Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in New Berlin, Wisconsin

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in New Berlin, Wisconsin.

How many UFO sightings have there been in New Berlin, Wisconsin?

  • There have been 16 officially reported UFO sightings in New Berlin from 1998 to 2020.
  • New Berlin ranks #28 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Wisconsin.

Other Wisconsin Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Milwaukee, WI 136 UFO Reports
2 Madison, WI 129 UFO Reports
3 Green Bay, WI 67 UFO Reports
4 Kenosha, WI 47 UFO Reports
5 Racine, WI 39 UFO Reports

New Berlin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 16 UFO sighting reports in New Berlin, Wisconsin to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in New Berlin, Wisconsin

These New Berlin, Wisconsin UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

I went on my deck to see some fireworks and to my right flank at about a 45 degree angle were 2 of the brightest red lights just sitting there as if they or it was watching the show after a few minutes one moved straight up and dimmed out the other one started to move to the north ever so slowly then dimmed out slowly. This red light was so red I have NEVER seen anything like it before very weird.

07/04/20 10:10 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 minutes


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

I went out on my deck to have a smoke and like always was looking at the so called stars in the area in space near the constellation shaped like a sideways triangle there was a very small star like light moving slowly suddenly it had gotten so big and bright I had to squint my eyes it was the brightest light I have ever seen in 59 years it still was moving then slowly faded out after 5 seconds and was gone.

09/26/19 7:30 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 10 seconds


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

Very large, bright white light seen raidly descending to the northwest. I was walking west at 8:10 ((sic. p.

m.) cst when I observed a very bright, round white light in the northwest sky rapidly descending from 30 degrees above the horizon to disappearing behind the horizon. The white light was very much brighter than the many stars visible on this clear, crisp night.

The light was also very much brighter than an airplane passing by in the west sky.

01/07/17 8:10 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 3 seconds


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

Large red-orange disc moving at steady speed on 5/20. At 23:30, moon was full. Two witnesses observing the full moon noticed a large (1cm at arm's length) deep orange-red circle moving slowly and steadily from 270 degrees to 90 degrees.

The lights did not modulate, fade, change or blink. The object was larger than an aircraft. No noise was noted.

This was in a rural area and noise pollution is minimal; visibility is quite good. The object did not deviate from its course, change speed, appear to move closer or farther away. The transit of the object was too slow to match a typical satellite, was in the wrong part of the sky for solar reflection and was a color that witnesses have not seen on aircraft, meteorites, satellites or any other common phenomena.

The object took no less than 3 minutes to transit 90 degrees of the sky. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

05/20/16 11:30 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 4 minutes


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

Two fireballs Northern Wisconsin streak across night sky One orange, flaming fireball crossed the sky to the North. Within some time (10 minutes), a second fireball crossed the sky, in the same pathway. It burnt out sooner than the first, which passed from one horizon to the other.

It was moving faster than any aircraft, had no flashing lights, maintained the same speed and brightness which was fire-like. The sky was clear, stars were visible, behind the objects minimal clouds.

05/02/15 9:15 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 2 minutes


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

Huge white surging strobe lights Two strobes seen north of National Ave over Racine Ave-near old Prospect Hill school - generated a electrical surge noise with each flash - huge very white star flashing balls of energy.

10/14/14 11:45 PM

UFO Shape: flash

Lasted: 15 minutes


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

Circle orange light traveling at an high altitude from south to north Orange circle light about the size of a dime traveling from south to north just west of our position at 9:20 pm. Appeared at about a 45 degree angle and also disappeared at a 45 degree angle in the horizon which tells me it was extremely high up, similar to a satellite. We saw another orange circle light about 35 min.

later traveling in the same direction, just east of our position. Saw 1 more orange circle light about an hour later traveling from SW to NE. This one went directly over us.

When directly over us it looked like a white dot about the size of a pin point for about 2 seconds then turned orange again. Each occurrence lasted 45 sec. to a minute.

We also saw another on July 5th at 9:23 pm traveling south to north and another on July 6th at roughly 10:00 pm traveling from south to north and turned east just south of our position. It was clear each night we saw these orange circle lights. No sound was heard either.

07/04/13 9:20 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 1 minutes


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

Red & white lights in shape of a triange in the sky I was turning into the Target store parking lot in New Berlin, WI when I looked up over the trees and saw 4 lights in the shape of a triangle. Three of the lights were red and one was white. It hovered in the sky, and one of the lights disappeared for a few moments, then reappeared.

At first I thought it was radio towers but then realized that the closest radio towers were in the opposite direction. It was a very curious event. No airplane behaves in such a manner as what I saw.

09/30/11 8:00 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 5 minutes


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

4 Red/Orange Triangular shaped lights merge into a single light My wife was driving home and turned onto our street and noticed a group of red/orange lights ahead of her in the southern sky. She pulls into our driveway and watches these lights for a few minutes, not understanding what they could be. She then runs into the house telling me to come outside.

As soon I get outside, I noticed 5 lights total, 4 red/orange lights forming a triangle, hovering and silent. The 5th light was a separate object and moving just next to the triangular craft. My wife said 2 other objects flew off in the first few minutes before I got outside.

