Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Norman, Oklahoma

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Norman, Oklahoma.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Norman, Oklahoma?

  • There have been 51 officially reported UFO sightings in Norman from 1979 to 2024.
  • Norman ranks #3 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Oklahoma.

Other Oklahoma Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Tulsa, OK 187 UFO Reports
2 Oklahoma City, OK 167 UFO Reports
3 Norman, OK 51 UFO Reports
4 Edmond, OK 50 UFO Reports
5 Broken arrow, OK 45 UFO Reports

Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 51 UFO sighting reports in Norman, Oklahoma to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Norman, Oklahoma

These Norman, Oklahoma UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

SpaceX launches Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral with 23 Starlink satellites.

01/07/24 6:09 PM

UFO Shape: orb

Lasted: Three minutes


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

Bright color changing orb Walked out to Jeep at 8:08pm and somethjng so bright caught my attention and I realized it wasn’t an aircraft/drone/satellite/starlink so I rushed in to tell my wife and she ran out with her phone ok and captured it the best we could. We ruled out satellites and planes from tracking apps and have no idea what it was, but we submitted video as well.

10/03/23 8:08 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 1-2 min


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

Look like eight small lights on the bottom spinning counterclockwise The object did not move. It stayed in one position the whole time. The sun was reflecting, quite brightly off the bottom of it.

Through a pair of binoculars, I was able to see the lights rotating counter clockwise.

08/17/23 8:01 PM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: Itlasteduntilthesunset


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

Extremely fast moving blinking white light with whitish trail behind, not a plane, falling star or satellite. I was looking at the clear night moonlit sky at around 11:30 pm when I saw a bright blinking light that was moving very rapidly across the southern sky at about a 45 degree angle from the horizon. It moved clear across the entire sky in a very quick time and left a trail of white behind it for a short distance.

I see airplanes, planets, falling stars and satellite s but it was non of these things, it moved so so fast across se to Sw horizon to horizon.

11/02/22 11:23 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 minutes


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

please see above sorry I would guess at 5,000 feet Going very fast. 300+ mph Absolutly no sound Shaped like a boomerang, pretty large. 100-150 feet wide.

50 feet diameter in the middle. not sure how thick it was first one was moving due South then turned and went off to the South East. Then about a minute later a second one came straight overhead and traveling from the North due South without any change.

It was very calm not even a breeze, not a cloud in the sky. The objects had the appearance of transparancy like a cloud, white in color.

10/20/21 8:10 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 5 minutes


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

Long string of white lights. While outside my niece said “what’s that?” And pointed up. When we looked up there was a straight row of small lights.

We knew it wasn’t an ordinary air craft because none of the lights were blinking. The only way I can describe it is like a straight row of Christmas lights on a string. Some of the lights were white, some were blue, and some of them were green.

You could kind of make out a shape behind the lights that looked like a blimp shape. There were no clouds in the sky so it was strange when the object looked like it disappeared into nothing. They are saying it is a satellite on Facebook but still want to report.

10/24/20 8:00 PM

UFO Shape: cylinder

Lasted: 30 seconds


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

Bright white orb with no sound. My friend and I were outside smoking on a clear sunny Sunday evening when we noticed a bright light moving in the sky roughly 1000-2000 ft above. Very bright white orb moving steady along with no sound.

Friend mentioned he herd nothing and the the light was 3 notches of brightness below the sun. The ball of light kept moving until out of view. Could clearly see the circumference of the orb and the light was extra bright from the very center with small rays emitting outward incased by the orb.

Also, there were other air craft in the area at cursing altitude and a few private planes entering and leaving the local airport.

10/11/20 6:00 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 30 seconds



Full Report Text:

A rectangular object that was circled by an orb. It was in the afternoon that I saw this UFO. It was approximately 15’ away and 4‘ off the ground.

The rectangular object was approximately 5” high by 7” wide. See attached drawing. It was silent.

I concentrated on it for about 7 seconds then the orb (approximately 3”in size) came from about 18” above the ground and went over the top off of the stationary object then under before leaving at about a 40 degree angle. Mufon “investigated” and deemed it was a reflection off a 3” solar light that is 15’ away or an airplane going over. Disappointed to say the least.

I will take as many polygraphs as needed.

10/08/20 2:30 PM

UFO Shape: rectangle

Lasted: 8 sec.


