Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Oro Valley, Arizona

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Oro Valley, Arizona.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Oro Valley, Arizona?

  • There have been 21 officially reported UFO sightings in Oro Valley from 2002 to 2024.
  • Oro Valley ranks #36 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Arizona.

Other Arizona Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Phoenix, AZ 811 UFO Reports
2 Tucson, AZ 479 UFO Reports
3 Mesa, AZ 254 UFO Reports
4 scottsdale, AZ 190 UFO Reports
5 Chandler, AZ 159 UFO Reports

Oro Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 21 UFO sighting reports in Oro Valley, Arizona to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Oro Valley, Arizona

These Oro Valley, Arizona UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Bright circular light with emit foggy light on left and right sides I'm not sure what we saw last night while sitting out back with friends but we all 4 saw it. It was a solid bright circular light in the center with an emitted fuzzy foggy light on the left and right sides of the craft. No red or blue lighting at all.

It was dark out so we couldn't tell if there was any type of craft. It traveled straight like an aircraft slowly for about a minute or two then it appeared to travel upward as the emitted lighting slowly faded into the center until the entire circular light was completely gone. It took less than a minute to disappear completely.

04/12/24 8:15 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 3-5 minutes


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Flying craft, illuminated, traveling horizontally at approx 2500 ft, then suddenly vertical, gone from view in 4 seconds. On Friday. April 12th at approx 8:10 PM, my wife and I and 2 of our friends were on the patio, when one of us pointed to the sky and told the others "what is that?".

We all looked up to see what we thought was an airplane, but noticed there was no flashing white or red lights as airplanes normally have. The object was moving in a direction from North to South, and was close enough for us to see a strange "white haze" or glow surrounding the craft as it moved. The sky in this part of the Arizona desert was very clear, with no storm clouds, fog, or even a hint of humidity that would explain the white haze or glow emanating from the craft.

We watched the object fly horizontally like a normal plane until it was just slightly above our heads, then started going vertical in an instant. Within maybe 4 second, the craft got smaller and smaller until gone. Strangely, the glow or haze surrounding the craft disappeared almost instantly as it went vertical and the object was more like a white dot in the sky…….

getting smaller as it went out of sight.

04/12/24 8:10 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 30 seconds to one minute


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Bright white with some translucency (seeing “aura” listed as a characteristic below is appropriate). One of us saw some red, also. My husband was sitting in the hot tub and saw a bright white object appear in the sky.

It did not move from one point to another. He called to me and I brought out our cellphones & binoculars. It was still light enough outside that no stars were visible but this light was very bright.

Clouds covered it periodically but it would be visible again when the clouds moved. As the sky darkened and we began to see stars, it eventually dimmed enough that we didn’t see it. Or, perhaps it was hidden by clouds for long enough that we missed seeing it again.

We did not see any signs of it moving. I think most people wouldn’t have noticed it. My husband likes looking for satellites when he’s in the hot tub so he’s often looking at the sky.

It was the brightness/whiteness that caught his eye.

03/09/24 6:30 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 20-30 minutes


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

I could tell from my backyard there was a big red object hovering in the sky, we observed it for over 20 minutes and took pictures. I first noticed the large red object over the Catalina mountains that I have a clear view of from my backyard. It was hovering and was way up in the air.

As I watched it was leaving faint trails from its motion, so it must have been using propulsion. After watching the object for several minutes and trying to get my phone to get a picture of it and not having success, I called my husband to come outside and watch this thing too. His phone is new and has a better camera and his picture are much better then the ones I took.

The object started to head directly east over the mountains and was too far for us to see, so I got binoculars and could see it again. It then started going north and suddenly did a quick descent behind the mountain and we could not see any longer.

01/14/24 5:18 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: 20 minutes or more


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Metallic UAP or Balloon Hello NUFORC, At around noon on 11/18/2023 I heard two low-flying fighters outside of our house. As I was standing in our backyard, I saw two F-35's fly around the house three times over the course of 15-30 minutes. I don't know why there were F-35's here, but Davis-monthan AFB in Tucson is not a fighter base (I was stationed there from 2007-2011).

I don't want to assume too much, but the nearest F-35's I know about are stationed at Luke AFB in PHX. Sometimes they will have an airshow or other host nation partners' pilots will train here with some of the U.S.

pilots. Either way, when I heard the aircraft outside it prompted me to investigate. As I was observing them I witnessed two other high-flying jets (higher than 20k ft approximately) that were streaming across the sky.

This prompted me to grab my telescope (25mm lens) so I could get a better look at them. As I followed one of them with my telescope I observed a UAP floating in the background (not following the aircraft, but caught my eye). Light reflected off of it like it was metallic.

I continued to observe the object for approximately twenty minutes until inclement weather prevented me from observing it anymore. It was moving, but it was very slow. I know because I had to adjust me telescope every minute or so.

The photos that I took are through my 25mm lens facing west by southwest of our backyard. Even when light wasn't reflecting off of it, it was hard to make out what it was (that's how far it was). I don't want to assume what it was, but I attached some photos that I took from my telescope.

It is difficult to take photos with my phone through the lens, but the photos do reflect what I saw. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns. If you call please leave a voicemail so I know.

Respectfully, Scott.

11/18/23 12:15 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 20 minutes


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

See attached Date – June 10, 2023 First, I heard loud helicopter rotors The sound was coming from North of my location, very loud. I noticed the Blackhawk first and then as it banked to the right around the UAP I noticed the ORB It was over the mountains at about 5000 feet in elevation After the Blackhawk flew about halfway around the object the ORB began to rise fairly slowly at first and then disappeared straight up. The Blackhawk stayed around for 10-15 minutes, apparently still looking for the ORB and then flew south.

The ORB was not particularly large, about the same diameter as the fuselage of the helicopter. It was very reflective, metallic, it almost looked like it was chrome. I called the Oro Valley police, they declined to take a report.

06/10/23 3:00 PM

UFO Shape: orb

Lasted: 10-15 Minutes total


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Red Colored Cylinder approx 2000' to 3000' above ground, traveling slowly westward. Red colored cylinder traveling east to west about 2000' above ground, maybe up to 3000'. No wings, not tail stabilizer, no sound, it was silent.

Traveled a bit slow but steady, maybe about 80 or so mph, like the speed of a cessna 172. Completely red in color, nothing sticking out from the body of the cylinder, it was just a clean, red, cylinder. The time was approximately 8:40 am to 8:50 am.

