Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Eastpointe, Michigan

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Eastpointe, Michigan.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Eastpointe, Michigan?

  • There have been 7 officially reported UFO sightings in Eastpointe from 2005 to 2023.
  • Eastpointe ranks #110 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Michigan.

Other Michigan Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Grand Rapids, MI 130 UFO Reports
2 Detroit, MI 106 UFO Reports
3 Lansing, MI 66 UFO Reports
4 Ann Arbor, MI 60 UFO Reports
5 Flint, MI 60 UFO Reports

Eastpointe, Michigan UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 7 UFO sighting reports in Eastpointe, Michigan to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Eastpointe, Michigan

These Eastpointe, Michigan UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Eastpointe, MI

Full Report Text:

there were about 15 of them in groups of three in each direction we looked in but high up in the sky, some of the lights were blinking i was smoking with my friend on the roof and the sky was clear, no clouds in sight, and we spotted these lights moving really fast through the sky and then we spotted another one and there were so many, they were faster than helicopters or planes and they were close to the stars so too high up for planes. some of them formed triangles, and some of them were just flying around. some of them had lights blinking red and white and some were still white or still red.

we couldn’t identify a shape, they just looked like spheres with lights.

09/13/23 8:50 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: between 8:40 pm - 9:10 pm


Eastpointe, MI

Full Report Text:

Witnessed a craft, which I cannot explain. My name is ((name deleted)), on the night of 5-27-16 from 11:05 to about 11:17 p.m.

, I witnessed a UFO. I was working at my facility when I decided to step out for a cigarette. Upon doing so, I noticed a blue light soaring through the sky.

I thought nothing of it, until I noticed it had no other lights. Then the craft came to a dead stop. Once this happened I called my co-worker outside to see what I was seeing.

The craft stopped south west of our location. I would say about a mile away from us, and hovered at about 2000 feet. The craft began to slowly move and 3 orbs of light came out of the bottom of the craft and shot back up into it.

That seemed to start a sequence because the craft became a very bright red and began to descend in what seemed to be a smooth and straight line. The craft disappeared behind the treeline by Selfridge Air Force Base, Mi.

05/27/16 11:05 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 10 minutes


Eastpointe, MI

Full Report Text:

Blue to bright red spherical light over Selfridge Airforce Base; landed. On the night of 5/27/16, between the times of 11:05 and 11:11 pm, my co-worker called me out of the home we work at to point out a weird object flying in the sky that was traveling from the west, headed east, and finally came to rest positioned somewhere over or near Selfridge Air Force base. When the object first appeared it was very blue and very brightly illuminated, the lights weren't flickering or dimming like in typical aircraft.

This was not like any star or planet I have ever seen in the sky before. The object was slightly bigger in appearance than the North Star, and emitted no sounds, and moved very smoothly, until it came to a complete stop northeast of where we were looking and positioned. When the object came to a stop about 3 to 4 smaller orb like blue lights came out of the bottom of the object and hovered there for about 1 minute, before the orbs disappeared back into the object and the object turned solid bright vibrant red.

The object remained still in the sky for about another 2 minutes, and then started to lower itself to the ground. It continued to descend to the ground while remaining bright solid red, until it disappeared out of our visual field. The whole time the object remained the same size and the lights were always visible to my coworker and me.

This event lasted a total of 6 minutes. The house we are located at is in Eastpointe, Michigan, at 9 Mile Rd., just west of Hayes.

The object was viewed moving just north of us, probably about 8-10 miles away, towards the Harrison Township/Mount Clemens area. This is the approximate location that Selfridge Air Force Base is situated compared to where we are. The weather is clear and cloud cover is almost none.

It is not raining and there are hardly any stars visible, so this object really stuck out. I am not sure the altitude of the object but I do know that while my co-worker and I were viewing this event, the object was positioned between two telephone poles, and was about 3 feet above the wire that crosses between the poles. My best guess would be that this object was flying at the elevation of about 20,000 feet to 25,000 feet in the air.

It wasn't as high as a plane would normally be seen flying. My co-worker attempted to get video footage while this whole thing was happening. We don't know if the video came out, or is clear, because it was taken on his smart phone, and the screen is small and marred from overuse.

I am working on transferring the video from his phone to my computer to see it we can upload it to get a better look to see if we were able to catch is even on film. ((NUFORC Note: We spoke via telephone with the witness, and she sounded to us to be quite serious-minded. We suspect that she is an excellent witness.

She works in the field of medicine. PD)).

05/27/16 11:05 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 6 minutes


Eastpointe, MI

Full Report Text:

Did not seem to fly like a conventional aircraft. Feb.8, 2014, 9:00 saw two bright orange lights in the sky lower than an airliner would fly, they were not moving, after about a minute they started to move very slowly, they did not fly in a straight line the one in the rear made a strange movement then dissappeared the one that was in the front began to pick up speed and dissappeared very fast, it made no sound as it took off.

((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

02/08/14 8:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 2 minutes


Eastpointe, MI

Full Report Text:

Amazing fireball. Fireball low in sky, slow in speed at first. Came from south & moved slow then shot across north- east towards lake St.

Clair. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

06/01/13 9:48 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 25 seconds


Eastpointe, MI

Full Report Text:

High altitude bright light changing color and intensity and a dim low saucer shape over SE Macomb County . This was the second sighting of a similar craft from three days earlier. I had just bought a new telescope on the 14th and was star gazing at about 10 pm.

There were two passerby's at about 10:20 who saw the high altitude craft. I was outside setting up my new telescope since it was a very clear night and my new telescope's laser sight was sighted in and ready for use. I first sat down for a smoke then I saw the ufo.

It appears to be similar to the last high altitude one I saw and it was the same approximate time, except that this one circled counterclockwise at least three times over the course of the viewing. The circlular flight path was probably at least 5 - 10 miles round, probably more like 20-30 miles. I saw the object when it was at the high altitude to the east through a telescope for a second, the shape looked almost like two D's piggybacking and was slight bit greenish tint to the light.

I saw stars go by right next to the light on all sides so the craft appeared to be only as big as the light. I was surprised to see it appeared as though there were no other dimension to the craft other than the light itself. When I view planes with a telescope or binoculars at night, they have a gray area where the lights arent and you can see stars get blocked by other parts of the craft not lit.

This was not that way at all. Airplane lights also light up part of the fuselage which was not evident on this craft. I heard nothing in the way of aircraft noises, no jet engines, propeller noises or helicopter noises.

F-16's from Selfridge always make a roar when flying around. Two people came walking by, a man and a woman, and they were pointing at what I was looking at. We met up in my side yard and watched together for a couple of minutes.

It was dim then got kind of bright white, then dimmed when I turned my back to get my telescope (wanted to see it again while it was brighter) then the passerbys said that the object dimmed to red and then to off and disappeared to the East over Saint Clair Shores. The walkers both said there was no way that was a plane. The male walker said that he thought the craft looked to be almost in orbit, or much higher than commercial craft.

The female walker was telling me that she saw the same kind of light show from craft recently and slugged her companion in the shoulder for telling her that her sighting, which he did not see, was a sattelite. On this night, the man admitted that this couldnt be a sattelite or an aircraft. All three of us were mildly excited about the UFO, and the couple walked on after about 20 seconds of the craft not being visible.

As the walkers left a couple of minutes later I saw the craft come back again from the north heading southbound then turned to the east then north again, this circlular flight path was the smallest of the night and the craft was the lowest it had been to this point. When it got to direct north of my position it disappeared behind trees. Then about 20 seconds after that I saw a white shape, very dimly lit that looked saucer shaped and it looked about the size of a private jet, maybe a little bigger.

This was to the Northwest which I had not seen anything in this area before. This time it was much closer but much dimmer and the craft's surface was all the same dim lit greenish but mostly white color. The object was at only a few thousand feet altitude, looked kind of like the letter D resting on its back and it shot east at incredible speed with non-linear accelleration.

