Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Greenwood, Arkansas

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Greenwood, Arkansas.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Greenwood, Arkansas?

  • There have been 6 officially reported UFO sightings in Greenwood from 2000 to 2020.
  • Greenwood ranks #45 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Arkansas.

Other Arkansas Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Jonesboro, AR 91 UFO Reports
2 Little Rock, AR 83 UFO Reports
3 Fayetteville, AR 70 UFO Reports
4 Fort Smith, AR 56 UFO Reports
5 Conway, AR 42 UFO Reports

Greenwood, Arkansas UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 6 UFO sighting reports in Greenwood, Arkansas to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Greenwood, Arkansas

These Greenwood, Arkansas UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Greenwood, AR

Full Report Text:

Many people in Ar River Valley reporting as many as 50 lights flying extremely high altitude, described as Satellites. I saw one look to have bright flashes show up 3 times behind the light. Similar to chafing or quick bright explosions.

04/16/20 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 minute


Greenwood, AR

Full Report Text:

Four of us saw 2 or more pulsating light flashes spinning in the same spot for a period of 45 minutes. Then several very bright flashes as if something was flying away. We viewed this sight from the top of a mountain no street lights around or airplanes very strange sight.

05/15/13 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 45 minutes


Greenwood, AR

Full Report Text:

I was standing outside looking at the night sky when a bright, clear ball of light with spikes all over it, each expanding and contract. It has taken me quite a while to be able to mention this to anyone. I didn't want to believe it happened, but I have to get this out.

I'm not sure of the exact date although the moon was almost full. I work evenings and had been home a couple hours and had just finished watching tv in the living room. My wife and 2 daughters were all in their beds asleep.

I am a creature of habit and, correct to schedule, I turned off my tv and turned around to grab my cat to take her to bed with us. She always watches tv with me until about 5:00AM and then I scoop her up and take her to bed with my wife and I. My cat hangs out with me like clockwork until I take her to bed with us.

(she sleeps at the foot of our bed every night.) The lights are now off in the house and there was plenty of light coming in the living room window from the bright moon. I turned around as usual to scoop up our big Main Coon cat and she was nowhere to be found.

I thought that was a little strange because she had been there earlier but if you know cats then you know they have a mind of their own, so I didn't think much of it. As I turned to go down the hall to retire to bed with my wife, I noticed how clear and bright it was outside. Since it had been cloudy and raining earlier I decided to step outside for just a moment in my socks and boxers to take in the rain-refreshed air and look at the moon.

The sidewalk had almost dried so I walked about 30 feet down the sidewalk to get to the driveway so I could have an unobstructed clear view of the night sky and nearly full moon. I looked up and remember seeing the moon and how beautiful it looked and then something even brighter than the moon caught my left eye's per. Vision.

I turned an look up and at first I was amazed thinking to myself, "what on earth is that?". It was a bright white glowing orb but it had spikes coming out of it all over. The spikes were the same bright glowing white but they were not all the same size and they were constantly expanding and contracting growing larger and then smaller again.

They were pulsing and changing sizes getting longer and shorter all the time. It's hard to explain. At that point I felt frozen and terrified because it appeared very close to me - maybe only 30 or 40 feet up in the air.

That's when things got really terrifying. The reason this has stuck with me is because I was quite literally frozen in fear. I was descending closer to me - maybe about 20 feet directly over my head now.

I have only two words that can explain what happened next: Primal Fear. I had always heard people being paralyzed by fear but I've been in a lot of tense situations before and am known for staying calm and collected. if you asked me before this experience what I would have done I would have told you I would run inside.

But I literally couldn't move. My front door was only 30 feet away but it might as well have been 30 miles away because there was no way I could get there. I remember I was standing slightly off the sidewalk into the wet grass at this point and I wanted to run for the door.

But I could not. I fell to the ground in a fetal position completely terrorized and paralyzed in fear. I heard no sound from the object at all.

