Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Springfield, Virginia

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Springfield, Virginia.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Springfield, Virginia?

  • There have been 18 officially reported UFO sightings in Springfield from 2001 to 2022.
  • Springfield ranks #33 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Virginia.

Other Virginia Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Virginia Beach, VA 191 UFO Reports
2 Richmond, VA 139 UFO Reports
3 Alexandria, VA 118 UFO Reports
4 Chesapeake, VA 65 UFO Reports
5 Fredericksburg, VA 65 UFO Reports

Springfield, Virginia UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 18 UFO sighting reports in Springfield, Virginia to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Springfield, Virginia

These Springfield, Virginia UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Moving north I guess, took photo, looked down, but when I looked back it was gone I was driving south on I-395 today, 9-24-2022, and noticed a bright light in the sky. At around 7:30, the sky was still light on one side, but I was looking slightly to the southeast, so it was a bit darker. The light beacon coming from the object was exceptionally strong, as I could see the very bright beam from my very well-lit area (the “mixing bowl), and I didn’t think it could be a plane or helicopter.

It looked like a beacon starting from a slender line beaming out wide in a single direction, but not at anything in particular. I couldn’t tell if it was moving while I was driving, and I wanted to get a better look. I took the Springfield / Old Keene Mill exit and pulled into the Springfield Plaza Shopping Center.

I parked in the lot north of Panda Express facing the Homewood Suites. After watching and realizing it was moving in a northerly direction, I decided to take some photos. I looked at the photos closely after taking each one, and then would take another photo, three photos in all.

It wasn’t moving very fast. After looking at the third photo, I looked back up where it should be (based on the speed it had been going), and it was gone. Looking back at the photos, I noticed that there was a “spot” on one of them.

I zoomed in to see a flat square object. Weather was calm and mostly clear. I started to drive home, and then thought to look at the clock.

It was 7:44 when I looked, so I think it was around 7:35 when I first noticed it.

09/24/22 7:35 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: About 5 minutes



Full Report Text:

ufo next to the north star The object was to the right of the north star and it started moving slowly and then it picked up speed and then every 2 minutes sparks and dots came out and then it flew away out of sight. the abject was solid red with a green outline. then about 15 minutes later it the same abject appeared right out of nowhere AND THEN TWO CATS FROM INSIDE CAME TO THE WINDOW WHICH MEANS THEY MUST HAVE HEARD IT BUT THE OBJECT WAS SILENT.


02/13/21 12:10 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 15


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Silent, moving light or shiny object observed in full daylight over Northern Virginia I live near a flight path for Washington Reagan National Airport (DCA). I was in our backyard, and had just watched (and heard) a jet fly roughly overhead (NE) in its landing pattern towards DCA. A minute or so later, I saw a bright light or shiny object moving in the opposite direction (SW).

It moved at roughly the same relative speed as the jet, given the jet was probably 2000-5000 feet above me. I assumed this shiny object was also a plane, with the Sun reflecting off it, but it made no noise whatsoever. As it moved away, it took on the appearance of two lights, but i can't vouch for that as I sometimes see slightly double at a distance.

The brightness, considering this was broad daylight and a completely cloudless sky, and the complete lack of noise were enough to make me think twice. When it disappeared behind a tree, I got up and exited our backyard to the parking lot behind our house to get another look. The trip took me three seconds, but when I to got the parking lot, the object was no longer visible.

((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

07/08/18 11:50 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 10 seconds


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Big orange circle vanishes Orange glow in SE sky, moving too fast for a plane and not in normal flight patterns for this area. Was much brighter than anything in the sky. Was super bright, shot straight up then vanished.

Waited about ten minutes and it never reappeared.

09/23/16 9:40 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 1 minute


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Four Orange lights over Springfield, VA. Outside looking north toward DC, when three objects in a straight line this would be north appeared. They continued moving southwest eventually going over my head and disappearing.

At first I thought it was helicopters flying, but there was absolutely no noise from them. I have seen a fireball before and they definitely were not one of them. No tail like a fireball has.

The lights did not blink like planes either. Not sure what they were but never saw anything like it before. Hope this stays up and others saw it to just don't know where else to look this up so I thought I would post here.

((NUFORC Note: We have amended the time, but we have no way of confirming it. The witness provided no contact information. PD)).

03/11/16 8:45 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 1 minutes


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Bright light seen moving across sky at impossible speed. i saw the bright light in the sky near the beltway heading south about a week ago and again yesterday. this was unmistakeable i know how planes, helicopter, even shooting stars look.

this was a different brighter light that stayed in a fixed position in the sky and then moved at a constant impossible speed across the sky until it dissapeared. lasted about 4 seconds. happened both times around 930pm.

02/05/15 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 4 seconds


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Strange craft on Rolling Road next to military facilities. I was driving on Rolling Road last night, granted its next to an army airport. The shape of the craft was very unusual.

It was triangle shaped from the below profile with flashing lights and from the back it had a flat area almost like a scoreboard with 6-8 large flashing lights. It hovered very low, 300 ft-500 ft, and then accelerated quietly over the tree line. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information.


11/25/13 6:00 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 15


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Crazy. I herd a loud intensely loud noise coming for outside I go out and it sounds like Jet almost 3 differnt lights it kept circling and the speed would change. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information.


08/20/13 3:00 AM

UFO Shape: cigar

Lasted: 1 hour


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Metalic cigar shaped object sighted during lull in a storm in Springfield, VA During a lull in a storm I looked out through the blinds in my office to the east at an elevation of approximately 80 deg. to view the storm clouds. Some sun and blue sky was appearing since the storm was winding down.

At that point I observed a cigar shaped object that at first looked like the fusilage of an airliner with a blue metallic tint, but no windows evident. Further obervation failed to disclose wings or rotors, nor did I hear any sound whatsoever coming from this object. It moved slowly to the southeast right into a cloud bank.

I continued to watch but it never reappeared. Helicopters, airplanes and jets of all sorts frequent this area as this location is near several airports. I can always hear the rotors or engines droning but this object made no sound.

It took me several days to completely comprehend what I had observed. I am convinced that it was not any type of conventional aircraft. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides little contact information.

PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD)).

10/10/10 4:30 PM

UFO Shape: cigar

Lasted: 15 secs


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Light shoots quickly across the sky. At around 7, I was at a scout event taking place outside. Then, randomly, there was this light shooting across the sky.