I was in my back yard feeding and watering wild birds. The red cylinder was distinct with no surrounding haze or aura. It was flying slowly east to west and with no sound or any engine noise.

No other aircraft were around at that time. It seemed to be about the size of an automoble, maybe 20' or so long and red in color.

06/05/23 8:40 AM

UFO Shape: cylinder

Lasted: Approx one minute


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Lighted object traveling north bound at a high elevation and at a high rate of speed curved to the Northeast While driving north bound on La Cholla Blvd. in Oro Valley, AZ I noticed a bright light in the sky ahead of me moving slowly. Suddenly, a smaller and more dimly lit object came from the Southwest towards the brightly lit object.

At first, I thought it was a fast-moving jet on an intercept course with the bright object, which I eventually recognized as a plane or helicopter, but the dimly lit object (UFO) passed by the first object and kept moving to the north at an extremely high rate of speed. The UFO was traveling so fast that it literally went from somewhere over my head to the horizon in a matter of about 10 seconds. As the UFO approached the horizon to the north, it arced towards the northeast and disappeared over the horizon.

I was in the process of taking a picture of the brightly lit plane or helicopter when the UFO appeared. I took a picture, but only the lights of the two objects can be seen with no detail other than the amount of light they were emitting.

01/11/23 6:20 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5-15 seconds


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

My mom and I saw the sky move. I was taking my dogs out in the backyard to go to the bathroom when I looked up to the sky. It looked as though all the stars that are usually there were moving South, then it occurred to me that these were indeed UFO’s heading south in a pattern, one after another.

Not in a straight line but a pattern I can’t describe.They covered the whole night sky. It was the strangest thing.

I counted up to 30 and lost count from there but for 10 minutes I stood there trying to comprehend what I was witnessing as i’ve never seen such a large amount / a steady stream of them going in the same direction. I brought my mom outside, who doesn’t believe in UFO’s and she just stood there in a trance, I kept saying look at them all and she was silent, and said “wow, there’s so many of them!” They were very high, circular ,white glowing dots in the sky which would appear to the naked eye as looking like a satellite moving, but the speed and sudden stop and then go faster and in a different direction. I’ve been a believer and witnessed many UFO’s sightings in my life, but nothing compares to the amount, the sudden quickness and disappear and reappearing, all heading South.

10/22/22 10:50 PM

UFO Shape: changing

Lasted: 10 minutes


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

See report of 3.18 See previous report of March 28, 2022, Oro Valley AZ. May use attached photos if able to make assessment.

03/28/22 7:25 PM

UFO Shape:

Lasted: ~30 min.


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

First flew SW to near Cataline Mtns. Unknown flew SE with bright, white flashing light on top & flashing red light on bottom, to near Catalina Mtn, stopped, moved longitudinally back & forth a short distance, then flew north along western edge of Catalina Mtns, stopped no red flashing light but a bright flashing white light, then continued northward along edge of mtns. No green light, only white & also red flashing lights.

Then flew NW and joined by a second unknown with bright flashing light on top and a flashing red light on bottom. Second unknown flew toward Catalina Mtns. First unknown started flying south toward Tangerine Road.

No sound, no green light, when moving horizontally it appeared to be on a rail, i.e., no vertical change in elevation except when it appeared to drop toward the ground.

Speed varied, at times very fast, at other times slowed to a stop and immediately traveled backward a short distance. Longer flights appeared to be approximately 1800 mph +/- based off time lapse and approx distances. Very smooth flight, again, appeared to be on a rail with no vertical deviation except when it dropped deliberately in elevation.

Took video. Nearby houses at times blocked view of unknown. It was dark, however, when it traversed westward north of us, body of the unknown was slightly visible.

From the side it appeared to be cylinder or oval shaped. At beginning 1925 hours the unknown appeared to be wrapped within a translucent sphere around it. It appeared to not have this later.

Not sure if there was actually a translucent wrap or it was a reflection but it was definitely all around it. At the beginning there was an apparent commercial aircraft flying westward at a much higher elevation. I have had a somewhat similar experience in the military at VAFB at an icbm silo.

I wish to not be published on this please.

03/28/22 7:25 PM

UFO Shape:

Lasted: ~30 minutes


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Saw under the moon many round bright lights in a row arcing in the sky from west to east and all moving in a line then going over the horizon.

06/14/20 4:05 AM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 15 seconds


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Disk shaped UFO with center lights hovers over mountains before lights go out in rapid succession. Three days after first sighting of UF0, I saw disk shaped UFO in a different area over mountains. It was rather large.

Close together smaller circular lights at the center. It was rotating but hovering or moving very slowly. Suddenly, each light strung like pearls on a necklace went out in rapid succession before either disappearing or going completely dark.

06/30/19 11:19 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 30 seconds


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Horizontal, flying Light seen in night sky going slow at first before making a sharp turn at incredible rate of speed. Light seen high over Catalina Mountains. Object moved horizontal from left to right from my vantage point.

Object suddenly changed course, making a sharp turn at high rate of speed from right to left from my vantage point where it disappeared leaving a streak like the tail of a meteor only it’s trajectory was horizontal.

06/27/19 11:00 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 2 minutes


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

On 6/3/19 at approximately 9 pm, two women were outside. An object in the sky caught their attention. It was a large diamond shaped glowing object that seemingly had large ray like objects surrounding it.

It was stationary thru out the night.

06/03/19 9:30 AM

UFO Shape: diamond

Lasted: Thru out night


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Bright, rectangular, motionless object over Oro Valley/Tucson Bright rectangular object that reflected the sunlight and appeared that it may be made of metal? It stayed perfectly still for the entire time I was outside (about 15 minutes). As the sun set the object was still there but less visible due to the sunlight not shining on it. A still photo and video were taken.

05/18/19 7:54 PM

UFO Shape: rectangle

Lasted: 15 minutes


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Bright white sphere traveling east to west. Very bright sphere sighted traveling from west due east. Object appeared slightly larger than Mars.

With a nearly full moon in the sky it was very to estimate objects brightness (much brighter than any star). The object disappeared beyond the Catalina mountain range.

06/17/16 8:05 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 2 minutes


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Three pulsating lights scene around Tucson AZ My cousins and I stepped out side at 8:20 PM in Oro Valley (which is about a 45 minute drive north of Tucson) AZ just to look at planets. It was partially hazy but almost completely clear around Mt. Lemon of the Santa Catalina Range north of the city.