It was completely silent as it kept descending toward me now about 15 feet or so in the air. It's spikes continued to expand and contract and I began trying to scream my wife's name, tears running down my eyes. But I couldn't make a sound.

I tried screaming for help but not a word or sound came out of my mouth. I remember trying to scream for my wife and then just HELP hoping somebody -anybody would hear me but I could couldn't make a sound. What I can tell you for sure is that the fear was as deep, primal and disturbing.

The fear was REAL. The next thing I knew, I woke up about 11AM in my own bed naked. But that is not unusual for me.

Sorry maybe that is a little more information than you wanted. But it is relevant because when I woke up everything appeared normal. I remember thinking, "Oh God, it was just a dream.

It was just a dream thank God!" A hell of a lucid vivid dream but a dream non-the-less. So, wife and kids already gone for the day, I stumbled back down the hall toward the kitchen to make some coffee. I was starting to relax and then decided to walk outside and get the paper.

What happened next I will never forget. There next to the sidewalk where I had been standing "in my dream" we're my two wet socks, my damp boxer shorts (it had previously rained before the incident the night before. My socks and boxers (the only two things I had been wearing) at the time were outside.

At that point my heart sank. I threw the socks and boxers away and have never mentioned it to anyone until now. Not even my wife.

After almost two years I still have not mentioned it to my wife or anyone else. I'm afraid they would send me to a mental facility or that my wife would think I am nuts, which I am NOT. I cannot afford to lose everything.

At best, I went sleep walking around my neighborhood naked (I am not a sleep walker). At worse, it wasn't a dream. I am very confused about it - that's all I remember.

One final thought. At night when I close my eyes and start re-living the incident over in my head to try and figure out more - when I concentrate really hard on it my body jerks and I have this extremely unpleasant electrical feeling surge through me until I stop thinking about it. Think about what restless legs feel like but over your entire body - just for trying to remember it.

It is like my brain has blocked off my access to that memory and has set up some kind of "electrical" force field around it in my brain that is so uncomfortable physically that I try never to think of it. So there it is. You may think I'm crazy but it feels good to finally get this off my chest.

By the way I own a very successful business and have a degree in business management. I tell you that just so you know I am of at least average intelligence. I do not drink alcohol.

And I am absolutely certain I was not seeing the moon. They were in two different places. I have never heard of anything quite like this.

If you know of others similar, please let me know. It would mean a lot to find out I am not the only one to have experienced this sort of thing. Thanks for reading.

05/05/12 5:00 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: Unknown


Greenwood, AR

Full Report Text:

Three orange fireballs in the sky forming a triangle. Two disappeared after 20 minutes but one stay for 45 minutes. No movement, just floating in the same location.

06/22/09 12:50 AM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 45 minutes


Greenwood, AR

Full Report Text:

The object was metallic, large, cigar shaped with a bright gleam of light emanating from one end almost separate from the craft. I was only around 8 or 9 years old at the time. The only witness I still have contact with doesn't remember the event.

It was recess just after lunch at the swing sets when my friend kept talking about how he could see a UFO and it took me a while to see what he was pointing at. Once my eyes locked in on what I was seeing, it was clear that it was not a plane or a cloud. I was looking directly West and around 80 degrees upwards from the ground.

It was a metallic cigar-shaped object. On the left of it, there was a light obscuring it's end where it may have come to a point. The craft was high in the cloudless sky and appeared relatively large and very high in altitude accounting for atmospheric scattering of light (like how a distant object appears slightly blue).

It was slowly moving straight up, and as it moved, the light that was emanating from it's left end was pulsating and growing brighter while also dimming and becoming invisible at times. This gave me a chance to really observe the light. The light pulsated in a very distinct pattern that would rotate.

It almost seemed to be a physical object while also being very bright. The pattern resembled a typical starlight pattern viewed through an optical device like a telescope. As the object continued to ascend, it got so high up that all that was visible was the "light".

Eventually, the light was no longer visible. It appeared to have left the atmosphere, entirely. My friend said he saw an orb shoot out and was doing weird maneuvers in the sky while my eyes had drifted away.