I think there were 4 craft total. I would guess they were less than a mile away, to the southwest and approximately 500-2000 feet altitude. If you held your hand up to the sky and made a V with your 2 fingers, that's about how big the triangular craft was.

What I noticed about the color of the lights is that technically they were not red/orange. They were orange one second and red the next. It would change between the 2 colors but I can see how people would just say reddish orange.

My wife kept asking me over and over - "Are these UFO's" and after about 5 minutes, the 4 lights making up the triangular craft went into a bit a dance for about 2 seconds and formed into a single red and orange light now. Now there are 2 craft, 2 lights. Before, it was 5 lights, 2 craft.

Then both lights just started to move again and headed northwest. In just another minute or 2 , they were gone.

09/18/11 6:45 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 10 minutes


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

Orange glowing sphere over New Berlin Wisconsin We were going to the 4th of July festival and had just parked. We saw an orange/red sphere rising up slowly as if it were a helicopter and then hover. It seemed to almost be glowing, but the brightness was pulsating.

While we were observing this a group of people behind us spotted it too. We were able to watch it for about a full minute when it zoomed off so fast that it disappeared within seconds. I would guess it was a few miles away.

07/04/11 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 1 minute


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

Starburst over New Berlin We were coming out of a pub located in a shopping mall just after midnight. We watched a formation of 3 starburst shaped craft hovering in formation just above the Sprint store across the street. They seemed to move back and forth slightly for just over 10 minutes, then, suddenly, they moved rapidly upward out of sight at an unbelievable rate of speed.

All 3 of us observed the same thing. It was not a normal aircraft.

04/01/11 12:02 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 12 min


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

3 lights, converged into 1, then moved vertically and disappeared We observed 3 extremely bright lights in an irregular pattern, near I-43. One seemed to hover while the others were moving. The three appeared to converge horizontally into one from a horizontal plane, appeared still for a moment then moved vertically very rapidly and disappeared.

07/02/03 12:43 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 3 minutes


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

Triangle shaped object ,3 while lights, one red in the middle following us in the car I was with my friend she was driving, we were going to a girl's house. We were passing a chruch on a dark road,then out of know where a object was close to the ground and looked like following us. I studied it a while then finally look at my friend and said that's not an airplane look.

she looked and freaked out saying oh my gohs,we watched it. it had 3 white lights in a triangle form with a red light in the middle it was close to the ground and going really fast. then it just stopped and we kept going.

I watched it and it looked far away so fast .we didnt stop just said that was a UFO ((NUFORC Note: Note date of February 29, which is not valid for 2002. Possible hoax?? PD)).

02/28/02 6:27 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 1-2mins


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

Three disc shaped objects with 2 C Shaped formations extending from each side. Objects were hovering motionless & in an instant vanished. My wife was driving west on Hwy 43 from Milwaukee to New Berlin.

She observed three silvery blue objects,each with two orange C-Shaped formations extending from the sides. The three objects were in a trinangular configuration. The report from Mosinee,10/1/98, describes the same type object seen by my wife.

She had the objects in view for approx. 7 minutes. The three discs remained motionless for the duration of sighting.

She exited the highway still observing the three discs. Her view of the objects was momentarily blocked by trees upon turning onto the road to our home. When her view was unobstructed she looked back for the objects but they had vanished.

My five year old daughter also saw the the objects. She asked if they were ghosts in the sky. This sighting visibly scared my wife, who up until this sighting, has never reported seeing any such phenomena.

10/23/98 5:00 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 7 Min


New Berlin, WI

Full Report Text:

I was on my way to work the night shift as a nurse in a local nursing home. I was traveling 35 miles per hour going east. I immediatly noticed what at first appeared to be a very bright star low on the horizon.

The object remained stationary and as I approached the definate V-shape became very clear. the object had 4 or 5 white lights on each arm of the V, totalling 8 or 10 lights in all. I travelled approximatly 10 blocks before no longer being able to see it as I passed it.

As it was now behind me I continued on to work. This road was very well travelled and I am sure someone else must have seen this also as it was so low as to be the size of my thumbnail with individual light clearly visable.

09/22/98 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: chevron

Lasted: 60seconds


New Berlin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Circle 4 reported sightings 25.00% of all reports
Triangle 3 reported sightings 18.75% of all reports
Light 3 reported sightings 18.75% of all reports
Other 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
Flash 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
Fireball 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
Sphere 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
Chevron 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
Disk 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports

New Berlin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
July 4 reported sightings 25.00% of all reports
September 4 reported sightings 25.00% of all reports
October 2 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
May 2 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
January 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
February 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
April 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports

New Berlin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Friday 4 reported sightings 25.00% of all reports
Saturday 3 reported sightings 18.75% of all reports
Thursday 3 reported sightings 18.75% of all reports
Tuesday 2 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports
Wednesday 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
Monday 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
Sunday 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports

New Berlin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
09/18/11 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
07/04/13 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
10/14/14 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
09/26/19 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports
05/02/15 1 reported sightings 6.25% of all reports

New Berlin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 9 reported sightings 56.25% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 4 reported sightings 25.00% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 2 reported sightings 12.50% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in New Berlin, Wisconsin

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in New Berlin, Wisconsin.

