Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Schaumburg, Illinois

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Schaumburg, Illinois.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Schaumburg, Illinois?

  • There have been 26 officially reported UFO sightings in Schaumburg from 1972 to 2024.
  • Schaumburg ranks #22 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Illinois.

Other Illinois Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Chicago, IL 469 UFO Reports
2 Tinley Park, IL 164 UFO Reports
3 Rockford, IL 142 UFO Reports
4 Springfield, IL 60 UFO Reports
5 Oak Lawn, IL 51 UFO Reports

Schaumburg, Illinois UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 26 UFO sighting reports in Schaumburg, Illinois to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Schaumburg, Illinois

These Schaumburg, Illinois UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

I saw a white circle suddenly appear and then disappear. I was out smoking on my patio when I saw a white, circular object appear and then disappear. This was not anything that I have seen in person.

The object was unidentifiable to me. I live close to O'hare Airport (ORD) and a regional airport. I didn't have any equipment with me and there is no recording of it.

02/10/24 9:20 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 1 minute at most


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

It was a bright, increasing and light in the sky that move very slowly a small amount before faded off and disappeared. My husband and I were sitting outside on the patio and I was noticing that there were a lot of clouds and not sure if we’d be able to see any of the proceeds meteor shower tonight. When something caught my eye and I looked up and there was a very bright light and I told my husband look and he turned to look and it grew very bright as it was slowly moving and then it faded away and it was gone 10/22 tops.

I do not think it was a meteor because it was moving very slowly.

08/11/23 8:43 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 20 seconds


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

20 or more white dots moving erratically in Schaumburg, IL 6/13/19 On a clear day with only a few clouds, my wife and I were walking the dogs and saw about 20 or more white dots drifting slowly and heading east in Schaumburg, IL. All of the objects were moving erratically, and in a slow motion. The objects were moving up and down, and side to side, just slightly.

After a few minutes, all of the objects slowly faded away. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

06/13/19 4:42 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 2 minutes


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

Exactly at midnight 12 teardopped shapespacecrafts filled the sky and raced in oval shaped patterns very quickly in the sky.

12/31/18 12:00 AM

UFO Shape: teardrop

Lasted: 30


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

Orb of light crosses the sky and turns sharply in Chicago Suburbs. Leaving my office after working well into the night, an amber orb of light moved across the sky above me to the south of my location and then seemed to become multiple lights (still in one unit) and became more white colored. The light blinked at an interval but not like any plane I’ve seen.

It made no sound yet was only a couple hundred feet above ground. It then turned west and south and I lost sight of it for a few seconds behind buildings as I drove. It then came flying back north right over me as I drove West it.

Then it got higher in the sky and trurned sharply east towards Chicago and paralleled interstate 90 (which I was now on going east as well) and it traveled around 90-100 mph before blinking out of site ahead of me. I noticed several other small lights in the sky. I felt some moved and were planes others may be stars.

But this area doesn’t get much visibility to stars because of light pollution. This is O'Hare airport area, but this was not typical for flight patterns and it turned to fast and was too small to be a plane. My car's engine light and lights went on for the first time ever (the car is in great shape) after the incident.

09/26/18 11:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5-10 minures


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

Orange-red lights traveling in formation quickly over suburban sky Observed fast-moving linear-appearing procession of 14 orange-red lights approaching from south, a brief pause followed by 3 of same, heading in northeast trajectory. No sound. It didn't resemble any aircraft, Chinese lanterns, or fireworks.

Local Police Department had not received similar calls.

12/31/16 11:35 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 4 minutes


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

There was a big light that looked like a blood moon then we realized that the object was giving off a red aura Then slowly floated away An object arose from he trees so fast it looked like a time lapse of a blood moon roaring but it was an aura this object only had the aura for 30 sec before I ran to get the camera when I came back it was a fireball almost this object was "breathing" a red light it would dim and brighter slowly the further it got the smaller the light became also there was no noise to the object unlike the thousands of planes we get over here ever day this made no sound.

06/29/16 10:30 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 4 minutes


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

Seen two, three paired circles rotating and converging into single circle and coming back to its original position n doing same thing again and again. You can see those lights in cloud cover. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information.


05/14/16 10:45 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 10 minutes


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

When i first saw the light i thought it was a unusual looking star, It was very high in the sky, after about 30 seconds the light started moving very quickly and had two red lights on opposite ends, in a matter of seconds it traveled west almost out of view and then almost instantly returned to its original location, i thought at first maybe it was a helicopter because of the way it was moving in all directions but it was far too high and fast to be a helicopter. i called the local police who transfered me to 911 distpatch and he was not able to tell me if anyone else had reported it but i know other people had to have seen this thing because it was visible from probably anywhere in schaumburg and it was very noticeable. I also took a picture with my phone, just looks like a light but when you soom you can see what looks like a horseshoe shape.

Never been a UFO believer until last night because whatever it is i saw is not like anything i have ever seen befor! e and 100% positive it was not a plane or copter, there was actually a plane that flew under it at one point, the light was much much higher than the plane.

11/11/15 7:45 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 minutes


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

I saw a large, low flying, silent, slow craft in the shape of a triangle. It was the color of the sky I went outside from the side door of my house at 2:50 am for a final cigarette break before bed. The side door is on the north side of the house.

I usually turn on the outside light but this time I didn't. The lights in my house were also off. I was alone outside.

There were other people inside the house but they were sleeping. I am absolutely certain of the time I walked out the door. It was 2:50 am.

I checked my clock right when I walked out the door. My clock is accurate. I lit my cigarette and sat down on the bench and soon saw small and odd flickers of light a number of times for about 1 minute in the backyard, reflecting in the grass area on the west side of my yard to my right.

A short few minutes later, probably about 2:55 am, I saw a flying craft in the sky come in to view to my right from the west headed east. There is a large area of trees on the west side of my backyard that are about 50-60 feet high. I saw the craft as soon as it passed the treeline.

It was an equilateral triangle. It seemed large. If I had to guess, I would say each side was maybe just under 20 feet.

It seemed rather low flying, just above the tree line, maybe at about 80-90 feet. The triangle was the same dull black color of the sky but the sky had stars that night and the craft did not. It seemed very thin, practically flat, I could see hardly any dimension to it.

It moved very slow. It flew directly over my seated location above my head. It never changed pace.

It did not make any sound what so ever. There was an off-white light on each of the 3 points of the triangle. After it passed I saw an additional light in the middle of the back side of the ! triangle that flickered at an odd but seemingly calculated rate.

I don't recall the color, I don't think it was exactly the same color as the others. I went back inside the house through the side door again after the craft went out of view. I went upstairs when everything was quiet and went to bed, afraid to turn on a light.

I spent probably about an hour thinking about it, wide eyed and awake, then I must have somehow drifted to sleep. I woke up the next morning but did not recall the events until a few hours later and everything came flooding back to memory. A note about my location: We have a large airport for small private planes which is about 1 mile west of my home.

In the summer just one year before, in 2012, we were constantly seeing black hawk helicopters coming from the direction of the airport so I assume they sometimes have military contractors using the site. As I understand it, on record from an FAA map , unmanned military drones were not permitted to be flown in this area at that particular time. I've seen all kinds of planes and helicopters and jets and model toy drones and even Chinese lanterns but I have never seen anything like the triangle I saw that night.

10/12/13 2:55 AM

UFO Shape: triangle



Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

Bright circular light moves and fades to black. round bright light traveling slowly from east to west , that had somewhat constant motion and then slowed and very clearly faded to dark within 2 seconds and disappeared. This is the second time we have seen what we think is possible military type craft? it is not like a flying saucer or space ship it is a bright circular light that moves somewhat slowly but does change speeds gradually we are near O'hare but it is clearly not a plane we want to know if anybody else has seen this activity.

06/28/13 11:15 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 15 seconds


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

We were sitting outside, when I saw 2 burnt orange color lights floating in the southeast sky, below the half shaped moon. There was nothing blinking, and no sound. I said "What is that" and my husband looked and said he didn;t know.

i DO believe in UFO's, but he does not! He said, "What happened to it?" because it blinked out. Then we saw 4 more coming from the same direction, in a row. They moved along the same path, then just faded.

By this time I had run to get the binoculars, but when we both took turns looking, all we really saw was a lighted round-like orange color shape. Again, no blinking lights or sounds. We saw airplanes moving in the sky thru-out this event, but these were NOT airplanes! We saw a total of 7-9 lights.

07/28/12 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 2 minutes


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

unusual light in sky slow moving almost comes to a stop and slowly moves on My best description of the object would be it was similar in shape to a planet it was a constant brightness a whitish color . at first we thought it was a very large satellite it's motion was constant at first similar to a satellite not fast at all but then it started to slow down and slightly curve it's path. this when I really rose to attention then it came to an almost complete stop and slghtly curved back and then slowly continued on it's path.

It was not a visible craft in any form but looked like a star or planet that could move it was completley silent which also made it unusual seeing we are near O'hare and I though it maybe a plane but there were no flashing green and red lights it was circular and made no noise like the planes do we see planes in our yard at 1000 ft and 30,000 ft all the time i this was not even close to the way they look. It was not a satellite because it slowed down and curved we seee them quite often and they are much smalle! r and have a constant path across the sky. My wife and I are not ufo believers and are not telling our neighbors because I always said I thought UFO's are bullshit and dont want to look stupid but I googled how to report ufos and here i am I wanted to report in hopes somebody else in our schaumburg,IL area saw it.

