Last updated on June 1, 2024

All Reported UFO Sightings in Savannah, Georgia

This page aggregates and analyzes all UFO sighting reports made in Savannah, Georgia.

How many UFO sightings have there been in Savannah, Georgia?

  • There have been 90 officially reported UFO sightings in Savannah from 1971 to 2023.
  • Savannah ranks #2 on the list of cities with the most reported UFO sightings in Georgia.

Other Georgia Cities with Reported UFO Sightings

Rank City Number of Reports
1 Atlanta, GA 170 UFO Reports
2 Savannah, GA 90 UFO Reports
3 Marietta, GA 89 UFO Reports
4 Lawrenceville, GA 69 UFO Reports
5 Cumming, GA 62 UFO Reports

Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings Analysis

We analyzed all 90 UFO sighting reports in Savannah, Georgia to identify possible patterns and gain insight into the phenomenon:

20 Most Recent UFO Sightings in Savannah, Georgia

These Savannah, Georgia UFO reports are presented as they were submitted other than paragraph breaks added for easier readability where necessary. You can click the 'Report' link to view the original report along with any photos that may have been submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

I was driving down bull St someone said to look up. I saw 4 lights in a square directly above my car. The 4 lights appeared stationary and silent.

One light seemed to dim occasionally. They were forming a square directly over the downtown area. I drove a little further to (3min drive ) Monterrey square and got out and saw them still in the same spot and no noise.

I was working so I couldn’t stay abs watch.

09/01/23 10:26 PM

UFO Shape: formation

Lasted: 5 min


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Blue Orb Shot up Into the Sky I woke up around 3 a.m. Unable to sleep and uneasy, I went outside for some fresh air.

I have a second-story porch, which faces northeast and overlooks a neighborhood lane. While sitting on the porch, I heard my neighbor's dog yelp and whimper. This sound drew my attention to my neighbor's yard, approximately 100 feet from where I sat.

A few seconds after the whimper, I saw a bright blue light hover momentarily, then shoot up into the sky as fast as it appeared. The dog's yelping solidified that it was not a sleep-deprived hallucination but a cause-and-effect situation. Also, the blue light stood out to me because of a story my mother-in-law always tells.

She grew up two houses down from where the dog yelped and often commented about a blue light she would see as a child across the street in the cemetery. She said she would often see it drifting through the tree line and disappear as quickly as it appeared.

06/23/23 3:00 AM

UFO Shape: orb

Lasted: 1 minute.


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Unexpected something with out lights moving in the sky no noise Presumed to be barbell shaped with two round /semi round spheres. It was heading in a northerly direction. No lights, or noise and at a height I would assume roughly 500ft, slightly above the horizon.

I was able to view for 10 seconds before my view was obstructed by trees. I work for an aircraft manufacturer and view different size aircraft at different heights on a daily basis. Nothing I can compare to.

03/23/23 10:32 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 10 seconds


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Unique cloud and ufo I was taking a picture of the cloud formation and then noticed the bright object. The cloud formation was unique almost formed a body part or a leaf. I took several pics, which shows it there and then not there in a matter of seconds.

01/27/23 1:08 PM

UFO Shape: cylinder

Lasted: Couple of seconds


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Saucer Shaped Object Was moving slowly through the sky. Large and appeared to be at an altitude of approximately 5k-8k. Was saucer shaped, rounded on top.

The lower half looked silver while the upper dome was more orange/gold, possibly reflecting the sun differently than the bottom, or possibly a different material. No discernible front or rear. No sound.

01/06/23 3:38 PM

UFO Shape: disk

Lasted: About 15 to 20 seconds


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

As we were standing on the ramp near the beach, my friend said, “What is that?” And for a few more seconds it flew extremely horizontal The craft looked like a spec of light, circular. It was very bright for being small and disappeared shortly after I saw it. It flew horizontally across the night sky.

It was only in the sky for 5 seconds, but it was clear to see while it was there. First time seeing a UFO, very cool! So excited and ungrounded with excitement after that happened that I got two flat tires on the way home. No regrets.

Still, from now on I am going to stay grounded bc seeing one wasn’t worth the $700 expense. Also, I am not miraculously enlightened. Nope.

Maybe they will explain to me further so I don’t keep wondering about. No need to be so shy right? Anyway yep. That’s all the info I have for you.

There were not lights on the object, THE OBJECT WAS A LIGHT.

12/13/22 8:47 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 5 seconds


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Extremely large craft near Jupiter for at least 2 nights, caught on phone camera & saw other reports of this UFO on facebook Testing my phones capabilities of seeing the moons on Jupiter. To my surprise I was able to see them when the sky was perfectly clear, I could capture shots of the shadows of the moons. I noticed the presence of a large, long thin object in all of the photos.

I wanted to take pictures the following night (12/2) around the same time 6:30-7:00 pm, and found the object still there and appeared to have moved just a bit. I am reporting this sighting since I saw others online who have seen it also. Blog reference: https://www.

12/01/22 6:30 PM

UFO Shape: unknown

Lasted: 2 nights



Full Report Text:

I seen a tranlge ship moving about 20 miles per hour. flying from east to west at about 20 miles per hour spooks me real bad.

10/18/22 7:51 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 2.00 minutes


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

hovering triangle over highway Was driving southbound on rt 95 near the Savannah Intl airport and saw, through the top left hand corner of the windshield 4 bright white lights move from a diagonal position into a a horizontal position approximately 200-300 ft high.seemed very odd.I slowed down to keep watching (this became dangerous on the highway) and began looking for structure under the lights like a pole, etc.

wasnt sure if it was a I moved past it, it was very clear that this was NOT a pole/streetlight/etc - it was a soft triangle (rounded corners) and was hovering.seemingly facing north.

I would guess, based on the elevation, that it was approx 150'-200' wide.

08/10/21 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: 1 minute


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

I was driving and saw these three bright lights appear as fast as it appeared it was falling rapidly. Then before it would have hit or collided with anything it disappears again. It was three white yellowish lights next to each other.

Seemingly on a oval like craft. I've never seen anything like this.

02/08/20 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: light

Lasted: 1 second


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Craft was slowly moving southt with a veral bright bulb lights lined the bottom, but the strange thing was the erratic heat waves. Craft was slowly moving south with a veral bright bulb lights lined the bottom, but the strange thing was the erratic "heat wave" effect,covering the bottom of the craft.

