Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Iowa City, Iowa

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Iowa City, Iowa.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Iowa City, Iowa?

  • There have been 37 officially reported UFO sightings in Iowa City from 1975 to 2023.
  • Iowa City ranks #5 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Iowa.

Other Iowa Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Des Moines, IA 107 UFO Reports
2 Cedar Rapids, IA 85 UFO Reports
3 Sioux City, IA 39 UFO Reports
4 Council Bluffs, IA 39 UFO Reports
5 Iowa City, IA 37 UFO Reports

Iowa City, Iowa UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 37 UFO sighting reports in Iowa City, Iowa to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Iowa City, Iowa

These Iowa City, Iowa UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Fast moving bright light overhead. Not a normal aircraft! Then disappeared. Clear night.

Bright light overhead, clear night. Fast moving, disappeared quickly while still well above horizon. I don't think it was a meteor or aircraft even though this is the flight path for our municipal airport.

Had headphones on couldn't hear if it made sound.

11/10/23 8:10 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: About 2 to 3 seconds


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Hovering Lights above I-80 in Coralville Lights hovering just north of interstate 80 and Coralridge Ave. Four or five lights then changed to three then two. Yellow and red lights, one light beam was straight down for a few seconds.

Photographed & video at a stop light from inside my car.

12/30/22 6:56 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 1 minute


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

I barely visible dark boomerang glided across the sky noiselessly. No lights. My sister and I went outside to have a small fire in her fire pit.

It was already very dark outside so that we needed to use flashlights to get situated. Once the fire was started I sat back in my Adirondack chair and looked at the night sky. A few stars were visible but I immediately noticed that it looked like the sky was rippling.

I looked closer and let my eyes adjust. It looked like a black boomerang was blocking the stars behind it, darker than the sky around it. As I stared I said, “What is that?” And my sister, apparently not seeing what I was seeing yet, said, “It’s an airplane.

” I said, “OK” but kept staring intently. She saw this and looked to see where I was looking. She suddenly stood up and said, “What the hell?” I stood up with her and we continued to watch the shape.

It had no lights of any kind and there was so sound coming from its direction. I don’t know quite how to describe this but it seemed to glide rather than fly. Maybe it was the speed it was moving at? I’m not sure.

From the time I spotted it to the time it disappeared from our sight was probably 30 seconds. It didn’t appear to be as high as a jet would be or as low as a small airplane. It was somewhere in between.

It was large. I would guess that it was as large as a passenger jet but, again, there was no sound. After it was gone we paid attention and we could hear jets up high and planes lower.

We can’t explain this. If there was a trail it was too dark to see it. As far as we could tell we were the only ones who even noticed its presence.

It was very stealthy. It was almost invisible but I don’t know how it would evade the radar of the nearby small airport.

09/29/22 9:00 PM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: 30 - 40 seconds


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Rectangular shaped distortion in the clouds that disturbed clouds when it disappeared I was making a delivery for work shortly before 10:00 AM on Thursday, June 23rd, 2022 in Iowa City, Iowa. I was on Newton road, close to the VA Hospital as well as many other university buildings and sport complexes. I heard a helicopter flying over me and just glanced up to look.

Well to the south of the helicopter’s path and to the west/southwest of where I was, I noticed a strange disturbance in the clouds. There was a rectangular shape over a section of clouds that caught my attention. I can only describe it as what one might think a cloaking devise would look like.

Sort of a heat wave look but denser. Best comparison is the movie “Predator” when he uses his cloaking ability. It had very defined edges and was not moving or making any noise.

I observed this for about 10 seconds. As I went to retrieve my phone to take a picture, it rapidly recessed towards the middle from all sides, taking the clouds with it. Then it was just gone, but left a void in the clouds where it was and bunching the clouds it disturbed to the middle.

I did not see anything take off or fall from the area. Nor did any other portion of the clouds around it move. I did take a picture of what it did to the clouds.

By the time I retrieved my phone, the clouds had moved a bit but you can still easily see the shape that this object left. I also attached a map of the area I was at. I marked in yellow where I was.

A blue mark for where the object was. Also a red arrow for where the helicopter was and the direction it was traveling.

06/23/22 9:59 AM

UFO Shape: rectangle

Lasted: 10-15 seconds


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Took dogs outside for usual nightly walk around my apartment building. About halfway around the building the temperature suddenly drops and it starts raining, increasing in intensity. We loop back around towards my door and my dogs stopped in their tracks and looked up.

I saw 4 white circular lights moving criss-cross in a counter-clockwise fashion slowly moving across the sky. Myself and my sister's boyfriend were outside with the dogs. We yelled for my sister to come outside and when she did we realized it was no longer raining and the lights were traveling away from us.

My sister saw the lights as they were traveling away from us.

04/29/22 10:15 PM

UFO Shape: changing

Lasted: 5 minutes


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Orange saucer shaped. Looked as if it was lit from bottom. It was really moving, but appeared to hover and move up slightly.

Then it got brighter for a second, and then faded out completely.

09/11/21 4:15 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: 10 seconds


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

UFO fleet in straight line pattern over Iowa City 04Dec2020 Looking west towards Hyvee first ave and Muscatine and noticed 8 or 9 orbs in the sky flying in a straight line pattern at the same speed. After a few seconds they all faded one by one as they each approached a point in the sky.