All Wisconsin Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Wisconsin

City Number of Reports View Reports
Milwaukee 136 UFO Reports Milwaukee, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Madison 129 UFO Reports Madison, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Green Bay 67 UFO Reports Green Bay, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Kenosha 47 UFO Reports Kenosha, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Racine 39 UFO Reports Racine, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Oshkosh 37 UFO Reports Oshkosh, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Appleton 35 UFO Reports Appleton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Janesville 33 UFO Reports Janesville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Waukesha 30 UFO Reports Waukesha, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fond du Lac 29 UFO Reports Fond du Lac, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
La Crosse 28 UFO Reports La Crosse, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Eau Claire 27 UFO Reports Eau Claire, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Beloit 26 UFO Reports Beloit, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Stevens Point 26 UFO Reports Stevens Point, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sheboygan 24 UFO Reports Sheboygan, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
West Bend 23 UFO Reports West Bend, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mukwonago 22 UFO Reports Mukwonago, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Superior 20 UFO Reports Superior, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Manitowoc 20 UFO Reports Manitowoc, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Brookfield 19 UFO Reports Brookfield, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wausau 19 UFO Reports Wausau, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hudson 18 UFO Reports Hudson, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Baraboo 18 UFO Reports Baraboo, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Onalaska 17 UFO Reports Onalaska, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Neenah 17 UFO Reports Neenah, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lake Geneva 17 UFO Reports Lake Geneva, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
River Falls 17 UFO Reports River Falls, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
New Berlin 16 UFO Reports New Berlin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Plymouth 15 UFO Reports Plymouth, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Portage 15 UFO Reports Portage, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sun Prairie 15 UFO Reports Sun Prairie, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Muskego 15 UFO Reports Muskego, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wisconsin Dells 15 UFO Reports Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Franklin 14 UFO Reports Franklin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sturgeon Bay 14 UFO Reports Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Elkhorn 14 UFO Reports Elkhorn, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wauwatosa 13 UFO Reports Wauwatosa, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
De Pere 13 UFO Reports De Pere, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Black River Falls 13 UFO Reports Black River Falls, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Middleton 13 UFO Reports Middleton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Oconomowoc 13 UFO Reports Oconomowoc, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cedarburg 12 UFO Reports Cedarburg, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Jackson 12 UFO Reports Jackson, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Oak Creek 12 UFO Reports Oak Creek, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Beaver Dam 12 UFO Reports Beaver Dam, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Belleville 12 UFO Reports Belleville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hayward 11 UFO Reports Hayward, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
West Allis 11 UFO Reports West Allis, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Waupaca 11 UFO Reports Waupaca, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hartland 11 UFO Reports Hartland, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Rice Lake 10 UFO Reports Rice Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Plover 10 UFO Reports Plover, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
South Milwaukee 9 UFO Reports South Milwaukee, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mosinee 9 UFO Reports Mosinee, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Pewaukee 9 UFO Reports Pewaukee, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
East Troy 9 UFO Reports East Troy, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Menomonee Falls 9 UFO Reports Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wisconsin Rapids 9 UFO Reports Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Berlin 8 UFO Reports Berlin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Shawano 8 UFO Reports Shawano, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Stoughton 8 UFO Reports Stoughton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Port Washington 8 UFO Reports Port Washington, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Eagle River 8 UFO Reports Eagle River, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Menomonie 8 UFO Reports Menomonie, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Amery 8 UFO Reports Amery, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Tomah 8 UFO Reports Tomah, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mequon 8 UFO Reports Mequon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wautoma 8 UFO Reports Wautoma, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Dundee 7 UFO Reports Dundee, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sparta 7 UFO Reports Sparta, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Caledonia 7 UFO Reports Caledonia, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Edgerton 7 UFO Reports Edgerton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Kaukauna 7 UFO Reports Kaukauna, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Bayfield 7 UFO Reports Bayfield, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
New Richmond 7 UFO Reports New Richmond, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Adams 7 UFO Reports Adams, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Gleason 7 UFO Reports Gleason, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Menasha 7 UFO Reports Menasha, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Chippewa Falls 7 UFO Reports Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fort Atkinson 7 UFO Reports Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Burlington 7 UFO Reports Burlington, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Platteville 7 UFO Reports Platteville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Friendship 7 UFO Reports Friendship, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Marshfield 7 UFO Reports Marshfield, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Greenfield 7 UFO Reports Greenfield, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Tomahawk 7 UFO Reports Tomahawk, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Paddock Lake 6 UFO Reports Paddock Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Watertown 6 UFO Reports Watertown, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cudahy 6 UFO Reports Cudahy, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Richfield 6 UFO Reports Richfield, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Two Rivers 6 UFO Reports Two Rivers, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Delavan 6 UFO Reports Delavan, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Somerset 6 UFO Reports Somerset, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Greendale 6 UFO Reports Greendale, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Waterford 5 UFO Reports Waterford, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Granton 5 UFO Reports Granton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Brown Deer 5 UFO Reports Brown Deer, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lake Mills 5 UFO Reports Lake Mills, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Baileys Harbor 