Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in North Little Rock, Arkansas

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in North Little Rock, Arkansas.

How many UFO sightings have there been in North Little Rock, Arkansas?

  • There have been 14 officially reported UFO sightings in North Little Rock from 1977 to 2019.
  • North Little Rock ranks #12 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Arkansas.

Other Arkansas Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Jonesboro, AR 91 UFO Reports
2 Little Rock, AR 83 UFO Reports
3 Fayetteville, AR 70 UFO Reports
4 Fort Smith, AR 56 UFO Reports
5 Conway, AR 42 UFO Reports

North Little Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 14 UFO sighting reports in North Little Rock, Arkansas to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in North Little Rock, Arkansas

These North Little Rock, Arkansas UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

Linear blinking bright rectangular lights in N/NE sky N/NE direction, just above the tree line, My daughter and I were driving east when we witnessed a line of bright lights, rectangular shaped, alternately blinking. Bright and sharp like LEDs with hints of color. Seemed to be decending but not clear about that since we were driving.

Lights were in perfect line, so we assumed they were part of one long craft.

10/24/19 8:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 minutes


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

Fast moving craft in not satellite I look up at a small light moving across the night sky. It looked like a satellite moving across the sky but brighter. It flew above my house.

I took a picture. Zoomed in on picture and it those not look like any satellite, ISS or aircraft I have ever seen. It did not have Nav lights and looked like it was orbiting earth.

Moved southeast fast.

03/12/18 8:14 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 40 seconds


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

Orange Sphere in Northern Pulaski County, Arkansas On the night of 29MAR14 @ 9:30pm CST I live in northern Pulaski County, Arkansas. I was lying on the couch watching the basketball game. I see a bright Orange ball approach from the west of my property it was so bright I could see it threw the closed blinds in the window.

I got up ran out on the porch and there was a large orange ball hovering over my neighbor’s house to the south of me for about 30-45 seconds. I called my wife out on the porch and she says what ((deleted)) is that? Then the ball slowly moved about a quarter mile south and hovered again for about another minute. I ran into the house to get my smart phone to get a picture of this thing.

But when I got back out there the ball shot to the south towards North Little Rock and disappeared in about 2-3 seconds. I live between 2 military bases so I see all kinds of Jets, C130’s, and helicopters flying around my property all the time. This made no sound and there were no other aircraft in the area all ni! ght.

I have never seen anything this color or shape out here ever; I have lived here for over 10 years. I’m a medical professional and my wife has 2 college degrees, we are not people that would just make up a story for notoriety. Actually I didn’t think much of it till I got on the internet and saw that a lot of people have seen the same thing we have seen….

03/29/14 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 2-3 minutes


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

Glowing spheres over North Little Rock, Arkansas. I was having a cigarette on the back patio of a local pub when the incident occurred. It is important to not that I was not inebriated at the time.

Nor do I believe the individual who first spotted the objects had been drinking. I was engaged in conversation with this gentleman when he exclaimed, "what's that," and pointed to the east. Looking up, I saw what seemed like a fireball in the sky.

My first impression was of a burning airplane. The 'flames' seemd to subside, leaving the object with the shape of a sphere, glowing with an fiery orange color. I soon made out several more such objects.

Given the position angle of the objects and their relation to surrounding buildings, I would estimate their size at about six feet in diameter. I would estimate their heading at about 340 degrees. Their speed would probably have been about forty miles per hour.

There were about six of them, and they were in a staggered line. They emitted no sound. They also seemed to have mass; ie they were not merely light.

They travelled in a staggered line. There was no wind. The objects continued on their north-northwest course, maintaining their altitude.

They were followed by another group of identical objects about a minute later. We continued looking at them until they had travelled a mile or so. As the lights reached some unmarked terminus, they seemed to extinguish one at a time.

But I could still make out some of the objects. They looked almost like giant glass spheres with a smoky iridescance. I continued looking until the second group reached the same area, ceased to glow orange, then disappeared from view.

There were a couple of other people watching on the patio. I was too engrossed by what I was seeing to pay much attention to them during the incident. Afterward, we speculated as to what we had seen, but could reach no logical conclusion.

I have been unable to find anything in the news regarding the incident. I even spoke with a couple of police officers to see if they had heard any bizarre radio traffic during the time in question. They were polite, and did not treat me like some lunatic, yet told me they had heard nothing.