06/22/12 9:45 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 1


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

Bright red pulsating object in sky. i walked outside to walk the dog and looked up in the sky and saw a large bright red pulsating object in the sky. per my iphone compass the object was located at 251 degrees west traveling southwest.

i ran in called my kids to see the object and grab a camera and the object started to immediately get smaller and less bright, until it disap eared completely. it was not a metorite since it was not breaking up on its path. was not a plane, no flashing lights, not a planet in the sky since it was moving with no sound.

didnt get image on my flip video it disappeared before i got it to record footage, i called schaumburg illinois police department to report object and they hadnt got any other reports at the time i had called it in. at around 10:35pm.

04/27/12 10:30 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 1 minute


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

Three small spheres come together to create the shape of a triangle During my lunch break at school (The Illinois Institute of Art, Schaumburg) on a clear sunny summer day at the schools parking lot I witnessed three white spheres appear out of thin air, move around each other and then form a triangular shape in the sky. I was in my car with my door open eating lunch when I witnessed this. I was looking up at the clear blue sky watching some airplanes fly by in the very far away distance when I saw these spheres appear out of nowhere.

It’s almost as if they appeared just for me, and I say that because they appeared in the exact area that my line of sight was at the entire time I was looking at the sky. After they appeared in the sky they "danced" around each other and then finished off with a triangular formation. After these spheres made that triangular formation in the sky I thought that they would be visible for a bit longer so I tried to take out my cellphone and try to get some video footage of the spheres; but as I was reaching in my pocket to pull out my cellphone I saw them disappear into thin air the same way they had appeared.

I also believe that the mood that I was in might have played a factor in their appearance. I was in a peaceful mood with a clear head, meaning that I did not have many if hardly any thoughts going through my mind at that time. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information.


05/01/11 12:00 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 15 seconds


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

It was shining a beam down towards the pond and the pond lit up. I was letting my dog in and I saw it. It was a rectangle with indents on the sides.

It was a purple color for about 10 seconds. Then it moved faster then any human aircraft changing colors to black green purple orange blue neon. It made a sound kind of like really high pitch scream.

It moved forward then backwards then it started to circle and it took off towards the moon. It was hovering over a pond I'd say about 60,000 feet high. When I saw it my whole body froze and I couldn't move for a minute and I kinda blacked out afterward.

I was about to take a picture and that's when it took off. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. The source may be the person who called from Schaumburg, but we have no way of knowing.


01/16/11 5:47 PM

UFO Shape: rectangle

Lasted: Night


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

White light with greenish aura falling from sky over Schaumburg toward the East A white ball of light with greenish tinge fell slowly from the sky. Viewed from my window looking to the East in Schaumburg, IL. Was only in sight for about five seconds, came into view in my window and then disappeared behind the houses.

No "tail" (falling star, meteor, etc.) and no flashing (plane lights, etc.) Almost looked like remnants of fireworks falling.

((NUFORC Note: Possible meteor?? PD)).

02/02/09 9:10 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: Less than 10 seconds


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

Two oval shapes seen in Chicago western suburbs, moving south. Friday, Feb.2 At 4:30 p.

m., Friday February 2nd I was traveling south from Schaumburg when I spotted two brightly lit, elliptical shapes in the sky. I have trouble gauging distances but I would say they were at least five to ten miles away.

They "floated," or "hovered," with no apparent propulsion system, moving south-southwest. Between the shapes was a light that flashed every fifteen seconds. What intrigued me most was the fact that the shapes did not change in distance between each other as they moved.

I was too far away to view any details, if there were any. My initial thought was that they were cloud formations, but after seeing them move for twenty minutes I did not see any change to them, and they remained equidistant from each other. Then I thought that they could have been a pair of airplanes pulling advertisement banners.

I have seen these planes over the last few months, but they stayed fairly close to the Schaumburg region. These shapes were quite a distance away from Schaumburg. They were not jets, blimps or other aircraft that I’ve seen before.

Anybody else see these things? (digital illustration attached).

02/02/07 4:30 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: 20 minutes


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

Black rectangle further details I almost fell out of my chair when I read the possible explanation for my black rectangle sighting of Nov 9, 2006. Still, I appreciate the open and questioning nature of the NUFORC website, and I’d like to respond. First of all, I am well aware of the planes towing the banners.

Usually they are for the "12 Oaks" Townhouses. It couldn’t be more obvious that a small plane is towing a white banner with clearly legible type. Not by any stretch of the imagination is this remotely a possibility for what I saw.

Neither was it a billboard or a streetlight or a street sign. It was a smoky matte black rectangle, close enough so that I could see it was quite large, in the same way that you can quickly tell if a nearby airplane is a child’s toy, a small plane like the ones that tow the banners, or a large jumbo jet. This rectangle was clearly a jumbo.

And it was hanging in the air, moving slowly or possibly not at all when I first sighted it. It was electrifying to see it, and in one second I ruled out all the usual suspects- a sign, a light, and yes, I even briefly considered a banner as a possibility. But this was obviously an independent floating or flying craft of some kind, with no supporting poles or strings attached.

I got a very clear and long look at the rectangle in a large open area, above the horizon, with no obscuring foliage, as I continued down the raised highway. It was one of those things I’ll remember crystal clearly for the rest of my life. At this point it was evident that yes, the craft was moving, albeit relatively slowly, much slower than even a small airplane would move.

And the edges were distinct and crisp, although there was an unusual, almost ominous tone to the black color. It was sort of unearthly, actually, a smoky matte black, as I stated earlier. I felt that it was metallic.

I believe I was looking at a side panel or back panel or front panel of the craft. At the time, I thought that the rest of the ship was hidden by perspective, but now I tend to think it was camouflaged with the exception of this one panel, for whatever reason. My great regret is that I didn’t stop the car and flag down other motorists to be witnesses.

I thought of doing it, but it would have been very dangerous in the rush-hour traffic with a narrow shoulder, with me not wanting to take my eyes off this incredible ship in the sky. I’m glad I was able to keep looking at it, though, because as I was watching it in this wide-open area it just faded away, or "cloaked out," before my eyes, as if it realized it was being watched. Briefly, I could see a diffuse rectangular shape well camouflaged against the blue sky, sort of like a rectangular panel of water hanging in the air might look like from a distance.

The ship definitely disappeared from "cloaking," as opposed to traveling too quickly to observe. Absolutely amazing. Since then, I’ve researched these types of sightings quite a bit.

The shape I saw is very much like the shape I’ve seen witnesses draw of the sides of "black triangles" or similar craft. Some people believe these are secret American military craft- perhaps a "stealth blimp"- but I find that very hard to believe. Reports of these types of sightings go back over half a century, and have become quite common the last decade or so.

These ships, usually seen in heavily populated areas, are sometimes seen to move at incredible, apparently instantaneous-type speeds. I saw one fade from view right before my eyes. If we’ve had these ships for half a century, which in itself is ludicrous, we’d have been using them in battle for quite some time now.

I’ve seen a Stealth Bomber flying up close, and as awesome as the Stealth Bomber was, I have to say that the black "rectangle" was a lot more amazing. An advertising banner? Absolutely not!.

11/09/06 9:00 AM

UFO Shape: rectangle

Lasted: 4 minutes


Schaumburg, IL

Full Report Text:

**Constant light moving in zig-zag pattern.faded away*** One night in July, my girlfriend and I were looking at the stars outside of my house. I saw a bright star that was moving at a constant speed and it was too high for a plane.

I told her to look straight up and she noticed the object as well. And there was no doubt in my mind that it was an alien craft of some sort. It moved in a zig-zag pattern and as it was moving, the light suddenly faded away.

It did not blink light aircrafts do. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD)).

07/15/06 10:00 AM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 1 minute


Schaumburg, Illinois UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 11 reported sightings 42.31% of all reports
Circle 4 reported sightings 15.38% of all reports
Oval 3 reported sightings 11.54% of all reports
Rectangle 2 reported sightings 7.69% of all reports
Fireball 2 reported sightings 7.69% of all reports
Sphere 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports
Triangle 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports
Teardrop 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports
Diamond 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports

Schaumburg, Illinois UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
May 4 reported sightings 15.38% of all reports
June 4 reported sightings 15.38% of all reports
February 3 reported sightings 11.54% of all reports
November 3 reported sightings 11.54% of all reports
July 2 reported sightings 7.69% of all reports
April 2 reported sightings 7.69% of all reports
August 2 reported sightings 7.69% of all reports
September 2 reported sightings 7.69% of all reports
December 2 reported sightings 7.69% of all reports
October 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports
January 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports

Schaumburg, Illinois UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Saturday 6 reported sightings 23.08% of all reports
Friday 5 reported sightings 19.23% of all reports
Sunday 4 reported sightings 15.38% of all reports
Wednesday 4 reported sightings 15.38% of all reports
Monday 4 reported sightings 15.38% of all reports
Thursday 2 reported sightings 7.69% of all reports
Tuesday 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports

Schaumburg, Illinois UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
06/22/12 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports
08/11/23 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports
08/05/01 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports
04/27/12 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports
02/10/24 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports

Schaumburg, Illinois UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 14 reported sightings 53.85% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 4 reported sightings 15.38% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 4 reported sightings 15.38% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 3 reported sightings 11.54% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 1 reported sightings 3.85% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Schaumburg, Illinois

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Schaumburg, Illinois.