5 UFO Reports Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Twin Lakes 5 UFO Reports Twin Lakes, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Arlington 5 UFO Reports Arlington, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Green Lake 5 UFO Reports Green Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Monroe 5 UFO Reports Monroe, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Delafield 5 UFO Reports Delafield, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Ashland 5 UFO Reports Ashland, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Waupun 5 UFO Reports Waupun, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Montello 5 UFO Reports Montello, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Whitewater 5 UFO Reports Whitewater, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Walworth 5 UFO Reports Walworth, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Pleasant Prairie 5 UFO Reports Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Boscobel 5 UFO Reports Boscobel, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Greenville 4 UFO Reports Greenville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Merrill 4 UFO Reports Merrill, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lyndon Station 4 UFO Reports Lyndon Station, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mount Horeb 4 UFO Reports Mount Horeb, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Crivitz 4 UFO Reports Crivitz, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Germantown 4 UFO Reports Germantown, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Verona 4 UFO Reports Verona, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Elcho 4 UFO Reports Elcho, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mount Pleasant 4 UFO Reports Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Oregon 4 UFO Reports Oregon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Bloomer 4 UFO Reports Bloomer, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Little Chute 4 UFO Reports Little Chute, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Dousman 4 UFO Reports Dousman, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Pelican Lake 4 UFO Reports Pelican Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Baldwin 4 UFO Reports Baldwin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Custer 4 UFO Reports Custer, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fremont 4 UFO Reports Fremont, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lodi 4 UFO Reports Lodi, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lac Du Flambeau 4 UFO Reports Lac Du Flambeau, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sauk City 4 UFO Reports Sauk City, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Marshall 4 UFO Reports Marshall, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Kewaunee 4 UFO Reports Kewaunee, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Ellsworth 4 UFO Reports Ellsworth, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Grafton 4 UFO Reports Grafton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Algoma 4 UFO Reports Algoma, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Dane 4 UFO Reports Dane, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mauston 4 UFO Reports Mauston, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Omro 4 UFO Reports Omro, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Coleman 4 UFO Reports Coleman, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mayville 3 UFO Reports Mayville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Erin 3 UFO Reports Erin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Colfax 3 UFO Reports Colfax, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Siren 3 UFO Reports Siren, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Irma 3 UFO Reports Irma, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Larsen 3 UFO Reports Larsen, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
New London 3 UFO Reports New London, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Coloma 3 UFO Reports Coloma, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Peshtigo 3 UFO Reports Peshtigo, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sister Bay 3 UFO Reports Sister Bay, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Alma 3 UFO Reports Alma, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Stratford 3 UFO Reports Stratford, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Evansville 3 UFO Reports Evansville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hazel Green 3 UFO Reports Hazel Green, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Rhinelander 3 UFO Reports Rhinelander, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Thorp 3 UFO Reports Thorp, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Columbus 3 UFO Reports Columbus, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Alma Center 3 UFO Reports Alma Center, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Dexterville 3 UFO Reports Dexterville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Saint Francis 3 UFO Reports Saint Francis, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wind Lake 3 UFO Reports Wind Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fitchburg 3 UFO Reports Fitchburg, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Franksville 3 UFO Reports Franksville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Blanchardville 3 UFO Reports Blanchardville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
La Farge 3 UFO Reports La Farge, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Chilton 3 UFO Reports Chilton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Marinette 3 UFO Reports Marinette, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Phillips 3 UFO Reports Phillips, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Rome 3 UFO Reports Rome, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hancock 3 UFO Reports Hancock, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Pulaski 3 UFO Reports Pulaski, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Waunakee 3 UFO Reports Waunakee, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Jefferson 3 UFO Reports Jefferson, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Brule 3 UFO Reports Brule, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cleveland 3 UFO Reports Cleveland, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Richland Center 3 UFO Reports Richland Center, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Winter 3 UFO Reports Winter, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Coon Valley 3 UFO Reports Coon Valley, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Campbellsport 3 UFO Reports Campbellsport, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hartford 3 UFO Reports Hartford, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Pell Lake 3 UFO Reports Pell Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cornell 3 UFO Reports Cornell, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Shorewood 3 UFO Reports Shorewood, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Rothschild 3 UFO Reports Rothschild, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Bonduel 3 UFO Reports Bonduel, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Kiel 3 UFO Reports Kiel, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Antigo 3 UFO Reports Antigo, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Elroy 3 UFO Reports Elroy, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
North Freedom 3 UFO Reports North Freedom, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
LaCrosse 3 UFO Reports LaCrosse, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Necedah 3 UFO Reports Necedah, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Manitowoc Rapids 3 UFO Reports Manitowoc Rapids, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Ladysmith 3 UFO Reports Ladysmith, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Edgar 2 UFO Reports Edgar, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wittenberg 2 UFO Reports Wittenberg, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Laona 2 UFO Reports Laona, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Crandon 2 UFO Reports Crandon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Darien 2 UFO Reports Darien, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Genoa City 2 UFO Reports Genoa City, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Kimberly 2 UFO Reports Kimberly, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Rudolph 2 UFO Reports Rudolph, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Williams Bay 2 UFO Reports Williams Bay, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Minocqua 2 UFO Reports Minocqua, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Holcombe 2 UFO Reports Holcombe, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