12/24/19 7:00 PM

UFO Shape: chevron

Lasted: 7 seconds


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

A cigar-shaped object flew overhead leaving a trail before landing. I looked out of my bathroom window and saw a cigar-shaped object with a comet-like contrail following behind it. I called my family out to the balcony to see it.

After a few seconds of everyone seeing it, it stopped making a contrail, hovered for a moment, then quickly landed.

12/20/19 6:00 AM

UFO Shape: cigar

Lasted: 3 minutes


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Took pictures late one night. Looked at them nights later and i was like what is that.

10/20/19 12:00 AM

UFO Shape: circle

Lasted: Dont know


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Flashing blue lights one solid red in the middle I let my dog take his last bathroom break when I noticed something in the sky that had two blue flashing lights on this obtuse chevron like shape with a red light that did not flash in the middle (tip of the chevron). It was still in the sky when I got tired of trying to figure out what it was and went to bed.

08/23/19 12:45 AM

UFO Shape: chevron

Lasted: 10 minutes


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Triangle formation of orbs or spheres over Savannah I had just moved my yard chair around to the side of the garage in back of the house to get out of the sun.It was nice and shady there and I was looking up at a big sweet gum tree that needs a couple of big limbs removed that hang over the house. I noticed a jet traveling north at a high altitude with no vapor trail and wondered why there was no vapor trail because it was cloudless bluebird sky.

Right then I noticed three round pearly white orbs or spheres traveling due south and they appeared to be much lower in the sky. They were in a triangle formation and were moving a bit in the formation but maintaining the triangle. They were probably at 11:00 position in the sky.

They were moving across the sky at what appeared to me at the same speed as the jet traveling in the other direction. I thought to run grab the binoculars, but wouldn’t have had time. They were about to go behind the tree and the front one became two (2) right before it went out of sight behind the sweet gum.

I jumped up and ran inside through the the house and out the front to try and see them further but did find them with all the trees around. There was no sound from them. End.

06/25/19 4:30 PM

UFO Shape: sphere

Lasted: 30 seconds


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Really bright flashes of light. This was wild, mainly clear skies, aircraft in the area, no lightning, really bright lights and flashes of light. One was so bright it shocked us! No music heard, was not a spotlight, no thunder, right at tall tree level or lower, wtf.

Relatively clear night, no thunder or lightning, one flash was insanely bright!!! Pointed in our general direction with huge bright flash. No transformers blew, no power outages reported, no storms, no noise from the area. No drone is that bright.

I will definitely be out tonight to check!!!.

06/18/19 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: flash

Lasted: >2 hours


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Really bright flashes of light. This was wild, mainly clear skies, aircraft in the area, no lightning, really bright lights and flashes of light. One was so bright it shocked us! No music heard, was not a spotlight, no thunder, right at tall tree level or lower, wtf.

Relatively clear night, no thunder or lightning, one flash was insanely bright!!! Pointed in our general direction with huge bright flash. No transformers blew, no power outages reported, no storms, no noise from the area. No drone is that bright.

I will definitely be out tonight to check!!! ((NUFORC Note: We have changed the time above, assuming an evening sighting. PD)).

06/18/19 10:00 PM

UFO Shape: flash

Lasted: >2 hours


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Bright flashes above tall tree level, moving across the sky, really bright flashes that were ball shaped like a huge camera flash. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)).

06/18/19 10:00 AM

UFO Shape: flash

Lasted: Ongoing


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Elliptical shape engulfed in white light with flaming tail streaming behind it. Object showed no distinct geometric angles to equate it with a known aircraft. Object moved east towards the ocean, parallel to Earth.

Object was silent. Object’s streaming tail was approximately three and one half times the length of its body with a slight red tip. The speed of the object was comparable to passenger aircraft approaching a landing.

It was steady in flight and did not change course or oscillate. The sighting lasted approximately 10 seconds. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information.


04/04/19 6:55 AM

UFO Shape: oval

Lasted: 10 seconds


Savannah, GA

Full Report Text:

Triangle/boomerang shaped craft spotted over Savannah highway. I saw this really massive yet slow moving boomerang-shaped aircraft more or less floating over the highway as I was leaving Savannah last night around 1am. It was massive yet was really quiet, if not totally inaudible.

It was moving slowly enough that I could have taken a clear photo of it if it hadn't been so dark (and if I hadn't been driving at close to 70mph in the opposite direction). It had several white lights on the bottom of it (the part you could actually see from the ground) and one flashing red light. It came from the west and then appeared to begin following the highway into the city.

03/09/19 1:00 AM

UFO Shape: triangle

Lasted: unknown


Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings By Shape

This is a standardized set of shapes a UFO report can be filed under.

Shape / Appearance Sightings % Of Total
Light 12 reported sightings 13.33% of all reports
Triangle 10 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
Circle 9 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
Formation 6 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Unknown 6 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Fireball 6 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
Sphere 5 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
Disk 5 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
Oval 4 reported sightings 4.44% of all reports
Chevron 4 reported sightings 4.44% of all reports
Changing 3 reported sightings 3.33% of all reports
Flash 3 reported sightings 3.33% of all reports
Other 3 reported sightings 3.33% of all reports
Diamond 2 reported sightings 2.22% of all reports
Cigar 2 reported sightings 2.22% of all reports
Rectangle 2 reported sightings 2.22% of all reports
Cylinder 2 reported sightings 2.22% of all reports
Cone 2 reported sightings 2.22% of all reports
Cross 1 reported sightings 1.11% of all reports
Egg 1 reported sightings 1.11% of all reports
Orb 1 reported sightings 1.11% of all reports

Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings By Month

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the month the sighting occured in.

Month Sightings % Of Total
November 14 reported sightings 15.56% of all reports
December 10 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
September 10 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
August 10 reported sightings 11.11% of all reports
June 8 reported sightings 8.89% of all reports
October 7 reported sightings 7.78% of all reports
April 6 reported sightings 6.67% of all reports
February 5 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
May 5 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports
January 4 reported sightings 4.44% of all reports
March 4 reported sightings 4.44% of all reports
July 3 reported sightings 3.33% of all reports

Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings By Weekday

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the day of the week the sighting occured on.