All Illinois Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Illinois

City Number of Reports View Reports
Chicago 469 UFO Reports Chicago, Illinois UFO Sightings
Tinley Park 164 UFO Reports Tinley Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rockford 142 UFO Reports Rockford, Illinois UFO Sightings
Springfield 60 UFO Reports Springfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oak Lawn 51 UFO Reports Oak Lawn, Illinois UFO Sightings
Orland Park 50 UFO Reports Orland Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Peoria 44 UFO Reports Peoria, Illinois UFO Sightings
Naperville 43 UFO Reports Naperville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bloomington 39 UFO Reports Bloomington, Illinois UFO Sightings
Aurora 39 UFO Reports Aurora, Illinois UFO Sightings
Plainfield 38 UFO Reports Plainfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Northbrook 38 UFO Reports Northbrook, Illinois UFO Sightings
Joliet 37 UFO Reports Joliet, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oak Forest 36 UFO Reports Oak Forest, Illinois UFO Sightings
Crystal Lake 30 UFO Reports Crystal Lake, Illinois UFO Sightings
Palatine 29 UFO Reports Palatine, Illinois UFO Sightings
Elgin 28 UFO Reports Elgin, Illinois UFO Sightings
Norris City 27 UFO Reports Norris City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lombard 26 UFO Reports Lombard, Illinois UFO Sightings
Downers Grove 26 UFO Reports Downers Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Frankfort 26 UFO Reports Frankfort, Illinois UFO Sightings
Schaumburg 26 UFO Reports Schaumburg, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mokena 24 UFO Reports Mokena, Illinois UFO Sightings
Arlington Heights 24 UFO Reports Arlington Heights, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bolingbrook 23 UFO Reports Bolingbrook, Illinois UFO Sightings
Wheaton 23 UFO Reports Wheaton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Saint Charles 22 UFO Reports Saint Charles, Illinois UFO Sightings
Edwardsville 20 UFO Reports Edwardsville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Galesburg 20 UFO Reports Galesburg, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oswego 20 UFO Reports Oswego, Illinois UFO Sightings
Decatur 19 UFO Reports Decatur, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bartlett 19 UFO Reports Bartlett, Illinois UFO Sightings
Belleville 19 UFO Reports Belleville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Gurnee 18 UFO Reports Gurnee, Illinois UFO Sightings
Champaign 18 UFO Reports Champaign, Illinois UFO Sightings
Waukegan 18 UFO Reports Waukegan, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lockport 17 UFO Reports Lockport, Illinois UFO Sightings
Normal 17 UFO Reports Normal, Illinois UFO Sightings
Moline 17 UFO Reports Moline, Illinois UFO Sightings
Ottawa 17 UFO Reports Ottawa, Illinois UFO Sightings
Barrington 16 UFO Reports Barrington, Illinois UFO Sightings
Des Plaines 16 UFO Reports Des Plaines, Illinois UFO Sightings
Collinsville 16 UFO Reports Collinsville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Quincy 16 UFO Reports Quincy, Illinois UFO Sightings
Payson 16 UFO Reports Payson, Illinois UFO Sightings
McHenry 16 UFO Reports McHenry, Illinois UFO Sightings
Dekalb 16 UFO Reports Dekalb, Illinois UFO Sightings
Glenview 15 UFO Reports Glenview, Illinois UFO Sightings
Elmhurst 15 UFO Reports Elmhurst, Illinois UFO Sightings
Morris 15 UFO Reports Morris, Illinois UFO Sightings
Alton 15 UFO Reports Alton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Carbondale 14 UFO Reports Carbondale, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mundelein 14 UFO Reports Mundelein, Illinois UFO Sightings
Batavia 14 UFO Reports Batavia, Illinois UFO Sightings
New Lenox 14 UFO Reports New Lenox, Illinois UFO Sightings
South Elgin 14 UFO Reports South Elgin, Illinois UFO Sightings
Evanston 14 UFO Reports Evanston, Illinois UFO Sightings
Macomb 13 UFO Reports Macomb, Illinois UFO Sightings
Loves Park 13 UFO Reports Loves Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mount Prospect 13 UFO Reports Mount Prospect, Illinois UFO Sightings
Danville 13 UFO Reports Danville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Canton 12 UFO Reports Canton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Crete 12 UFO Reports Crete, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bourbonnais 12 UFO Reports Bourbonnais, Illinois UFO Sightings
Matteson 12 UFO Reports Matteson, Illinois UFO Sightings
Dixon 12 UFO Reports Dixon, Illinois UFO Sightings
Carol stream 12 UFO Reports Carol stream, Illinois UFO Sightings
Freeport 12 UFO Reports Freeport, Illinois UFO Sightings
Algonquin 12 UFO Reports Algonquin, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lake Villa 12 UFO Reports Lake Villa, Illinois UFO Sightings
Manteno 12 UFO Reports Manteno, Illinois UFO Sightings
Murphysboro 12 UFO Reports Murphysboro, Illinois UFO Sightings
Highland Park 12 UFO Reports Highland Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Jacksonville 11 UFO Reports Jacksonville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Niles 11 UFO Reports Niles, Illinois UFO Sightings
Woodridge 11 UFO Reports Woodridge, Illinois UFO Sightings
Streamwood 11 UFO Reports Streamwood, Illinois UFO Sightings
OFallon 11 UFO Reports OFallon, Illinois UFO Sightings
Cicero 11 UFO Reports Cicero, Illinois UFO Sightings
Burbank 11 UFO Reports Burbank, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lisle 11 UFO Reports Lisle, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lemont 11 UFO Reports Lemont, Illinois UFO Sightings
Granite City 11 UFO Reports Granite City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chicago Heights 11 UFO Reports Chicago Heights, Illinois UFO Sightings
Park Ridge 11 UFO Reports Park Ridge, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sterling 11 UFO Reports Sterling, Illinois UFO Sightings
Wheeling 10 UFO Reports Wheeling, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sycamore 10 UFO Reports Sycamore, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mattoon 10 UFO Reports Mattoon, Illinois UFO Sightings
Taylorville 10 UFO Reports Taylorville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Woodstock 10 UFO Reports Woodstock, Illinois UFO Sightings
Beecher 10 UFO Reports Beecher, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rock Island 10 UFO Reports Rock Island, Illinois UFO Sightings
Troy 10 UFO Reports Troy, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hoffman Estates 10 UFO Reports Hoffman Estates, Illinois UFO Sightings
Olney 10 UFO Reports Olney, Illinois UFO Sightings
Skokie 10 UFO Reports Skokie, Illinois UFO Sightings
Homer Glen 9 UFO Reports Homer Glen, Illinois UFO Sightings
Carlinville 9 UFO Reports Carlinville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Buffalo Grove 9 UFO Reports Buffalo Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Montgomery 9 UFO Reports Montgomery, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hanover Park 9 UFO Reports Hanover Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Westmont 9 UFO Reports Westmont, Illinois UFO Sightings
Midlothian 9 UFO Reports Midlothian, Illinois UFO Sightings
Belvidere 9 UFO Reports Belvidere, Illinois UFO Sightings
Salem 8 UFO Reports Salem, Illinois UFO Sightings
Cary 8 UFO Reports Cary, Illinois UFO Sightings
Villa Park 8 UFO Reports Villa Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Roscoe 8 UFO Reports Roscoe, Illinois UFO Sightings
Jerseyville 8 UFO Reports Jerseyville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Antioch 8 UFO Reports Antioch, Illinois UFO Sightings
Libertyville 8 UFO Reports Libertyville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Berwyn 8 UFO Reports Berwyn, Illinois UFO Sightings
Effingham 8 UFO Reports Effingham, Illinois UFO Sightings
Worth 8 UFO Reports Worth, Illinois UFO Sightings
Fox Lake 8 UFO Reports Fox Lake, Illinois UFO Sightings
Orland Hills 8 UFO Reports Orland Hills, Illinois UFO Sightings
Huntley 8 UFO Reports Huntley, Illinois UFO Sightings
Glen Ellyn 8 UFO Reports Glen Ellyn, Illinois UFO Sightings
Blue Island 8 UFO Reports Blue Island, Illinois UFO Sightings
Alsip 8 UFO Reports Alsip, Illinois UFO Sightings
Round Lake 8 UFO Reports Round Lake, Illinois UFO Sightings
Pekin 8 UFO Reports Pekin, Illinois UFO Sightings
Greenville 8 UFO Reports Greenville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Vernon Hills 8 UFO Reports Vernon Hills, Illinois UFO Sightings
East Peoria 8 UFO Reports East Peoria, Illinois UFO Sightings
Brookfield 8 UFO Reports Brookfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Darien 7 UFO Reports Darien, Illinois UFO Sightings
Kankakee 7 UFO Reports Kankakee, Illinois UFO Sightings
Benton 7 UFO Reports Benton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Peotone 7 UFO Reports Peotone, Illinois UFO Sightings
Romeoville 7 UFO Reports Romeoville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Grayslake 7 UFO Reports Grayslake, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oregon 7 UFO Reports Oregon, Illinois UFO Sightings