At this point, I was still processing what I just saw, so I didn't see the orb he was talking about but played along as if I did. The cigar shaped object never went in a different direction - just up. It was very enticing, and I had a very real urge to follow it somehow.

Physically, I and my surroundings experienced no effects that I am aware of. I think everyone forgot about it shortly afterwards. I should note: nothing in this story was exaggerated, fabricated, or left out regarding my entire observation of this object.

As far as I know, I am the only witness; however, there may be more witnesses in the area that I just never talked to about. I am not 100% certain about the date and time, but I had to have been in third or fourth grade at the time (2006-2008). It was warm, not quite hot, cloudless, and before or around noon.

The exact coordinates I was standing was 35°13'15.47"N 94°15'20.11"W looking west and upwards.

04/11/07 10:30 AM

UFO Shape: cigar

Lasted: 5-10 minutes


Greenwood, AR

Full Report Text:

Blinking, multi-colored lights below clouds outside Ft. Chaffee. Traveling east on Hwy 10 dark, cloudy night.

Outside of Ft. Chaffee above fishing lake blinking lights as if wanting to be seen. Sure the trucker behind and ahead of me saw it.

5 miles further, still outside of Ft. Chaffee appeared again, very large, unsure of shape, blinking red, green, blue lights, again wanting to be seen (by me?) I pulled into my road very secluded sure I'd get better view but then noted it was cloudy and couldn't see any stars so pretty sure it wanted to be seen. (My first and I'm thrilled).

11/15/00 6:00 PM

UFO Shape: flash

Lasted: seconds


Greenwood, Arkansas UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 2 reported sightings 33.33% of all reports
Cigar 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Flash 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Fireball 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Other 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports

Greenwood, Arkansas UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
May 2 reported sightings 33.33% of all reports
April 2 reported sightings 33.33% of all reports
November 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
June 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports

Greenwood, Arkansas UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Wednesday 3 reported sightings 50.00% of all reports
Thursday 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Monday 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Saturday 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports

Greenwood, Arkansas UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
04/11/07 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
11/15/00 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
06/22/09 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
05/15/13 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
05/05/12 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports

Greenwood, Arkansas UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 2 reported sightings 33.33% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 1 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Greenwood, Arkansas

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Greenwood, Arkansas.