Weekday Sightings % Of Total
Friday 14 reported sightings 15.56% of all reports
Tuesday 13 reported sightings 14.44% of all reports
Saturday 13 reported sightings 14.44% of all reports
Sunday 13 reported sightings 14.44% of all reports
Monday 13 reported sightings 14.44% of all reports
Wednesday 11 reported sightings 12.22% of all reports
Thursday 9 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports

Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings By Date (Top 5)

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the date the sighting occured on, limited to the top 5 dates with the most sightings.

Date Sightings % Of Total
06/18/19 3 reported sightings 3.33% of all reports
04/07/04 1 reported sightings 1.11% of all reports
02/20/14 1 reported sightings 1.11% of all reports
10/18/22 1 reported sightings 1.11% of all reports
11/05/07 1 reported sightings 1.11% of all reports

Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings By Time

This data point is an aggregation of all UFO reports by the time of day the sighting occured during. We took logical 4 hour windows in order to split the day into early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night, and late night buckets for this analysis.

Time Of Day Hours Sightings % Of Total
Night 20:00 - 23:59 36 reported sightings 40.00% of all reports
Late night 00:00 - 03:59 18 reported sightings 20.00% of all reports
Evening 16:00 - 19:59 11 reported sightings 12.22% of all reports
Early morning 04:00 - 07:59 9 reported sightings 10.00% of all reports
Afternoon 12:00 - 15:59 7 reported sightings 7.78% of all reports
Morning 08:00 - 11:59 5 reported sightings 5.56% of all reports

Years with Reported UFO Sightings in Savannah, Georgia

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per year in Savannah, Georgia.

Year Number of Reports View Reports
2023 5 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2023
2022 3 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2022
2021 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2021
2020 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2020
2019 10 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2019
2018 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2018
2017 3 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2017
2016 2 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2016
2015 5 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2015
2014 11 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2014
2012 2 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2012
2011 5 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2011
2010 2 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2010
2009 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2009
2008 3 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2008
2007 3 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2007
2005 2 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2005
2004 4 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2004
2003 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2003
2002 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2002
2001 3 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 2001
1999 4 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 1999
1998 2 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 1998
1996 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 1996
1995 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 1995
1989 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 1989
1987 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 1987
1986 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 1986
1985 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 1985
1983 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 1983
1980 2 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 1980
1975 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 1975
1971 1 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings in 1971

All Georgia Cities with UFO Sightings

These are running counts of how many UFO sighting reports are filed per city in Georgia