12/04/20 7:00 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 40s


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Driving east of Iowa City and looked to the sky. Above the horizon there were 2 elongated light objects that looked like white light. They were moving fast and in different directions.

One split off from the others and headed north and disappeared. The main one hung in the middle of the sky above the horizon. Then there was another white lighted object above the main light.

It too also he waded north and disappeared. As I was driving home south the main lighted object sort of just vanished. I watched it for about 15 min.

09/26/18 6:50 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 15 minutes


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Triangular shaped craft on Nov. 8, 2017 I had just arrived home from work with my family and I took my infant son into the driveway to look up at the stars. I saw five lights arranged into a triangular formation moving very slowly above me and my son.

There was no sound at all. It lasted only about 3-5 seconds, and then it accelerated so fast that the lights formed lines and then it all disappeared. My son was only one year old at the time, and so I can't count him a witness.

I am over 40 and this was the first time I have ever seen anything like this in my life. I will never forget it. I remember that I was not able to see stars through what appeared to be the middle of the craft, but the craft itself was invisible.

It was very dark outside, and the sky was crystal clear. After a year of reflection, I assume it was a classified govt. craft, but I'll probably never know.

11/08/17 6:30 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 10 seconds


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

A group of red lights flying across the sky, rising from the horizon one at a time,increasing in altitude and disappearing out of view. I saw a 2 red lights close together and a third not far behind. They were moving as a plane would move, about the same speed as a plane would move across the sky, but there were 3 together, and then another came, and another, and another.

They seemed to rise from the horizon in a diagonal line, climbing in altitude until they disappeared. And they just kept coming from the horizon. That was what was so striking and unusual about it.

There is a YouTube video from 12/25/2010 that describes EXACTLY the same event that I witnessed in 2016. There were many more red lights in the 12/25/2013 YouTube video than what I witnessed. But the event was exactly the same.

10/02/16 12:45 AM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 12 minutes


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Pulsing orange yellow light moving in a straight line. thought it must be a helicopter, but no sound. It abruptly changed directions and angled up at much greater speed and disappeared.

09/21/14 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 3 minutes


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Red white and blue strobing very far away. I thought I was watching an exploding star and after about an hour I went to tell my roommate and like 1 minute later while we were both watching it suddenly it moved very fast to the northwest and was mostly orangeish when it started moving and was over the horizon in seconds after being in the same spot for at least an hour. Mostly white and red with some blue.

It would pulsate and fade the white color and flash the red and blue i think. It could have been there for longer i saw it first just sittin there looking like an exploding star or somethin but taking off in a straight direction we both immediately knew that was a ufo. Also i thought i saw a black circle shoot out about 30 mins in.

09/04/14 9:11 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 1 hour


Iowa city, IA

Full Report Text:

It's way up and just hanging there blue red and flashing, been in about the same place for 10 minutes. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

11/11/13 11:56 PM

UFO Shape: diamond

Lasted: Ongoing


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Two UFO sightings and encounters right by my own house. I think they were interested in me. My best friend and I were just getting back to my house because it was late and my parents asked me to come home.

My friend was right in the middle of a slightly offensive joke when he stopped talking. I was about to walk past him to put in my garage code. I looked at him.

He looked like he had seen a ghost. He touched my shoulder and made me turn around. Right across the street above my neighbors house was this craft/light.

It appeared to be spinning. It was red and yellow at first and almost looked like a Venn Diagram. Meanwhile we were speechless as it appeared to be watching us.

It morphed into one singular circle and was now blue and grey and still spinning. Meanwhile dogs in the neighborhood were having an absolute fit, but we were silent and couldn't move at all. Then it took off into the sky.

basically just disappeared. It left a trail of yellow behind it. It also didn't make a sound when it took off.

That event changed my life. Ever since then I have been a believer 100%. I know there is something out there.

It may be the government. But I believe it is Alien life. Not a single person has ever believed my story and I just feel like a crazy person most of the time.

So I just don't bring it up anymore. Another even happened in June about 6 months later. I was having a fire in my backyard with some close friends and out of nowhere a craft appeared above my house and flew away.

But it had a light shining on me and I had a sun burn in the morning. My friends didn't see this object, but I DID. I would love to meet more people out there who have experienced events like this.

12/27/12 12:00 AM

UFO Shape: other

Lasted: Not Sure


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Ufo spotted by IC Eastern airport. Round sphered shaped with 3 three lights view looked triangle. Slowly gliding came at car Several event occurrd tonight.

Going to car in Lakeridge. Object with white light coming closer then red and blue lights appeared. It was as of it was gliding.

Object when near round sphere shaped with three lights, red at top end and two white ones forming triangle. Then slowly moves in another moving nw with large red light and no craft seen. When got to bowling alley aircraft was going east over feeds business aircraft then switched directions moving west gliding.

Aircraft had one red, blue, and white light. I turned on street north bound nxt to ic bowling alley. Craft veered my waydirection and at this point below power lines slowly hoovering yet so smootly gliding near as well as moving closer to my car at lower latitude below tree tops.