Note for clarity: I was in North Little Rock at the time of this occurrence. Do not confuse that with the northern section of Little Rock. North Little Rock is its own city across the river from the Capitol City.

10/30/11 12:30 AM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: five minutes


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

I just went outside to my carport for a cigarette. I looked up to the sky because I saw the searchlight a local business uses. After the light beam had passed, I saw an object traveling through the sky at a high rate of speed.

At first, I thought it was a satellite passing over, but then realized that it was moving to fast for that. I watched it for about five seconds, and then was shocked to see it make a hard turn to the right, a 90 degree turn and then a second 90 degree turn so that it was heading back towards me. It then started moving back in the original direction, with no noticeable turn made.

It was out of sight within a matter of seconds. There were no other witnesses to this.

03/04/10 7:18 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 45 Seconds


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

Travelling home from Stuttgart, AR to North Little Rock, AR on US 65. I had just passed into North Little Rock, AR city limits where US Route 65 goes along the Arkansas River. The weather was extremely cloudy and gray as we had just seen severe thunderstorm front pass through the area.

I noticed a very faint orange light that disappeared and then there were three bright white lights in a triangular shape, orange light would have been in the center of the three white lights. The re was no shape of an airframe or fusilage, like it blended into the grayness of the cloud cover. I slowed down and watched the object "fly", or should I say "glide" very slowly.

At that time a Plane was attempting to land, moving faster than the triangular object. The triangular lighted "object" faded out of sight as it moved north. The incident occurred for about 5 minutes.

This was no star or man made aircraft. I am convinced that it had flight technology that is as of yet not published or revealed to the public if it is of earthly origin. ((NUFORC Note: We spoke with this witness, and he sounded to us to be quite credible.


04/29/05 6:30 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 5 minutes


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

I remember being dropped off into my house. I was so exhausted when I "fell" into my bed. I told my best friend after this happened.

I truly do not know how much time had passed before telling her. I feel like the time has just gone in my head. After I told her, I wrote it in my journal on Dec.

26, 2004. Here is my entry: I truly believe I was abducted by aliens a couple of weeks ago. I don't remember what day it was but I did have to go to work.

(I work Mon- Fri). My "dreams" of my house were too vivid to be dreams; something happened. I remember standing at the patio door looking up.

The ship was huge with 2, 3 or 4 big lights. I remember a red and a white light. I knew I was looking at the back.

But, instead of seeing my backyard, there was a field with 2 cars. I think the one closest to me was a red convertible with the top down. There was a woman leaning against the car.

I think she had dark curly hair to her shoulder. Darker than mine and softer curls. I think there was 1 or 2 men sitting in the car drinking.

These details are too vivid and too memorable to be a dream. The ship was a very strong material; gunmetal grey in color. (Here I drew the picture of what I saw).

Backend - what I saw, the house blocked the rest of the ship. (I was looking up). The clencher is that I was jolted "awake" (in bed).

I turned over and the clock read 5:26 am. I felt like I had just gotten in bed and I was exhausted. I didn't want to have to get up and go to work.

I turned on to my left side and my first thought was that I'd need to get checked out for any implants. I tried to find something on the internet to tell my story but didn't find anything in that short time. I told [my best friend] last night and she doesn't think I'm crazy.

When I wrote it, I wrote things going on in my life before and after. There was no break. Also, I remember when I wrote this how calm I became.

To clarify how I saw the ship, I have two sliding glass doors going outside. I have to open both of them. I remember seeing everything in the den as it is right now (not like a dream where everything is distorted or made up) and I was standing in the house, at the first door, with both open, in my, probably, nightgown that night.

I was looking up and if I had stepped out and jumped up, I could have touched the ship it was that close. I have metal awnings but that night, it was like they were gone. Because the ship was so close, and the view I had, that's why I could only see the back.

It was like I was being dropped off. I didn't feel strange or funny or have any weird things. (Supernatural things do happen to me at night but as long as I pray, it helps.

I now wear a St. Michael the Archangel medal that was blessed by the Pope and pray to him each night also and that has helped tremendously). To clarify being exhausted.

