Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Westerly, Rhode Island

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Westerly, Rhode Island.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Westerly, Rhode Island?

  • There have been 15 officially reported UFO sightings in Westerly from 2002 to 2023.
  • Westerly ranks #12 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Rhode Island.

Other Rhode Island Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Warwick, RI 50 UFO Reports
2 Providence, RI 49 UFO Reports
3 Cranston, RI 38 UFO Reports
4 South Kingstown, RI 33 UFO Reports
5 Woonsocket, RI 29 UFO Reports

Westerly, Rhode Island UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 15 UFO sighting reports in Westerly, Rhode Island to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Westerly, Rhode Island

These Westerly, Rhode Island UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

While star gazing, a shooting disk came flashing by. Definitely wasn’t a star though. Flashing light, disk shape fly by.

06/18/23 10:58 PM

UFO Shape: flash

Lasted: 4 seconds


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

We were sitting in the back yard by the fire pit talking. It was a clear night sky. After about an hour, I happened to look up and saw a craft.

It had lights, but they weren't flashing. It moved at relatively slow pace. Well this was going on, a friend came out of the house from using the bathroom.

I pointing to him the craft. I asked if he noticed any lights blinking or flashing. He didn't.

Then, the craft just disappeared. Vanished. About 2 minutes later and airplane with red flashing lights flew by.

07/10/21 10:15 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 12 seconds


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

Star Shaped Fast-Flying Object. I woke up really early in the morning and looked out of my window and saw what I thought was a star and I was staring at it when suddenly just zoomed off.

08/29/20 3:00 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 10 seconds


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

I saw a weird star-like thing and another weird thing with rainbow-lights and I think the aliens know me. I was sitting in my living room and I looked out my window and saw a cross-looking UFO with rainbow lights and the craft itself was black and small at least from my distance. I saw it again a block away and have only seen it at night.

I believe that the possible aliens that are inside that thing know who I am because about four months ago I took a vacation to Florida and saw it again in the air at night each sighting looked the same. And just 3 or 4 weeks ago I was sitting in my chair outside at dawn and when it turned dark I saw something moving in the sky and it looked exactly like a star and wasn’t a plane which is what I thought it was at first but this one had the same lights as a star and was identical to a star but didn’t have rainbow lights. The first UFO that I had mentioned might have been a drone but I don’t think so since it followed me to Florida and also to a block away from my house.

I just looked at the pic/vid of mine that I remember catching it on camera in and right where it was was nothing it was like the aliens erased themselves from the photo/pic I think the aliens know me.

06/11/20 11:00 PM

UFO Shape: cross

Lasted: 4 seconds


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

Fast light being followed by helicopter, darting all over the place. Saw an incredibly bright light moving fast and all over the place with a helicopter following its every move. Sitting near Watch Hill this thing started coming toward us, with the heli following, and then completely darted into the other direction faster than any craft I've seen.

Clearly the helicopter was following it. They were not search helicopters, and only one was a familiar looking light/aircraft. Clearly officials noticed it too.

I sure doubt we'll every hear anything about it, but it was bizarre as can be.

04/16/20 8:55 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 7 minutes


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

Loud Boom!!!!!! Shook my bed, house -woke me up out of sleep.

02/10/18 3:43 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 2-3 seconds


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

Hundreds of thousands of tiny white, shimmery dots converging into clusters and going up into the sky. Lasted about 10 minutes. I have never seen this in my area before.

Definitely not chinese lanterns or insects.

09/11/15 6:30 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 10 minutes


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

From my living room I was awakened and compelled to look out my window, that's when I saw a large round bright light in the sky. I went to sleep on my living room couch one night back in 2015. It was around 1 AM when I shut the TV and lights off and a short time later fell asleep.

The room was dark and I could see it was a fairly dark night outside from my large living room window. I didn't have any shades or curtains on this window at the time so I had a good view of the sky outside. While asleep I involuntarily was brought to my feet, it was like someone picked me up and stood me on my feet.

My vision was completely red, as if I was wearing and looking through a red lense pair of glasses. What happened next is that I felt completely compelled to go to the window and look out into the sky. I noticed my parking lot outside my apartment was completely lit up, like it was daytime.