All Arkansas Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Arkansas

City Number of Reports View Reports
Jonesboro 91 UFO Reports Jonesboro, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Little Rock 83 UFO Reports Little Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fayetteville 70 UFO Reports Fayetteville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fort Smith 56 UFO Reports Fort Smith, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Conway 42 UFO Reports Conway, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Russellville 31 UFO Reports Russellville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hot Springs 29 UFO Reports Hot Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Springdale 25 UFO Reports Springdale, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bentonville 18 UFO Reports Bentonville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Rogers 18 UFO Reports Rogers, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mountain Home 18 UFO Reports Mountain Home, Arkansas UFO Sightings
North Little Rock 14 UFO Reports North Little Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Paragould 14 UFO Reports Paragould, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cabot 14 UFO Reports Cabot, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Alma 14 UFO Reports Alma, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mena 12 UFO Reports Mena, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Camden 12 UFO Reports Camden, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Van Buren 11 UFO Reports Van Buren, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pine Bluff 11 UFO Reports Pine Bluff, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Eureka Springs 11 UFO Reports Eureka Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Littlerock 11 UFO Reports Littlerock, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Clarksville 10 UFO Reports Clarksville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
El Dorado 10 UFO Reports El Dorado, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Arkansas 9 UFO Reports Arkansas, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bryant 9 UFO Reports Bryant, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Texarkana 9 UFO Reports Texarkana, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Harrison 9 UFO Reports Harrison, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Greenbrier 9 UFO Reports Greenbrier, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Jacksonville 8 UFO Reports Jacksonville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Batesville 8 UFO Reports Batesville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Jasper 8 UFO Reports Jasper, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Searcy 8 UFO Reports Searcy, Arkansas UFO Sightings
West Memphis 8 UFO Reports West Memphis, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Siloam Springs 8 UFO Reports Siloam Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pocahontas 8 UFO Reports Pocahontas, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ward 8 UFO Reports Ward, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Heber Springs 7 UFO Reports Heber Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bigelow 7 UFO Reports Bigelow, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Sherwood 7 UFO Reports Sherwood, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Maumelle 6 UFO Reports Maumelle, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mayflower 6 UFO Reports Mayflower, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Centerton 6 UFO Reports Centerton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Greenwood 6 UFO Reports Greenwood, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Dardanelle 6 UFO Reports Dardanelle, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Malvern 6 UFO Reports Malvern, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Benton 6 UFO Reports Benton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Berryville 5 UFO Reports Berryville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Flippin 5 UFO Reports Flippin, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lonoke 5 UFO Reports Lonoke, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bauxite 5 UFO Reports Bauxite, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hampton 5 UFO Reports Hampton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lowell 5 UFO Reports Lowell, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Dover 5 UFO Reports Dover, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Clinton 5 UFO Reports Clinton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Morrilton 5 UFO Reports Morrilton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Newport 4 UFO Reports Newport, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pottsville 4 UFO Reports Pottsville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mount Ida 4 UFO Reports Mount Ida, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cherokee Village 4 UFO Reports Cherokee Village, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Marked Tree 4 UFO Reports Marked Tree, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ozark 4 UFO Reports Ozark, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Helena 4 UFO Reports Helena, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Garfield 4 UFO Reports Garfield, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Marshall 4 UFO Reports Marshall, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Judsonia 4 UFO Reports Judsonia, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gravette 4 UFO Reports Gravette, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Timbo 4 UFO Reports Timbo, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hartman 4 UFO Reports Hartman, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Coal Hill 4 UFO Reports Coal Hill, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Eldorado 3 UFO Reports Eldorado, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Booneville 3 UFO Reports Booneville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Marion 3 UFO Reports Marion, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Elkins 3 UFO Reports Elkins, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Corning 3 UFO Reports Corning, Arkansas UFO Sightings
West Fork 3 UFO Reports West Fork, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hope 3 UFO Reports Hope, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Chester 3 UFO Reports Chester, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Prairie Grove 3 UFO Reports Prairie Grove, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mountain View 3 UFO Reports Mountain View, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Yellville 3 UFO Reports Yellville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Leslie 3 UFO Reports Leslie, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gassville 3 UFO Reports Gassville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pangburn 3 UFO Reports Pangburn, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Blytheville 3 UFO Reports Blytheville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ashdown 3 UFO Reports Ashdown, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gentry 3 UFO Reports Gentry, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Forrest City 3 UFO Reports Forrest City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gilbert 3 UFO Reports Gilbert, Arkansas UFO Sightings