As soon as we stepped out of the house I heard a high pitched screech coming from the south (from Tucson). It was fairly high pitched but sounded like a commercial airliner. The aircraft(s) were in the haze traveling north.

Since it was loud (so most likely low) and traveling in a heading not a major population center I will assume that they were A-10 Warthogs hailing from Davis Monthon Airforce base in Tucson (they have exposed turbofan jet engines and sound similar to commercial aircraft). I only saw on faint pair of lights and they were flying west by northwest and probably at low altitude. As the noise subsided, I looked towards Mt.

Lemon and noticed ONE bright pulsating light coming from the northeast. It was brightly pulsating and at high altitude, pulsating at random intervals (sometimes many times in a second and sometimes one every two or three seconds). When it pulsated it appeared that their were green and red lights (one of each) in addition to many very small white lights on the sides of the objects.

I am sure that this was not an airplane as the red and green lights (like those on the sides of airplanes to indicate their port and starboard sides) as they were not constant and the white lights were not a planes landing lights as they were not constant or pulsating in constant time. Although it was hazy in most of the sky, the sky around Mt. Lemon and the rest of the Santa Catalina mountains was clear as the moon and numerous stars were visible while only the brightest stars were visible in the rest of the sky.

The craft appeared to spawn, as it sudd! enly appeared next to a star that I was viewing to the northeast. The craft travelled very quickly as it was able to transverse the entire mountain range in the course of about two minutes. As it progressed its strobing light gained in intensity.

Although I can not say for sure, I would speculate that it flew at high altitude and was far to the north, most likely directly over Globe AZ. After about 30 seconds or so, a second identical object appeared behind and closer to the horizon, in relation to the first object. They were in constant formation and had a tethered appearance to it.

The objects were definitely not satellites (as I've heard of old tethered satellites) as they were very bright (brighter than the surrounding stars). Right before I went in the house to get the whole family to see (as only three other people were witnessing it) a third light appeared. The object was identical to the others but was far in front of the other two and was at an altitude (or locatio! n as I can't really speculate on its hight) in between that of! the oth er objects.

The objects combined form a V shape or that of an isosceles triangle with a very small angle made between the first two objects and the third one in front. When I came back out with the rest of the family about one minute later the objects and any traces of them were gone.

03/29/10 8:21 PM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 2 minutes


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

Two golden-yellow orbs seen from Oro Valley, Arizona to the west-southwest on the evening of April 14th, 2008. My best friend (17) and I (19) turned left (west) onto Strada Patania Street from 1st Avenue in Oro Valley, Arizona (suburb of Tucson) and just under Orion’s Belt were two golden-yellow orbs about 5 times as wide as a typical star from ground’s view. The orbs were completely motionless, but were gone in the matter of a few seconds.

I stared at them in confusion for about 2-3 seconds and out of no where, the orb on my right disappeared and immediately after that, the left orb disappeared into nothingness. We both looked at each other in disbelief and excitement and before I knew it, goose bumps covered my body. By the way, neither of us drink nor do drugs (a question our parents asked us after we ran inside and told them what had just happened).

I kept driving to the end of the road so we could possibly get a better look and when we reached a clearing, there was nothing. The two orbs were in the west-southwestern part of the sky and appeared to be over the town of Marana, Arizona, but could’ve been further to the west.

04/14/08 8:45 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 3 seconds


Oro Valley, AZ

Full Report Text:

3 bright orange ovals in a triangular formation with red lights around them I woke up at 12:45 am to use the bathroom and noticed three orange stars outside my bathroom window. They were in a triangle formation. Curious, I went to get my glasses.

When I got back to the window one of the "stars" started to move towards me, and another went up towards the moon. The third one stayed in a hovering posistion. The one closest to me took on an oval shape and was bright orange.

As it got closer, I could see red lights around its perimeter. This one was traveling across the skyline and soon out of sight.

07/29/05 12:45 AM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: 15 Minutes


Oro Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Circle 3 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Sphere 2 reported sightings 9.52% of all reports
Other 2 reported sightings 9.52% of all reports
Light 2 reported sightings 9.52% of all reports
Oval 2 reported sightings 9.52% of all reports
Formation 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
Rectangle 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
Diamond 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
Cylinder 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
Changing 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
Unknown 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
Orb 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
Disk 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports

Oro Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
June 7 reported sightings 33.33% of all reports
March 4 reported sightings 19.05% of all reports
April 3 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
January 2 reported sightings 9.52% of all reports
December 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
May 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
July 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
October 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
November 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports

Oro Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Monday 6 reported sightings 28.57% of all reports
Saturday 5 reported sightings 23.81% of all reports
Friday 4 reported sightings 19.05% of all reports
Sunday 3 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Wednesday 2 reported sightings 9.52% of all reports
Thursday 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports

Oro Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
04/12/24 2 reported sightings 9.52% of all reports
03/28/22 2 reported sightings 9.52% of all reports
03/09/24 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
04/14/08 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
03/29/10 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports

Oro Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 9 reported sightings 42.86% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 6 reported sightings 28.57% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 2 reported sightings 9.52% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 2 reported sightings 9.52% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 1 reported sightings 4.76% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Oro Valley, Arizona

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Oro Valley, Arizona.