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

Viewed a 5" by 5" UFO with an orbiter 15 ft away. Hello, October of 2020 I experienced something I have never seen reported. I was outside my home, in the backyard, around 2-3:00 pm.

I was sitting on my bench. I was looking to the left and when I looked back to the right I saw an object hovering appx. 4 feet off ground.

It was about 15 ft. away. I saw it and concentrated VERY hard at what I was seeing.

It was about 5 1/2” by 5 1/2”, it had three sections vertically.It appeared to be 3D. Cream colored.

About 5 seconds into it being there a textured white “bumpy” ball entered above it about 4”.It came in on the right and circled the square object and left at about a 40 degree angle. The entire experience lasted about 7-8 seconds.

I thought “My cell phone”!! My eyes darted to the right and when I immediately looked back it was gone. No sound whatsoever, no shadows. The really, really strange part is it felt as though I was being monitored or studied.

I had my dog out back but he was nowhere near when this happened. I went in and promptly told my husband. It took me awhile to get the courage up to contact MUFON.

They did send out an investigator and his friend.They took my info. When we went out back they found it suspicious that it really was 15ft.

Like how would I know how far 15 ft. is? They also questioned why I didn’t know where my dog was. They took all kinds of photos and measurements.

About 3 days later I got their decision on what it was. “It had to have been a reflection off of 2”x4” solar step light (15 ft.away in the daylight) or an airplane going over.

” To say I was beyond disappointed is an understatement!! I have included a drawing of what I saw. I would take as many polygraphs as needed. I swear on my life that this happened and it happened to me.

Thank you for whatever you decide to do with this. I pray that I hear something from you. Cleveland County.

10/08/20 2:28 PM

UFO Shape: rectangle

Lasted: 7 seconds


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

saw a light move slowly high into the sky, then the light when out and when it came back on again it zoomed out through the ozone. saw a light move slowly high into the sky, then the light when out and when it came back on again it zoomed out of sight and i think to space.

08/16/20 10:15 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 2 minutes


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

Bright Disappearing Light Bright round light so bright that it caught my eye as I was walking inside my house. I stared at it for about three seconds and then it disappeared, almost dissolved into nothing.

06/07/20 10:17 PM

UFO Shape: changing

Lasted: :20


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

Bright Disappearing Light Bright round light so bright that it caught my eye as I was walking inside my house. I stared at it for about three seconds and then it disappeared, almost dissolved into nothing.

06/07/20 10:17 PM

UFO Shape: changing

Lasted: :20


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

I was asleep until I was woken up with the noise of a flying object what I think is a USA I am currently 9 Years of age to this day I wish I could forget it forget it or say it was a plane😞.

11/13/19 11:00 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: O


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

a string of lights that went on for miles in the West sky, one brighter in front and two at the end. At 6:29 PM, I walked out of my workplace while on the phone, locked the door and started heading to my vehicle. I noticed in the sky a very long line of individual lights, one brighter in the front and two brighter in the back of the line.

It looked like it stretched for miles, then the lights just disappeared. The formation was to the West of me, and the lights were moving South-Southwest. On the way home I called my wife to tell her I saw a UFO, and she had seen something similar and described it to me before I told her about my experience.

11/12/19 6:29 PM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 2 minutes


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

While walking near the I-35 and Canadian River bridge in Norman, I saw a very bright object coming from the southeast. Nearly ten minutes later it passed directly over me. It was wedged shape like one of those flying wing aircrafts larger, very bright lights were on the from of the wings.

The craft had no noise section. It passed over me at a low altitude in a silent manner. As it headed north west I saw that it had a blinking red light aft on its underside and a blinking white light aft on its topside.

It moved very slowly.

05/02/18 10:45 PM

UFO Shape: chevron

Lasted: 10 minutes


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

multiple colored object hovering the east skies of norman oklahoma. object was hovering in the east skies of Oklahoma as white in color by. taking a spot light and flashing it in binary code it would report back in multiple colors but would return back to white.

it took off twice disappeared in a second, but returned minutes later in a different spot have pictures of the craft on 2 phones and a Nikon camera. hovered around for a hour and half with a snap of your finger it disappeared out of sight. cant download pictures now will email when I can.

05/31/17 4:00 AM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 3 hours


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

Bright circular light in western sky in Oklahoma multiplied into total 13 lights, then into single light and suddenly disappeared. Visible for 5 minutes. In western sky looking outside my window at about 30 degree angle from horizon, I first saw a very bright solid light intermittently through light moving clouds that was not moving.

