Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Lakewood, Ohio

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Lakewood, Ohio.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Lakewood, Ohio?

  • There have been 12 officially reported UFO sightings in Lakewood from 2002 to 2023.
  • Lakewood ranks #85 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Ohio.

Other Ohio Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Columbus, OH 280 UFO Reports
2 Cincinnati, OH 168 UFO Reports
3 Cleveland, OH 128 UFO Reports
4 Toledo, OH 102 UFO Reports
5 Dayton, OH 100 UFO Reports

Lakewood, Ohio UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 12 UFO sighting reports in Lakewood, Ohio to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Lakewood, Ohio

These Lakewood, Ohio UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Lakewood, OH

Full Report Text:

It was triangular, white, glowing, and soundless The shape of the craft was triangular diamond shaped that had sharp edges. It was white, glowing, and soundless. It stayed the exacted speed with the exact height for the duration of its travel.

It wasn’t going fast or slow maybe like 5-10 mph. The motion of it was unusual it was gliding but unnatural. Certainly something I haven’t seen before.

We were in the pool swimming when I looked up and it emerge from the house and flew across to the end of garage then disappeared. It was a residential neighborhood near Lake Erie.

06/02/23 1:21 AM

UFO Shape: diamond

Lasted: 20 seconds



Full Report Text:

Seen 2 objects circular with lights Lakewood ohio First noticed when I looked out my window from Andrew's Ave. Saw 2 objects of lights over Lake Erie.At 5:15 am was walking west to work and saw the 2 same objects slowly move over downtown Lakewood ohio and then remain stationary.

05/08/22 5:15 AM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: Longer than an hour


Lakewood, OH

Full Report Text:

Unknown object moving extremely fast through sky. I would like to preface this account to state that everything happened so quickly that I can not say with complete certainty what I saw. The account below will be on the long side, but I am attempting to be clear in what I know for sure and what is a little hazy.

The experience was very surprising and almost surreal. After thinking about the experience for the past week and talking with several people about it, I remain confident that what I saw is not explained by any object that I am aware of (bird, plane, helicopter, drone). In the early evening of Tuesday, September 19, 2019, I was out for a walk with my five-year old son.

We were outside in part because there were thousands of dragonflies in our front yard and the yards nearby. I have never seen anything like that. When I got home from work, I had noticed quite a few flying around.

Over the next hour or so, they became more and more numerous. Around 6:30pm, I took my son outside to see them. We then went for a walk down to Lake Erie.

As we were walking back to our house, I kept looking around at the dragonflies which were everywhere. At 6:45pm (+/- 10 minutes), we were several hundred feet west of our house in a relatively open area. The sky was clear, with very few/no clouds.

As I looked up in the sky, I saw a moving object in the south sky. I immediately noticed its very fast pace. I could not associate it with anything such as a plane, helicopter, or bird.

My first thought was that it was a drone, based on its apparent size and distance away. We see small drones in the area from time to time, but they usually move somewhat erratically, slowly, and always seem to have blinking lights. As I tried to process what I was seeing, I realized that it was moving as if it was an arrow shot from a bow.

There was absolutely no deviation from its course. I noticed no lights. The object appeared to me to be gray and elongated (in the direction of travel).

I saw no exhaust or trails. I attempted to listen for a sound, but heard nothing discernible. When I first spotted the object, it was slightly east of due south.

It was traveling east/north-east. I would say that it was at an angle of approximately 20 degrees above the horizon. There was no obvious change in its elevation during the time that I saw it.

I followed its path until it disappeared from my view just north of due east. There are condo towers east of my neighborhood. They are approximately thirty stories tall.

I lost sight of the object when it passed the towers and my sight of it was blocked. After it had passed, I tried to process what I had just seen. I sat down on a bench in our front yard with my son to continue watching the dragonflies.

Approximately several minutes later (maybe more), I heard the noise of a large helicopter. Very soon a Chinook helicopter appeared from the east heading almost due west. We see one or often three Chinooks heading east or west out over Lake Erie (1000' north of our house) not infrequently.

This one was probably less than 200' north of our house. I haven't seen one so close before. My son and I watched as it passed over, and I rushed to get my phone in camera mode.

I was able to snap a photo of it when it was about to disappear behind some trees several hundred feet west of me. Since seeing this, I have tried to figure out what it was that I saw. The speed that it was moving was much greater than anything that I have seen before.

I have watched the International Space Station pass over, and this traveled across the sky much, much quicker. My best estimate is that it traveled about two miles during the time that I saw it (5-10 sec.I can't be sure).

09/09/19 6:45 PM

UFO Shape: cigar

Lasted: 10 seconds


Lakewood, OH

Full Report Text:

Red pulsing stationary light There is no spectacular story here, it's just that I cannot explain this red, pulsing light that I saw on my drive to work this morning. I pulled up to the stoplight to turn onto the highway on ramp, and noticed this red ball of light in the sky. It was high enough that it wasn't coming from a house or a building in the area.

It had to be something in the sky. There are no poles nearby that could emit the light. There were no other colors.

It was just one red ball of light, that just stayed in one spot. It was not an airplane because it did not travel. It was not a helicopter.

It only had one red light, so it was not a pole that warns aircraft of low power lines and it wasn't a cell phone tower. I am familiar with this area in the day light which is why I cannot figure out what it was. As I turned on to the highway the light continued to pulse, in that same spot.

I kept looking back over my shoulder to make sure I didn't see other colored lights or additional lights or movement- but I didn't. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

12/08/17 6:40 AM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: Unsure


Lakewood, OH

Full Report Text:

Twinkling amber star like UFO shot straight up into the night sky from tree tops in disappeared over Lakewood/Rocky River OH Ooomfg!!! We were sitting on the front porch at 10:42 PM, Saturday night, 8/15/15, and watched this amber twinkling star like light move straight up from the tree tops (north western sky) up to the stars very quickly! Wow. It went straight up into the night sky into the stars and vanished. It seemed to start off slow then pick up speed as it kept going up to space.

Twinkling like an amber star it appeared to have come up from trees in the distance as if it had landed somewhere in the north western part of Lakewood/Rocky River, Ohio, area. Then, it just went straight up, which is unnatural to any plane or helicopter movements. Did not have lights but twinkled like a star.

08/15/15 10:42 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 30 seconds


Lakewood, OH

Full Report Text:

My family was watching my soccer game and on of my cousins asked why the airplanes seem so close and it's because the airport is near. While looking into the sky, they saw something weird and it started to move away but just floated. It was almost a bronze color with looked like pipes all over it but was not a drone and it changed shape.

I have a couple of pictures with it.

08/20/14 7:30 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 15 minutes


Lakewood, OH

Full Report Text:

Orange light flies overhead and turns black as it passed silently. At about 21:00 I witnessed an orange glowing light coming in from the southeast. It was bright orange but once overhead the color was gone.

As it headed over me and went in a straight line to the northwest it became black. It made no noise, and did not appear to be decending. I would not have been able to see the object if I had not saw it coming in.

It was not visible at all before it made it to the horizon.

10/10/11 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 1 minute


Lakewood, OH

Full Report Text:

Motionless silent flashing colored lights I was riding my bicycle to a friend’s house, and was a little lost. After turning around to backtrack, I noticed two colored flashing lights in the sky horizontally placed next to each other. It looked like a plane, except they didn’t seem to be moving, or making noise like a helicopter.

As I coasted slowly up the street, I had my gaze fixed on the object, and for almost a minute it did not appear to move. Then a streetlight obstructed my vision for no more than a second, and the object was gone. The sky was totally clear, and there were no buildings obstructing the general area where I saw it.

I stopped my bike and stared at the sky for several minutes trying to figure out where it had gone, but I couldn't find it anywhere in the sky. I would like to add that I am skeptical about this kind of thing, and I am not certain that I saw something paranormal, that my eyes didn't play a trick on me, but it is somewhat confusing to me. The main reason I came to this site was to see if anyone else had seen something unusual that night.

06/23/09 10:15 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 1 minute


Lakewood, OH

Full Report Text:

Two sets of flashing lights over lake Erie in Cleveland. I live on the 10th floor of a 17 floor building here in Cleveland Ohio. I have a Easterly view and a partial view of Lake Erie.

The next building to mine is far enough away that I can get a pretty good view of the sky. Today was a pretty windy and cold day here in Cleveland, so the waves off the lake are pretty rough. Since I can hear the waves, I tend to notice the lake more and often look out my window to see how big the white caps are.

