Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Midvale, Utah

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Midvale, Utah.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Midvale, Utah?

  • There have been 17 officially reported UFO sightings in Midvale from 1976 to 2023.
  • Midvale ranks #17 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Utah.

Other Utah Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Salt Lake City, UT 255 UFO Reports
2 Saint George, UT 69 UFO Reports
3 Ogden, UT 57 UFO Reports
4 Sandy, UT 52 UFO Reports
5 Orem, UT 49 UFO Reports

Midvale, Utah UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 17 UFO sighting reports in Midvale, Utah to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Midvale, Utah

These Midvale, Utah UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

Unidentified lights flying above. I did not see these live. These lights were caught on my Ring doorbell camera and I noticed this four hours after it had happened.

Four bright lights flying, no noise and fading one at a time and three of the lights were flying in a triangular motion. No other reports of sighting from local news websites.

11/11/23 8:04 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: Roughly two minutes.


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

Streak of light heading down. 4 days later streak of light heading up toward 3 red lights in triangle formation. 1st sighting, 10/9/2023, 7:32am (cell phone time stamp) - looked like a comet heading downward.

Eastern sky. Lasted 7-10 mins. before disappearing behind mountain.

2nd sighting, 10/13/2023 7:31am (cell phone time stamp) - light streak heading upward. Above traffic light. 7:35am photo taken at angle - 3 red lights in triangle formation above light streak visible.

10/09/23 7:30 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 7-10 minutes


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

Large disc slowly passing over courtyard and parking area of my apartment home at Wasatch Club apartments I observed a large disc with white circle shaped lights all around the disc moving absolutely quiet over my apartment home parking and courtyard areas. The disc was absolutely silent but the lights on the disc where rotating in a circular shape. The disc appeared to be hovering low as if it wanted to be seen but at 4 am in the morning no one is usually out or awake at that time.

The disc traveled slowly south bound and disappeared over the trees on the south end of the property. The second I saw this disc I felt frozen and so was time for I wasnt able to do anything but stare at this object and seconds after the event I felt faint as if I was going to pass out.

07/02/22 4:15 AM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 10 minutes


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

Such a strange UFO it was almost like it disappeared and appeared in a different place without having to go across the sky. I stepped off my back porch to have a cigarette at approximately 1 a.m.

on the night of July 15th, 2020. I noticed a flashing light in the sky but there was something that was strange about it. It would flash on and offbut every time it flashed on it was in a different position in the sky and in order for it to do that it had to be traveling at a speed like nothing that I had ever seen.

it basically was almost disappearing and appearing again in a different spot. it was blink off and then when it came back on it would be several miles away from where it was before. I watched it for about 15 minutes and when it was right above me it blinked one more time and then I never saw it again.

it's acceleration have to be miraculous because it was almost like it appeared in one spot and then disappeared and appeared in the other without even going from one spot to the other this was the first UFO sighting I have ever had in my lifetime and I'm 65 years old.

07/15/20 1:00 AM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 15 minutes.


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

My wife and I saw 2 shining dots in the sky that were side by side at one point, then they’d separate, then again come closer together. I got my binos out and we noticed a transparent ring around them, and also red, green and yellow lights circling around the top of the objects. They disappeared right before our eyes.

08/04/19 7:30 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 5 minutes


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

I did not see it, I was taking a selfie at the Midvale Graveyard and noticed a black metallic triangle shaped craft in the picture when I got home. I didn’t see it when I was at the graveyard I only saw it in the picture I took.

06/15/19 3:37 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: Seconds


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

Witness one: We went outside to walk the dogs around 11:30pm. I heard loud booms like boom,boom,boom,boom. About 20 repetitive booms.

It sounded like cannon fire. Then my friend came put with the other dog. Witness two: flashes of light behind the clouds, lighting up the sky multiple flashes seconds apart different areas of the sky and no streaks and no rain after hand to explain it streched probably across half of the sky and stopped in matter of a few min with no evidence in sky of anything clouds gone no planes not one thing in the sky where we see it.

Witness one: It lit up the whole sky in a square diagonally shoting lite sporadically. Then it like sucked itself up & disappeaerd. No evidence it was even there.

Crazy if there was ever a doubt it is definitely gone. I've searched all over for hours. Nothing like this ever reportded.

They manipulate the weather to cloak themselves. Thats how we r learning to do it. What is going on? Please explain what we just saw!-!!!.

08/11/18 11:30 PM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 5 minutes


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

Rainbow of colors disrupts the Utah night sky. A friend & I were on our way home driving on I-215 in Midvale, UT. Our conversation was disrupted & for 3-4 seconds the sky over the Eastern Mountains of Utah, near Salt Lake City, went from being typical black/dark, to green, red, blue, pink,.

honestly every color imaginable, then back to dark, as if nothing happened. No actual craft was witnessed, but the display of colors in the night sky was clearly not natural.