The acceleration kind of bounced (hard to describe) then disappeared behind some trees. The wind was from the West at gusts to 20mph, but this object went fast against the wind and the movement looked unreal. At very first glance it appeared almost to be a white balloon in the dark, but the movement was so unorthodox and against the wind and the speed at the end of the acceleration was too high for anything manmade I am aware of.

I am guessing that the craft was the same craft in both instances, one higher than the other, but I do not know for sure. For one thing it appeared to go from a double D to a single D (no pun intended)shape, but in the last closest sighting, the color was similar, just far less intense. This portion of the sighting was quite wierd and so beyond my experience that I still have a hard time admitting what I saw.

((NUFORC Note: Date of the event may be approximate. PD)).

08/17/06 10:30 AM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 5 minutes


Eastpointe, MI

Full Report Text:

Two golden/orange globe like objects moving very fast across the sky As I was closing my garage door, I noticed how crisp and clear the night was tonight. I love to look at the night sky so I decided to take a good look at the Orion constellation. It was then I saw two orange/golden objects appear out of the mid-horizon and move from the east to the western horizon.

At first I thought it was a meteor because it was moving kind of fast. But these two objects were moving in perfect unison and they sounded like that metallic owl from that Clash of the Titans movie. Well, it moved over my head very fast, faster than a plane or a helicopter but maybe less than half the speed of a meteor in the sky, and once it got to about 2 to 3 o'clock in the western horizon, the globes disappeared but made a final birdlike sound about a 1/2 second after it disappeared.

Down by far the strangest thing I've ever seen in my life. I've seen meteors, satellites, planes, helicopters, kites, balloons. you name it.

But nothing like the perfectly moving fast anomaly in the sky. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

11/10/05 11:45 PM

UFO Shape: teardrop

Lasted: 30 seconds


Eastpointe, Michigan UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 2 reported sightings 28.57% of all reports
Teardrop 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Disk 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Fireball 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Unknown 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
Sphere 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports

Eastpointe, Michigan UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
May 2 reported sightings 28.57% of all reports
February 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
November 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
August 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
September 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
June 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports

Eastpointe, Michigan UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Thursday 2 reported sightings 28.57% of all reports
Saturday 2 reported sightings 28.57% of all reports
Friday 2 reported sightings 28.57% of all reports
Wednesday 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports

Eastpointe, Michigan UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
05/27/16 2 reported sightings 28.57% of all reports
11/10/05 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
08/17/06 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
06/01/13 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports
02/08/14 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports

Eastpointe, Michigan UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 6 reported sightings 85.71% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 1 reported sightings 14.29% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Eastpointe, Michigan

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Eastpointe, Michigan.