Craft again was round sphere shaped with three lights, one red, white, and blue. Children and I wsre freaking out. Did a u turn as fast as I could and got back on 218 now towards iowa city where craft moved parallell ! and then lagged behind and crossed river and hoovered over ikwa city roughly around hills bank area igg gilbert street.

This continued after going through mcdonalxs drive through to calm kids down. ohse in Lakeridge.

08/07/12 10:35 PM

UFO Shape: changing

Lasted: 1 hour


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Hovering fireball north of Iowa City I was leaving the parking lot of Wal-Mart in Iowa City with my girlfriend when I noticed a strange looking bright red/orange fireball in the northern sky. As we were in close proximity to the airport I initially thought it was some sort of airplane or helicopter, however the light was very unlike any aircraft I am familiar with. I had my girlfriend pull the car over to the side of the road and we both witnessed this very strange, bright, shimmering firelight hovering in the northern sky.

After a couple of minutes she continued driving east down Highway 6 as I remained fixated on the object through her window (which places the object essentially due north of Iowa City). As we crossed over the Iowa River on Highway 6 the object suddenly faded and vanished into nothing. I have no explanation for what I have seen tonight and I am utterly dumbfounded, so much so that I felt compelled to file this report in hopes that there is some explanation.

06/27/12 11:30 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: ~5 min


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

3/18/12 9:30 pm, very fast moving orange small ball, zipped from south to north - driving west on I80 just before Iowa City My wife and I were traveling Westbound on Interstate 80 on March 18th at approximately 9:30 pm when we saw a small distant fireball quickly cross from the southern sky to the north, very quickly. We were just a few miles from Iowa City on I80 when we both saw this at the same time. My wife was driving; I was in the passenger seat.

It was as small as a star, but more orange in color. Like as if an orange star was closer, like within the atmosphere, but it was fast, very very fast. It zipped in a almost straight line from the southern sky to the north.

The whole thing lasted only about 4 - 5 seconds. Immediately my wife and I exclaimed to one another."did you see that"? But it was gone very quickly.

It left a very strong impression on both of us. We both have seen shooting stars and meteor showers.but this was noticiable different.

Orange, small and very very fast. Once again, 4 -5 seconds across the sky from south to north.

03/18/12 9:30 PM

UFO Shape: fireball

Lasted: 4-5 seconds


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Triangular aircraft with white and red lights I am a full-time college student and a nanny. I was driving home from work when something caught my attention. I saw a triangular aircraft slowly flying very low to the ground and appeared to be just above the tree line.

The aircraft appeared to be dark in color and triangular shaped. The aircraft was decorated with a lot of white lights and a few red lights. I turned the corner and when I looked back I could no longer see the aircraft.

This aircraft was definitely not an airplane or helicopter. I have never seen anything like this before.

01/06/11 7:00 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 10 seconds


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Iowa city group of lights 2 groups of 4-5 white dots (unblinking) revolving formation, two groups - one north and one south. conjoined and disappear within 25 seconds of initial sighting.

05/29/10 10:44 PM

UFO Shape: changing

Lasted: :30


Iowa City, IA

Full Report Text:

Bright opal colored flash in the sky oround Iowa City, Iowa on Dec. 20th 2008. My wife and I were driving from Minnesota to Georgia via Iowa and were on the interstate (forgot the road number) heading south when the sky lit up totally green for about 2 seconds.

Kinda like a lightning strike except it filled the whole sky, then it happened again about 5 seconds later. a bright opal colored flash covering the whole sky for about 1-2 seconds. We would like to know what that was and being there were many motorists on that highway at the same time, was wondering if anybody else had reported it and/or what they thought it was.

I don't have a clue and it was just weird.

12/20/08 5:00 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 2 seconds


Iowa City, Iowa UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 6 reported sightings 16.22% of all reports
Unknown 4 reported sightings 10.81% of all reports
Sphere 4 reported sightings 10.81% of all reports
Fireball 3 reported sightings 8.11% of all reports
Changing 3 reported sightings 8.11% of all reports
Triangle 3 reported sightings 8.11% of all reports
Circle 2 reported sightings 5.41% of all reports
Disk 2 reported sightings 5.41% of all reports
Other 2 reported sightings 5.41% of all reports
Oval 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports
Cigar 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports
Egg 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports
Diamond 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports
Formation 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports
Rectangle 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports

Iowa City, Iowa UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
September 5 reported sightings 13.51% of all reports
December 5 reported sightings 13.51% of all reports
October 5 reported sightings 13.51% of all reports
November 5 reported sightings 13.51% of all reports
April 4 reported sightings 10.81% of all reports
June 4 reported sightings 10.81% of all reports
July 3 reported sightings 8.11% of all reports
March 2 reported sightings 5.41% of all reports
January 2 reported sightings 5.41% of all reports
May 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports
August 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports

Iowa City, Iowa UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Friday 8 reported sightings 21.62% of all reports
Sunday 6 reported sightings 16.22% of all reports
Thursday 6 reported sightings 16.22% of all reports
Monday 5 reported sightings 13.51% of all reports
Tuesday 4 reported sightings 10.81% of all reports
Saturday 4 reported sightings 10.81% of all reports
Wednesday 4 reported sightings 10.81% of all reports

Iowa City, Iowa UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
09/04/14 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports
11/30/99 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports
11/10/23 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports
07/17/76 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports
12/27/12 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports

Iowa City, Iowa UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 14 reported sightings 37.84% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 7 reported sightings 18.92% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 6 reported sightings 16.22% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 5 reported sightings 13.51% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 4 reported sightings 10.81% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 1 reported sightings 2.70% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Iowa City, Iowa

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Iowa City, Iowa.