I didn't think anything of it then. But, afterwards, I realized it shot across the whole distance of the sky in about 2-3 seconds. It had no noticeable shape, just some kind of light.

There was also a noise that sounded light a car passing by at a fair distance.

02/19/09 7:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 2 seconds


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

12:15 AM March 6, 2008 I was driving back home from my brother’s apartment in Alexandria, VA right around midnight when I saw this object. I was driving west on the Fairfax County Parkway into Springfield where my parents live when I noticed an unusually bright air plane about 35 degrees from the horizon in the west/north-west region of the sky. Living in Springfield I am located between two major airports; Washington International, and Dulles.

Seeing many air planes in the Northern Virginia sky is extremely common, air traffic is quite busy in this area. However, at night air planes have a distinct brightness and have flashing lights on the wings to identify commercial air craft, and are not hard to determine. The craft I saw was about four to five times brighter than the other air planes in the sky and had a golden white light emitting from all sides.

I did not see any blinking lights that resembled the lights on regular air planes. There were commercial airplanes flying in other parts of the sky during the sighting so I could tell that this craft appeared quite different. Continuing my route home, I noticed that I was getting much closer to the object.

It appeared to have been flying close to the Fairfax County Parkway. I also remember that I couldn’t take my eyes off it, it seemed too bright and was moving way to slow and just seemed out of place. It was approximately 5 minutes after initially spotting it that I got close enough to it that I could see that it was not a helicopter.

It was also silent; I couldn’t hear any engine sounds of any kind. It seemed to have been flying over the neighborhood near Hunt Valley elementary school before I saw it slowly cross over the Fairfax County Parkway. I drove right underneath the craft as it crossed over the road right by the Sunoco gas station located on the Gambrill road exit ramp.

When I was approaching the craft just before driving directly underneath it I could tell that this object was about 250-300 feet off the ground and was moving at maybe 50-100 mph. I remember stretching my neck out of my window to get a closer look at it when it silently floated across the parkway, and over the neighborhood on the other side. While looking at the craft from underneath, it looked like a diamond shape but with an elongated front point.

I could not see any wings, granted it was dark out, but I was able to see that the whole craft had a white-ish yellow glow with two yellow point lights close together that did not blink on the underside. I would estimate from the distance it looked in the air, that the size of this object was anywhere between 70 to 90 feet long and about 20 feet wide. After it crossed over the parkway, I kept turning my head back and saw it fly barely over the tree line bordering that neighborhood.

I tried to keep my eye on it as I was just about home. When I turned off the parkway onto the Hooes road exit I could still see it barely above the trees, and still so bright. I lost sight of it as I turned into my neighborhood across the bridge from the fire station.

I would say that I lost sight of it as it was somewhere above the Newington Forest area. This object seemed to be flying too low and too slow to be passenger airliner or single passenger plane.

03/06/08 12:00 AM

UFO Shape: diamond

Lasted: 15 min


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Bright light in Cardinal Plaza I was walking into the Cardinal Plaza Parking Lot when I saw this bright light. The weird thing about it is that it then just, disapeered. I told some people but 1 belived me.

It could've been a satelite, but it was an extraterrestrial spacecraft. ((NUFORC Note: Student report. PD)).

11/11/07 1:34 PM

UFO Shape: flash

Lasted: 5 Seconds


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

A light kept getting bigger then dissapeared without a trace. When I came out of an antique store, I saw this bright light. It just kept getting bigger then, it dissapeared.

No one I told believed me, except this one guy. There is no photo, video, or any sort of thing. It was nothing like on Earth.

((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of incident is approximate. PD)).

11/10/07 12:30 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 Seconds


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Red Green lights on metal aircraft with aura around it viewed in Springfield VA. I was watching Thats So Raven, like usual and my mother asked me to let my dog out to do its buissness. It went out and looked in the sky for a shooting star, airplane, or UFO.

I looked up at a large metal-looking object. OMG! It had clear beans of light coming out of it, two red and two green lights were on the "ship", there was a white has around it. The hase looked like a cloud moving around it and moving with it.

The object made a hwow noise about five times and slowly went away. A light beam went near me as I stepped into it. It did nothing to me.

It was like a almost blinding spotlight. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the event is approximate. PD)).

03/16/06 8:32 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: Letting my dog out to go


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Two "jellyfish" shaped UFOs floating above skies of Springfield, VA. Late summer of 2003, one afternoon, my wife and I were traveling east on Franconia Springfield Parkway, Springfield, VA. Just pass the Springfield Metro (subway station) and at about 11:00 O'clock position, my wife noticed two strange cloud-like formations in the sky.

She pointed these objects out to me and they were very noticeable, being that the sky was rather clear and blue. At first I thought they were hot air balloons but then I noticed that they were like vapor clouds, and somewhat thick in consistency since both were casting a shadow. The shape of these UFOs were identical to each other, their tops were circular in shape, as domes, and both had "trails" at their base, similar to tentacles from a jellyfish.

They did not seem to move from their positions, static as they floated above. I do recall thinking that they may have been the results of an aircraft "aerial backfires" (if there is such a thing) spewing vaporous balls of smoky, oily residue. No sounds were emitted.

More info at this site: http://((URL deleted)).

09/01/03 2:00 PM

UFO Shape: teardrop

Lasted: 2 minutes


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Bright Pale Blue Flash - No Sound - Street Lights Went Out We were driving west on Keene Mill Road, approaching the intersection with Greeley Boulevard in Springfield, VA. At about 8:12 PM EST there was a bright pale blue flash which lit up the sky and area we were driving in. Everything lit up, so we could not tell which direction (if any) the light came from.

It "seemed" to be either from above or that we were "within" the flash. The street lights all went out, but power to homes remained on. There was no sound.

The sky was clear, slight winds (maybe 5 mph) and the temperature was around 32 degrees F. We continued driving towards home and when we got to another area of street lights, they were also out, but beginning to come back on. This area was one mile southwest of the point where we saw the flash.

((NUFORC Note: We wonder whether the event might have been caused by the explosion of one of the local transformers. We have received several such reports. PD)).

12/01/02 8:12 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 1/4 second


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

5-6 Round Silvery Objects at 40K feet and Rocket Like Objects My friend ((deleted)) and I were driving from Springfield, VA towards Woodbridge, VA via I 95. As we started heading south, I noticed something falling from the sky in a straight-down vertical path. It looked like something on fire dropping from the sky.