I looked into the sky and saw a large circular white light shining in the direction of my apartment. If I were to estimate the distance between the light and my apartment I would have to say a couple hundred yards. It was almost immediate after seeing this light that my body went into an uncontrollable fit, it was like I was having a seizure.

This lasted for approximately 10-15 seconds then it stopped and I fell to the floor. What I noticed was the shadow from the outside light on my living room floor retracted and the light disappeared completely. I went to the window and the parking lot was dark, the circular, or full moon looking source of light was gone.

I was completely besides myself and totally confused as to what I just experienced. A day or so later I was seen in our local emergency room where they conducted blood tests on me to see if I had a seizure or stroke, their answer was no. I am a former Police Officer with approx.

ten years police experience, a trained observer, who cannot explain what happened that early morning. My hopes are to get some of my questions answered about this experience and to learn if anyone has had a similar experience. One thing to add, I have never told my story to anyone.

01/01/15 3:00 AM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: Approx. 10-15 seconds


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

Dark cloud followed by 5-6 chrome egg shaped crafts My wife and I were out on are boat enjoying a wonderful afternoon and she suddenly saw a dark spot in the sky just above the horizon and when I looked at what appeared to be a dark cloud I noticed 5-6 shiny chrome egg shaped objects at a height about 50% lower than what a commercial aircraft would be flying at, I worked hands on with airplanes for 7 years, these were not planes, balloon,skydivers ex. The objects hovered perfectly still, I stopped my boat and I could not believe what I seeing, I saw one of these crafts make a maneuver in a hook type move half way around the other objects at a speed that no man made craft could of possibly do, the objects remained absolutely still for another few seconds then they all started moving very very slow and suddenly dissapeared, the dark cloud was still present but with in mins was totally faded and gone the cloud was not black but almost like a dark storm cloud,.

07/07/14 1:00 PM

UFO Shape: egg

Lasted: 30-45 seconds


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

Intense yellowish white fireball with greenish tint. Driving west on Route 1 in Westerly approaching Dunn’s Corners. Sky to the west beautiful late evening sunset with band of clouds in the distance.

Intense object the size of an M&M held at arm’s length appears about 70-degrees off the western horizon and shoots due west and disappears behind the band of clouds about 30-degrees off the western horizon. Light a very bright yellowish white with distinct green tint. Incredibly fast and visible for a second or less.

Looked like a Roman Candle, but much faster and if it was, it blinked out in an instant just as it aligned with the edge of the cloud band. Seemed to me like it was a long way off and disappeared behind the cloud band, which I would estimate to be 20 to 30 miles away. Have seen a lot of shooting stars, but this was faster, brighter and the light was very constant - no flaring or sparkling.

No tail noticed.

12/05/12 5:00 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 1/2 second


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

Four Reddish-orange fireballs-changed direction-disappeared. 1/8/12, 18:27 - Westerly, RI Looking west over the Pawcatuck River, Stonington, CT, I noticed what appeared to be three reddish-orange fireballs which were twinkling intensly. They were traveling the same course in a loose formation with the first, in my perspective, to be the lowest.

Above and to the right was the second and a little farther behind, above and to the right of the second was a third. They appeared as helicopters would, entering my view low on the horizon and about the same speed. Objects were silent.

In my experience, helicopters at that range would have been clearly audible. At this time a wittness began observing objects. We continued to watch the lights as they proceeded in an easterly direction when, one by one they turned, seemingly at the same point, to a southerly direction, traveled a short distance, grew dim, and "twinkled out", like a candle running out of fuel.

We looked back to the west, where I had first seen the fireballs, and a fourth appeared, seemingly out of a dark sky. Description of the fourth exaclyl follows the first three in appearance, speed, altitude, and course. It also "twinkled out" after changing course to the southern.

I took pictures, every one shows something, a few are very faint even with magnification. Two are Interesting, one showing swirl from camera movenemt oppisite of swirl from object. They all show the reddish-orange color.

01/08/12 5:27 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 5 min.


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

Low flying jet like sound followed by a long sighting of three color lighted object hovering. I was about to go to bed around midnight, when I heard what sounded like a low flying jet -- which prompted me to look out the front window of our apartment. when I looked up, to the right, very high in the sky, I could see lights.