All Arizona Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Arizona

City Number of Reports View Reports
Phoenix 811 UFO Reports Phoenix, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tucson 479 UFO Reports Tucson, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mesa 254 UFO Reports Mesa, Arizona UFO Sightings
Scottsdale 190 UFO Reports Scottsdale, Arizona UFO Sightings
Chandler 159 UFO Reports Chandler, Arizona UFO Sightings
Gilbert 155 UFO Reports Gilbert, Arizona UFO Sightings
Glendale 125 UFO Reports Glendale, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tempe 123 UFO Reports Tempe, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sedona 96 UFO Reports Sedona, Arizona UFO Sightings
Surprise 89 UFO Reports Surprise, Arizona UFO Sightings
Lake Havasu City 84 UFO Reports Lake Havasu City, Arizona UFO Sightings
Peoria 81 UFO Reports Peoria, Arizona UFO Sightings
Yuma 80 UFO Reports Yuma, Arizona UFO Sightings
Maricopa 75 UFO Reports Maricopa, Arizona UFO Sightings
Buckeye 66 UFO Reports Buckeye, Arizona UFO Sightings
Prescott Valley 62 UFO Reports Prescott Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Flagstaff 61 UFO Reports Flagstaff, Arizona UFO Sightings
Kingman 60 UFO Reports Kingman, Arizona UFO Sightings
Prescott 57 UFO Reports Prescott, Arizona UFO Sightings
Apache Junction 52 UFO Reports Apache Junction, Arizona UFO Sightings
Queen Creek 51 UFO Reports Queen Creek, Arizona UFO Sightings
Goodyear 50 UFO Reports Goodyear, Arizona UFO Sightings
Casa Grande 49 UFO Reports Casa Grande, Arizona UFO Sightings
San Tan Valley 45 UFO Reports San Tan Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Bullhead City 39 UFO Reports Bullhead City, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cottonwood 38 UFO Reports Cottonwood, Arizona UFO Sightings
Gila Bend 36 UFO Reports Gila Bend, Arizona UFO Sightings
Star Valley 34 UFO Reports Star Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sierra Vista 33 UFO Reports Sierra Vista, Arizona UFO Sightings
Show Low 32 UFO Reports Show Low, Arizona UFO Sightings
Green Valley 30 UFO Reports Green Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Avondale 28 UFO Reports Avondale, Arizona UFO Sightings
Marana 25 UFO Reports Marana, Arizona UFO Sightings
Gold Canyon 23 UFO Reports Gold Canyon, Arizona UFO Sightings
Oro Valley 21 UFO Reports Oro Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Safford 21 UFO Reports Safford, Arizona UFO Sightings
Arizona 20 UFO Reports Arizona, Arizona UFO Sightings
Bouse 20 UFO Reports Bouse, Arizona UFO Sightings
Litchfield Park 20 UFO Reports Litchfield Park, Arizona UFO Sightings
Anthem 19 UFO Reports Anthem, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cave Creek 19 UFO Reports Cave Creek, Arizona UFO Sightings
Globe 19 UFO Reports Globe, Arizona UFO Sightings
Payson 19 UFO Reports Payson, Arizona UFO Sightings
Wickenburg 18 UFO Reports Wickenburg, Arizona UFO Sightings
Fountain Hills 18 UFO Reports Fountain Hills, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sahuarita 17 UFO Reports Sahuarita, Arizona UFO Sightings
Lake Havasu 15 UFO Reports Lake Havasu, Arizona UFO Sightings
Golden Valley 14 UFO Reports Golden Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Paradise Valley 14 UFO Reports Paradise Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Quartzite 14 UFO Reports Quartzite, Arizona UFO Sightings
Camp Verde 14 UFO Reports Camp Verde, Arizona UFO Sightings
Benson 14 UFO Reports Benson, Arizona UFO Sightings
Chino Valley 13 UFO Reports Chino Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Quartzsite 13 UFO Reports Quartzsite, Arizona UFO Sightings
Arizona City 13 UFO Reports Arizona City, Arizona UFO Sightings
Florence 12 UFO Reports Florence, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tonopah 12 UFO Reports Tonopah, Arizona UFO Sightings
El Mirage 12 UFO Reports El Mirage, Arizona UFO Sightings
Parker 12 UFO Reports Parker, Arizona UFO Sightings
Laveen 12 UFO Reports Laveen, Arizona UFO Sightings
Coolidge 12 UFO Reports Coolidge, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sun city 11 UFO Reports Sun city, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sun City West 11 UFO Reports Sun City West, Arizona UFO Sightings
Grand Canyon 11 UFO Reports Grand Canyon, Arizona UFO Sightings
Ajo 11 UFO Reports Ajo, Arizona UFO Sightings
New River 11 UFO Reports New River, Arizona UFO Sightings
North Phoenix 10 UFO Reports North Phoenix, Arizona UFO Sightings
Winslow 10 UFO Reports Winslow, Arizona UFO Sightings
Black Canyon City 9 UFO Reports Black Canyon City, Arizona UFO Sightings
Wellton 9 UFO Reports Wellton, Arizona UFO Sightings
Superior 9 UFO Reports Superior, Arizona UFO Sightings
Wittmann 9 UFO Reports Wittmann, Arizona UFO Sightings
Page 8 UFO Reports Page, Arizona UFO Sightings
Lakeside 8 UFO Reports Lakeside, Arizona UFO Sightings
Eloy 8 UFO Reports Eloy, Arizona UFO Sightings
Dateland 8 UFO Reports Dateland, Arizona UFO Sightings
Holbrook 8 UFO Reports Holbrook, Arizona UFO Sightings
Nogales 8 UFO Reports Nogales, Arizona UFO Sightings
Douglas 7 UFO Reports Douglas, Arizona UFO Sightings
Heber 7 UFO Reports Heber, Arizona UFO Sightings
Fort Mohave 7 UFO Reports Fort Mohave, Arizona UFO Sightings
Rio Rico 7 UFO Reports Rio Rico, Arizona UFO Sightings
Wikieup 7 UFO Reports Wikieup, Arizona UFO Sightings
East mesa 7 UFO Reports East mesa, Arizona UFO Sightings
South Phoenix 6 UFO Reports South Phoenix, Arizona UFO Sightings
Waddell 6 UFO Reports Waddell, Arizona UFO Sightings
Salome 6 UFO Reports Salome, Arizona UFO Sightings
Beaver Dam 6 UFO Reports Beaver Dam, Arizona UFO Sightings
Ahwatukee 6 UFO Reports Ahwatukee, Arizona UFO Sightings
Dewey 5 UFO Reports Dewey, Arizona UFO Sightings