City Number of Reports View Reports
Atlanta 170 UFO Reports Atlanta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Savannah 90 UFO Reports Savannah, Georgia UFO Sightings
Marietta 89 UFO Reports Marietta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lawrenceville 69 UFO Reports Lawrenceville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cumming 62 UFO Reports Cumming, Georgia UFO Sightings
Augusta 51 UFO Reports Augusta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Columbus 51 UFO Reports Columbus, Georgia UFO Sightings
Athens 37 UFO Reports Athens, Georgia UFO Sightings
Kennesaw 37 UFO Reports Kennesaw, Georgia UFO Sightings
Roswell 34 UFO Reports Roswell, Georgia UFO Sightings
Macon 32 UFO Reports Macon, Georgia UFO Sightings
Gainesville 32 UFO Reports Gainesville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Alpharetta 30 UFO Reports Alpharetta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Duluth 29 UFO Reports Duluth, Georgia UFO Sightings
Valdosta 28 UFO Reports Valdosta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Conyers 26 UFO Reports Conyers, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rome 26 UFO Reports Rome, Georgia UFO Sightings
Douglasville 25 UFO Reports Douglasville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Canton 25 UFO Reports Canton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Buford 22 UFO Reports Buford, Georgia UFO Sightings
Woodstock 22 UFO Reports Woodstock, Georgia UFO Sightings
Dallas 21 UFO Reports Dallas, Georgia UFO Sightings
Warner Robins 21 UFO Reports Warner Robins, Georgia UFO Sightings
Acworth 21 UFO Reports Acworth, Georgia UFO Sightings
Dawsonville 20 UFO Reports Dawsonville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Loganville 20 UFO Reports Loganville, Georgia UFO Sightings
McDonough 20 UFO Reports McDonough, Georgia UFO Sightings
Decatur 19 UFO Reports Decatur, Georgia UFO Sightings
Suwanee 18 UFO Reports Suwanee, Georgia UFO Sightings
Calhoun 18 UFO Reports Calhoun, Georgia UFO Sightings
Newnan 18 UFO Reports Newnan, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fayetteville 18 UFO Reports Fayetteville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Stockbridge 17 UFO Reports Stockbridge, Georgia UFO Sightings
Woodbine 17 UFO Reports Woodbine, Georgia UFO Sightings
Snellville 17 UFO Reports Snellville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Villa Rica 17 UFO Reports Villa Rica, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ball Ground 17 UFO Reports Ball Ground, Georgia UFO Sightings
Winder 16 UFO Reports Winder, Georgia UFO Sightings
Flowery Branch 16 UFO Reports Flowery Branch, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lagrange 15 UFO Reports Lagrange, Georgia UFO Sightings
Norcross 15 UFO Reports Norcross, Georgia UFO Sightings
Dalton 14 UFO Reports Dalton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ringgold 14 UFO Reports Ringgold, Georgia UFO Sightings
Albany 13 UFO Reports Albany, Georgia UFO Sightings
Covington 13 UFO Reports Covington, Georgia UFO Sightings
Jefferson 13 UFO Reports Jefferson, Georgia UFO Sightings
Moultrie 13 UFO Reports Moultrie, Georgia UFO Sightings
Dahlonega 13 UFO Reports Dahlonega, Georgia UFO Sightings
Martinez 12 UFO Reports Martinez, Georgia UFO Sightings
Johns Creek 12 UFO Reports Johns Creek, Georgia UFO Sightings
Statesboro 12 UFO Reports Statesboro, Georgia UFO Sightings
Jonesboro 12 UFO Reports Jonesboro, Georgia UFO Sightings
Tybee Island 12 UFO Reports Tybee Island, Georgia UFO Sightings
Griffin 12 UFO Reports Griffin, Georgia UFO Sightings
Grovetown 12 UFO Reports Grovetown, Georgia UFO Sightings
Byron 11 UFO Reports Byron, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cartersville 11 UFO Reports Cartersville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Smyrna 11 UFO Reports Smyrna, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hampton 11 UFO Reports Hampton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Stone Mountain 11 UFO Reports Stone Mountain, Georgia UFO Sightings
Evans 11 UFO Reports Evans, Georgia UFO Sightings
Chatsworth 10 UFO Reports Chatsworth, Georgia UFO Sightings
Kingsland 10 UFO Reports Kingsland, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sandy Springs 10 UFO Reports Sandy Springs, Georgia UFO Sightings
Leesburg 10 UFO Reports Leesburg, Georgia UFO Sightings
Brunswick 10 UFO Reports Brunswick, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lilburn 10 UFO Reports Lilburn, Georgia UFO Sightings
Powder Springs 10 UFO Reports Powder Springs, Georgia UFO Sightings
Saint Simons Island 10 UFO Reports Saint Simons Island, Georgia UFO Sightings
Carrollton 10 UFO Reports Carrollton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Blairsville 10 UFO Reports Blairsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lithia Springs 9 UFO Reports Lithia Springs, Georgia UFO Sightings
Oakwood 9 UFO Reports Oakwood, Georgia UFO Sightings
Douglas 9 UFO Reports Douglas, Georgia UFO Sightings
Monroe 9 UFO Reports Monroe, Georgia UFO Sightings
Tifton 9 UFO Reports Tifton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cleveland 9 UFO Reports Cleveland, Georgia UFO Sightings
Blackshear 9 UFO Reports Blackshear, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hinesville 9 UFO Reports Hinesville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hogansville 8 UFO Reports Hogansville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Blue Ridge 8 UFO Reports Blue Ridge, Georgia UFO Sightings
Jasper 8 UFO Reports Jasper, Georgia UFO Sightings
Comer 8 UFO Reports Comer, Georgia UFO Sightings
Dacula 8 UFO Reports Dacula, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hiram 7 UFO Reports Hiram, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hawkinsville 7 UFO Reports Hawkinsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rossville 7 UFO Reports Rossville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Franklin 7 UFO Reports Franklin, Georgia UFO Sightings
Austell 7 UFO Reports Austell, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hephzibah 7 UFO Reports Hephzibah, Georgia UFO Sightings
Midway 7 UFO Reports Midway, Georgia UFO Sightings
Thomson 7 UFO Reports Thomson, Georgia UFO Sightings
Dublin 7 UFO Reports Dublin, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hiawassee 7 UFO Reports Hiawassee, Georgia UFO Sightings
Senoia 7 UFO Reports Senoia, Georgia UFO Sightings
Bremen 6 UFO Reports Bremen, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ashburn 6 UFO Reports Ashburn, Georgia UFO Sightings
Adairsville 6 UFO Reports Adairsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
East Dublin 6 UFO Reports East Dublin, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lithonia 6 UFO Reports Lithonia, Georgia UFO Sightings