Johnsburg 7 UFO Reports Johnsburg, Illinois UFO Sightings
Urbana 7 UFO Reports Urbana, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lake Forest 7 UFO Reports Lake Forest, Illinois UFO Sightings
Manhattan 7 UFO Reports Manhattan, Illinois UFO Sightings
Yorkville 7 UFO Reports Yorkville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Monee 7 UFO Reports Monee, Illinois UFO Sightings
Deerfield 7 UFO Reports Deerfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Carpentersville 7 UFO Reports Carpentersville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Zion 7 UFO Reports Zion, Illinois UFO Sightings
Jonesboro 7 UFO Reports Jonesboro, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mount Vernon 7 UFO Reports Mount Vernon, Illinois UFO Sightings
Geneva 7 UFO Reports Geneva, Illinois UFO Sightings
Steger 7 UFO Reports Steger, Illinois UFO Sightings
Crestwood 7 UFO Reports Crestwood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lewistown 6 UFO Reports Lewistown, Illinois UFO Sightings
Millstadt 6 UFO Reports Millstadt, Illinois UFO Sightings
Marion 6 UFO Reports Marion, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rolling Meadows 6 UFO Reports Rolling Meadows, Illinois UFO Sightings
Shelbyville 6 UFO Reports Shelbyville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Elk Grove Village 6 UFO Reports Elk Grove Village, Illinois UFO Sightings
Caseyville 6 UFO Reports Caseyville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Godfrey 6 UFO Reports Godfrey, Illinois UFO Sightings
Roselle 6 UFO Reports Roselle, Illinois UFO Sightings
Forest Park 6 UFO Reports Forest Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rochelle 6 UFO Reports Rochelle, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lincolnshire 6 UFO Reports Lincolnshire, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bloomingdale 6 UFO Reports Bloomingdale, Illinois UFO Sightings
Fairview Heights 6 UFO Reports Fairview Heights, Illinois UFO Sightings
Centralia 6 UFO Reports Centralia, Illinois UFO Sightings
Shorewood 6 UFO Reports Shorewood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Greenfield 6 UFO Reports Greenfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hickory Hills 6 UFO Reports Hickory Hills, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sugar Grove 6 UFO Reports Sugar Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Highland 6 UFO Reports Highland, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lake Zurich 6 UFO Reports Lake Zurich, Illinois UFO Sightings
Glenarm 6 UFO Reports Glenarm, Illinois UFO Sightings
Vienna 6 UFO Reports Vienna, Illinois UFO Sightings
Park Forest 6 UFO Reports Park Forest, Illinois UFO Sightings
Beardstown 6 UFO Reports Beardstown, Illinois UFO Sightings
Dupo 6 UFO Reports Dupo, Illinois UFO Sightings
Wilmington 5 UFO Reports Wilmington, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chatham 5 UFO Reports Chatham, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chicago Ridge 5 UFO Reports Chicago Ridge, Illinois UFO Sightings
Morton 5 UFO Reports Morton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Evergreen Park 5 UFO Reports Evergreen Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Riverside 5 UFO Reports Riverside, Illinois UFO Sightings
Byron 5 UFO Reports Byron, Illinois UFO Sightings
Morton Grove 5 UFO Reports Morton Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rushville 5 UFO Reports Rushville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Ingleside 5 UFO Reports Ingleside, Illinois UFO Sightings
Volo 5 UFO Reports Volo, Illinois UFO Sightings
Great Lakes 5 UFO Reports Great Lakes, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hinsdale 5 UFO Reports Hinsdale, Illinois UFO Sightings
Waterloo 5 UFO Reports Waterloo, Illinois UFO Sightings
El Paso 5 UFO Reports El Paso, Illinois UFO Sightings
Elmwood Park 5 UFO Reports Elmwood Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Wadsworth 5 UFO Reports Wadsworth, Illinois UFO Sightings
Ridgway 5 UFO Reports Ridgway, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hodgkins 5 UFO Reports Hodgkins, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lebanon 5 UFO Reports Lebanon, Illinois UFO Sightings
Country Club Hills 5 UFO Reports Country Club Hills, Illinois UFO Sightings
Countryside 5 UFO Reports Countryside, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sullivan 5 UFO Reports Sullivan, Illinois UFO Sightings
Illinois 5 UFO Reports Illinois, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lenzburg 5 UFO Reports Lenzburg, Illinois UFO Sightings
Justice 5 UFO Reports Justice, Illinois UFO Sightings
Glendale Heights 5 UFO Reports Glendale Heights, Illinois UFO Sightings
Addison 5 UFO Reports Addison, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hillsboro 5 UFO Reports Hillsboro, Illinois UFO Sightings
Warrenville 4 UFO Reports Warrenville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Newton 4 UFO Reports Newton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Franklin Park 4 UFO Reports Franklin Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
West Chicago 4 UFO Reports West Chicago, Illinois UFO Sightings
Elk Grove 4 UFO Reports Elk Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Kirkland 4 UFO Reports Kirkland, Illinois UFO Sightings
Barrington Hills 4 UFO Reports Barrington Hills, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sparland 4 UFO Reports Sparland, Illinois UFO Sightings
Plano 4 UFO Reports Plano, Illinois UFO Sightings
Virden 4 UFO Reports Virden, Illinois UFO Sightings
Harvard 4 UFO Reports Harvard, Illinois UFO Sightings
Knoxville 4 UFO Reports Knoxville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hometown 4 UFO Reports Hometown, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bradley 4 UFO Reports Bradley, Illinois UFO Sightings
Columbia 4 UFO Reports Columbia, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mahomet 4 UFO Reports Mahomet, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lincoln 4 UFO Reports Lincoln, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bethalto 4 UFO Reports Bethalto, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chillicothe 4 UFO Reports Chillicothe, Illinois UFO Sightings
Breese 4 UFO Reports Breese, Illinois UFO Sightings
Heyworth 4 UFO Reports Heyworth, Illinois UFO Sightings
Westchester 4 UFO Reports Westchester, Illinois UFO Sightings
Manito 4 UFO Reports Manito, Illinois UFO Sightings
Metropolis 4 UFO Reports Metropolis, Illinois UFO Sightings
North Aurora 4 UFO Reports North Aurora, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oak Park 4 UFO Reports Oak Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Wauconda 4 UFO Reports Wauconda, Illinois UFO Sightings
Brighton 4 UFO Reports Brighton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Western Springs 4 UFO Reports Western Springs, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rantoul 4 UFO Reports Rantoul, Illinois UFO Sightings
East Moline 4 UFO Reports East Moline, Illinois UFO Sightings
Litchfield 4 UFO Reports Litchfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Clinton 4 UFO Reports Clinton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Round lake beach 4 UFO Reports Round lake beach, Illinois UFO Sightings
Willowbrook 4 UFO Reports Willowbrook, Illinois UFO Sightings
River Forest 4 UFO Reports River Forest, Illinois UFO Sightings
Channahon 4 UFO Reports Channahon, Illinois UFO Sightings
Beach Park 4 UFO Reports Beach Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Carterville 4 UFO Reports Carterville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Dunlap 4 UFO Reports Dunlap, Illinois UFO Sightings
Highwood 4 UFO Reports Highwood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Charleston 4 UFO Reports Charleston, Illinois UFO Sightings
Burr Ridge 4 UFO Reports Burr Ridge, Illinois UFO Sightings
Tiskilwa 4 UFO Reports Tiskilwa, Illinois UFO Sightings
Morrison 4 UFO Reports Morrison, Illinois UFO Sightings
Galatia 4 UFO Reports Galatia, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lansing 4 UFO Reports Lansing, Illinois UFO Sightings
Union 3 UFO Reports Union, Illinois UFO Sightings
Northlake 3 UFO Reports Northlake, Illinois UFO Sightings
Nason 3 UFO Reports Nason, Illinois UFO Sightings
LaSalle 3 UFO Reports LaSalle, Illinois UFO Sightings
San Jose 3 UFO Reports San Jose, Illinois UFO Sightings
Swansea 3 UFO Reports Swansea, Illinois UFO Sightings
West Dundee 3 UFO Reports West Dundee, Illinois UFO Sightings
Prophetstown 3 UFO Reports Prophetstown, Illinois UFO Sightings
Melrose Park 3 UFO Reports Melrose Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Flora 3 UFO Reports Flora, Illinois UFO Sightings
Cherry Valley 3 UFO Reports Cherry Valley, Illinois UFO Sightings
Markham 3 UFO Reports Markham, Illinois UFO Sightings
Athens 3 UFO Reports Athens, Illinois UFO Sightings
Cahokia 3 UFO Reports Cahokia, Illinois UFO Sightings