All Iowa Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Iowa

City Number of Reports View Reports
Des Moines 107 UFO Reports Des Moines, Iowa UFO Sightings
Cedar Rapids 85 UFO Reports Cedar Rapids, Iowa UFO Sightings
Sioux City 39 UFO Reports Sioux City, Iowa UFO Sightings
Council Bluffs 39 UFO Reports Council Bluffs, Iowa UFO Sightings
Iowa City 37 UFO Reports Iowa City, Iowa UFO Sightings
Waterloo 36 UFO Reports Waterloo, Iowa UFO Sightings
Dubuque 29 UFO Reports Dubuque, Iowa UFO Sightings
Davenport 28 UFO Reports Davenport, Iowa UFO Sightings
Ames 28 UFO Reports Ames, Iowa UFO Sightings
Bettendorf 21 UFO Reports Bettendorf, Iowa UFO Sightings
Cedar Falls 20 UFO Reports Cedar Falls, Iowa UFO Sightings
Muscatine 19 UFO Reports Muscatine, Iowa UFO Sightings
West Des Moines 19 UFO Reports West Des Moines, Iowa UFO Sightings
Urbandale 16 UFO Reports Urbandale, Iowa UFO Sightings
Marion 15 UFO Reports Marion, Iowa UFO Sightings
Fairfield 14 UFO Reports Fairfield, Iowa UFO Sightings
Mason City 13 UFO Reports Mason City, Iowa UFO Sightings
Ottumwa 13 UFO Reports Ottumwa, Iowa UFO Sightings
Ankeny 12 UFO Reports Ankeny, Iowa UFO Sightings
Keokuk 11 UFO Reports Keokuk, Iowa UFO Sightings
Fort Dodge 10 UFO Reports Fort Dodge, Iowa UFO Sightings
Waukee 10 UFO Reports Waukee, Iowa UFO Sightings
Coralville 9 UFO Reports Coralville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Burlington 9 UFO Reports Burlington, Iowa UFO Sightings
Newton 9 UFO Reports Newton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Altoona 9 UFO Reports Altoona, Iowa UFO Sightings
Marshalltown 8 UFO Reports Marshalltown, Iowa UFO Sightings
Clinton 7 UFO Reports Clinton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Eldridge 7 UFO Reports Eldridge, Iowa UFO Sightings
Indianola 7 UFO Reports Indianola, Iowa UFO Sightings
Vinton 6 UFO Reports Vinton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Hiawatha 6 UFO Reports Hiawatha, Iowa UFO Sightings
Webster city 6 UFO Reports Webster city, Iowa UFO Sightings
West Branch 6 UFO Reports West Branch, Iowa UFO Sightings
Osceola 6 UFO Reports Osceola, Iowa UFO Sightings
Centerville 6 UFO Reports Centerville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Oskaloosa 6 UFO Reports Oskaloosa, Iowa UFO Sightings
North Liberty 6 UFO Reports North Liberty, Iowa UFO Sightings
Spencer 6 UFO Reports Spencer, Iowa UFO Sightings
Adel 5 UFO Reports Adel, Iowa UFO Sightings
Boone 5 UFO Reports Boone, Iowa UFO Sightings
Polk City 5 UFO Reports Polk City, Iowa UFO Sightings
Perry 5 UFO Reports Perry, Iowa UFO Sightings
Glidden 4 UFO Reports Glidden, Iowa UFO Sightings
Avoca 4 UFO Reports Avoca, Iowa UFO Sightings
Decorah 4 UFO Reports Decorah, Iowa UFO Sightings
Carroll 4 UFO Reports Carroll, Iowa UFO Sightings
Anamosa 4 UFO Reports Anamosa, Iowa UFO Sightings
Norwalk 4 UFO Reports Norwalk, Iowa UFO Sightings
Shenandoah 4 UFO Reports Shenandoah, Iowa UFO Sightings
Knoxville 4 UFO Reports Knoxville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Bondurant 4 UFO Reports Bondurant, Iowa UFO Sightings
Manilla 4 UFO Reports Manilla, Iowa UFO Sightings
Clear Lake 4 UFO Reports Clear Lake, Iowa UFO Sightings
Winterset 4 UFO Reports Winterset, Iowa UFO Sightings
Pella 4 UFO Reports Pella, Iowa UFO Sightings
New London 4 UFO Reports New London, Iowa UFO Sightings
Brighton 4 UFO Reports Brighton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Eldora 4 UFO Reports Eldora, Iowa UFO Sightings
Clive 4 UFO Reports Clive, Iowa UFO Sightings
Mount Pleasant 4 UFO Reports Mount Pleasant, Iowa UFO Sightings
Rockwell City 4 UFO Reports Rockwell City, Iowa UFO Sightings
Chariton 4 UFO Reports Chariton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Red Oak 3 UFO Reports Red Oak, Iowa UFO Sightings