Have you ever gone out one night and partied and got drunk (not too drunk but enough to know you're drunk) and you came in at 4 or 5 or 6 am? Then, you throw yourself in bed and you're asleep before you've stopped moving? That's what I felt like. I had gone to bed the night before, as usual, but when I was jolted awake, I looked at the clock (see above) and literally felt like I had been dropped into my bed and that I had not gotten any sleep. My best friend is the only one I told about this because I'm too scared to talk to anyone else.

Maybe I watch too many tv shows and movies but I have not spoken to anyone about this. I've thought long and hard and I wanted to report this but I don't want anything bad to happen to me. I watched the Peter Jennings show tonight on ABC and you were mentioned at the end, with no contact information but I wrote down your name and was able to google it.

I've considered being hypnotized to dig deeper but I don't want to be alone when it happens to avoid any muddying. I hope in some way that you do take me seriously and can help me to come to terms with what has happened to me. I will state now that I don't party, I don't get drunk, I don't do drugs, I don't take any special Rx medications.

((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate. PD)).

12/26/04 4:00 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: ~1 - 2 hours


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

Huge object spotted over Batesville Pike road in North Little Rock Arkansas It was a clear October night in North Little Rock Arkansas. It was between 8:00PM and 11:00PM my wife and I where taking a drive to catch some fresh air. As we made our way down Batesville Pike road we noticed a strange object approaching us very quickly.

There was a car in front of us that must have seen the same strange object as they pulled off to the shoulder about a car length ahead of us. My wife and I where just shocked and could not identify what was before our eyes. This thing (larger than a 747 from wing tip to wing tip) hovered about 20 or 30 feet above the ground right around some tree tops.

There where multiple (best guess 20) bright white lights along the front of this thing. The object then moved quickly across the road and hovered over a thick wooded area before the object changed shape and seemed to land or disappear into the woods below. My wife and I drove off trying to digest what we had just seen.

We drove about a mile down the road and decided to turn around and go investigate. When we returned to the spot nothing was out of the ordinary. My first instinct was to walk through the woods and see if I could find anything, but after having flash backs of (Fire in the sky) I decided against that.

Now with that said I'll tell you that North Little Rock Airport is less than 5 miles from the spot of the sighting. It's a small airport with only one runway but what we seen was not using the airport. I also wonder if what we seen was some sort of secret military project based on the fact that there's a military base less than 3 miles from the spot of the sighting.

When the object changed shapes and landed in the woods it landed on military owned property. So it could be one of the two 1) A secret military project or 2) A UFO ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information.


10/15/03 8:00 PM

UFO Shape: changing

Lasted: 5 min


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

we saw a saucer shaped object silver chrome like,bright sunlight bouncing off of it. hovering in place. my adult daughter and I were heading west and saw this object we both saw it above the tree line about a mile away.

as we drove closer to it we could see it more clearly above the tree tops. it was about a mile away and about a 30 degrees above the horizon. we observed it for a couple of minutes and it never moved just reflected the sun like a mirror would.

after observing it, we headed south and had to take care of business that day . neither one of us has ever seen anything like that. and we are both really knowledgeable about aircraft having lived close to air ports for years.

we have seen weather balloons, blimps, parachutes, or commercial airliner , private aircraft. or militay.or helicopters ect.

this object was different than anything we had ever seen. it was very big because it looked big in the sky. it was amazing to see it hover in one spot.

it has made a believer out of us there are UFO's .

07/27/02 4:00 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 2 minutes


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

massive triangular craft--forward moving sides had spaced lights, non-blinking--back side unlit--with almost opaque shadow quality of color--even for night. About height of low flying plane, but massive in size -slowmoving, very steady and absolutely no sound--moving from northwest to southeast. Not usual flight plan for local military or non military bases.

Had gone outside just before 2am in hopes of seeing remnants of the Leonid meteor event of the 16th and 17th--and unable to see any. In searching the sky my first thot was seeing a flock of geese as moving objects in a V formation began to be visible. the 'objects were at fist visible as tho separate-but lighted --- obviously not geese, but in that type of formation.

As it approached slowly, keeping its shape I realized it was a craft of massive triangular size; the V-shaped forward moving sides were lighted--steady,spaced, white lights--almost like lightbulbs.The back side of the triangle was unlit--and the craft itself had an almost opaque shadow quality of color--even at night, that was more discernible as it passed beneath some brighter stars and away from the street lights. It appeard to be flying at about the height of a low flying plane, but much more massive in size than a plane would be of the same height.