01/11/17 11:45 PM

UFO Shape: flash

Lasted: 3-4 seconds


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

5-6 blue transperent lights membrane or wing coneccting them all moved very quickly from ground up outside kitchen window Walked upstairs looked out my kitchen window and saw 5-6 small deep blue lights with a lighter transparent blue wing or membrane attaching them all together right outside the window it came from the ground up and very quickly flashed in front of the window. No sound or anything definitely not a reflection from any electronics or car lights I'm shocked from seeing this I have no idea what it could be I have never seen anything like it.

07/21/15 1:27 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 2-3 seconds


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

multiple craft flying around in sporadic and synced path following chem trail Approx Around 13:45 to 14:09 mountain time, I was washing my son in bath, I had stood up to get bath soap from the window and just happened to look out the window. I noticed a chem trail being sprayed by plane and noticed below the trail shiny things in the air. So the plane had traveled and they were slowly following the path of the chem trail, but they would almost stop and fly around and around then move towards the plane or almost trying to catch up to it but taking their time.

I know they were NOT birds because when they would change direction and altitude the different angles would hit the sun, causing them to reflect light or what light you'd expect from the sun, like a mirror. So they seemed to be metal.actual material unknown.

I had gotten excited so I ran downstairs and pointed it to my wife, 4 confirmed if she can or did see them and she said yes, I do see them. There were about 9-16 or so, definitely more then ten (10), they all would fly around in circles following the east/southward path. They were hard to follow when going from upstairs to downstairs and back up again since that far away they'd blend in with the sky.

I don't know exact altitude I'd guess 2 or 3 k feet up….

07/13/14 1:45 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 10 minutes


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

At 20:00 hrs (8:00 mst just to be sure on time accuracy), I was told by wife to go get gas in her vehicle. I came upon the stop sign coming out of our area, I noticed lights, I'm always looking up I've seen cool things so I'm always looking up. I only noticed it because there is construction going on across from the stop sign, but they have massive lights there, it reflected from the bottom of the craft.

Once out of reflective range I still saw it and followed it with my eyes. It is so hard to explain, it was going so slow but it was going fast at the same time. It had to be less than 1.

5 - 2.5 k feet up. It was absolutely super quiet.

I didn't see heat source, I didn't hear mechanical movements or propellers. It was my first, I yelled, I see you! I NEVER saw night or "flight" lights, it just blended into the sky, I hope I've explained it well enough for others to understand, I am a sober mined late 30's man whom knows the difference from commercia! l planes. Unless , as my mind must be open minded to a possibility it could be a drone, but I say NO, it just was so quiet, and I know this again I had my head out the window when it all happened, I was spitting out the window.

01/27/14 8:15 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 5 plus sec


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

Darkened Oval with 8 to 9 red, orange and yellow beams moving and hovering in the sky. On Thursday, March 14, 2013 about 8:25 p.m.

I went outside to take the dog out. I had my two year old Grandson in my arms. We were walking around the yard in the night air.

I looked up into the sky over my Sister’s yard next door and saw and oval shape in the sky that was darker than the night sky. There were 8 or 9 cone shaped beams coming from this oval. The type if shape you would put around a sun if you were drawing one.

Similar to this 0>. They were a variegated red, orange and golden yellow. Red being closest to the oval then the orange and then turning to yellow.

The beams did not protrude from what seemed to be the front of the object. The object or craft hovered for perhaps one to two minutes. It had to be only a few blocks East of where I was standing.

Then slowly moved positions, heading North, stopped, hovered again then slowly moved forward North again. Momentarily I could not see it behind my Sister’s house. I walked to the front yard, laughed because here I was following it with my Grandson in my arms.

Watched it hover again for about the same period of time. My neighbor came out to bring her trash can to the curb and started talking to me. I promptly brought he attention to the object in the sky.

She said, "How strange. Well there is supposed to be a comet tonight." I then said, "That is not a comet, a comet does not hover!" The comet then moved North again.

Stopped hovered shot something out of it. What looked like it fired something out of it. That was golden yellow and went for perhaps a few miles and dissipated.

Then it took off speeding North East.

03/14/13 8:25 PM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: 10 minutes


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

Fiery yellow-orange ball in clear sky, hanging at 8:00 to Jupiter; it floated and drifted , then flamed out, but sphere remained I am a 64 Yo Master’s level Professional Woman, socially responsible and not considered a kook of any kind. Although this was on New Year’s Eve night, I had nothing to drink or substance of any kind. I was at my significant other’s house for the evening and decided to go home about 1:25 AM.