All Michigan Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Michigan

City Number of Reports View Reports
Grand Rapids 130 UFO Reports Grand Rapids, Michigan UFO Sightings
Detroit 106 UFO Reports Detroit, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lansing 66 UFO Reports Lansing, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ann Arbor 60 UFO Reports Ann Arbor, Michigan UFO Sightings
Flint 60 UFO Reports Flint, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kalamazoo 52 UFO Reports Kalamazoo, Michigan UFO Sightings
Warren 48 UFO Reports Warren, Michigan UFO Sightings
Farmington Hills 45 UFO Reports Farmington Hills, Michigan UFO Sightings
Canton 41 UFO Reports Canton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Holland 41 UFO Reports Holland, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sterling Heights 41 UFO Reports Sterling Heights, Michigan UFO Sightings
Jackson 38 UFO Reports Jackson, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ypsilanti 38 UFO Reports Ypsilanti, Michigan UFO Sightings
Muskegon 37 UFO Reports Muskegon, Michigan UFO Sightings
Clinton Township 35 UFO Reports Clinton Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Traverse City 34 UFO Reports Traverse City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Brighton 29 UFO Reports Brighton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Livonia 29 UFO Reports Livonia, Michigan UFO Sightings
Waterford 29 UFO Reports Waterford, Michigan UFO Sightings
Battle Creek 28 UFO Reports Battle Creek, Michigan UFO Sightings
Troy 28 UFO Reports Troy, Michigan UFO Sightings
Monroe 28 UFO Reports Monroe, Michigan UFO Sightings
Westland 27 UFO Reports Westland, Michigan UFO Sightings
Howell 27 UFO Reports Howell, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saginaw 26 UFO Reports Saginaw, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saint Clair Shores 25 UFO Reports Saint Clair Shores, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dearborn 24 UFO Reports Dearborn, Michigan UFO Sightings
Rochester Hills 23 UFO Reports Rochester Hills, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fenton 22 UFO Reports Fenton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Roseville 22 UFO Reports Roseville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Macomb 21 UFO Reports Macomb, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grand Blanc 21 UFO Reports Grand Blanc, Michigan UFO Sightings
Shelby Township 20 UFO Reports Shelby Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Novi 19 UFO Reports Novi, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bay City 18 UFO Reports Bay City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lapeer 18 UFO Reports Lapeer, Michigan UFO Sightings
Portage 18 UFO Reports Portage, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wyoming 17 UFO Reports Wyoming, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sault Ste Marie 16 UFO Reports Sault Ste Marie, Michigan UFO Sightings
Taylor 16 UFO Reports Taylor, Michigan UFO Sightings
West Bloomfield 16 UFO Reports West Bloomfield, Michigan UFO Sightings
Niles 16 UFO Reports Niles, Michigan UFO Sightings
Midland 15 UFO Reports Midland, Michigan UFO Sightings
Oxford 15 UFO Reports Oxford, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mount Pleasant 15 UFO Reports Mount Pleasant, Michigan UFO Sightings
Royal Oak 15 UFO Reports Royal Oak, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kentwood 14 UFO Reports Kentwood, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wyandotte 14 UFO Reports Wyandotte, Michigan UFO Sightings
Holly 14 UFO Reports Holly, Michigan UFO Sightings
Rockford 14 UFO Reports Rockford, Michigan UFO Sightings
Coldwater 13 UFO Reports Coldwater, Michigan UFO Sightings
Garden City 13 UFO Reports Garden City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Clarkston 13 UFO Reports Clarkston, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dearborn Heights 13 UFO Reports Dearborn Heights, Michigan UFO Sightings
Zeeland 13 UFO Reports Zeeland, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lake Orion 13 UFO Reports Lake Orion, Michigan UFO Sightings
Oscoda 12 UFO Reports Oscoda, Michigan UFO Sightings
Petoskey 12 UFO Reports Petoskey, Michigan UFO Sightings
Auburn Hills 12 UFO Reports Auburn Hills, Michigan UFO Sightings
Marquette 11 UFO Reports Marquette, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lincoln Park 11 UFO Reports Lincoln Park, Michigan UFO Sightings
Flat Rock 11 UFO Reports Flat Rock, Michigan UFO Sightings
East Lansing 11 UFO Reports East Lansing, Michigan UFO Sightings
Port Huron 11 UFO Reports Port Huron, Michigan UFO Sightings
Gladstone 11 UFO Reports Gladstone, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hudsonville 11 UFO Reports Hudsonville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Three Rivers 11 UFO Reports Three Rivers, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saint Joseph 11 UFO Reports Saint Joseph, Michigan UFO Sightings
Adrian 10 UFO Reports Adrian, Michigan UFO Sightings
South Lyon 10 UFO Reports South Lyon, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fraser 10 UFO Reports Fraser, Michigan UFO Sightings
Eaton Rapids 10 UFO Reports Eaton Rapids, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wayne 10 UFO Reports Wayne, Michigan UFO Sightings
Macomb Township 10 UFO Reports Macomb Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Madison Heights 10 UFO Reports Madison Heights, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saline 10 UFO Reports Saline, Michigan UFO Sightings
Southfield 10 UFO Reports Southfield, Michigan UFO Sightings
White Lake 10 UFO Reports White Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
South Haven 10 UFO Reports South Haven, Michigan UFO Sightings
Romulus 9 UFO Reports Romulus, Michigan UFO Sightings
Whitmore Lake 9 UFO Reports Whitmore Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Charlotte 9 UFO Reports Charlotte, Michigan UFO Sightings
Davison 9 UFO Reports Davison, Michigan UFO Sightings
Gaylord 9 UFO Reports Gaylord, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cedar Springs 9 UFO Reports Cedar Springs, Michigan UFO Sightings
Chelsea 9 UFO Reports Chelsea, Michigan UFO Sightings
Vicksburg 9 UFO Reports Vicksburg, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grand Haven 9 UFO Reports Grand Haven, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grayling 9 UFO Reports Grayling, Michigan UFO Sightings
Milan 9 UFO Reports Milan, Michigan UFO Sightings
Gladwin 9 UFO Reports Gladwin, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saint Johns 9 UFO Reports Saint Johns, Michigan UFO Sightings
Brownstown 9 UFO Reports Brownstown, Michigan UFO Sightings
Romeo 9 UFO Reports Romeo, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hastings 8 UFO Reports Hastings, Michigan UFO Sightings
Riverview 8 UFO Reports Riverview, Michigan UFO Sightings
Allen Park 8 UFO Reports Allen Park, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lawton 8 UFO Reports Lawton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mason 8 UFO Reports Mason, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dexter 8 UFO Reports Dexter, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lowell 8 UFO Reports Lowell, Michigan UFO Sightings
Pontiac 8 UFO Reports Pontiac, Michigan UFO Sightings
Chesterfield 8 UFO Reports Chesterfield, Michigan UFO Sightings
Pinckney 8 UFO Reports Pinckney, Michigan UFO Sightings
Plainwell 7 UFO Reports Plainwell, Michigan UFO Sightings
Stevensville 7 UFO Reports Stevensville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Eastpointe 7 UFO Reports Eastpointe, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bloomfield hills 7 UFO Reports Bloomfield hills, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bridgman 7 UFO Reports Bridgman, Michigan UFO Sightings
Rochester 7 UFO Reports Rochester, Michigan UFO Sightings
Allendale 7 UFO Reports Allendale, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hazel Park 7 UFO Reports Hazel Park, Michigan UFO Sightings
Plymouth 7 UFO Reports Plymouth, Michigan UFO Sightings
Burton 7 UFO Reports Burton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grass Lake 7 UFO Reports Grass Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Michigan 7 UFO Reports Michigan, Michigan UFO Sightings
Clinton 7 UFO Reports Clinton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Big Rapids 7 UFO Reports Big Rapids, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mancelona 7 UFO Reports Mancelona, Michigan UFO Sightings
Attica 7 UFO Reports Attica, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ionia 7 UFO Reports Ionia, Michigan UFO Sightings
Temperance 7 UFO Reports Temperance, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cadillac 7 UFO Reports Cadillac, Michigan UFO Sightings
Brooklyn 7 UFO Reports Brooklyn, Michigan UFO Sightings
Southgate 7 UFO Reports Southgate, Michigan UFO Sightings
Iron Mountain 7 UFO Reports Iron Mountain, Michigan UFO Sightings
Frankfort 7 UFO Reports Frankfort, Michigan UFO Sightings
Swartz Creek 7 UFO Reports Swartz Creek, Michigan UFO Sightings
Allegan 7 UFO Reports Allegan, Michigan UFO Sightings