It moved somewhat slowly, very steady and with absolutely no sound. Moving from northwesterly to a southeasterly direction. This is not the usual flight path usually observed in this area for local military or non military bases.

An airplane traveling at a similar height observed three days later, at the normal size visible at that height, appeared much smaller and made tremendous sound. It's an image that stays vividly in mind. I grew up in the air force, and lived on base much of that time -- and observed a lot of planes coming and going, and I am aware it could very well be a military craft, possibly not well publicised--but its size, lack of any sound and the pace at which it was moving were out of the norm usually visible in this area.

Is there currently a stealth-type craft that would fit this description? And how would I find out if there actually was one in this area on that morning?.

11/18/98 1:55 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 2-3 minutes


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

Blink of white light, 6 times about 30 seconds apart, stationary very very high is sky I was sitting on the back porch looking at stars, notice a small blink of white light, from my angle around the big dippers handle or little don't know the difference. The object blink 6 times about 30 seconds apart, the size was about as big as the stars themselves. On the fourth blink, I call my Stepson to view it and he saw the last one number 6 the object never move from that postion and I still have not seen it blink again.

The sky was clear on this night Any Ideas?.

04/22/98 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 3 minutes


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

Clearly observed a triangular craft outfitted with three bright lights. Object made no sound and floated perfectly still for around four minutes. As a Police Officer for the North Little Rock Police Department I once held a part time security job for a large apartment complex on the North side of town.

I was compensated with a free apartment and was required to secure three different one-level professional buildings as one would occasionally be accidently left unlocked. In July of 1996 my wife accompanied me to help check the doors, shortening my required walk. Coming upon the last building my wife and I again met up at which time we noticed an unusual type of light reflecting on the pavement 50-100 yards in every direction.

The light closely resembled the light emitted from late model Lincoln headlights (a new type of halogen bulb) and had sort of a purple tint. In total amazement we both looked up to observe some sort of craft hovering in total silence around 300 feet over our heads. The craft had very bright white lights placed in a triangle and no other lighting.

The brightness did not seem to correspond to the level of light hitting the ground as if it were diffused on its way down. The craft remained motionless until we could get to our apartment (approx. 1 block) in an attempt to get my binoculars.

We observed the craft the entire way to the apartment and actually began to feel uneasy about the ships presence. Unfortunately the ship was gone when we came out of the house with the binoculars and we were never able to observe the ship moving. I grew up within a mile of an airport and have seen every type of aircraft and its lights and this was not a conventional aircraft of any sort.

07/30/96 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 4 minutes


North Little Rock, AR

Full Report Text:

Disk shaped aircraft with rotating lights hovering over tree line It was 1977or 1978 during the summer. While outside with two older sisters and one adult we watched a flying disc shaped object hovering over the tree line and darting back and forth over the area. The object had square lights that rotated around the craft.

It appeared to be a little larger than a car. Other people in the neighborhood were outside viewing, as well. The adults called the police to report the sighting.

They didn’t feel the report was taken seriously.

06/22/77 8:00 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 20 min


North Little Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Triangle 3 reported sightings 21.43% of all reports
Disk 2 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Unknown 2 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Sphere 2 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Light 2 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Circle 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports
Other 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports
Changing 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports

North Little Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
March 3 reported sightings 21.43% of all reports
October 3 reported sightings 21.43% of all reports
July 2 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
April 2 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
November 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports
June 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports
December 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports

North Little Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Wednesday 4 reported sightings 28.57% of all reports
Sunday 2 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Saturday 2 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Thursday 2 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Tuesday 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports
Monday 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports
Friday 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports

North Little Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
11/18/98 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports
07/27/02 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports
04/22/98 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports
04/29/05 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports
12/26/04 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports

North Little Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 7 reported sightings 50.00% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 3 reported sightings 21.43% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 2 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 1 reported sightings 7.14% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in North Little Rock, Arkansas

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in North Little Rock, Arkansas.