At about 10:00 tonight I did just that. I couldn't see the waves so well, so I glanced up and saw what I thought were two airplanes. Airplanes often approach the city from the lake side, so I didn't think much of it.

The "Planes" had three lights each, which again didn't surprise me because I thought i was seeing the two wing tip lights and then a central light under the fuselage. The lights were blinking rapidly and were more of a strobe fashion. The lights on the objects were white and red, and I can't remember what order they were in.

I immedately noticed how close the sets of light were, and thought they might be helicopters, but I didn't hear any sound. Just when I thought that, the lights, which were moving in a northwest to south east direction started to rotate around each other in a circular fashion. The set of three lights in the lead, kind of looped back and circled around the three trailing lights.

Then the three trailing lights took a sharp turn and went north, while the first set of three lights proceeded on it's southeastern course. Its fairly overcast here, so when the lights were obscured by clouds, I never saw them again. At first, i was really scared, because I was still under the impression that these were airplanes.

I thought, oh my god, they must have clipped wings, and the one is circling out of control. But the lights never lost control, they just went their separate ways.

04/13/08 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 30 Seconds to a Minute.


Lakewood, OH

Full Report Text:

Cigar shaped ufo along with heavy military air traffic in the area I was on my way to work (in the passenger seat of the car) and was looking west as we were driving past houses and just happened to see for about a couple of seconds in betwwen 2 houses a ufo. This object that i saw looked to be cigar to cylinder shaped and was going towards the northwest and is looked to be faily high in the sky. that fact that it was that high in the sky was what led me to belive it was a ufo because if it had been a plane there would have surely been contrails coming from behind it.

Also of note their were many military jets flying around the area shortly after. Also an hour before the sighting i was listening to wtam 1100 am to the mike trivisanno show and he said along with another caller that he seen a ufo about the same shape earlier that day. During the show there was another caller that was calling from the mansfield area and said that he saw some fighter jets coming towards cleveland form what appeared to be wright patterson airforce base.

Well that is about all of the informtation that but i would also like to include that i do not think that listening to the report of the ufo by the talk show host had caused me to imagine a ufo of my own becasue i have listened to the coast to coast am program for a couple of years and this is the first ufo sighting i have ever had.

12/03/04 5:50 PM

UFO Shape: cigar

Lasted: 2-3 sec.


Lakewood, OH

Full Report Text:

Gossamer V-shaped object seen from Ohio Around 11:30pm last night (the 27th, EST) I stepped outside to have a look at the night sky. I first caught sight of the planet Jupiter, rather bright and imposing, shining away in the eastern sky. Several winter constellations were also visible overhead and in the south, shining through a thin layer of haze and broken clouds.

It was a rather chilly evening so I decided to leave my telescope indoors and just do some 'eyeball astronomy'. After a couple minutes I suddenly noticed an object midway up in the east (about 50 degrees altitude) moving south. Its appearance was that of broadly V-shaped gossamer contrail, three full moon diameters wide, without any lights or form of illumination.

I expected the object to begin to disperse and dissipate as I watched, due to its thin and wispy appearance. It did not! The object continued to move south steadily. I lost sight of it after twenty seconds or so when the object moved behind a bank of clouds in the south.

It made no sound the entire time that I had it in view. Being an amateur astronomer for the past twenty years has given me the opportunity to experience a good amount of sky phenomena. I have never seen anything in the night sky that I didn't have an explanation for - until now! I would be very interested in any and all plausible explanations of the object I spotted.

My only explanation - birds flying south for the winter - was quickly discarded when I witnessed the object move behind the clouds.

11/27/02 11:30 PM

UFO Shape: chevron

Lasted: 20 seconds


Lakewood, Ohio UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Cigar 2 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Light 2 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Circle 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Diamond 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Disk 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Chevron 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Formation 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Fireball 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Other 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Unknown 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports

Lakewood, Ohio UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
June 2 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
December 2 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
August 2 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
April 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
May 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
September 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
November 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
October 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports

Lakewood, Ohio UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Friday 3 reported sightings 25.00% of all reports
Sunday 2 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Monday 2 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Wednesday 2 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Tuesday 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
Saturday 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports

Lakewood, Ohio UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
12/08/17 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
05/08/22 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
06/02/23 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
09/09/19 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports
11/27/02 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports

Lakewood, Ohio UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 5 reported sightings 41.67% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 3 reported sightings 25.00% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 2 reported sightings 16.67% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 1 reported sightings 8.33% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Lakewood, Ohio

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Lakewood, Ohio.