I traveled about 3 mis north, then turned west on to 74 St South. Immediately, as soon as I was facing due west I saw a very bright orange light directly in front of me. It was moving very slowly in an erratic pattern appearing to move north, then drift in an easy turn to the east (toward me), then to the south, then straight up, almost straight above.

I would say it was about a 1200 feet up and almost a mile or so away when I first saw it. I was so amazed and so entranced with the phenomenon, I called my friend to tell her to go outside, she did not answer. I called her several more times hoping she was would see it, too.

I could not continue to drive and watch, so I pulled over to stare with curiosity and a bit of trepidation. When I first saw it, I thought it was a helicopter, but within seconds realized it was too big, too bright and moving to erratic for a helicopter. After I parked I knew immediately it was not a helicopter or plane.

At that same second the intensity of the color got brighter and more yellow-orange. It was sitting in the sky at about 8:00 to Jupiter, just kind of hanging around, like it was a fiery balloon floating in the wind. It was not so large that it could have been easily covered in the sky by my thumb.

As it started to climb straight up, the fire of it flickered more intensely, but the flame itself started to die out and soon it was extinguished. However, the “object” was still visible: it was not round, but I could see it was spherical. It did not emit much light, but yet, I could see that it was there, lighter gray than the sky and still doing the same lazy floating pattern of drifting.

I decided I needed to get out of the street where I was stopped and go home to watch it from my back yard, which was only about 5 mins away. I lost the object then. It was gone by the time I got home.

There were more clouds, then, as if they just appeared out of nowhere; where it had been was not clear any longer. Jupiter was there as was some duller stars, but no object. The object was very consistent with a fiery ball, although it did not sent out sparks or trail any flames or vapors, it was like watching a flame wax and wane, change color and intensity, get brighter, then snuff out.

By the time I got home, I was so alert and hyper-vigilant that I am not sure I will be able to sleep for several hours yet.

01/01/13 1:35 AM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 8 minutes


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

Strange objects in the night sky over Midvale (Salt Lake City), Utah August 17th, 2006 -- a few minutes after 22:00 MST This was at night, no moon, slightly hazy but the stars could be seen pretty well. I was sitting outside of my house in Midvale (Salt Lake City) Utah having a cigarette. After casually gazing at the southern sky for a few minutes I started noticing objects appearing from the east.

My first impression was that it was a flock of white birds, illuminated by the city lights, flying to the west. But then they formed into a perfect triangle, changed course slightly, and traveled west then disappeared into the sky. Frankly, I thought I was just seeing things or they were in fact a flock of birds.

Another wave of these white objects then appeared, formed into 3 triangles, then headed to the west. At this point, I was convinced I was seeing UFOs. I am 30 years old and have never dreamed that I would witness something so strange in the night sky.

Then I started seeing other types of objects. They were very big objects that looked liked grey clouds, but they all had sharp edges and were with the same exact shape, these flew side by side and headed of towards the western sky. They started coming wave after wave, mostly the white objects that were sometimes accompanied by the much larger grey objects.

At this point I was getting quite scared and simply could not believe what I was seeing. Then I saw a group of red orbs that formed into a cluster ball, this was surrounded by some kind of light that resembled a corona or aura. This headed in a slightly different direction but still slowly to the west.

When it traveled, it passed behind my neighbors house, then reappeared on the other side then faded after it traveled for a bit. I was already stunned by witnessing the previous objects, but this one just blew me away. After that happened there was nothing in the sky for a few minutes, then the waves of the white and grey objects passed close overhead.

This went stop and go and the entire experience lasted around 40 minutes. During the time I was on the phone with my girlfriend and brother describing what I was seeing and was astounded to say the least. I have always been a skeptic.

I don't believe in ghosts, voodoo, psychics and such things. I have always had doubts about UFOs, but I always believed they could be possible. I never thought that in my life I would see something like this and hopefully I will always remember.

This could not have been anything man made. The way the objects were moving in the sky almost looked like they were alive. They were completely silent as they grouped up in formation and flew towards the west.

It is hard to say how far the objects were considering that I have no idea what they were. All of the objects were kind of faint, but you could still make them out because of their movement. One of the white object clusters blinked several times then disappeared.

I sincerely hope somebody confirms this event, it was awesome and I would like to compare sightings. I called FOX news to see if anyone else reported, but they said no. I made this call at 23:15 MST.

08/17/06 10:05 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 40 minutes


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

Man witnesses multi-colored obj. moving relative to nearby stars. Appeared to have two smaller objects on each side of it.

09/13/95 4:25 AM

UFO Shape:



Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

In Midvale, Utah in the early morning I woke up to leave a sleep over with my friend. We were waiting on the steps of another friends house and I pointed at a star. The reason I noticed the star was that it was a really bright star and I had not noticed it before.

Seconds after I had pointed at the star it had turned into a saucer shaped object. It took me a second to take in the infomation I had just seen. It was a small flying object with lots of little colorful lights.