Durand 7 UFO Reports Durand, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mackinaw City 6 UFO Reports Mackinaw City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Walled Lake 6 UFO Reports Walled Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ironwood 6 UFO Reports Ironwood, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wayland 6 UFO Reports Wayland, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saint Clair 6 UFO Reports Saint Clair, Michigan UFO Sightings
Harrison Township 6 UFO Reports Harrison Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Washington 6 UFO Reports Washington, Michigan UFO Sightings
Baldwin 6 UFO Reports Baldwin, Michigan UFO Sightings
Onaway 6 UFO Reports Onaway, Michigan UFO Sightings
Berkley 6 UFO Reports Berkley, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sanford 6 UFO Reports Sanford, Michigan UFO Sightings
Edwardsburg 6 UFO Reports Edwardsburg, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ontonagon 6 UFO Reports Ontonagon, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ludington 6 UFO Reports Ludington, Michigan UFO Sightings
Shelby 6 UFO Reports Shelby, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hartland 6 UFO Reports Hartland, Michigan UFO Sightings
Manistee 6 UFO Reports Manistee, Michigan UFO Sightings
Algonac 6 UFO Reports Algonac, Michigan UFO Sightings
Marlette 6 UFO Reports Marlette, Michigan UFO Sightings
Croswell 6 UFO Reports Croswell, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lexington 6 UFO Reports Lexington, Michigan UFO Sightings
Munising 6 UFO Reports Munising, Michigan UFO Sightings
Milford 6 UFO Reports Milford, Michigan UFO Sightings
West Branch 6 UFO Reports West Branch, Michigan UFO Sightings
Riverdale 5 UFO Reports Riverdale, Michigan UFO Sightings
Greenville 5 UFO Reports Greenville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Galesburg 5 UFO Reports Galesburg, Michigan UFO Sightings
Belleville 5 UFO Reports Belleville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Flushing 5 UFO Reports Flushing, Michigan UFO Sightings
Paw Paw 5 UFO Reports Paw Paw, Michigan UFO Sightings
Okemos 5 UFO Reports Okemos, Michigan UFO Sightings
Vassar 5 UFO Reports Vassar, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hamburg 5 UFO Reports Hamburg, Michigan UFO Sightings
Stockbridge 5 UFO Reports Stockbridge, Michigan UFO Sightings
Coloma 5 UFO Reports Coloma, Michigan UFO Sightings
Redford 5 UFO Reports Redford, Michigan UFO Sightings
Roscommon 5 UFO Reports Roscommon, Michigan UFO Sightings
Marysville 5 UFO Reports Marysville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ferndale 5 UFO Reports Ferndale, Michigan UFO Sightings
Almont 5 UFO Reports Almont, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mount Clemens 5 UFO Reports Mount Clemens, Michigan UFO Sightings
Caro 5 UFO Reports Caro, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mount Morris 5 UFO Reports Mount Morris, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fremont 5 UFO Reports Fremont, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fowlerville 5 UFO Reports Fowlerville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Newaygo 5 UFO Reports Newaygo, Michigan UFO Sightings
Central Lake 5 UFO Reports Central Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Birch Run 5 UFO Reports Birch Run, Michigan UFO Sightings
Newberry 5 UFO Reports Newberry, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lewiston 5 UFO Reports Lewiston, Michigan UFO Sightings
Commerce Township 5 UFO Reports Commerce Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Clio 5 UFO Reports Clio, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kingsford 5 UFO Reports Kingsford, Michigan UFO Sightings
Harbor Springs 5 UFO Reports Harbor Springs, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bellaire 5 UFO Reports Bellaire, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ortonville 5 UFO Reports Ortonville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Gwinn 5 UFO Reports Gwinn, Michigan UFO Sightings
Shelby Twp 5 UFO Reports Shelby Twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Iron River 4 UFO Reports Iron River, Michigan UFO Sightings
Comstock Park 4 UFO Reports Comstock Park, Michigan UFO Sightings
Vanderbilt 4 UFO Reports Vanderbilt, Michigan UFO Sightings
Highland 4 UFO Reports Highland, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ada 4 UFO Reports Ada, Michigan UFO Sightings
Manitou Beach 4 UFO Reports Manitou Beach, Michigan UFO Sightings
Marshall 4 UFO Reports Marshall, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hale 4 UFO Reports Hale, Michigan UFO Sightings
Clarklake 4 UFO Reports Clarklake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Gobles 4 UFO Reports Gobles, Michigan UFO Sightings
Buchanan 4 UFO Reports Buchanan, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grandville 4 UFO Reports Grandville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Imlay City 4 UFO Reports Imlay City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Evart 4 UFO Reports Evart, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hillsdale 4 UFO Reports Hillsdale, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grant 4 UFO Reports Grant, Michigan UFO Sightings
Houghton Lake 4 UFO Reports Houghton Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Capac 4 UFO Reports Capac, Michigan UFO Sightings
Trenton 4 UFO Reports Trenton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lambertville 4 UFO Reports Lambertville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Clawson 4 UFO Reports Clawson, Michigan UFO Sightings
Rose City 4 UFO Reports Rose City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cheboygan 4 UFO Reports Cheboygan, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sturgis 4 UFO Reports Sturgis, Michigan UFO Sightings
Inkster 4 UFO Reports Inkster, Michigan UFO Sightings
DeWitt 4 UFO Reports DeWitt, Michigan UFO Sightings
Tecumseh 4 UFO Reports Tecumseh, Michigan UFO Sightings
Northville 4 UFO Reports Northville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lake City 4 UFO Reports Lake City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Norton Shores 4 UFO Reports Norton Shores, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grosse Pointe Farms 4 UFO Reports Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan UFO Sightings
Boyne City 4 UFO Reports Boyne City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lake Leelanau 4 UFO Reports Lake Leelanau, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wixom 4 UFO Reports Wixom, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grand Ledge 4 UFO Reports Grand Ledge, Michigan UFO Sightings
Auburn 4 UFO Reports Auburn, Michigan UFO Sightings
Rapid City 4 UFO Reports Rapid City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Birmingham 4 UFO Reports Birmingham, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fruitport 4 UFO Reports Fruitport, Michigan UFO Sightings
Three Oaks 4 UFO Reports Three Oaks, Michigan UFO Sightings
Escanaba 4 UFO Reports Escanaba, Michigan UFO Sightings
Charlevoix 4 UFO Reports Charlevoix, Michigan UFO Sightings
Blanchard 4 UFO Reports Blanchard, Michigan UFO Sightings
Haslett 4 UFO Reports Haslett, Michigan UFO Sightings
New Baltimore 4 UFO Reports New Baltimore, Michigan UFO Sightings
Manistique 4 UFO Reports Manistique, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ida 3 UFO Reports Ida, Michigan UFO Sightings
Watersmeet 3 UFO Reports Watersmeet, Michigan UFO Sightings
Essexville 3 UFO Reports Essexville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fennville 3 UFO Reports Fennville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cassopolis 3 UFO Reports Cassopolis, Michigan UFO Sightings
West Olive 3 UFO Reports West Olive, Michigan UFO Sightings
Harrison 3 UFO Reports Harrison, Michigan UFO Sightings
Watervliet 3 UFO Reports Watervliet, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saint Charles 3 UFO Reports Saint Charles, Michigan UFO Sightings
Union 3 UFO Reports Union, Michigan UFO Sightings
Eastport 3 UFO Reports Eastport, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bad Axe 3 UFO Reports Bad Axe, Michigan UFO Sightings
Houghton 3 UFO Reports Houghton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Linden 3 UFO Reports Linden, Michigan UFO Sightings
Martin 3 UFO Reports Martin, Michigan UFO Sightings
Otisville 3 UFO Reports Otisville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Jonesville 3 UFO Reports Jonesville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Leland 3 UFO Reports Leland, Michigan UFO Sightings
Afton 3 UFO Reports Afton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Morrice 3 UFO Reports Morrice, Michigan UFO Sightings
Tawas City 3 UFO Reports Tawas City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Olivet 3 UFO Reports Olivet, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grosse Ile 3 UFO Reports Grosse Ile, Michigan UFO Sightings
Alma 3 UFO Reports Alma, Michigan UFO Sightings
Vermontville 3 UFO Reports Vermontville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Benton Harbor 3 UFO Reports Benton Harbor, Michigan UFO Sightings
Millington 3 UFO Reports Millington, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fort Gratiot 3 UFO Reports Fort Gratiot, Michigan UFO Sightings
Goodrich 3 UFO Reports Goodrich, Michigan UFO Sightings
Beverly Hills 3 UFO Reports Beverly Hills, Michigan UFO Sightings
Perry 3 UFO Reports Perry, Michigan UFO Sightings
Harrison Twp 3 UFO Reports Harrison Twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Colon 3 UFO Reports Colon, Michigan UFO Sightings