Fort Madison 3 UFO Reports Fort Madison, Iowa UFO Sightings
Carter Lake 3 UFO Reports Carter Lake, Iowa UFO Sightings
Ainsworth 3 UFO Reports Ainsworth, Iowa UFO Sightings
Tama 3 UFO Reports Tama, Iowa UFO Sightings
DeWitt 3 UFO Reports DeWitt, Iowa UFO Sightings
Evansdale 3 UFO Reports Evansdale, Iowa UFO Sightings
Windsor Heights 3 UFO Reports Windsor Heights, Iowa UFO Sightings
Albia 3 UFO Reports Albia, Iowa UFO Sightings
Onawa 3 UFO Reports Onawa, Iowa UFO Sightings
Holstein 3 UFO Reports Holstein, Iowa UFO Sightings
Storm Lake 3 UFO Reports Storm Lake, Iowa UFO Sightings
Johnston 3 UFO Reports Johnston, Iowa UFO Sightings
Truro 3 UFO Reports Truro, Iowa UFO Sightings
Humboldt 3 UFO Reports Humboldt, Iowa UFO Sightings
Rockford 3 UFO Reports Rockford, Iowa UFO Sightings
Atlantic 3 UFO Reports Atlantic, Iowa UFO Sightings
Lamoni 3 UFO Reports Lamoni, Iowa UFO Sightings
Milford 3 UFO Reports Milford, Iowa UFO Sightings
Sheldon 3 UFO Reports Sheldon, Iowa UFO Sightings
Iowa 3 UFO Reports Iowa, Iowa UFO Sightings
Charles City 2 UFO Reports Charles City, Iowa UFO Sightings
Shellsburg 2 UFO Reports Shellsburg, Iowa UFO Sightings
Dyersville 2 UFO Reports Dyersville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Spirit Lake 2 UFO Reports Spirit Lake, Iowa UFO Sightings
Creston 2 UFO Reports Creston, Iowa UFO Sightings
Keystone 2 UFO Reports Keystone, Iowa UFO Sightings
Chelsea 2 UFO Reports Chelsea, Iowa UFO Sightings
Graettinger 2 UFO Reports Graettinger, Iowa UFO Sightings
Badger 2 UFO Reports Badger, Iowa UFO Sightings
Denison 2 UFO Reports Denison, Iowa UFO Sightings
Dysart 2 UFO Reports Dysart, Iowa UFO Sightings
Emmetsburg 2 UFO Reports Emmetsburg, Iowa UFO Sightings
Redfield 2 UFO Reports Redfield, Iowa UFO Sightings
Clarinda 2 UFO Reports Clarinda, Iowa UFO Sightings
Fredericksburg 2 UFO Reports Fredericksburg, Iowa UFO Sightings
Wheatland 2 UFO Reports Wheatland, Iowa UFO Sightings
Eagle Grove 2 UFO Reports Eagle Grove, Iowa UFO Sightings
Ventura 2 UFO Reports Ventura, Iowa UFO Sightings
Manchester 2 UFO Reports Manchester, Iowa UFO Sightings
Reinbeck 2 UFO Reports Reinbeck, Iowa UFO Sightings
Waukon 2 UFO Reports Waukon, Iowa UFO Sightings
Granger 2 UFO Reports Granger, Iowa UFO Sightings
Maxwell 2 UFO Reports Maxwell, Iowa UFO Sightings
Batavia 2 UFO Reports Batavia, Iowa UFO Sightings
Palo 2 UFO Reports Palo, Iowa UFO Sightings
Monticello 2 UFO Reports Monticello, Iowa UFO Sightings
Waverly 2 UFO Reports Waverly, Iowa UFO Sightings
Arlington 2 UFO Reports Arlington, Iowa UFO Sightings
Titonka 2 UFO Reports Titonka, Iowa UFO Sightings
Manly 2 UFO Reports Manly, Iowa UFO Sightings
Riverside 2 UFO Reports Riverside, Iowa UFO Sightings
Webb 2 UFO Reports Webb, Iowa UFO Sightings
Arnolds Park 2 UFO Reports Arnolds Park, Iowa UFO Sightings
Lake City 2 UFO Reports Lake City, Iowa UFO Sightings
Greene 2 UFO Reports Greene, Iowa UFO Sightings
Bradford 2 UFO Reports Bradford, Iowa UFO Sightings
Grimes 2 UFO Reports Grimes, Iowa UFO Sightings
Woodbine 2 UFO Reports Woodbine, Iowa UFO Sightings
Primghar 2 UFO Reports Primghar, Iowa UFO Sightings
Wallingford 2 UFO Reports Wallingford, Iowa UFO Sightings
Algona 2 UFO Reports Algona, Iowa UFO Sightings
Corning 2 UFO Reports Corning, Iowa UFO Sightings
Moravia 2 UFO Reports Moravia, Iowa UFO Sightings
Story City 2 UFO Reports Story City, Iowa UFO Sightings
Maquoketa 2 UFO Reports Maquoketa, Iowa UFO Sightings
Grinnell 2 UFO Reports Grinnell, Iowa UFO Sightings
Woodward 2 UFO Reports Woodward, Iowa UFO Sightings
Little Rock 2 UFO Reports Little Rock, Iowa UFO Sightings
De Soto 2 UFO Reports De Soto, Iowa UFO Sightings
West Liberty 2 UFO Reports West Liberty, Iowa UFO Sightings
Harlan 2 UFO Reports Harlan, Iowa UFO Sightings
Solon 2 UFO Reports Solon, Iowa UFO Sightings