McFarland 2 UFO Reports McFarland, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Greenwood 2 UFO Reports Greenwood, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Neillsville 2 UFO Reports Neillsville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Big Bend 2 UFO Reports Big Bend, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fish Creek 2 UFO Reports Fish Creek, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Holmen 2 UFO Reports Holmen, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Nekoosa 2 UFO Reports Nekoosa, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Prescott 2 UFO Reports Prescott, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Chetek 2 UFO Reports Chetek, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Eagle 2 UFO Reports Eagle, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Grantsburg 2 UFO Reports Grantsburg, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Winchester 2 UFO Reports Winchester, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Spencer 2 UFO Reports Spencer, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Oostburg 2 UFO Reports Oostburg, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hales Corners 2 UFO Reports Hales Corners, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Trevor 2 UFO Reports Trevor, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cross Plains 2 UFO Reports Cross Plains, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Gillett 2 UFO Reports Gillett, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Merton 2 UFO Reports Merton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Arcadia 2 UFO Reports Arcadia, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Palmyra 2 UFO Reports Palmyra, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Bagley 2 UFO Reports Bagley, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sheboygan Falls 2 UFO Reports Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mountain 2 UFO Reports Mountain, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Deerfield 2 UFO Reports Deerfield, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Princeton 2 UFO Reports Princeton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Saint Germain 2 UFO Reports Saint Germain, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Viola 2 UFO Reports Viola, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Slinger 2 UFO Reports Slinger, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Adams County 2 UFO Reports Adams County, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Shell Lake 2 UFO Reports Shell Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Elkhart Lake 2 UFO Reports Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Linden 2 UFO Reports Linden, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Deforest 2 UFO Reports Deforest, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sullivan 2 UFO Reports Sullivan, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Pardeeville 2 UFO Reports Pardeeville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Salem 2 UFO Reports Salem, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Oconto Falls 2 UFO Reports Oconto Falls, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Winneconne 2 UFO Reports Winneconne, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Freedom 2 UFO Reports Freedom, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
West Salem 2 UFO Reports West Salem, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Osceola 2 UFO Reports Osceola, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Harshaw 2 UFO Reports Harshaw, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Belgium 2 UFO Reports Belgium, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fall Creek 2 UFO Reports Fall Creek, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wabeno 2 UFO Reports Wabeno, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hubertus 2 UFO Reports Hubertus, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Soldiers Grove 2 UFO Reports Soldiers Grove, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Markesan 2 UFO Reports Markesan, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Kewaskum 2 UFO Reports Kewaskum, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Ellison Bay 2 UFO Reports Ellison Bay, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
New Glarus 2 UFO Reports New Glarus, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Millston 2 UFO Reports Millston, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Clinton 2 UFO Reports Clinton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Johnson Creek 2 UFO Reports Johnson Creek, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Ojibwa 2 UFO Reports Ojibwa, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Readstown 2 UFO Reports Readstown, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Dresser 2 UFO Reports Dresser, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Athelstane 2 UFO Reports Athelstane, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Pembine 2 UFO Reports Pembine, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Highland 2 UFO Reports Highland, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Butler 2 UFO Reports Butler, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Eaugalle 2 UFO Reports Eaugalle, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Bancroft 2 UFO Reports Bancroft, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Shoto 2 UFO Reports Shoto, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Galesville 2 UFO Reports Galesville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Westfield 2 UFO Reports Westfield, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cassville 2 UFO Reports Cassville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Osseo 2 UFO Reports Osseo, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sussex 2 UFO Reports Sussex, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wild Rose 2 UFO Reports Wild Rose, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Eden 2 UFO Reports Eden, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
New Holstein 2 UFO Reports New Holstein, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Poynette 2 UFO Reports Poynette, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mercer 2 UFO Reports Mercer, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Appeleton 2 UFO Reports Appeleton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Unknown 2 UFO Reports Unknown, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Luxemburg 2 UFO Reports Luxemburg, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Bristol 2 UFO Reports Bristol, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Duluth 2 UFO Reports Duluth, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Grand Marsh 2 UFO Reports Grand Marsh, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Tess Corners 2 UFO Reports Tess Corners, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mineral Point 2 UFO Reports Mineral Point, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Pepin 2 UFO Reports Pepin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Silver Lake 1 UFO Reports Silver Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fox Point 1 UFO Reports Fox Point, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Iola 1 UFO Reports Iola, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Juneau 1 UFO Reports Juneau, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Alleouz 1 UFO Reports Alleouz, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Caldwell 1 UFO Reports Caldwell, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
River Hills 1 UFO Reports River Hills, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Tony 1 UFO Reports Tony, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Barneveld 1 UFO Reports Barneveld, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