Within seconds fire was shooting out of the bottom of the saucer propelling it upward. I had seen a lot of UFO television shows and I ran like hell for the house because of fear. That was the last I had seen of the object.

My friend remained to watch it, but I cannot recall what he said. I have seen or heard nothing of it since. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate.


01/14/94 7:10 AM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 1 min


Midvale, UT

Full Report Text:

Boomerang shaped set of lights over Midvale Utah. I’m guesing at the date and time as I was a young boy and that was quite a while ago. This must have been between June and August as I visited there on summer vacation from school.

I believe I was around ten years old. I was sleeping out in the back yard at a friends house. We were laying with our heads to the East and feet to the West.

The closest East running street is what used to be called Greenwood ave. (7800 So.?) I remember being almost asleep and looking directly above and slightly to the South and I saw a boomarang shaped set of lights aproximately 500-1000 feet up.

The object was moving in a straight line from East to West and made no sound that I remember. I could not see an outline of the craft only the lights. The lights were smooth edged, round, and evenly spaced.

They were off white or pale yellow, the closest color I can compare it to is a halogen street light. I remember there being one light at the corner (point) of the angle in front and maybe three trailing the center light on each side at approximately a 45 degree angle like a carpenters square or boomerang. I remember pointing it out to my friend.

As I stated before, I was almost asleep and must have fallen asleep after it passed out of sight.

06/01/76 1:00 AM

UFO Shape: chevron

Lasted: 15-30 seconds


Midvale, Utah UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Disk 3 reported sightings 17.65% of all reports
Other 3 reported sightings 17.65% of all reports
Light 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Oval 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
Flash 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
Formation 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
Triangle 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
Unknown 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
Circle 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
Chevron 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
Fireball 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports

Midvale, Utah UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
January 4 reported sightings 23.53% of all reports
July 4 reported sightings 23.53% of all reports
August 3 reported sightings 17.65% of all reports
June 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
October 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
November 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
March 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
September 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports

Midvale, Utah UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Saturday 4 reported sightings 23.53% of all reports
Tuesday 3 reported sightings 17.65% of all reports
Wednesday 3 reported sightings 17.65% of all reports
Thursday 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Sunday 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Monday 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Friday 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports

Midvale, Utah UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
10/09/23 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
01/01/13 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
11/11/23 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
03/14/13 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
01/27/14 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports

Midvale, Utah UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 6 reported sightings 35.29% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 4 reported sightings 23.53% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 4 reported sightings 23.53% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 2 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 1 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Midvale, Utah

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Midvale, Utah.