I thought, oh there's the jet. as I kept watching, I noticed it really wasn't moving. just kind of hovering, and there were colored lights pulsating around it, green, red and white.

I grabbed my camera, but the pictures were coming out blurry. I got the video camera, and took some footage with that, hoping we can enhance it later on the computer. I also grabbed my camera again, and took a short video with that too.

I watched this thing just hang there in the sky, pulsating, for over 40 minutes. around 12:50AM there was cloud cover and I could no longer see whatever this was. Also, as an added twist to this story, my ten year old Son had told me, and my Husband that he kept seeing a flashing light out side.

He seen this flashing light out side the same room I seen my sighting from later that night. Our Son told us this at about 10PM just as my Husband was about to leave for work. We have reviewed the video footage, and indeed there is three different colors of light at this one point in the sky.

09/20/10 12:00 AM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 40 minutes


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

Object flying along side an airplane disappeared into the clouds, emerged 5 minutes later and flew southwest. I was looking out the window at 12:45 when I saw a plane flying in the direction from north to south at a high altitude. I then noticed a small circular object flying along side it.

The circular object slowed down to a speed much slower then the plane and disappeared behind the clouds. At this point the plane flew over head, and I went outside for a closer look. About 5 minutes passed and I then noticed the same object emerged from the clouds, stayed at the high altitude and started to fly south west at what looked like at a slow speed.

I could see the object better when it was directly over my house because it was heading closer to the sun. The object looked like it was rotating because every time it rotated there was a brief reflection. The Object stayed at a slow pace for 5 more minutes heading south west until it was no longer visible.

03/16/10 12:45 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: 10


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

black triangle over chopper and house in RI I live upstairs in a two family house in westerly RI. I was doing some light cleaning around my house and reached under the sink for dusting supplies. At this point I heard a helicopter passing very low over my house.

I knelt down in front of the window and looked up as an army type chopper was indeed in veiw, I watched for only a few second before a second object passed (east) above the helicopter. It inter my sight from a direction over my house and as crossed the path of the helicopter it switched direction (to north) and was lost behind a grouping of trees. The object as I was looking up and at an angle was an unmistakable triangle.

It appeared black in color with a flashing light at the point facing the rear. It had other lights along the bottom and sides but they were not as bright. There was no sound apart from the noise of the chopper that I could detect.

08/26/04 10:13 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 1 minute


Westerly, RI

Full Report Text:

traveling at fast speeds as high as the stars on a clear night then gone out of sight one small light about as high as the stars moving south at a high rate of speed then went out of sight, It was awesome ((NUFORC Note: Witness remains anonymous. PD)).

06/25/02 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: five minutes


Westerly, Rhode Island UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Other 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Fireball 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Light 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Triangle 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Unknown 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Egg 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Cross 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Flash 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Circle 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Westerly, Rhode Island UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
June 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
September 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
July 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
August 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
January 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
March 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
February 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
December 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
April 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Westerly, Rhode Island UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Thursday 4 reported sightings 26.67% of all reports
Saturday 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Monday 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Tuesday 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Sunday 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Wednesday 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Friday 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Westerly, Rhode Island UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
12/05/12 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
01/08/12 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
07/07/14 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
09/11/15 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
02/10/18 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Westerly, Rhode Island UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 5 reported sightings 33.33% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 4 reported sightings 26.67% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 3 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 2 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 1 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Westerly, Rhode Island

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Westerly, Rhode Island.

All Rhode Island Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Rhode Island