New Lisbon 1 UFO Reports New Lisbon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Prairie du Chien 1 UFO Reports Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Depere 1 UFO Reports Depere, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Stockbridge 1 UFO Reports Stockbridge, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Westport 1 UFO Reports Westport, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Appelton 1 UFO Reports Appelton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cedarbug 1 UFO Reports Cedarbug, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Owen 1 UFO Reports Owen, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Upson 1 UFO Reports Upson, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lyndon 1 UFO Reports Lyndon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Washington Island 1 UFO Reports Washington Island, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Manotowish Waters 1 UFO Reports Manotowish Waters, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Broadhead 1 UFO Reports Broadhead, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Northland 1 UFO Reports Northland, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Reedsburg 1 UFO Reports Reedsburg, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Grand View 1 UFO Reports Grand View, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Theresa 1 UFO Reports Theresa, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lake Como 1 UFO Reports Lake Como, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Auburndale 1 UFO Reports Auburndale, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Perkinstown 1 UFO Reports Perkinstown, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fillmore 1 UFO Reports Fillmore, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Polk County 1 UFO Reports Polk County, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Francis Creek 1 UFO Reports Francis Creek, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Webster 1 UFO Reports Webster, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Kansasville 1 UFO Reports Kansasville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Allouez 1 UFO Reports Allouez, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Onalaska, WI 1 UFO Reports Onalaska, WI, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Riverview 1 UFO Reports Riverview, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Town of Texas 1 UFO Reports Town of Texas, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Woodruff 1 UFO Reports Woodruff, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mount Hope 1 UFO Reports Mount Hope, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Barron 1 UFO Reports Barron, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Crescent 1 UFO Reports Crescent, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Prairie du Sac 1 UFO Reports Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Des Plains 1 UFO Reports Des Plains, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Georgetown Township 1 UFO Reports Georgetown Township, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Weyerhaeuser 1 UFO Reports Weyerhaeuser, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Kingsford 1 UFO Reports Kingsford, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Merrillan 1 UFO Reports Merrillan, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Packwaukee 1 UFO Reports Packwaukee, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Saint Bonifacious 1 UFO Reports Saint Bonifacious, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Ettrick 1 UFO Reports Ettrick, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hayward-Trego 1 UFO Reports Hayward-Trego, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Vernon 1 UFO Reports Vernon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Marathon 1 UFO Reports Marathon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Norwalk 1 UFO Reports Norwalk, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Reedsville 1 UFO Reports Reedsville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Durrand 1 UFO Reports Durrand, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Thiensville 1 UFO Reports Thiensville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wilson 1 UFO Reports Wilson, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lake Du Bay 1 UFO Reports Lake Du Bay, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Minong 1 UFO Reports Minong, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Avon 1 UFO Reports Avon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Shawno 1 UFO Reports Shawno, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Frankin 1 UFO Reports Frankin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Spearhead Point Campground 1 UFO Reports Spearhead Point Campground, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Medford 1 UFO Reports Medford, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cambridge 1 UFO Reports Cambridge, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Oneida 1 UFO Reports Oneida, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Roberts 1 UFO Reports Roberts, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Egg harbor 1 UFO Reports Egg harbor, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Gresham 1 UFO Reports Gresham, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Trego 1 UFO Reports Trego, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Woodville 1 UFO Reports Woodville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Leeds 1 UFO Reports Leeds, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Black Earth 1 UFO Reports Black Earth, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
De Soto 1 UFO Reports De Soto, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
New Londons 1 UFO Reports New Londons, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Desoto 1 UFO Reports Desoto, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Weyerhauser 1 UFO Reports Weyerhauser, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Kingston 1 UFO Reports Kingston, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Merrimac 1 UFO Reports Merrimac, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Appleton area 1 UFO Reports Appleton area, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Saint Croix Falls 1 UFO Reports Saint Croix Falls, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lynxville 1 UFO Reports Lynxville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Waterloo 1 UFO Reports Waterloo, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Marathon City 1 UFO Reports Marathon City, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Brooklyn 1 UFO Reports Brooklyn, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mole Lake 1 UFO Reports Mole Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Aztalan State Park 1 UFO Reports Aztalan State Park, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fisk 1 UFO Reports Fisk, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Horicon 1 UFO Reports Horicon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Port Wing 1 UFO Reports Port Wing, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Kawashaway 1 UFO Reports Kawashaway, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mellen 1 UFO Reports Mellen, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cameron 1 UFO Reports Cameron, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Rock Falls 1 UFO Reports Rock Falls, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wyeville 1 UFO Reports Wyeville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
LeGrange 1 UFO Reports LeGrange, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Macfarland 1 UFO Reports Macfarland, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Neshkoro 1 UFO Reports Neshkoro, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Deer Park 1 UFO Reports Deer Park, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Presque Isle 1 UFO Reports Presque Isle, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wheeler 1 UFO Reports Wheeler, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Chili 1 UFO Reports Chili, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Exeland 1 UFO Reports Exeland, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hazelhurst 1 UFO Reports Hazelhurst, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Village of Caledonia 1 UFO Reports Village of Caledonia, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hortonville 1 UFO Reports Hortonville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Slades Corners 1 UFO Reports Slades Corners, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Jacksonport 1 UFO Reports Jacksonport, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Marathon County 1 UFO Reports Marathon County, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Oak Creek area 1 UFO Reports Oak Creek area, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Eagle Lake Manor 1 UFO Reports Eagle Lake Manor, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Three Lakes 1 UFO Reports Three Lakes, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mondovi 1 UFO Reports Mondovi, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Connorsville 1 UFO Reports Connorsville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Phelps 1 UFO Reports Phelps, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Spooner 1 UFO Reports Spooner, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