All Utah Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Utah

City Number of Reports View Reports
Salt Lake City 255 UFO Reports Salt Lake City, Utah UFO Sightings
Saint George 69 UFO Reports Saint George, Utah UFO Sightings
Ogden 57 UFO Reports Ogden, Utah UFO Sightings
Sandy 52 UFO Reports Sandy, Utah UFO Sightings
Orem 49 UFO Reports Orem, Utah UFO Sightings
Provo 42 UFO Reports Provo, Utah UFO Sightings
West Jordan 31 UFO Reports West Jordan, Utah UFO Sightings
Layton 29 UFO Reports Layton, Utah UFO Sightings
West Valley City 27 UFO Reports West Valley City, Utah UFO Sightings
Cedar City 26 UFO Reports Cedar City, Utah UFO Sightings
Tooele 24 UFO Reports Tooele, Utah UFO Sightings
Moab 22 UFO Reports Moab, Utah UFO Sightings
Vernal 20 UFO Reports Vernal, Utah UFO Sightings
Lehi 20 UFO Reports Lehi, Utah UFO Sightings
Park City 19 UFO Reports Park City, Utah UFO Sightings
Magna 18 UFO Reports Magna, Utah UFO Sightings
Midvale 17 UFO Reports Midvale, Utah UFO Sightings
Draper 15 UFO Reports Draper, Utah UFO Sightings
Kearns 15 UFO Reports Kearns, Utah UFO Sightings
Logan 15 UFO Reports Logan, Utah UFO Sightings
Clearfield 14 UFO Reports Clearfield, Utah UFO Sightings
Murray 14 UFO Reports Murray, Utah UFO Sightings
Bountiful 14 UFO Reports Bountiful, Utah UFO Sightings
Taylorsville 14 UFO Reports Taylorsville, Utah UFO Sightings
Riverton 13 UFO Reports Riverton, Utah UFO Sightings
South Jordan 13 UFO Reports South Jordan, Utah UFO Sightings
Hurricane 12 UFO Reports Hurricane, Utah UFO Sightings
West Valley 12 UFO Reports West Valley, Utah UFO Sightings
Roy 12 UFO Reports Roy, Utah UFO Sightings
Wendover 11 UFO Reports Wendover, Utah UFO Sightings
American Fork 11 UFO Reports American Fork, Utah UFO Sightings
Eagle Mountain 11 UFO Reports Eagle Mountain, Utah UFO Sightings
Riverdale 10 UFO Reports Riverdale, Utah UFO Sightings
Holladay 10 UFO Reports Holladay, Utah UFO Sightings
Farmington 9 UFO Reports Farmington, Utah UFO Sightings
Kaysville 9 UFO Reports Kaysville, Utah UFO Sightings
Green River 9 UFO Reports Green River, Utah UFO Sightings
Utah 8 UFO Reports Utah, Utah UFO Sightings
Richfield 8 UFO Reports Richfield, Utah UFO Sightings
Alpine 8 UFO Reports Alpine, Utah UFO Sightings
Spanish Fork 8 UFO Reports Spanish Fork, Utah UFO Sightings
North Ogden 8 UFO Reports North Ogden, Utah UFO Sightings
Price 8 UFO Reports Price, Utah UFO Sightings
Brigham City 8 UFO Reports Brigham City, Utah UFO Sightings
Salem 7 UFO Reports Salem, Utah UFO Sightings
Heber City 7 UFO Reports Heber City, Utah UFO Sightings
Kanab 7 UFO Reports Kanab, Utah UFO Sightings
Monument Valley 7 UFO Reports Monument Valley, Utah UFO Sightings
North Salt Lake 7 UFO Reports North Salt Lake, Utah UFO Sightings
Delta 6 UFO Reports Delta, Utah UFO Sightings
Clinton 6 UFO Reports Clinton, Utah UFO Sightings
Salt Lake 6 UFO Reports Salt Lake, Utah UFO Sightings
Millcreek 6 UFO Reports Millcreek, Utah UFO Sightings
Herriman 6 UFO Reports Herriman, Utah UFO Sightings
Cottonwood Heights 6 UFO Reports Cottonwood Heights, Utah UFO Sightings
Lindon 6 UFO Reports Lindon, Utah UFO Sightings
Payson 6 UFO Reports Payson, Utah UFO Sightings
Saratoga Springs 5 UFO Reports Saratoga Springs, Utah UFO Sightings
Monticello 5 UFO Reports Monticello, Utah UFO Sightings
Syracuse 5 UFO Reports Syracuse, Utah UFO Sightings
Highland 5 UFO Reports Highland, Utah UFO Sightings
Springdale 5 UFO Reports Springdale, Utah UFO Sightings
Springville 5 UFO Reports Springville, Utah UFO Sightings
Washington 5 UFO Reports Washington, Utah UFO Sightings
Garden City 5 UFO Reports Garden City, Utah UFO Sightings
Arches National Park 4 UFO Reports Arches National Park, Utah UFO Sightings
Heber 4 UFO Reports Heber, Utah UFO Sightings
Lake Powell 4 UFO Reports Lake Powell, Utah UFO Sightings