White Hall 3 UFO Reports White Hall, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Beebe 3 UFO Reports Beebe, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Farmington 3 UFO Reports Farmington, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Magnolia 3 UFO Reports Magnolia, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Osceola 3 UFO Reports Osceola, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Tontitown 3 UFO Reports Tontitown, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Alexander 3 UFO Reports Alexander, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Greers Ferry 3 UFO Reports Greers Ferry, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Trumann 3 UFO Reports Trumann, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bono 3 UFO Reports Bono, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Winslow 2 UFO Reports Winslow, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Melbourne 2 UFO Reports Melbourne, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fountain Hill 2 UFO Reports Fountain Hill, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bald Knob 2 UFO Reports Bald Knob, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Norfork 2 UFO Reports Norfork, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Smackover 2 UFO Reports Smackover, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Calion 2 UFO Reports Calion, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hagarville 2 UFO Reports Hagarville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Wynne 2 UFO Reports Wynne, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lake Village 2 UFO Reports Lake Village, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Perryville 2 UFO Reports Perryville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Vilonia 2 UFO Reports Vilonia, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cotter 2 UFO Reports Cotter, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fulton 2 UFO Reports Fulton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
West Helena 2 UFO Reports West Helena, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Royal 2 UFO Reports Royal, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bismarck 2 UFO Reports Bismarck, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ozark National Forest 2 UFO Reports Ozark National Forest, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Petit Jean Mountain 2 UFO Reports Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Viola 2 UFO Reports Viola, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Metalton 2 UFO Reports Metalton, Arkansas UFO Sightings
DeWitt 2 UFO Reports DeWitt, Arkansas UFO Sightings
England 2 UFO Reports England, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Brooklyn 2 UFO Reports Brooklyn, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fordyce 2 UFO Reports Fordyce, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Waldenburg 2 UFO Reports Waldenburg, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Prescott 2 UFO Reports Prescott, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hardy 2 UFO Reports Hardy, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Beaver Lake 2 UFO Reports Beaver Lake, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Buckner 2 UFO Reports Buckner, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Waldron 2 UFO Reports Waldron, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Monticello 2 UFO Reports Monticello, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cave city 2 UFO Reports Cave city, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hot Springs Village 2 UFO Reports Hot Springs Village, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Light 2 UFO Reports Light, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Walnut Ridge 2 UFO Reports Walnut Ridge, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hickory Plains 2 UFO Reports Hickory Plains, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Luxora 2 UFO Reports Luxora, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Kingston 2 UFO Reports Kingston, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Augusta 2 UFO Reports Augusta, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bella Vista 2 UFO Reports Bella Vista, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Huntsville 2 UFO Reports Huntsville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Saint Joe 2 UFO Reports Saint Joe, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bonnerdale 2 UFO Reports Bonnerdale, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Holiday Island 2 UFO Reports Holiday Island, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Imboden 2 UFO Reports Imboden, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Glen Rose 2 UFO Reports Glen Rose, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Rector 2 UFO Reports Rector, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pea Ridge 2 UFO Reports Pea Ridge, Arkansas UFO Sightings
McRae 2 UFO Reports McRae, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Salem 2 UFO Reports Salem, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Decatur 2 UFO Reports Decatur, Arkansas UFO Sightings
In-flight sighting 1 UFO Reports In-flight sighting, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Stephens 1 UFO Reports Stephens, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Charleston 1 UFO Reports Charleston, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Glendale 1 UFO Reports Glendale, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gum Springs 1 UFO Reports Gum Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Marble Falls 1 UFO Reports Marble Falls, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Redfield 1 UFO Reports Redfield, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ferndale 1 UFO Reports Ferndale, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lake City 1 UFO Reports Lake City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Overcup 1 UFO Reports Overcup, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Peach Orchard 1 UFO Reports Peach Orchard, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Umpire 1 UFO Reports Umpire, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Alma KOA 1 UFO Reports Alma KOA, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hazen 1 UFO Reports Hazen, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Sardis 1 UFO Reports Sardis, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Sims 1 UFO Reports Sims, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Calico Rock 1 UFO Reports Calico Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Locke 1 UFO Reports Locke, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Weona-Harrisburg-Waldenburg 