All Arkansas Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Arkansas

City Number of Reports View Reports
Jonesboro 91 UFO Reports Jonesboro, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Little Rock 83 UFO Reports Little Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fayetteville 70 UFO Reports Fayetteville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fort Smith 56 UFO Reports Fort Smith, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Conway 42 UFO Reports Conway, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Russellville 31 UFO Reports Russellville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hot Springs 29 UFO Reports Hot Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Springdale 25 UFO Reports Springdale, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bentonville 18 UFO Reports Bentonville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Rogers 18 UFO Reports Rogers, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mountain Home 18 UFO Reports Mountain Home, Arkansas UFO Sightings
North Little Rock 14 UFO Reports North Little Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Paragould 14 UFO Reports Paragould, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cabot 14 UFO Reports Cabot, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Alma 14 UFO Reports Alma, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mena 12 UFO Reports Mena, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Camden 12 UFO Reports Camden, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Van Buren 11 UFO Reports Van Buren, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pine Bluff 11 UFO Reports Pine Bluff, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Eureka Springs 11 UFO Reports Eureka Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Littlerock 11 UFO Reports Littlerock, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Clarksville 10 UFO Reports Clarksville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
El Dorado 10 UFO Reports El Dorado, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Arkansas 9 UFO Reports Arkansas, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bryant 9 UFO Reports Bryant, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Texarkana 9 UFO Reports Texarkana, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Harrison 9 UFO Reports Harrison, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Greenbrier 9 UFO Reports Greenbrier, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Jacksonville 8 UFO Reports Jacksonville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Batesville 8 UFO Reports Batesville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Jasper 8 UFO Reports Jasper, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Searcy 8 UFO Reports Searcy, Arkansas UFO Sightings
West Memphis 8 UFO Reports West Memphis, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Siloam Springs 8 UFO Reports Siloam Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pocahontas 8 UFO Reports Pocahontas, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ward 8 UFO Reports Ward, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Heber Springs 7 UFO Reports Heber Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bigelow 7 UFO Reports Bigelow, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Sherwood 7 UFO Reports Sherwood, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Maumelle 6 UFO Reports Maumelle, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mayflower 6 UFO Reports Mayflower, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Centerton 6 UFO Reports Centerton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Greenwood 6 UFO Reports Greenwood, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Dardanelle 6 UFO Reports Dardanelle, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Malvern 6 UFO Reports Malvern, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Benton 6 UFO Reports Benton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Berryville 5 UFO Reports Berryville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Flippin 5 UFO Reports Flippin, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lonoke 5 UFO Reports Lonoke, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bauxite 5 UFO Reports Bauxite, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hampton 5 UFO Reports Hampton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lowell 5 UFO Reports Lowell, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Dover 5 UFO Reports Dover, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Clinton 5 UFO Reports Clinton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Morrilton 5 UFO Reports Morrilton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Newport 4 UFO Reports Newport, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pottsville 4 UFO Reports Pottsville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mount Ida 4 UFO Reports Mount Ida, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cherokee Village 4 UFO Reports Cherokee Village, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Marked Tree 4 UFO Reports Marked Tree, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ozark 4 UFO Reports Ozark, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Helena 4 UFO Reports Helena, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Garfield 4 UFO Reports Garfield, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Marshall 4 UFO Reports Marshall, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Judsonia 4 UFO Reports Judsonia, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gravette 4 UFO Reports Gravette, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Timbo 4 UFO Reports Timbo, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hartman 4 UFO Reports Hartman, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Coal Hill 4 UFO Reports Coal Hill, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Eldorado 3 UFO Reports Eldorado, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Booneville 3 UFO Reports Booneville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Marion 3 UFO Reports Marion, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Elkins 3 UFO Reports Elkins, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Corning 3 UFO Reports Corning, Arkansas UFO Sightings
West Fork 3 UFO Reports West Fork, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hope 3 UFO Reports Hope, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Chester 3 UFO Reports Chester, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Prairie Grove 3 UFO Reports Prairie Grove, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mountain View 3 UFO Reports Mountain View, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Yellville 3 UFO Reports Yellville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Leslie 3 UFO Reports Leslie, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gassville 3 UFO Reports Gassville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pangburn 3 UFO Reports Pangburn, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Blytheville 3 UFO Reports Blytheville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ashdown 3 UFO Reports Ashdown, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gentry 3 UFO Reports Gentry, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Forrest City 3 UFO Reports Forrest City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gilbert 3 UFO Reports Gilbert, Arkansas UFO Sightings