Thomasville 6 UFO Reports Thomasville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Locust Grove 6 UFO Reports Locust Grove, Georgia UFO Sightings
Peachtree city 6 UFO Reports Peachtree city, Georgia UFO Sightings
Grayson 6 UFO Reports Grayson, Georgia UFO Sightings
Eatonton 6 UFO Reports Eatonton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Georgia 6 UFO Reports Georgia, Georgia UFO Sightings
Riverdale 6 UFO Reports Riverdale, Georgia UFO Sightings
Clayton 6 UFO Reports Clayton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Perry 6 UFO Reports Perry, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hartwell 6 UFO Reports Hartwell, Georgia UFO Sightings
Pine Mountain 5 UFO Reports Pine Mountain, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fort Oglethorpe 5 UFO Reports Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sharpsburg 5 UFO Reports Sharpsburg, Georgia UFO Sightings
Milton 5 UFO Reports Milton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Palmetto 5 UFO Reports Palmetto, Georgia UFO Sightings
Thomaston 5 UFO Reports Thomaston, Georgia UFO Sightings
Statham 5 UFO Reports Statham, Georgia UFO Sightings
Tucker 5 UFO Reports Tucker, Georgia UFO Sightings
Mableton 5 UFO Reports Mableton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sylvania 5 UFO Reports Sylvania, Georgia UFO Sightings
Dearing 5 UFO Reports Dearing, Georgia UFO Sightings
Greensboro 5 UFO Reports Greensboro, Georgia UFO Sightings
Watkinsville 5 UFO Reports Watkinsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Milledgeville 5 UFO Reports Milledgeville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Clermont 5 UFO Reports Clermont, Georgia UFO Sightings
Portal 5 UFO Reports Portal, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sugar Hill 5 UFO Reports Sugar Hill, Georgia UFO Sightings
Commerce 5 UFO Reports Commerce, Georgia UFO Sightings
Buckhead 5 UFO Reports Buckhead, Georgia UFO Sightings
Centerville 5 UFO Reports Centerville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rockmart 5 UFO Reports Rockmart, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fitzgerald 4 UFO Reports Fitzgerald, Georgia UFO Sightings
Waycross 4 UFO Reports Waycross, Georgia UFO Sightings
Guyton 4 UFO Reports Guyton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Coolidge 4 UFO Reports Coolidge, Georgia UFO Sightings
Temple 4 UFO Reports Temple, Georgia UFO Sightings
Mineral Bluff 4 UFO Reports Mineral Bluff, Georgia UFO Sightings
Trion 4 UFO Reports Trion, Georgia UFO Sightings
College Park 4 UFO Reports College Park, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rincon 4 UFO Reports Rincon, Georgia UFO Sightings
Auburn 4 UFO Reports Auburn, Georgia UFO Sightings
Clarkesville 4 UFO Reports Clarkesville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Euharlee 4 UFO Reports Euharlee, Georgia UFO Sightings
Colquitt 4 UFO Reports Colquitt, Georgia UFO Sightings
Americus 4 UFO Reports Americus, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hortense 4 UFO Reports Hortense, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lafayette 4 UFO Reports Lafayette, Georgia UFO Sightings
Monticello 4 UFO Reports Monticello, Georgia UFO Sightings
Forest Park 4 UFO Reports Forest Park, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hoschton 4 UFO Reports Hoschton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rising Fawn 4 UFO Reports Rising Fawn, Georgia UFO Sightings
Port Wentworth 4 UFO Reports Port Wentworth, Georgia UFO Sightings
Vidalia 4 UFO Reports Vidalia, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fort Benning 4 UFO Reports Fort Benning, Georgia UFO Sightings
Buchanan 4 UFO Reports Buchanan, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fairburn 4 UFO Reports Fairburn, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cedartown 4 UFO Reports Cedartown, Georgia UFO Sightings
Nicholson 4 UFO Reports Nicholson, Georgia UFO Sightings
Jekyll Island 4 UFO Reports Jekyll Island, Georgia UFO Sightings
Wrightsville 4 UFO Reports Wrightsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lincolnton 4 UFO Reports Lincolnton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Glennville 3 UFO Reports Glennville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Zebulon 3 UFO Reports Zebulon, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sandersville 3 UFO Reports Sandersville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rex 3 UFO Reports Rex, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lula 3 UFO Reports Lula, Georgia UFO Sightings
Oxford 3 UFO Reports Oxford, Georgia UFO Sightings
Wilmington Island 3 UFO Reports Wilmington Island, Georgia UFO Sightings
Trenton 3 UFO Reports Trenton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lumpkin 3 UFO Reports Lumpkin, Georgia UFO Sightings
Quitman 3 UFO Reports Quitman, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cordele 3 UFO Reports Cordele, Georgia UFO Sightings
Waynesboro 3 UFO Reports Waynesboro, Georgia UFO Sightings
Silver Creek 3 UFO Reports Silver Creek, Georgia UFO Sightings
Uvalda 3 UFO Reports Uvalda, Georgia UFO Sightings
Jackson 3 UFO Reports Jackson, Georgia UFO Sightings
Bethlehem 3 UFO Reports Bethlehem, Georgia UFO Sightings
Gray 3 UFO Reports Gray, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fortson 3 UFO Reports Fortson, Georgia UFO Sightings
Eastman 3 UFO Reports Eastman, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cave Spring 3 UFO Reports Cave Spring, Georgia UFO Sightings
Bogart 3 UFO Reports Bogart, Georgia UFO Sightings
Appling 3 UFO Reports Appling, Georgia UFO Sightings
Warthen 3 UFO Reports Warthen, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lakeland 3 UFO Reports Lakeland, Georgia UFO Sightings
Morrow 3 UFO Reports Morrow, Georgia UFO Sightings
Arabi 3 UFO Reports Arabi, Georgia UFO Sightings
Carnesville 3 UFO Reports Carnesville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Bonaire 3 UFO Reports Bonaire, Georgia UFO Sightings
Millen 3 UFO Reports Millen, Georgia UFO Sightings
Tyrone 3 UFO Reports Tyrone, Georgia UFO Sightings
Toccoa 3 UFO Reports Toccoa, Georgia UFO Sightings
Summerville 3 UFO Reports Summerville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Waverly Hall 3 UFO Reports Waverly Hall, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ellijay 3 UFO Reports Ellijay, Georgia UFO Sightings
Carrolton 2 UFO Reports Carrolton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Nahunta 2 UFO Reports Nahunta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Union City 2 UFO Reports Union City, Georgia UFO Sightings
Blakely 2 UFO Reports Blakely, Georgia UFO Sightings
Jessup 2 UFO Reports Jessup, Georgia UFO Sightings