All Ohio Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Ohio

City Number of Reports View Reports
Columbus 280 UFO Reports Columbus, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cincinnati 168 UFO Reports Cincinnati, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cleveland 128 UFO Reports Cleveland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Toledo 102 UFO Reports Toledo, Ohio UFO Sightings
Dayton 100 UFO Reports Dayton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Akron 67 UFO Reports Akron, Ohio UFO Sightings
Canton 52 UFO Reports Canton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Youngstown 46 UFO Reports Youngstown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cambridge 45 UFO Reports Cambridge, Ohio UFO Sightings
Garrettsville 43 UFO Reports Garrettsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Springfield 40 UFO Reports Springfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mansfield 38 UFO Reports Mansfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Chillicothe 36 UFO Reports Chillicothe, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fairborn 34 UFO Reports Fairborn, Ohio UFO Sightings
Newark 33 UFO Reports Newark, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hamilton 33 UFO Reports Hamilton, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Chester 33 UFO Reports West Chester, Ohio UFO Sightings
Elyria 29 UFO Reports Elyria, Ohio UFO Sightings
Massillon 29 UFO Reports Massillon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Medina 28 UFO Reports Medina, Ohio UFO Sightings
Delaware 27 UFO Reports Delaware, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hilliard 27 UFO Reports Hilliard, Ohio UFO Sightings
Parma 26 UFO Reports Parma, Ohio UFO Sightings
Dublin 26 UFO Reports Dublin, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mentor 25 UFO Reports Mentor, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lancaster 25 UFO Reports Lancaster, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lima 24 UFO Reports Lima, Ohio UFO Sightings
Miamisburg 23 UFO Reports Miamisburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Warren 23 UFO Reports Warren, Ohio UFO Sightings
Grove City 23 UFO Reports Grove City, Ohio UFO Sightings
Kettering 21 UFO Reports Kettering, Ohio UFO Sightings
Middletown 21 UFO Reports Middletown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Circleville 21 UFO Reports Circleville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Centerville 21 UFO Reports Centerville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ravenna 20 UFO Reports Ravenna, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lebanon 20 UFO Reports Lebanon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Troy 20 UFO Reports Troy, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ashtabula 20 UFO Reports Ashtabula, Ohio UFO Sightings
Xenia 19 UFO Reports Xenia, Ohio UFO Sightings
Laurelville 19 UFO Reports Laurelville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Jackson 19 UFO Reports Jackson, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Canton 18 UFO Reports North Canton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Loveland 18 UFO Reports Loveland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Marietta 18 UFO Reports Marietta, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wilmington 17 UFO Reports Wilmington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sandusky 17 UFO Reports Sandusky, Ohio UFO Sightings
Beavercreek 17 UFO Reports Beavercreek, Ohio UFO Sightings
Athens 16 UFO Reports Athens, Ohio UFO Sightings
Brook Park 16 UFO Reports Brook Park, Ohio UFO Sightings
Defiance 16 UFO Reports Defiance, Ohio UFO Sightings
Portsmouth 16 UFO Reports Portsmouth, Ohio UFO Sightings
Strongsville 16 UFO Reports Strongsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Austintown 16 UFO Reports Austintown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wooster 16 UFO Reports Wooster, Ohio UFO Sightings
Batavia 15 UFO Reports Batavia, Ohio UFO Sightings
Painesville 15 UFO Reports Painesville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mount Vernon 15 UFO Reports Mount Vernon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Zanesville 15 UFO Reports Zanesville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Streetsboro 14 UFO Reports Streetsboro, Ohio UFO Sightings
Madison 14 UFO Reports Madison, Ohio UFO Sightings
Barberton 14 UFO Reports Barberton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Findlay 14 UFO Reports Findlay, Ohio UFO Sightings
Maumee 14 UFO Reports Maumee, Ohio UFO Sightings
Brunswick 14 UFO Reports Brunswick, Ohio UFO Sightings
Euclid 14 UFO Reports Euclid, Ohio UFO Sightings
Springboro 14 UFO Reports Springboro, Ohio UFO Sightings
Morrow 14 UFO Reports Morrow, Ohio UFO Sightings
Avon Lake 14 UFO Reports Avon Lake, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lorain 14 UFO Reports Lorain, Ohio UFO Sightings
Marysville 14 UFO Reports Marysville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Reynoldsburg 14 UFO Reports Reynoldsburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mason 13 UFO Reports Mason, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cuyahoga Falls 13 UFO Reports Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Royalton 13 UFO Reports North Royalton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Oxford 13 UFO Reports Oxford, Ohio UFO Sightings
Pataskala 13 UFO Reports Pataskala, Ohio UFO Sightings
Boardman 13 UFO Reports Boardman, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fremont 13 UFO Reports Fremont, Ohio UFO Sightings
Piqua 13 UFO Reports Piqua, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ashville 12 UFO Reports Ashville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Pickerington 12 UFO Reports Pickerington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ironton 12 UFO Reports Ironton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lakewood 12 UFO Reports Lakewood, Ohio UFO Sightings
Huber Heights 12 UFO Reports Huber Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Vandalia 12 UFO Reports Vandalia, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Ridgeville 11 UFO Reports North Ridgeville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Huron 11 UFO Reports Huron, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lisbon 11 UFO Reports Lisbon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wadsworth 11 UFO Reports Wadsworth, Ohio UFO Sightings
Westerville 11 UFO Reports Westerville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lewis Center 11 UFO Reports Lewis Center, Ohio UFO Sightings
Carroll 11 UFO Reports Carroll, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hillsboro 11 UFO Reports Hillsboro, Ohio UFO Sightings
Port Clinton 11 UFO Reports Port Clinton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bowling Green 10 UFO Reports Bowling Green, Ohio UFO Sightings
Canal Winchester 10 UFO Reports Canal Winchester, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bethel 10 UFO Reports Bethel, Ohio UFO Sightings
Louisville 10 UFO Reports Louisville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Powell 10 UFO Reports Powell, Ohio UFO Sightings
Aurora 10 UFO Reports Aurora, Ohio UFO Sightings
Marion 10 UFO Reports Marion, Ohio UFO Sightings
Norwalk 10 UFO Reports Norwalk, Ohio UFO Sightings
Worthington 10 UFO Reports Worthington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Amelia 10 UFO Reports Amelia, Ohio UFO Sightings
Niles 10 UFO Reports Niles, Ohio UFO Sightings
Geneva 10 UFO Reports Geneva, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hudson 10 UFO Reports Hudson, Ohio UFO Sightings
Uniontown 9 UFO Reports Uniontown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Broadview Heights 9 UFO Reports Broadview Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Kent 9 UFO Reports Kent, Ohio UFO Sightings
Trenton 9 UFO Reports Trenton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Waverly 9 UFO Reports Waverly, Ohio UFO Sightings
Goshen 9 UFO Reports Goshen, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wapakoneta 9 UFO Reports Wapakoneta, Ohio UFO Sightings
Williamsburg 9 UFO Reports Williamsburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bay Village 9 UFO Reports Bay Village, Ohio UFO Sightings
Monroe 9 UFO Reports Monroe, Ohio UFO Sightings
Stow 9 UFO Reports Stow, Ohio UFO Sightings
Girard 9 UFO Reports Girard, Ohio UFO Sightings
Blanchester 9 UFO Reports Blanchester, Ohio UFO Sightings
Liberty Township 8 UFO Reports Liberty Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Philadelphia 8 UFO Reports New Philadelphia, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mount Orab 8 UFO Reports Mount Orab, Ohio UFO Sightings
Conneaut 8 UFO Reports Conneaut, Ohio UFO Sightings
South Point 8 UFO Reports South Point, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fostoria 8 UFO Reports Fostoria, Ohio UFO Sightings
Steubenville 8 UFO Reports Steubenville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Gallipolis 8 UFO Reports Gallipolis, Ohio UFO Sightings
Holland 8 UFO Reports Holland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Vienna 8 UFO Reports Vienna, Ohio UFO Sightings
Canfield 8 UFO Reports Canfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Perrysburg 8 UFO Reports Perrysburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Oregon 8 UFO Reports Oregon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Franklin 8 UFO Reports Franklin, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sagamore Hills 8 UFO Reports Sagamore Hills, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bellevue 8 UFO Reports Bellevue, Ohio UFO Sightings