About one minute into observation, first a smaller circular bright light shot from main larger circular bright light to immediate left at fast rate downward zigzagging sharp angles, then instantly disappear. Then almost immediately, 12 smaller circular bright lights zoomed at high rate of speed from the larger bright white circular light at same fast speed outward in straight directions equally spaced around the center light in an octagonal like shape. All lights remained same luminous and did not move for about 4 minutes.

At about 5 minutes after initial sighting, the 12 smaller lights circled around the larger light at high rate of uniform speed returned to the larger light at same precise moment. Within few seconds the now original bright larger light without moving instantly disappeared.

05/03/17 1:00 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 minutes


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

Two or three dozen white lights traveling north Two or three dozen white lights moving north. They would've passed for stars if stationary. Most were fairly close together with four or five stragglers.

The lights did not blink and there was no sound. Seemed to be very high up.

04/15/17 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 20-30 seconds


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

Yellow and green, larger teardrop shaped object above southeast Norman. Observed the object while stopping at the intersection of highway 77 and cedar lane. It seemed to have been above Highway 9 and 24th Avenue, towards the east, possibly farther north.

It was much larger than a shooting star, teardrop shaped, glowing bright yellow with green around the edges. It seemed to have appeared in the middle of the sky suddenly, then fell towards the ground. I lost sight of it behind the trees and the neighborhood.

There was just one. I always assumed that there is intelligent life outside of our solar system, but I have never witnessed a UFO.

10/27/16 10:40 PM

UFO Shape: teardrop

Lasted: 5 seconds


Norman, OK

Full Report Text:

Standing on porch when bright light low in northern sky lit up everything for approximately 1 second. I have never seen anything like it before in my life. Wondering if anyone else saw it.

Very weird. Please keep me informed. Thank you.

Ty. Email. Cherie7900@icloud.

com. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

11/07/15 10:30 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 1 second


Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Sphere 9 reported sightings 17.65% of all reports
Light 8 reported sightings 15.69% of all reports
Unknown 6 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Triangle 5 reported sightings 9.80% of all reports
Circle 3 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
Changing 3 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
Cigar 2 reported sightings 3.92% of all reports
Rectangle 2 reported sightings 3.92% of all reports
Chevron 2 reported sightings 3.92% of all reports
Other 2 reported sightings 3.92% of all reports
Formation 2 reported sightings 3.92% of all reports
Orb 1 reported sightings 1.96% of all reports
Flash 1 reported sightings 1.96% of all reports
Disk 1 reported sightings 1.96% of all reports
Oval 1 reported sightings 1.96% of all reports
Teardrop 1 reported sightings 1.96% of all reports
Cylinder 1 reported sightings 1.96% of all reports

Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
October 11 reported sightings 21.57% of all reports
November 8 reported sightings 15.69% of all reports
August 5 reported sightings 9.80% of all reports
January 5 reported sightings 9.80% of all reports
May 5 reported sightings 9.80% of all reports
September 4 reported sightings 7.84% of all reports
July 3 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
June 3 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
December 2 reported sightings 3.92% of all reports
April 2 reported sightings 3.92% of all reports
March 2 reported sightings 3.92% of all reports

Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Wednesday 11 reported sightings 21.57% of all reports
Saturday 10 reported sightings 19.61% of all reports
Sunday 8 reported sightings 15.69% of all reports
Tuesday 7 reported sightings 13.73% of all reports
Thursday 6 reported sightings 11.76% of all reports
Friday 5 reported sightings 9.80% of all reports
Monday 3 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports

Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
06/07/20 2 reported sightings 3.92% of all reports
10/08/20 2 reported sightings 3.92% of all reports
10/17/12 1 reported sightings 1.96% of all reports
06/11/96 1 reported sightings 1.96% of all reports
04/15/17 1 reported sightings 1.96% of all reports

Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 20 reported sightings 39.22% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 10 reported sightings 19.61% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 9 reported sightings 17.65% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 5 reported sightings 9.80% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 3 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 3 reported sightings 5.88% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Norman, Oklahoma

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Norman, Oklahoma.