Wilcox 5 UFO Reports Wilcox, Arizona UFO Sightings
Kayenta 5 UFO Reports Kayenta, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tombstone 5 UFO Reports Tombstone, Arizona UFO Sightings
Amado 5 UFO Reports Amado, Arizona UFO Sightings
Strawberry 5 UFO Reports Strawberry, Arizona UFO Sightings
Bagdad 5 UFO Reports Bagdad, Arizona UFO Sightings
Williams 5 UFO Reports Williams, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tacna 5 UFO Reports Tacna, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sacaton 5 UFO Reports Sacaton, Arizona UFO Sightings
Snowflake 5 UFO Reports Snowflake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Arivaca 5 UFO Reports Arivaca, Arizona UFO Sightings
Congress 5 UFO Reports Congress, Arizona UFO Sightings
Grand Canyon Village 5 UFO Reports Grand Canyon Village, Arizona UFO Sightings
Seligman 5 UFO Reports Seligman, Arizona UFO Sightings
Vail 5 UFO Reports Vail, Arizona UFO Sightings
Paulden 5 UFO Reports Paulden, Arizona UFO Sightings
Huachuca City 4 UFO Reports Huachuca City, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tumacacori 4 UFO Reports Tumacacori, Arizona UFO Sightings
Willcox 4 UFO Reports Willcox, Arizona UFO Sightings
Pearce 4 UFO Reports Pearce, Arizona UFO Sightings
Pima 4 UFO Reports Pima, Arizona UFO Sightings
Bullhead 4 UFO Reports Bullhead, Arizona UFO Sightings
Concho 4 UFO Reports Concho, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sun Lakes 4 UFO Reports Sun Lakes, Arizona UFO Sightings
Pinetop 4 UFO Reports Pinetop, Arizona UFO Sightings
Duncan 4 UFO Reports Duncan, Arizona UFO Sightings
Leupp 4 UFO Reports Leupp, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sonoita 4 UFO Reports Sonoita, Arizona UFO Sightings
Jerome 4 UFO Reports Jerome, Arizona UFO Sightings
Miami 4 UFO Reports Miami, Arizona UFO Sightings
Ganado 4 UFO Reports Ganado, Arizona UFO Sightings
Carefree 3 UFO Reports Carefree, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mayer 3 UFO Reports Mayer, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cornville 3 UFO Reports Cornville, Arizona UFO Sightings
Pichacho Peak 3 UFO Reports Pichacho Peak, Arizona UFO Sightings
Palm Springs 3 UFO Reports Palm Springs, Arizona UFO Sightings
Wilhoit 3 UFO Reports Wilhoit, Arizona UFO Sightings
Vicksburg 3 UFO Reports Vicksburg, Arizona UFO Sightings
Roosevelt lake 3 UFO Reports Roosevelt lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Yucca 3 UFO Reports Yucca, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tonto Basin 3 UFO Reports Tonto Basin, Arizona UFO Sightings
Whiteriver 3 UFO Reports Whiteriver, Arizona UFO Sightings
Red Rock 3 UFO Reports Red Rock, Arizona UFO Sightings
Fort Huachuca 3 UFO Reports Fort Huachuca, Arizona UFO Sightings
Unknown 3 UFO Reports Unknown, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sunflower 3 UFO Reports Sunflower, Arizona UFO Sightings
West Phoenix 3 UFO Reports West Phoenix, Arizona UFO Sightings
Wickiup 3 UFO Reports Wickiup, Arizona UFO Sightings
Three Points 3 UFO Reports Three Points, Arizona UFO Sightings
Eagar 3 UFO Reports Eagar, Arizona UFO Sightings
Clarkdale 3 UFO Reports Clarkdale, Arizona UFO Sightings
Spring Valley 3 UFO Reports Spring Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Patagonia 3 UFO Reports Patagonia, Arizona UFO Sightings
Bowie 3 UFO Reports Bowie, Arizona UFO Sightings
Alpine 2 UFO Reports Alpine, Arizona UFO Sightings
Greer 2 UFO Reports Greer, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mohave valley 2 UFO Reports Mohave valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Bisbee 2 UFO Reports Bisbee, Arizona UFO Sightings
Lake Mead 2 UFO Reports Lake Mead, Arizona UFO Sightings
Chinle 2 UFO Reports Chinle, Arizona UFO Sightings
Kearny 2 UFO Reports Kearny, Arizona UFO Sightings
Avra Valley 2 UFO Reports Avra Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Corona de Tucson 2 UFO Reports Corona de Tucson, Arizona UFO Sightings
Prescott National Forest 2 UFO Reports Prescott National Forest, Arizona UFO Sightings
Naco 2 UFO Reports Naco, Arizona UFO Sightings
McNeal 2 UFO Reports McNeal, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mohawk Valley 2 UFO Reports Mohawk Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Palominas 2 UFO Reports Palominas, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cashion 2 UFO Reports Cashion, Arizona UFO Sightings
Meadview 2 UFO Reports Meadview, Arizona UFO Sightings
Dragoon 2 UFO Reports Dragoon, Arizona UFO Sightings
Why 2 UFO Reports Why, Arizona UFO Sightings
Williamson Valley 2 UFO Reports Williamson Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Catalina 2 UFO Reports Catalina, Arizona UFO Sightings
Welton 2 UFO Reports Welton, Arizona UFO Sightings
Oracle 2 UFO Reports Oracle, Arizona UFO Sightings
Aguila 2 UFO Reports Aguila, Arizona UFO Sightings
Pine 2 UFO Reports Pine, Arizona UFO Sightings
San Carlos 2 UFO Reports San Carlos, Arizona UFO Sightings
Gisela 2 UFO Reports Gisela, Arizona UFO Sightings
Thatcher 2 UFO Reports Thatcher, Arizona UFO Sightings
Wenden 2 UFO Reports Wenden, Arizona UFO Sightings
Hereford 2 UFO Reports Hereford, Arizona UFO Sightings
Blyth 2 UFO Reports Blyth, Arizona UFO Sightings
Wickieup 2 UFO Reports Wickieup, Arizona UFO Sightings
Window Rock 2 UFO Reports Window Rock, Arizona UFO Sightings
Rimrock 2 UFO Reports Rimrock, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tsaile 2 UFO Reports Tsaile, Arizona UFO Sightings
San Manuel 2 UFO Reports San Manuel, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mexican Water 2 UFO Reports Mexican Water, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tuba City 2 UFO Reports Tuba City, Arizona UFO Sightings