Nephi 4 UFO Reports Nephi, Utah UFO Sightings
Beaver 4 UFO Reports Beaver, Utah UFO Sightings
Pleasant Grove 4 UFO Reports Pleasant Grove, Utah UFO Sightings
Enterprise 4 UFO Reports Enterprise, Utah UFO Sightings
Centerville 4 UFO Reports Centerville, Utah UFO Sightings
Roosevelt 4 UFO Reports Roosevelt, Utah UFO Sightings
Fruitland 4 UFO Reports Fruitland, Utah UFO Sightings
Santa Clara 4 UFO Reports Santa Clara, Utah UFO Sightings
South Ogden 4 UFO Reports South Ogden, Utah UFO Sightings
Monroe 3 UFO Reports Monroe, Utah UFO Sightings
Perry 3 UFO Reports Perry, Utah UFO Sightings
Salina 3 UFO Reports Salina, Utah UFO Sightings
Deweyville 3 UFO Reports Deweyville, Utah UFO Sightings
Clive 3 UFO Reports Clive, Utah UFO Sightings
Milford 3 UFO Reports Milford, Utah UFO Sightings
Helper 3 UFO Reports Helper, Utah UFO Sightings
Bluffdale 3 UFO Reports Bluffdale, Utah UFO Sightings
Bonneville Salt Flats 3 UFO Reports Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah UFO Sightings
Zion National Park 3 UFO Reports Zion National Park, Utah UFO Sightings
Crescent Junction 3 UFO Reports Crescent Junction, Utah UFO Sightings
Eureka 3 UFO Reports Eureka, Utah UFO Sightings
Ivins 3 UFO Reports Ivins, Utah UFO Sightings
Windover 2 UFO Reports Windover, Utah UFO Sightings
Oakley 2 UFO Reports Oakley, Utah UFO Sightings
Delle 2 UFO Reports Delle, Utah UFO Sightings
Cleveland 2 UFO Reports Cleveland, Utah UFO Sightings
Mapleton 2 UFO Reports Mapleton, Utah UFO Sightings
Huntington 2 UFO Reports Huntington, Utah UFO Sightings
Kamas 2 UFO Reports Kamas, Utah UFO Sightings
Utah Valley 2 UFO Reports Utah Valley, Utah UFO Sightings
New Harmony 2 UFO Reports New Harmony, Utah UFO Sightings
Sunset 2 UFO Reports Sunset, Utah UFO Sightings
Leeds 2 UFO Reports Leeds, Utah UFO Sightings
Panguitch 2 UFO Reports Panguitch, Utah UFO Sightings
Plain City 2 UFO Reports Plain City, Utah UFO Sightings
Eden 2 UFO Reports Eden, Utah UFO Sightings
West Point 2 UFO Reports West Point, Utah UFO Sightings
Spanish Fork Canyon 2 UFO Reports Spanish Fork Canyon, Utah UFO Sightings
Woods Cross 2 UFO Reports Woods Cross, Utah UFO Sightings
Cedar Hills 2 UFO Reports Cedar Hills, Utah UFO Sightings
Levan 2 UFO Reports Levan, Utah UFO Sightings
Grantsville 2 UFO Reports Grantsville, Utah UFO Sightings
Duchesne 2 UFO Reports Duchesne, Utah UFO Sightings
Pleasant view 2 UFO Reports Pleasant view, Utah UFO Sightings
Torrey 2 UFO Reports Torrey, Utah UFO Sightings
Hyrum 2 UFO Reports Hyrum, Utah UFO Sightings
Virgin 2 UFO Reports Virgin, Utah UFO Sightings
Tremonton 2 UFO Reports Tremonton, Utah UFO Sightings
Hanksville 2 UFO Reports Hanksville, Utah UFO Sightings
Teasdale 2 UFO Reports Teasdale, Utah UFO Sightings
Duck Creek Village 2 UFO Reports Duck Creek Village, Utah UFO Sightings
Navajo Lake 2 UFO Reports Navajo Lake, Utah UFO Sightings
Escalante 2 UFO Reports Escalante, Utah UFO Sightings
Dammeron Valley 2 UFO Reports Dammeron Valley, Utah UFO Sightings
Dugway 2 UFO Reports Dugway, Utah UFO Sightings
La Verkin 2 UFO Reports La Verkin, Utah UFO Sightings
Santaquin 2 UFO Reports Santaquin, Utah UFO Sightings
Thompson Springs 2 UFO Reports Thompson Springs, Utah UFO Sightings
Wellsville 1 UFO Reports Wellsville, Utah UFO Sightings
Near Virgin 1 UFO Reports Near Virgin, Utah UFO Sightings
South Salt Lake 1 UFO Reports South Salt Lake, Utah UFO Sightings
Honeyville 1 UFO Reports Honeyville, Utah UFO Sightings
Uintah Wilderness 1 UFO Reports Uintah Wilderness, Utah UFO Sightings
Fairview 1 UFO Reports Fairview, Utah UFO Sightings
Manhattan 1 UFO Reports Manhattan, Utah UFO Sightings
Garland 1 UFO Reports Garland, Utah UFO Sightings
Stansbury Park 1 UFO Reports Stansbury Park, Utah UFO Sightings
Jensen 1 UFO Reports Jensen, Utah UFO Sightings
Canyonlands NP 1 UFO Reports Canyonlands NP, Utah UFO Sightings