1 UFO Reports Weona-Harrisburg-Waldenburg, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Dennard 1 UFO Reports Dennard, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Holly Springs 1 UFO Reports Holly Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Story 1 UFO Reports Story, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Glenwood 1 UFO Reports Glenwood, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gurdon 1 UFO Reports Gurdon, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Wright 1 UFO Reports Wright, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fifty Six 1 UFO Reports Fifty Six, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lake DeGray 1 UFO Reports Lake DeGray, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Oxley 1 UFO Reports Oxley, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Perry 1 UFO Reports Perry, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Alpena 1 UFO Reports Alpena, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Memphis 1 UFO Reports Memphis, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Scotland 1 UFO Reports Scotland, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Boonville 1 UFO Reports Boonville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fountain Lake 1 UFO Reports Fountain Lake, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lockesberg 1 UFO Reports Lockesberg, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Poughkeepsie 1 UFO Reports Poughkeepsie, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Desert 1 UFO Reports Desert, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mount Vernon 1 UFO Reports Mount Vernon, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Stuttgart 1 UFO Reports Stuttgart, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cherokee Villiage 1 UFO Reports Cherokee Villiage, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Goshen 1 UFO Reports Goshen, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Rose Bud 1 UFO Reports Rose Bud, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Emmett 1 UFO Reports Emmett, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Briggsville 1 UFO Reports Briggsville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Arden 1 UFO Reports Arden, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hector 1 UFO Reports Hector, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Scott 1 UFO Reports Scott, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Snowball 1 UFO Reports Snowball, Arkansas UFO Sightings
London 1 UFO Reports London, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Powhatan 1 UFO Reports Powhatan, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Batesville and floral 1 UFO Reports Batesville and floral, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Destin 1 UFO Reports Destin, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Horatio 1 UFO Reports Horatio, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Jessieville 1 UFO Reports Jessieville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Nunley 1 UFO Reports Nunley, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Success 1 UFO Reports Success, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hamburg 1 UFO Reports Hamburg, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Marsden 1 UFO Reports Marsden, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Y-City 1 UFO Reports Y-City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Enerson 1 UFO Reports Enerson, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Brinkley 1 UFO Reports Brinkley, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Floyd 1 UFO Reports Floyd, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lead Hill 1 UFO Reports Lead Hill, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Arkadelphia 1 UFO Reports Arkadelphia, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Crossett 1 UFO Reports Crossett, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Social Hill 1 UFO Reports Social Hill, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Camp Albert Pike 1 UFO Reports Camp Albert Pike, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gosnell 1 UFO Reports Gosnell, Arkansas UFO Sightings
West Little Rock 1 UFO Reports West Little Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Horseshoe Lake 1 UFO Reports Horseshoe Lake, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Oak Grove 1 UFO Reports Oak Grove, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Summers 1 UFO Reports Summers, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Chimes 1 UFO Reports Chimes, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Rudy 1 UFO Reports Rudy, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Black Rock 1 UFO Reports Black Rock, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ozone 1 UFO Reports Ozone, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Crumrod 1 UFO Reports Crumrod, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Henderson 1 UFO Reports Henderson, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Midway 1 UFO Reports Midway, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Seary 1 UFO Reports Seary, Arkansas UFO Sightings
South Bend 1 UFO Reports South Bend, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cane Hill 1 UFO Reports Cane Hill, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Grannis 1 UFO Reports Grannis, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lonsdale 1 UFO Reports Lonsdale, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Beaver 1 UFO Reports Beaver, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Dierks 1 UFO Reports Dierks, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mountian Home 1 UFO Reports Mountian Home, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Oil Trough 1 UFO Reports Oil Trough, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Sunshine 1 UFO Reports Sunshine, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Clarendon 1 UFO Reports Clarendon, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Marvell 1 UFO Reports Marvell, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Zinc 1 UFO Reports Zinc, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bluff City 1 UFO Reports Bluff City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Eudora 1 UFO Reports Eudora, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Forest City 1 UFO Reports Forest City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lewisville 1 UFO Reports Lewisville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pine Mountain 1 UFO Reports Pine Mountain, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Waldo 1 UFO Reports Waldo, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Artesian 1 UFO Reports Artesian, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Crystal Springs 1 UFO Reports Crystal Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hensley 1 UFO Reports Hensley, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Monett 1 UFO Reports Monett, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Sedgwick 