Stanton 3 UFO Reports Stanton, Michigan UFO Sightings
LAnse 3 UFO Reports LAnse, Michigan UFO Sightings
Williamston 3 UFO Reports Williamston, Michigan UFO Sightings
Richland 3 UFO Reports Richland, Michigan UFO Sightings
Interlochen 3 UFO Reports Interlochen, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sand Lake 3 UFO Reports Sand Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Richmond 3 UFO Reports Richmond, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fairview 3 UFO Reports Fairview, Michigan UFO Sightings
Weidman 3 UFO Reports Weidman, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mattawan 3 UFO Reports Mattawan, Michigan UFO Sightings
Corunna 3 UFO Reports Corunna, Michigan UFO Sightings
Decatur 3 UFO Reports Decatur, Michigan UFO Sightings
Albion 3 UFO Reports Albion, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hart 3 UFO Reports Hart, Michigan UFO Sightings
Farmington 3 UFO Reports Farmington, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grosse Pointe Park 3 UFO Reports Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan UFO Sightings
Rothbury 3 UFO Reports Rothbury, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wellston 3 UFO Reports Wellston, Michigan UFO Sightings
Alto 3 UFO Reports Alto, Michigan UFO Sightings
Berlin Township 3 UFO Reports Berlin Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Manchester 3 UFO Reports Manchester, Michigan UFO Sightings
Rockwood 3 UFO Reports Rockwood, Michigan UFO Sightings
Orchard Lake 3 UFO Reports Orchard Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grosse Pointe Woods 3 UFO Reports Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sterling 3 UFO Reports Sterling, Michigan UFO Sightings
Jenison 3 UFO Reports Jenison, Michigan UFO Sightings
Twin Lake 3 UFO Reports Twin Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Palo 3 UFO Reports Palo, Michigan UFO Sightings
Frankenmuth 3 UFO Reports Frankenmuth, Michigan UFO Sightings
Harbor Beach 3 UFO Reports Harbor Beach, Michigan UFO Sightings
East Tawas 3 UFO Reports East Tawas, Michigan UFO Sightings
Newport 3 UFO Reports Newport, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hudson 3 UFO Reports Hudson, Michigan UFO Sightings
Spring Lake 3 UFO Reports Spring Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Beaver Island 3 UFO Reports Beaver Island, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lupton 3 UFO Reports Lupton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Port Sanilac 3 UFO Reports Port Sanilac, Michigan UFO Sightings
Woodhaven 3 UFO Reports Woodhaven, Michigan UFO Sightings
Glen Arbor 3 UFO Reports Glen Arbor, Michigan UFO Sightings
Walker 3 UFO Reports Walker, Michigan UFO Sightings
Harper Woods 3 UFO Reports Harper Woods, Michigan UFO Sightings
Whitehall 3 UFO Reports Whitehall, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lincoln 2 UFO Reports Lincoln, Michigan UFO Sightings
Douglas 2 UFO Reports Douglas, Michigan UFO Sightings
Munith 2 UFO Reports Munith, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hadley 2 UFO Reports Hadley, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mackinaw 2 UFO Reports Mackinaw, Michigan UFO Sightings
Clare 2 UFO Reports Clare, Michigan UFO Sightings
New Boston 2 UFO Reports New Boston, Michigan UFO Sightings
Portland 2 UFO Reports Portland, Michigan UFO Sightings
Glennie 2 UFO Reports Glennie, Michigan UFO Sightings
Melvindale 2 UFO Reports Melvindale, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lawrence 2 UFO Reports Lawrence, Michigan UFO Sightings
Walkerville 2 UFO Reports Walkerville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bessmer 2 UFO Reports Bessmer, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kenton 2 UFO Reports Kenton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Gregory 2 UFO Reports Gregory, Michigan UFO Sightings
St Clair Shores 2 UFO Reports St Clair Shores, Michigan UFO Sightings
Irons 2 UFO Reports Irons, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dowagiac 2 UFO Reports Dowagiac, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sawyer 2 UFO Reports Sawyer, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kinross 2 UFO Reports Kinross, Michigan UFO Sightings
Barton City 2 UFO Reports Barton City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Menominee 2 UFO Reports Menominee, Michigan UFO Sightings
Vandercook Lake 2 UFO Reports Vandercook Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dansville 2 UFO Reports Dansville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Jones 2 UFO Reports Jones, Michigan UFO Sightings
Armada 2 UFO Reports Armada, Michigan UFO Sightings
Highland Park 2 UFO Reports Highland Park, Michigan UFO Sightings
North Muskegon 2 UFO Reports North Muskegon, Michigan UFO Sightings
Schoolcraft 2 UFO Reports Schoolcraft, Michigan UFO Sightings
Belmont 2 UFO Reports Belmont, Michigan UFO Sightings
Potterville 2 UFO Reports Potterville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Union City 2 UFO Reports Union City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lakeview 2 UFO Reports Lakeview, Michigan UFO Sightings
Pentwater 2 UFO Reports Pentwater, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kewadin 2 UFO Reports Kewadin, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ishpeming 2 UFO Reports Ishpeming, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lake 2 UFO Reports Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hamilton 2 UFO Reports Hamilton, Michigan UFO Sightings
New Haven 2 UFO Reports New Haven, Michigan UFO Sightings
Unionville 2 UFO Reports Unionville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cement City 2 UFO Reports Cement City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Freeland 2 UFO Reports Freeland, Michigan UFO Sightings
Williamsburg 2 UFO Reports Williamsburg, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ecorse 2 UFO Reports Ecorse, Michigan UFO Sightings
Northport 2 UFO Reports Northport, Michigan UFO Sightings
Omer 2 UFO Reports Omer, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ithaca 2 UFO Reports Ithaca, Michigan UFO Sightings
Drummond Island 2 UFO Reports Drummond Island, Michigan UFO Sightings
Napoleon 2 UFO Reports Napoleon, Michigan UFO Sightings
Scottville 2 UFO Reports Scottville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fostoria 2 UFO Reports Fostoria, Michigan UFO Sightings
East Grand Rapids 2 UFO Reports East Grand Rapids, Michigan UFO Sightings
Presque Isle 2 UFO Reports Presque Isle, Michigan UFO Sightings
Silver City 2 UFO Reports Silver City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Center Line 2 UFO Reports Center Line, Michigan UFO Sightings
Washington Township 2 UFO Reports Washington Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Big Bay 2 UFO Reports Big Bay, Michigan UFO Sightings
Harrisville 2 UFO Reports Harrisville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bancroft 2 UFO Reports Bancroft, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grosse Pointe 2 UFO Reports Grosse Pointe, Michigan UFO Sightings
Alpena 2 UFO Reports Alpena, Michigan UFO Sightings
Plymouth Township 2 UFO Reports Plymouth Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mass City 2 UFO Reports Mass City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fairgrove 2 UFO Reports Fairgrove, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ovid 2 UFO Reports Ovid, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fountain 2 UFO Reports Fountain, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hamtramck 2 UFO Reports Hamtramck, Michigan UFO Sightings
New Troy 2 UFO Reports New Troy, Michigan UFO Sightings
Leroy 2 UFO Reports Leroy, Michigan UFO Sightings
Washington twp 2 UFO Reports Washington twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Alanson 2 UFO Reports Alanson, Michigan UFO Sightings
Harsens Island 2 UFO Reports Harsens Island, Michigan UFO Sightings
Marine City 2 UFO Reports Marine City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Columbus 2 UFO Reports Columbus, Michigan UFO Sightings
Willis 2 UFO Reports Willis, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bangor 2 UFO Reports Bangor, Michigan UFO Sightings
Byron Center 2 UFO Reports Byron Center, Michigan UFO Sightings
National City 2 UFO Reports National City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Gibralter 2 UFO Reports Gibralter, Michigan UFO Sightings
Middleville 2 UFO Reports Middleville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Owosso 2 UFO Reports Owosso, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kalkaska 2 UFO Reports Kalkaska, Michigan UFO Sightings
East Jordan 2 UFO Reports East Jordan, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sister Lakes 2 UFO Reports Sister Lakes, Michigan UFO Sightings
Marion 2 UFO Reports Marion, Michigan UFO Sightings
Jamestown 2 UFO Reports Jamestown, Michigan UFO Sightings
Port Austin 2 UFO Reports Port Austin, Michigan UFO Sightings
Girard 2 UFO Reports Girard, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saint Helen 2 UFO Reports Saint Helen, Michigan UFO Sightings
Clinton Twp 2 UFO Reports Clinton Twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Au Train 2 UFO Reports Au Train, Michigan UFO Sightings
Centreville 2 UFO Reports Centreville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Erie 2 UFO Reports Erie, Michigan UFO Sightings