East Carbon 1 UFO Reports East Carbon, Utah UFO Sightings
Neola 1 UFO Reports Neola, Utah UFO Sightings
South Weber 1 UFO Reports South Weber, Utah UFO Sightings
Horseshoe Springs 1 UFO Reports Horseshoe Springs, Utah UFO Sightings
Rexburg 1 UFO Reports Rexburg, Utah UFO Sightings
Bear Lake 1 UFO Reports Bear Lake, Utah UFO Sightings
Glendale 1 UFO Reports Glendale, Utah UFO Sightings
Winnemucca 1 UFO Reports Winnemucca, Utah UFO Sightings
Sugar House 1 UFO Reports Sugar House, Utah UFO Sightings
Joseph 1 UFO Reports Joseph, Utah UFO Sightings
Monte Crist 1 UFO Reports Monte Crist, Utah UFO Sightings
Scipio 1 UFO Reports Scipio, Utah UFO Sightings
Capitol Reef 1 UFO Reports Capitol Reef, Utah UFO Sightings
Petes Hole 1 UFO Reports Petes Hole, Utah UFO Sightings
Tooele City 1 UFO Reports Tooele City, Utah UFO Sightings
Eastern border 1 UFO Reports Eastern border, Utah UFO Sightings
Farr West 1 UFO Reports Farr West, Utah UFO Sightings
West Bountiful 1 UFO Reports West Bountiful, Utah UFO Sightings
South Willow Canyon 1 UFO Reports South Willow Canyon, Utah UFO Sightings
Salt Flats 1 UFO Reports Salt Flats, Utah UFO Sightings
Glenwood 1 UFO Reports Glenwood, Utah UFO Sightings
Wolf Creek 1 UFO Reports Wolf Creek, Utah UFO Sightings
Ophir Mountain 1 UFO Reports Ophir Mountain, Utah UFO Sightings
Sundance Resort 1 UFO Reports Sundance Resort, Utah UFO Sightings
Scofield Reservoir 1 UFO Reports Scofield Reservoir, Utah UFO Sightings
Cedar 1 UFO Reports Cedar, Utah UFO Sightings
Heber City Canyon 1 UFO Reports Heber City Canyon, Utah UFO Sightings
Pine Valley 1 UFO Reports Pine Valley, Utah UFO Sightings
Tooele Utah 1 UFO Reports Tooele Utah, Utah UFO Sightings
Eastland 1 UFO Reports Eastland, Utah UFO Sightings
Layton to Farmington 1 UFO Reports Layton to Farmington, Utah UFO Sightings
Richmond 1 UFO Reports Richmond, Utah UFO Sightings
Ferron 1 UFO Reports Ferron, Utah UFO Sightings
West Haven 1 UFO Reports West Haven, Utah UFO Sightings
Southern Utah 1 UFO Reports Southern Utah, Utah UFO Sightings
Huntsville 1 UFO Reports Huntsville, Utah UFO Sightings
Bluff 1 UFO Reports Bluff, Utah UFO Sightings
Goodyear 1 UFO Reports Goodyear, Utah UFO Sightings
Wood Cross 1 UFO Reports Wood Cross, Utah UFO Sightings
Dockstader Park 1 UFO Reports Dockstader Park, Utah UFO Sightings
Venral 1 UFO Reports Venral, Utah UFO Sightings
See below 1 UFO Reports See below, Utah UFO Sightings
Cedar Breaks 1 UFO Reports Cedar Breaks, Utah UFO Sightings
Pine Valley Mountains 1 UFO Reports Pine Valley Mountains, Utah UFO Sightings
Tooele Valley 1 UFO Reports Tooele Valley, Utah UFO Sightings
Echo canyon 1 UFO Reports Echo canyon, Utah UFO Sightings
River Heights 1 UFO Reports River Heights, Utah UFO Sightings
Alta 1 UFO Reports Alta, Utah UFO Sightings
Fielding 1 UFO Reports Fielding, Utah UFO Sightings
Nibley 1 UFO Reports Nibley, Utah UFO Sightings
College 1 UFO Reports College, Utah UFO Sightings
Goshen 1 UFO Reports Goshen, Utah UFO Sightings
Woodruff 1 UFO Reports Woodruff, Utah UFO Sightings
Morgan 1 UFO Reports Morgan, Utah UFO Sightings
Sipio 1 UFO Reports Sipio, Utah UFO Sightings
Topaz Mountain 1 UFO Reports Topaz Mountain, Utah UFO Sightings
Altamont 1 UFO Reports Altamont, Utah UFO Sightings
Filmore 1 UFO Reports Filmore, Utah UFO Sightings
None 1 UFO Reports None, Utah UFO Sightings
Corinne 1 UFO Reports Corinne, Utah UFO Sightings
Hyde Park 1 UFO Reports Hyde Park, Utah UFO Sightings
Mindon 1 UFO Reports Mindon, Utah UFO Sightings
Salt Lake Valley 1 UFO Reports Salt Lake Valley, Utah UFO Sightings
Grand County 1 UFO Reports Grand County, Utah UFO Sightings
Paradise 1 UFO Reports Paradise, Utah UFO Sightings
Tabiona 1 UFO Reports Tabiona, Utah UFO Sightings
Duchenne 1 UFO Reports Duchenne, Utah UFO Sightings
Vero Beach 1 UFO Reports Vero Beach, Utah UFO Sightings