West Lima 1 UFO Reports West Lima, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Kenohsa 1 UFO Reports Kenohsa, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Melrose 1 UFO Reports Melrose, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Almena 1 UFO Reports Almena, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Camp Douglas 1 UFO Reports Camp Douglas, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Rockwood 1 UFO Reports Rockwood, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Eleva 1 UFO Reports Eleva, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hamburg 1 UFO Reports Hamburg, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Tustin 1 UFO Reports Tustin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wyocena 1 UFO Reports Wyocena, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lind 1 UFO Reports Lind, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Beaver Damm 1 UFO Reports Beaver Damm, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Crystal 1 UFO Reports Crystal, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
New Rome 1 UFO Reports New Rome, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Dodgeville 1 UFO Reports Dodgeville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sugar Camp 1 UFO Reports Sugar Camp, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Whistling Straits 1 UFO Reports Whistling Straits, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Arkdale 1 UFO Reports Arkdale, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Paoli 1 UFO Reports Paoli, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Exland 1 UFO Reports Exland, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hebron 1 UFO Reports Hebron, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Howard 1 UFO Reports Howard, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Brownsville 1 UFO Reports Brownsville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Ricelake 1 UFO Reports Ricelake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Green Bay West 1 UFO Reports Green Bay West, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Three Sisters 1 UFO Reports Three Sisters, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Windsor Lake 1 UFO Reports Windsor Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lake tomahawk 1 UFO Reports Lake tomahawk, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Monona 1 UFO Reports Monona, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Conover 1 UFO Reports Conover, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fon du Lac 1 UFO Reports Fon du Lac, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Portage Dunning Rs 1 UFO Reports Portage Dunning Rs, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Frederid 1 UFO Reports Frederid, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Spring Green 1 UFO Reports Spring Green, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
West Milwaukee 1 UFO Reports West Milwaukee, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Almond 1 UFO Reports Almond, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Camp Lake 1 UFO Reports Camp Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Orfordville 1 UFO Reports Orfordville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mukwanago 1 UFO Reports Mukwanago, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Beldenville 1 UFO Reports Beldenville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Madison Wisconsin 1 UFO Reports Madison Wisconsin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
New Braunfels 1 UFO Reports New Braunfels, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Newberlin 1 UFO Reports Newberlin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Dodgeville and Oconomowoc 1 UFO Reports Dodgeville and Oconomowoc, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Glendale 1 UFO Reports Glendale, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
White Lake 1 UFO Reports White Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
La Grange 1 UFO Reports La Grange, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Miladore 1 UFO Reports Miladore, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fairwater 1 UFO Reports Fairwater, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Helenville 1 UFO Reports Helenville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Viroqua 1 UFO Reports Viroqua, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Howards Grove 1 UFO Reports Howards Grove, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sobieski 1 UFO Reports Sobieski, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Marion 1 UFO Reports Marion, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Albany 1 UFO Reports Albany, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Tigerton 1 UFO Reports Tigerton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lamartine 1 UFO Reports Lamartine, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Baileys Harbour 1 UFO Reports Baileys Harbour, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Conrath 1 UFO Reports Conrath, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Pickett 1 UFO Reports Pickett, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sherwood 1 UFO Reports Sherwood, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Porterfield 1 UFO Reports Porterfield, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Spring Prairie 1 UFO Reports Spring Prairie, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Keshena 1 UFO Reports Keshena, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Menomonee Falls 1 UFO Reports Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Alvin 1 UFO Reports Alvin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Camp McCoy 1 UFO Reports Camp McCoy, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Rosendale 1 UFO Reports Rosendale, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Two Creeks 1 UFO Reports Two Creeks, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cumberland 1 UFO Reports Cumberland, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Maison 1 UFO Reports Maison, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
New Franken 1 UFO Reports New Franken, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Blue River 1 UFO Reports Blue River, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Newburg 1 UFO Reports Newburg, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Gordon 1 UFO Reports Gordon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Whitefish Bay 1 UFO Reports Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