Year Number of Reports View Reports
2024 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2024
2023 2 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2023
2022 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2022
2021 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2021
2020 7 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2020
2019 2 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2019
2018 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2018
2017 3 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2017
2016 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2016
2015 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2015
2014 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2014
2013 2 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2013
2012 6 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2012
2011 4 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2011
2009 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2009
2008 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2008
2007 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2007
2005 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2005
2004 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2004
2003 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2003
2002 2 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 2002
1999 3 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 1999
1998 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 1998
1997 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 1997
1996 2 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 1996
1995 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 1995
1979 1 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings in 1979

All Oklahoma Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Oklahoma

City Number of Reports View Reports
Tulsa 187 UFO Reports Tulsa, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Oklahoma City 167 UFO Reports Oklahoma City, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Norman 51 UFO Reports Norman, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Edmond 50 UFO Reports Edmond, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Broken arrow 45 UFO Reports Broken arrow, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Moore 33 UFO Reports Moore, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Lawton 32 UFO Reports Lawton, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Owasso 28 UFO Reports Owasso, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Yukon 27 UFO Reports Yukon, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Stillwater 22 UFO Reports Stillwater, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Muskogee 21 UFO Reports Muskogee, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Claremore 19 UFO Reports Claremore, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Midwest City 18 UFO Reports Midwest City, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Bartlesville 18 UFO Reports Bartlesville, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Enid 17 UFO Reports Enid, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Shawnee 15 UFO Reports Shawnee, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Sand Springs 15 UFO Reports Sand Springs, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Ponca City 14 UFO Reports Ponca City, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Ardmore 14 UFO Reports Ardmore, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Poteau 14 UFO Reports Poteau, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Ada 14 UFO Reports Ada, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Duncan 13 UFO Reports Duncan, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Tahlequah 12 UFO Reports Tahlequah, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Miami 11 UFO Reports Miami, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Sapulpa 11 UFO Reports Sapulpa, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Choctaw 11 UFO Reports Choctaw, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Oklahoma 11 UFO Reports Oklahoma, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Durant 10 UFO Reports Durant, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Glenpool 10 UFO Reports Glenpool, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
El Reno 10 UFO Reports El Reno, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Jenks 10 UFO Reports Jenks, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Sallisaw 10 UFO Reports Sallisaw, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Noble 10 UFO Reports Noble, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Seminole 8 UFO Reports Seminole, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Elk City 8 UFO Reports Elk City, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Okmulgee 8 UFO Reports Okmulgee, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Coweta 8 UFO Reports Coweta, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Tuttle 7 UFO Reports Tuttle, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Woodward 7 UFO Reports Woodward, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Hugo 6 UFO Reports Hugo, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Bristow 6 UFO Reports Bristow, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Mustang 6 UFO Reports Mustang, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Inola 6 UFO Reports Inola, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cleveland 6 UFO Reports Cleveland, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Bethany 5 UFO Reports Bethany, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Perkins 5 UFO Reports Perkins, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Bixby 5 UFO Reports Bixby, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Perry 5 UFO Reports Perry, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Altus 5 UFO Reports Altus, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Alva 5 UFO Reports Alva, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
McAlester 5 UFO Reports McAlester, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Skiatook 5 UFO Reports Skiatook, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Tecumseh 4 UFO Reports Tecumseh, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Eufaula 4 UFO Reports Eufaula, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Porum 4 UFO Reports Porum, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Henryetta 4 UFO Reports Henryetta, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Mannford 4 UFO Reports Mannford, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Davis 4 UFO Reports Davis, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Kingston 4 UFO Reports Kingston, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Newalla 4 UFO Reports Newalla, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Kansas 4 UFO Reports Kansas, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Maysville 4 UFO Reports Maysville, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Guthrie 4 UFO Reports Guthrie, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Stilwell 4 UFO Reports Stilwell, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Checotah 4 UFO Reports Checotah, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Talihina 4 UFO Reports Talihina, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Pauls Valley 4 UFO