Brecksville 8 UFO Reports Brecksville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sheffield Lake 8 UFO Reports Sheffield Lake, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ohio 8 UFO Reports Ohio, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ashland 8 UFO Reports Ashland, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Manchester 8 UFO Reports West Manchester, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lyndhurst 8 UFO Reports Lyndhurst, Ohio UFO Sightings
Salem 8 UFO Reports Salem, Ohio UFO Sightings
Washington Court House 8 UFO Reports Washington Court House, Ohio UFO Sightings
Berea 8 UFO Reports Berea, Ohio UFO Sightings
Peebles 8 UFO Reports Peebles, Ohio UFO Sightings
Milford 8 UFO Reports Milford, Ohio UFO Sightings
Solon 7 UFO Reports Solon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Greenville 7 UFO Reports Greenville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Oberlin 7 UFO Reports Oberlin, Ohio UFO Sightings
Urbana 7 UFO Reports Urbana, Ohio UFO Sightings
Avon 7 UFO Reports Avon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Beachwood 7 UFO Reports Beachwood, Ohio UFO Sightings
Kingsville 7 UFO Reports Kingsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Blacklick 7 UFO Reports Blacklick, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hubbard 7 UFO Reports Hubbard, Ohio UFO Sightings
East Liverpool 7 UFO Reports East Liverpool, Ohio UFO Sightings
Nelsonville 7 UFO Reports Nelsonville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fairfield 7 UFO Reports Fairfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Chesapeake 6 UFO Reports Chesapeake, Ohio UFO Sightings
Willowick 6 UFO Reports Willowick, Ohio UFO Sightings
Gahanna 6 UFO Reports Gahanna, Ohio UFO Sightings
Jamestown 6 UFO Reports Jamestown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Atwater 6 UFO Reports Atwater, Ohio UFO Sightings
Englewood 6 UFO Reports Englewood, Ohio UFO Sightings
Windham 6 UFO Reports Windham, Ohio UFO Sightings
Eastlake 6 UFO Reports Eastlake, Ohio UFO Sightings
Maineville 6 UFO Reports Maineville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cadiz 6 UFO Reports Cadiz, Ohio UFO Sightings
Galloway 6 UFO Reports Galloway, Ohio UFO Sightings
Eaton 6 UFO Reports Eaton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Chardon 6 UFO Reports Chardon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Poland 6 UFO Reports Poland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Independence 6 UFO Reports Independence, Ohio UFO Sightings
Willard 6 UFO Reports Willard, Ohio UFO Sightings
Garfield Heights 6 UFO Reports Garfield Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cleveland Heights 6 UFO Reports Cleveland Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Westlake 6 UFO Reports Westlake, Ohio UFO Sightings
Alliance 6 UFO Reports Alliance, Ohio UFO Sightings
Tipp City 6 UFO Reports Tipp City, Ohio UFO Sightings
Shelby 6 UFO Reports Shelby, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sylvania 6 UFO Reports Sylvania, Ohio UFO Sightings
Carrollton 6 UFO Reports Carrollton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Tallmadge 6 UFO Reports Tallmadge, Ohio UFO Sightings
London 6 UFO Reports London, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Washington 6 UFO Reports New Washington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Granville 6 UFO Reports Granville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bucyrus 6 UFO Reports Bucyrus, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sidney 5 UFO Reports Sidney, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Albany 5 UFO Reports New Albany, Ohio UFO Sightings
Vermilion 5 UFO Reports Vermilion, Ohio UFO Sightings
Chagrin Falls 5 UFO Reports Chagrin Falls, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hamersville 5 UFO Reports Hamersville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Kenton 5 UFO Reports Kenton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Centerburg 5 UFO Reports Centerburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sunbury 5 UFO Reports Sunbury, Ohio UFO Sightings
Barnesville 5 UFO Reports Barnesville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lagrange 5 UFO Reports Lagrange, Ohio UFO Sightings
Drexel 5 UFO Reports Drexel, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bellefontaine 5 UFO Reports Bellefontaine, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cortland 5 UFO Reports Cortland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Tiffin 5 UFO Reports Tiffin, Ohio UFO Sightings
Columbiana 5 UFO Reports Columbiana, Ohio UFO Sightings
Valley City 5 UFO Reports Valley City, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wheelersburg 5 UFO Reports Wheelersburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lakeview 5 UFO Reports Lakeview, Ohio UFO Sightings
South Amherst 5 UFO Reports South Amherst, Ohio UFO Sightings
Crestline 5 UFO Reports Crestline, Ohio UFO Sightings
Beaver 5 UFO Reports Beaver, Ohio UFO Sightings
Rocky River 5 UFO Reports Rocky River, Ohio UFO Sightings
Milan 5 UFO Reports Milan, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bainbridge 5 UFO Reports Bainbridge, Ohio UFO Sightings
Campbell 5 UFO Reports Campbell, Ohio UFO Sightings
Dover 4 UFO Reports Dover, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cedarville 4 UFO Reports Cedarville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lordstown 4 UFO Reports Lordstown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Rootstown 4 UFO Reports Rootstown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Doylestown 4 UFO Reports Doylestown, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Carrollton 4 UFO Reports West Carrollton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Thornville 4 UFO Reports Thornville, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Union 4 UFO Reports West Union, Ohio UFO Sightings
Greenfield 4 UFO Reports Greenfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Trotwood 4 UFO Reports Trotwood, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ross 4 UFO Reports Ross, Ohio UFO Sightings
Jefferson 4 UFO Reports Jefferson, Ohio UFO Sightings
Blue Ash 4 UFO Reports Blue Ash, Ohio UFO Sightings
Waynesburg 4 UFO Reports Waynesburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Saint Clairsville 4 UFO Reports Saint Clairsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Rittman 4 UFO Reports Rittman, Ohio UFO Sightings
Delta 4 UFO Reports Delta, Ohio UFO Sightings
Harrison 4 UFO Reports Harrison, Ohio UFO Sightings
Stryker 4 UFO Reports Stryker, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sebring 4 UFO Reports Sebring, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mayfield Heights 4 UFO Reports Mayfield Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Holland 4 UFO Reports New Holland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lucasville 4 UFO Reports Lucasville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Germantown 4 UFO Reports Germantown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lexington 4 UFO Reports Lexington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Johnstown 4 UFO Reports Johnstown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Seven Hills 4 UFO Reports Seven Hills, Ohio UFO Sightings
Groveport 4 UFO Reports Groveport, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mantua 4 UFO Reports Mantua, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Milton 4 UFO Reports West Milton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Van Wert 4 UFO Reports Van Wert, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Lima 4 UFO Reports North Lima, Ohio UFO Sightings
Heath 4 UFO Reports Heath, Ohio UFO Sightings
McComb 4 UFO Reports McComb, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mount Gilead 3 UFO Reports Mount Gilead, Ohio UFO Sightings
Novelty 3 UFO Reports Novelty, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fairlawn 3 UFO Reports Fairlawn, Ohio UFO Sightings
East Palestine 3 UFO Reports East Palestine, Ohio UFO Sightings
Waterville 3 UFO Reports Waterville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Oak Harbor 3 UFO Reports Oak Harbor, Ohio UFO Sightings
Galion 3 UFO Reports Galion, Ohio UFO Sightings
Clarksville 3 UFO Reports Clarksville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Adamsville 3 UFO Reports Adamsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wauseon 3 UFO Reports Wauseon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Pleasant Hill 3 UFO Reports Pleasant Hill, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mechanicsburg 3 UFO Reports Mechanicsburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sabina 3 UFO Reports Sabina, Ohio UFO Sightings
Chesterland 3 UFO Reports Chesterland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Dresden 3 UFO Reports Dresden, Ohio UFO Sightings
Berlin Heights 3 UFO Reports Berlin Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fairview Park 3 UFO Reports Fairview Park, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ontario 3 UFO Reports Ontario, Ohio UFO Sightings
South Webster 3 UFO Reports South Webster, Ohio UFO Sightings
Montville 3 UFO Reports Montville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bellbrook 3 UFO Reports Bellbrook, Ohio UFO Sightings
Middleburg Heights 3 UFO Reports Middleburg Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Copley 3 UFO Reports Copley, Ohio UFO Sightings
Upper Arlington 3 UFO Reports Upper Arlington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Parma Heights 3 UFO Reports Parma Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Byesville 3 UFO Reports Byesville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Albany 3 UFO Reports Albany, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cygnet 3 UFO Reports Cygnet, Ohio UFO Sightings