Mount Vernon 2 UFO Reports Mount Vernon, Iowa UFO Sightings
Fonda 2 UFO Reports Fonda, Iowa UFO Sightings
West Point 2 UFO Reports West Point, Iowa UFO Sightings
Audubon 2 UFO Reports Audubon, Iowa UFO Sightings
Milo 2 UFO Reports Milo, Iowa UFO Sightings
Elkader 2 UFO Reports Elkader, Iowa UFO Sightings
Cresco 2 UFO Reports Cresco, Iowa UFO Sightings
Key West 1 UFO Reports Key West, Iowa UFO Sightings
Northwood 1 UFO Reports Northwood, Iowa UFO Sightings
Sutherland 1 UFO Reports Sutherland, Iowa UFO Sightings
Maryville 1 UFO Reports Maryville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Rowley 1 UFO Reports Rowley, Iowa UFO Sightings
West Union 1 UFO Reports West Union, Iowa UFO Sightings
Bluegrass 1 UFO Reports Bluegrass, Iowa UFO Sightings
Laurel 1 UFO Reports Laurel, Iowa UFO Sightings
Otley 1 UFO Reports Otley, Iowa UFO Sightings
Pleasanton 1 UFO Reports Pleasanton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Van Horne 1 UFO Reports Van Horne, Iowa UFO Sightings
Coggon 1 UFO Reports Coggon, Iowa UFO Sightings
Hartley 1 UFO Reports Hartley, Iowa UFO Sightings
Mingo 1 UFO Reports Mingo, Iowa UFO Sightings
Elkport 1 UFO Reports Elkport, Iowa UFO Sightings
Lynnville 1 UFO Reports Lynnville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Mt Ayr 1 UFO Reports Mt Ayr, Iowa UFO Sightings
Swaledale 1 UFO Reports Swaledale, Iowa UFO Sightings
Royal 1 UFO Reports Royal, Iowa UFO Sightings
Westfield 1 UFO Reports Westfield, Iowa UFO Sightings
Bonaparte 1 UFO Reports Bonaparte, Iowa UFO Sightings
Lawler 1 UFO Reports Lawler, Iowa UFO Sightings
Pleasantville 1 UFO Reports Pleasantville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Various counties 1 UFO Reports Various counties, Iowa UFO Sightings
Afton 1 UFO Reports Afton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Colfax 1 UFO Reports Colfax, Iowa UFO Sightings
Hawarden 1 UFO Reports Hawarden, Iowa UFO Sightings
Missouri Valley 1 UFO Reports Missouri Valley, Iowa UFO Sightings
Stacyville 1 UFO Reports Stacyville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Malvern 1 UFO Reports Malvern, Iowa UFO Sightings
Croton 1 UFO Reports Croton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Iowa Cuty 1 UFO Reports Iowa Cuty, Iowa UFO Sightings
Oelwein 1 UFO Reports Oelwein, Iowa UFO Sightings
Tabor 1 UFO Reports Tabor, Iowa UFO Sightings
Grand Mound 1 UFO Reports Grand Mound, Iowa UFO Sightings
Mason city clear lake area 1 UFO Reports Mason city clear lake area, Iowa UFO Sightings
Ruthven 1 UFO Reports Ruthven, Iowa UFO Sightings
Bagley 1 UFO Reports Bagley, Iowa UFO Sightings
Sherrill 1 UFO Reports Sherrill, Iowa UFO Sightings
LeClaire 1 UFO Reports LeClaire, Iowa UFO Sightings
Oxford Junction 1 UFO Reports Oxford Junction, Iowa UFO Sightings
Pocahontas 1 UFO Reports Pocahontas, Iowa UFO Sightings
Columbus Junction 1 UFO Reports Columbus Junction, Iowa UFO Sightings
Hazelton 1 UFO Reports Hazelton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Mondamin 1 UFO Reports Mondamin, Iowa UFO Sightings
Iowa Falls 1 UFO Reports Iowa Falls, Iowa UFO Sightings
Nashua 1 UFO Reports Nashua, Iowa UFO Sightings
Stanhope 1 UFO Reports Stanhope, Iowa UFO Sightings
Cascade 1 UFO Reports Cascade, Iowa UFO Sightings
Estherville 1 UFO Reports Estherville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Arcadia 1 UFO Reports Arcadia, Iowa UFO Sightings
Cumming 1 UFO Reports Cumming, Iowa UFO Sightings
La Motte 1 UFO Reports La Motte, Iowa UFO Sightings
Ogden 1 UFO Reports Ogden, Iowa UFO Sightings
Clarion 1 UFO Reports Clarion, Iowa UFO Sightings
Ryan 1 UFO Reports Ryan, Iowa UFO Sightings
Williamsburg 1 UFO Reports Williamsburg, Iowa UFO Sightings
Sidney 1 UFO Reports Sidney, Iowa UFO Sightings
Earlham 1 UFO Reports Earlham, Iowa UFO Sightings