Reports Pauls Valley, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Quapaw 3 UFO Reports Quapaw, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Nowata 3 UFO Reports Nowata, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Oologah 3 UFO Reports Oologah, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Colcord 3 UFO Reports Colcord, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Sulphur 3 UFO Reports Sulphur, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Kingfisher 3 UFO Reports Kingfisher, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Spencer 3 UFO Reports Spencer, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Wilburton 3 UFO Reports Wilburton, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Elgin 3 UFO Reports Elgin, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Warr Acres 3 UFO Reports Warr Acres, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Wilson 3 UFO Reports Wilson, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Newcastle 3 UFO Reports Newcastle, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Fort Sill 3 UFO Reports Fort Sill, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Grove 3 UFO Reports Grove, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Barnsdall 3 UFO Reports Barnsdall, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Medicine Park 3 UFO Reports Medicine Park, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Foyil 3 UFO Reports Foyil, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Chelsea 2 UFO Reports Chelsea, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Luther 2 UFO Reports Luther, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Eucha 2 UFO Reports Eucha, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Kenton 2 UFO Reports Kenton, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Coalgate 2 UFO Reports Coalgate, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Wellston 2 UFO Reports Wellston, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Apache 2 UFO Reports Apache, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Harrah 2 UFO Reports Harrah, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Madill 2 UFO Reports Madill, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Pawnee 2 UFO Reports Pawnee, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Hendrix 2 UFO Reports Hendrix, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Chickasha 2 UFO Reports Chickasha, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Vinita 2 UFO Reports Vinita, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Big Cedar 2 UFO Reports Big Cedar, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Terlton 2 UFO Reports Terlton, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cushing 2 UFO Reports Cushing, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Wagoner 2 UFO Reports Wagoner, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Kiefer 2 UFO Reports Kiefer, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Shady Point 2 UFO Reports Shady Point, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Catoosa 2 UFO Reports Catoosa, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Glencoe 2 UFO Reports Glencoe, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cyril 2 UFO Reports Cyril, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Walters 2 UFO Reports Walters, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Whitefield 2 UFO Reports Whitefield, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Atoka 2 UFO Reports Atoka, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Okarche 2 UFO Reports Okarche, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Blackwell 2 UFO Reports Blackwell, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Buffalo Valley 2 UFO Reports Buffalo Valley, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Springer 2 UFO Reports Springer, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Little Axe 2 UFO Reports Little Axe, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Pink 2 UFO Reports Pink, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Balko 2 UFO Reports Balko, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Del City 2 UFO Reports Del City, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Clayton 2 UFO Reports Clayton, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Blanchard 2 UFO Reports Blanchard, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Fort Gibson 2 UFO Reports Fort Gibson, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Sterling 2 UFO Reports Sterling, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Central 2 UFO Reports Central, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Holdenville 2 UFO Reports Holdenville, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Wister 2 UFO Reports Wister, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Tinker AFB 2 UFO Reports Tinker AFB, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Lahoma 2 UFO Reports Lahoma, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Hooker 2 UFO Reports Hooker, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Chandler 2 UFO Reports Chandler, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Drumright 2 UFO Reports Drumright, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Bokchito 2 UFO Reports Bokchito, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Elmore City 2 UFO Reports Elmore City, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Pryor 2 UFO Reports Pryor, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Healdton 2 UFO Reports Healdton, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Mountain View 2 UFO Reports Mountain View, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Guymon 2 UFO Reports Guymon, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Ponca 2 UFO Reports Ponca, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Beaver 2 UFO Reports Beaver, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Purcell 2 UFO Reports Purcell, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Weatherford 2 UFO Reports Weatherford, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cameron 2 UFO Reports Cameron, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Antlers 2 UFO Reports Antlers, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Heavener 2 UFO Reports Heavener, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Nomran 1 UFO Reports Nomran, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Stonewall 1 UFO Reports Stonewall, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Hammon 1 UFO Reports Hammon, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Valliant 1 UFO Reports Valliant, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Bessie 1 UFO Reports Bessie, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Braggs 1 UFO Reports Braggs, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Omaha 1 UFO Reports Omaha, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Adel 1 UFO Reports Adel, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