For a split second, (having flashbacks to 9/11) I thought it might be a plane heading down. Then, I see other objects falling too, in more of an arc fashion. Also, I notice about 5-6 silvery round objects at about a 40,000 foot height in the sky.

My friend and I watch all of this, and notice one of the fiery objects, turn and go north after it had been falling south. We initially thought what we were seeing was "space junk" but that was quickly ruled out with the other vehicles flying around and also the fact that the fiery object went north. There were two different objects.

The silvery round ones high in the sky and the fiery Rocket like objects falling and climbing. The next evening (1/28) I observed the same thing again (that is when I got a better look at the fiery objects). There were the 5-6 silver round objects and the falling fiery ones at 445 p.

m. in the evening at the same location in the sky. I live between Ft.

Belvoir and Quantico, but on information I could find said anything about air shows or testing of any sort. Anyone have any ideas as to what we could have seen. Our third witness was my husband's coworker (not with us at the time) who saw the same objects we had seen on Sunday.

I haven't found anyone else who has seen it from people that I have asked.

01/27/02 2:00 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 30 minutes


Springfield, VA

Full Report Text:

Large unknown object over Northern Virginia. I'm writing to report a sighting of an unusual craft. At about 8:40pm that Friday, I drove to a nearby gas station from my home to get a pack of cigarettes.

As I was driving back home I noticed a very large craft of some kind Flying relatively low in the sky. It was about the size of an audio tape long wise at arms length. I saw two lights at first thinking that is was two airplanes flying side by side in unison.

Then I realised it was one large object when I saw a small red light beside the far right light. As the object went out of view behind some trees, I followed in my car for about a minute and caught a better look from the rear. It was three lights in a line with the small red light just a bit lower to the right.

As I watched the object trying to see if there was any discernable shape to it, I noticed that there was absolutely no noise coming from it. I live in an area between Reagan National and Dulless International Airport and am familiar with the types of planes ad helecopters that fly in this area. For any plane to have been that size in my field of view, it would have been making a recognizable deep rumble sound.

This object was higher up in the sky and was bigger that anything I have ever seen fly anywhere. It seemed to glide though the sky heading south when it went out of view. I was surprised that nobody else saw this in my area given its large population.

Whatever it was, I think it was intended for peolple to see it since it was so large and flying so low.

03/23/01 8:50 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 3 minutes


Springfield, Virginia UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Circle 4 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
Light 4 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
Cigar 2 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
Unknown 2 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
Triangle 2 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
Flash 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
Other 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
Teardrop 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
Diamond 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports

Springfield, Virginia UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
March 4 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
September 3 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
November 3 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
February 3 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
August 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
January 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
July 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
October 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
December 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports

Springfield, Virginia UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Sunday 5 reported sightings 27.78% of all reports
Thursday 4 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
Saturday 3 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Friday 3 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Monday 2 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
Tuesday 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports

Springfield, Virginia UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
03/06/08 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
09/24/22 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
11/11/07 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
10/10/10 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
02/19/09 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports

Springfield, Virginia UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 6 reported sightings 33.33% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 5 reported sightings 27.78% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 4 reported sightings 22.22% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 2 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 1 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Springfield, Virginia

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Springfield, Virginia.