Mount Pleasant 1 UFO Reports Mount Pleasant, Utah UFO Sightings
Skyline Drive 1 UFO Reports Skyline Drive, Utah UFO Sightings
Toquerville 1 UFO Reports Toquerville, Utah UFO Sightings
Elmo 1 UFO Reports Elmo, Utah UFO Sightings
Riverdale City 1 UFO Reports Riverdale City, Utah UFO Sightings
Fort Duchesne 1 UFO Reports Fort Duchesne, Utah UFO Sightings
North Logan 1 UFO Reports North Logan, Utah UFO Sightings
Spanish Valley 1 UFO Reports Spanish Valley, Utah UFO Sightings
Hyrem 1 UFO Reports Hyrem, Utah UFO Sightings
Minot 1 UFO Reports Minot, Utah UFO Sightings
San Rafael Swell 1 UFO Reports San Rafael Swell, Utah UFO Sightings
Boulder 1 UFO Reports Boulder, Utah UFO Sightings
Zion 1 UFO Reports Zion, Utah UFO Sightings
Taken from plane 1 UFO Reports Taken from plane, Utah UFO Sightings
Kimball Junction 1 UFO Reports Kimball Junction, Utah UFO Sightings
Vineyard 1 UFO Reports Vineyard, Utah UFO Sightings
Smithfield 1 UFO Reports Smithfield, Utah UFO Sightings
Cedar Valley 1 UFO Reports Cedar Valley, Utah UFO Sightings
Hildale 1 UFO Reports Hildale, Utah UFO Sightings
Liberty 1 UFO Reports Liberty, Utah UFO Sightings
American Utah 1 UFO Reports American Utah, Utah UFO Sightings
Fort Duschene 1 UFO Reports Fort Duschene, Utah UFO Sightings
North of Salt Lake City, South of Hill AFB 1 UFO Reports North of Salt Lake City, South of Hill AFB, Utah UFO Sightings
Coyote Gulch 1 UFO Reports Coyote Gulch, Utah UFO Sightings
Mirror Lake area 1 UFO Reports Mirror Lake area, Utah UFO Sightings
Park Valley 1 UFO Reports Park Valley, Utah UFO Sightings
Duck Creek 1 UFO Reports Duck Creek, Utah UFO Sightings
Knolls 1 UFO Reports Knolls, Utah UFO Sightings
My Pleasant 1 UFO Reports My Pleasant, Utah UFO Sightings
Hill AFB 1 UFO Reports Hill AFB, Utah UFO Sightings
Plymouth 1 UFO Reports Plymouth, Utah UFO Sightings
Erda 1 UFO Reports Erda, Utah UFO Sightings
Antelope Island 1 UFO Reports Antelope Island, Utah UFO Sightings
Fredonia 1 UFO Reports Fredonia, Utah UFO Sightings
White City 1 UFO Reports White City, Utah UFO Sightings
Idaho 1 UFO Reports Idaho, Utah UFO Sightings
Sandy City 1 UFO Reports Sandy City, Utah UFO Sightings
Brian Head 1 UFO Reports Brian Head, Utah UFO Sightings
Parowan 1 UFO Reports Parowan, Utah UFO Sightings
La Sal 1 UFO Reports La Sal, Utah UFO Sightings
Wanship 1 UFO Reports Wanship, Utah UFO Sightings
South Jordon 1 UFO Reports South Jordon, Utah UFO Sightings
Circleville 1 UFO Reports Circleville, Utah UFO Sightings
Holden 1 UFO Reports Holden, Utah UFO Sightings
Uinta Mountian Range 1 UFO Reports Uinta Mountian Range, Utah UFO Sightings
Lyman 1 UFO Reports Lyman, Utah UFO Sightings
Apple Valley 1 UFO Reports Apple Valley, Utah UFO Sightings
Willard 1 UFO Reports Willard, Utah UFO Sightings
St George 1 UFO Reports St George, Utah UFO Sightings
Ivans 1 UFO Reports Ivans, Utah UFO Sightings
Moki Dugway 1 UFO Reports Moki Dugway, Utah UFO Sightings
Hanna 1 UFO Reports Hanna, Utah UFO Sightings
Thompson 1 UFO Reports Thompson, Utah UFO Sightings
Navajo Mountain 1 UFO Reports Navajo Mountain, Utah UFO Sightings
Cisco 1 UFO Reports Cisco, Utah UFO Sightings
Providence 1 UFO Reports Providence, Utah UFO Sightings
Uintah 1 UFO Reports Uintah, Utah UFO Sightings
Aragonite 1 UFO Reports Aragonite, Utah UFO Sightings
Willard Bay 1 UFO Reports Willard Bay, Utah UFO Sightings
NSL 1 UFO Reports NSL, Utah UFO Sightings
Stansbury area 1 UFO Reports Stansbury area, Utah UFO Sightings
Deer Mountain 1 UFO Reports Deer Mountain, Utah UFO Sightings
Mona 1 UFO Reports Mona, Utah UFO Sightings
Canyonlands National Park 1 UFO Reports Canyonlands National Park, Utah UFO Sightings
Harrisville 1 UFO Reports Harrisville, Utah UFO Sightings
Peoa 1 UFO Reports Peoa, Utah UFO Sightings
Lake Point 1 UFO Reports Lake Point, Utah UFO Sightings