Legrand 1 UFO Reports Legrand, Iowa UFO Sightings
Victor 1 UFO Reports Victor, Iowa UFO Sightings
Akron 1 UFO Reports Akron, Iowa UFO Sightings
Colwell 1 UFO Reports Colwell, Iowa UFO Sightings
Hedrick 1 UFO Reports Hedrick, Iowa UFO Sightings
Jasper County 1 UFO Reports Jasper County, Iowa UFO Sightings
Nebraska City 1 UFO Reports Nebraska City, Iowa UFO Sightings
Stanton 1 UFO Reports Stanton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Casey 1 UFO Reports Casey, Iowa UFO Sightings
Frederika 1 UFO Reports Frederika, Iowa UFO Sightings
Res Moines 1 UFO Reports Res Moines, Iowa UFO Sightings
Cummings 1 UFO Reports Cummings, Iowa UFO Sightings
Lafayette 1 UFO Reports Lafayette, Iowa UFO Sightings
Okoboji 1 UFO Reports Okoboji, Iowa UFO Sightings
Clarksville 1 UFO Reports Clarksville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Granville 1 UFO Reports Granville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Maysville 1 UFO Reports Maysville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Sabula 1 UFO Reports Sabula, Iowa UFO Sightings
Battle Creek 1 UFO Reports Battle Creek, Iowa UFO Sightings
Dexter 1 UFO Reports Dexter, Iowa UFO Sightings
Sigourney 1 UFO Reports Sigourney, Iowa UFO Sightings
Boyden 1 UFO Reports Boyden, Iowa UFO Sightings
Early 1 UFO Reports Early, Iowa UFO Sightings
Lemars 1 UFO Reports Lemars, Iowa UFO Sightings
Panora 1 UFO Reports Panora, Iowa UFO Sightings
Postville 1 UFO Reports Postville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Coon Rapids 1 UFO Reports Coon Rapids, Iowa UFO Sightings
Montrose 1 UFO Reports Montrose, Iowa UFO Sightings
Jefferson 1 UFO Reports Jefferson, Iowa UFO Sightings
Nevada 1 UFO Reports Nevada, Iowa UFO Sightings
Steamboat Rock 1 UFO Reports Steamboat Rock, Iowa UFO Sightings
Cedar 1 UFO Reports Cedar, Iowa UFO Sightings
Exira 1 UFO Reports Exira, Iowa UFO Sightings
Fremont 1 UFO Reports Fremont, Iowa UFO Sightings
Dallas Center 1 UFO Reports Dallas Center, Iowa UFO Sightings
Dike 1 UFO Reports Dike, Iowa UFO Sightings
Toledo 1 UFO Reports Toledo, Iowa UFO Sightings
Mechanicsville 1 UFO Reports Mechanicsville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Saint Ansgar 1 UFO Reports Saint Ansgar, Iowa UFO Sightings
Belle Plaine 1 UFO Reports Belle Plaine, Iowa UFO Sightings
Silver City 1 UFO Reports Silver City, Iowa UFO Sightings
East Amana 1 UFO Reports East Amana, Iowa UFO Sightings
Lenox 1 UFO Reports Lenox, Iowa UFO Sightings
Paton 1 UFO Reports Paton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Preston 1 UFO Reports Preston, Iowa UFO Sightings
Wall Lake 1 UFO Reports Wall Lake, Iowa UFO Sightings
Alden Williams 1 UFO Reports Alden Williams, Iowa UFO Sightings
Moorland 1 UFO Reports Moorland, Iowa UFO Sightings
Jewell 1 UFO Reports Jewell, Iowa UFO Sightings
New Hampton 1 UFO Reports New Hampton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Exline 1 UFO Reports Exline, Iowa UFO Sightings
Ftatkinson 1 UFO Reports Ftatkinson, Iowa UFO Sightings
Mapleton 1 UFO Reports Mapleton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Robins 1 UFO Reports Robins, Iowa UFO Sightings
Asbury 1 UFO Reports Asbury, Iowa UFO Sightings
Bellevue 1 UFO Reports Bellevue, Iowa UFO Sightings
Dorchester 1 UFO Reports Dorchester, Iowa UFO Sightings
Lake Mills 1 UFO Reports Lake Mills, Iowa UFO Sightings
Osage 1 UFO Reports Osage, Iowa UFO Sightings
Trenton 1 UFO Reports Trenton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Clearfield 1 UFO Reports Clearfield, Iowa UFO Sightings
Mediapolis 1 UFO Reports Mediapolis, Iowa UFO Sightings
Saint Charles 1 UFO Reports Saint Charles, Iowa UFO Sightings
Sioux Center 1 UFO Reports Sioux Center, Iowa UFO Sightings
Brayton 1 UFO Reports Brayton, Iowa UFO Sightings
East Dubuque 1 UFO Reports East Dubuque, Iowa UFO Sightings