All Virginia Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Virginia

City Number of Reports View Reports
Virginia Beach 191 UFO Reports Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings
Richmond 139 UFO Reports Richmond, Virginia UFO Sightings
Alexandria 118 UFO Reports Alexandria, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chesapeake 65 UFO Reports Chesapeake, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fredericksburg 65 UFO Reports Fredericksburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Roanoke 61 UFO Reports Roanoke, Virginia UFO Sightings
Norfolk 57 UFO Reports Norfolk, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fairfax 55 UFO Reports Fairfax, Virginia UFO Sightings
Arlington 48 UFO Reports Arlington, Virginia UFO Sightings
Woodbridge 43 UFO Reports Woodbridge, Virginia UFO Sightings
Manassas 41 UFO Reports Manassas, Virginia UFO Sightings
Portsmouth 40 UFO Reports Portsmouth, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hampton 40 UFO Reports Hampton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Newport News 38 UFO Reports Newport News, Virginia UFO Sightings
Charlottesville 37 UFO Reports Charlottesville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lynchburg 32 UFO Reports Lynchburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Stafford 31 UFO Reports Stafford, Virginia UFO Sightings
Williamsburg 30 UFO Reports Williamsburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Winchester 27 UFO Reports Winchester, Virginia UFO Sightings
Suffolk 25 UFO Reports Suffolk, Virginia UFO Sightings
Midlothian 25 UFO Reports Midlothian, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ashburn 24 UFO Reports Ashburn, Virginia UFO Sightings
Leesburg 24 UFO Reports Leesburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Danville 23 UFO Reports Danville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Harrisonburg 22 UFO Reports Harrisonburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chesterfield 21 UFO Reports Chesterfield, Virginia UFO Sightings
Vienna 21 UFO Reports Vienna, Virginia UFO Sightings
Falls Church 20 UFO Reports Falls Church, Virginia UFO Sightings
Centreville 19 UFO Reports Centreville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Staunton 19 UFO Reports Staunton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Front Royal 18 UFO Reports Front Royal, Virginia UFO Sightings
Sterling 18 UFO Reports Sterling, Virginia UFO Sightings
Springfield 18 UFO Reports Springfield, Virginia UFO Sightings
Mechanicsville 17 UFO Reports Mechanicsville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Luray 16 UFO Reports Luray, Virginia UFO Sightings
Burke 16 UFO Reports Burke, Virginia UFO Sightings
Gainesville 16 UFO Reports Gainesville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bristol 16 UFO Reports Bristol, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hopewell 14 UFO Reports Hopewell, Virginia UFO Sightings
Reston 14 UFO Reports Reston, Virginia UFO Sightings
Waynesboro 14 UFO Reports Waynesboro, Virginia UFO Sightings
Abingdon 14 UFO Reports Abingdon, Virginia UFO Sightings
Spotsylvania 13 UFO Reports Spotsylvania, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chantilly 13 UFO Reports Chantilly, Virginia UFO Sightings
Culpeper 12 UFO Reports Culpeper, Virginia UFO Sightings
Salem 12 UFO Reports Salem, Virginia UFO Sightings
Warrenton 12 UFO Reports Warrenton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Blacksburg 12 UFO Reports Blacksburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Amherst 12 UFO Reports Amherst, Virginia UFO Sightings
Marion 12 UFO Reports Marion, Virginia UFO Sightings
Glen Allen 11 UFO Reports Glen Allen, Virginia UFO Sightings
Christiansburg 10 UFO Reports Christiansburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Yorktown 10 UFO Reports Yorktown, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lorton 10 UFO Reports Lorton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Henrico 10 UFO Reports Henrico, Virginia UFO Sightings
McLean 10 UFO Reports McLean, Virginia UFO Sightings
Gloucester 9 UFO Reports Gloucester, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chester 9 UFO Reports Chester, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bedford 9 UFO Reports Bedford, Virginia UFO Sightings
North Chesterfield 8 UFO Reports North Chesterfield, Virginia UFO Sightings
Haymarket 8 UFO Reports Haymarket, Virginia UFO Sightings
Stephens City 8 UFO Reports Stephens City, Virginia UFO Sightings
King George 8 UFO Reports King George, Virginia UFO Sightings
Annandale 7 UFO Reports Annandale, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hillsville 7 UFO Reports Hillsville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Pulaski 7 UFO Reports Pulaski, Virginia UFO Sightings
Martinsville 7 UFO Reports Martinsville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Windsor 7 UFO Reports Windsor, Virginia UFO Sightings
Powhatan 7 UFO Reports Powhatan, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ashland 7 UFO Reports Ashland, Virginia UFO Sightings
Clifton Forge 7 UFO Reports Clifton Forge, Virginia UFO Sightings
Herndon 7 UFO Reports Herndon, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lexington 7 UFO Reports Lexington, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chatham 6 UFO Reports Chatham, Virginia UFO Sightings
Farmville 6 UFO Reports Farmville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Wytheville 6 UFO Reports Wytheville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Purcellville 6 UFO Reports Purcellville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Saltville 6 UFO Reports Saltville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Madison Heights 6 UFO Reports Madison Heights, Virginia UFO Sightings
Franklin 6 UFO Reports Franklin, Virginia UFO Sightings
Dale City 6 UFO Reports Dale City, Virginia UFO Sightings
Vinton 6 UFO Reports Vinton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Petersburg 6 UFO Reports Petersburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Covington 6 UFO Reports Covington, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hardy 5 UFO Reports Hardy, Virginia UFO Sightings
Strasburg 5 UFO Reports Strasburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Moneta 5 UFO Reports Moneta, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bristow 5 UFO Reports Bristow, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ararat 5 UFO Reports Ararat, Virginia UFO Sightings
Colonial Heights 5 UFO Reports Colonial Heights, Virginia UFO Sightings
Pound 5 UFO Reports Pound, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fort Lee 5 UFO Reports Fort Lee, Virginia UFO Sightings
Oakton 5 UFO Reports Oakton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chilhowie 5 UFO Reports Chilhowie, Virginia UFO Sightings