South Coffyvile 1 UFO Reports South Coffyvile, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Yanush 1 UFO Reports Yanush, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Canadian County 1 UFO Reports Canadian County, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Frederick 1 UFO Reports Frederick, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Pawhuska 1 UFO Reports Pawhuska, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Tonkawa 1 UFO Reports Tonkawa, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cowlington 1 UFO Reports Cowlington, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Helena 1 UFO Reports Helena, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Indiahoma 1 UFO Reports Indiahoma, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Stratford 1 UFO Reports Stratford, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cherokee 1 UFO Reports Cherokee, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Pond Creek 1 UFO Reports Pond Creek, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Vance AFB 1 UFO Reports Vance AFB, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Bray 1 UFO Reports Bray, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Keota 1 UFO Reports Keota, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Oolagah 1 UFO Reports Oolagah, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Temple 1 UFO Reports Temple, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Afton 1 UFO Reports Afton, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cogar 1 UFO Reports Cogar, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Ramona 1 UFO Reports Ramona, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Seiling 1 UFO Reports Seiling, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
West Tulsa 1 UFO Reports West Tulsa, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
South edmond 1 UFO Reports South edmond, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Carter 1 UFO Reports Carter, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Gage 1 UFO Reports Gage, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Lawton, Fort Sill 1 UFO Reports Lawton, Fort Sill, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Toppsey 1 UFO Reports Toppsey, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Arcadia 1 UFO Reports Arcadia, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Crescent 1 UFO Reports Crescent, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Muskokee 1 UFO Reports Muskokee, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
IndIan Nation Turnpike 1 UFO Reports IndIan Nation Turnpike, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Stroud 1 UFO Reports Stroud, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Hastings OK 1 UFO Reports Hastings OK, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Manchester 1 UFO Reports Manchester, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Porter 1 UFO Reports Porter, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Eagletown 1 UFO Reports Eagletown, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Fay 1 UFO Reports Fay, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Ketchum 1 UFO Reports Ketchum, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Agra 1 UFO Reports Agra, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Mill Creek 1 UFO Reports Mill Creek, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Westville 1 UFO Reports Westville, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
South Oklahoma City 1 UFO Reports South Oklahoma City, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cartwright 1 UFO Reports Cartwright, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Geronimo 1 UFO Reports Geronimo, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Lehigh 1 UFO Reports Lehigh, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Tryon 1 UFO Reports Tryon, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Henrietta 1 UFO Reports Henrietta, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Indianola 1 UFO Reports Indianola, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Ochelata 1 UFO Reports Ochelata, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Sugden 1 UFO Reports Sugden, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Mangum 1 UFO Reports Mangum, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Retrop 1 UFO Reports Retrop, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
East of Lawton 1 UFO Reports East of Lawton, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Fittstown 1 UFO Reports Fittstown, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Outside Tulsa 1 UFO Reports Outside Tulsa, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Texhoma 1 UFO Reports Texhoma, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Alaska 1 UFO Reports Alaska, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Collinsville 1 UFO Reports Collinsville, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Milton 1 UFO Reports Milton, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Wewoka 1 UFO Reports Wewoka, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
South Tulsa 1 UFO Reports South Tulsa, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Leonard 1 UFO Reports Leonard, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Asher 1 UFO Reports Asher, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Mutual 1 UFO Reports Mutual, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Oilton 1 UFO Reports Oilton, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Choctaw County 1 UFO Reports Choctaw County, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Rock Island 1 UFO Reports Rock Island, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Bixby South 1 UFO Reports Bixby South, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Broken Bow 1 UFO Reports Broken Bow, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Fort Cobb 1 UFO Reports Fort Cobb, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Thackerville 1 UFO Reports Thackerville, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Alex 1 UFO Reports Alex, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Comanche 1 UFO Reports Comanche, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Moody 1 UFO Reports Moody, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Shattuck 1 UFO Reports Shattuck, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cedar Lake 1 UFO Reports Cedar Lake, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Lindsay 1 UFO Reports Lindsay, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Piedmont 1 UFO Reports Piedmont, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Turner Falls 1 UFO Reports Turner Falls, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Hinton 1 UFO Reports Hinton, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Near Eva 1 UFO Reports Near Eva, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Jack Fork Mountains 1 UFO Reports Jack Fork Mountains, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Summerfield 1 UFO Reports Summerfield, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Marhall 1 UFO Reports Marhall, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Powell 1 UFO Reports Powell, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Rogers County 1 UFO Reports Rogers County, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Warner 1 UFO Reports Warner, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Fort Coffee 1 UFO Reports Fort Coffee, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Paden 1 UFO Reports Paden, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