Saguaro Lake 2 UFO Reports Saguaro Lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Polacca 2 UFO Reports Polacca, Arizona UFO Sightings
Phoenix area 2 UFO Reports Phoenix area, Arizona UFO Sightings
Springerville 2 UFO Reports Springerville, Arizona UFO Sightings
Witch Wells 2 UFO Reports Witch Wells, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tolleson 2 UFO Reports Tolleson, Arizona UFO Sightings
Munds Park 2 UFO Reports Munds Park, Arizona UFO Sightings
Overgaard 2 UFO Reports Overgaard, Arizona UFO Sightings
Wikiup 2 UFO Reports Wikiup, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sanders 2 UFO Reports Sanders, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cordes Lakes 2 UFO Reports Cordes Lakes, Arizona UFO Sightings
Greenlee County 1 UFO Reports Greenlee County, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mogollon Rim 1 UFO Reports Mogollon Rim, Arizona UFO Sightings
Big lake az 1 UFO Reports Big lake az, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tollison 1 UFO Reports Tollison, Arizona UFO Sightings
Rocking Chair Mtn 1 UFO Reports Rocking Chair Mtn, Arizona UFO Sightings
Lake Havasu coty 1 UFO Reports Lake Havasu coty, Arizona UFO Sightings
Oak Creek 1 UFO Reports Oak Creek, Arizona UFO Sightings
Childs 1 UFO Reports Childs, Arizona UFO Sightings
White Mountains 1 UFO Reports White Mountains, Arizona UFO Sightings
Picacho 1 UFO Reports Picacho, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sheeps Bridge 1 UFO Reports Sheeps Bridge, Arizona UFO Sightings
Prescot 1 UFO Reports Prescot, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sonoran Desert 1 UFO Reports Sonoran Desert, Arizona UFO Sightings
N 1 UFO Reports N, Arizona UFO Sightings
Brenda 1 UFO Reports Brenda, Arizona UFO Sightings
East Phoenix 1 UFO Reports East Phoenix, Arizona UFO Sightings
Saint David 1 UFO Reports Saint David, Arizona UFO Sightings
Gibert 1 UFO Reports Gibert, Arizona UFO Sightings
Lone Butte 1 UFO Reports Lone Butte, Arizona UFO Sightings
Clifton 1 UFO Reports Clifton, Arizona UFO Sightings
Quijota 1 UFO Reports Quijota, Arizona UFO Sightings
North Mountain area 1 UFO Reports North Mountain area, Arizona UFO Sightings
Vernon 1 UFO Reports Vernon, Arizona UFO Sightings
Paysone 1 UFO Reports Paysone, Arizona UFO Sightings
Scenic 1 UFO Reports Scenic, Arizona UFO Sightings
Surpriswe 1 UFO Reports Surpriswe, Arizona UFO Sightings
Yavapai 1 UFO Reports Yavapai, Arizona UFO Sightings
Diamond Valley 1 UFO Reports Diamond Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Roosevelt 1 UFO Reports Roosevelt, Arizona UFO Sightings
White River 1 UFO Reports White River, Arizona UFO Sightings
Humboldt 1 UFO Reports Humboldt, Arizona UFO Sightings
N Phoenix 1 UFO Reports N Phoenix, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tusayan 1 UFO Reports Tusayan, Arizona UFO Sightings
El Centro 1 UFO Reports El Centro, Arizona UFO Sightings
Saint Johns 1 UFO Reports Saint Johns, Arizona UFO Sightings
Lordsburg 1 UFO Reports Lordsburg, Arizona UFO Sightings
Close to Wellton 1 UFO Reports Close to Wellton, Arizona UFO Sightings
York Valley 1 UFO Reports York Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Quratsite 1 UFO Reports Quratsite, Arizona UFO Sightings
Stoneman Lake 1 UFO Reports Stoneman Lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
North Peoria 1 UFO Reports North Peoria, Arizona UFO Sightings
Florence Jct 1 UFO Reports Florence Jct, Arizona UFO Sightings
Peach Springs 1 UFO Reports Peach Springs, Arizona UFO Sightings
Scorrsdale 1 UFO Reports Scorrsdale, Arizona UFO Sightings
Good Year 1 UFO Reports Good Year, Arizona UFO Sightings
McNary 1 UFO Reports McNary, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sweetwater 1 UFO Reports Sweetwater, Arizona UFO Sightings
Guadelupe 1 UFO Reports Guadelupe, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mohawk 1 UFO Reports Mohawk, Arizona UFO Sightings
Black Canyon 1 UFO Reports Black Canyon, Arizona UFO Sightings
Dome 1 UFO Reports Dome, Arizona UFO Sightings
Lake Pleasant 1 UFO Reports Lake Pleasant, Arizona UFO Sightings
White Tank Mountains 1 UFO Reports White Tank Mountains, Arizona UFO Sightings
Picture Rocks 1 UFO Reports Picture Rocks, Arizona UFO Sightings
Showlow 1 UFO Reports Showlow, Arizona UFO Sightings
South Scottsdale 1 UFO Reports South Scottsdale, Arizona UFO Sightings
Hutto 1 UFO Reports Hutto, Arizona UFO Sightings
Bull Head City 1 UFO Reports Bull Head City, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tuscan 1 UFO Reports Tuscan, Arizona UFO Sightings
Palo Verde 1 UFO Reports Palo Verde, Arizona UFO Sightings
Saint Joseph City 1 UFO Reports Saint Joseph City, Arizona UFO Sightings
Gila Bend- Yuma 1 UFO Reports Gila Bend- Yuma, Arizona UFO Sightings
Luke Airforce Base 1 UFO Reports Luke Airforce Base, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cochise 1 UFO Reports Cochise, Arizona UFO Sightings
Table Top Mountain 1 UFO Reports Table Top Mountain, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cortaro 1 UFO Reports Cortaro, Arizona UFO Sightings
Random Lake 1 UFO Reports Random Lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cascabels 1 UFO Reports Cascabels, Arizona UFO Sightings
Fort Defiance 1 UFO Reports Fort Defiance, Arizona UFO Sightings
Hackberry 1 UFO Reports Hackberry, Arizona UFO Sightings
Russellville 1 UFO Reports Russellville, Arizona UFO Sightings
Lake Roosevelt 1 UFO Reports Lake Roosevelt, Arizona UFO Sightings
Chiricahua Mountains 1 UFO Reports Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona UFO Sightings
South Scottsdale AZ 1 UFO Reports South Scottsdale AZ, Arizona UFO Sightings
Imperial 1 UFO Reports Imperial, Arizona UFO Sightings
Navajo 1 UFO Reports Navajo, Arizona UFO Sightings