Caledonia 2 UFO Reports Caledonia, Michigan UFO Sightings
Luna Pier 2 UFO Reports Luna Pier, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lake Odessa 2 UFO Reports Lake Odessa, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mayville 2 UFO Reports Mayville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Berrien Center 2 UFO Reports Berrien Center, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saint Ignace 2 UFO Reports Saint Ignace, Michigan UFO Sightings
Brown City 2 UFO Reports Brown City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Honor 2 UFO Reports Honor, Michigan UFO Sightings
Pinkney 2 UFO Reports Pinkney, Michigan UFO Sightings
Harvey 2 UFO Reports Harvey, Michigan UFO Sightings
Woodbury 2 UFO Reports Woodbury, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bark River 2 UFO Reports Bark River, Michigan UFO Sightings
Caseville 2 UFO Reports Caseville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Jerome 2 UFO Reports Jerome, Michigan UFO Sightings
Negaunee 2 UFO Reports Negaunee, Michigan UFO Sightings
LaSalle 2 UFO Reports LaSalle, Michigan UFO Sightings
Berrien Springs 2 UFO Reports Berrien Springs, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kent City 2 UFO Reports Kent City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ravenna 2 UFO Reports Ravenna, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hope 2 UFO Reports Hope, Michigan UFO Sightings
Greenbush 2 UFO Reports Greenbush, Michigan UFO Sightings
Springfield 2 UFO Reports Springfield, Michigan UFO Sightings
Marne 2 UFO Reports Marne, Michigan UFO Sightings
Oak Park 2 UFO Reports Oak Park, Michigan UFO Sightings
Crystal Falls 2 UFO Reports Crystal Falls, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cass City 2 UFO Reports Cass City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bridgeport 2 UFO Reports Bridgeport, Michigan UFO Sightings
Tyrone Township 2 UFO Reports Tyrone Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mecosta 2 UFO Reports Mecosta, Michigan UFO Sightings
Delton 2 UFO Reports Delton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Acme 2 UFO Reports Acme, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bessemer 2 UFO Reports Bessemer, Michigan UFO Sightings
Franklin 2 UFO Reports Franklin, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hopkins 2 UFO Reports Hopkins, Michigan UFO Sightings
Springlake 1 UFO Reports Springlake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Charlivox 1 UFO Reports Charlivox, Michigan UFO Sightings
Allen 1 UFO Reports Allen, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bloomfield 1 UFO Reports Bloomfield, Michigan UFO Sightings
Tipton 1 UFO Reports Tipton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kingston 1 UFO Reports Kingston, Michigan UFO Sightings
Woodland 1 UFO Reports Woodland, Michigan UFO Sightings
Barryton 1 UFO Reports Barryton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Canadian Lakes 1 UFO Reports Canadian Lakes, Michigan UFO Sightings
Oakland Township 1 UFO Reports Oakland Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cutlerville 1 UFO Reports Cutlerville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Milford Charter Township 1 UFO Reports Milford Charter Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sagola 1 UFO Reports Sagola, Michigan UFO Sightings
Johannesburg 1 UFO Reports Johannesburg, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dutton 1 UFO Reports Dutton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Antrim Township 1 UFO Reports Antrim Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bridgeton 1 UFO Reports Bridgeton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Shepherd 1 UFO Reports Shepherd, Michigan UFO Sightings
Unadilla 1 UFO Reports Unadilla, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lake Wasahetchie 1 UFO Reports Lake Wasahetchie, Michigan UFO Sightings
South Haven Michigan 1 UFO Reports South Haven Michigan, Michigan UFO Sightings
Detour Village 1 UFO Reports Detour Village, Michigan UFO Sightings
Morenci 1 UFO Reports Morenci, Michigan UFO Sightings
Parshallville 1 UFO Reports Parshallville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Franklyn 1 UFO Reports Franklyn, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saint Josephs 1 UFO Reports Saint Josephs, Michigan UFO Sightings
Tapiola 1 UFO Reports Tapiola, Michigan UFO Sightings
Baadon 1 UFO Reports Baadon, Michigan UFO Sightings
Brownstown Township 1 UFO Reports Brownstown Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
None 1 UFO Reports None, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ray Center 1 UFO Reports Ray Center, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grandhaven 1 UFO Reports Grandhaven, Michigan UFO Sightings
Horton 1 UFO Reports Horton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Oakley 1 UFO Reports Oakley, Michigan UFO Sightings
Imaly City 1 UFO Reports Imaly City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Roosevelt 1 UFO Reports Roosevelt, Michigan UFO Sightings
Pleasant Lake 1 UFO Reports Pleasant Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hawks 1 UFO Reports Hawks, Michigan UFO Sightings
Tower 1 UFO Reports Tower, Michigan UFO Sightings
Comstock Township 1 UFO Reports Comstock Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Woodville 1 UFO Reports Woodville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Eureka 1 UFO Reports Eureka, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bellevue 1 UFO Reports Bellevue, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cedar 1 UFO Reports Cedar, Michigan UFO Sightings
Milford Township 1 UFO Reports Milford Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Osseo 1 UFO Reports Osseo, Michigan UFO Sightings
Forest Grove 1 UFO Reports Forest Grove, Michigan UFO Sightings
StJohns 1 UFO Reports StJohns, Michigan UFO Sightings
West Wartan 1 UFO Reports West Wartan, Michigan UFO Sightings
E Lansing 1 UFO Reports E Lansing, Michigan UFO Sightings
New Buffalo 1 UFO Reports New Buffalo, Michigan UFO Sightings
Posen 1 UFO Reports Posen, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sherwood 1 UFO Reports Sherwood, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lakeport 1 UFO Reports Lakeport, Michigan UFO Sightings
South Lansing 1 UFO Reports South Lansing, Michigan UFO Sightings
Between Wells tongue and Cadillac 1 UFO Reports Between Wells tongue and Cadillac, Michigan UFO Sightings
Morley 1 UFO Reports Morley, Michigan UFO Sightings
Frankort 1 UFO Reports Frankort, Michigan UFO Sightings
Harrison & MtPlesent 1 UFO Reports Harrison & MtPlesent, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saint Louis 1 UFO Reports Saint Louis, Michigan UFO Sightings
Tawas 1 UFO Reports Tawas, Michigan UFO Sightings
Maple City 1 UFO Reports Maple City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Coleman area 1 UFO Reports Coleman area, Michigan UFO Sightings
Whittemore 1 UFO Reports Whittemore, Michigan UFO Sightings
Reading 1 UFO Reports Reading, Michigan UFO Sightings
Gross Ile 1 UFO Reports Gross Ile, Michigan UFO Sightings
Rooseville 1 UFO Reports Rooseville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Standale 1 UFO Reports Standale, Michigan UFO Sightings
Charter Township of Berlin 1 UFO Reports Charter Township of Berlin, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dowling 1 UFO Reports Dowling, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bloomfield Twp 1 UFO Reports Bloomfield Twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Muskegon County 1 UFO Reports Muskegon County, Michigan UFO Sightings
Pleasant Ridge 1 UFO Reports Pleasant Ridge, Michigan UFO Sightings
Gastings 1 UFO Reports Gastings, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lachine 1 UFO Reports Lachine, Michigan UFO Sightings
Conklin 1 UFO Reports Conklin, Michigan UFO Sightings
Barton Hills 1 UFO Reports Barton Hills, Michigan UFO Sightings
Canton Township 1 UFO Reports Canton Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Meridith 1 UFO Reports Meridith, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fenton Township 1 UFO Reports Fenton Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cedar River 1 UFO Reports Cedar River, Michigan UFO Sightings
Millersburg 1 UFO Reports Millersburg, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fort Collins 1 UFO Reports Fort Collins, Michigan UFO Sightings
Westbloomfield 1 UFO Reports Westbloomfield, Michigan UFO Sightings
Eagle 1 UFO Reports Eagle, Michigan UFO Sightings
Arnheim 1 UFO Reports Arnheim, Michigan UFO Sightings
New Buffulo 1 UFO Reports New Buffulo, Michigan UFO Sightings
Goetzville 1 UFO Reports Goetzville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Shields 1 UFO Reports Shields, Michigan UFO Sightings
Detroit area 1 UFO Reports Detroit area, Michigan UFO Sightings
Beulah 1 UFO Reports Beulah, Michigan UFO Sightings
Salem Township 1 UFO Reports Salem Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Maple Rapids 1 UFO Reports Maple Rapids, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wilderness State Park 1 UFO Reports Wilderness State Park, Michigan UFO Sightings
BadAxe 1 UFO Reports BadAxe, Michigan UFO Sightings
Burr Oak 1 UFO Reports Burr Oak, Michigan UFO Sightings
North Port 1 UFO Reports North Port, Michigan UFO Sightings
Standish 1 UFO Reports Standish, Michigan UFO Sightings