Enon 3 UFO Reports Enon, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Richmond 3 UFO Reports New Richmond, Ohio UFO Sightings
Harpersfield 3 UFO Reports Harpersfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Upper Sandusky 3 UFO Reports Upper Sandusky, Ohio UFO Sightings
Danville 3 UFO Reports Danville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bath 3 UFO Reports Bath, Ohio UFO Sightings
Franklin Furnace 3 UFO Reports Franklin Furnace, Ohio UFO Sightings
Reading 3 UFO Reports Reading, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lodi 3 UFO Reports Lodi, Ohio UFO Sightings
Middlefield 3 UFO Reports Middlefield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Brookville 3 UFO Reports Brookville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Homeworth 3 UFO Reports Homeworth, Ohio UFO Sightings
Orient 3 UFO Reports Orient, Ohio UFO Sightings
Spencerville 3 UFO Reports Spencerville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Georgetown 3 UFO Reports Georgetown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Proctorville 3 UFO Reports Proctorville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Twinsburg 3 UFO Reports Twinsburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bremen 3 UFO Reports Bremen, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bexley 3 UFO Reports Bexley, Ohio UFO Sightings
Logan 3 UFO Reports Logan, Ohio UFO Sightings
Coshocton 3 UFO Reports Coshocton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cleves 3 UFO Reports Cleves, Ohio UFO Sightings
Riverside 3 UFO Reports Riverside, Ohio UFO Sightings
Waynesville 3 UFO Reports Waynesville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Negley 3 UFO Reports Negley, Ohio UFO Sightings
Howland 3 UFO Reports Howland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wellington 3 UFO Reports Wellington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Martins Ferry 3 UFO Reports Martins Ferry, Ohio UFO Sightings
Deer Park 3 UFO Reports Deer Park, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Kingsville 3 UFO Reports North Kingsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
McArthur 3 UFO Reports McArthur, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wellston 3 UFO Reports Wellston, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hinckley 3 UFO Reports Hinckley, Ohio UFO Sightings
Russia 3 UFO Reports Russia, Ohio UFO Sightings
Maple Heights 3 UFO Reports Maple Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Liberty 3 UFO Reports Liberty, Ohio UFO Sightings
Miami Township 3 UFO Reports Miami Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bristolville 3 UFO Reports Bristolville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Crown City 3 UFO Reports Crown City, Ohio UFO Sightings
Plain City 3 UFO Reports Plain City, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Paris 3 UFO Reports New Paris, Ohio UFO Sightings
Kirtland 3 UFO Reports Kirtland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Rutland 2 UFO Reports Rutland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hebron 2 UFO Reports Hebron, Ohio UFO Sightings
Pepper Pike 2 UFO Reports Pepper Pike, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sullivan 2 UFO Reports Sullivan, Ohio UFO Sightings
Olmsted Falls 2 UFO Reports Olmsted Falls, Ohio UFO Sightings
Green 2 UFO Reports Green, Ohio UFO Sightings
Richfield 2 UFO Reports Richfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
South Lebanon 2 UFO Reports South Lebanon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Millersburg 2 UFO Reports Millersburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Baltimore 2 UFO Reports Baltimore, Ohio UFO Sightings
Canal Fulton 2 UFO Reports Canal Fulton, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Olmsted 2 UFO Reports North Olmsted, Ohio UFO Sightings
Amherst 2 UFO Reports Amherst, Ohio UFO Sightings
Toronto 2 UFO Reports Toronto, Ohio UFO Sightings
Otway 2 UFO Reports Otway, Ohio UFO Sightings
S Charleston 2 UFO Reports S Charleston, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cheshire 2 UFO Reports Cheshire, Ohio UFO Sightings
Glouster 2 UFO Reports Glouster, Ohio UFO Sightings
Liberty Twp 2 UFO Reports Liberty Twp, Ohio UFO Sightings
Perry 2 UFO Reports Perry, Ohio UFO Sightings
N Ridgeville 2 UFO Reports N Ridgeville, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Bloomington 2 UFO Reports New Bloomington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Green Springs 2 UFO Reports Green Springs, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mineral City 2 UFO Reports Mineral City, Ohio UFO Sightings
Custar 2 UFO Reports Custar, Ohio UFO Sightings
Montpelier 2 UFO Reports Montpelier, Ohio UFO Sightings
Champion 2 UFO Reports Champion, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Philidelphia 2 UFO Reports New Philidelphia, Ohio UFO Sightings
Roseville 2 UFO Reports Roseville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mount Pleasant 2 UFO Reports Mount Pleasant, Ohio UFO Sightings
Goffstown 2 UFO Reports Goffstown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Convoy 2 UFO Reports Convoy, Ohio UFO Sightings
Unknown 2 UFO Reports Unknown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Brookfield 2 UFO Reports Brookfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Winchester 2 UFO Reports Winchester, Ohio UFO Sightings
Clayton 2 UFO Reports Clayton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Eastgate 2 UFO Reports Eastgate, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bloomingdale 2 UFO Reports Bloomingdale, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Carlisle 2 UFO Reports New Carlisle, Ohio UFO Sightings
Richmond Heights 2 UFO Reports Richmond Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Plymouth 2 UFO Reports Plymouth, Ohio UFO Sightings
Genoa 2 UFO Reports Genoa, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cheviot 2 UFO Reports Cheviot, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Elkton 2 UFO Reports West Elkton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Rayland 2 UFO Reports Rayland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Brooklyn 2 UFO Reports Brooklyn, Ohio UFO Sightings
Newbury 2 UFO Reports Newbury, Ohio UFO Sightings
Napoleon 2 UFO Reports Napoleon, Ohio UFO Sightings
South Zanesville 2 UFO Reports South Zanesville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Minford 2 UFO Reports Minford, Ohio UFO Sightings
Northfield 2 UFO Reports Northfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Iberia 2 UFO Reports Iberia, Ohio UFO Sightings
Shaker Heights 2 UFO Reports Shaker Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Stone Creek 2 UFO Reports Stone Creek, Ohio UFO Sightings
Highland Heights 2 UFO Reports Highland Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bethesda 2 UFO Reports Bethesda, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Jefferson 2 UFO Reports West Jefferson, Ohio UFO Sightings
Oakwood 2 UFO Reports Oakwood, Ohio UFO Sightings
Somerville 2 UFO Reports Somerville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Middleburg Hts 2 UFO Reports Middleburg Hts, Ohio UFO Sightings
Brookpark 2 UFO Reports Brookpark, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sciotoville 2 UFO Reports Sciotoville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Oregonia 2 UFO Reports Oregonia, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ripley 2 UFO Reports Ripley, Ohio UFO Sightings
Minster 2 UFO Reports Minster, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mainville 2 UFO Reports Mainville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Columbia Station 2 UFO Reports Columbia Station, Ohio UFO Sightings
Antwerp 2 UFO Reports Antwerp, Ohio UFO Sightings
Struthers 2 UFO Reports Struthers, Ohio UFO Sightings
Swanton 2 UFO Reports Swanton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Grand Rapids 2 UFO Reports Grand Rapids, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Dayton 2 UFO Reports North Dayton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bluffton 2 UFO Reports Bluffton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lowell 2 UFO Reports Lowell, Ohio UFO Sightings
Stout 2 UFO Reports Stout, Ohio UFO Sightings
Malvern 2 UFO Reports Malvern, Ohio UFO Sightings
Carlisle 2 UFO Reports Carlisle, Ohio UFO Sightings
Arcanum 2 UFO Reports Arcanum, Ohio UFO Sightings
Navarre 2 UFO Reports Navarre, Ohio UFO Sightings
Jeromesville 2 UFO Reports Jeromesville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Calcutta 2 UFO Reports Calcutta, Ohio UFO Sightings
Garfield Hts 2 UFO Reports Garfield Hts, Ohio UFO Sightings
Howard 2 UFO Reports Howard, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wharton 2 UFO Reports Wharton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Orrville 2 UFO Reports Orrville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Spring Valley 2 UFO Reports Spring Valley, Ohio UFO Sightings
Manchester 2 UFO Reports Manchester, Ohio UFO Sightings
Belpre 2 UFO Reports Belpre, Ohio UFO Sightings
Pomeroy 2 UFO Reports Pomeroy, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lewisburg 2 UFO Reports Lewisburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mentor Headlands 2 UFO Reports Mentor Headlands, Ohio UFO Sightings
Williamsfield 2 UFO Reports Williamsfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fredericktown 2 UFO Reports Fredericktown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Saint Louisville 2 UFO Reports Saint Louisville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mt Gilead 2 UFO Reports Mt Gilead, Ohio UFO Sightings