Twenty Nine Palms 1 UFO Reports Twenty Nine Palms, Arizona UFO Sightings
Eleven Mile Corner 1 UFO Reports Eleven Mile Corner, Arizona UFO Sightings
Saint Michaels 1 UFO Reports Saint Michaels, Arizona UFO Sightings
Gila Bend-Aztec 1 UFO Reports Gila Bend-Aztec, Arizona UFO Sightings
Lupton 1 UFO Reports Lupton, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cochise County 1 UFO Reports Cochise County, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cortero 1 UFO Reports Cortero, Arizona UFO Sightings
Red Mountain 1 UFO Reports Red Mountain, Arizona UFO Sightings
Kingsman 1 UFO Reports Kingsman, Arizona UFO Sightings
North Rim 1 UFO Reports North Rim, Arizona UFO Sightings
Fort Hauchuca 1 UFO Reports Fort Hauchuca, Arizona UFO Sightings
Second Mesa 1 UFO Reports Second Mesa, Arizona UFO Sightings
Government Hill 1 UFO Reports Government Hill, Arizona UFO Sightings
Bapchule 1 UFO Reports Bapchule, Arizona UFO Sightings
Hawley Lake 1 UFO Reports Hawley Lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mohawk Valley Mtns 1 UFO Reports Mohawk Valley Mtns, Arizona UFO Sightings
Black Hills 1 UFO Reports Black Hills, Arizona UFO Sightings
Topock 1 UFO Reports Topock, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sabino Canyon 1 UFO Reports Sabino Canyon, Arizona UFO Sightings
Chiricahua National Monument 1 UFO Reports Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona UFO Sightings
Pinal County 1 UFO Reports Pinal County, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sierra Vita 1 UFO Reports Sierra Vita, Arizona UFO Sightings
Pridice Valley 1 UFO Reports Pridice Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
South Tucson 1 UFO Reports South Tucson, Arizona UFO Sightings
In flight 1 UFO Reports In flight, Arizona UFO Sightings
Near Buckeye 1 UFO Reports Near Buckeye, Arizona UFO Sightings
Two Guns 1 UFO Reports Two Guns, Arizona UFO Sightings
Elfrida 1 UFO Reports Elfrida, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mammoth 1 UFO Reports Mammoth, Arizona UFO Sightings
Apache Lake 1 UFO Reports Apache Lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Colorado River Highway 1 UFO Reports Colorado River Highway, Arizona UFO Sightings
Bear Canyon Lake 1 UFO Reports Bear Canyon Lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Zion National Park 1 UFO Reports Zion National Park, Arizona UFO Sightings
Kirkland 1 UFO Reports Kirkland, Arizona UFO Sightings
North Scottsdale 1 UFO Reports North Scottsdale, Arizona UFO Sightings
Petrified Forest 1 UFO Reports Petrified Forest, Arizona UFO Sightings
Monument Valley 1 UFO Reports Monument Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Black Mesa 1 UFO Reports Black Mesa, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tortolita 1 UFO Reports Tortolita, Arizona UFO Sightings
Dripping Springs 1 UFO Reports Dripping Springs, Arizona UFO Sightings
Laughlin 1 UFO Reports Laughlin, Arizona UFO Sightings
Chloride 1 UFO Reports Chloride, Arizona UFO Sightings
Quartsite 1 UFO Reports Quartsite, Arizona UFO Sightings
Southern 1 UFO Reports Southern, Arizona UFO Sightings
In-flight; above AZ 1 UFO Reports In-flight; above AZ, Arizona UFO Sightings
Near Kingman 1 UFO Reports Near Kingman, Arizona UFO Sightings
Bylas 1 UFO Reports Bylas, Arizona UFO Sightings
Unincorporated 1 UFO Reports Unincorporated, Arizona UFO Sightings
Many Farms 1 UFO Reports Many Farms, Arizona UFO Sightings
Willow Beach 1 UFO Reports Willow Beach, Arizona UFO Sightings
Rim Rock 1 UFO Reports Rim Rock, Arizona UFO Sightings
Klondyke 1 UFO Reports Klondyke, Arizona UFO Sightings
North Yuma 1 UFO Reports North Yuma, Arizona UFO Sightings
Catalina Township 1 UFO Reports Catalina Township, Arizona UFO Sightings
Petrified Forest National Park 1 UFO Reports Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sedona area 1 UFO Reports Sedona area, Arizona UFO Sightings
Grand Canyon National Park 1 UFO Reports Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mesa Arizona 1 UFO Reports Mesa Arizona, Arizona UFO Sightings
Morenci 1 UFO Reports Morenci, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tramonto 1 UFO Reports Tramonto, Arizona UFO Sightings
Dugas 1 UFO Reports Dugas, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cibecue 1 UFO Reports Cibecue, Arizona UFO Sightings
Solome 1 UFO Reports Solome, Arizona UFO Sightings
Southwest desert 1 UFO Reports Southwest desert, Arizona UFO Sightings
Jacob Lake 1 UFO Reports Jacob Lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Nelson 1 UFO Reports Nelson, Arizona UFO Sightings
California 1 UFO Reports California, Arizona UFO Sightings
Encinitas 1 UFO Reports Encinitas, Arizona UFO Sightings
Parker Canyon Lake 1 UFO Reports Parker Canyon Lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
San Luis 1 UFO Reports San Luis, Arizona UFO Sightings
Meteor Crater 1 UFO Reports Meteor Crater, Arizona UFO Sightings
Bellemont 1 UFO Reports Bellemont, Arizona UFO Sightings
The Grand Canyon 1 UFO Reports The Grand Canyon, Arizona UFO Sightings
Deer Valley Airport-Phoenix 1 UFO Reports Deer Valley Airport-Phoenix, Arizona UFO Sightings
Kykotsmovi 1 UFO Reports Kykotsmovi, Arizona UFO Sightings
Northwest Tempe 1 UFO Reports Northwest Tempe, Arizona UFO Sightings
Fortuna 1 UFO Reports Fortuna, Arizona UFO Sightings
Pheonix 1 UFO Reports Pheonix, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sedonna 1 UFO Reports Sedonna, Arizona UFO Sightings
Highway 1 UFO Reports Highway, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mormon Lake 1 UFO Reports Mormon Lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Blythe 1 UFO Reports Blythe, Arizona UFO Sightings
Oro Valley AZ 1 UFO Reports Oro Valley AZ, Arizona UFO Sightings
Safford & Duncan 1 UFO Reports Safford & Duncan, Arizona UFO Sightings