Linwood 1 UFO Reports Linwood, Michigan UFO Sightings
Chatham 1 UFO Reports Chatham, Michigan UFO Sightings
Drayton Plains 1 UFO Reports Drayton Plains, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bloomingdale 1 UFO Reports Bloomingdale, Michigan UFO Sightings
Nahma 1 UFO Reports Nahma, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hemlock 1 UFO Reports Hemlock, Michigan UFO Sightings
Scotts 1 UFO Reports Scotts, Michigan UFO Sightings
Coopersville 1 UFO Reports Coopersville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ewen 1 UFO Reports Ewen, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bath 1 UFO Reports Bath, Michigan UFO Sightings
Metamora 1 UFO Reports Metamora, Michigan UFO Sightings
De Tour Village 1 UFO Reports De Tour Village, Michigan UFO Sightings
Otsego 1 UFO Reports Otsego, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saint Clair Shore 1 UFO Reports Saint Clair Shore, Michigan UFO Sightings
Stonington 1 UFO Reports Stonington, Michigan UFO Sightings
Westbranch 1 UFO Reports Westbranch, Michigan UFO Sightings
Eagle River 1 UFO Reports Eagle River, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ashton 1 UFO Reports Ashton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Brighton Township 1 UFO Reports Brighton Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Powers 1 UFO Reports Powers, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sidney 1 UFO Reports Sidney, Michigan UFO Sightings
Howard City 1 UFO Reports Howard City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Rochester Hill 1 UFO Reports Rochester Hill, Michigan UFO Sightings
South Manitou Island 1 UFO Reports South Manitou Island, Michigan UFO Sightings
Independence Township 1 UFO Reports Independence Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Leonard 1 UFO Reports Leonard, Michigan UFO Sightings
Detroit Michigan 1 UFO Reports Detroit Michigan, Michigan UFO Sightings
Akron 1 UFO Reports Akron, Michigan UFO Sightings
Morris 1 UFO Reports Morris, Michigan UFO Sightings
Salie 1 UFO Reports Salie, Michigan UFO Sightings
Keweenaw Peninsual 1 UFO Reports Keweenaw Peninsual, Michigan UFO Sightings
Marcellus 1 UFO Reports Marcellus, Michigan UFO Sightings
Burt 1 UFO Reports Burt, Michigan UFO Sightings
Remus 1 UFO Reports Remus, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grasonville 1 UFO Reports Grasonville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Carney 1 UFO Reports Carney, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grosse Point 1 UFO Reports Grosse Point, Michigan UFO Sightings
Webberville 1 UFO Reports Webberville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Boon 1 UFO Reports Boon, Michigan UFO Sightings
Plymouth - Northville 1 UFO Reports Plymouth - Northville, Michigan UFO Sightings
George Town township 1 UFO Reports George Town township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hersey 1 UFO Reports Hersey, Michigan UFO Sightings
Trout River 1 UFO Reports Trout River, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lake Ann 1 UFO Reports Lake Ann, Michigan UFO Sightings
Copemish 1 UFO Reports Copemish, Michigan UFO Sightings
Yale 1 UFO Reports Yale, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fair Haven 1 UFO Reports Fair Haven, Michigan UFO Sightings
Metro Detroit 1 UFO Reports Metro Detroit, Michigan UFO Sightings
Vestaburg 1 UFO Reports Vestaburg, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fife Lake 1 UFO Reports Fife Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Benzie County 1 UFO Reports Benzie County, Michigan UFO Sightings
Minden City 1 UFO Reports Minden City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ottawa Lake 1 UFO Reports Ottawa Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hamilton area 1 UFO Reports Hamilton area, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saint Clair Shored 1 UFO Reports Saint Clair Shored, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kalamazoo to Muskegon 1 UFO Reports Kalamazoo to Muskegon, Michigan UFO Sightings
Clayton 1 UFO Reports Clayton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Assumption 1 UFO Reports Assumption, Michigan UFO Sightings
Britton 1 UFO Reports Britton, Michigan UFO Sightings
New Hudson 1 UFO Reports New Hudson, Michigan UFO Sightings
Gowen 1 UFO Reports Gowen, Michigan UFO Sightings
Unknown 1 UFO Reports Unknown, Michigan UFO Sightings
South Marquette County 1 UFO Reports South Marquette County, Michigan UFO Sightings
Leota 1 UFO Reports Leota, Michigan UFO Sightings
Alamo 1 UFO Reports Alamo, Michigan UFO Sightings
Freeport 1 UFO Reports Freeport, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kimball 1 UFO Reports Kimball, Michigan UFO Sightings
Marenisco 1 UFO Reports Marenisco, Michigan UFO Sightings
Columbiaville 1 UFO Reports Columbiaville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Edgemere 1 UFO Reports Edgemere, Michigan UFO Sightings
Rosebush 1 UFO Reports Rosebush, Michigan UFO Sightings
Stanwood 1 UFO Reports Stanwood, Michigan UFO Sightings
Long Lake 1 UFO Reports Long Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Webberville area 1 UFO Reports Webberville area, Michigan UFO Sightings
Drummond Island michigan 1 UFO Reports Drummond Island michigan, Michigan UFO Sightings
Boston Location 1 UFO Reports Boston Location, Michigan UFO Sightings
Nashville 1 UFO Reports Nashville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Georgetown Twp 1 UFO Reports Georgetown Twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hesperia 1 UFO Reports Hesperia, Michigan UFO Sightings
Shanty Creek 1 UFO Reports Shanty Creek, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cornell 1 UFO Reports Cornell, Michigan UFO Sightings
Filion 1 UFO Reports Filion, Michigan UFO Sightings
Benzonia 1 UFO Reports Benzonia, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mio 1 UFO Reports Mio, Michigan UFO Sightings
Summerfield Township 1 UFO Reports Summerfield Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kaleva 1 UFO Reports Kaleva, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mainstee 1 UFO Reports Mainstee, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wetmore 1 UFO Reports Wetmore, Michigan UFO Sightings
East Jackson 1 UFO Reports East Jackson, Michigan UFO Sightings
Athens 1 UFO Reports Athens, Michigan UFO Sightings
Brohman 1 UFO Reports Brohman, Michigan UFO Sightings
Prudenville 1 UFO Reports Prudenville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Holt 1 UFO Reports Holt, Michigan UFO Sightings
Silverwood 1 UFO Reports Silverwood, Michigan UFO Sightings
Upper Peninsula 1 UFO Reports Upper Peninsula, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grawn 1 UFO Reports Grawn, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hoxeyville 1 UFO Reports Hoxeyville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Rock 1 UFO Reports Rock, Michigan UFO Sightings
South Republic 1 UFO Reports South Republic, Michigan UFO Sightings
Centerline 1 UFO Reports Centerline, Michigan UFO Sightings
Petosky 1 UFO Reports Petosky, Michigan UFO Sightings
Tekonsha 1 UFO Reports Tekonsha, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kimball Twp 1 UFO Reports Kimball Twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Edmore 1 UFO Reports Edmore, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bay Harbor 1 UFO Reports Bay Harbor, Michigan UFO Sightings
Carrollton 1 UFO Reports Carrollton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Onodaga twp 1 UFO Reports Onodaga twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
StCharles 1 UFO Reports StCharles, Michigan UFO Sightings
Jacksonn 1 UFO Reports Jacksonn, Michigan UFO Sightings
Chesaning 1 UFO Reports Chesaning, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dryden 1 UFO Reports Dryden, Michigan UFO Sightings
Alston 1 UFO Reports Alston, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hessel 1 UFO Reports Hessel, Michigan UFO Sightings
Shavehead Lake 1 UFO Reports Shavehead Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Tuscola 1 UFO Reports Tuscola, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ypsilanti Township 1 UFO Reports Ypsilanti Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lanson 1 UFO Reports Lanson, Michigan UFO Sightings
Vining 1 UFO Reports Vining, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fish Point 1 UFO Reports Fish Point, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hancock 1 UFO Reports Hancock, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saint Claire Shores 1 UFO Reports Saint Claire Shores, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sunfield 1 UFO Reports Sunfield, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wheatfield Twp 1 UFO Reports Wheatfield Twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Brookly 1 UFO Reports Brookly, Michigan UFO Sightings
Pullman 1 UFO Reports Pullman, Michigan UFO Sightings
Holton 1 UFO Reports Holton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Utica 1 UFO Reports Utica, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hubbard Lake 1 UFO Reports Hubbard Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Levering 1 UFO Reports Levering, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dimaondale 1 UFO Reports Dimaondale, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mount Morris Township 1 UFO Reports Mount Morris Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Pickney 1 UFO Reports Pickney, Michigan UFO Sightings