Taylorsville 2 UFO Reports Taylorsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Martin 2 UFO Reports Martin, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lavonia 2 UFO Reports Lavonia, Georgia UFO Sightings
Nashville 2 UFO Reports Nashville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Waleska 2 UFO Reports Waleska, Georgia UFO Sightings
Jesup 2 UFO Reports Jesup, Georgia UFO Sightings
Meriwether County 2 UFO Reports Meriwether County, Georgia UFO Sightings
Kingston 2 UFO Reports Kingston, Georgia UFO Sightings
Colbert 2 UFO Reports Colbert, Georgia UFO Sightings
Doraville 2 UFO Reports Doraville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Brookhaven 2 UFO Reports Brookhaven, Georgia UFO Sightings
Richmond Hill 2 UFO Reports Richmond Hill, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hahira 2 UFO Reports Hahira, Georgia UFO Sightings
Chickamauga 2 UFO Reports Chickamauga, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cairo 2 UFO Reports Cairo, Georgia UFO Sightings
Enigma 2 UFO Reports Enigma, Georgia UFO Sightings
Swainsboro 2 UFO Reports Swainsboro, Georgia UFO Sightings
Warm Springs 2 UFO Reports Warm Springs, Georgia UFO Sightings
Brooklet 2 UFO Reports Brooklet, Georgia UFO Sightings
Eastanollee 2 UFO Reports Eastanollee, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hamilton 2 UFO Reports Hamilton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ocilla 2 UFO Reports Ocilla, Georgia UFO Sightings
Pitts 2 UFO Reports Pitts, Georgia UFO Sightings
Darien 2 UFO Reports Darien, Georgia UFO Sightings
Newborn 2 UFO Reports Newborn, Georgia UFO Sightings
Folkston 2 UFO Reports Folkston, Georgia UFO Sightings
Clarkston 2 UFO Reports Clarkston, Georgia UFO Sightings
Geneva 2 UFO Reports Geneva, Georgia UFO Sightings
Alexander City 2 UFO Reports Alexander City, Georgia UFO Sightings
Tunnel Hill 2 UFO Reports Tunnel Hill, Georgia UFO Sightings
Helen 2 UFO Reports Helen, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ray City 2 UFO Reports Ray City, Georgia UFO Sightings
Warrenton 2 UFO Reports Warrenton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Allenhurst 2 UFO Reports Allenhurst, Georgia UFO Sightings
Woodbury 2 UFO Reports Woodbury, Georgia UFO Sightings
Morganton 2 UFO Reports Morganton, Georgia UFO Sightings
McCaysville 2 UFO Reports McCaysville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sylvester 2 UFO Reports Sylvester, Georgia UFO Sightings
Forsyth 2 UFO Reports Forsyth, Georgia UFO Sightings
White 2 UFO Reports White, Georgia UFO Sightings
Kathleen 2 UFO Reports Kathleen, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lookout Mountain 2 UFO Reports Lookout Mountain, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ty Ty 2 UFO Reports Ty Ty, Georgia UFO Sightings
Greenville 2 UFO Reports Greenville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lilly 2 UFO Reports Lilly, Georgia UFO Sightings
Harlem 2 UFO Reports Harlem, Georgia UFO Sightings
Bainbridge 2 UFO Reports Bainbridge, Georgia UFO Sightings
Pembroke 2 UFO Reports Pembroke, Georgia UFO Sightings
Gibson 2 UFO Reports Gibson, Georgia UFO Sightings
Saint Marys 2 UFO Reports Saint Marys, Georgia UFO Sightings
Reidsville 2 UFO Reports Reidsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Screven 2 UFO Reports Screven, Georgia UFO Sightings
Soperton 2 UFO Reports Soperton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Whitesburg 2 UFO Reports Whitesburg, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rock Spring 2 UFO Reports Rock Spring, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ellenwood 2 UFO Reports Ellenwood, Georgia UFO Sightings
Baldwin 2 UFO Reports Baldwin, Georgia UFO Sightings
Gillsville 2 UFO Reports Gillsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lakemont 2 UFO Reports Lakemont, Georgia UFO Sightings
Concord 2 UFO Reports Concord, Georgia UFO Sightings
Waverly 2 UFO Reports Waverly, Georgia UFO Sightings
Meldrim 2 UFO Reports Meldrim, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rentz 2 UFO Reports Rentz, Georgia UFO Sightings
Arcade 2 UFO Reports Arcade, Georgia UFO Sightings
Keysville 2 UFO Reports Keysville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ludowici 2 UFO Reports Ludowici, Georgia UFO Sightings
Unadilla 2 UFO Reports Unadilla, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fort Gordon 2 UFO Reports Fort Gordon, Georgia UFO Sightings
Dunwoody 2 UFO Reports Dunwoody, Georgia UFO Sightings
Waco 2 UFO Reports Waco, Georgia UFO Sightings
Milner 2 UFO Reports Milner, Georgia UFO Sightings
Barnesville 2 UFO Reports Barnesville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cochran 2 UFO Reports Cochran, Georgia UFO Sightings
Marietta area 1 UFO Reports Marietta area, Georgia UFO Sightings
Pulaski County 1 UFO Reports Pulaski County, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sumner 1 UFO Reports Sumner, Georgia UFO Sightings
Donaldsonville 1 UFO Reports Donaldsonville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Alpheretta 1 UFO Reports Alpheretta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Las Vegas 1 UFO Reports Las Vegas, Georgia UFO Sightings
In-orbit 1 UFO Reports In-orbit, Georgia UFO Sightings
Meriwether County 1 UFO Reports Meriwether County, Georgia UFO Sightings
East Athens 1 UFO Reports East Athens, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lindale 1 UFO Reports Lindale, Georgia UFO Sightings
North Atlanta 1 UFO Reports North Atlanta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Wadley 1 UFO Reports Wadley, Georgia UFO Sightings
St narys 1 UFO Reports St narys, Georgia UFO Sightings
Gainsville 1 UFO Reports Gainsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Wilkinson County 1 UFO Reports Wilkinson County, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rocky Face 1 UFO Reports Rocky Face, Georgia UFO Sightings
Toomsboro 1 UFO Reports Toomsboro, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ellijay ga 1 UFO Reports Ellijay ga, Georgia UFO Sightings
Havana 1 UFO Reports Havana, Georgia UFO Sightings
Bartow County 1 UFO Reports Bartow County, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cohutta 1 UFO Reports Cohutta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Pineora 1 UFO Reports Pineora, Georgia UFO Sightings
Putney 1 UFO Reports Putney, Georgia UFO Sightings
Donalsonville 1 UFO Reports Donalsonville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Good Hope 1 UFO Reports Good Hope, Georgia UFO Sightings
Alto 1 UFO Reports Alto, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cartecay 1 UFO Reports Cartecay, Georgia UFO Sightings
Unknown- airplane 1 UFO Reports Unknown- airplane, Georgia UFO Sightings
Flovilla 1 UFO Reports Flovilla, Georgia UFO Sightings
Bloomingdale 1 UFO Reports Bloomingdale, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fort Olgethorpe 1 UFO Reports Fort Olgethorpe, Georgia UFO Sightings