Virginia 5 UFO Reports Virginia, Virginia UFO Sightings
Radford 5 UFO Reports Radford, Virginia UFO Sightings
Tysons Corner 4 UFO Reports Tysons Corner, Virginia UFO Sightings
Stanardsville 4 UFO Reports Stanardsville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ruther Glen 4 UFO Reports Ruther Glen, Virginia UFO Sightings
Stuarts Draft 4 UFO Reports Stuarts Draft, Virginia UFO Sightings
Aldie 4 UFO Reports Aldie, Virginia UFO Sightings
Colonial Beach 4 UFO Reports Colonial Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings
Broadway 4 UFO Reports Broadway, Virginia UFO Sightings
Dunnsville 4 UFO Reports Dunnsville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Reedville 4 UFO Reports Reedville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fairfax County 4 UFO Reports Fairfax County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Weyers Cave 4 UFO Reports Weyers Cave, Virginia UFO Sightings
New Kent 4 UFO Reports New Kent, Virginia UFO Sightings
Clifton 4 UFO Reports Clifton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Surry 4 UFO Reports Surry, Virginia UFO Sightings
Buckingham 4 UFO Reports Buckingham, Virginia UFO Sightings
Big Stone Gap 4 UFO Reports Big Stone Gap, Virginia UFO Sightings
Sandston 4 UFO Reports Sandston, Virginia UFO Sightings
Great Falls 4 UFO Reports Great Falls, Virginia UFO Sightings
Mineral 4 UFO Reports Mineral, Virginia UFO Sightings
Manassas Park 4 UFO Reports Manassas Park, Virginia UFO Sightings
Smithfield 4 UFO Reports Smithfield, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lovingston 4 UFO Reports Lovingston, Virginia UFO Sightings
Blackstone 4 UFO Reports Blackstone, Virginia UFO Sightings
Linden 4 UFO Reports Linden, Virginia UFO Sightings
Dublin 4 UFO Reports Dublin, Virginia UFO Sightings
Blairs 3 UFO Reports Blairs, Virginia UFO Sightings
Partlow 3 UFO Reports Partlow, Virginia UFO Sightings
Coeburn 3 UFO Reports Coeburn, Virginia UFO Sightings
Appalachia 3 UFO Reports Appalachia, Virginia UFO Sightings
Dayton 3 UFO Reports Dayton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Afton 3 UFO Reports Afton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Dulles 3 UFO Reports Dulles, Virginia UFO Sightings
Appomattox 3 UFO Reports Appomattox, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ferrum 3 UFO Reports Ferrum, Virginia UFO Sightings
Broadlands 3 UFO Reports Broadlands, Virginia UFO Sightings
Tazewell 3 UFO Reports Tazewell, Virginia UFO Sightings
Natural Bridge 3 UFO Reports Natural Bridge, Virginia UFO Sightings
Stanley 3 UFO Reports Stanley, Virginia UFO Sightings
Berryville 3 UFO Reports Berryville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Middletown 3 UFO Reports Middletown, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fincastle 3 UFO Reports Fincastle, Virginia UFO Sightings
Brodnax 3 UFO Reports Brodnax, Virginia UFO Sightings
Midland 3 UFO Reports Midland, Virginia UFO Sightings
Mount Jackson 3 UFO Reports Mount Jackson, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fishersville 3 UFO Reports Fishersville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Goochland 3 UFO Reports Goochland, Virginia UFO Sightings
Occoquan 3 UFO Reports Occoquan, Virginia UFO Sightings
Maidens 3 UFO Reports Maidens, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fairfax Station 3 UFO Reports Fairfax Station, Virginia UFO Sightings
Rocky Mount 3 UFO Reports Rocky Mount, Virginia UFO Sightings
Orange 3 UFO Reports Orange, Virginia UFO Sightings
Wise 3 UFO Reports Wise, Virginia UFO Sightings
Alton 3 UFO Reports Alton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bridgewater 3 UFO Reports Bridgewater, Virginia UFO Sightings
Daleville 3 UFO Reports Daleville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Washington 3 UFO Reports Washington, Virginia UFO Sightings
Prince George 3 UFO Reports Prince George, Virginia UFO Sightings
Independence 3 UFO Reports Independence, Virginia UFO Sightings
Highland Springs 3 UFO Reports Highland Springs, Virginia UFO Sightings
Waterford 3 UFO Reports Waterford, Virginia UFO Sightings
Crozet 3 UFO Reports Crozet, Virginia UFO Sightings
Meadowview 3 UFO Reports Meadowview, Virginia UFO Sightings
Woodlawn 3 UFO Reports Woodlawn, Virginia UFO Sightings
Greenville 3 UFO Reports Greenville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Parksley 2 UFO Reports Parksley, Virginia UFO Sightings
Elmont 2 UFO Reports Elmont, Virginia UFO Sightings
Scottsville 2 UFO Reports Scottsville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Poquoson 2 UFO Reports Poquoson, Virginia UFO Sightings
Crystal City 2 UFO Reports Crystal City, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lake Anna 2 UFO Reports Lake Anna, Virginia UFO Sightings
Axton 2 UFO Reports Axton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fort Belvoir 2 UFO Reports Fort Belvoir, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ivor 2 UFO Reports Ivor, Virginia UFO Sightings
Accomac 2 UFO Reports Accomac, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bumpass 2 UFO Reports Bumpass, Virginia UFO Sightings
Rustburg 2 UFO Reports Rustburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lively 2 UFO Reports Lively, Virginia UFO Sightings
DUGSPUR 2 UFO Reports DUGSPUR, Virginia UFO Sightings
Woodstock 2 UFO Reports Woodstock, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fries 2 UFO Reports Fries, Virginia UFO Sightings
Carrollton 2 UFO Reports Carrollton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Wachapreague 2 UFO Reports Wachapreague, Virginia UFO Sightings
South Hill 2 UFO Reports South Hill, Virginia UFO Sightings
Marshall 2 UFO Reports Marshall, Virginia UFO Sightings
Aylett 2 UFO Reports Aylett, Virginia UFO Sightings
Emporia 2 UFO Reports Emporia, Virginia UFO Sightings
Monrovia 2 UFO Reports Monrovia, Virginia UFO Sightings
Catharpin 2 UFO Reports Catharpin, Virginia UFO Sightings
South Riding 2 UFO Reports South Riding, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hiwassee 2 UFO Reports Hiwassee, Virginia UFO Sightings
Culpeper County 2 UFO Reports Culpeper County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fort Defiance 2 UFO Reports Fort Defiance, Virginia UFO Sightings
Jamaica 2 UFO Reports Jamaica, Virginia UFO Sightings
Saint Paul 2 UFO Reports Saint Paul, Virginia UFO Sightings
Dumfries 2 UFO Reports Dumfries, Virginia UFO Sightings
Evington 2 UFO Reports Evington, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hayes 2 UFO Reports Hayes, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bon Air 2 UFO Reports Bon Air, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fulks Run 2 UFO Reports Fulks Run, Virginia UFO Sightings
Walkerton 2 UFO Reports Walkerton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Potomac Falls 2 UFO Reports Potomac Falls, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lakeridge 2 UFO Reports Lakeridge, Virginia UFO Sightings