White Hall 3 UFO Reports White Hall, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Beebe 3 UFO Reports Beebe, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Farmington 3 UFO Reports Farmington, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Magnolia 3 UFO Reports Magnolia, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Osceola 3 UFO Reports Osceola, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Tontitown 3 UFO Reports Tontitown, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Alexander 3 UFO Reports Alexander, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Greers Ferry 3 UFO Reports Greers Ferry, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Trumann 3 UFO Reports Trumann, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bono 3 UFO Reports Bono, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Winslow 2 UFO Reports Winslow, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Melbourne 2 UFO Reports Melbourne, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fountain Hill 2 UFO Reports Fountain Hill, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bald Knob 2 UFO Reports Bald Knob, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Norfork 2 UFO Reports Norfork, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Smackover 2 UFO Reports Smackover, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Calion 2 UFO Reports Calion, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hagarville 2 UFO Reports Hagarville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Wynne 2 UFO Reports Wynne, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lake Village 2 UFO Reports Lake Village, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Perryville 2 UFO Reports Perryville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Vilonia 2 UFO Reports Vilonia, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cotter 2 UFO Reports Cotter, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fulton 2 UFO Reports Fulton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
West Helena 2 UFO Reports West Helena, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Royal 2 UFO Reports Royal, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bismarck 2 UFO Reports Bismarck, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ozark National Forest 2 UFO Reports Ozark National Forest, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Petit Jean Mountain 2 UFO Reports Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Viola 2 UFO Reports Viola, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Metalton 2 UFO Reports Metalton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
DeWitt 2 UFO Reports DeWitt, Arkansas UFO Sightings
England 2 UFO Reports England, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Brooklyn 2 UFO Reports Brooklyn, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fordyce 2 UFO Reports Fordyce, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Waldenburg 2 UFO Reports Waldenburg, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Prescott 2 UFO Reports Prescott, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hardy 2 UFO Reports Hardy, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Beaver Lake 2 UFO Reports Beaver Lake, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Buckner 2 UFO Reports Buckner, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Waldron 2 UFO Reports Waldron, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Monticello 2 UFO Reports Monticello, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cave city 2 UFO Reports Cave city, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hot Springs Village 2 UFO Reports Hot Springs Village, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Light 2 UFO Reports Light, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Walnut Ridge 2 UFO Reports Walnut Ridge, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hickory Plains 2 UFO Reports Hickory Plains, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Luxora 2 UFO Reports Luxora, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Kingston 2 UFO Reports Kingston, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Augusta 2 UFO Reports Augusta, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bella Vista 2 UFO Reports Bella Vista, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Huntsville 2 UFO Reports Huntsville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Saint Joe 2 UFO Reports Saint Joe, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bonnerdale 2 UFO Reports Bonnerdale, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Holiday Island 2 UFO Reports Holiday Island, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Imboden 2 UFO Reports Imboden, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Glen Rose 2 UFO Reports Glen Rose, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Rector 2 UFO Reports Rector, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pea Ridge 2 UFO Reports Pea Ridge, Arkansas UFO Sightings
McRae 2 UFO Reports McRae, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Salem 2 UFO Reports Salem, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Decatur 2 UFO Reports Decatur, Arkansas UFO Sightings
In-flight sighting 1 UFO Reports In-flight sighting, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Stephens 1 UFO Reports Stephens, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Charleston 1 UFO Reports Charleston, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Glendale 1 UFO Reports Glendale, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gum Springs 1 UFO Reports Gum Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Marble Falls 1 UFO Reports Marble Falls, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Redfield 1 UFO Reports Redfield, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ferndale 1 UFO Reports Ferndale, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lake City 1 UFO Reports Lake City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Overcup 1 UFO Reports Overcup, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Peach Orchard 1 UFO Reports Peach Orchard, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Umpire 1 UFO Reports Umpire, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Alma KOA 1 UFO Reports Alma KOA, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hazen 1 UFO Reports Hazen, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Sardis 1 UFO Reports Sardis, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Sims 1 UFO Reports Sims, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Calico Rock 1 UFO Reports Calico Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Locke 1 UFO Reports