MtVernon 3 UFO Reports MtVernon, Illinois UFO Sightings
Galena 3 UFO Reports Galena, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bedford Park 3 UFO Reports Bedford Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Madison 3 UFO Reports Madison, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lawrenceville 3 UFO Reports Lawrenceville, Illinois UFO Sightings
South Barrington 3 UFO Reports South Barrington, Illinois UFO Sightings
Peru 3 UFO Reports Peru, Illinois UFO Sightings
Homewood 3 UFO Reports Homewood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Atkinson 3 UFO Reports Atkinson, Illinois UFO Sightings
Inverness 3 UFO Reports Inverness, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mount Carmel 3 UFO Reports Mount Carmel, Illinois UFO Sightings
Freeburg 3 UFO Reports Freeburg, Illinois UFO Sightings
Spring Grove 3 UFO Reports Spring Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Cordova 3 UFO Reports Cordova, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hampshire 3 UFO Reports Hampshire, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chester 3 UFO Reports Chester, Illinois UFO Sightings
Gilberts 3 UFO Reports Gilberts, Illinois UFO Sightings
Streator 3 UFO Reports Streator, Illinois UFO Sightings
Winfield 3 UFO Reports Winfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Petersburg 3 UFO Reports Petersburg, Illinois UFO Sightings
Scott AFB 3 UFO Reports Scott AFB, Illinois UFO Sightings
Palos Heights 3 UFO Reports Palos Heights, Illinois UFO Sightings
Aledo 3 UFO Reports Aledo, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hanna City 3 UFO Reports Hanna City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rochester 3 UFO Reports Rochester, Illinois UFO Sightings
Christopher 3 UFO Reports Christopher, Illinois UFO Sightings
Elburn 3 UFO Reports Elburn, Illinois UFO Sightings
Kewanee 3 UFO Reports Kewanee, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sublette 3 UFO Reports Sublette, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lindenhurst 3 UFO Reports Lindenhurst, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rock Falls 3 UFO Reports Rock Falls, Illinois UFO Sightings
Poplar Grove 3 UFO Reports Poplar Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bridgeview 3 UFO Reports Bridgeview, Illinois UFO Sightings
St Charles 3 UFO Reports St Charles, Illinois UFO Sightings
Elwood 3 UFO Reports Elwood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hawthorn Woods 3 UFO Reports Hawthorn Woods, Illinois UFO Sightings
Pingree Grove 3 UFO Reports Pingree Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Grand Chain 3 UFO Reports Grand Chain, Illinois UFO Sightings
Greenup 3 UFO Reports Greenup, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mount Pulaski 3 UFO Reports Mount Pulaski, Illinois UFO Sightings
Gardner 3 UFO Reports Gardner, Illinois UFO Sightings
Willow Springs 3 UFO Reports Willow Springs, Illinois UFO Sightings
Geneseo 3 UFO Reports Geneseo, Illinois UFO Sightings
Eureka 3 UFO Reports Eureka, Illinois UFO Sightings
Warren 3 UFO Reports Warren, Illinois UFO Sightings
Wonder Lake 3 UFO Reports Wonder Lake, Illinois UFO Sightings
Maryville 3 UFO Reports Maryville, Illinois UFO Sightings
North Riverside 3 UFO Reports North Riverside, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lakewood 3 UFO Reports Lakewood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Wilmette 3 UFO Reports Wilmette, Illinois UFO Sightings
Marengo 3 UFO Reports Marengo, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rockton 3 UFO Reports Rockton, Illinois UFO Sightings
LaGrange 3 UFO Reports LaGrange, Illinois UFO Sightings
Coal Valley 3 UFO Reports Coal Valley, Illinois UFO Sightings
Genoa 3 UFO Reports Genoa, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oquawka 2 UFO Reports Oquawka, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bensenville 2 UFO Reports Bensenville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Glenn Ellyn 2 UFO Reports Glenn Ellyn, Illinois UFO Sightings
Ashley 2 UFO Reports Ashley, Illinois UFO Sightings
Tolono 2 UFO Reports Tolono, Illinois UFO Sightings
Henry 2 UFO Reports Henry, Illinois UFO Sightings
Groveland 2 UFO Reports Groveland, Illinois UFO Sightings
Durand 2 UFO Reports Durand, Illinois UFO Sightings
Brookport 2 UFO Reports Brookport, Illinois UFO Sightings
Wilsonville 2 UFO Reports Wilsonville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chebanse 2 UFO Reports Chebanse, Illinois UFO Sightings
Warsaw 2 UFO Reports Warsaw, Illinois UFO Sightings
University Park 2 UFO Reports University Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mt Sterling 2 UFO Reports Mt Sterling, Illinois UFO Sightings
Casey 2 UFO Reports Casey, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hinckley 2 UFO Reports Hinckley, Illinois UFO Sightings
Brownstown 2 UFO Reports Brownstown, Illinois UFO Sightings
Stonefort 2 UFO Reports Stonefort, Illinois UFO Sightings
Creve Coeur 2 UFO Reports Creve Coeur, Illinois UFO Sightings
Richmond 2 UFO Reports Richmond, Illinois UFO Sightings
Washington 2 UFO Reports Washington, Illinois UFO Sightings
Niota 2 UFO Reports Niota, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sandoval 2 UFO Reports Sandoval, Illinois UFO Sightings
Schuyler County 2 UFO Reports Schuyler County, Illinois UFO Sightings
West Frankfort 2 UFO Reports West Frankfort, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oak Brook 2 UFO Reports Oak Brook, Illinois UFO Sightings
Plato Center 2 UFO Reports Plato Center, Illinois UFO Sightings
Wildwood 2 UFO Reports Wildwood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Minooka 2 UFO Reports Minooka, Illinois UFO Sightings
Flossmoor 2 UFO Reports Flossmoor, Illinois UFO Sightings
La Grange 2 UFO Reports La Grange, Illinois UFO Sightings
Maroa 2 UFO Reports Maroa, Illinois UFO Sightings
Cairo 2 UFO Reports Cairo, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sandwich 2 UFO Reports Sandwich, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lake Bluff 2 UFO Reports Lake Bluff, Illinois UFO Sightings
Elmwood 2 UFO Reports Elmwood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Odell 2 UFO Reports Odell, Illinois UFO Sightings
Richton Park 2 UFO Reports Richton Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Karnak 2 UFO Reports Karnak, Illinois UFO Sightings
East Alton 2 UFO Reports East Alton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Neoga 2 UFO Reports Neoga, Illinois UFO Sightings
South Beloit 2 UFO Reports South Beloit, Illinois UFO Sightings
Iola 2 UFO Reports Iola, Illinois UFO Sightings
Pontiac 2 UFO Reports Pontiac, Illinois UFO Sightings
Odin 2 UFO Reports Odin, Illinois UFO Sightings
Johnston City 2 UFO Reports Johnston City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Calhoun 2 UFO Reports Calhoun, Illinois UFO Sightings
Savanna 2 UFO Reports Savanna, Illinois UFO Sightings
Winnebago 2 UFO Reports Winnebago, Illinois UFO Sightings
Orland 2 UFO Reports Orland, Illinois UFO Sightings
Atwood 2 UFO Reports Atwood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Pontoon Beach 2 UFO Reports Pontoon Beach, Illinois UFO Sightings
Ipava 2 UFO Reports Ipava, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bartonville 2 UFO Reports Bartonville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Seneca 2 UFO Reports Seneca, Illinois UFO Sightings
Trenton 2 UFO Reports Trenton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Dolton 2 UFO Reports Dolton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bridgeport 2 UFO Reports Bridgeport, Illinois UFO Sightings
Elmwood Pk 2 UFO Reports Elmwood Pk, Illinois UFO Sightings
East Dundee 2 UFO Reports East Dundee, Illinois UFO Sightings
Arenzville 2 UFO Reports Arenzville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Auburn 2 UFO Reports Auburn, Illinois UFO Sightings
Calumet City 2 UFO Reports Calumet City, Illinois UFO Sightings
La Salle 2 UFO Reports La Salle, Illinois UFO Sightings
Marshall 2 UFO Reports Marshall, Illinois UFO Sightings
Eldorado 2 UFO Reports Eldorado, Illinois UFO Sightings
Vandalia 2 UFO Reports Vandalia, Illinois UFO Sightings
Fulton 2 UFO Reports Fulton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Palos Park 2 UFO Reports Palos Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rossville 2 UFO Reports Rossville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Willow Brook 2 UFO Reports Willow Brook, Illinois UFO Sightings
East Hazel Crest 2 UFO Reports East Hazel Crest, Illinois UFO Sightings
Pecatonica 2 UFO Reports Pecatonica, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hoffman 2 UFO Reports Hoffman, Illinois UFO Sightings
Saint David 2 UFO Reports Saint David, Illinois UFO Sightings
Leland 2 UFO Reports Leland, Illinois UFO Sightings
Fox River Grove 2 UFO Reports Fox River Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lacon 2 UFO Reports Lacon, Illinois UFO Sightings
Martinsville 2 UFO Reports Martinsville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Clarendon Hills 2 UFO Reports Clarendon Hills, Illinois UFO Sightings