New Baltimore 2 UFO Reports New Baltimore, Virginia UFO Sightings
Dickensonville 2 UFO Reports Dickensonville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Clarksville 2 UFO Reports Clarksville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Star Tannery 2 UFO Reports Star Tannery, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fort Eustis 2 UFO Reports Fort Eustis, Virginia UFO Sightings
Norton 2 UFO Reports Norton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lyndhurst 2 UFO Reports Lyndhurst, Virginia UFO Sightings
Pearisburg 2 UFO Reports Pearisburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Moseley 2 UFO Reports Moseley, Virginia UFO Sightings
Short Pump 2 UFO Reports Short Pump, Virginia UFO Sightings
Wallops Island 2 UFO Reports Wallops Island, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lanexa 2 UFO Reports Lanexa, Virginia UFO Sightings
New Castle 2 UFO Reports New Castle, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bassett 2 UFO Reports Bassett, Virginia UFO Sightings
Halifax 2 UFO Reports Halifax, Virginia UFO Sightings
Madison 2 UFO Reports Madison, Virginia UFO Sightings
Boyce 2 UFO Reports Boyce, Virginia UFO Sightings
Singers Glen 2 UFO Reports Singers Glen, Virginia UFO Sightings
Spotsylvania Courthouse 2 UFO Reports Spotsylvania Courthouse, Virginia UFO Sightings
Pounding Mill 2 UFO Reports Pounding Mill, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hot Springs 2 UFO Reports Hot Springs, Virginia UFO Sightings
Disputanta 2 UFO Reports Disputanta, Virginia UFO Sightings
Aliquippa 2 UFO Reports Aliquippa, Virginia UFO Sightings
Heathsville 2 UFO Reports Heathsville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Remington 2 UFO Reports Remington, Virginia UFO Sightings
Charles City 2 UFO Reports Charles City, Virginia UFO Sightings
Skippers 2 UFO Reports Skippers, Virginia UFO Sightings
Floyd 2 UFO Reports Floyd, Virginia UFO Sightings
Rockville 2 UFO Reports Rockville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lebanon 2 UFO Reports Lebanon, Virginia UFO Sightings
Doswell 2 UFO Reports Doswell, Virginia UFO Sightings
Elberon 2 UFO Reports Elberon, Virginia UFO Sightings
Wirtz 2 UFO Reports Wirtz, Virginia UFO Sightings
Callaway 2 UFO Reports Callaway, Virginia UFO Sightings
Courtland 2 UFO Reports Courtland, Virginia UFO Sightings
Kilmarnock 2 UFO Reports Kilmarnock, Virginia UFO Sightings
Gate City 2 UFO Reports Gate City, Virginia UFO Sightings
Troutdale 2 UFO Reports Troutdale, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bealeton 2 UFO Reports Bealeton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Louisa 2 UFO Reports Louisa, Virginia UFO Sightings
Rice 2 UFO Reports Rice, Virginia UFO Sightings
Mount Vernon 2 UFO Reports Mount Vernon, Virginia UFO Sightings
Troutville 2 UFO Reports Troutville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lovettsville 2 UFO Reports Lovettsville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Quinton 2 UFO Reports Quinton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Pilot 2 UFO Reports Pilot, Virginia UFO Sightings
Richlands 2 UFO Reports Richlands, Virginia UFO Sightings
King William 2 UFO Reports King William, Virginia UFO Sightings
Mount Weather 2 UFO Reports Mount Weather, Virginia UFO Sightings
Damascus 2 UFO Reports Damascus, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chincoteague 2 UFO Reports Chincoteague, Virginia UFO Sightings
Meadows of Dan 2 UFO Reports Meadows of Dan, Virginia UFO Sightings
Forest 2 UFO Reports Forest, Virginia UFO Sightings
Independent Hill 2 UFO Reports Independent Hill, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ruckersville 2 UFO Reports Ruckersville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Troy 2 UFO Reports Troy, Virginia UFO Sightings
Dry Fork 2 UFO Reports Dry Fork, Virginia UFO Sightings
Woodford 2 UFO Reports Woodford, Virginia UFO Sightings
Pamplin 2 UFO Reports Pamplin, Virginia UFO Sightings
Clintwood 2 UFO Reports Clintwood, Virginia UFO Sightings
Amissville 2 UFO Reports Amissville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Surry Nuclear Facility 2 UFO Reports Surry Nuclear Facility, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fort AP Hill 2 UFO Reports Fort AP Hill, Virginia UFO Sightings
Iron Gate 2 UFO Reports Iron Gate, Virginia UFO Sightings
Low Moor 1 UFO Reports Low Moor, Virginia UFO Sightings
Clover 1 UFO Reports Clover, Virginia UFO Sightings
Raphine 1 UFO Reports Raphine, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fredriksburg 1 UFO Reports Fredriksburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Caroline County 1 UFO Reports Caroline County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Visible from Dulles 1 UFO Reports Visible from Dulles, Virginia UFO Sightings
South Harrisburg 1 UFO Reports South Harrisburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Waynesborough 1 UFO Reports Waynesborough, Virginia UFO Sightings
Markham 1 UFO Reports Markham, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fancy Gap Mtn 1 UFO Reports Fancy Gap Mtn, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bristol County 1 UFO Reports Bristol County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Richmond to Norfolk 1 UFO Reports Richmond to Norfolk, Virginia UFO Sightings
Swoope 1 UFO Reports Swoope, Virginia UFO Sightings
Myrtle Beach 1 UFO Reports Myrtle Beach, Virginia UFO Sightings
Dawn 1 UFO Reports Dawn, Virginia UFO Sightings
Belle Haven 1 UFO Reports Belle Haven, Virginia UFO Sightings
Willamsburg 1 UFO Reports Willamsburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Providence Forge 1 UFO Reports Providence Forge, Virginia UFO Sightings
Gretna 1 UFO Reports Gretna, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ely 1 UFO Reports Ely, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bluemont 1 UFO Reports Bluemont, Virginia UFO Sightings
Stuart 1 UFO Reports Stuart, Virginia UFO Sightings
Monroe 1 UFO Reports Monroe, Virginia UFO Sightings
Shawsville 1 UFO Reports Shawsville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Weems 1 UFO Reports Weems, Virginia UFO Sightings
Porstmouth 1 UFO Reports Porstmouth, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hiltons 1 UFO Reports Hiltons, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ridgeway 1 UFO Reports Ridgeway, Virginia UFO Sightings
Tappahannock 1 UFO Reports Tappahannock, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lake Frederick 1 UFO Reports Lake Frederick, Virginia UFO Sightings
Nags head 1 UFO Reports Nags head, Virginia UFO Sightings
Glen Wilton 1 UFO Reports Glen Wilton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Grimsby 1 UFO Reports Grimsby, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ben Hur 1 UFO Reports Ben Hur, Virginia UFO Sightings
