it and them. The light hovered still for about 10 minutes and then moved very quickly to the right before continuing to hover. My 8 year old son came out to see what we were staring at and shouted "It's a spaceship!".

I told him that I didn't know what it was but it was definitely odd. Two other neighbors were outside and appeared to be watching it as well. We were still debating whether or not it was a search helicopter because it certainly did not seem like one.

There was a strobing effect to the light in an alternating yellow/green pattern. We realized that it was moving once again, this time away from us, due west. Although it was diminishing in size, the brightness of the object stayed constant and at the same altitude.

At that point, we realized that what we were looking at was not the headlight of a helicopter at all. We watched it until we could see it no more because houses obstructed the view. When it departed, the military entourage departed as well and it was a normal quiet Gallup, NM evening once again.

The last sight that we had of it, it seemed to blink red once. The rest of the time, it was just an extremely bright white light in the sky. ((NUFORC Note: We wonder whether the witnesses might have been looking at the dramatically twinkling star, that would have been visible in the southwest sky on the time and date indicated by the witness.


03/10/04 9:50 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 30+ minutes


Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

SW view. Very sharp, fast flashing red light. Very similar to what I thought was an airplane.

Light was traveling SW at a slow pace. Suddenly the light stopped it's motion and became still with no movement. The sharp, red flashing continued.

Suddenly, the red light began to zig zag up and down. It did this for 4 or 5 turns then stopped (continuing to flash sharply). Then it appeared to light up, then it shot out at an extremely fast pace (SW direction).

This was like it went into light speed. The red light went from still, no motion to blast off. It looked very similar to a comet with a light tail.

I watched it for what seemed like 2-3 minutes. The evening was very calm and clear. No clouds and about 3/4 full moon.

04/20/03 2:00 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 3:00 minutes


Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

Strange star-like object emits lights from sky. On the evening of March 15, 2002 as the moon sat in the western sky, my husband and I noticed what looked like a star just beneath the moon. Maybe a little to the right.

At first we assumed it was a star but not until it started to appear brighter and brighter. Then it casted a beam (like a huge spotlight) at first straight ahead then it slowly beamed downward. As the light slowly disappeared what seemed to be clouds started taking shape.

The light was completely gone and the clouds started to fade very slowly. My husband and I had pulled over hoping someone had witnessed what we just saw unfortunately we were the only ones on the road. We were hoping someone other than in our vicinity had witnessed this event.

We had never seen anything like it before. I mean it couldn't have been an aircraft of any kind much less a missil. What kind of aircraft or missile would make a very bright light? Although it scared us, it was in a way made a beaufiyl scenery.

I knew that if this was reported there would be some kind of excuse or cover up for it. Not until a few years later I became aware of this website and to my surprise there were similar sightings reported. So I decided to report the incident.

((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD)).

03/15/02 8:30 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 minutes


Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

We were driving East on I40 toward Alb when I saw a flash of blue light that lit up the whole sky. I saw no craft with this light. li This isn't the first time I've seen this type of light.

About 2 years ago we were headed East for Denver(we are truck drivers) and it was late at night I was going though Rock Springs,Wy when I saw the same bright blue light like a explosion behind a hill. Also, a couple of months ago I saw 2 oval white lights. It was near the Nesqually exit on I5 right where you see Mt.

Rainier in the distance. This was early A.M and were only seen for a couple seconds.

They were as bright as a street light. ((NUFORC Note: We presume that the witness may allude to the dramatic flash that occurred over western New Mexico at 23:18::10 hrs. (Mountain).

Hence, we have amended the time here. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: For video footage of the event, captured by the Sandia National Laboratory sky camera in Albuquerque, please see the following URL: http://www.cs. PD)).

08/15/99 11:18 PM

UFO Shape:

Lasted: 2sec


Gallup, NM

Full Report Text:

SUMMARY: Driving west on I-40 just after dark, saw lights strobing over median of hwy. Thought it might be a helicopter, but there was no noise and the unique pattern of lights. I passed almost under it and began to slow but it had disappeared.

Two hours later,on same hwy., a brown cylinder shape hovered and passed over my car. I estimated the first sight to be 40 ft up and ~40 ft wide and the second sight to be 2 and 1/2 ft long and 1 ft around.

The first sighting was quite large, at least40 ft wide, with lights centered in the middle.There were three large lights, flashing not on and off but in an alternating pattern. I couldn'tsay if it disappeared after I passed under it,because it was quite dark, but the lights were gone.