Locke, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Weona-Harrisburg-Waldenburg 1 UFO Reports Weona-Harrisburg-Waldenburg, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Dennard 1 UFO Reports Dennard, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Holly Springs 1 UFO Reports Holly Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Story 1 UFO Reports Story, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Glenwood 1 UFO Reports Glenwood, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gurdon 1 UFO Reports Gurdon, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Wright 1 UFO Reports Wright, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fifty Six 1 UFO Reports Fifty Six, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lake DeGray 1 UFO Reports Lake DeGray, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Oxley 1 UFO Reports Oxley, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Perry 1 UFO Reports Perry, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Alpena 1 UFO Reports Alpena, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Memphis 1 UFO Reports Memphis, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Scotland 1 UFO Reports Scotland, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Boonville 1 UFO Reports Boonville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fountain Lake 1 UFO Reports Fountain Lake, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lockesberg 1 UFO Reports Lockesberg, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Poughkeepsie 1 UFO Reports Poughkeepsie, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Desert 1 UFO Reports Desert, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mount Vernon 1 UFO Reports Mount Vernon, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Stuttgart 1 UFO Reports Stuttgart, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cherokee Villiage 1 UFO Reports Cherokee Villiage, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Goshen 1 UFO Reports Goshen, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Rose Bud 1 UFO Reports Rose Bud, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Emmett 1 UFO Reports Emmett, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Briggsville 1 UFO Reports Briggsville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Arden 1 UFO Reports Arden, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hector 1 UFO Reports Hector, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Scott 1 UFO Reports Scott, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Snowball 1 UFO Reports Snowball, Arkansas UFO Sightings
London 1 UFO Reports London, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Powhatan 1 UFO Reports Powhatan, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Batesville and floral 1 UFO Reports Batesville and floral, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Destin 1 UFO Reports Destin, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Horatio 1 UFO Reports Horatio, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Jessieville 1 UFO Reports Jessieville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Nunley 1 UFO Reports Nunley, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Success 1 UFO Reports Success, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hamburg 1 UFO Reports Hamburg, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Marsden 1 UFO Reports Marsden, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Y-City 1 UFO Reports Y-City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Enerson 1 UFO Reports Enerson, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Brinkley 1 UFO Reports Brinkley, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Floyd 1 UFO Reports Floyd, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lead Hill 1 UFO Reports Lead Hill, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Arkadelphia 1 UFO Reports Arkadelphia, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Crossett 1 UFO Reports Crossett, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Social Hill 1 UFO Reports Social Hill, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Camp Albert Pike 1 UFO Reports Camp Albert Pike, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gosnell 1 UFO Reports Gosnell, Arkansas UFO Sightings
West Little Rock 1 UFO Reports West Little Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Horseshoe Lake 1 UFO Reports Horseshoe Lake, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Oak Grove 1 UFO Reports Oak Grove, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Summers 1 UFO Reports Summers, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Chimes 1 UFO Reports Chimes, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Rudy 1 UFO Reports Rudy, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Black Rock 1 UFO Reports Black Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ozone 1 UFO Reports Ozone, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Crumrod 1 UFO Reports Crumrod, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Henderson 1 UFO Reports Henderson, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Midway 1 UFO Reports Midway, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Seary 1 UFO Reports Seary, Arkansas UFO Sightings
South Bend 1 UFO Reports South Bend, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cane Hill 1 UFO Reports Cane Hill, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Grannis 1 UFO Reports Grannis, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lonsdale 1 UFO Reports Lonsdale, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Beaver 1 UFO Reports Beaver, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Dierks 1 UFO Reports Dierks, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mountian Home 1 UFO Reports Mountian Home, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Oil Trough 1 UFO Reports Oil Trough, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Sunshine 1 UFO Reports Sunshine, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Clarendon 1 UFO Reports Clarendon, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Marvell 1 UFO Reports Marvell, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Zinc 1 UFO Reports Zinc, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bluff City 1 UFO Reports Bluff City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Eudora 1 UFO Reports Eudora, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Forest City 1 UFO Reports Forest City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lewisville 1 UFO Reports Lewisville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pine Mountain 1 UFO Reports Pine Mountain, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Waldo 1 UFO Reports Waldo, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Artesian 1 UFO Reports Artesian, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Crystal Springs 1 UFO Reports Crystal Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hensley 1 UFO Reports Hensley, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Monett 1 UFO Reports Monett, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Sedgwick 1 UFO