Churchville 1 UFO Reports Churchville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Williamburg 1 UFO Reports Williamburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Mendota 1 UFO Reports Mendota, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fort Chiswell 1 UFO Reports Fort Chiswell, Virginia UFO Sightings
Jacksonville 1 UFO Reports Jacksonville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Burgess 1 UFO Reports Burgess, Virginia UFO Sightings
Unknown 1 UFO Reports Unknown, Virginia UFO Sightings
Livingston 1 UFO Reports Livingston, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lynch Station 1 UFO Reports Lynch Station, Virginia UFO Sightings
Patrick County 1 UFO Reports Patrick County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hatteras 1 UFO Reports Hatteras, Virginia UFO Sightings
Blumont 1 UFO Reports Blumont, Virginia UFO Sightings
Coles Point 1 UFO Reports Coles Point, Virginia UFO Sightings
Shenandoah 1 UFO Reports Shenandoah, Virginia UFO Sightings
Waldorf 1 UFO Reports Waldorf, Virginia UFO Sightings
Weirton 1 UFO Reports Weirton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ringgold 1 UFO Reports Ringgold, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lake Ridge 1 UFO Reports Lake Ridge, Virginia UFO Sightings
Deltaville 1 UFO Reports Deltaville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Baileys Cross Roads 1 UFO Reports Baileys Cross Roads, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chesaprake 1 UFO Reports Chesaprake, Virginia UFO Sightings
York County 1 UFO Reports York County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Grottoes 1 UFO Reports Grottoes, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bena 1 UFO Reports Bena, Virginia UFO Sightings
Cismont 1 UFO Reports Cismont, Virginia UFO Sightings
Middleburg 1 UFO Reports Middleburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Pungo 1 UFO Reports Pungo, Virginia UFO Sightings
Upperville 1 UFO Reports Upperville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Locust Grove 1 UFO Reports Locust Grove, Virginia UFO Sightings
North Tazewell 1 UFO Reports North Tazewell, Virginia UFO Sightings
Patrick Springs 1 UFO Reports Patrick Springs, Virginia UFO Sightings
Montvale 1 UFO Reports Montvale, Virginia UFO Sightings
Central 1 UFO Reports Central, Virginia UFO Sightings
Shenandoah County 1 UFO Reports Shenandoah County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Southbridge 1 UFO Reports Southbridge, Virginia UFO Sightings
West Point 1 UFO Reports West Point, Virginia UFO Sightings
Mason Neck 1 UFO Reports Mason Neck, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fildale 1 UFO Reports Fildale, Virginia UFO Sightings
Honaker 1 UFO Reports Honaker, Virginia UFO Sightings
Culpepper 1 UFO Reports Culpepper, Virginia UFO Sightings
Thaxton 1 UFO Reports Thaxton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Gloucestet 1 UFO Reports Gloucestet, Virginia UFO Sightings
Baskerville 1 UFO Reports Baskerville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hague 1 UFO Reports Hague, Virginia UFO Sightings
Willis 1 UFO Reports Willis, Virginia UFO Sightings
Jarratt 1 UFO Reports Jarratt, Virginia UFO Sightings
Alexander 1 UFO Reports Alexander, Virginia UFO Sightings
Burkes Garden 1 UFO Reports Burkes Garden, Virginia UFO Sightings
VA 1 UFO Reports VA, Virginia UFO Sightings
Loron 1 UFO Reports Loron, Virginia UFO Sightings
Faber 1 UFO Reports Faber, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bottoms Bridge 1 UFO Reports Bottoms Bridge, Virginia UFO Sightings
Sugar Grove 1 UFO Reports Sugar Grove, Virginia UFO Sightings
Arcola 1 UFO Reports Arcola, Virginia UFO Sightings
West Virginia 1 UFO Reports West Virginia, Virginia UFO Sightings
Maurertown 1 UFO Reports Maurertown, Virginia UFO Sightings
Rockbridge 1 UFO Reports Rockbridge, Virginia UFO Sightings
The Plains 1 UFO Reports The Plains, Virginia UFO Sightings
Dillwyn 1 UFO Reports Dillwyn, Virginia UFO Sightings
Goldens Bridge 1 UFO Reports Goldens Bridge, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chesterfeild 1 UFO Reports Chesterfeild, Virginia UFO Sightings
Dutton 1 UFO Reports Dutton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Yuma 1 UFO Reports Yuma, Virginia UFO Sightings
Betetourt County 1 UFO Reports Betetourt County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Clearwater 1 UFO Reports Clearwater, Virginia UFO Sightings
Purcellville and Lovettsville 1 UFO Reports Purcellville and Lovettsville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Jonesville 1 UFO Reports Jonesville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Burkeville 1 UFO Reports Burkeville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Verona 1 UFO Reports Verona, Virginia UFO Sightings
Pembroke 1 UFO Reports Pembroke, Virginia UFO Sightings
Haymarket-Gainesville 1 UFO Reports Haymarket-Gainesville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Comers Rock 1 UFO Reports Comers Rock, Virginia UFO Sightings
Summerville 1 UFO Reports Summerville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Cumberland 1 UFO Reports Cumberland, Virginia UFO Sightings
Gainesville and Manassas 1 UFO Reports Gainesville and Manassas, Virginia UFO Sightings
Wallops Island VA 1 UFO Reports Wallops Island VA, Virginia UFO Sightings
Westlake & Hardy 1 UFO Reports Westlake & Hardy, Virginia UFO Sightings
Max Meadows 1 UFO Reports Max Meadows, Virginia UFO Sightings
Brookneal 1 UFO Reports Brookneal, Virginia UFO Sightings
Rockfish 1 UFO Reports Rockfish, Virginia UFO Sightings
Toms Brook 1 UFO Reports Toms Brook, Virginia UFO Sightings
Langley AFB 1 UFO Reports Langley AFB, Virginia UFO Sightings
New Church 1 UFO Reports New Church, Virginia UFO Sightings
Basye 1 UFO Reports Basye, Virginia UFO Sightings
Eastern Shore 1 UFO Reports Eastern Shore, Virginia UFO Sightings
Zuni 1 UFO Reports Zuni, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hamilton 1 UFO Reports Hamilton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Big Island 1 UFO Reports Big Island, Virginia UFO Sightings
Cleveland 1 UFO Reports Cleveland, Virginia UFO Sightings
Quantico 1 UFO Reports Quantico, Virginia UFO Sightings
Foster 1 UFO Reports Foster, Virginia UFO Sightings
Keen Mtn 1 UFO Reports Keen Mtn, Virginia UFO Sightings
Callands 1 UFO Reports Callands, Virginia UFO Sightings
Saluda 1 UFO Reports Saluda, Virginia UFO Sightings
Viena 1 UFO Reports Viena, Virginia UFO Sightings
Louden County 1 UFO Reports Louden County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Penn Laird 1 UFO Reports Penn Laird, Virginia UFO Sightings
Boydton 1 UFO Reports Boydton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Court 1 UFO Reports Court, Virginia UFO Sightings
Supply 1 UFO Reports Supply, Virginia UFO Sightings