Lewis 1 UFO Reports Lewis, Iowa UFO Sightings
Hornick 1 UFO Reports Hornick, Iowa UFO Sightings
Galena 1 UFO Reports Galena, Iowa UFO Sightings
Rock Valley 1 UFO Reports Rock Valley, Iowa UFO Sightings
Atkins 1 UFO Reports Atkins, Iowa UFO Sightings
Dayton 1 UFO Reports Dayton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Bentonsport 1 UFO Reports Bentonsport, Iowa UFO Sightings
Dow City 1 UFO Reports Dow City, Iowa UFO Sightings
Lake View 1 UFO Reports Lake View, Iowa UFO Sightings
Osceloa 1 UFO Reports Osceloa, Iowa UFO Sightings
Melbourne 1 UFO Reports Melbourne, Iowa UFO Sightings
Sanborn 1 UFO Reports Sanborn, Iowa UFO Sightings
Quarry 1 UFO Reports Quarry, Iowa UFO Sightings
Walnut 1 UFO Reports Walnut, Iowa UFO Sightings
Allendorf 1 UFO Reports Allendorf, Iowa UFO Sightings
Correctionville 1 UFO Reports Correctionville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Morning Sun 1 UFO Reports Morning Sun, Iowa UFO Sightings
Kelley 1 UFO Reports Kelley, Iowa UFO Sightings
New Sharon, Iowa 1 UFO Reports New Sharon, Iowa, Iowa UFO Sightings
Struble 1 UFO Reports Struble, Iowa UFO Sightings
Center Point 1 UFO Reports Center Point, Iowa UFO Sightings
Fayette 1 UFO Reports Fayette, Iowa UFO Sightings
Galva 1 UFO Reports Galva, Iowa UFO Sightings
Underwood 1 UFO Reports Underwood, Iowa UFO Sightings
Hancock County 1 UFO Reports Hancock County, Iowa UFO Sightings
Merrill 1 UFO Reports Merrill, Iowa UFO Sightings
Shanadoah 1 UFO Reports Shanadoah, Iowa UFO Sightings
Smithland 1 UFO Reports Smithland, Iowa UFO Sightings
Logan 1 UFO Reports Logan, Iowa UFO Sightings
Quasky 1 UFO Reports Quasky, Iowa UFO Sightings
Wapello 1 UFO Reports Wapello, Iowa UFO Sightings
Alta 1 UFO Reports Alta, Iowa UFO Sightings
Humeston 1 UFO Reports Humeston, Iowa UFO Sightings
Kellogg 1 UFO Reports Kellogg, Iowa UFO Sightings
Stuart 1 UFO Reports Stuart, Iowa UFO Sightings
Floyd 1 UFO Reports Floyd, Iowa UFO Sightings
Gilmore City 1 UFO Reports Gilmore City, Iowa UFO Sightings
Atlantic and Audubon 1 UFO Reports Atlantic and Audubon, Iowa UFO Sightings
Decatur 1 UFO Reports Decatur, Iowa UFO Sightings
Bevington 1 UFO Reports Bevington, Iowa UFO Sightings
Dunkerton 1 UFO Reports Dunkerton, Iowa UFO Sightings
Langdon 1 UFO Reports Langdon, Iowa UFO Sightings
Persia 1 UFO Reports Persia, Iowa UFO Sightings
Unknown 1 UFO Reports Unknown, Iowa UFO Sightings
Adair 1 UFO Reports Adair, Iowa UFO Sightings
Clutier 1 UFO Reports Clutier, Iowa UFO Sightings
Shelby 1 UFO Reports Shelby, Iowa UFO Sightings
Campo 1 UFO Reports Campo, Iowa UFO Sightings
Elgin 1 UFO Reports Elgin, Iowa UFO Sightings
Lowden 1 UFO Reports Lowden, Iowa UFO Sightings
Rathbun 1 UFO Reports Rathbun, Iowa UFO Sightings
Washington 1 UFO Reports Washington, Iowa UFO Sightings
Country Side 1 UFO Reports Country Side, Iowa UFO Sightings
Sumner 1 UFO Reports Sumner, Iowa UFO Sightings
Glenwood 1 UFO Reports Glenwood, Iowa UFO Sightings
Martelle 1 UFO Reports Martelle, Iowa UFO Sightings
Rolfe 1 UFO Reports Rolfe, Iowa UFO Sightings
Decatur City 1 UFO Reports Decatur City, Iowa UFO Sightings
Bloomfield 1 UFO Reports Bloomfield, Iowa UFO Sightings
Durant 1 UFO Reports Durant, Iowa UFO Sightings
Larchwood 1 UFO Reports Larchwood, Iowa UFO Sightings
Ossian 1 UFO Reports Ossian, Iowa UFO Sightings
Platsmouth 1 UFO Reports Platsmouth, Iowa UFO Sightings
Adair County 1 UFO Reports Adair County, Iowa UFO Sightings
Coalville 1 UFO Reports Coalville, Iowa UFO Sightings
Harpers Ferry 1 UFO Reports Harpers Ferry, Iowa UFO Sightings
Carlisle 1 UFO Reports Carlisle, Iowa UFO Sightings
Lu Verne 1 UFO Reports Lu Verne, Iowa UFO Sightings
Reasnor 1 UFO Reports Reasnor, Iowa UFO Sightings
Water 1 UFO Reports Water, Iowa UFO Sightings
Mt Ary 1 UFO Reports Mt Ary, Iowa UFO Sightings