North Brook 2 UFO Reports North Brook, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bath 2 UFO Reports Bath, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sesser 2 UFO Reports Sesser, Illinois UFO Sightings
StCharles 2 UFO Reports StCharles, Illinois UFO Sightings
Middletown 2 UFO Reports Middletown, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sigel 2 UFO Reports Sigel, Illinois UFO Sightings
Kildeer 2 UFO Reports Kildeer, Illinois UFO Sightings
Montrose 2 UFO Reports Montrose, Illinois UFO Sightings
Winthrop Harbor 2 UFO Reports Winthrop Harbor, Illinois UFO Sightings
Blue Mound 2 UFO Reports Blue Mound, Illinois UFO Sightings
Posen 2 UFO Reports Posen, Illinois UFO Sightings
Itasca 2 UFO Reports Itasca, Illinois UFO Sightings
Carrollton 2 UFO Reports Carrollton, Illinois UFO Sightings
McLean 2 UFO Reports McLean, Illinois UFO Sightings
Farmer City 2 UFO Reports Farmer City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Coal City 2 UFO Reports Coal City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Gridley 2 UFO Reports Gridley, Illinois UFO Sightings
Iuka 2 UFO Reports Iuka, Illinois UFO Sightings
McNabb 2 UFO Reports McNabb, Illinois UFO Sightings
Fayetteville 2 UFO Reports Fayetteville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Omaha 2 UFO Reports Omaha, Illinois UFO Sightings
River Grove 2 UFO Reports River Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Kingston 2 UFO Reports Kingston, Illinois UFO Sightings
Summit 2 UFO Reports Summit, Illinois UFO Sightings
Tuscola 2 UFO Reports Tuscola, Illinois UFO Sightings
Wood Dale 2 UFO Reports Wood Dale, Illinois UFO Sightings
Owaneco 2 UFO Reports Owaneco, Illinois UFO Sightings
South Holland 2 UFO Reports South Holland, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mascoutah 2 UFO Reports Mascoutah, Illinois UFO Sightings
Pittsfield 2 UFO Reports Pittsfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Carthage 2 UFO Reports Carthage, Illinois UFO Sightings
Shawnee National Forest 2 UFO Reports Shawnee National Forest, Illinois UFO Sightings
Nashville 2 UFO Reports Nashville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Fithian 1 UFO Reports Fithian, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rend Lake 1 UFO Reports Rend Lake, Illinois UFO Sightings
Harristown 1 UFO Reports Harristown, Illinois UFO Sightings
Kaneville 1 UFO Reports Kaneville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Riverdale 1 UFO Reports Riverdale, Illinois UFO Sightings
Smithshire 1 UFO Reports Smithshire, Illinois UFO Sightings
Kinsman 1 UFO Reports Kinsman, Illinois UFO Sightings
Edinburg 1 UFO Reports Edinburg, Illinois UFO Sightings
Peoria County 1 UFO Reports Peoria County, Illinois UFO Sightings
Burtons Bridge 1 UFO Reports Burtons Bridge, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sumner 1 UFO Reports Sumner, Illinois UFO Sightings
Grantsburg 1 UFO Reports Grantsburg, Illinois UFO Sightings
In-flight 1 UFO Reports In-flight, Illinois UFO Sightings
Schaumurg 1 UFO Reports Schaumurg, Illinois UFO Sightings
Livingston 1 UFO Reports Livingston, Illinois UFO Sightings
Woodhull 1 UFO Reports Woodhull, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mt Carmel 1 UFO Reports Mt Carmel, Illinois UFO Sightings
Galatia Area 1 UFO Reports Galatia Area, Illinois UFO Sightings
Akin 1 UFO Reports Akin, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bonfield 1 UFO Reports Bonfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Southern MI 1 UFO Reports Southern MI, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lagrange Park 1 UFO Reports Lagrange Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mason city 1 UFO Reports Mason city, Illinois UFO Sightings
Colchester 1 UFO Reports Colchester, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oakwood 1 UFO Reports Oakwood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Princeton 1 UFO Reports Princeton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Beaverville 1 UFO Reports Beaverville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Patoka 1 UFO Reports Patoka, Illinois UFO Sightings
Georgetown 1 UFO Reports Georgetown, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hillside 1 UFO Reports Hillside, Illinois UFO Sightings
Andover 1 UFO Reports Andover, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rural Kirkwood 1 UFO Reports Rural Kirkwood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Stickney 1 UFO Reports Stickney, Illinois UFO Sightings
Melroe Park 1 UFO Reports Melroe Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lexington 1 UFO Reports Lexington, Illinois UFO Sightings
Milstadt 1 UFO Reports Milstadt, Illinois UFO Sightings
Davis Jct 1 UFO Reports Davis Jct, Illinois UFO Sightings
Flat Rock 1 UFO Reports Flat Rock, Illinois UFO Sightings
Orangeville 1 UFO Reports Orangeville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Reynolds 1 UFO Reports Reynolds, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hartsburg 1 UFO Reports Hartsburg, Illinois UFO Sightings
Smithton 1 UFO Reports Smithton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Marissa 1 UFO Reports Marissa, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chicago suburbs 1 UFO Reports Chicago suburbs, Illinois UFO Sightings
Edwards 1 UFO Reports Edwards, Illinois UFO Sightings
Homer Glenn 1 UFO Reports Homer Glenn, Illinois UFO Sightings
Ashton 1 UFO Reports Ashton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Grape Creek 1 UFO Reports Grape Creek, Illinois UFO Sightings
In-flight sighting 1 UFO Reports In-flight sighting, Illinois UFO Sightings
Carbon Hill 1 UFO Reports Carbon Hill, Illinois UFO Sightings
Schiller Park 1 UFO Reports Schiller Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Toulon 1 UFO Reports Toulon, Illinois UFO Sightings
DeSoto 1 UFO Reports DeSoto, Illinois UFO Sightings
Franklin Park area 1 UFO Reports Franklin Park area, Illinois UFO Sightings
Palestine 1 UFO Reports Palestine, Illinois UFO Sightings
Galconda 1 UFO Reports Galconda, Illinois UFO Sightings
Herald 1 UFO Reports Herald, Illinois UFO Sightings
Albany 1 UFO Reports Albany, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lake Bluff 1 UFO Reports Lake Bluff, Illinois UFO Sightings
Not in one 1 UFO Reports Not in one, Illinois UFO Sightings
White Hall 1 UFO Reports White Hall, Illinois UFO Sightings
Fair Oaks 1 UFO Reports Fair Oaks, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oakwood Hills 1 UFO Reports Oakwood Hills, Illinois UFO Sightings
Janesville 1 UFO Reports Janesville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Beckeymeyer 1 UFO Reports Beckeymeyer, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sherman 1 UFO Reports Sherman, Illinois UFO Sightings
Dwight 1 UFO Reports Dwight, Illinois UFO Sightings
Nauvoo 1 UFO Reports Nauvoo, Illinois UFO Sightings
Paw Paw 1 UFO Reports Paw Paw, Illinois UFO Sightings
Gibson City 1 UFO Reports Gibson City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Anna 1 UFO Reports Anna, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lawrence County 1 UFO Reports Lawrence County, Illinois UFO Sightings
Liberty 1 UFO Reports Liberty, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mindelein 1 UFO Reports Mindelein, Illinois UFO Sightings
De Land 1 UFO Reports De Land, Illinois UFO Sightings
Winchester 1 UFO Reports Winchester, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oreana 1 UFO Reports Oreana, Illinois UFO Sightings
Kappa 1 UFO Reports Kappa, Illinois UFO Sightings
Berkeley 1 UFO Reports Berkeley, Illinois UFO Sightings
Riverton 1 UFO Reports Riverton, Illinois UFO Sightings
SOHO Observatory 1 UFO Reports SOHO Observatory, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chicao 1 UFO Reports Chicao, Illinois UFO Sightings
Percy 1 UFO Reports Percy, Illinois UFO Sightings
Glenwood 1 UFO Reports Glenwood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bartelso 1 UFO Reports Bartelso, Illinois UFO Sightings
Towanda 1 UFO Reports Towanda, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mounds 1 UFO Reports Mounds, Illinois UFO Sightings
Unknown 1 UFO Reports Unknown, Illinois UFO Sightings
Diamond 1 UFO Reports Diamond, Illinois UFO Sightings
Woodson 1 UFO Reports Woodson, Illinois UFO Sightings
Franklin Parl 1 UFO Reports Franklin Parl, Illinois UFO Sightings
Palmer 1 UFO Reports Palmer, Illinois UFO Sightings
Herod 1 UFO Reports Herod, Illinois UFO Sightings
Albion 1 UFO Reports Albion, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sparta 1 UFO Reports Sparta, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lake Barrington 1 UFO Reports Lake Barrington, Illinois UFO Sightings
Fairbury 1 UFO Reports Fairbury, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oblong 1 UFO Reports Oblong, Illinois UFO Sightings
Prospect Heights 1 UFO Reports Prospect Heights, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hamlet 1 UFO Reports Hamlet, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sherrard 1 UFO Reports Sherrard, Illinois UFO Sightings