Mount Rogers 1 UFO Reports Mount Rogers, Virginia UFO Sightings
Dahlgren 1 UFO Reports Dahlgren, Virginia UFO Sightings
Galax 1 UFO Reports Galax, Virginia UFO Sightings
Spout spring 1 UFO Reports Spout spring, Virginia UFO Sightings
McGaheysville 1 UFO Reports McGaheysville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Huddleston 1 UFO Reports Huddleston, Virginia UFO Sightings
Brownsburg 1 UFO Reports Brownsburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Topping 1 UFO Reports Topping, Virginia UFO Sightings
Goochland County 1 UFO Reports Goochland County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bath County 1 UFO Reports Bath County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chesterfield Matoaca 1 UFO Reports Chesterfield Matoaca, Virginia UFO Sightings
Big Rock 1 UFO Reports Big Rock, Virginia UFO Sightings
Stephenson 1 UFO Reports Stephenson, Virginia UFO Sightings
Milford 1 UFO Reports Milford, Virginia UFO Sightings
Quantico Marine Base 1 UFO Reports Quantico Marine Base, Virginia UFO Sightings
Keller 1 UFO Reports Keller, Virginia UFO Sightings
Altivista 1 UFO Reports Altivista, Virginia UFO Sightings
Sandbridge 1 UFO Reports Sandbridge, Virginia UFO Sightings
Loudoun County 1 UFO Reports Loudoun County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Onancock 1 UFO Reports Onancock, Virginia UFO Sightings
Pennington Gap 1 UFO Reports Pennington Gap, Virginia UFO Sightings
Breaks 1 UFO Reports Breaks, Virginia UFO Sightings
Mount Sidney 1 UFO Reports Mount Sidney, Virginia UFO Sightings
Charles City Co 1 UFO Reports Charles City Co, Virginia UFO Sightings
Sky Line Drive 1 UFO Reports Sky Line Drive, Virginia UFO Sightings
Warsaw 1 UFO Reports Warsaw, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chihlowie 1 UFO Reports Chihlowie, Virginia UFO Sightings
Spring Grove 1 UFO Reports Spring Grove, Virginia UFO Sightings
White Hall 1 UFO Reports White Hall, Virginia UFO Sightings
Mckenney 1 UFO Reports Mckenney, Virginia UFO Sightings
Prince Edward County 1 UFO Reports Prince Edward County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fluvanna county 1 UFO Reports Fluvanna county, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hurt 1 UFO Reports Hurt, Virginia UFO Sightings
Lebanon Church 1 UFO Reports Lebanon Church, Virginia UFO Sightings
New Kent County 1 UFO Reports New Kent County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Downtown Norfolk 1 UFO Reports Downtown Norfolk, Virginia UFO Sightings
Gordonsville 1 UFO Reports Gordonsville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Elkton 1 UFO Reports Elkton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hampton City 1 UFO Reports Hampton City, Virginia UFO Sightings
Stering 1 UFO Reports Stering, Virginia UFO Sightings
Millboro 1 UFO Reports Millboro, Virginia UFO Sightings
Quinby 1 UFO Reports Quinby, Virginia UFO Sightings
Franklin couny 1 UFO Reports Franklin couny, Virginia UFO Sightings
Keswick 1 UFO Reports Keswick, Virginia UFO Sightings
Cana 1 UFO Reports Cana, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fairfield 1 UFO Reports Fairfield, Virginia UFO Sightings
Surry Co 1 UFO Reports Surry Co, Virginia UFO Sightings
Glade Spring 1 UFO Reports Glade Spring, Virginia UFO Sightings
Assateague Island 1 UFO Reports Assateague Island, Virginia UFO Sightings
Charlotte Court House 1 UFO Reports Charlotte Court House, Virginia UFO Sightings
Smith Mountain Lake 1 UFO Reports Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia UFO Sightings
Beaverdam 1 UFO Reports Beaverdam, Virginia UFO Sightings
Spring Wood 1 UFO Reports Spring Wood, Virginia UFO Sightings
White Post 1 UFO Reports White Post, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ford 1 UFO Reports Ford, Virginia UFO Sightings
Buckingham County 1 UFO Reports Buckingham County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Round Hill 1 UFO Reports Round Hill, Virginia UFO Sightings
Newmarket 1 UFO Reports Newmarket, Virginia UFO Sightings
Draper 1 UFO Reports Draper, Virginia UFO Sightings
Palmyra 1 UFO Reports Palmyra, Virginia UFO Sightings
Elkwood 1 UFO Reports Elkwood, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hampton Roads 1 UFO Reports Hampton Roads, Virginia UFO Sightings
Clinchport 1 UFO Reports Clinchport, Virginia UFO Sightings
Withyville 1 UFO Reports Withyville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Keysville 1 UFO Reports Keysville, Virginia UFO Sightings
Cape Charles 1 UFO Reports Cape Charles, Virginia UFO Sightings
Sanford 1 UFO Reports Sanford, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fairview 1 UFO Reports Fairview, Virginia UFO Sightings
Brightwood 1 UFO Reports Brightwood, Virginia UFO Sightings
Cross Plains 1 UFO Reports Cross Plains, Virginia UFO Sightings
Surry County 1 UFO Reports Surry County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Gladstone 1 UFO Reports Gladstone, Virginia UFO Sightings
Atlantic Ocean 1 UFO Reports Atlantic Ocean, Virginia UFO Sightings
Springfeild 1 UFO Reports Springfeild, Virginia UFO Sightings
White Stone 1 UFO Reports White Stone, Virginia UFO Sightings
Prince George County 1 UFO Reports Prince George County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Buena Vista 1 UFO Reports Buena Vista, Virginia UFO Sightings
Green Bay 1 UFO Reports Green Bay, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ellicott City 1 UFO Reports Ellicott City, Virginia UFO Sightings
Harborton 1 UFO Reports Harborton, Virginia UFO Sightings
Sterling Park 1 UFO Reports Sterling Park, Virginia UFO Sightings
Mollusk 1 UFO Reports Mollusk, Virginia UFO Sightings
Fredricksburg 1 UFO Reports Fredricksburg, Virginia UFO Sightings
Caret 1 UFO Reports Caret, Virginia UFO Sightings
Schuyler 1 UFO Reports Schuyler, Virginia UFO Sightings
Pirtsmouth 1 UFO Reports Pirtsmouth, Virginia UFO Sightings
Hillsboro 1 UFO Reports Hillsboro, Virginia UFO Sightings
Ladysmith 1 UFO Reports Ladysmith, Virginia UFO Sightings
Mountain Falls 1 UFO Reports Mountain Falls, Virginia UFO Sightings
Gladys 1 UFO Reports Gladys, Virginia UFO Sightings
Augusta Springs 1 UFO Reports Augusta Springs, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chase City 1 UFO Reports Chase City, Virginia UFO Sightings
South Chesterfield 1 UFO Reports South Chesterfield, Virginia UFO Sightings
Bedford County 1 UFO Reports Bedford County, Virginia UFO Sightings
Chincoteague Island 1 UFO Reports Chincoteague Island, Virginia UFO Sightings
Wicomico 1 UFO Reports Wicomico, Virginia UFO Sightings
Prince William 1 UFO Reports Prince William, Virginia UFO Sightings
Buffalo junction 1 UFO Reports Buffalo junction, Virginia UFO Sightings
Rural Retreat 1 UFO Reports Rural Retreat, Virginia UFO Sightings
Tysons 1 UFO Reports Tysons, Virginia UFO Sightings
Nokesville 1 UFO Reports Nokesville, Virginia UFO Sightings