International waters 1 UFO Reports International waters, Georgia UFO Sightings
Brevard 1 UFO Reports Brevard, Georgia UFO Sightings
Wayneboro 1 UFO Reports Wayneboro, Georgia UFO Sightings
Reynolds 1 UFO Reports Reynolds, Georgia UFO Sightings
East Cobb 1 UFO Reports East Cobb, Georgia UFO Sightings
Gwinnett 1 UFO Reports Gwinnett, Georgia UFO Sightings
Chattahoochee County 1 UFO Reports Chattahoochee County, Georgia UFO Sightings
Oak Park 1 UFO Reports Oak Park, Georgia UFO Sightings
Shell Bluff 1 UFO Reports Shell Bluff, Georgia UFO Sightings
Starrsville 1 UFO Reports Starrsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Garden city 1 UFO Reports Garden city, Georgia UFO Sightings
Adel 1 UFO Reports Adel, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rockyface 1 UFO Reports Rockyface, Georgia UFO Sightings
Emerson 1 UFO Reports Emerson, Georgia UFO Sightings
Berlin 1 UFO Reports Berlin, Georgia UFO Sightings
Pineview 1 UFO Reports Pineview, Georgia UFO Sightings
Suwannee 1 UFO Reports Suwannee, Georgia UFO Sightings
Gordon 1 UFO Reports Gordon, Georgia UFO Sightings
Alvaton 1 UFO Reports Alvaton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lawerenceville 1 UFO Reports Lawerenceville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Naylor 1 UFO Reports Naylor, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sapelo Island 1 UFO Reports Sapelo Island, Georgia UFO Sightings
Unsure exact name 1 UFO Reports Unsure exact name, Georgia UFO Sightings
Flower Branch 1 UFO Reports Flower Branch, Georgia UFO Sightings
Holly Springs 1 UFO Reports Holly Springs, Georgia UFO Sightings
Walnut Grove 1 UFO Reports Walnut Grove, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fort Stewart 1 UFO Reports Fort Stewart, Georgia UFO Sightings
Iron city 1 UFO Reports Iron city, Georgia UFO Sightings
Danielsville 1 UFO Reports Danielsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Metro Atlanta 1 UFO Reports Metro Atlanta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Tennille 1 UFO Reports Tennille, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lithiona 1 UFO Reports Lithiona, Georgia UFO Sightings
Garfield 1 UFO Reports Garfield, Georgia UFO Sightings
Alabama 1 UFO Reports Alabama, Georgia UFO Sightings
Kite 1 UFO Reports Kite, Georgia UFO Sightings
Mitchell 1 UFO Reports Mitchell, Georgia UFO Sightings
Haylow 1 UFO Reports Haylow, Georgia UFO Sightings
Bethleham 1 UFO Reports Bethleham, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lyerly 1 UFO Reports Lyerly, Georgia UFO Sightings
Pavo 1 UFO Reports Pavo, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cornelia 1 UFO Reports Cornelia, Georgia UFO Sightings
Mauk 1 UFO Reports Mauk, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rabun County 1 UFO Reports Rabun County, Georgia UFO Sightings
Grantville 1 UFO Reports Grantville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ambrose 1 UFO Reports Ambrose, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cassville 1 UFO Reports Cassville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Near atlanta 1 UFO Reports Near atlanta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sargent 1 UFO Reports Sargent, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hopulikit 1 UFO Reports Hopulikit, Georgia UFO Sightings
Blueridge 1 UFO Reports Blueridge, Georgia UFO Sightings
Smarr 1 UFO Reports Smarr, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fort Valley 1 UFO Reports Fort Valley, Georgia UFO Sightings
Danville 1 UFO Reports Danville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Waynesville 1 UFO Reports Waynesville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Johnscreek 1 UFO Reports Johnscreek, Georgia UFO Sightings
Metter 1 UFO Reports Metter, Georgia UFO Sightings
Peach Tree City 1 UFO Reports Peach Tree City, Georgia UFO Sightings
Gay 1 UFO Reports Gay, Georgia UFO Sightings
Winston 1 UFO Reports Winston, Georgia UFO Sightings
Knoxville 1 UFO Reports Knoxville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hazlehurst 1 UFO Reports Hazlehurst, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lyons 1 UFO Reports Lyons, Georgia UFO Sightings
Maysville 1 UFO Reports Maysville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rabun Gap 1 UFO Reports Rabun Gap, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sycamore 1 UFO Reports Sycamore, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cataula 1 UFO Reports Cataula, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sautee 1 UFO Reports Sautee, Georgia UFO Sightings
Bluffton 1 UFO Reports Bluffton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Smryna 1 UFO Reports Smryna, Georgia UFO Sightings
Brooks 1 UFO Reports Brooks, Georgia UFO Sightings
West Green 1 UFO Reports West Green, Georgia UFO Sightings
Miami 1 UFO Reports Miami, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hamilton Mill 1 UFO Reports Hamilton Mill, Georgia UFO Sightings
Odenville 1 UFO Reports Odenville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Plains 1 UFO Reports Plains, Georgia UFO Sightings
Canfon 1 UFO Reports Canfon, Georgia UFO Sightings
Eulonia 1 UFO Reports Eulonia, Georgia UFO Sightings
Betty Creek 1 UFO Reports Betty Creek, Georgia UFO Sightings
Columbu 1 UFO Reports Columbu, Georgia UFO Sightings
Blythe 1 UFO Reports Blythe, Georgia UFO Sightings
Crandall 1 UFO Reports Crandall, Georgia UFO Sightings
McBean 1 UFO Reports McBean, Georgia UFO Sightings
Douglasville Atlanta area 1 UFO Reports Douglasville Atlanta area, Georgia UFO Sightings
Andersonville 1 UFO Reports Andersonville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lenox 1 UFO Reports Lenox, Georgia UFO Sightings
Newington 1 UFO Reports Newington, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sautee Nacoochee 1 UFO Reports Sautee Nacoochee, Georgia UFO Sightings
Valona 1 UFO Reports Valona, Georgia UFO Sightings
Jeckyll Island 1 UFO Reports Jeckyll Island, Georgia UFO Sightings
West point 1 UFO Reports West point, Georgia UFO Sightings
Junction City 1 UFO Reports Junction City, Georgia UFO Sightings
Midville 1 UFO Reports Midville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Thompson 1 UFO Reports Thompson, Georgia UFO Sightings
Claxton 1 UFO Reports Claxton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Odum 1 UFO Reports Odum, Georgia UFO Sightings
Pearson 1 UFO Reports Pearson, Georgia UFO Sightings
Pooler 1 UFO Reports Pooler, Georgia UFO Sightings
Canon 1 UFO Reports Canon, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rydal 1 UFO Reports Rydal, Georgia UFO Sightings
Twin City 1 UFO Reports Twin City, Georgia UFO Sightings
Between 1 UFO Reports Between, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hull 1 UFO Reports Hull, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rebecca 1 UFO Reports Rebecca, Georgia UFO Sightings