The second sighting was around Joseph City,Arizona, on I-40. It reminded me of a large poster tube, light brown. It hovered at the farthest reach of my headlights directly in front of the car for about 20 seconds, came straight at the windshield to about a foot and a halfand went over the car.

I was driving for a posting job I had held at that time for about 8 months. I had left that day from Santa Fe, NM where I was visiting a friend. After the first sighting, I called my husband from the very next truckstop.

03/15/88 7:30 PM

UFO Shape: cylinder

Lasted: 1 minute


Gallup, New Mexico UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 6 reported sightings 40.00% of all reports
Sphere 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Cone 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Cylinder 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Changing 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Formation 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Other 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Oval 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Unknown 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Gallup, New Mexico UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
March 6 reported sightings 40.00% of all reports
April 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
May 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
November 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
August 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
July 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Gallup, New Mexico UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Sunday 4 reported sightings 26.67% of all reports
Friday 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Saturday 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Wednesday 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Tuesday 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Monday 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Gallup, New Mexico UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
03/23/08 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
04/18/08 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
03/12/07 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
11/01/13 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
03/15/88 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Gallup, New Mexico UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 7 reported sightings 46.67% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Gallup, New Mexico

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Gallup, New Mexico.

All New Mexico Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in New Mexico

City Number of Reports View Reports
Albuquerque 413 UFO Reports Albuquerque, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Santa Fe 152 UFO Reports Santa Fe, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Las Cruces 89 UFO Reports Las Cruces, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Roswell 57 UFO Reports Roswell, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Rio Rancho 51 UFO Reports Rio Rancho, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Taos 37 UFO Reports Taos, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Deming 34 UFO Reports Deming, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Farmington 30 UFO Reports Farmington, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Alamogordo 24 UFO Reports Alamogordo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Carlsbad 22 UFO Reports Carlsbad, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Silver City 21 UFO Reports Silver City, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Clovis 21 UFO Reports Clovis, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Socorro 20 UFO Reports Socorro, New Mexico UFO Sightings
New Mexico 18 UFO Reports New Mexico, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Gallup 15 UFO Reports Gallup, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Hobbs 15 UFO Reports Hobbs, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Los Alamos 14 UFO Reports Los Alamos, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Belen 13 UFO Reports Belen, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Los Lunas 13 UFO Reports Los Lunas, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Ruidoso 13 UFO Reports Ruidoso, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Las Vegas 11 UFO Reports Las Vegas, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Placitas 11 UFO Reports Placitas, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Truth or Consequences 11 UFO Reports Truth or Consequences, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Edgewood 11 UFO Reports Edgewood, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Aztec 10 UFO Reports Aztec, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Espanola 10 UFO Reports Espanola, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Grants 9 UFO Reports Grants, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Artesia 9 UFO Reports Artesia, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Raton 9 UFO Reports Raton, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Tularosa 9 UFO Reports Tularosa, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Tijeras 9 UFO Reports Tijeras, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Corrales 7 UFO Reports Corrales, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Tucumcari 7 UFO Reports Tucumcari, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Pecos 6 UFO Reports Pecos, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Alto 6 UFO Reports Alto, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Bernalillo 6 UFO Reports Bernalillo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Clayton 6 UFO Reports Clayton, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Holloman AFB 6 UFO Reports Holloman AFB, New Mexico UFO Sightings