Frenchtown 1 UFO Reports Frenchtown, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kincheloe 1 UFO Reports Kincheloe, Michigan UFO Sightings
Commerce 1 UFO Reports Commerce, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bangor and Bloomingdale 1 UFO Reports Bangor and Bloomingdale, Michigan UFO Sightings
Norway 1 UFO Reports Norway, Michigan UFO Sightings
Riely 1 UFO Reports Riely, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ypslianti 1 UFO Reports Ypslianti, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bay Mills Township 1 UFO Reports Bay Mills Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Carson City 1 UFO Reports Carson City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Stering Heights 1 UFO Reports Stering Heights, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dundee 1 UFO Reports Dundee, Michigan UFO Sightings
Boyne Falls 1 UFO Reports Boyne Falls, Michigan UFO Sightings
Naubinway 1 UFO Reports Naubinway, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hickory Corners 1 UFO Reports Hickory Corners, Michigan UFO Sightings
Tustin 1 UFO Reports Tustin, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lake Michigan 1 UFO Reports Lake Michigan, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mayfield 1 UFO Reports Mayfield, Michigan UFO Sightings
Covert 1 UFO Reports Covert, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wacousta 1 UFO Reports Wacousta, Michigan UFO Sightings
Deford 1 UFO Reports Deford, Michigan UFO Sightings
Montague 1 UFO Reports Montague, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fowleville 1 UFO Reports Fowleville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hanover 1 UFO Reports Hanover, Michigan UFO Sightings
Superior Township 1 UFO Reports Superior Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kansas City 1 UFO Reports Kansas City, Michigan UFO Sightings
White Cloud 1 UFO Reports White Cloud, Michigan UFO Sightings
Quincy 1 UFO Reports Quincy, Michigan UFO Sightings
Homer 1 UFO Reports Homer, Michigan UFO Sightings
Skidway Lake 1 UFO Reports Skidway Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Van Buren Township 1 UFO Reports Van Buren Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Green Lake 1 UFO Reports Green Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Hubbardston 1 UFO Reports Hubbardston, Michigan UFO Sightings
Waterford Twp 1 UFO Reports Waterford Twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dimondale 1 UFO Reports Dimondale, Michigan UFO Sightings
Alger 1 UFO Reports Alger, Michigan UFO Sightings
Birdlake 1 UFO Reports Birdlake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Frenchtown Twp 1 UFO Reports Frenchtown Twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saranac 1 UFO Reports Saranac, Michigan UFO Sightings
Temperence 1 UFO Reports Temperence, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kinderhook 1 UFO Reports Kinderhook, Michigan UFO Sightings
Marion Township 1 UFO Reports Marion Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wolf Lake 1 UFO Reports Wolf Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bankson Lake 1 UFO Reports Bankson Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Riga 1 UFO Reports Riga, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cross Village 1 UFO Reports Cross Village, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bear Lake 1 UFO Reports Bear Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Carsonville 1 UFO Reports Carsonville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Chesterfiled 1 UFO Reports Chesterfiled, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dundee a 1 UFO Reports Dundee a, Michigan UFO Sightings
Anchorville 1 UFO Reports Anchorville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Bramptom 1 UFO Reports Bramptom, Michigan UFO Sightings
Near Detour 1 UFO Reports Near Detour, Michigan UFO Sightings
Higgans Lake 1 UFO Reports Higgans Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Shelby Townshiip 1 UFO Reports Shelby Townshiip, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lapeer and Flint 1 UFO Reports Lapeer and Flint, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wadhams 1 UFO Reports Wadhams, Michigan UFO Sightings
Delta Charter Township 1 UFO Reports Delta Charter Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Montcalm County 1 UFO Reports Montcalm County, Michigan UFO Sightings
Surf City 1 UFO Reports Surf City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Keego Harbor 1 UFO Reports Keego Harbor, Michigan UFO Sightings
Smiths Creek 1 UFO Reports Smiths Creek, Michigan UFO Sightings
Green Oak Twp 1 UFO Reports Green Oak Twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Rodney 1 UFO Reports Rodney, Michigan UFO Sightings
Iron Mountian 1 UFO Reports Iron Mountian, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lexingon Heights 1 UFO Reports Lexingon Heights, Michigan UFO Sightings
Channing 1 UFO Reports Channing, Michigan UFO Sightings
Waterloo-Chelsea 1 UFO Reports Waterloo-Chelsea, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dollar Bay 1 UFO Reports Dollar Bay, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mulliken 1 UFO Reports Mulliken, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saugatuck 1 UFO Reports Saugatuck, Michigan UFO Sightings
Commerce Twp 1 UFO Reports Commerce Twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Calumet 1 UFO Reports Calumet, Michigan UFO Sightings
Nunica 1 UFO Reports Nunica, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ripley 1 UFO Reports Ripley, Michigan UFO Sightings
Van Buren Twp 1 UFO Reports Van Buren Twp, Michigan UFO Sightings
Zilwaukee 1 UFO Reports Zilwaukee, Michigan UFO Sightings
Farwell 1 UFO Reports Farwell, Michigan UFO Sightings
Orion 1 UFO Reports Orion, Michigan UFO Sightings
Flatrock 1 UFO Reports Flatrock, Michigan UFO Sightings
Gull Lake 1 UFO Reports Gull Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Chippewa Lake 1 UFO Reports Chippewa Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
West Bloomfiled 1 UFO Reports West Bloomfiled, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dundee to Brighton 1 UFO Reports Dundee to Brighton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Branch 1 UFO Reports Branch, Michigan UFO Sightings
Higgens Lake 1 UFO Reports Higgens Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Twinning 1 UFO Reports Twinning, Michigan UFO Sightings
Mears 1 UFO Reports Mears, Michigan UFO Sightings
Somerset Center 1 UFO Reports Somerset Center, Michigan UFO Sightings
Wales 1 UFO Reports Wales, Michigan UFO Sightings
Delta Township 1 UFO Reports Delta Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Montrose 1 UFO Reports Montrose, Michigan UFO Sightings
Paris 1 UFO Reports Paris, Michigan UFO Sightings
Manistee Forest 1 UFO Reports Manistee Forest, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cobmoosa Shores 1 UFO Reports Cobmoosa Shores, Michigan UFO Sightings
White Pigeon 1 UFO Reports White Pigeon, Michigan UFO Sightings
Easton 1 UFO Reports Easton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Newton Township 1 UFO Reports Newton Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grand Traverse County 1 UFO Reports Grand Traverse County, Michigan UFO Sightings
Iron Moutain 1 UFO Reports Iron Moutain, Michigan UFO Sightings
Waters 1 UFO Reports Waters, Michigan UFO Sightings
Dorr 1 UFO Reports Dorr, Michigan UFO Sightings
Pittsford 1 UFO Reports Pittsford, Michigan UFO Sightings
Fulton 1 UFO Reports Fulton, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saugatuck Dunes 1 UFO Reports Saugatuck Dunes, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kingsley 1 UFO Reports Kingsley, Michigan UFO Sightings
Comstock 1 UFO Reports Comstock, Michigan UFO Sightings
Essecville 1 UFO Reports Essecville, Michigan UFO Sightings
Baroda 1 UFO Reports Baroda, Michigan UFO Sightings
Camden 1 UFO Reports Camden, Michigan UFO Sightings
River Rouge 1 UFO Reports River Rouge, Michigan UFO Sightings
Vandalia 1 UFO Reports Vandalia, Michigan UFO Sightings
Feltham 1 UFO Reports Feltham, Michigan UFO Sightings
Saginaw Township 1 UFO Reports Saginaw Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sterling Hts 1 UFO Reports Sterling Hts, Michigan UFO Sightings
Jersey City 1 UFO Reports Jersey City, Michigan UFO Sightings
Macinaw 1 UFO Reports Macinaw, Michigan UFO Sightings
Claire 1 UFO Reports Claire, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ann Arbor MI 1 UFO Reports Ann Arbor MI, Michigan UFO Sightings
Higgins Lake 1 UFO Reports Higgins Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lake Superior 1 UFO Reports Lake Superior, Michigan UFO Sightings
Lathrup 1 UFO Reports Lathrup, Michigan UFO Sightings
Moran 1 UFO Reports Moran, Michigan UFO Sightings
Park Township 1 UFO Reports Park Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Sylvan Lake 1 UFO Reports Sylvan Lake, Michigan UFO Sightings
Kent County 1 UFO Reports Kent County, Michigan UFO Sightings
Cohoctah 1 UFO Reports Cohoctah, Michigan UFO Sightings
Eastpoint 1 UFO Reports Eastpoint, Michigan UFO Sightings
Avoca 1 UFO Reports Avoca, Michigan UFO Sightings
Brownstown Charter Township 1 UFO Reports Brownstown Charter Township, Michigan UFO Sightings
Ray 1 UFO Reports Ray, Michigan UFO Sightings
Grand Valley 1 UFO Reports Grand Valley, Michigan UFO Sightings