Four Peaks Wilderness 1 UFO Reports Four Peaks Wilderness, Arizona UFO Sightings
Ahwatukee-Foothills 1 UFO Reports Ahwatukee-Foothills, Arizona UFO Sightings
Circle City 1 UFO Reports Circle City, Arizona UFO Sightings
Plomosa Mountains 1 UFO Reports Plomosa Mountains, Arizona UFO Sightings
Somerton 1 UFO Reports Somerton, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sow Low 1 UFO Reports Sow Low, Arizona UFO Sightings
Jakes Corners 1 UFO Reports Jakes Corners, Arizona UFO Sightings
New Mexico 1 UFO Reports New Mexico, Arizona UFO Sightings
Utting 1 UFO Reports Utting, Arizona UFO Sightings
Estrella 1 UFO Reports Estrella, Arizona UFO Sightings
Parks 1 UFO Reports Parks, Arizona UFO Sightings
Glendalemingle Dale 1 UFO Reports Glendalemingle Dale, Arizona UFO Sightings
Marble Canyon 1 UFO Reports Marble Canyon, Arizona UFO Sightings
Window Rock NM 1 UFO Reports Window Rock NM, Arizona UFO Sightings
Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument 1 UFO Reports Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, Arizona UFO Sightings
Bellmont 1 UFO Reports Bellmont, Arizona UFO Sightings
Del Rio 1 UFO Reports Del Rio, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sunset Point 1 UFO Reports Sunset Point, Arizona UFO Sightings
Lake Erling 1 UFO Reports Lake Erling, Arizona UFO Sightings
Not sure 1 UFO Reports Not sure, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cedar Ridge 1 UFO Reports Cedar Ridge, Arizona UFO Sightings
West Sedona 1 UFO Reports West Sedona, Arizona UFO Sightings
Fortuna Foothills 1 UFO Reports Fortuna Foothills, Arizona UFO Sightings
Higly 1 UFO Reports Higly, Arizona UFO Sightings
Morristown 1 UFO Reports Morristown, Arizona UFO Sightings
Boneta 1 UFO Reports Boneta, Arizona UFO Sightings
Oro valley near tucson 1 UFO Reports Oro valley near tucson, Arizona UFO Sightings
Franconia 1 UFO Reports Franconia, Arizona UFO Sightings
Levene 1 UFO Reports Levene, Arizona UFO Sightings
Wide Ruins 1 UFO Reports Wide Ruins, Arizona UFO Sightings
Quatzsite 1 UFO Reports Quatzsite, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cane Beds 1 UFO Reports Cane Beds, Arizona UFO Sightings
Estrella Mountain 1 UFO Reports Estrella Mountain, Arizona UFO Sightings
Arizona or Colorano 1 UFO Reports Arizona or Colorano, Arizona UFO Sightings
Suprise 1 UFO Reports Suprise, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cordes 1 UFO Reports Cordes, Arizona UFO Sightings
Three-Points 1 UFO Reports Three-Points, Arizona UFO Sightings
Desert area 1 UFO Reports Desert area, Arizona UFO Sightings
Rio Verde 1 UFO Reports Rio Verde, Arizona UFO Sightings
Nothing 1 UFO Reports Nothing, Arizona UFO Sightings
West Valley 1 UFO Reports West Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sells 1 UFO Reports Sells, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mountains 1 UFO Reports Mountains, Arizona UFO Sightings
Tubac 1 UFO Reports Tubac, Arizona UFO Sightings
Eagle Eye Road 1 UFO Reports Eagle Eye Road, Arizona UFO Sightings
Outer Benson 1 UFO Reports Outer Benson, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sahaurita 1 UFO Reports Sahaurita, Arizona UFO Sightings
Galesburg 1 UFO Reports Galesburg, Arizona UFO Sightings
Alamo Lake 1 UFO Reports Alamo Lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Clarksdale 1 UFO Reports Clarksdale, Arizona UFO Sightings
Polland Junction 1 UFO Reports Polland Junction, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sonoita, Arizona 1 UFO Reports Sonoita, Arizona, Arizona UFO Sightings
Joseph City 1 UFO Reports Joseph City, Arizona UFO Sightings
Canyon Lake 1 UFO Reports Canyon Lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Valle 1 UFO Reports Valle, Arizona UFO Sightings
Fagstaff 1 UFO Reports Fagstaff, Arizona UFO Sightings
San-Carlos mountains 1 UFO Reports San-Carlos mountains, Arizona UFO Sightings
Maricopa County 1 UFO Reports Maricopa County, Arizona UFO Sightings
Arlington 1 UFO Reports Arlington, Arizona UFO Sightings
Surpise 1 UFO Reports Surpise, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cordes Junction 1 UFO Reports Cordes Junction, Arizona UFO Sightings
Greenehaven 1 UFO Reports Greenehaven, Arizona UFO Sightings
Mobile 1 UFO Reports Mobile, Arizona UFO Sightings
Big lake 1 UFO Reports Big lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Desert Hills 1 UFO Reports Desert Hills, Arizona UFO Sightings
Rock Point 1 UFO Reports Rock Point, Arizona UFO Sightings
Nutrioso 1 UFO Reports Nutrioso, Arizona UFO Sightings
Chandlers 1 UFO Reports Chandlers, Arizona UFO Sightings
Wheatfields 1 UFO Reports Wheatfields, Arizona UFO Sightings
PHONEX 1 UFO Reports PHONEX, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sentinel 1 UFO Reports Sentinel, Arizona UFO Sightings
Sonora Desert 1 UFO Reports Sonora Desert, Arizona UFO Sightings
Hollywood 1 UFO Reports Hollywood, Arizona UFO Sightings
Location unknown 1 UFO Reports Location unknown, Arizona UFO Sightings
Alamo Lake area 1 UFO Reports Alamo Lake area, Arizona UFO Sightings
Clay Springs 1 UFO Reports Clay Springs, Arizona UFO Sightings
Pomerene 1 UFO Reports Pomerene, Arizona UFO Sightings
Queen Valley 1 UFO Reports Queen Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Stanfield 1 UFO Reports Stanfield, Arizona UFO Sightings
Joseph City-Winslow 1 UFO Reports Joseph City-Winslow, Arizona UFO Sightings
None 1 UFO Reports None, Arizona UFO Sightings
Cardiff 1 UFO Reports Cardiff, Arizona UFO Sightings
Verde Valley 1 UFO Reports Verde Valley, Arizona UFO Sightings
Golden Shores 1 UFO Reports Golden Shores, Arizona UFO Sightings
Martinez Lake 1 UFO Reports Martinez Lake, Arizona UFO Sightings
Ash Fork 1 UFO Reports Ash Fork, Arizona UFO Sightings