White Sands 6 UFO Reports White Sands, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Abiquiu 5 UFO Reports Abiquiu, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Ranchos de Taos 5 UFO Reports Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Jal 5 UFO Reports Jal, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Pie Town 5 UFO Reports Pie Town, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Moriarty 5 UFO Reports Moriarty, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Jemez Springs 5 UFO Reports Jemez Springs, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Portales 5 UFO Reports Portales, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Sante Fe 4 UFO Reports Sante Fe, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Stanley 4 UFO Reports Stanley, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Lordsburg 4 UFO Reports Lordsburg, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Shiprock 4 UFO Reports Shiprock, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Carrizozo 4 UFO Reports Carrizozo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Kirtland 4 UFO Reports Kirtland, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Nageezi 4 UFO Reports Nageezi, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cannon AFB 4 UFO Reports Cannon AFB, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cuba 4 UFO Reports Cuba, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Lovington 4 UFO Reports Lovington, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Mesquite 4 UFO Reports Mesquite, New Mexico UFO Sightings
El Rito 3 UFO Reports El Rito, New Mexico UFO Sightings
San Antonio 3 UFO Reports San Antonio, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cloudcroft 3 UFO Reports Cloudcroft, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Vaughn 3 UFO Reports Vaughn, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Tatum 3 UFO Reports Tatum, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Sandia Park 3 UFO Reports Sandia Park, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Dulce 3 UFO Reports Dulce, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Lemitar 3 UFO Reports Lemitar, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Mountainair 3 UFO Reports Mountainair, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Ruidoso Downs 3 UFO Reports Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cerrillos 3 UFO Reports Cerrillos, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Glenwood 3 UFO Reports Glenwood, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Ojo Caliente 3 UFO Reports Ojo Caliente, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Santa Rosa 3 UFO Reports Santa Rosa, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Bloomfield 3 UFO Reports Bloomfield, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Fort Sumner 3 UFO Reports Fort Sumner, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Springer 2 UFO Reports Springer, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Clines Corner 2 UFO Reports Clines Corner, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Quemado 2 UFO Reports Quemado, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Navajo Lake 2 UFO Reports Navajo Lake, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Alburquerque 2 UFO Reports Alburquerque, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Continental Divide 2 UFO Reports Continental Divide, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Locohills 2 UFO Reports Locohills, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Hurley 2 UFO Reports Hurley, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Arroyo Seco 2 UFO Reports Arroyo Seco, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Mimbres 2 UFO Reports Mimbres, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Clines Corners 2 UFO Reports Clines Corners, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Bluewater Village 2 UFO Reports Bluewater Village, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Alcalde 2 UFO Reports Alcalde, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Peralta 2 UFO Reports Peralta, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cloud Croft 2 UFO Reports Cloud Croft, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Elephant Butte 2 UFO Reports Elephant Butte, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Algodones 2 UFO Reports Algodones, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Corona 2 UFO Reports Corona, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Rodeo 2 UFO Reports Rodeo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Isleta 2 UFO Reports Isleta, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Lamy 2 UFO Reports Lamy, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Tome 2 UFO Reports Tome, New Mexico UFO Sightings
McIntosh 2 UFO Reports McIntosh, New Mexico UFO Sightings
San Rafael 2 UFO Reports San Rafael, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Bosque Farms 2 UFO Reports Bosque Farms, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Pinos Altos 2 UFO Reports Pinos Altos, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Medanales 2 UFO Reports Medanales, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Alamagordo 2 UFO Reports Alamagordo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Melrose 2 UFO Reports Melrose, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Sky CIty 2 UFO Reports Sky CIty, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Red River 2 UFO Reports Red River, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cedar Crest 2 UFO Reports Cedar Crest, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Gila 2 UFO Reports Gila, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Waterflow 2 UFO Reports Waterflow, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Dzilth-na-o-dithle 2 UFO Reports Dzilth-na-o-dithle, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Tesuque 2 UFO Reports Tesuque, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Lincoln 2 UFO Reports Lincoln, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Zuni 2 UFO Reports Zuni, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Anthony 2 UFO Reports Anthony, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Crystal 2 UFO Reports Crystal, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Loving 2 UFO Reports Loving, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Mescalero Indian Reservation 2 UFO Reports Mescalero Indian Reservation, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cleveland 2 UFO Reports Cleveland, New Mexico UFO Sightings
La Luz 2 UFO Reports La Luz, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Columbus 2 UFO Reports Columbus, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Chaco Canyon 2 UFO Reports Chaco Canyon, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Glorieta 2 UFO Reports Glorieta, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Datil 2 UFO Reports Datil, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cliff 2 UFO Reports Cliff, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Navajo 2 UFO Reports Navajo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Chama 1 UFO Reports Chama, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Grady 1 UFO Reports Grady, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Hope 1 UFO Reports Hope, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Paguate 1 UFO Reports Paguate, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Vado 1 UFO Reports Vado, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Arrey 1 UFO Reports Arrey, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Lybrook 1 UFO Reports Lybrook, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Salem 1 UFO Reports Salem, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Military training site 1 UFO Reports Military training site, New Mexico UFO Sightings