Earlville 1 UFO Reports Earlville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Navoo 1 UFO Reports Navoo, Illinois UFO Sightings
Pawnee 1 UFO Reports Pawnee, Illinois UFO Sightings
Gifford 1 UFO Reports Gifford, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hinkley 1 UFO Reports Hinkley, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bryon 1 UFO Reports Bryon, Illinois UFO Sightings
S Beloit 1 UFO Reports S Beloit, Illinois UFO Sightings
Melvin 1 UFO Reports Melvin, Illinois UFO Sightings
Windsor 1 UFO Reports Windsor, Illinois UFO Sightings
Harvey 1 UFO Reports Harvey, Illinois UFO Sightings
Riverwoods 1 UFO Reports Riverwoods, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chicato 1 UFO Reports Chicato, Illinois UFO Sightings
Wataga 1 UFO Reports Wataga, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bartlet 1 UFO Reports Bartlet, Illinois UFO Sightings
Schuyler County area 1 UFO Reports Schuyler County area, Illinois UFO Sightings
Tower Hill 1 UFO Reports Tower Hill, Illinois UFO Sightings
London Mills 1 UFO Reports London Mills, Illinois UFO Sightings
Unknown Lake 1 UFO Reports Unknown Lake, Illinois UFO Sightings
Dix 1 UFO Reports Dix, Illinois UFO Sightings
Multiple 1 UFO Reports Multiple, Illinois UFO Sightings
Palos 1 UFO Reports Palos, Illinois UFO Sightings
Herrin 1 UFO Reports Herrin, Illinois UFO Sightings
Alden 1 UFO Reports Alden, Illinois UFO Sightings
Braidwood 1 UFO Reports Braidwood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mazon 1 UFO Reports Mazon, Illinois UFO Sightings
West liberty 1 UFO Reports West liberty, Illinois UFO Sightings
Pomona 1 UFO Reports Pomona, Illinois UFO Sightings
Cuba 1 UFO Reports Cuba, Illinois UFO Sightings
Williamsfield 1 UFO Reports Williamsfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Fairfield 1 UFO Reports Fairfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Quad cities 1 UFO Reports Quad cities, Illinois UFO Sightings
Cedarville 1 UFO Reports Cedarville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Shilo 1 UFO Reports Shilo, Illinois UFO Sightings
W Chicago 1 UFO Reports W Chicago, Illinois UFO Sightings
Paxton 1 UFO Reports Paxton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Apple River 1 UFO Reports Apple River, Illinois UFO Sightings
Buckner 1 UFO Reports Buckner, Illinois UFO Sightings
Saint Anne 1 UFO Reports Saint Anne, Illinois UFO Sightings
Le Roy 1 UFO Reports Le Roy, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mendon 1 UFO Reports Mendon, Illinois UFO Sightings
Saunemin 1 UFO Reports Saunemin, Illinois UFO Sightings
Texas City 1 UFO Reports Texas City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Deer Grove 1 UFO Reports Deer Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Orion 1 UFO Reports Orion, Illinois UFO Sightings
Harwood Heights 1 UFO Reports Harwood Heights, Illinois UFO Sightings
La Grange Park 1 UFO Reports La Grange Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Marquette Heights 1 UFO Reports Marquette Heights, Illinois UFO Sightings
Norridge 1 UFO Reports Norridge, Illinois UFO Sightings
Good Hope 1 UFO Reports Good Hope, Illinois UFO Sightings
Honolulu 1 UFO Reports Honolulu, Illinois UFO Sightings
Atlanta 1 UFO Reports Atlanta, Illinois UFO Sightings
Caledonia 1 UFO Reports Caledonia, Illinois UFO Sightings
Green Garden Township 1 UFO Reports Green Garden Township, Illinois UFO Sightings
Carlyle 1 UFO Reports Carlyle, Illinois UFO Sightings
Tremont 1 UFO Reports Tremont, Illinois UFO Sightings
Long Point 1 UFO Reports Long Point, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mount Carroll 1 UFO Reports Mount Carroll, Illinois UFO Sightings
Freeburg Township 1 UFO Reports Freeburg Township, Illinois UFO Sightings
Galesburg area 1 UFO Reports Galesburg area, Illinois UFO Sightings
Herscher 1 UFO Reports Herscher, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rosemont 1 UFO Reports Rosemont, Illinois UFO Sightings
Spring Valley 1 UFO Reports Spring Valley, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mc Henry 1 UFO Reports Mc Henry, Illinois UFO Sightings
Cottage Hills 1 UFO Reports Cottage Hills, Illinois UFO Sightings
West Peoria 1 UFO Reports West Peoria, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oak Hill 1 UFO Reports Oak Hill, Illinois UFO Sightings
Cuba City 1 UFO Reports Cuba City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Williamson County 1 UFO Reports Williamson County, Illinois UFO Sightings
Fairmount 1 UFO Reports Fairmount, Illinois UFO Sightings
Ridgefarm 1 UFO Reports Ridgefarm, Illinois UFO Sightings
Centerville 1 UFO Reports Centerville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Shobonier 1 UFO Reports Shobonier, Illinois UFO Sightings
Keeneyville 1 UFO Reports Keeneyville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chesterfield 1 UFO Reports Chesterfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
East Aurora 1 UFO Reports East Aurora, Illinois UFO Sightings
New Baden 1 UFO Reports New Baden, Illinois UFO Sightings
Gilson 1 UFO Reports Gilson, Illinois UFO Sightings
History Channel 1 UFO Reports History Channel, Illinois UFO Sightings
Arcola 1 UFO Reports Arcola, Illinois UFO Sightings
StRose 1 UFO Reports StRose, Illinois UFO Sightings
Leaf River 1 UFO Reports Leaf River, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mendota 1 UFO Reports Mendota, Illinois UFO Sightings
Texico 1 UFO Reports Texico, Illinois UFO Sightings
Deer Park 1 UFO Reports Deer Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
ForestPark 1 UFO Reports ForestPark, Illinois UFO Sightings
Harwoord Heights 1 UFO Reports Harwoord Heights, Illinois UFO Sightings
South Bend 1 UFO Reports South Bend, Illinois UFO Sightings
La Moille 1 UFO Reports La Moille, Illinois UFO Sightings
Marseilles 1 UFO Reports Marseilles, Illinois UFO Sightings
Waterman 1 UFO Reports Waterman, Illinois UFO Sightings
Phoenix 1 UFO Reports Phoenix, Illinois UFO Sightings
Goreville 1 UFO Reports Goreville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hoskins 1 UFO Reports Hoskins, Illinois UFO Sightings
Green Oaks 1 UFO Reports Green Oaks, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mount Morris 1 UFO Reports Mount Morris, Illinois UFO Sightings
Ursa 1 UFO Reports Ursa, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mundelin 1 UFO Reports Mundelin, Illinois UFO Sightings
Palos Hills 1 UFO Reports Palos Hills, Illinois UFO Sightings
Galva 1 UFO Reports Galva, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rosiclare 1 UFO Reports Rosiclare, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lake Shelbyville 1 UFO Reports Lake Shelbyville, Illinois UFO Sightings
McHenrry 1 UFO Reports McHenrry, Illinois UFO Sightings
Coulterville 1 UFO Reports Coulterville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Dalzell 1 UFO Reports Dalzell, Illinois UFO Sightings
Willmington 1 UFO Reports Willmington, Illinois UFO Sightings
Raddle 1 UFO Reports Raddle, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hannah City 1 UFO Reports Hannah City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Belleville area college 1 UFO Reports Belleville area college, Illinois UFO Sightings
Walnut 1 UFO Reports Walnut, Illinois UFO Sightings
New Douglas 1 UFO Reports New Douglas, Illinois UFO Sightings
Pearl 1 UFO Reports Pearl, Illinois UFO Sightings
Girard 1 UFO Reports Girard, Illinois UFO Sightings
Bunker Hill 1 UFO Reports Bunker Hill, Illinois UFO Sightings
Saint Charles Township 1 UFO Reports Saint Charles Township, Illinois UFO Sightings
Savoy 1 UFO Reports Savoy, Illinois UFO Sightings
Thomson 1 UFO Reports Thomson, Illinois UFO Sightings
Winnebago County 1 UFO Reports Winnebago County, Illinois UFO Sightings
Havana 1 UFO Reports Havana, Illinois UFO Sightings
South Chicago Height 1 UFO Reports South Chicago Height, Illinois UFO Sightings
Watseka 1 UFO Reports Watseka, Illinois UFO Sightings
Pickneyville 1 UFO Reports Pickneyville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Grafton 1 UFO Reports Grafton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Irving 1 UFO Reports Irving, Illinois UFO Sightings
SerlingHights 1 UFO Reports SerlingHights, Illinois UFO Sightings
Trout Valley 1 UFO Reports Trout Valley, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lovington 1 UFO Reports Lovington, Illinois UFO Sightings
Dorsey 1 UFO Reports Dorsey, Illinois UFO Sightings
Zeigler 1 UFO Reports Zeigler, Illinois UFO Sightings
Murmet Springs 1 UFO Reports Murmet Springs, Illinois UFO Sightings
Garden Prairie 1 UFO Reports Garden Prairie, Illinois UFO Sightings
Alpha 1 UFO Reports Alpha, Illinois UFO Sightings
Westeren Springs 1 UFO Reports Westeren Springs, Illinois UFO Sightings
Damiansville 1 UFO Reports Damiansville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Fancy Prairie 1 UFO Reports Fancy Prairie, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oglesby 1 UFO Reports Oglesby, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rankin 1 UFO Reports Rankin, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hanover Park 1 UFO Reports Hanover Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Jolliet 1 UFO Reports Jolliet, Illinois UFO Sightings