Reports Sedgwick, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Southwest 1 UFO Reports Southwest, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Casa 1 UFO Reports Casa, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gateway 1 UFO Reports Gateway, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Louisville 1 UFO Reports Louisville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Prim 1 UFO Reports Prim, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Western Grove 1 UFO Reports Western Grove, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Doddridge 1 UFO Reports Doddridge, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hot Springs National Park 1 UFO Reports Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mulberry 1 UFO Reports Mulberry, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Junction City 1 UFO Reports Junction City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ola 1 UFO Reports Ola, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Clarkridge 1 UFO Reports Clarkridge, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Russelville 1 UFO Reports Russelville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Formosa 1 UFO Reports Formosa, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lexa 1 UFO Reports Lexa, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pinebergen 1 UFO Reports Pinebergen, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Daedanelle 1 UFO Reports Daedanelle, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hermitage 1 UFO Reports Hermitage, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Sheridan 1 UFO Reports Sheridan, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Greenbried 1 UFO Reports Greenbried, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Proctor 1 UFO Reports Proctor, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Westlake Village 1 UFO Reports Westlake Village, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bee Branch 1 UFO Reports Bee Branch, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Dora 1 UFO Reports Dora, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Needham 1 UFO Reports Needham, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Kibler 1 UFO Reports Kibler, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Omaha 1 UFO Reports Omaha, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hartford 1 UFO Reports Hartford, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Russleville 1 UFO Reports Russleville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Blyville 1 UFO Reports Blyville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fairfield Bay 1 UFO Reports Fairfield Bay, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bull Shoals 1 UFO Reports Bull Shoals, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Paris 1 UFO Reports Paris, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pleasant Grove 1 UFO Reports Pleasant Grove, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Atkins 1 UFO Reports Atkins, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Dallas 1 UFO Reports Dallas, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Morgan 1 UFO Reports Morgan, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Stamps 1 UFO Reports Stamps, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cave Springs 1 UFO Reports Cave Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Quitman 1 UFO Reports Quitman, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Humnoke 1 UFO Reports Humnoke, Arkansas UFO Sightings
New Blaine 1 UFO Reports New Blaine, Arkansas UFO Sightings
On highway 1 UFO Reports On highway, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Tomberlin 1 UFO Reports Tomberlin, Arkansas UFO Sightings
McCrory 1 UFO Reports McCrory, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Russlville 1 UFO Reports Russlville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Board Camp 1 UFO Reports Board Camp, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Shirley 1 UFO Reports Shirley, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fort Chafee 1 UFO Reports Fort Chafee, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lincoln 1 UFO Reports Lincoln, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pleasent Grove 1 UFO Reports Pleasent Grove, Arkansas UFO Sightings
War Eagle 1 UFO Reports War Eagle, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Damascus 1 UFO Reports Damascus, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Highfill 1 UFO Reports Highfill, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Morgan Maumelle 1 UFO Reports Morgan Maumelle, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Newberry 1 UFO Reports Newberry, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Star City 1 UFO Reports Star City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gillham 1 UFO Reports Gillham, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ravenden springs 1 UFO Reports Ravenden springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Whitehall 1 UFO Reports Whitehall, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Earle 1 UFO Reports Earle, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Knobel 1 UFO Reports Knobel, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Patterson 1 UFO Reports Patterson, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hattieville 1 UFO Reports Hattieville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
McGehee 1 UFO Reports McGehee, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Caddo Gap 1 UFO Reports Caddo Gap, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Austin 1 UFO Reports Austin, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Moro 1 UFO Reports Moro, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Newell 1 UFO Reports Newell, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Star Valley 1 UFO Reports Star Valley, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Central City 1 UFO Reports Central City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Wilmont 1 UFO Reports Wilmont, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Knoxville 1 UFO Reports Knoxville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ouchita National Forest 1 UFO Reports Ouchita National Forest, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Colt 1 UFO Reports Colt, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Havana 1 UFO Reports Havana, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fern 1 UFO Reports Fern, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Siloam Sprngs 1 UFO Reports Siloam Sprngs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Calamine 1 UFO Reports Calamine, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fouke 1 UFO Reports Fouke, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ponca 1 UFO Reports Ponca, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Washington 1 UFO Reports Washington, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Avilla 1 UFO Reports Avilla, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Holland County 1 UFO Reports Holland County, Arkansas UFO Sightings