La Mesilla 1 UFO Reports La Mesilla, New Mexico UFO Sightings
White Sands National 1 UFO Reports White Sands National, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Bluewater Lake 1 UFO Reports Bluewater Lake, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Tijeres 1 UFO Reports Tijeres, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Rio Ranco 1 UFO Reports Rio Ranco, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Capulin Mountain 1 UFO Reports Capulin Mountain, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Four Corners 1 UFO Reports Four Corners, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Chama River 1 UFO Reports Chama River, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Valencia 1 UFO Reports Valencia, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Deming area 1 UFO Reports Deming area, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Magdalena 1 UFO Reports Magdalena, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Santo Domingo Pueblo 1 UFO Reports Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Abo ruins near Belen 1 UFO Reports Abo ruins near Belen, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Lad Cruces 1 UFO Reports Lad Cruces, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Questa 1 UFO Reports Questa, New Mexico UFO Sightings
White Sands National Monument 1 UFO Reports White Sands National Monument, New Mexico UFO Sightings
El Valle 1 UFO Reports El Valle, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Near Jemez 1 UFO Reports Near Jemez, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Tinnie 1 UFO Reports Tinnie, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Contreras 1 UFO Reports Contreras, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Rock Springs 1 UFO Reports Rock Springs, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Carlbad 1 UFO Reports Carlbad, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Framington 1 UFO Reports Framington, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Chamita 1 UFO Reports Chamita, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Hagerman 1 UFO Reports Hagerman, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Ilfeld 1 UFO Reports Ilfeld, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Valex 1 UFO Reports Valex, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Desert 1 UFO Reports Desert, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Mariano Lake 1 UFO Reports Mariano Lake, New Mexico UFO Sightings
San Isidro 1 UFO Reports San Isidro, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Mondel 1 UFO Reports Mondel, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Sears Point 1 UFO Reports Sears Point, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Acoma 1 UFO Reports Acoma, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Lake Bonita 1 UFO Reports Lake Bonita, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Radium Springs 1 UFO Reports Radium Springs, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Willard 1 UFO Reports Willard, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Bosque 1 UFO Reports Bosque, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Fruitland 1 UFO Reports Fruitland, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Tohatchi 1 UFO Reports Tohatchi, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Chihuahua Mts 1 UFO Reports Chihuahua Mts, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Philmont Scout Ranch 1 UFO Reports Philmont Scout Ranch, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Vallecito 1 UFO Reports Vallecito, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Dexter 1 UFO Reports Dexter, New Mexico UFO Sightings
McGregor range 1 UFO Reports McGregor range, New Mexico UFO Sightings
San Lorenzo 1 UFO Reports San Lorenzo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Mora 1 UFO Reports Mora, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Sedillo Hill 1 UFO Reports Sedillo Hill, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Taos Canyon 1 UFO Reports Taos Canyon, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Acoma Pueblo 1 UFO Reports Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Winston 1 UFO Reports Winston, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Bosque Farma 1 UFO Reports Bosque Farma, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Carlsbad Cavrans 1 UFO Reports Carlsbad Cavrans, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Gage 1 UFO Reports Gage, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Hatch 1 UFO Reports Hatch, New Mexico UFO Sightings
New Mexico border 1 UFO Reports New Mexico border, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Alma 1 UFO Reports Alma, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Los Chavez 1 UFO Reports Los Chavez, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Chupadero 1 UFO Reports Chupadero, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Dixon 1 UFO Reports Dixon, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Taos Pueblo 1 UFO Reports Taos Pueblo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Aguirre Springs 1 UFO Reports Aguirre Springs, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cloverdale 1 UFO Reports Cloverdale, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Yah-ta-hey 1 UFO Reports Yah-ta-hey, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Fairacres 1 UFO Reports Fairacres, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Carrizo 1 UFO Reports Carrizo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Hernandez 1 UFO Reports Hernandez, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Nogal 1 UFO Reports Nogal, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Trementina 1 UFO Reports Trementina, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Correo 1 UFO Reports Correo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Rowe 1 UFO Reports Rowe, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cibola 1 UFO Reports Cibola, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Velarde 1 UFO Reports Velarde, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Dona Ana 1 UFO Reports Dona Ana, New Mexico UFO Sightings