East Canton 2 UFO Reports East Canton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Reedsville 2 UFO Reports Reedsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Senecaville 2 UFO Reports Senecaville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lynchburg 2 UFO Reports Lynchburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Deshler 2 UFO Reports Deshler, Ohio UFO Sightings
Norwood 2 UFO Reports Norwood, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mentor-on-the-Lake 2 UFO Reports Mentor-on-the-Lake, Ohio UFO Sightings
Evendale 2 UFO Reports Evendale, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bridgeport 2 UFO Reports Bridgeport, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Vienna 2 UFO Reports New Vienna, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hartsgrove 2 UFO Reports Hartsgrove, Ohio UFO Sightings
Pedro 2 UFO Reports Pedro, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ohio City 2 UFO Reports Ohio City, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fort Jennings 2 UFO Reports Fort Jennings, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bryan 2 UFO Reports Bryan, Ohio UFO Sightings
Newton Falls 2 UFO Reports Newton Falls, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Lexington 2 UFO Reports New Lexington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Strasburg 2 UFO Reports Strasburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Diamond 2 UFO Reports Diamond, Ohio UFO Sightings
Catawba 2 UFO Reports Catawba, Ohio UFO Sightings
Jackson Center 2 UFO Reports Jackson Center, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ashley 2 UFO Reports Ashley, Ohio UFO Sightings
Union 2 UFO Reports Union, Ohio UFO Sightings
Willoughby 2 UFO Reports Willoughby, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hartville 2 UFO Reports Hartville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sugarcreek 2 UFO Reports Sugarcreek, Ohio UFO Sightings
Martinsville 2 UFO Reports Martinsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Munroe Falls 2 UFO Reports Munroe Falls, Ohio UFO Sightings
Junction City 2 UFO Reports Junction City, Ohio UFO Sightings
South Charleston 2 UFO Reports South Charleston, Ohio UFO Sightings
Deerfield 2 UFO Reports Deerfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Clyde 2 UFO Reports Clyde, Ohio UFO Sightings
Springfield Township 2 UFO Reports Springfield Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Macedonia 2 UFO Reports Macedonia, Ohio UFO Sightings
Racine 2 UFO Reports Racine, Ohio UFO Sightings
Concord 2 UFO Reports Concord, Ohio UFO Sightings
Salineville 2 UFO Reports Salineville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sugarcreek Township 2 UFO Reports Sugarcreek Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ada 2 UFO Reports Ada, Ohio UFO Sightings
Gratis 2 UFO Reports Gratis, Ohio UFO Sightings
South Euclid 2 UFO Reports South Euclid, Ohio UFO Sightings
Montgomery 2 UFO Reports Montgomery, Ohio UFO Sightings
Seville 2 UFO Reports Seville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hallsville 2 UFO Reports Hallsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Rome 2 UFO Reports Rome, Ohio UFO Sightings
Madeira 2 UFO Reports Madeira, Ohio UFO Sightings
Maple Hts 1 UFO Reports Maple Hts, Ohio UFO Sightings
Berlin 1 UFO Reports Berlin, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Alexandria 1 UFO Reports West Alexandria, Ohio UFO Sightings
Glenford 1 UFO Reports Glenford, Ohio UFO Sightings
Jackson Twp 1 UFO Reports Jackson Twp, Ohio UFO Sightings
Randolph 1 UFO Reports Randolph, Ohio UFO Sightings
Miami Twp 1 UFO Reports Miami Twp, Ohio UFO Sightings
Conesville 1 UFO Reports Conesville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Parkman 1 UFO Reports Parkman, Ohio UFO Sightings
Nimishillen 1 UFO Reports Nimishillen, Ohio UFO Sightings
Holden Beach 1 UFO Reports Holden Beach, Ohio UFO Sightings
Salt fork state park 1 UFO Reports Salt fork state park, Ohio UFO Sightings
Masfield 1 UFO Reports Masfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Myrtle Beach 1 UFO Reports Myrtle Beach, Ohio UFO Sightings
Clarksfield 1 UFO Reports Clarksfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Adams County 1 UFO Reports Adams County, Ohio UFO Sightings
The Plains 1 UFO Reports The Plains, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bloom township 1 UFO Reports Bloom township, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Salem 1 UFO Reports West Salem, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cumberland 1 UFO Reports Cumberland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fort Shawnee 1 UFO Reports Fort Shawnee, Ohio UFO Sightings
Burbank 1 UFO Reports Burbank, Ohio UFO Sightings
Montgomery Township 1 UFO Reports Montgomery Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Deerfield Twnshp 1 UFO Reports Deerfield Twnshp, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bedford Heights 1 UFO Reports Bedford Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Pleasant City 1 UFO Reports Pleasant City, Ohio UFO Sightings
Geneva Hills 1 UFO Reports Geneva Hills, Ohio UFO Sightings
Huntsville 1 UFO Reports Huntsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Portage County 1 UFO Reports Portage County, Ohio UFO Sightings
Shade 1 UFO Reports Shade, Ohio UFO Sightings
Laura 1 UFO Reports Laura, Ohio UFO Sightings
McDonald 1 UFO Reports McDonald, Ohio UFO Sightings
Coldwater 1 UFO Reports Coldwater, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wickliff 1 UFO Reports Wickliff, Ohio UFO Sightings
La Rue 1 UFO Reports La Rue, Ohio UFO Sightings
Staunton 1 UFO Reports Staunton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Stringsville 1 UFO Reports Stringsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Marble Cliff 1 UFO Reports Marble Cliff, Ohio UFO Sightings
Berlin Center 1 UFO Reports Berlin Center, Ohio UFO Sightings
Celina 1 UFO Reports Celina, Ohio UFO Sightings
Jacksonville 1 UFO Reports Jacksonville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Range 1 UFO Reports Range, Ohio UFO Sightings
Smithville 1 UFO Reports Smithville, Ohio UFO Sightings
University Heights 1 UFO Reports University Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fairport Harbor 1 UFO Reports Fairport Harbor, Ohio UFO Sightings
Newberry 1 UFO Reports Newberry, Ohio UFO Sightings
Parm 1 UFO Reports Parm, Ohio UFO Sightings
Helena 1 UFO Reports Helena, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Baltimore 1 UFO Reports North Baltimore, Ohio UFO Sightings
Holiday 1 UFO Reports Holiday, Ohio UFO Sightings
Summerfield 1 UFO Reports Summerfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
East Sparta 1 UFO Reports East Sparta, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bloomingburg 1 UFO Reports Bloomingburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Olmsted TWP 1 UFO Reports Olmsted TWP, Ohio UFO Sightings
Richmond 1 UFO Reports Richmond, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lore City 1 UFO Reports Lore City, Ohio UFO Sightings
Vermillion 1 UFO Reports Vermillion, Ohio UFO Sightings
Burton 1 UFO Reports Burton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Xenia Township 1 UFO Reports Xenia Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Madison Township 1 UFO Reports Madison Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bellaire 1 UFO Reports Bellaire, Ohio UFO Sightings
Geneva On Lake 1 UFO Reports Geneva On Lake, Ohio UFO Sightings
Portage Lakes 1 UFO Reports Portage Lakes, Ohio UFO Sightings
Shadyside 1 UFO Reports Shadyside, Ohio UFO Sightings
Colerain Township 1 UFO Reports Colerain Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Andover 1 UFO Reports Andover, Ohio UFO Sightings
Empire and Welsville 1 UFO Reports Empire and Welsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Braceville 1 UFO Reports Braceville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wickliffe 1 UFO Reports Wickliffe, Ohio UFO Sightings
Outside of Delaware 1 UFO Reports Outside of Delaware, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lafayette 1 UFO Reports Lafayette, Ohio UFO Sightings
Strong 1 UFO Reports Strong, Ohio UFO Sightings
Marblehead 1 UFO Reports Marblehead, Ohio UFO Sightings
Oak Hill 1 UFO Reports Oak Hill, Ohio UFO Sightings
Miamiville 1 UFO Reports Miamiville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Newburgh Heights 1 UFO Reports Newburgh Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hemlock 1 UFO Reports Hemlock, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Bend 1 UFO Reports North Bend, Ohio UFO Sightings
Perry Township 1 UFO Reports Perry Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sardinia 1 UFO Reports Sardinia, Ohio UFO Sightings
NA 1 UFO Reports NA, Ohio UFO Sightings
Thurman 1 UFO Reports Thurman, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Unity 1 UFO Reports West Unity, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lorian 1 UFO Reports Lorian, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mineral Ridge 1 UFO Reports Mineral Ridge, Ohio UFO Sightings
Frankfort 1 UFO Reports Frankfort, Ohio UFO Sightings
Butler 1 UFO Reports Butler, Ohio UFO Sightings
Magnolia 1 UFO Reports Magnolia, Ohio UFO Sightings
Champion Heights 1 UFO Reports Champion Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Degraff 1 UFO Reports Degraff, Ohio UFO Sightings
Huron County 1 UFO Reports Huron County, Ohio UFO Sightings
Shaker 1 UFO Reports Shaker, Ohio UFO Sightings
Leavittsburg 1 UFO Reports Leavittsburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Collinsville 1 UFO Reports Collinsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Anna 1 UFO Reports Anna, Ohio UFO Sightings
Brandt 1 UFO Reports Brandt, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wilberforce 1 UFO Reports Wilberforce, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Philly 1 UFO Reports New Philly, Ohio UFO Sightings