City Number of Reports View Reports
Warwick 50 UFO Reports Warwick, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Providence 49 UFO Reports Providence, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Cranston 38 UFO Reports Cranston, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
South Kingstown 33 UFO Reports South Kingstown, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Woonsocket 29 UFO Reports Woonsocket, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Pawtucket 27 UFO Reports Pawtucket, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Coventry 21 UFO Reports Coventry, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
North Kingstown 18 UFO Reports North Kingstown, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Newport 17 UFO Reports Newport, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
North Providence 16 UFO Reports North Providence, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Westerly 15 UFO Reports Westerly, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Johnston 15 UFO Reports Johnston, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Narragansett 15 UFO Reports Narragansett, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Cumberland 14 UFO Reports Cumberland, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
East Providence 13 UFO Reports East Providence, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
West Warwick 13 UFO Reports West Warwick, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Charlestown 12 UFO Reports Charlestown, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Wakefield 12 UFO Reports Wakefield, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Smithfield 10 UFO Reports Smithfield, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Middletown 10 UFO Reports Middletown, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Tiverton 10 UFO Reports Tiverton, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
East Greenwich 8 UFO Reports East Greenwich, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Bristol 8 UFO Reports Bristol, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Jamestown 8 UFO Reports Jamestown, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Warren 8 UFO Reports Warren, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Riverside 7 UFO Reports Riverside, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Lincoln 7 UFO Reports Lincoln, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
North Smithfield 7 UFO Reports North Smithfield, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Scituate 6 UFO Reports Scituate, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Portsmouth 6 UFO Reports Portsmouth, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Exeter 6 UFO Reports Exeter, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Rumford 5 UFO Reports Rumford, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Greenville 4 UFO Reports Greenville, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
West Greenwich 4 UFO Reports West Greenwich, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Block Island 3 UFO Reports Block Island, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Harrisville 3 UFO Reports Harrisville, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Little Compton 3 UFO Reports Little Compton, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Hope Valley 3 UFO Reports Hope Valley, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Richmond 3 UFO Reports Richmond, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Kingston 3 UFO Reports Kingston, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Barrington 2 UFO Reports Barrington, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Seekonk 2 UFO Reports Seekonk, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Hopkinton 2 UFO Reports Hopkinton, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
South Kingston 2 UFO Reports South Kingston, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Foster 2 UFO Reports Foster, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
N Providence 2 UFO Reports N Providence, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Ashaway 2 UFO Reports Ashaway, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Pascoag 1 UFO Reports Pascoag, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Kingstown 1 UFO Reports Kingstown, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Narraganssett 1 UFO Reports Narraganssett, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Pasquag 1 UFO Reports Pasquag, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Groton Long Point 1 UFO Reports Groton Long Point, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
New Shoreham 1 UFO Reports New Shoreham, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Weekapaug 1 UFO Reports Weekapaug, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Bradford 1 UFO Reports Bradford, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
East Greenwitch 1 UFO Reports East Greenwitch, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
West Greenwhich 1 UFO Reports West Greenwhich, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Portmouth 1 UFO Reports Portmouth, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Hope 1 UFO Reports Hope, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Manville 1 UFO Reports Manville, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Newport Rhode Island 1 UFO Reports Newport Rhode Island, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Mapillville 1 UFO Reports Mapillville, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Burlingame State Park 1 UFO Reports Burlingame State Park, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
North Kingston 1 UFO Reports North Kingston, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Hopkington 1 UFO Reports Hopkington, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Matunuck 1 UFO Reports Matunuck, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Burrillville 1 UFO Reports Burrillville, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
South County 1 UFO Reports South County, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Fall River 1 UFO Reports Fall River, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Providence & Cranston 1 UFO Reports Providence & Cranston, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Central Falls 1 UFO Reports Central Falls, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Forestdale 1 UFO Reports Forestdale, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Quonset Point 1 UFO Reports Quonset Point, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
N Kingston 1 UFO Reports N Kingston, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
North Scituate 1 UFO Reports North Scituate, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Worcester 1 UFO Reports Worcester, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Quonsett Pt NAS 1 UFO Reports Quonsett Pt NAS, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Galilee 1 UFO Reports Galilee, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Wordens Pond Road 1 UFO Reports Wordens Pond Road, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Rhode Island 1 UFO Reports Rhode Island, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Kansas City 1 UFO Reports Kansas City, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Ocala 1 UFO Reports Ocala, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Glocester 1 UFO Reports Glocester, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Wyoming 1 UFO Reports Wyoming, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Atlantic Ocean 1 UFO Reports Atlantic Ocean, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
Narragansette 1 UFO Reports Narragansette, Rhode Island UFO Sightings
CT 1 UFO Reports CT, Rhode Island UFO Sightings