San Yisidro 1 UFO Reports San Yisidro, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Moriarty area 1 UFO Reports Moriarty area, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Red Hill 1 UFO Reports Red Hill, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Youngsville 1 UFO Reports Youngsville, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Buckhorn 1 UFO Reports Buckhorn, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Ghost Ranch 1 UFO Reports Ghost Ranch, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Heron State Park 1 UFO Reports Heron State Park, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Nowhere 1 UFO Reports Nowhere, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Truchas 1 UFO Reports Truchas, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Alvarado 1 UFO Reports Alvarado, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Coyoty Canyon 1 UFO Reports Coyoty Canyon, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Los Montoyas 1 UFO Reports Los Montoyas, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Roy 1 UFO Reports Roy, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cibola County 1 UFO Reports Cibola County, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Kenna 1 UFO Reports Kenna, New Mexico UFO Sightings
VLA Radio Telescope 1 UFO Reports VLA Radio Telescope, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Bernallilo 1 UFO Reports Bernallilo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Mount Dora 1 UFO Reports Mount Dora, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Television program 1 UFO Reports Television program, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cochiti Lake 1 UFO Reports Cochiti Lake, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Zia Pueblo 1 UFO Reports Zia Pueblo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Caballo 1 UFO Reports Caballo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Floa Vista 1 UFO Reports Floa Vista, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Highway 20 1 UFO Reports Highway 20, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Ocate 1 UFO Reports Ocate, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Angel Fire 1 UFO Reports Angel Fire, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Crownpoint 1 UFO Reports Crownpoint, New Mexico UFO Sightings
LosAlamos 1 UFO Reports LosAlamos, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Santa Clara 1 UFO Reports Santa Clara, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cimarron 1 UFO Reports Cimarron, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Kingston 1 UFO Reports Kingston, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Pojoque 1 UFO Reports Pojoque, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Between Clayton and Capulin, NM 1 UFO Reports Between Clayton and Capulin, NM, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Mescalero 1 UFO Reports Mescalero, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Soccoro 1 UFO Reports Soccoro, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Alberqurqe 1 UFO Reports Alberqurqe, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cochiti Pueblo 1 UFO Reports Cochiti Pueblo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Rio Arriba County 1 UFO Reports Rio Arriba County, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Camp McGregor 1 UFO Reports Camp McGregor, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Flora Vista 1 UFO Reports Flora Vista, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Cerrilillo 1 UFO Reports Cerrilillo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Gladstone 1 UFO Reports Gladstone, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Ohkay Owingeh 1 UFO Reports Ohkay Owingeh, New Mexico UFO Sightings
West Farmington 1 UFO Reports West Farmington, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Bisti 1 UFO Reports Bisti, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Eagle Nest 1 UFO Reports Eagle Nest, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Texico 1 UFO Reports Texico, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Albquerque 1 UFO Reports Albquerque, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Colmor 1 UFO Reports Colmor, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Lincoln County 1 UFO Reports Lincoln County, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Rio Chama 1 UFO Reports Rio Chama, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Folsom 1 UFO Reports Folsom, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Arabela 1 UFO Reports Arabela, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Ruidsoso 1 UFO Reports Ruidsoso, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Soccorro 1 UFO Reports Soccorro, New Mexico UFO Sightings
- 1 UFO Reports -, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Pueblo Bonito 1 UFO Reports Pueblo Bonito, New Mexico UFO Sightings
White City 1 UFO Reports White City, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Naschitti 1 UFO Reports Naschitti, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Tierra Amarilla 1 UFO Reports Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Lincoln National Forest 1 UFO Reports Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Rio Ranchi 1 UFO Reports Rio Ranchi, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Canon AFB 1 UFO Reports Canon AFB, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Fort Bayard 1 UFO Reports Fort Bayard, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Hondo 1 UFO Reports Hondo, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Okhay Owingeh 1 UFO Reports Okhay Owingeh, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Unknown 1 UFO Reports Unknown, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Arenas valley 1 UFO Reports Arenas valley, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Luna 1 UFO Reports Luna, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Rural New Mexico 1 UFO Reports Rural New Mexico, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Milan 1 UFO Reports Milan, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Santa Teresa 1 UFO Reports Santa Teresa, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Abiqui 1 UFO Reports Abiqui, New Mexico UFO Sightings
La Mesa 1 UFO Reports La Mesa, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Quay 1 UFO Reports Quay, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Blue Water 1 UFO Reports Blue Water, New Mexico UFO Sightings
El Paso 1 UFO Reports El Paso, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Albuqueruque 1 UFO Reports Albuqueruque, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Conchas Dam 1 UFO Reports Conchas Dam, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Loco Hills 1 UFO Reports Loco Hills, New Mexico UFO Sightings
Capulin 1 UFO Reports Capulin, New Mexico UFO Sightings