Owensville 1 UFO Reports Owensville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hanging Rock 1 UFO Reports Hanging Rock, Ohio UFO Sightings
Stockport 1 UFO Reports Stockport, Ohio UFO Sightings
Henry County 1 UFO Reports Henry County, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sacramento 1 UFO Reports Sacramento, Ohio UFO Sightings
Marengo 1 UFO Reports Marengo, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mount Sterling 1 UFO Reports Mount Sterling, Ohio UFO Sightings
Oakhill 1 UFO Reports Oakhill, Ohio UFO Sightings
Somerset 1 UFO Reports Somerset, Ohio UFO Sightings
Auburn Lake Park 1 UFO Reports Auburn Lake Park, Ohio UFO Sightings
Farmersville 1 UFO Reports Farmersville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Zaleski 1 UFO Reports Zaleski, Ohio UFO Sightings
Gallon 1 UFO Reports Gallon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hollansburg 1 UFO Reports Hollansburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Saybrook 1 UFO Reports Saybrook, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sunset Beach 1 UFO Reports Sunset Beach, Ohio UFO Sightings
Massuillon 1 UFO Reports Massuillon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Tiffen Valley 1 UFO Reports Tiffen Valley, Ohio UFO Sightings
Westchester 1 UFO Reports Westchester, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Concord 1 UFO Reports New Concord, Ohio UFO Sightings
Greenhills 1 UFO Reports Greenhills, Ohio UFO Sightings
Kilgore 1 UFO Reports Kilgore, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ringold 1 UFO Reports Ringold, Ohio UFO Sightings
Moore 1 UFO Reports Moore, Ohio UFO Sightings
Chandlerville 1 UFO Reports Chandlerville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wayne Lakes 1 UFO Reports Wayne Lakes, Ohio UFO Sightings
Pointplace 1 UFO Reports Pointplace, Ohio UFO Sightings
Genoa Township 1 UFO Reports Genoa Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Medina County 1 UFO Reports Medina County, Ohio UFO Sightings
Colombus 1 UFO Reports Colombus, Ohio UFO Sightings
Antwep 1 UFO Reports Antwep, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bratenhaul 1 UFO Reports Bratenhaul, Ohio UFO Sightings
Willamsburg 1 UFO Reports Willamsburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lake Milton 1 UFO Reports Lake Milton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Rossburg 1 UFO Reports Rossburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Strongsvilles 1 UFO Reports Strongsvilles, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mariemont 1 UFO Reports Mariemont, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mount Vermon 1 UFO Reports Mount Vermon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Grafton 1 UFO Reports Grafton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Jeffersonville 1 UFO Reports Jeffersonville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Raymond 1 UFO Reports Raymond, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lobeland 1 UFO Reports Lobeland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Winterset 1 UFO Reports Winterset, Ohio UFO Sightings
Newcomersotown 1 UFO Reports Newcomersotown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Zanesfield 1 UFO Reports Zanesfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Cincinnati 1 UFO Reports North Cincinnati, Ohio UFO Sightings
Perrysburgh 1 UFO Reports Perrysburgh, Ohio UFO Sightings
Holmesville 1 UFO Reports Holmesville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cleveland ARTCC 1 UFO Reports Cleveland ARTCC, Ohio UFO Sightings
Alger 1 UFO Reports Alger, Ohio UFO Sightings
Blueash 1 UFO Reports Blueash, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Franklin 1 UFO Reports New Franklin, Ohio UFO Sightings
Kimbolton 1 UFO Reports Kimbolton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Southwest 1 UFO Reports Southwest, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wakeman 1 UFO Reports Wakeman, Ohio UFO Sightings
Moraine 1 UFO Reports Moraine, Ohio UFO Sightings
Delroy 1 UFO Reports Delroy, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cardington 1 UFO Reports Cardington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Northwood 1 UFO Reports Northwood, Ohio UFO Sightings
Georgesville 1 UFO Reports Georgesville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Powhatan Point 1 UFO Reports Powhatan Point, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sharonville 1 UFO Reports Sharonville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Leipsic 1 UFO Reports Leipsic, Ohio UFO Sightings
Medway 1 UFO Reports Medway, Ohio UFO Sightings
Tuscarawas County 1 UFO Reports Tuscarawas County, Ohio UFO Sightings
Etna 1 UFO Reports Etna, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Riegel 1 UFO Reports New Riegel, Ohio UFO Sightings
Harpster 1 UFO Reports Harpster, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lakeline 1 UFO Reports Lakeline, Ohio UFO Sightings
Rossford 1 UFO Reports Rossford, Ohio UFO Sightings
Stonelick Park 1 UFO Reports Stonelick Park, Ohio UFO Sightings
Highlandtown Lake 1 UFO Reports Highlandtown Lake, Ohio UFO Sightings
Christiansburg 1 UFO Reports Christiansburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Duck 1 UFO Reports Duck, Ohio UFO Sightings
Beverly 1 UFO Reports Beverly, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Lafayette 1 UFO Reports West Lafayette, Ohio UFO Sightings
Nashport 1 UFO Reports Nashport, Ohio UFO Sightings
Jenera 1 UFO Reports Jenera, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sommerset 1 UFO Reports Sommerset, Ohio UFO Sightings
Coshocron 1 UFO Reports Coshocron, Ohio UFO Sightings
Austinburg 1 UFO Reports Austinburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Findley 1 UFO Reports Findley, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wintersville 1 UFO Reports Wintersville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Newcomerstown 1 UFO Reports Newcomerstown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Patriot 1 UFO Reports Patriot, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bath Township 1 UFO Reports Bath Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cairo 1 UFO Reports Cairo, Ohio UFO Sightings
Zanesvill 1 UFO Reports Zanesvill, Ohio UFO Sightings
Pharisburg 1 UFO Reports Pharisburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Seaman 1 UFO Reports Seaman, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mayfield 1 UFO Reports Mayfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Allen Township 1 UFO Reports Allen Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Timberlake 1 UFO Reports Timberlake, Ohio UFO Sightings
Edgerton 1 UFO Reports Edgerton, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Hampshire 1 UFO Reports New Hampshire, Ohio UFO Sightings
Greenwich Township 1 UFO Reports Greenwich Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Kings Mills 1 UFO Reports Kings Mills, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mismisburg 1 UFO Reports Mismisburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Morral 1 UFO Reports Morral, Ohio UFO Sightings
Charlestown Township 1 UFO Reports Charlestown Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bellville 1 UFO Reports Bellville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Waynesfield 1 UFO Reports Waynesfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Norton 1 UFO Reports Norton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Polk 1 UFO Reports Polk, Ohio UFO Sightings
Indian Lake 1 UFO Reports Indian Lake, Ohio UFO Sightings
Eton 1 UFO Reports Eton, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Russia Township 1 UFO Reports New Russia Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Painesville twp 1 UFO Reports Painesville twp, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lakemore 1 UFO Reports Lakemore, Ohio UFO Sightings
Roundhead 1 UFO Reports Roundhead, Ohio UFO Sightings
Frazeysburg 1 UFO Reports Frazeysburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hiliiard 1 UFO Reports Hiliiard, Ohio UFO Sightings
Saint Loisville 1 UFO Reports Saint Loisville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mriemont 1 UFO Reports Mriemont, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cincinatti 1 UFO Reports Cincinatti, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sycamore 1 UFO Reports Sycamore, Ohio UFO Sightings
Dunkirk 1 UFO Reports Dunkirk, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Leipsic 1 UFO Reports West Leipsic, Ohio UFO Sightings
Obetz 1 UFO Reports Obetz, Ohio UFO Sightings
Grand River 1 UFO Reports Grand River, Ohio UFO Sightings
Reedsburg 1 UFO Reports Reedsburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sommerville 1 UFO Reports Sommerville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fletcher 1 UFO Reports Fletcher, Ohio UFO Sightings
Withamsville 1 UFO Reports Withamsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Newmarket 1 UFO Reports Newmarket, Ohio UFO Sightings
Paulding 1 UFO Reports Paulding, Ohio UFO Sightings
Dayton and Cincinnati 1 UFO Reports Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Fairfield 1 UFO Reports North Fairfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Edison 1 UFO Reports Edison, Ohio UFO Sightings
Grove 1 UFO Reports Grove, Ohio UFO Sightings
Kingston 1 UFO Reports Kingston, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mogadore 1 UFO Reports Mogadore, Ohio UFO Sightings
Stoutsville 1 UFO Reports Stoutsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Morristown 1 UFO Reports Morristown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Chatfeild 1 UFO Reports Chatfeild, Ohio UFO Sightings
Dennison 1 UFO Reports Dennison, Ohio UFO Sightings
Put-in Bay 1 UFO Reports Put-in Bay, Ohio UFO Sightings