La Pointe 1 UFO Reports La Pointe, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Milladore 1 UFO Reports Milladore, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Arpin 1 UFO Reports Arpin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sarona 1 UFO Reports Sarona, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hertel 1 UFO Reports Hertel, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fontana 1 UFO Reports Fontana, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Jefferson County 1 UFO Reports Jefferson County, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Albion 1 UFO Reports Albion, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Bryant 1 UFO Reports Bryant, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Ogdensburg 1 UFO Reports Ogdensburg, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Green Valley 1 UFO Reports Green Valley, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Tofte 1 UFO Reports Tofte, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lancaster 1 UFO Reports Lancaster, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Monroe County 1 UFO Reports Monroe County, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Pine River 1 UFO Reports Pine River, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Shiocton 1 UFO Reports Shiocton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Potosi 1 UFO Reports Potosi, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Spring Valley 1 UFO Reports Spring Valley, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Westby 1 UFO Reports Westby, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Amberg 1 UFO Reports Amberg, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Rosholt 1 UFO Reports Rosholt, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Muscoda 1 UFO Reports Muscoda, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Manawa 1 UFO Reports Manawa, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Bohners Lake 1 UFO Reports Bohners Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Newton 1 UFO Reports Newton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Random Lake 1 UFO Reports Random Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Doylestown 1 UFO Reports Doylestown, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Goshen 1 UFO Reports Goshen, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Sun Prarie 1 UFO Reports Sun Prarie, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Whitehall 1 UFO Reports Whitehall, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fall River 1 UFO Reports Fall River, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Highbridge 1 UFO Reports Highbridge, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wales 1 UFO Reports Wales, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Somers 1 UFO Reports Somers, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Alden Township 1 UFO Reports Alden Township, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Rio 1 UFO Reports Rio, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Eau Galle 1 UFO Reports Eau Galle, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
GreenBay 1 UFO Reports GreenBay, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Toma to Madison 1 UFO Reports Toma to Madison, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wisconsin 1 UFO Reports Wisconsin, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Land O Lakes 1 UFO Reports Land O Lakes, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Balsam Lake 1 UFO Reports Balsam Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Dale 1 UFO Reports Dale, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Pound 1 UFO Reports Pound, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Springbrook 1 UFO Reports Springbrook, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Westfeild 1 UFO Reports Westfeild, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cashton 1 UFO Reports Cashton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Oshkosh area 1 UFO Reports Oshkosh area, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Union Grove 1 UFO Reports Union Grove, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lone Rock 1 UFO Reports Lone Rock, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Bellevue 1 UFO Reports Bellevue, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Manitowish waters 1 UFO Reports Manitowish waters, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Nicolet forest 1 UFO Reports Nicolet forest, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lacrose 1 UFO Reports Lacrose, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Clintonville 1 UFO Reports Clintonville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Saukville 1 UFO Reports Saukville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Farmington 1 UFO Reports Farmington, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fort McCoy 1 UFO Reports Fort McCoy, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hurley 1 UFO Reports Hurley, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Johnsons Creek 1 UFO Reports Johnsons Creek, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Okauchee 1 UFO Reports Okauchee, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Ripon 1 UFO Reports Ripon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Land OLakes 1 UFO Reports Land OLakes, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Monticello 1 UFO Reports Monticello, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Couderay 1 UFO Reports Couderay, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
New Glarys 1 UFO Reports New Glarys, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Powers Lake 1 UFO Reports Powers Lake, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Dells 1 UFO Reports Dells, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Stanley 1 UFO Reports Stanley, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Royalton 1 UFO Reports Royalton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hatfield 1 UFO Reports Hatfield, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Unity 1 UFO Reports Unity, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Luck 1 UFO Reports Luck, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Near Wausau 1 UFO Reports Near Wausau, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Walworth County 1 UFO Reports Walworth County, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Red Granite 1 UFO Reports Red Granite, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Drummond 1 UFO Reports Drummond, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Grand Chute 1 UFO Reports Grand Chute, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Mindoro 1 UFO Reports Mindoro, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Athelstine 1 UFO Reports Athelstine, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Colby 1 UFO Reports Colby, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Peninsula State Park 1 UFO Reports Peninsula State Park, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Scandinavia 1 UFO Reports Scandinavia, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fence 1 UFO Reports Fence, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hilbert 1 UFO Reports Hilbert, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Fountain City 1 UFO Reports Fountain City, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Indianford 1 UFO Reports Indianford, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
South Belot 1 UFO Reports South Belot, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Jueanu 1 UFO Reports Jueanu, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Allenton 1 UFO Reports Allenton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cadott 1 UFO Reports Cadott, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Lannon 1 UFO Reports Lannon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Montreal 1 UFO Reports Montreal, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cradon 1 UFO Reports Cradon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Silver Cliff 1 UFO Reports Silver Cliff, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Beloit Township 1 UFO Reports Beloit Township, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Dane County 1 UFO Reports Dane County, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Denmark 1 UFO Reports Denmark, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Genesee Depot 1 UFO Reports Genesee Depot, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Weston 1 UFO Reports Weston, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Kimball 1 UFO Reports Kimball, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Cedar Grove 1 UFO Reports Cedar Grove, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Ottawa 1 UFO Reports Ottawa, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Rubicon 1 UFO Reports Rubicon, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Ephraim 1 UFO Reports Ephraim, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hatley 1 UFO Reports Hatley, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Wascott 1 UFO Reports Wascott, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
North Prairie 1 UFO Reports North Prairie, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Redgranite 1 UFO Reports Redgranite, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Willard 1 UFO Reports Willard, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Auburn 1 UFO Reports Auburn, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Seymour 1 UFO Reports Seymour, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Ferryville 1 UFO Reports Ferryville, Wisconsin UFO Sightings
Hixton 1 UFO Reports Hixton, Wisconsin UFO Sightings