1 UFO Reports Sedgwick, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Southwest 1 UFO Reports Southwest, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Casa 1 UFO Reports Casa, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gateway 1 UFO Reports Gateway, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Louisville 1 UFO Reports Louisville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Prim 1 UFO Reports Prim, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Western Grove 1 UFO Reports Western Grove, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Doddridge 1 UFO Reports Doddridge, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hot Springs National Park 1 UFO Reports Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Mulberry 1 UFO Reports Mulberry, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Junction City 1 UFO Reports Junction City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ola 1 UFO Reports Ola, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Clarkridge 1 UFO Reports Clarkridge, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Russelville 1 UFO Reports Russelville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Formosa 1 UFO Reports Formosa, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lexa 1 UFO Reports Lexa, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pinebergen 1 UFO Reports Pinebergen, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Daedanelle 1 UFO Reports Daedanelle, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hermitage 1 UFO Reports Hermitage, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Sheridan 1 UFO Reports Sheridan, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Greenbried 1 UFO Reports Greenbried, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Proctor 1 UFO Reports Proctor, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Westlake Village 1 UFO Reports Westlake Village, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bee Branch 1 UFO Reports Bee Branch, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Dora 1 UFO Reports Dora, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Needham 1 UFO Reports Needham, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Kibler 1 UFO Reports Kibler, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Omaha 1 UFO Reports Omaha, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hartford 1 UFO Reports Hartford, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Russleville 1 UFO Reports Russleville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Blyville 1 UFO Reports Blyville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fairfield Bay 1 UFO Reports Fairfield Bay, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Bull Shoals 1 UFO Reports Bull Shoals, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Paris 1 UFO Reports Paris, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pleasant Grove 1 UFO Reports Pleasant Grove, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Atkins 1 UFO Reports Atkins, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Dallas 1 UFO Reports Dallas, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Morgan 1 UFO Reports Morgan, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Stamps 1 UFO Reports Stamps, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Cave Springs 1 UFO Reports Cave Springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Quitman 1 UFO Reports Quitman, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Humnoke 1 UFO Reports Humnoke, Arkansas UFO Sightings
New Blaine 1 UFO Reports New Blaine, Arkansas UFO Sightings
On highway 1 UFO Reports On highway, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Tomberlin 1 UFO Reports Tomberlin, Arkansas UFO Sightings
McCrory 1 UFO Reports McCrory, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Russlville 1 UFO Reports Russlville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Board Camp 1 UFO Reports Board Camp, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Shirley 1 UFO Reports Shirley, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fort Chafee 1 UFO Reports Fort Chafee, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Lincoln 1 UFO Reports Lincoln, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Pleasent Grove 1 UFO Reports Pleasent Grove, Arkansas UFO Sightings
War Eagle 1 UFO Reports War Eagle, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Damascus 1 UFO Reports Damascus, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Highfill 1 UFO Reports Highfill, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Morgan Maumelle 1 UFO Reports Morgan Maumelle, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Newberry 1 UFO Reports Newberry, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Star City 1 UFO Reports Star City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Gillham 1 UFO Reports Gillham, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ravenden springs 1 UFO Reports Ravenden springs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Whitehall 1 UFO Reports Whitehall, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Earle 1 UFO Reports Earle, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Knobel 1 UFO Reports Knobel, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Patterson 1 UFO Reports Patterson, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Hattieville 1 UFO Reports Hattieville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
McGehee 1 UFO Reports McGehee, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Caddo Gap 1 UFO Reports Caddo Gap, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Austin 1 UFO Reports Austin, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Moro 1 UFO Reports Moro, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Newell 1 UFO Reports Newell, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Star Valley 1 UFO Reports Star Valley, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Central City 1 UFO Reports Central City, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Wilmont 1 UFO Reports Wilmont, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Knoxville 1 UFO Reports Knoxville, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ouchita National Forest 1 UFO Reports Ouchita National Forest, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Colt 1 UFO Reports Colt, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Havana 1 UFO Reports Havana, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fern 1 UFO Reports Fern, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Siloam Sprngs 1 UFO Reports Siloam Sprngs, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Calamine 1 UFO Reports Calamine, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Fouke 1 UFO Reports Fouke, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Ponca 1 UFO Reports Ponca, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Washington 1 UFO Reports Washington, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Avilla 1 UFO Reports Avilla, Arkansas UFO Sightings
Holland County 1 UFO Reports Holland County, Arkansas UFO Sightings