Arlington 1 UFO Reports Arlington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ufica 1 UFO Reports Ufica, Ohio UFO Sightings
Brewster 1 UFO Reports Brewster, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Springfield 1 UFO Reports New Springfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Painseville 1 UFO Reports Painseville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Harrod 1 UFO Reports Harrod, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lakeside 1 UFO Reports Lakeside, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ruggles Beach 1 UFO Reports Ruggles Beach, Ohio UFO Sightings
Suffield 1 UFO Reports Suffield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Marshallville 1 UFO Reports Marshallville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bistolville 1 UFO Reports Bistolville, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Liberty 1 UFO Reports West Liberty, Ohio UFO Sightings
Grandview 1 UFO Reports Grandview, Ohio UFO Sightings
Johnston 1 UFO Reports Johnston, Ohio UFO Sightings
Soringfield 1 UFO Reports Soringfield, Ohio UFO Sightings
Logan- Columbus 1 UFO Reports Logan- Columbus, Ohio UFO Sightings
Midland 1 UFO Reports Midland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Covington 1 UFO Reports Covington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Valley View 1 UFO Reports Valley View, Ohio UFO Sightings
Forest Park 1 UFO Reports Forest Park, Ohio UFO Sightings
Brunswick Hills 1 UFO Reports Brunswick Hills, Ohio UFO Sightings
Newport 1 UFO Reports Newport, Ohio UFO Sightings
Peabels 1 UFO Reports Peabels, Ohio UFO Sightings
Dayton area 1 UFO Reports Dayton area, Ohio UFO Sightings
Warsaw 1 UFO Reports Warsaw, Ohio UFO Sightings
Caldwell 1 UFO Reports Caldwell, Ohio UFO Sightings
Zoar 1 UFO Reports Zoar, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Jackson 1 UFO Reports North Jackson, Ohio UFO Sightings
Piketon 1 UFO Reports Piketon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Garretsville 1 UFO Reports Garretsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mayfield Hts 1 UFO Reports Mayfield Hts, Ohio UFO Sightings
Clifton 1 UFO Reports Clifton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Alvordon 1 UFO Reports Alvordon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Elida 1 UFO Reports Elida, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bolivar 1 UFO Reports Bolivar, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Lebanon 1 UFO Reports New Lebanon, Ohio UFO Sightings
Orwell 1 UFO Reports Orwell, Ohio UFO Sightings
Rocky Fork Lake 1 UFO Reports Rocky Fork Lake, Ohio UFO Sightings
Russells Point 1 UFO Reports Russells Point, Ohio UFO Sightings
Chauncey 1 UFO Reports Chauncey, Ohio UFO Sightings
Benton 1 UFO Reports Benton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Port Charlotte 1 UFO Reports Port Charlotte, Ohio UFO Sightings
Put-In-Bay 1 UFO Reports Put-In-Bay, Ohio UFO Sightings
Shenandoah 1 UFO Reports Shenandoah, Ohio UFO Sightings
Columbus Grove 1 UFO Reports Columbus Grove, Ohio UFO Sightings
Uhrichsville 1 UFO Reports Uhrichsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Williamsport 1 UFO Reports Williamsport, Ohio UFO Sightings
Painsville 1 UFO Reports Painsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Saint Paris 1 UFO Reports Saint Paris, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sugar Grove 1 UFO Reports Sugar Grove, Ohio UFO Sightings
Multi 1 UFO Reports Multi, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cincy 1 UFO Reports Cincy, Ohio UFO Sightings
East Fultonham 1 UFO Reports East Fultonham, Ohio UFO Sightings
Nelson Ledges 1 UFO Reports Nelson Ledges, Ohio UFO Sightings
Grandview Heights 1 UFO Reports Grandview Heights, Ohio UFO Sightings
Reno 1 UFO Reports Reno, Ohio UFO Sightings
Midwest U S 1 UFO Reports Midwest U S, Ohio UFO Sightings
Van Buren 1 UFO Reports Van Buren, Ohio UFO Sightings
Washington CH 1 UFO Reports Washington CH, Ohio UFO Sightings
Pioneer 1 UFO Reports Pioneer, Ohio UFO Sightings
Clinton 1 UFO Reports Clinton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Amanda 1 UFO Reports Amanda, Ohio UFO Sightings
Toledo to Marion 1 UFO Reports Toledo to Marion, Ohio UFO Sightings
Elkton 1 UFO Reports Elkton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Boston Mills 1 UFO Reports Boston Mills, Ohio UFO Sightings
White Oak 1 UFO Reports White Oak, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ostrander 1 UFO Reports Ostrander, Ohio UFO Sightings
Kinsman 1 UFO Reports Kinsman, Ohio UFO Sightings
Monroe County 1 UFO Reports Monroe County, Ohio UFO Sightings
Russels Point 1 UFO Reports Russels Point, Ohio UFO Sightings
Morrow County 1 UFO Reports Morrow County, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cherry Fork 1 UFO Reports Cherry Fork, Ohio UFO Sightings
Berberton 1 UFO Reports Berberton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Norwood -Cincinnati 1 UFO Reports Norwood -Cincinnati, Ohio UFO Sightings
Port Clinto 1 UFO Reports Port Clinto, Ohio UFO Sightings
Glandorf 1 UFO Reports Glandorf, Ohio UFO Sightings
Quaker City 1 UFO Reports Quaker City, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sherrodsville 1 UFO Reports Sherrodsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Lextington 1 UFO Reports Lextington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mentot 1 UFO Reports Mentot, Ohio UFO Sightings
Commercial Point 1 UFO Reports Commercial Point, Ohio UFO Sightings
Brilliant 1 UFO Reports Brilliant, Ohio UFO Sightings
Pandora 1 UFO Reports Pandora, Ohio UFO Sightings
Peeble 1 UFO Reports Peeble, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fresno 1 UFO Reports Fresno, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cinti 1 UFO Reports Cinti, Ohio UFO Sightings
Aberdeen 1 UFO Reports Aberdeen, Ohio UFO Sightings
Tarlton 1 UFO Reports Tarlton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Blakeslee 1 UFO Reports Blakeslee, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ohio-Michigan border 1 UFO Reports Ohio-Michigan border, Ohio UFO Sightings
Republic 1 UFO Reports Republic, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cridersville 1 UFO Reports Cridersville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fort Larome 1 UFO Reports Fort Larome, Ohio UFO Sightings
Buckeye Lake 1 UFO Reports Buckeye Lake, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wright Patterson AFB 1 UFO Reports Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio UFO Sightings
Newtown 1 UFO Reports Newtown, Ohio UFO Sightings
Camden 1 UFO Reports Camden, Ohio UFO Sightings
Gary 1 UFO Reports Gary, Ohio UFO Sightings
Seven Mile 1 UFO Reports Seven Mile, Ohio UFO Sightings
McClure 1 UFO Reports McClure, Ohio UFO Sightings
Toledo-Cleveland 1 UFO Reports Toledo-Cleveland, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ellsworth 1 UFO Reports Ellsworth, Ohio UFO Sightings
Botkin 1 UFO Reports Botkin, Ohio UFO Sightings
Whitehall 1 UFO Reports Whitehall, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Miami 1 UFO Reports New Miami, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ottovile 1 UFO Reports Ottovile, Ohio UFO Sightings
Gypsum 1 UFO Reports Gypsum, Ohio UFO Sightings
Kirkersville 1 UFO Reports Kirkersville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Rogers 1 UFO Reports Rogers, Ohio UFO Sightings
Monroeville 1 UFO Reports Monroeville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Strausburg 1 UFO Reports Strausburg, Ohio UFO Sightings
Mount Gildead 1 UFO Reports Mount Gildead, Ohio UFO Sightings
Cherry grove 1 UFO Reports Cherry grove, Ohio UFO Sightings
Dillonvale 1 UFO Reports Dillonvale, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wellsville 1 UFO Reports Wellsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Catawba Island 1 UFO Reports Catawba Island, Ohio UFO Sightings
Nova 1 UFO Reports Nova, Ohio UFO Sightings
Glass Rock 1 UFO Reports Glass Rock, Ohio UFO Sightings
Jackson Township 1 UFO Reports Jackson Township, Ohio UFO Sightings
Sherwood 1 UFO Reports Sherwood, Ohio UFO Sightings
Union Town 1 UFO Reports Union Town, Ohio UFO Sightings
Willoughby Hills 1 UFO Reports Willoughby Hills, Ohio UFO Sightings
New Waterford 1 UFO Reports New Waterford, Ohio UFO Sightings
Paris 1 UFO Reports Paris, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fulton 1 UFO Reports Fulton, Ohio UFO Sightings
Hiram 1 UFO Reports Hiram, Ohio UFO Sightings
Murray City 1 UFO Reports Murray City, Ohio UFO Sightings
Thackery 1 UFO Reports Thackery, Ohio UFO Sightings
East Monroe 1 UFO Reports East Monroe, Ohio UFO Sightings
West Portsmouth 1 UFO Reports West Portsmouth, Ohio UFO Sightings
Neptune 1 UFO Reports Neptune, Ohio UFO Sightings
Old Washington 1 UFO Reports Old Washington, Ohio UFO Sightings
Kellys Island 1 UFO Reports Kellys Island, Ohio UFO Sightings
Loraine 1 UFO Reports Loraine, Ohio UFO Sightings
Bainbrodge 1 UFO Reports Bainbrodge, Ohio UFO Sightings
Fort Loramie 1 UFO Reports Fort Loramie, Ohio UFO Sightings
Wright-Patterson AFB 1 UFO Reports Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio UFO Sightings
Deerfield Townsship 1 UFO Reports Deerfield Townsship, Ohio UFO Sightings
Beaverdam 1 UFO Reports Beaverdam, Ohio UFO Sightings
Washington Courthouse 1 UFO Reports Washington Courthouse, Ohio UFO Sightings
North Myrtle Beach 1 UFO Reports North Myrtle Beach, Ohio UFO Sightings
Coitsville 1 UFO Reports Coitsville, Ohio UFO Sightings
Amhearst 1 UFO Reports Amhearst, Ohio UFO Sightings
Tontogany 1 UFO Reports Tontogany, Ohio UFO Sightings
Elmore 1 UFO Reports Elmore, Ohio UFO Sightings
Botkins 1 UFO Reports Botkins, Ohio UFO Sightings
Whithouse 1 UFO Reports Whithouse, Ohio UFO Sightings
Ottway 1 UFO Reports Ottway, Ohio UFO Sightings
St clairsville 1 UFO Reports St clairsville, Ohio UFO Sightings