The Village 1 UFO Reports The Village, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Allen 1 UFO Reports Allen, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Comanche County 1 UFO Reports Comanche County, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Centerview 1 UFO Reports Centerview, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Gould 1 UFO Reports Gould, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Hobart 1 UFO Reports Hobart, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Okeene 1 UFO Reports Okeene, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Supulpa 1 UFO Reports Supulpa, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Marshall 1 UFO Reports Marshall, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Prague 1 UFO Reports Prague, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Roland 1 UFO Reports Roland, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Shawnee and Geary 1 UFO Reports Shawnee and Geary, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Burneyville 1 UFO Reports Burneyville, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Konawa 1 UFO Reports Konawa, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Paoli 1 UFO Reports Paoli, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Thomas 1 UFO Reports Thomas, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Copan 1 UFO Reports Copan, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Mooreland 1 UFO Reports Mooreland, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Gracemont 1 UFO Reports Gracemont, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Locust Grove 1 UFO Reports Locust Grove, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Pittsburg 1 UFO Reports Pittsburg, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Tyrone 1 UFO Reports Tyrone, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Barber 1 UFO Reports Barber, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Delaware 1 UFO Reports Delaware, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Blocker 1 UFO Reports Blocker, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Elgin. 1 UFO Reports Elgin., Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Jones 1 UFO Reports Jones, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
SWOKC 1 UFO Reports SWOKC, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Clear Lake 1 UFO Reports Clear Lake, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Maud 1 UFO Reports Maud, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Proctor 1 UFO Reports Proctor, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Rush Springs 1 UFO Reports Rush Springs, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Watonga 1 UFO Reports Watonga, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Shidler 1 UFO Reports Shidler, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cache 1 UFO Reports Cache, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Krebs 1 UFO Reports Krebs, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Park Hill 1 UFO Reports Park Hill, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Altus AFB 1 UFO Reports Altus AFB, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cordell 1 UFO Reports Cordell, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Moraine 1 UFO Reports Moraine, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Nichols Hills 1 UFO Reports Nichols Hills, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Stigler 1 UFO Reports Stigler, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Chander 1 UFO Reports Chander, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Long 1 UFO Reports Long, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Pocasset 1 UFO Reports Pocasset, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Union City 1 UFO Reports Union City, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Dewey 1 UFO Reports Dewey, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Hollis 1 UFO Reports Hollis, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Blue 1 UFO Reports Blue, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cleora 1 UFO Reports Cleora, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Prue 1 UFO Reports Prue, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Ryan 1 UFO Reports Ryan, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Watson 1 UFO Reports Watson, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Sickles 1 UFO Reports Sickles, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Calera 1 UFO Reports Calera, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Fort Suppy 1 UFO Reports Fort Suppy, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Paul's Valley 1 UFO Reports Paul's Valley, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Tishimingo 1 UFO Reports Tishimingo, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Cotton County 1 UFO Reports Cotton County, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Haworth 1 UFO Reports Haworth, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Morris-Okmulgee 1 UFO Reports Morris-Okmulgee, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Nicoma Park 1 UFO Reports Nicoma Park, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Longdale 1 UFO Reports Longdale, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Pocola 1 UFO Reports Pocola, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Unspecified city 1 UFO Reports Unspecified city, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Kellyville 1 UFO Reports Kellyville, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Oklahoma County 1 UFO Reports Oklahoma County, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Talala 1 UFO Reports Talala, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Watts 1 UFO Reports Watts, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Wyandotte 1 UFO Reports Wyandotte, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Calumet 1 UFO Reports Calumet, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Fort Towson 1 UFO Reports Fort Towson, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Lane 1 UFO Reports Lane, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Paul’s Valley 1 UFO Reports Paul’s Valley, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Tishomingo 1 UFO Reports Tishomingo, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Amber 1 UFO Reports Amber, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Council Hill 1 UFO Reports Council Hill, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Howe 1 UFO Reports Howe, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Ludlow 1 UFO Reports Ludlow, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Unspecified location 1 UFO Reports Unspecified location, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Dry Creek 1 UFO Reports Dry Creek, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Bokoshe 1 UFO Reports Bokoshe, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Kenefic 1 UFO Reports Kenefic, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Adamson 1 UFO Reports Adamson, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Clinton-Sherman Airpark 1 UFO Reports Clinton-Sherman Airpark, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Slaughterville 1 UFO Reports Slaughterville, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Wyndotte 1 UFO Reports Wyndotte, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
LANGLEY 1 UFO Reports LANGLEY, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Tom 1 UFO Reports Tom, Oklahoma UFO Sightings
Muse 1 UFO Reports Muse, Oklahoma UFO Sightings