Downingtown 1 UFO Reports Downingtown, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cave Springs 1 UFO Reports Cave Springs, Georgia UFO Sightings
Savanagh 1 UFO Reports Savanagh, Georgia UFO Sightings
Varnell 1 UFO Reports Varnell, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fresno 1 UFO Reports Fresno, Georgia UFO Sightings
Bryon 1 UFO Reports Bryon, Georgia UFO Sightings
Eden 1 UFO Reports Eden, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hapeville 1 UFO Reports Hapeville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Baconton 1 UFO Reports Baconton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Oglethorpe 1 UFO Reports Oglethorpe, Georgia UFO Sightings
Manor 1 UFO Reports Manor, Georgia UFO Sightings
Pelham 1 UFO Reports Pelham, Georgia UFO Sightings
Suches 1 UFO Reports Suches, Georgia UFO Sightings
Georgia coast 1 UFO Reports Georgia coast, Georgia UFO Sightings
Allentown 1 UFO Reports Allentown, Georgia UFO Sightings
Woods Canyon Lake 1 UFO Reports Woods Canyon Lake, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sabdy Springs 1 UFO Reports Sabdy Springs, Georgia UFO Sightings
Evans Georgia 1 UFO Reports Evans Georgia, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hiawasee 1 UFO Reports Hiawasee, Georgia UFO Sightings
Black Creek Community 1 UFO Reports Black Creek Community, Georgia UFO Sightings
Huntingdon 1 UFO Reports Huntingdon, Georgia UFO Sightings
Bonaie 1 UFO Reports Bonaie, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cummings 1 UFO Reports Cummings, Georgia UFO Sightings
Red Top Mountain 1 UFO Reports Red Top Mountain, Georgia UFO Sightings
Talbotton 1 UFO Reports Talbotton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cecil 1 UFO Reports Cecil, Georgia UFO Sightings
Newton 1 UFO Reports Newton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Social Circle 1 UFO Reports Social Circle, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ft Benning 1 UFO Reports Ft Benning, Georgia UFO Sightings
Jeffersonville 1 UFO Reports Jeffersonville, Georgia UFO Sightings
White Plains 1 UFO Reports White Plains, Georgia UFO Sightings
Keller 1 UFO Reports Keller, Georgia UFO Sightings
Robbins AFB 1 UFO Reports Robbins AFB, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ellabell 1 UFO Reports Ellabell, Georgia UFO Sightings
Los Angeles 1 UFO Reports Los Angeles, Georgia UFO Sightings
Okeechobee 1 UFO Reports Okeechobee, Georgia UFO Sightings
Mansfield 1 UFO Reports Mansfield, Georgia UFO Sightings
Demorest 1 UFO Reports Demorest, Georgia UFO Sightings
Alma 1 UFO Reports Alma, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lakeland- Nashville line 1 UFO Reports Lakeland- Nashville line, Georgia UFO Sightings
Black Shear 1 UFO Reports Black Shear, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fort Gaines 1 UFO Reports Fort Gaines, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ideal 1 UFO Reports Ideal, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cuthbert 1 UFO Reports Cuthbert, Georgia UFO Sightings
Meansville 1 UFO Reports Meansville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Talking Rock 1 UFO Reports Talking Rock, Georgia UFO Sightings
Dudley 1 UFO Reports Dudley, Georgia UFO Sightings
Greers Ferry 1 UFO Reports Greers Ferry, Georgia UFO Sightings
Aragon 1 UFO Reports Aragon, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lincoln 1 UFO Reports Lincoln, Georgia UFO Sightings
Vienna 1 UFO Reports Vienna, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fulton County 1 UFO Reports Fulton County, Georgia UFO Sightings
Tifton - Omega 1 UFO Reports Tifton - Omega, Georgia UFO Sightings
Harrison 1 UFO Reports Harrison, Georgia UFO Sightings
Louisville 1 UFO Reports Louisville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Omega 1 UFO Reports Omega, Georgia UFO Sightings
Marble Hill 1 UFO Reports Marble Hill, Georgia UFO Sightings
Pendergrass 1 UFO Reports Pendergrass, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sugar Valley 1 UFO Reports Sugar Valley, Georgia UFO Sightings
Dillard 1 UFO Reports Dillard, Georgia UFO Sightings
Aloharetta 1 UFO Reports Aloharetta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Carnsville 1 UFO Reports Carnsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Wrens 1 UFO Reports Wrens, Georgia UFO Sightings
Mount Airy 1 UFO Reports Mount Airy, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fairmount 1 UFO Reports Fairmount, Georgia UFO Sightings
Hickory Flat 1 UFO Reports Hickory Flat, Georgia UFO Sightings
Fort Gardens 1 UFO Reports Fort Gardens, Georgia UFO Sightings
In space 1 UFO Reports In space, Georgia UFO Sightings
Boston 1 UFO Reports Boston, Georgia UFO Sightings
Tampa 1 UFO Reports Tampa, Georgia UFO Sightings
Lincoln County 1 UFO Reports Lincoln County, Georgia UFO Sightings
Norcoss 1 UFO Reports Norcoss, Georgia UFO Sightings
South Hero 1 UFO Reports South Hero, Georgia UFO Sightings
Funston 1 UFO Reports Funston, Georgia UFO Sightings
Buena Vista 1 UFO Reports Buena Vista, Georgia UFO Sightings
Wildwood 1 UFO Reports Wildwood, Georgia UFO Sightings
Millwood 1 UFO Reports Millwood, Georgia UFO Sightings
Rockdale County 1 UFO Reports Rockdale County, Georgia UFO Sightings
Ellerslie 1 UFO Reports Ellerslie, Georgia UFO Sightings
Harrisonville 1 UFO Reports Harrisonville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Cobbtown 1 UFO Reports Cobbtown, Georgia UFO Sightings
Orlando 1 UFO Reports Orlando, Georgia UFO Sightings
Primrose 1 UFO Reports Primrose, Georgia UFO Sightings
Doerun 1 UFO Reports Doerun, Georgia UFO Sightings
Gilmer County 1 UFO Reports Gilmer County, Georgia UFO Sightings
Larkesville 1 UFO Reports Larkesville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Mountain City 1 UFO Reports Mountain City, Georgia UFO Sightings
San Jose 1 UFO Reports San Jose, Georgia UFO Sightings
Conley 1 UFO Reports Conley, Georgia UFO Sightings
In-flight 1 UFO Reports In-flight, Georgia UFO Sightings
Braselton 1 UFO Reports Braselton, Georgia UFO Sightings
Jensen Beach 1 UFO Reports Jensen Beach, Georgia UFO Sightings
Mergas 1 UFO Reports Mergas, Georgia UFO Sightings
Resaca 1 UFO Reports Resaca, Georgia UFO Sightings
Tate 1 UFO Reports Tate, Georgia UFO Sightings
Aronldsville 1 UFO Reports Aronldsville, Georgia UFO Sightings
Chamblee 1 UFO Reports Chamblee, Georgia UFO Sightings
Shakopee 1 UFO Reports Shakopee, Georgia UFO Sightings
Sparta 1 UFO Reports Sparta, Georgia UFO Sightings
Bufod 1 UFO Reports Bufod, Georgia UFO Sightings
Wiley 1 UFO Reports Wiley, Georgia UFO Sightings
Kings Bay 1 UFO Reports Kings Bay, Georgia UFO Sightings
Tompson 1 UFO Reports Tompson, Georgia UFO Sightings
Luella 1 UFO Reports Luella, Georgia UFO Sightings
Osierfield 1 UFO Reports Osierfield, Georgia UFO Sightings