Belleville Community College 1 UFO Reports Belleville Community College, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rinard 1 UFO Reports Rinard, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chadwick 1 UFO Reports Chadwick, Illinois UFO Sightings
Shumway 1 UFO Reports Shumway, Illinois UFO Sightings
Kickapoo 1 UFO Reports Kickapoo, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chicago "highway" 1 UFO Reports Chicago "highway", Illinois UFO Sightings
Walnut Hill 1 UFO Reports Walnut Hill, Illinois UFO Sightings
New Holland 1 UFO Reports New Holland, Illinois UFO Sightings
Argenta 1 UFO Reports Argenta, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mettawa 1 UFO Reports Mettawa, Illinois UFO Sightings
Auora 1 UFO Reports Auora, Illinois UFO Sightings
Calumet Park 1 UFO Reports Calumet Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Scales Mound 1 UFO Reports Scales Mound, Illinois UFO Sightings
Thornton 1 UFO Reports Thornton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Winnetka 1 UFO Reports Winnetka, Illinois UFO Sightings
South Chicago Heights 1 UFO Reports South Chicago Heights, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hutsonville 1 UFO Reports Hutsonville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oakbrook 1 UFO Reports Oakbrook, Illinois UFO Sightings
Port Barrington 1 UFO Reports Port Barrington, Illinois UFO Sightings
Island Lake 1 UFO Reports Island Lake, Illinois UFO Sightings
Carrier Mills 1 UFO Reports Carrier Mills, Illinois UFO Sightings
Luka 1 UFO Reports Luka, Illinois UFO Sightings
Vermont 1 UFO Reports Vermont, Illinois UFO Sightings
Fultz 1 UFO Reports Fultz, Illinois UFO Sightings
Paris 1 UFO Reports Paris, Illinois UFO Sightings
McHenry City 1 UFO Reports McHenry City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Essex 1 UFO Reports Essex, Illinois UFO Sightings
Dana 1 UFO Reports Dana, Illinois UFO Sightings
Farina 1 UFO Reports Farina, Illinois UFO Sightings
Old Valmeyer Bottoms-Valmeyer 1 UFO Reports Old Valmeyer Bottoms-Valmeyer, Illinois UFO Sightings
Belvedere 1 UFO Reports Belvedere, Illinois UFO Sightings
Ringwood 1 UFO Reports Ringwood, Illinois UFO Sightings
Many 1 UFO Reports Many, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chicago area 1 UFO Reports Chicago area, Illinois UFO Sightings
Waltonville 1 UFO Reports Waltonville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Arlington 1 UFO Reports Arlington, Illinois UFO Sightings
Burlington 1 UFO Reports Burlington, Illinois UFO Sightings
Saint Francisville 1 UFO Reports Saint Francisville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Cambridge 1 UFO Reports Cambridge, Illinois UFO Sightings
Schaumberg 1 UFO Reports Schaumberg, Illinois UFO Sightings
Deklab 1 UFO Reports Deklab, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hayworth 1 UFO Reports Hayworth, Illinois UFO Sightings
Ladd 1 UFO Reports Ladd, Illinois UFO Sightings
Martinton 1 UFO Reports Martinton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Elgini 1 UFO Reports Elgini, Illinois UFO Sightings
North Henderson 1 UFO Reports North Henderson, Illinois UFO Sightings
Piper City 1 UFO Reports Piper City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Granite 1 UFO Reports Granite, Illinois UFO Sightings
IL 1 UFO Reports IL, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oakdale 1 UFO Reports Oakdale, Illinois UFO Sightings
Baylis 1 UFO Reports Baylis, Illinois UFO Sightings
Seymore 1 UFO Reports Seymore, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lynn Center 1 UFO Reports Lynn Center, Illinois UFO Sightings
Dundee Townnship 1 UFO Reports Dundee Townnship, Illinois UFO Sightings
Park Ridge 1 UFO Reports Park Ridge, Illinois UFO Sightings
Altamont 1 UFO Reports Altamont, Illinois UFO Sightings
Brimfield 1 UFO Reports Brimfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Steeleville 1 UFO Reports Steeleville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lakemoor 1 UFO Reports Lakemoor, Illinois UFO Sightings
Crescent City 1 UFO Reports Crescent City, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lena 1 UFO Reports Lena, Illinois UFO Sightings
Danforth 1 UFO Reports Danforth, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rather not say 1 UFO Reports Rather not say, Illinois UFO Sightings
Harrisburg 1 UFO Reports Harrisburg, Illinois UFO Sightings
Jonesville 1 UFO Reports Jonesville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Kinaid 1 UFO Reports Kinaid, Illinois UFO Sightings
Mapelton 1 UFO Reports Mapelton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Chicago height 1 UFO Reports Chicago height, Illinois UFO Sightings
New Salem 1 UFO Reports New Salem, Illinois UFO Sightings
Penfield 1 UFO Reports Penfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Glencoe 1 UFO Reports Glencoe, Illinois UFO Sightings
Holiday Hills 1 UFO Reports Holiday Hills, Illinois UFO Sightings
Burlington Township 1 UFO Reports Burlington Township, Illinois UFO Sightings
Saint Joseph 1 UFO Reports Saint Joseph, Illinois UFO Sightings
Summerfield 1 UFO Reports Summerfield, Illinois UFO Sightings
Aviston 1 UFO Reports Aviston, Illinois UFO Sightings
Cambrige 1 UFO Reports Cambrige, Illinois UFO Sightings
Tinley Park area 1 UFO Reports Tinley Park area, Illinois UFO Sightings
Little Rock 1 UFO Reports Little Rock, Illinois UFO Sightings
Troy Grove 1 UFO Reports Troy Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Delavan 1 UFO Reports Delavan, Illinois UFO Sightings
Frankfort Square 1 UFO Reports Frankfort Square, Illinois UFO Sightings
Funks Grove 1 UFO Reports Funks Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Hazel Crest 1 UFO Reports Hazel Crest, Illinois UFO Sightings
Abingdon 1 UFO Reports Abingdon, Illinois UFO Sightings
Blyton 1 UFO Reports Blyton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rockisland 1 UFO Reports Rockisland, Illinois UFO Sightings
South Hollan 1 UFO Reports South Hollan, Illinois UFO Sightings
LaFayette 1 UFO Reports LaFayette, Illinois UFO Sightings
Wenona 1 UFO Reports Wenona, Illinois UFO Sightings
Elizabethtown 1 UFO Reports Elizabethtown, Illinois UFO Sightings
Pittsburg 1 UFO Reports Pittsburg, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oakland 1 UFO Reports Oakland, Illinois UFO Sightings
Potomac 1 UFO Reports Potomac, Illinois UFO Sightings
Shabbona 1 UFO Reports Shabbona, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lyons 1 UFO Reports Lyons, Illinois UFO Sightings
Naples 1 UFO Reports Naples, Illinois UFO Sightings
Broadview 1 UFO Reports Broadview, Illinois UFO Sightings
Royalton 1 UFO Reports Royalton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Crest Hill 1 UFO Reports Crest Hill, Illinois UFO Sightings
Westville 1 UFO Reports Westville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Millhurst 1 UFO Reports Millhurst, Illinois UFO Sightings
Red Bud 1 UFO Reports Red Bud, Illinois UFO Sightings
Harrisonville 1 UFO Reports Harrisonville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Benld 1 UFO Reports Benld, Illinois UFO Sightings
Sleepy Hollow 1 UFO Reports Sleepy Hollow, Illinois UFO Sightings
Warrensburg 1 UFO Reports Warrensburg, Illinois UFO Sightings
East St louis 1 UFO Reports East St louis, Illinois UFO Sightings
Newman 1 UFO Reports Newman, Illinois UFO Sightings
Holiday Shores 1 UFO Reports Holiday Shores, Illinois UFO Sightings
Arthur 1 UFO Reports Arthur, Illinois UFO Sightings
Saint Louis 1 UFO Reports Saint Louis, Illinois UFO Sightings
Illiopolis 1 UFO Reports Illiopolis, Illinois UFO Sightings
Avon 1 UFO Reports Avon, Illinois UFO Sightings
Campton Hills 1 UFO Reports Campton Hills, Illinois UFO Sightings
Schaumburg area 1 UFO Reports Schaumburg area, Illinois UFO Sightings
Lively Grove 1 UFO Reports Lively Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
Delevan 1 UFO Reports Delevan, Illinois UFO Sightings
Franklin 1 UFO Reports Franklin, Illinois UFO Sightings
Moweaqua 1 UFO Reports Moweaqua, Illinois UFO Sightings
Henning 1 UFO Reports Henning, Illinois UFO Sightings
West Alton 1 UFO Reports West Alton, Illinois UFO Sightings
Elizibethtown 1 UFO Reports Elizibethtown, Illinois UFO Sightings
Grant Park 1 UFO Reports Grant Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Oaklawn 1 UFO Reports Oaklawn, Illinois UFO Sightings
Prairie View 1 UFO Reports Prairie View, Illinois UFO Sightings
Griggsville 1 UFO Reports Griggsville, Illinois UFO Sightings
Ivesdale 1 UFO Reports Ivesdale, Illinois UFO Sightings
Machedney Park 1 UFO Reports Machedney Park, Illinois UFO Sightings
Villa Grove 1 UFO Reports Villa Grove, Illinois UFO Sightings
American Falls 1 UFO Reports American Falls, Illinois UFO Sightings
Rural El Paso 1 UFO Reports Rural El Paso, Illinois UFO Sightings
Medinah 1 UFO Reports Medinah, Illinois UFO Sightings
Evansville 1 UFO Reports Evansville, Illinois UFO Sightings